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The MgATP-dependent phosphorylase phosphatase was found to have a broad substrate specificity. Its activity against all phosphoproteins tested was dependent upon preincubation with the activating factor FA and MgATP. The enzyme dephosphorylated and inactivated phosphorylase kinase and inhibitor 1, and dephosphorylated and activated glycogen synthase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Glycogen synthase was dephosphorylated at similar rates whether it had been phosphorylated by cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase, phosphorylase kinase or glycogen synthase kinase 3. The enzyme also catalysed the dephosphorylation of ATP citrate lyase, initiation factor eIF-2, and troponin I. The properties of the MgATP-dependent protein phosphatase from either dog liver or rabbit skeletal muscle showed a remarkable similarity to highly purified preparations of protein phosphatase 1 from rabbit skeletal muscle. The relative activities of the two enzymes against all phosphoproteins tested was very similar. Both enzymes dephosphorylated the beta-subunit of phosphorylase kinase 40-fold faster than the alpha-subunit, and both enzymes were inhibited by identical concentrations of the two proteins termed inhibitor 1 and inhibitor 2, which inhibit protein phosphatase 1 specifically. These results demonstrate that the MgATP-dependent protein phosphatase is a type-1 protein phosphatase, and is distinct from type-2 protein phosphatases which dephosphorylate the alpha-subunit of phosphorylase kinase and are unaffected by inhibitor 1 and inhibitor 2. The possibility that the MgATP-dependent protein phosphatase is an inactive form of protein phosphatase 1 and that both proteins share the same catalytic subunit is discussed.  相似文献   

In the previous paper, N-methylated peptides were shown to be sensitive probes of substrate conformation within the adenosine cyclic 3',5'-phosphate dependent protein kinase (A-kinase) active site. While it has been shown that other protein kinases will catalyze the phosphorylation of the same peptide sequences as A-kinase, there is as yet little information as to whether the protein kinases differentiate between substrates on the basis of conformation. For this reason, the conformationally restricted N-methylated peptides were used to probe the active site of guanosine cyclic 3',5'-phosphate dependent protein kinase (G-kinase), which is homologous in sequence to [Takio, K., Wade, R. D., Smith, S. B., Krebs, E. G., Walsh, K. A., & Titani, K. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 4207-4218] and which has substrate specificities similar to [Lincoln, T. M., & Corbin, J. D. (1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 3239-3243] those of A-kinase. Although this enzyme appears to bind the peptides in a conformation resembling that of conformation A, it is more able to accommodate backbone methylation than is A-kinase. A peptide substrate at least 700-fold selective for G-kinase over A-kinase was found. Backbone methylation may, therefore, represent a way of making peptide substrates and inhibitors selective for a particular kinase.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of hepatitis B virus (HBV) core protein has recently been shown to be a prerequisite for pregenomic RNA encapsidation into viral capsids, but the host cell kinases mediating this essential step of the HBV replication cycle have not been identified. We detected two kinases of 95 and 115 kDa in HuH-7 total cell lysates which interacted specifically with the HBV core protein and phosphorylated its arginine-rich C-terminal domain. The 95-kDa kinase was purified and characterized as SR protein-specific kinase 1 (SRPK1) by mass spectrometry. Based on this finding, the 115-kDa kinase could be identified as the related kinase SRPK2 by immunoblot analysis. In vitro, both SRPKs phosphorylated HBV core protein on the same serine residues which are found to be phosphorylated in vivo. Moreover, the major cellular HBV core kinase activity detected in the total cell lysate showed biochemical properties identical to those of SRPK1 and SRPK2, as examined by measuring binding to a panel of chromatography media. We also clearly demonstrate that neither the cyclin-dependent kinases Cdc2 and Cdk2 nor protein kinase C, previously implicated in HBV core protein phosphorylation, can account for the HBV core protein kinase activity. We conclude that both SRPK1 and SRPK2 are most likely the cellular protein kinases mediating HBV core protein phosphorylation during viral infection and therefore represent important host cell targets for therapeutic intervention in HBV infection.  相似文献   

The mammalian DYRK (dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylated and regulated kinase) family of protein kinases comprises a number of related, but poorly understood enzymes. DYRK1A is nuclear while DYRKs 2 and 3 are cytoplasmic. We recently showed that DYRK2 phosphorylates the translation initiation factor eIF2B at Ser539 in its epsilon-subunit and thereby "primes" its phosphorylation by glycogen synthase kinase-3. Here we have used peptides based on the sequence around Ser539 to help define the specificity of DYRK2/3 in comparison with DYRK1A. These kinases require an arginine N-terminal to the target residue for efficient substrate phosphorylation. This cannot be replaced even by lysine. A peptide with arginine at -2 is phosphorylated much less well by all three kinases than one with arginine at -3. Replacement of the +1 proline by alanine almost completely eliminates substrate phosphorylation, but valine here does allow phosphorylation especially by DYRK2. This study reveals both similarities and differences in the specificities of these arginine-dependent protein kinases.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleoside kinases phosphorylate deoxyribonucleosides and activate a number of medically important nucleoside analogs. Here we report the structure of the Drosophila deoxyribonucleoside kinase with deoxycytidine bound at the nucleoside binding site and that of the human deoxyguanosine kinase with ATP at the nucleoside substrate binding site. Compared to the human kinase, the Drosophila kinase has a wider substrate cleft, which may be responsible for the broad substrate specificity of this enzyme. The human deoxyguanosine kinase is highly specific for purine substrates; this is apparently due to the presence of Arg 118, which provides favorable hydrogen bonding interactions with the substrate. The two new structures provide an explanation for the substrate specificity of cellular deoxyribonucleoside kinases.  相似文献   

When grown on arabinoxylan as the sole carbon source, the cereal phytopathogen Fusarium graminearum expresses four xylanases. Cloning and heterologous expression of the corresponding xylanase encoding genes and analysis of general biochemical properties, substrate specificities and inhibition sensitivities revealed some marked differences. XylA and XylB are glycoside hydrolase family (GH) 11 xylanases, while XylC and XylD belong to GH10. pH and temperature for optimal activity of the enzymes were between 6.0 and 7.0 and 40 °C, respectively. Interestingly, XylC displayed remarkable pH stability as it retained most of its activity even after pre-incubation at pH 1.0 and 13.0 for 120 min at room temperature. All xylanases hydrolysed xylotetraose, xylopentaose and xylohexaose, but to different extents, while only XylC and XylD hydrolysed xylotriose. The two GH10 xylanases released a higher percentage of smaller products from xylan and xylo-oligosaccharides than did their GH11 counterparts. Analysis of kinetic properties revealed that wheat arabinoxylan is the favoured XylC substrate while XylA and XylB prefer sparsely substituted oat spelt xylan. XylC and XylD were inhibited by xylanase inhibiting protein (XIP), while XylA and XylB were sensitive to Triticum aestivum xylanase inhibitor (TAXI). Because of its pH stability and preference for arabinoxylan, XylC is a valuable candidate for use in biotechnological applications.  相似文献   



Complex intracellular signaling networks monitor diverse environmental inputs to evoke appropriate and coordinated effector responses. Defective signal transduction underlies many pathologies, including cancer, diabetes, autoimmunity and about 400 other human diseases. Therefore, there is high impetus to define the composition and architecture of cellular communications networks in humans. The major components of intracellular signaling networks are protein kinases and protein phosphatases, which catalyze the reversible phosphorylation of proteins. Here, we have focused on identification of kinase-substrate interactions through prediction of the phosphorylation site specificity from knowledge of the primary amino acid sequence of the catalytic domain of each kinase.


The presented method predicts 488 different kinase catalytic domain substrate specificity matrices in 478 typical and 4 atypical human kinases that rely on both positive and negative determinants for scoring individual phosphosites for their suitability as kinase substrates. This represents a marked advancement over existing methods such as those used in NetPhorest (179 kinases in 76 groups) and NetworKIN (123 kinases), which consider only positive determinants for kinase substrate prediction. Comparison of our predicted matrices with experimentally-derived matrices from about 9,000 known kinase-phosphosite substrate pairs revealed a high degree of concordance with the established preferences of about 150 well studied protein kinases. Furthermore for many of the better known kinases, the predicted optimal phosphosite sequences were more accurate than the consensus phosphosite sequences inferred by simple alignment of the phosphosites of known kinase substrates.


Application of this improved kinase substrate prediction algorithm to the primary structures of over 23, 000 proteins encoded by the human genome has permitted the identification of about 650, 000 putative phosphosites, which are posted on the open source PhosphoNET website (http://www.phosphonet.ca).

The protein phosphatase activities involved in regulating the major pathways of intermediary metabolism can be explained by only four enzymes which can be conveniently divided into two classes, type-1 and type-2. Type-1 protein phosphatases dephosphorylate the beta-subunit of phosphorylase kinase and are potently inhibited by two thermostable proteins termed inhibitor-1 and inhibitor-2, whereas type-2 protein phosphatases preferentially dephosphorylate the alpha-subunit of phosphorylase kinase and are insensitive to inhibitor-1 and inhibitor-2. The substrate specificities of the four enzymes, namely protein phosphatase-1 (type-1) and protein phosphatases 2A, 2B and 2C (type-2) have been investigated. Eight different protein kinases were used to phosphorylate 13 different substrate proteins on a minimum of 20 different serine and threonine residues. These substrates include proteins involved in the regulation of glycogen metabolism, glycolysis, fatty acid synthesis, cholesterol synthesis, protein synthesis and muscle contraction. The studies demonstrate that protein phosphatase-1 and protein phosphatase 2A have very broad substrate specificities. The major differences, apart from the site specificity for phosphorylase kinase, are the much higher myosin light chain phosphatase and ATP-citrate lyase phosphatase activities of protein phosphatase-2A. Protein phosphatase-2C (an Mg2+-dependent enzyme) also has a broad specificity, but can be distinguished from protein phosphatase-2A by its extremely low phosphorylase phosphatase and histone H1 phosphatase activities, and its slow dephosphorylation of sites (3a + 3b + 3c) on glycogen synthase relative to site-2 of glycogen synthase. It has extremely high hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase phosphatase and HMG-CoA reductase kinase phosphatase activity. Protein phosphatase-2B (a Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent enzyme) is the most specific phosphatase and only dephosphorylated three of the substrates (the alpha-subunit of phosphorylase kinase, inhibitor-1 and myosin light chains) at a significant rate. It is specifically inhibited by the phenathiazine drug, trifluoperazine. Examination of the amino acid sequences around each phosphorylation site does not support the idea that protein phosphatase specificity is determined by the primary structure in the immediate vicinity of the phosphorylation site.  相似文献   

Protein kinases play a virtually universal role in cellular regulation and are emerging as an important class of new drug targets, yet the cellular functions of most human kinases largely remain obscure. Aspects of substrate recognition common to all kinases in the ATP nucleotide binding site have been exploited in the generation of analog-specific mutants for exploring kinase function and discovering novel protein substrates. Likewise, understanding interactions with the protein substrate, which differ substantially between kinases, can also help to identify substrates and to produce tools for studying kinase pathways, including fluorescent biosensors. Principles of kinase substrate recognition are particularly valuable in guiding bioinformatics and phosphoproteomics approaches that impact our understanding of signaling pathways and networks on a global scale.  相似文献   

Mammalian proteins expressed in Escherichia coli are used in a variety of applications. A major drawback in producing eukaryotic proteins in E.coli is that the bacteria lack most eukaryotic post-translational modification systems, including serine/threonine protein kinase(s). Here we show that a eukaryotic protein can be phosphorylated in E.coli by simultaneous expression of a mammalian protein kinase and its substrate. We show that in bacteria expressing SRPK1, ASF/SF2 becomes phosphorylated to a degree resembling native ASF/SF2 present in interphase HeLa cell nuclei. The E.coli phosphorylated ASF/SF2 is functional in splicing and, contrary to the unphosphorylated protein, soluble under native conditions.  相似文献   

As part of a search for peptides that have specificity for selected protein kinases, the possibility that adenosine cyclic 3',5'-phosphate dependent protein kinase (A-kinase) recognizes the hydrogen-bonding potential of its peptide substrates was investigated. A-Kinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of five N alpha-methylated and four depsipeptide derivatives of Leu-Arg-Arg-Ala-Ser-Leu-Gly (peptide 1) at rates that differ by at least 7 orders of magnitude. These peptide 1 analogues each lack the ability to donate a hydrogen bond at selected positions in the peptide chain. If a particular amide hydrogen of a peptide amide is involved in hydrogen bonding, which is important for enzyme recognition, the prediction is that peptides which contain an ester or a N-methylated bond at that position in peptide 1 will be comparatively poor substrates. In contrast, if a depsipeptide has a reactivity comparable to that of peptide 1 but the analogous N-methylated peptide has a poor reactivity with A-kinase, the result might indicate that the N-methyl group causes unfavorable steric effects. The depsipeptide that lacks a Leu6 amide proton is a good substrate for A-kinase, but the corresponding N-methylated peptide is phosphorylated far less efficiently. This result and others presented in this paper suggest that although enzyme-substrate hydrogen bonding may play some role in A-kinase catalysis of phosphoryl group transfer, other explanations are necessary to account for the relative reactivities of N alpha-methylated and depsi-containing peptide 1 analogues.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

20 synthetic peptides, each of which includes a tyrosyl residue flanked by either neutral or acidic amino acids in different proportions and at variable positions, have been employed as model substrates for investigation of the site specificity of three tyrosine protein kinases previously isolated from spleen [Brunati, A. M. & Pinna, L. A. (1988) Eur. J. Biochem. 172, 451-457] and conventionally termed TPK-I, TPK-IIB and TPK-III. Comparison of the phosphorylation efficiencies shows that each tyrosine protein kinase is considerably different from the others in both the stringency and the nature of its specificity determinants. By considering, in particular, the kinetic constants obtained with the pentapeptides AAYAA, EEYAA, AEYAA, EAYAA, with the tetrapeptides AYAA and EYAA and with the tripeptides AYA and EYA, it turns out that N-terminal acidic residue(s) are only essential with TPK-IIB for efficient phosphorylation with multiple residues displaying a synergistic effect. The very similar Km (130 microM) but 14-fold-different Vmax values with YEEEEE vs. EEEEEY indicate that an N-terminal rather than C-terminal location of acidic residues is required for a high phosphorylation rate with, though not for binding to TPK-IIB. Acidic residues decrease the phosphorylation rate with TPK-I, a kinase related to the src family which is immunologically indistinguishable from the lyn TPK; they are nearly ineffective, however, with TPK-III, the least specific of the tyrosine protein kinases, which exhibits appreciable activity toward tripeptides and dipeptides like GAY and AY which are not significantly affected by TPK-I and TPK-IIB. While the peptide substrate specificity of TPK-I is similar to that of TPK-IIA, a spleen tyrosine protein kinase previously considered [Brunati, A. M., Marchiori, F., Ruzza, P., Calderan, A., Borin, G. & Pinna, L. A. (1989) FEBS Lett. 254, 145-149], the remarkable requirement of TPK-IIB alone for acidic peptides may suggest the involvement of this enzyme, which is also unique in its failure to autophosphorylate, in the phosphorylation of the highly conserved and quite acidic phosphoacceptor sites of the src family protein kinases.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that fodrin (beta subunit), tubulin (alpha subunit) and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs; MAP2 and tau) are good substrates for the purified insulin receptor kinase (Kadowaki, T., Nishida, E., Kasuga, M., Akiyama, T., Takaku, F., Ishikawa, M., Sakai, H., Kathuria, S., and Fujita-Yamaguchi, Y. (1985) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 127, 493-500 and Kadowaki, T., Fujita-Yamaguchi, Y., Nishida, E., Takaku, F., Akiyama, T., Kathuria, S., Akanuma, Y., and Kasuga, M. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 4016-4020). In this study, to investigate the substrate specificities of tyrosine kinases, we have examined the actions of the purified epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor kinase and Rous sarcoma virus src kinase on purified microfilament- and microtubule-related proteins. Among microfilament-related proteins examined, the purified EGF receptor kinase phosphorylated the beta subunit, but not the alpha subunit, of fodrin on tyrosine residues with a Km below the micromolar range. The fodrin phosphorylation by the EGF receptor kinase was markedly inhibited by F-actin. In contrast, the purified src kinase preferentially phosphorylated the alpha subunit of fodrin on tyrosine residues. Fodrin phosphorylation by the src kinase was not inhibited by F-actin. Among microtubule proteins examined, MAP2 was the best substrate for the EGF receptor kinase. By contrast, src kinase favored phosphorylation of tubulin as compared to MAP2. The peptide mapping of MAP2 phosphorylated by the EGF receptor kinase and by the insulin receptor kinase produced very similar patterns of phosphopeptides, while that of MAP2 phosphorylated by the src kinase gave a distinctly different pattern. When the phosphorylation of the tubulin subunits was examined, the EGF receptor kinase preferred beta subunit to alpha subunit, but the src kinase phosphorylated both alpha and beta subunits to a similar extent. These results, together with our previous results, indicate that the substrate specificities of the EGF receptor kinase and the insulin receptor kinase are very similar, but not identical, while that of the src kinase is distinctly different from that of these growth factor receptor kinases.  相似文献   

Protein kinases control cell signaling events through the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of serine, threonine and tyrosine residues in protein targets. The recognition of these protein substrates by the kinases relies on two principal factors: proper subcellular co-localization and molecular interactions between the kinase and substrate. In this review, we will focus on the kinetic role of the latter in conveying favorable substrate recognition. Using rapid mixing technologies, we demonstrate that the intrinsic thermodynamic affinities of two protein substrates for their respective kinases (Csk with Src and Sky1p with Npl3) are weak compared to their apparent affinities measured in traditional steady-state kinetic assays (i.e.--Km < Kd). The source of the high apparent affinities rests in a very fast and highly favorable phosphoryl transfer step that serves as a clamp for substrate recognition. In this mechanism, both Csk and Sky1p utilize this step to draw the substrate toward product, thereby, converting a high Kd into a low Km. We propose that this one form of substrate recognition employed by protein kinases is advantageous since it simultaneously facilitates high apparent substrate affinity and fast protein turnover.  相似文献   

Synthetic peptides such as P60stc autophosphorylation site peptides and angiotensin are indiscriminately phosphorylated by protein tyrosine kinases. The observation has led to the general belief that protein tyrosine kinases are highly promiscuous, displaying littlein vitro site specificity. In recent years, evidence has been accumulating to indicate that such a belief requires close examination. Synthetic peptides showing high substrate activity for specific groups of protein tyrosine kinases have been obtained. Systematic modification of certain substrate peptides suggests that kinase substrate determinants reside with specific amino acid residues proximal to the target tyrosine. A number of protein kinases have been shown to be regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation at specific sites by highly specific protein tyrosine kinases. These and other selected biochemical studies that contribute to the evolving view ofin vitro substrate specificity of protein tyrosine kinases are reviewed.  相似文献   

Two epidermal growth factor-stimulated protein kinases that correspond to ERK1 and ERK2 have been purified from human epidermoid carcinoma cells (Northwood, I. C., Gonzalez, F. A., Wartmann, M., Raden, D. L., and Davis, R. J. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 15266-15276). A consensus primary sequence for substrates of ERK1 has been identified as -Pro-Leu-Ser/Thr-Pro- (Alvarez, E., Northwood, I. C., Gonzalez, F. A., Latour, D. A., Seth, A., Abate, C., Curran, T., and Davis, R. J. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 15277-15285). However, the structural determinants for substrate recognition are not understood. We performed a systematic analysis of the effect of point mutations in the primary sequence of peptide substrates on the rate of phosphorylation by ERK1 and ERK2. The results of this investigation demonstrate that the substrate specificities of the ERK1 and ERK2 protein kinases are very similar. We propose that the primary sequence of substrates for ERK1 and ERK2 protein kinases can be generalized as -Pro-Xaan-Ser/Thr-Pro- (where Xaa is a neutral or basic amino acid and n = 1 or 2).  相似文献   

Mammalian proteins expressed in Escherichia coli are used in a variety of applications. A major drawback in producing eukaryotic proteins in E.coli is that the bacteria lack most eukaryotic post-translational modification systems, including serine/threonine protein kinase(s). Here we show that a eukaryotic protein can be phosphorylated in E.coli by simultaneous expression of a mammalian protein kinase and its substrate. We show that in bacteria expressing SRPK1, ASF/SF2 becomes phosphorylated to a degree resembling native ASF/SF2 present in interphase HeLa cell nuclei. The E.coli phosphorylated ASF/SF2 is functional in splicing and, contrary to the unphosphorylated protein, soluble under native conditions.  相似文献   

Regulation of various metabolic processes occurs by the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of enzymes. Both the protein kinases that catalyze the phosphorylations and the protein phosphatases that catalyze the dephosphorylations display relatively broad specificity, reacting with a number of distinct sites in target enzymes. In this way changes in the activity of a particular kinase or phosphatase can cause coordinated and pleiotropic responses. However, the kinases and phosphatases do not exhibit a one-to-one correspondence in their reactions. Residues at different positions may be phosphorylated by a single kinase, yet dephosphorylated by different individual phosphatases. Conversely, sites which are substrates for different individual kinases may be dephosphorylated by a single phosphatase. In exploring the molecular basis for these differences this article shows that whereas kinases react with specific primary structures that often times appear as beta bends, the phosphatases recognize higher order structure, less strictly ruled by amino acid sequence surrounding the phosphorylated site. The differences, seen in the ability of these enzymes to utilize synthetic peptide substrates, might be rationalized in terms of function. Kinases need protruding segments of structure that can be enwrapped to exclude water, thereby minimizing ATP hydrolysis and enhancing phosphotransferase activity. On the other hand phosphatases are hydrolytic enzymes that may operate especially well on protein interfaces. Hydrolytic action often measured with p-nitrophenylphosphate is not necessarily indicative of a protein phosphatase and consideration of the mechanism reveals why this substrate can be misleading.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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