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Chronic treatment with BR-16A (20-500 mg/kg) followed by saline on days 1 to 9 failed to produce any significant change in tail-flick latency from the saline-pretreated group in mice. Repeated administration of BR-16A(20-500 mg/kg) for 9 days however, attenuated the development of tolerance to the analgesic effect of morphine (10 mg/kg). BR-16A (20-500 mg/kg) also suppressed, in a dose-dependent manner, the development of morphine dependence as assessed by naloxone (2 mg/kg)-precipitated withdrawal on day 10 of testing.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the selective loss of dopamine (DA) neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). The events, which trigger and/or mediate the loss of nigral DA neurons, however, remain unclear. Neuroleptic-induced catalepsy has long been used as an animal model for screening drugs for Parkinsonism. Administration of haloperidol (1 mg/kg, ip) or reserpine (2 mg/kg, ip) significantly induced catalepsy in mice. BR-16A (50 and 100 mg/kg, po), a polyherbal formulation or ashwagandha (50 and 100 mg/kg, po), significantly reversed the haloperidol or reserpine-induced catalepsy. The results indicate that BR-16A or ashwagandha has protective effect against haloperidol or reserpine-induced catalepsy and provide hope that BR-16A could be used in preventing the drug-induced extrapyramidal side effects and may offer a new therapeutic approach to the treatment of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Administration of herbal preparation, Rasayanas has been found to enhance the natural killer cell activity in normal as well asin tumour bearing animals. Brahma Rasayana (BR) was found to have the maximum activity. BRand Aswagandha Rasayana (AR) were found to activate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity significantly. AR was also found to activate macrophages. All the Rasayanas were found to stimulate antibody dependent complement mediated tumour cell lysis. The results of these studies indicate usefullness of Rasayanas for immunostimulation in normal and in disease state.  相似文献   

A single dose of 6 Gy irradiation significantly reduced the total WBC count while in herbal formulation (AC II) treated groups it was found to be significantly increased. Similarly bone marrow cellularity and alpha-esterase positive cells, which were lowered by radiation, were partly restored in AC II treated groups. The data indicate that AC II can overcome the immunosuppression produced by irradiation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Hippophae rhamnoides L. has been well documented to have anti-oxidative, immunostimulative and regenerative properties and therefore a herbal preparation of H. rhamnoides coded as RH-3 was investigated for its radioprotective action. MATERIALS AND METHODS: RH-3 was administered intraperitonially (i.p.) to mice 30 minutes before whole body irradiation and whole body survival, spleen Colony forming units (CFU) and haematological parameters were studied. To investigate free radical scavenging and antioxidant potential, Fenton reaction, radiation mediated OH radical scavenging and chemically generated superoxide anions scavenging were studied in vitro while inhibition of lipid peroxidation was studied in liver homogenate of mice. RESULTS: A dose of 30 mg/kg body weight of RH-3 rendered 82% survival as compared to no survival in irradiated control. The endogenous CFU counts in mouse spleen on 10th post-irradiation day with and without RH-3 demonstrated radioprotective effect. Various hematological parameters also corroborated the radioprotective effect of RH-3. In a dose dependent manner, RH-3 inhibited Fenton reaction and radiation mediated generation of hydroxyl radicals in vitro, superoxide anion mediated Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction and FeSO4 mediated lipid peroxidation in liver. CONCLUSION: Free radical scavenging, acceleration of stem cell proliferation and immunostimulation are the radioprotective attributes, which require further investigations.  相似文献   

Induction of chromosomal aberrations was studied from 1/4 to 14 days post irradiation in the bone marrow of mice treated or not with Liv. 52, a herbal preparation, prior to 4.5 Gy exposure. The frequency of chromatid and chromosomal aberrations started increasing at day 1/4 in the irradiation and Liv. 52 + irradiated groups. The highest frequency of aberrations was recorded at day 1/2 post exposure which declined after day 1 in both groups. The frequency of both types of aberrations was significantly lower in the Liv. 52 + irradiated group than in the irradiated group.  相似文献   

Oral administration of brahma rasayana (BR; 10 and 50 mg/dose/animal) for 15 days increased significantly total leukocyte count and percentage of polymorphonuclear cells in irradiated mice. Bone marrow cellularity and alpha-esterase positive cells also increased significantly in radiation-treated animals after BR administration. Number of nodular colonies on the surface of spleen on day seven increased significantly in lethally irradiated recipients receiving bone marrow cells from animals treated with BR. Oral administration of BR also enhanced in serum level of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin-2 (IL-2), and granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor(GM-CSF) in normal and irradiated mice. These results indicated that proliferation of stem cells induced by BR in irradiated mice may be related to its stimulation of cytokine production.  相似文献   

The elevated plus-maze is a widely used model of anxiety in rodents and has recently been suggested as a putative model of anxiety or fear in swine. The aim of the present experiment was to examine the effects of a pretest blood sampling procedure on the behaviour of weaned pigs in an elevated plus-maze. Animals in the control group were lifted one-by-one into a transport trolley and moved to the test apparatus, where they were observed for a 5-min period. The treatment group differed from the control group in that these animals were immobilized with a nose snare and a blood sample was extracted from the jugular vein prior to transport to the test room. Behaviour in the porcine elevated plus-maze did not differ significantly between the two handling procedures.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that CgA-derived peptides may be involved in mechanisms modulating motility was tested. Human colonic smooth muscles were studied using an organ bath technique. Acetic acid (AA) effects were characterized on spontaneous mechanical activities (SMA) and on responses to transmural nerve stimulation (NS). AA induced a significant decrease in tone and abolished SMA; this effect was insensitive to either TTX or L-NAME/apamin. The AA-induced inhibitory effects were significantly reduced in the presence of CgA4-16. This effect was insensitive to TTX or L-NAME/apamin. Furthermore, AA-induced effects were blocked in the presence of BAYK8644 and CgA4-16 together. The inhibitory effect of nifedipine was delayed in the presence of CgA4-16. NS induced a triphasic response. Only the excitatory components were reduced in the presence of AA. This effect was dose-related and remained unchanged in the presence of CgA4-16 alone, but was blocked in the presence of simultaneous administration of CgA4-16 and L-NAME/apamin. AA application induced inhibition of human colon motility in vitro. This effect may be mediated through an action on L-type calcium channels. CgA4-16 may display a protective role, which prevents the inhibition of motility due to AA to occur, by acting on both smooth muscle and afferent terminals.  相似文献   

The present experiment compared the anxiety- and activity-related behaviour of sub-adult females from a mouse strain selected for over 106 generations for high litter size with that of a randomly selected control strain, to illuminate possible differences in their ability to cope with exposure to a novel environment. Selected for large litter size, the H-strain has an average litter size of 21 pups, whereas the randomly bred C-strain has an average litter size of 10 pups. The elevated plus-maze was used to measure the behaviour of the mice expressed in response to novelty. The results are described and discussed in relation to the ability to cope with novel environmental challenges. In the elevated plus-maze, the H-strain was significantly more anxious (having a lower percentage of entries into and percentage of time spent on open arms) and less active (having a lower number of entries into closed arms, and a lower total number of arm entries) than the C-strain. Thus, there were clear anxiety- and activity-related differences between the strains, which may be related to selection for large litter size. A tentative hypothesis is presented whereby selection for large litter size may accelerate adaptation to the home environment, but decrease the ability of selected animals to cope with exposure to novelty.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of bacosides (alcoholic extract of brahmi) on scopolamine (3 mg kg(-1), ip), sodium nitrite (75 mg kg(-1), ip) and BN52021 (15 mg kg(-1), ip) induced experimental amnesia in mice, using Morris water maze test, all the agents were administered 30 min before the acquisition trials on each day and repeated for 4 consecutive days, and on 5th day during the retrieval trials. Bacosides on anterograde administration (before training) in mice, significantly decreased the escape latency time (ELT) during the acquisition trials for 4 consecutive days and increased the time spent (TS) in target quadrant during the retrieval trials on 5th day, and on retrograde administration (after training) bacosides were found not to affect TS significantly. Bacosides also significantly decreased the ELT and increased the TS in mice treated anterogradely with scopolamine and sodium nitrite. Bacosides did not exhibit any significant effect on TS of mice treated retrogradely with sodium nitrite. On the other hand, bacosides significantly increased the TS of mice treated retrogradely with BN52021. On the basis of the present results it can be concluded that bacosides facilitate anterograde memory and attenuate anterograde experimental amnesia induced by scopolamine and sodium nitrite possibly by improving acetylcholine level and hypoxic conditions, respectively. Beside this bacosides also reversed BN52021 induced retrograde amnesia, probably due to increase in platelet activating factor (PAF) synthesis by enhancing cerebral glutamate level.  相似文献   

Rasayanas are considered to be immunostimulating preparations used extensively in indigenous medical practice. However there are only very few reports to substantiate this claim, and this paper gives preliminary evidence for the potentiation of immunity by Rasayanas given to mice orally. Administration of Rasayanas were found to enhance the proliferation of spleen cells significantly especially in the presence of mitogen. Similar result was also seen with bone marrow cells; however mitogenic stimulation could not be observed. Esterase activity was found to be enhanced in bone marrow cells indicating increased maturation of cells of lymphoid linkage. Rasayanas also enhanced humoral immune response as seen from the increased number of antibody forming cells and circulating antibody titre. These results indicate the usefulness of Rasayana as immunostimulating agent.  相似文献   

The effect of phenazepam and sydnocarb in doses of 0.05, 0.07 and 0.1 mg/kg or 6, 12 and 24 mg/kg, respectively, on the behaviour of C57BL/6, CBA and BALB/c mice, was studied in the "open field" test. Interlinear difference in the reaction of inbred animals to emotional stress and its phenazepam or sydnocarb correction were established.  相似文献   

An asymmetric synthesis of 16-HETE, an endogenous inhibitor of neutrophil activity, was achieved in six steps from R-(-)-glycidyl benzyl ether in 28% overall yield.  相似文献   

'Gudakhu' is a paste-like tobacco preparation used widely in Orissa and neighbouring states of India. During use it is rubbed over the teeth and gum with a finger tip. Besides tobacco, it contains molasses, lime, red soil and water. The genotoxic potential of acetone extract of gudakhu was evaluated in mice in vivo using the chromosome aberration assay, micronucleus test and SCE analysis following single as well as long-term repeated treatment. The animals received an aqueous suspension of the extract via the oral route. Gudakhu extract induced significantly high frequencies, compared to controls, of chromosome aberrations, micronuclei (MN) and SCEs. Single treatment with different doses clearly revealed a distinct dose-dependent increase of the effects in all the assays. Analysis of MN in regenerated hepatocytes also indicated a significant positive correlation between time-course of chronic treatment and frequencies of micronucleated cells. But incidences of chromosome aberrations, MN and SCEs in bone marrow cells following repeated treatment for different periods did not differ greatly from each other; and these repeated treatment data, particularly in the MNT in bone marrow cells and the SCE assay, also did not differ markedly from the respective single treatment data for the same dose. This was probably due to the proliferative nature of the bone marrow cells.  相似文献   

Saireito (TJ-114) is a traditional Japanese herbal medicine that has been used for treating edema and inflammation in diseases such as nephritic disease. This study investigates the effect of TJ-114 on postoperative edema and inflammation after total hip arthroplasty (THA). Patients who underwent cementless THA were randomly divided into two groups: Group A consisted of 8 hips of 8 patients who were treated with TJ-114 at a dose of 9 g/day 2 days before surgery and for 2 weeks after surgery; Group B consisted of 9 hips of 9 patients who did not take TJ-114. Although no significant difference was observed between the two groups for lower extremity edema, it was found that swelling of the proximal leg in Group A was less than that in Group B. Furthermore, 3 weeks after surgery, every measuring point in the lower extremity showed that TJ-114 tended to decrease postoperative swelling compared to measurements of swelling of patients who did not take TJ-114. Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels of 6 out of 8 patients in Group A decreased and became negative 2 weeks after surgery; however, there were no patients in Group B whose CRP levels became negative after 2 weeks. In conclusion, TJ-114 is safe and useful for the prevention and early recovery of postoperative leg edema after THA with an association of rapid CRP reduction.  相似文献   

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