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Carrie L. Woods 《Biotropica》2017,49(4):452-460
Epiphytes are integral to tropical forests yet little is understood about how succession proceeds in these communities. As trees increase in size they create microhabitats for late‐colonizing species in both small and large branches while maintaining small tree microhabitats for early colonizing species in the small and young branches. Thus, epiphyte succession may follow different models depending on the scale: at the scale of the entire tree, epiphytes may follow a species accumulation model where species are continuously added to the tree as trees increase in size but at the scale of one zone on a branch (e.g., inner crown: 0–2 m from the trunk), they may follow the replacement model of succession seen in terrestrial ecosystems. Assuming tree size as an indicator of tree age, I surveyed 61 Virola koschnyi trees of varying size (2.5–103.3 cm diameter at breast height) in lowland wet tropical forest in Costa Rica to examine how epiphyte communities change through succession. Epiphyte communities in small trees were nested subsets of those in large trees and epiphyte communities became more similar to the largest trees as trees increased in size. Furthermore, epiphyte species in small trees were replaced by mid‐ and late‐successional species in the oldest parts of the tree crown but dispersed toward the younger branches as trees increased in size. Thus, epiphyte succession followed a replacement model in particular zones within treecrowns but a species accumulation model at the scale of the entire tree crown.  相似文献   

One of the first symptoms expressed by declining trees is reduced growth in stem diameter and length increment. The possibility of a relationship between length increment and crown thinning in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) was investigated by developing a computer model to simulate first order branching patterns of the apical 2 m of monopodially branching beech trees, 70–100 years old, for a range of length increment rates. The model was based on values for branching angle, main axis and branch length increment, number of branches produced per year and branch mortality rates for six healthy and declining trees. Shoot growth rates in the apical 2 m of the sample trees ranged from about 5 cm/year (decline class 3) to 43 cm/ year (healthy). Simulations of branching patterns in the apical 2 m of trees growing at different rates indicated that, when growth rate exceeded about 20 cm/year, total first order branch length and area explored were independent of growth rate. When growth rates fell below this value there was a reduction in total area explored and first order branch length due primarily to the formation of fewer branches. More acute branching angles contributed to a reduction in the area explored. Growth rate-related crown thinning could increase the risk of bark necrosis and secondary pathogen infection during dry and/or hot spells.  相似文献   

Acer platanoides L. individuals were dissected to determine if branch allometry changed as branches increased in length. Branches were found to transition from a log–log curvilinear relationship to a linear relationship when above 3,000 mm in length. The log–log linear relationship was best modeled with the elastic similarity model. The total number of subordinate lateral branches was found to increase rapidly after the primary branch length surpassed 3,000 mm, suggesting that branches are transitioning to a structural role as size increases. The shift in allometry appears to correspond to a shift from increasing slenderness ratio (length/radius) with increasing branch length to decreasing ratio, and is likely due to a transition from flexible sun branches to stiffer structural branches.  相似文献   

Sleep results in a decrease in alertness, which increases an animal’s vulnerability to predation. Therefore, choice of sleeping sites would be predicted to incorporate predator-avoidance strategies. The current study, conducted in two national parks in southern India, examined the behaviors adopted by bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) to reduce the risk of being preyed upon while sleeping. Bonnet macaques from an urban setting with a low predatory risk were included for comparison. The physical characteristics of the sleeping sites in the forest corresponded with features that were most difficult for predators to access; bonnet macaques selected emergent trees with high boles near human settlements. These trees typically overhung water. Within the canopy, individuals slept in huddled subgroups near the terminal ends of branches, preferentially selecting branches over water. Subgroups were generally composed of members of the same age and sex, which likely promoted social bonding. Adult males and females with infants selected branches higher than members of other age and sex categories. The lateral distances of individuals along branches from the main trunk were similar across demographic categories. The size of a subgroup appeared to be limited by the weight a branch could support; lateral distances were maintained by regulation of mean subgroup weight, with heavier individuals forming smaller subgroups. The urban troop slept on the top of a building. Subgroup compositions at the urban site were similar to those at the forest sites. However, subgroup size, not restricted by branch fragility, resulted in larger subgroups than those found in the forest. Our results indicate that bonnet macaques adopted a suite of behaviors that reduced their risk of being preyed upon at night by selecting sleeping sites that minimized predator encounters and by selecting the safest locations within the canopy.  相似文献   

Tree bark characteristics influence epiphyte establishment and survival and consequently the way in which epiphytes are distributed on trees. Tree species with peeling bark have been reported as poor epiphyte hosts. We analyzed the distribution and seedling mortality of two Tillandsia species (Bromeliaceae) in relation to rate of bark peeling of Bursera fagaroides (Burseraceae). The highest peeling rate (0.12% per day) took place on the trunk and the lowest rate on twigs (0.04% per day; branches ≤2 cm in diameter). The highest proportion of Tillandsia plants appeared on twigs. The distributions of juvenile and adult plants on twigs were higher than those expected based on the distribution of first-year seedlings, suggesting that on twigs, survival could be greater than on trunks and branches, canopy areas where peeling is faster. On the trunk and branches, in contrast, the proportion of juveniles and adults were similar to or less than that expected for first-year seedlings. The main cause of mortality was peeling and the area of minor overall mortality was the trunk, suggesting that this area should be favored as the main distribution area for the Tillandsia species but is not. Our results show that the peeling rate of B. fagaroides depends on branch size and suggest that the Tillandsia distribution depends not only on peeling rate but also on seed dispersion. We suggest that to colonize B. fagaroides epiphytes would either have adaptations to counteract the peeling rate or should occur in the areas of lowest peeling rate located in the exterior crown of trees.  相似文献   

Summary Branch sampling of branch diameter and fruit crop on 22 species of Barbadian trees and shrubs provided sufficient data to build regressions between plant size and fruit crop weight. Orchard plants bear much more fruit than wild, feral or garden plants of similar size, but this difference disappears in multiple regression of fruit crop weight (F in g, fresh mass) on branch or stem diameter (D in cm) and individual fruit weight (W in g): F=22D1.2 W0.57. This explains 89% of the variation in F and successfully predicts crop weight for wild tropical and temperate trees and shrubs, but underestimated the crops on commercial, temperate, fruit trees by an order of magnitude. Comparisons of crop weight for feral, wild, and garden plants (Ff) using a simple regression Ff=47D1.9 show that crop weight is a minor load relative to branch weight for larger branches. Although fruit crops represent a declining proportion of total plant weight as plants become larger, the crops become larger relative to leaf and twig weight and in this sense, reproductive investment increases in larger plants. Finally, our equations, combined with the self-thinning rule, suggest that stands of large species of fruit plants produce more fruit per unit of land area than stands of small ones.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in sapwood area to leaf area ratio (Huber value, HV) and specific leaf area (SLA) was examined in branches of closed-canopy trees of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth). HV increased basipetally within a crown and decreased with increasing branch order, but exhibited no significant radial trend along a primary branch. HV was primarily determined by branch position in a crown and branch diameter at the sampling point, being independent of the size of the tree and branch. Greater HV in the lower-crown branches is considered a means to mitigate differences in hydraulic transport capacity between the branches located in different canopy layers. Beside branch position and sampling location on a branch, SLA depended significantly on several other variables characterising tree and branch size. SLA increased basipetally within a crown and along a primary branch, but exhibited no significant trend with branch orders. Because height caused leaf area (AL) to diminish more rapidly than leaf dry weight, AL primarily determined the vertical variation in SLA.  相似文献   

The reproductive morphology of Dumontia incrassata (O. F. Müller) Lamouroux is described from New Hampshire, U.S.A. populations. Mature carpogonial and auxiliary branches are usually 5 and 6 celled, respectively, but both may range from 4 to 9 cells. Auxiliary branches are more numerous than carpogonial branches; however, the ratio of carpogonial to auxiliary branches increases towards the apex of the frond. A linear relationship exists between the position of the generative auxiliary cell and the number of cells in the auxiliary branches. In most cases the third cell from the top of the auxiliary branch becomes the generative auxiliary cell. The probabilities for different positions of the generative auxiliary cells are summarized. During spermatangial development, four mother cells are initially produced per cortical cell initial; subsequently, successive spermatangia are cut off obliquely and on opposite sides of each mother cell. Monoecious asexual plants of D. incrassata are described, as well as an irregular tetraspore development.Scientific Contribution Number from the New Hampshire Agriculture Experiment Station; also issued as contribution No. 81 of the Jackson Estuarine LaboratoryScientific Contribution Number from the New Hampshire Agriculture Experiment Station; also issued as contribution No. 81 of the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory  相似文献   

Herbivory in unisexual plants has mainly been assessed in studies of invertebrates, mostly insects. At a different scale of disturbance, browsing by large animals has rarely been studied. Elephants can seriously damage or kill trees by removing parts of the canopy, debark, or break the stem. We compared browsing by African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in male and female Marula trees (Sclerocarya birrea ssp. caffra). We expected females to incur more damage because of their sweet and fleshy fruits, known to attract elephants from far. Following this, we expected females to give more resistance through a denser branch wood that would break off at a larger diameter than in males. We tested this by pulling branches down to simulate elephant browsing as to compare branch resistance and design. All trees showed signs of browsing and females were generally more injured. However, there was no sexual difference in wood density and diameter at breaking point. Female branches were shorter, less ramified and carried fewer reproductive shoots than male branches. This sexual dimorphism could result from costly reproductive allocation in females and sexual selection, promoting intensive male flowering. Indirectly, elephants could reinforce this difference by engaging females more in tissue repair after browsing.  相似文献   

596 waterlogged, uncarbonized branch wood specimens from four cultural layers of the late Neolithic lake shore site of Horgen Scheller (between 3080 and 3030 B.C.) on Lake Zilrich, Switzerland, were examined. The following parameters were analysed: taxonomy, diameter and age of the twigs, cutting season, and distribution of the branches over the area as well as their distribution in the different cultural layers. The twigs were divided into the following three groups, based on differences observed in these analyses: conifers, deciduous trees with catkins, and deciduous trees without catkins. Branch diameter examinations revealed that branches of deciduous trees were thicker on average than those of conifers. While branches from deciduous trees without catkins were gathered at the age of seven years on average, those of conifers and deciduous trees with catkins were older. Waney edge analyses showed that the majority of the twigs were cut within the winter months. Among the deciduous trees without catkins there is, however, a markedly higher proportion of branches cut in summer than in the other two groups. The taxonomic examinations demonstrated that 70% of the specimens consisted of twigs of eitherCorylus avellana L. (hazel),Taxus baccata L. (yew), orAbies alba Mill. (silver fir), thus implying the great economic importance of these species in the settlements of Horgen Scheller. To our knowledge this is the first report that a remarkably high proportion of yew twigs (26.8%) has been found in an analysis of subfossil twigs. The possibility is discussed that the inhabitants had specialized in obtaining yew from the region. Concentrations of wood finds, possible remains of buildings, became evident from the analyses of the distribution of the branch wood over the excavated area. A very similar spatial distribution pattern of the taxa was found through the different cultural layers. Therefore it seems likely that existing structures were reused when a new settlement was built. The data also show that the building outlines slowly moved towards land over time. A rising lake water level could have led to gradual dislocation of the settlements.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Sex allocation has been studied mainly in small herbaceous plants but much less in monoecious wind-pollinated trees. The aim of this study was to explore changes in gender segregation and sex allocation by Pinus halepensis, a Mediterranean lowland pine tree, within tree crowns and between trees differing in their size or crown shape.


The production of new male and female cones and sex allocation of biomass, nitrogen and phosphorus were studied. The relationship between branch location, its reproductive status and proxies of branch vigour was also studied.

Key Results

Small trees produced only female cones, but, as trees grew, they produced both male and female cones. Female cones were produced mainly in the upper part of the crown, and male cones in its middle and lower parts. Lateral branch density was correlated with the number of male but not female cones; lateral branches were more dense in large than in small trees and even denser in hemispherical trees. Apical branches grew faster, were thicker and their phosphorus concentration was higher than in lateral shoots. Nitrogen concentration was higher in cone-bearing apical branches than in apical vegetative branches and in lateral branches with or without cones. Allocation to male relative to female function increased with tree size as predicted by sex allocation theory.


The adaptive values of sex allocation and gender segregation patterns in P. halepensis, in relation to its unique life history, are demonstrated and discussed. Small trees produce only female cones that have a higher probability of being pollinated than the probability of male cones pollinating; the female-first strategy enhances population spread. Hemispherical old trees are loaded with serotinous cones that supply enough seeds for post-fire germination; thus, allocation to males is more beneficial than to females.  相似文献   

The stems of the ant-plant, Endospermum labios Schodde, serve as colonization sites for the ant, Camponotus quadriceps F. Smith. They are also subject to damage by insect borers. We sampled young E. labios trees in distutbed forest to compare evidence of stem boring insect and stem miner damage in plants with and without colonies of C. quadriceps. Dissections of a subsample of plants showed that dipteran stem borers and stem miner damage were significantly more common in plants lacking C, quadriceps colonies than in plants with established colonies. Evidence from these dissections and from field counts of meristem damage caused by emerging borers suggested that coleopteran stem borers were also more abundant when ants were not present. In addition to the incidence of stem boring insects and ant colonies, we examined relative levels of leaf pubescence by measuring trichome density and leaf size for E. labios trees. We found that trichome density was significantly greater in trees with evidence of prior shoot damage (presumably from stem borer emergence at the meristem) but was not significantly related to the presence or absence of an ant colony. This prompted us to compare trichome density on leaves of nearby small trees and of different branches of the same tree, pairing a stem/branch that appeared damaged with one that appeared healthy. Trichome densities on leaves from damaged stems and branches were significantly greater than were trichome densities on healthy branches and stems. Based on these empirical data, we present several possible explanations for the patterns of association between ants, stem borers, and pubescence. Although feeding preference tests with a common folivore showed no effect of trichome densities on leaves, we suggest further study on how trichomes may affect ovipositing stem borers.  相似文献   


Key message

Functional branch analysis (FBA) is a promising non-destructive method that can produce accurate tree biomass equations when applied to trees which exhibit fractal branching architecture.


Functional branch analysis (FBA) is a promising non-destructive alternative to the standard destructive method of tree biomass equation development. In FBA, a theoretical model of tree branching architecture is calibrated with measurements of tree stems and branches to estimate the coefficients of the biomass equation. In this study, species-specific and mixed-species tree biomass equations were derived from destructive sampling of trees in Western Kenya and compared to tree biomass equations derived non-destructively from FBA. The results indicated that the non-destructive FBA method can produce biomass equations that are similar to, but less accurate than, those derived from standard methods. FBA biomass prediction bias was attributed to the fact that real trees diverged from fractal branching architecture due to highly variable length–diameter relationships of stems and branches and inaccurate scaling relationships for the lengths of tree crowns and trunks assumed under the FBA model.  相似文献   

The capacity of individual branches to store water and fix carbon can have profound effects on inflorescence size and architecture, thus on floral display, pollination, and fecundity. Mixed regression was used to investigate the relation between branch length, a proxy for plant resources, and floral display of Fouquieria splendens (ocotillo), a woody, candelabraform shrub of wide distribution in arid North America. Long branches produced three times as many flowers as short branches, regardless of overall plant size. Long branches also had more complex panicles with more cymes and cyme types than short branches; thus, branch length also influenced inflorescence architecture. Within panicles, increasing the number of cymes by one unit added about two flowers, whereas increasing the number of cyme types by one unit added about 21 flowers. Because flower production is mediated by branch length, and because most plants have branches of various lengths, the floral display of individual plants necessarily encompasses a wide range of inflorescence size and structure.  相似文献   

Lack of annual growth ring production at the base of branches in the lower portion of the crown is a commonly observed phenomenon. In this study, branches with missing rings were found on 47 of 49 Abies lasiocarpa trees sampled. The number of missing rings on the lowest live branch in the crown averaged 12, and ranged as high as 28. The lower one-third of the live crown tended to consist of branches without rings; these branches contained an average of 30% of the total crown leaf area. The ratio of foliage weight to total branch weight, in combination with position of the branch in the canopy, was an effective discriminator of non-ring producing branches. This suggests that both structural and environmental factors influence the cessation of ring production. The potential ecological implications of branches that fail to produce rings are discussed.  相似文献   

The pipe model relationship (constancy of branch cross-sectional area/leaf area) and Leonardo da Vinci’s rule (equality of total cross-sectional area of the daughter branches and cross-sectional area of their mother branch) are empirical rules of tree branching. Effects of branch manipulation on the pipe model relationships were examined using five Acer rufinerve trees. Half the branches in each tree were untreated (control branches, CBs), and, for the others (manipulated branches, MBs), either light intensity or leaf area (both relating to photosynthetic source activity), or shoot elongation (source + sink activities), was reduced, and responses of the pipe model relationships were followed for 2 years. The pipe model relationship in MBs changed by suppression of source activity, but not by simultaneous suppression of source + sink activities. The manipulations also affected CBs in the year of manipulation and both branches in the next year. The branch diameter growth was most affected by light, followed by shoot elongation and leaf area, in that order. Because of the decussate phyllotaxis of A. rufinerve, one branching node can potentially have one main and two lateral branches. Analysis of 295 branching nodes from 13 untreated trees revealed that the da Vinci’s rule held in branching nodes having one shed branch but not in the nodes without branch shedding, indicating the necessity of natural shedding of branches for da Vinci’s rule to hold. These analyses highlight the importance of the source–sink balance and branch shedding in maintenance of these empirical rules. This article was contributed at the invitation of the Editorial Committee.  相似文献   

Analysis of the branch area/stem area ratio of Scots pine growing in different climatic conditions in Europe and Siberia indicates that the branch area supported by a stem increases in warmer and drier conditions. The ratio was significantly correlated with several climatic variables, especially with potential evapotranspiration (E p). The ratio was negatively correlated with stand density (d s). A regression model combining E p and d s accounted for 85% of the total variation. These trends are believed to reflect hydraulic segmentation of trees and may represent a strategy to avoid cavitation in the tree, especially in the branches.  相似文献   

念珠藻(Nostoc)固氮过程关键在于固氮酶的催化,而固氮酶复合物中的铁蛋白(NifH)是由高度保守的nifH基因编码的,该基因是进化史上现存最古老的功能基因之一。该研究选取念珠藻属及近缘类群的nifH基因序列共40条,采用最大似然法构建系统发育树;运行PAML4.9软件,对nifH基因编码蛋白进行生物信息学分析,并使用分支模型、位点模型和分支-位点模型检测该基因的选择位点,探讨nifH基因的适应性进化特征。结果表明:(1)最大似然树显示内类群中该研究物种共分为6个分支(A、B、C、D、E和F),其中D和E是2个大的分支,每个大分支中又各包含2个特殊的小分支A、F和B、C,其中F分支包含新疆古尔班通古特沙漠采集到的9株念珠藻,A分支包含F分支及该研究测定序列的4株葛仙米,B分支包含本研究测定序列的4株地皮菜和3株未定种的念珠藻,C分支包含NCBI数据库中下载的5株念珠藻、鱼腥藻序列和本研究测定序列的1株念珠藻。(2)在所分析的3种进化模型中,仅通过分支-位点模型检测出14个统计学上显著的正选择位点,即1F、2S、3S、4T、5A、6F、7F、8I、9S、10C、17I、27Y、29D和31R位点,表明念珠藻属植物的nifH基因发生了适应性变化,分支-位点模型是研究藻类基因适应性进化较好的模型。  相似文献   

为了阐明黄龙山白桦不同生境、不同径级、不同器官桦木醇与桦木酸含量,系统采集了陕北黄土高原黄龙山林场阳坡、阴坡、林缘、孤立木4种生境下的白桦不同径级植株的树皮、树枝和树叶样品,采用超声波辅助提取法提取样品,用高效液相色谱法测定了不同生境、不同径级白桦各器官桦木醇、桦木酸含量。结果表明:(1)不同生境下白桦各器官桦木醇、桦木酸含量均存在显著差异(P<0.05),白桦树皮中桦木醇与桦木酸含量、白桦树枝中桦木酸含量在4种生境下均表现为阴坡>孤立木>林缘>阳坡,白桦树叶中桦木醇与桦木酸含量及树枝中桦木醇含量均表现为阴坡>林缘>孤立木>阳坡,总体来看阴坡生境下白桦各器官桦木醇与桦木酸含量都是最高的。(2)在白桦各器官中,桦木醇、桦木酸含量均表现为树皮>树枝>树叶。(3)不同生境下白桦各器官桦木醇、桦木酸含量随着胸径的增大均先增大后减小,均在第Ⅱ径级即胸径10.1~20 cm达到最大。研究认为,阴坡生境有利于白桦各器官积累桦木醇、桦木酸;白桦各器官中桦木醇含量较高,桦木酸含量比较低,而以桦木酸为原料的生物制剂已进入临床应用阶段,因此,以桦木醇为原料制取桦木酸是解决桦木酸在天然植物中含量低、提取困难的有效途径;对白桦各器官的采收应注意把握时机,于白桦生长到胸径10.1~20 cm时为最佳采收期。  相似文献   

The objectives of this 27 month study were to document the positional behaviors used by lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in the Central African Republic and to compare the effects of body size dimorphism on the use of arboreal substrates. During this study, despite their great size, all gorillas used trees regularly. Predictions concerning the relationship of body size to arboreal behavior were generally upheld. Small branch and suspensory activities were rare for silverbacks. Females used smaller and multiple substrates and suspensory postures more frequently than males. Although females foraged in the periphery of trees, males stayed close to the cores and rarely used terminal branches. In addition to body size, this study found that party size, social rank, and tree structure all influence an animal's substrate choice and subsequent positional activities. Lone males typically remained in the cores of trees where substrates are large. Group males may have been forced to use all parts of trees because others were present. Lone males used small crown trees which provided easy access to terminal branch foods. Males and females foraging together used larger trees (containing more feeding sites) than single sex groups. Female positional behavior may have been affected by the presence of males. When apart from males, females used the cores of trees and larger substrates more than when foraging with males. As habitat and social context both influence substrate use, they should be considered essential components of body-sized based interpretations of the behavior of fossil or extant species. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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