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13 species of the lichen genusCatapyrenium are reported from South America. Five species (C. analogicum, C. andicolum, C. exaratum, C. lachneoides, andC. podolepis) are described as new. A key to the species known from South America is presented. Remarks on taxonomy, ecology and distribution of the species are given.Studies on the lichen genusCatapyrenium (Verrucariaceae) III. For second part seeBreuss (1991).  相似文献   

记述龙蝎蛉新科Drakonochoristidae fam. nov.和1新亚科及其2新属、种和1个老亚科。2新属种的化石标本采自中国陕西铜川中三叠统铜川组下段上部的灰绿色泥岩和页岩。新科性质及其分类位置在文中进行讨论。新科的建立填补这个类群在中国的空白,同时对于小蝎蛉科Nannochoristidae和二叠蝎蛉科Permochoristidae的演化关系的研究有一定的意义。这些新属、种系陕西昆虫群(陕西生物群的一个类别)铜川昆虫组合的新成员。铜川组的时代相当于欧洲拉丁尼期(Ladinian Stage)。  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of the marine hypotrichous ciliate Nothoholosticha fasciola (Kahl, 1932) nov. gen., nov. comb., isolated from mariculture waters near Qingdao, China, are redescribed based on live and protargol-impregnated specimens. Features reported for the first time include the possession of more than 50 macronuclear nodules and details of the infraciliature, i.e. 50–60 adoral membranelles, shortened paroral and endoral membranes, six frontal, one buccal and two to seven transverse cirri, ca. 40 pairs of midventral cirri, ca. 60–120 left and 70–120 right marginal cirri, three dorsal kineties, caudal and frontoterminal cirri absent. In addition, brief details of two stages of cellular reorganization in N. fasciola are supplied and comparisons with some related urostylids based on SS rRNA gene sequence data are reported. The new genus Nothoholosticha is established based primarily on the absence of frontoterminal cirri, which distinctly separates it from similar urostylid genera. Anteholosticha longissima is transferred to Nothoholosticha as N. longissima (Dragesco and Dragesco-Kernéis, 1986) nov. comb. and Holosticha antarctica is transferred to Pseudokeronopsis as P. antarctica (Wilbert and Song, 2008) nov. comb.  相似文献   

革螨一新属新种及一新科的建立(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在云南陇川县的蜣螂体上采得一种革螨系未曾描述过的新种,并为之建立新科与新属,用其颚角呈球形膨大及躯体角化较深的特征命名。球革螨科新科Bulbogamasidae fam.nov.的主要特征:叉毛三叉,其侧具一拇指状薄膜;颚角呈球形膨大,角化弱;头盖前缘光滑;雄螨足11具强大的距状表皮突。球革螨属新属Bulbogamasus gen.nov.的主要特征:背板整块;背毛26对,板周围的长大,中部的细小;胸叉叉丝末端具刺状突,小分支端部有的分叉;雌螨具腹肛板与肛前毛;雄螨导精趾粗长,超过螯钳长的2倍以上。模式种为中华球革螨新种Bulbogamasus sinicus sp.nov.  相似文献   

Based on pollen and floral morphology,Blechum grandiflorum is transferred toRuellia, and the nameR. mirandana is proposed for this species. A new species,Ruellia tuxtlensis, is described which is distinguishable fromR. mirandana by its longer spike and elliptic bracts. It is presently known only from the lowlands of Veracruz, Mexico.  相似文献   

The bembrid genusBembras Cuvier is reviewed. Five species,B. japonica Cuvier,B. adenensis Imamura & Knapp and three undescribed species, were assigned to the genus. Type species of the genus,Bembras japonica is redescribed on the basis of 36 specimens including the holotype, and three new species,B. macrolepis, B. longipinnis andB. megacephala, previously misidentified asB. japonicus, are also described on the basis of specimens collected from Australia and Indonesia.Bembras macrolepis differs from its congeners by having large body scales, a long pectoral fin with 17–19 rays and a dark blotch on slightly upper portion to middle of margin, 14–15 anal-fin rays, small head and orbit, and caudal fin with a broad vertical dark band near posterior margin.Bembras longipinnis is distinguished from other members of the genus by having a slightly long pectoral fin with 17–19 rays and lacking a small black blotch near tip of upper rays, caudal fin with a large dark spot most intense in lower lobe, 1–2 gill rakers on upper gill arch, 13–14 anal-fin rays, slightly elong ated head and small orbit.Bembras megacephala is characterized by the following combination of characters: caudal fin with several irregular narrow vertical dark bands, small orbit, pectoral fin with 19–20 rays and lacking a small black blotch near tip of upper rays, head elongate, 2–4 gill rakers on upper gill arch, 15 anal-fin rays and small body scales. A key separating the five species ofBembras is given.  相似文献   

We investigated three rare haptorid ciliates, viz., Lagynophrya gibba Kahl (1935), Enchelys lajacola nov. spec., and Spathidium implicatum Kahl (1930), using live observation, silver impregnation, morphometry, and scanning electron microscopy. Lagynophrya gibba, which was rediscovered in peatland soil from Iceland, is referred to a new genus, Kamburophrys, and a new family, Kamburophryidae, based on a unique organelle, the brush membranoid. This structure is near the dorsal brush and composed of very narrowly spaced cilia, about 5 μm long. The genus Kamburophrys has a unique combination of features, viz., an oral cone on the oral bulge, an oblique circumoral kinety, and a subapical hump carrying the three-rowed dorsal brush and the brush membranoid. The Kamburophryidae possibly belong to the order Spathidiida. Enchelys lajacola was discovered in mud from granitic rock-pools (Lajas) in Venezuela, South America. The new species is characterized by a bottle-like shape, a macronucleus with the shape of a curved strand, a heterostichad dorsal brush, and rod-shaped toxicysts. Spathidium implicatum, which was rediscovered in an ephemeral meadow puddle near Salzburg city centre, is neotypified and referred to the genus Apertospathula because it has an open circumoral kinety.  相似文献   

Two new shrimp-associated gobies,Amblyeleotris yanoi sp. nov. andA. masuii sp. nov. are described on the basis of specimens from Iriomote-jima Island and Okinawa-jima Islands, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.A. yanoi is distinguished from other members of the genus by the combination of the following characters: 14 anal fin soft rays, 19 pectoral fin rays, 97–103 longitudinal scales, a candle flame-shaped marking on the caudal fin, a very low membrane connecting the pelvic fins and absence of a ventral frenum.A. masuii differs from all other congeners by having 92–97 longitudinal scales, the length of the interpelvic connecting membrane relative to the longest pelvic fin ray (0.43–0.66), black blotches on the sides of the chin, and blue spots on the opercle and preopercle.  相似文献   

The characteristic sweet-aroma components in refinery final molasses were isolated by using a combination of sensory evaluation, column chromatography and gas chromatography, and were identified by infrared spectrometry, mass spectrometry and color reactions. Identified were ethyl n-hexanoate, ethyl phenylacetate, phenylacetic acid, n-butyl benzoate, isopropyl benzoate, l(+)-pantolactone, benzoic acid, o-toluic acid, m-toluic acid, β-phenylpropionic acid, succinic anhydride, maltol, isomaltol, and 2-methyl-5-hydroxy-6-ethyl-γ-pyrone.

The aroma of the mixture of these compounds and vanillin and vanillic acid was similar to that of refinery molasses by sensory evaluation. The results indicate that these compounds are important in producing of sweet molasses aroma.  相似文献   

Bathycamptus eckmani gen. et spec. nov., which is associated with mudballs produced by the. cirratulid Tharyx luticastellus, is described from bathyal muds in San Diego Trough, off California. ?Heteropsyllus minutus Wells from the Haden Ground, Scotland is considered to be its closest relative and is placed in the same genus. The genera Bathycamptus and Psammocamptus Mielke are regarded as sister groups on the basis of the shared sexual dimorphism shown by P3-P4. Relationships with other marine Canthocamptidae are discussed, and a re-evaluation of the genus Hemimesochra Sars is made. It is concluded that this genus should encompass only the type species H. clavularis Sars. ?Leimia dubia Wells and H. nympha Por are transferred to the new genus Boreolimella, which is closely related to Bathycamptus but not to Leimia Willey. The genus Perucamptus gen. nov. is established to include H. rapiens Becker and shows no clear relationship with the other genera. H. trisetosa Coull is assigned to Caroliiaicola gen. nov., which is regarded as being an advanced member of the Paranannopidae. H. secunda Wells is recognised as belonging to Mesopsyllus Por; whilst H. nixe Por is considered the type species of a new genus Pusillargillus.  相似文献   

The leiognathid genus Nuchequula can be defined by the following combination of characters: mouth protruding downward; a narrow band of small, slender, villiform teeth in both jaws; teeth on upper jaw strongly recurved; the lateral line almost complete; a dark blotch on the nape. Although the genus was first established as a subgenus of Eubleekeria, it is here raised to generic level on the basis of the aforementioned morphological characters and recent molecular biological evidence. The genus comprises six valid species: N. blochii (Valenciennes 1835), distributed in India and Thailand; N. flavaxilla sp. nov., occurring only at Panay I., Philippines; N. gerreoides (Bleeker 1851), widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, from the Persian Gulf to Cape York, Australia, and north to Taiwan; N. glenysae sp. nov., from northern Australia and Ambon, Indonesia; N. longicornis sp. nov., from the Gulf of Thailand and Indonesia; and N. nuchalis (Temminck and Schlegel 1845), occurring in southern China including Taiwan, and southern Japan. Diagnostic characters of the species belonging to the genus are as follows: N. blochii—breast scaled, cheek naked, and a conspicuous black blotch distally on spinous dorsal fin; N. flavaxilla sp. nov.—breast naked, dorsolateral body surface fully scaled, preorbital spine bicuspid and not expanded distally, and second dorsal and anal fin spines conspicuously elongated; N. gerreoides—breast naked, anterior part of dorsolateral surface of body almost completely scaled, and second dorsal and anal fin spines not conspicuously elongated; N. glenysae sp. nov.—breast completely scaled, cheek scaled, and unique complicated sensory canals present on the suborbital area, extending to the nape; N. longicornis sp. nov.—breast naked, dorsolateral body surface fully scaled, preorbital spine bicuspid or tricuspid and extended distally, and second dorsal fin spines only conspicuously elongated; N. nuchalis—breast naked, anterior part of dorsolateral surface of body widely naked, and a conspicuous dark blotch distally on spinous dorsal fin.  相似文献   

Three new species ofGalium from the NW. Himalaya in Pakistan are described and illustrated.Dedicated to Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary With 11 currently recognised species, the genusEriocnemis (Reichenbach, 1849) is one of the most diversified Andean trochilid groups occupying mainly open montane habitats such as the edges of cloud forest or páramos. On the basis of distributional and morphological patterns, this study highlights the geographical variation and biogeography of the taxon. Characteristics common to all these species are the greenish dorsal plumage, the conspicuous and mostly whitish tibial tufts, and a fairly pronounced tail bifurcation. With the help of plumage synapomorphies for a cladistic analysis (PAUP*), several species groups or superspecies can be distinguished: theE. vestitus group (incl.E. vestitus, E. godini, E. nigrivestis), theE. luciani group (incl.E. luciani, E. cupreoventris, E. sapphiropygia), and theE. alinae group (incl.E. alinae, E. mirabilis).E. glaucopoides, E. mosquera, andE. derbyi differ quite widely in morphology and ecological requirements from the other species. Three new subspecies are described,E. vestitus arcosi from southern Ecuador and northern Peru, andE. luciani baptistae from central and southern Ecuador. A previously overlooked specimen ofE. luciani from the Andes of Mérida represents the first species record for Venezuela, about 1100 km northeast of the main population range, and should be recognised taxonomically asE. luciani meridae, subsp. nov., on the basis of its unique plumage morphology and geographical separation. Additionally, the unique type ofE. ventralis (Salvin, 1891) is probably of hybrid origin (E. vestitus × cupreoventris). The genus may have evolved in the northern Andes, subsequently spreading southward and invading the central Andes. Its recent range and phylogenetic patterns indicate vicariance events as the major speciation factor inEriocnemis.In memoriam Dr. Luis F. Baptista (1941–2000)  相似文献   

The marine red algal family Liagoraceae sensu lato is shown to be polyphyletic based on analyses of a combined rbcL and psaA data set and the pattern of carposporophyte development. Fifteen of eighteen genera analyzed formed a monophyletic lineage that included the genus Liagora. Nemalion did not cluster with Liagoraceae sensu stricto, and Nemaliaceae is reinstated, characterized morphologically by the formation of the primary gonimolobes by longitudinal divisions of the gonimoblast initial. Yamadaella and Liagoropsis, previously placed in the Dermonemataceae, are shown to be independent lineages and are recognized as two new families Yamadaellaceae and Liagoropsidaceae. Yamadaellaceae is characterized by two gonimoblast initials cut off bilaterally from the fertilized carpogonium and diffusely spreading gonimoblast filaments. Liagoropsidaceae is characterized by at least three gonimoblast initials cut off by longitudinal septa from the fertilized carpogonium. In contrast, Liagoraceae sensu stricto is characterized by a single gonimoblast initial cut off transversely or diagonally from the fertilized carpogonium. Reproductive features, such as diffuse gonimoblasts and unfused carpogonial branches following postfertilization, appear to have evolved on more than one occasion in the Nemaliales and are therefore not taxonomically diagnostic at the family level, although they may be useful in recognizing genera.  相似文献   

The small modern insect order Grylloblattida has an abundant fossil record during the Late Palaeozoic and the Mesozoicirca. The relationships between these fossil taxa and the modern grylloblattids remain unclear because most of them are based on isolated wings or have poorly preserved body features. Modern grylloblattids are wingless insects. The new grylloblattid family Plesioblattogryllidae fam. nov. is erected for the new genus and species Plesioblattogryllus magnificus gen. nov., sp. nov. , from the Middle Jurassic of north-eastern China. The well-preserved specimen provides further evidence that could support its close relationships with the modern grylloblattids: (1) several very similar head structures, e.g. developed laciniae with inner row of setae, maxillary palps segmented into five, labial palps segmented into three, large labrum, and morphology of antenna; (2) paired eoplantulae on tarsomeres 1–4; (3) long ovipositor and large eggs comparable with those of modern taxa. The new genus has strongly developed mandibles with sharp pointed apical teeth and strong marginal teeth, and strong hook-like fore claws with basal teeth, suggesting it was carnivorous. The major differences between the extinct and extant Grylloblattida, such as the lack of wings, the eyes and ocelli either degenerated or absent, and the thorax degenerated in the modern forms, are probably related to their adaptation to their life under rocks and rock-crawler habits.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 17–24.  相似文献   

在贵阳市土马陆Julus terrestris 体上采得一种革螨,系未曾描述过的新种,并为其建立新科、新属,以其背板周围具细毛这一特征而命名为:毛盾螨科Trichoaspididae和毛盾螨属Trichoaspis。模式种:马陆毛盾螨,新种Trichoaspis julus sp.nov.  相似文献   

The newly described toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida is a polymorphic and multiphasic species with flagellated, amoeboid, and cyst stages. The species is structurally a heterotroph; however, the flagellated stages can have cleptochloroplasts in large food vacuoles and can temporarily function as mixotrophs. The flagellated stage has a typical mesokaryotic nucleus, and the theca is composed of four membranes, two of which are vesicular and contain thin plates arranged in a Kofoidian series of Po, cp, X, 4′, 1a, 5″, 6c, 4s, 5″′, and 2″″. The plate tabulation is unlike that of any other armored dinoflagellate. Nodules often demark the suture lines underneath the outer membrane, but fixation protocols can influence the detection of plates. Amoeboid benthic stages can be filose to lobose, are thecate, and have a reticulate or spiculate appearance. Amoeboid stages have a eukaryotic nuclear profile and are phagocytic. Cyst stages include a small spherical stage with a honeycomb, reticulate surface and possibly another stage that is elongate and oval to spherical with chrysophyte-like scales that can have long bracts. The species is placed in a new family, Pfiesteriaceae, and the order Dinamoebales is emended.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the brown algal order Sphacelariales and with its sister group were investigated using chloroplast-encoded psbC and rbcL DNA sequences. A pilot study with 21 non-sphacelarialeans, representing nine orders (and some incertae sedis taxa), showed a strongly supported monophyly of the Sphacelariales with its sister taxa Phaeostrophion irregulare, Bodanella lauterborni and Heribaudiella fluviatilis. These three taxa were selected as outgroup for further analyses including DNA sequences of 30 sphacelarialean specimens representing all but two of the recognized genera (Phloiocaulon and Ptilopogon were not sampled). Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood trees showed some incongruence with Maximum Parsimony trees. Trees based on rbcL showed some incongruence with trees based on psbC and combined alignments. Phylogenetic results were used as the basis for a newly proposed classification of the Sphacelariales that reflects evolutionary history. The Sphacelariales is subdivided into four families: Cladostephaceae (monotypic), Sphacelariaceae, Stypocaulaceae, and a newly created monotypic family Sphacelodermaceae to incorporate Sphaceloderma caespitula, comb. nov. (former Sphacelaria caespitula). Sphacelaria radicans is transferred to a newly created genus Protohalopteris and classified in the Stypocaulaceae, which also contains the two unsampled genera Phloiocaulon and Ptilopogon as well as the genus Halopteris. The genera Stypocaulon and monotypic Alethocladus were merged with Halopteris. The Sphacelariaceae were subdivided into six genera including Sphacelaria (consisting only of the former subgenus Propagulifera) and the monotypic Sphacella. Herpodiscus durvillaeae, Sphacelaria pulvinata and the Sphacelaria subgenera Bracteata and Reinkea were merged in an emended Herpodiscus. A new genus Sphacelorbus was created for Sphacelaria nana. Battersia was reinstated for Sphacelaria mirabilis and the subgenus Pseudochaetopteris, except for Sphacelaria plumosa for which Chaetopteris was reinstated.  相似文献   

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