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The mechanisms of NO inhibition of CaMK [Ca(2+)/CaM (calmodulin)-dependent protein kinase] II activity were studied. In rat pituitary tumour GH3 cells, TRH [thyrotrophin (TSH)-releasing hormone]-stimulated phosphorylation of nNOS [neuronal NOS (NO synthase)] at Ser(847) was sensitive to an inhibitor of CaMKs, KN-93, and was enhanced by inhibition of nNOS with 7NI (7-nitroindazole). Enzyme activity of CaMKII following in situ treatment with 7NI was also increased. The in vitro activity of CaMKII was inhibited by co-incubation either with nNOS and L-arginine or with NO donors SNAP (S-nitroso-N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine) and DEA-NONOate [diethylamine-NONOate (diazeniumdiolate)]. Once inhibited by these treatments, CaMKII was observed to undergo full reactivation on the addition of a reducing reagent, DTT (dithiothreitol). In transfected cells expressing CaMKII and nNOS, treatment with the calcium ionophore A23187 further revealed nNOS phosphorylation at Ser(847), which was enhanced by 7NI and CaMKII S-nitrosylation. Mutated CaMKII (C6A), in which Cys(6) was substituted with an alanine residue, was refractory to 7NI-induced enhancement of nNOS phosphorylation or to CaMKII S-nitrosylation. Furthermore, we could identify Cys(6) as a direct target for S-nitrosylation of CaMKII using MS. In addition, treatment with glutamate caused an increase in CaMKII S-nitrosylation in rat hippocampal slices. This glutamate-induced S-nitrosylation was blocked by 7NI. These results suggest that inactivation of CaMKII mediated by S-nitrosylation at Cys(6) may contribute to NO-induced neurotoxicity in the brain.  相似文献   

Protein conformational switches are ubiquitous in nature and often regulate key biological processes. To design new proteins that can switch conformation, protein designers have focused on the two key components of protein switches: the amino acid sequence must be compatible with the multiple target states and there must be a mechanism for perturbing the relative stability of these states. Proteins have been designed that can switch between folded and disordered states, between distinct folded states and between different aggregation states. A variety of trigger mechanisms have been used, including pH shifts, post-translational modification and ligand binding. Recently, computational protein design methods have been applied to switch design. These include algorithms for designing novel ligand-binding sites and simultaneously optimizing a sequence for multiple target structures.  相似文献   

Src tyrosine kinase suppresses KCNQ (M-type) K(+) channels in a subunit-specific manner representing a mode of modulation distinct from that involving G protein-coupled receptors. We probed the molecular and biophysical mechanisms of this modulation using mutagenesis, biochemistry, and both whole-cell and single channel modes of patch clamp recording. Immunoprecipitation assays showed that Src associates with KCNQ2-5 subunits but phosphorylates only KCNQ3-5. Using KCNQ3 as a background, we found that mutation of a tyrosine in the amino terminus (Tyr-67) or one in the carboxyl terminus (Tyr-349) abolished Src-dependent modulation of heterologously expressed KCNQ2/3 heteromultimers. The tyrosine phosphorylation was much weaker for either the KCNQ3-Y67F or KCNQ3-Y349F mutants and wholly absent in the KCNQ3-Y67F/Y349F double mutant. Biotinylation assays showed that Src activity does not alter the membrane abundance of channels in the plasma membrane. In recordings from cell-attached patches containing a single KCNQ2/3 channel, we found that Src inhibits the open probability of the channels. Kinetic analysis was consistent with the channels having two discrete open times and three closed times. Src activity reduced the durations of the longest open time and lengthened the longest closed time of the channels. The implications for the mechanisms of channel regulation by the dual phosphorylations on both channel termini are discussed.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels translate the electrical inputs of excitable cells into biochemical outputs by controlling influx of the ubiquitous second messenger Ca(2+) . As such the channels play pivotal roles in many cellular functions including the triggering of neurotransmitter and hormone release by CaV2.1 (P/Q-type) and CaV2.2 (N-type) channels. It is well established that G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) orchestrate precise regulation neurotransmitter and hormone release through inhibition of CaV2 channels. Although the GPCRs recruit a number of different pathways, perhaps the most prominent, and certainly most studied among these is the so-called voltage-dependent inhibition mediated by direct binding of Gβγ to the α1 subunit of CaV2 channels. This article will review the basics of Ca(2+) -channels and G protein signaling, and the functional impact of this now classical inhibitory mechanism on channel function. It will also provide an update on more recent developments in the field, both related to functional effects and crosstalk with other signaling pathways, and advances made toward understanding the molecular interactions that underlie binding of Gβγ to the channel and the voltage-dependence that is a signature characteristic of this mechanism.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) plays a critical role in modulating the function of numerous ion channels, including large-conductance Ca2+- and voltage-dependent K+ (BK, Slo1) channels. Slo1 BK channel complexes include four pore-forming Slo1 (α) subunits as well as various regulatory auxiliary subunits (β and γ) that are expressed in different tissues. We examined the molecular and biophysical mechanisms underlying the effects of brain-derived PIP2 on human Slo1 BK channel complexes with different subunit compositions that were heterologously expressed in human embryonic kidney cells. PIP2 inhibited macroscopic currents through Slo1 channels without auxiliary subunits and through Slo1 + γ1 complexes. In contrast, PIP2 markedly increased macroscopic currents through Slo1 + β1 and Slo1 + β4 channel complexes and failed to alter macroscopic currents through Slo1 + β2 and Slo1 + β2 Δ2–19 channel complexes. Results obtained at various membrane potentials and divalent cation concentrations suggest that PIP2 promotes opening of the ion conduction gate in all channel types, regardless of the specific subunit composition. However, in the absence of β subunits positioned near the voltage-sensor domains (VSDs), as in Slo1 and probably Slo1 + γ1, PIP2 augments the negative surface charge on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, thereby shifting the voltage dependence of VSD-mediated activation in the positive direction. When β1 or β4 subunits occupy the space surrounding the VSDs, only the stimulatory effect of PIP2 is evident. The subunit compositions of native Slo1 BK channels differ in various cell types; thus, PIP2 may exert distinct tissue- and divalent cation–dependent modulatory influences.  相似文献   

Molecular determinants of syntaxin 1 modulation of N-type calcium channels   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have previously reported that syntaxin 1A, a component of the presynaptic SNARE complex, directly modulates N-type calcium channel gating in addition to promoting tonic G-protein inhibition of the channels, whereas syntaxin 1B affects channel gating but does not support G-protein modulation (Jarvis, S. E., and Zamponi, G. W. (2001) J. Neurosci. 21, 2939-2948). Here, we have investigated the molecular determinants that govern the action of syntaxin 1 isoforms on N-type calcium channel function. In vitro evidence shows that both syntaxin 1 isoforms physically interact with the G-protein beta subunit and the synaptic protein interaction (synprint) site contained within the N-type calcium channel domain II-III linker region. Moreover, in vitro evidence suggests that distinct domains of syntaxin participate in each interaction, with the COOH-terminal SNARE domain (residues 183-230) binding to Gbeta and the N-terminal (residues 1-69) binding to the synprint motif of the channel. Electrophysiological analysis of chimeric syntaxin 1A/1B constructs reveals that the variable NH(2)-terminal domains of syntaxin 1 are responsible for the differential effects of syntaxin 1A and 1B on N-type calcium channel function. Because syntaxin 1 exists in both "open" and "closed" conformations during exocytosis, we produced a constitutively open form of syntaxin 1A and found that it still promoted G-protein inhibition of the channels, but it did not affect N-type channel availability. This state dependence of the ability of syntaxin 1 to mediate N-type calcium channel availability suggests that syntaxin 1 dynamically regulates N-type channel function during various steps of exocytosis. Finally, syntaxin 1A appeared to compete with Ggamma for the Gbeta subunit both in vitro and under physiological conditions, suggesting that syntaxin 1A may contain a G-protein gamma subunit-like domain.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of ascorbic acid on voltage-dependent calcium channels in pancreatic beta cells. Using the whole-cell and perforated-patch variants of the patch clamp technique to record calcium tail currents, we have shown that the slowly deactivating (SD) calcium channel, which is similar to the T-type channel in other cells, is inhibited in a voltage-dependent manner by ascorbic acid (AA). The other channels that carry inward current in beta cells, FD calcium channels and sodium channels, are unaffected by AA. Ascorbic acid causes a voltage-dependent decrease in the magnitude of the SD channel conductance which can be explained by the hypothesis that approximately 50-60% of the channels have their voltage dependence shifted by approximately 62 mV in the depolarizing direction. Thus, ascorbate appears to modify only a fraction of the SD channels. The activation kinetics of the ascorbate-modified channels are slower than control channels in a manner that is consistent with this hypothesis. Deactivation and inactivation kinetics are unaffected by ascorbate. These effects of ascorbate require metal ions, and it appears that some of the activity of ascorbate is due to a product of its metal catalyzed oxidation, perhaps dehydroascorbate.  相似文献   

Low-voltage-activated T-type calcium channels are expressed in various tissues, especially in the brain, where they promote neuronal firing and are involved in slow wave sleep and absence epilepsy. While the transduction pathways by which hormones and neurotransmitters modulate high-voltage-activated calcium channels are beginning to be unraveled, those implicated in T-type calcium channel regulation remain obscure. Several neurotransmitters and hormones regulate native T-type calcium channels, although some contradictory data have been reported depending on the cell type studied. This review focuses on the short-term (minutes range) modulation of T-type calcium channels by neurotransmitters and hormones and on the roles of G proteins and protein kinases in these modulatory effects. Results obtained in different native tissues are discussed and compared with the more recent studies of the three cloned T-type calcium channels CaV3.1, CaV3.2 and CaV3.3 in expression systems.  相似文献   

CaV1.3 L-type channels control inner hair cell (IHC) sensory and sinoatrial node (SAN) function, and excitability in central neurons by means of their low-voltage activation and inactivation properties. In SAN cells CaV1.3 inward calcium current (ICa) inactivates rapidly whereas in IHCs inactivation is slow. A candidate suggested in slowing CaV1.3 channel inactivation is the presynaptically located ribbon-synapse protein RIM that is expressed in immature IHCs in presynaptic compartments also expressing CaV1.3 channels. CaV1.3 channel gating is also modulated by an intramolecular C-terminal mechanism. This mechanism was elicited during analysis of human C-terminal splice variants that differ in the length of their C-terminus and that modulates the channel's negative activation range and slows calcium-dependent inactivation.  相似文献   

Redox modulation of T-type calcium channels in rat peripheral nociceptors   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Although T-type calcium channels were first described in sensory neurons, their function in sensory processing remains unclear. In isolated rat sensory neurons, we show that redox agents modulate T currents but not other voltage- and ligand-gated channels thought to mediate pain sensitivity. Similarly, redox agents modulate currents through Ca(v)3.2 recombinant channels. When injected into peripheral receptive fields, reducing agents, including the endogenous amino acid L-cysteine, induce thermal hyperalgesia. This hyperalgesia is blocked by the oxidizing agent 5,5'-dithio-bis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) and the T channel antagonist mibefradil. DTNB alone and in combination with mibefradil induces thermal analgesia. Likewise, L-cysteine induces mechanical DTNB-sensitive hyperalgesia in peripheral receptive fields. These data strongly suggest a role for T channels in peripheral nociception. Redox sites on T channels in peripheral nociceptors could be important targets for agents that modify pain perception.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd), a toxic metal that induces apoptosis and necrosis in a variety of cells, accumulates in pancreas and may be a cause of diabetes in humans. In the insulinoma cells line HIT-T15 (HIT), we measured internal calcium (Ca) and Cd levels by the fluorescent dye Fura-2 and confirm that L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCC) play a major role in glucose response and represent a pathway of Cd influx in these cells. Therefore we examined the role of VDCC in acute Cd poisoning by comparing its accumulation and cytotoxic effect in HIT cells and in epithelial-like VDCC-free HeLa cells. Cultures were incubated with 10–300 M Cd for 15 min–6 h. While negligible at the end of the treatment, HIT cell death was evident after 18–24 h, and it was time-, dose- and serum-dependent. Short (60 min) Cd treatments with lower doses (100 M in serum-free medium) induced delayed apoptotic cell death, as demonstrated by DNA fragmentation on agarose gels and segmentation of DAPI-stained nuclei. Longer incubations and/or higher concentrations caused mainly necrosis. The same treatments were largely harmless in HeLa cells, in which neither death nor DNA fragmentation was observed. The Ca antagonist nimodipine was capable to prevent HIT cell death at lower doses of Cd and to restore the apoptotic condition at higher doses, indicating that reduction of Cd flux through VDCC modulates Cd toxicity. These data demonstrate a specific sensitivity to Cd of insulinoma cells that can be significant for pancreatic -cell pathology.Published online: March 2005  相似文献   

The activity of some voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) can be inhibited by specific G protein beta subunits. Conversely, in the case of N-type VGCCs, protein kinase C can relieve Gbeta-dependent inhibition by phosphorylating at least one specific site on the calcium channel. A recent publication describes a newly identified method of intracellular regulation of specific VGCCs. Wu et al. have uncovered that VGCC activity can be regulated by phosphatidylinositol-4',5'-bisphosphate (PIP2). Whereas PIP2 is important for maintaining the activity (open state) of Cav2.1 (N-type) and Cav2.2 (P/Q-type) channels, the enzymatic breakdown of PIP2 leads to the inactivation of these channels. Additionally, PIP2 can cause changes in voltage-dependent activation of Cav2.2 (P/Q-type) channels that make it more difficult for these channels to open (from the closed state). Furthermore, protein kinase A activity can circumvent PIP2-mediated inhibition. Thus, the PIP2-mediated regulation of VGCCs is tightly controlled by the functions of kinases (and phosphatases), as well as phospholipases. Wu et al. stress that because PIP2 can be found at synapses, PIP2-dependent control of VGCCs "could have profound consequences on synaptic transmission and plasticity."  相似文献   

Magga JM  Jarvis SE  Arnot MI  Zamponi GW  Braun JE 《Neuron》2000,28(1):195-204
Cysteine string proteins (CSPs) are secretory vesicle proteins bearing a "J domain" and a palmitoylated cysteine-rich "string" region that are critical for neurotransmitter release. The precise role of CSP in neurotransmission is controversial. Here, we demonstrate a novel interaction between CSP, receptor-coupled trimeric GTP binding proteins (G proteins), and N-type Ca2+ channels. G. subunits interact with the J domain of CSP in an ATP-dependent manner; in contrast, Gbetagamma subunits interact with the C terminus of CSP in both the presence and absence of ATP. The interaction of CSP with both G proteins and N-type Ca2+ channels results in a tonic G protein inhibition of the channels. In view of the crucial importance of N-type Ca2+ channels in presynaptic vesicle release, our data attribute a key role to CSP in the fine tuning of neurotransmission.  相似文献   

Conformational transitions are a crucial factor in the vast majority of protein misfolding diseases. In most of these cases, the change in conformation is accompanied by the formation of insoluble aggregates, which often precludes a detailed characterization at the molecular level. Therefore, much effort has been put into the development of simplified, easy-to-synthesize peptide models that can be used to elucidate the molecular processes that underlie the conformational switch. For a design to be successful, two, sometimes concomitantly fulfilled, requirements are of importance. First, it is essential to create inherent structural ambiguity. This is usually achieved by combining the most prominent characteristics of different folds within a consensus sequence. Second, a stimulus-sensitive functionality that responds to alterations in the environment, such as pH, ionic strength or the presence of metal ions, is often needed to control structural conversion and to shift the equilibrium in either direction.  相似文献   

C Arnoult  J R Lemos    H M Florman 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(7):1593-1599
A T-type Ca2+ channel is expressed during differentiation of the male germ lineage in the mouse and is retained in sperm, where is it activated by contact with the the egg's extracellular matrix and controls sperm acrosomal exocytosis. Here, we examine the regulation of this Ca2+ channel in dissociated spermatogenic cells from the mouse using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. T currents were enhanced, or facilitated, after strong depolarizations or high frequency stimulation. Voltage-dependent facilitation increased the Ca2+ current by an average of 50%. The same facilitation is produced by antagonists of protein tyrosine kinase activity. Conversely, antagonists of tyrosine phosphatase activity block voltage-dependent facilitation of the current. These data are consistent with the presence of a two-state model, in which T channels are maintained in a low (or zero) conductance state by tonic tyrosine phosphorylation and can be activated to a high conductance state by a tyrosine phosphatase activity. The positive and negative modulation of this channel by the tyrosine phosphorylation state provides a plausible mechanism for the control of sperm activity during the early stages of mammalian fertilization.  相似文献   

In this work we have combined biochemical and electrophysiological approaches to explore the modulation of rat ventricular transient outward K(+) current (I(to)) by calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII). Intracellular application of CaMKII inhibitors KN93, calmidazolium, and autocamtide-2-related inhibitory peptide II (ARIP-II) accelerated the inactivation of I(to), even at low [Ca(2+)]. In the same conditions, CaMKII coimmunoprecipitated with Kv4.3 channels, suggesting that phosphorylation of Kv4.3 channels modulate inactivation of I(to). Because channels underlying I(to) are heteromultimers of Kv4.2 and Kv4.3, we have explored the effect of CaMKII on human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells transfected with either of those Kvalpha-subunits. Whereas Kv4.3 inactivated faster upon inhibition of CaMKII, Kv4.2 inactivation was insensitive to CaMKII inhibitors. However, Kv4.2 inactivation became slower when high Ca(2+) was used in the pipette or when intracellular [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](i)) was transiently increased. This effect was inhibited by KN93, and Western blot analysis demonstrated Ca(2+)-dependent phosphorylation of Kv4.2 channels. On the contrary, CaMKII coimmunoprecipitated with Kv4.3 channels without a previous Ca(2+) increase, and the association was inhibited by KN93. These results suggest that both channels underlying I(to) are substrates of CaMKII, although with different sensitivities; Kv4.2 remain unphosphorylated unless [Ca(2+)](i) increases, whereas Kv4.3 are phosphorylated at rest. In addition to the functional impact that phosphorylation of Kv4 channels could cause on the shape of action potential, association of CaMKII with Kv4.3 provides a new role of Kv4.3 subunits as molecular scaffolds for concentrating CaMKII in the membrane, allowing Ca(2+)-dependent modulation by this enzyme of the associated Kv4.2 channels.  相似文献   

Bender KJ  Ford CP  Trussell LO 《Neuron》2010,68(3):500-511
Action potentials initiate in the axon initial segment (AIS), a specialized compartment enriched with Na(+) and K(+) channels. Recently, we found that T- and R-type Ca(2+) channels are concentrated in the AIS, where they contribute to local subthreshold membrane depolarization and thereby influence action potential initiation. While periods of high-frequency activity can alter availability of AIS voltage-gated channels, mechanisms for long-term modulation of AIS channel function remain unknown. Here, we examined the regulatory pathways that control AIS Ca(2+) channel activity in brainstem interneurons. T-type Ca(2+) channels were downregulated by dopamine receptor activation acting via protein kinase C, which in turn reduced neuronal output. These effects occurred without altering AIS Na(+) or somatodendritic T-type channel activity and could be mediated by endogenous dopamine sources present in the auditory brainstem. This pathway represents a new mechanism to inhibit neurons by specifically regulating Ca(2+) channels directly involved in action potential initiation.  相似文献   

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