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《国际植物命名法规》的修订由每六年一次的国际植物学大会(IBC)命名分会来决定。第18届国际植物学大会在澳大利亚墨尔本举行;命名分会于2011年7月18日至22日召开,其决议获得7月30日的全体会议通过。“墨尔本法规”有几个重要的变化,将影响新名称的发表。这些变化中的两个将在“墨尔本法规”出版前的几个月,即于2012年1月1日起生效。通过以移动文档格式(Portable Document Format;pdf)在线发表的具有国际标准连续出版物号(ISSN)或国际标准图书编号(ISBN)的电子出版物,将构成有效发表。新分类群名称的合格发表所必须的拉丁文描述或特征集要将更改为拉丁文或英文描述或特征集要。此外,自2013年1月1日起,被处理为真菌的生物的新名称必须在原始资料(某一名称合格发表时与之有关的所有资料)中引证一个由一家公认的存储库(例如MycoBank)签发的标识码,才构成合格发表。本文提供了有关电子出版物的新规则的草案文本,并概述了相应的最佳做法。  相似文献   

《American anthropologist》1976,78(3):746-746
The Editorial Board of the American Anthropologist has prepared and the Executive Board approved the following guidelines for Articles and Discussion and Debate .  相似文献   

More than 25 years have passed since publication of the first comprehensive multi-authored landmark volume on the population biology and evolution of clonal organisms (Jackson et al. 1985). Since then, no less than eight symposium volumes or special issues have appeared in scientific journals reporting on advances in the field of clonal plant research, indicating that the study of clonal organisms has remained an important topic in ecological research. The three most recent overviews were published in special issues of this journal (Stuefer et al. 2000; Tolvanen et al. 2004; Sammul et al. 2008), and these are now supplemented with a fourth special issue of Evolutionary Ecology. The articles published here reflect some of the most important contributions to a workshop on clonal plant biology held in Leuven (Belgium) in July 2009 and they illustrate some major advances that have been made over the last few years. In the following paragraphs, we first summarize some representative contributions to the current issue, and second, we put forward some personal ideas about promising and underexplored research lines in clonal plant research.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1999,142(2):371-371
In the December 1998 issue of New Phytologist , we published the research paper entitled 'Natural occurrence of Ampelomyces intracellular mycoparasites in mycelia of powdery mildew fungi' by Levente Kiss ( New Phytol. (1998) 140 , 709–714). Since its publication, an error in the published title has been brought to our attention: this refers to the ampelomyces , but the name should be Ampelomyces , meaning the genus.
We apologise to the author and to our readers for this mistake.  相似文献   

Reproducible research is a concept of providing access to data and software along with published scientific findings. By means of some case studies from different disciplines, we will illustrate reasons why readers should be given the possibility to look at the data and software independently from the authors of the original publication. We report results of a survey comprising 100 papers recently published in Bioinformatics. The main finding is that authors of this journal share a culture of making data available. However, the number of papers where source code for simulation studies or analyzes is available is still rather limited.  相似文献   

In a recent issue of Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, published in Rio de Janeiro in February 2014 (109: 87-92), Adami et al. have published a survey reporting Mansonella parasite prevalence in the Amazon Region. This report makes a useful contribution to the existing knowledge of filarial parasite distribution within the Amazon area, parasite prevalence rates in relation to age and occupation and provides observations on the possible clinical impact of Mansonella ozzardi. Their publication also provides an account of what appears to be a novel ELISA that has recently been used in the Simuliidae and Onchocerciasis Laboratory of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We are concerned that the publication of this ELISA may have created an excessively positive impression of the effectiveness of the onchocerciasis recrudescence serological surveillance tools that are presently available for use in the Amazonia onchocerciasis focus. In this letter we have, thus, sought to highlight some of the limitations of this ELISA and suggest how continuing insecurities concerning the detection of antibodies to Onchocerca volvulus within the Amazonia onchocerciasis focus might be minimised.  相似文献   

Established guidance for the protection of human subjects in research has provided the framework for research and clinical practice in genetics. Three key principles to emerge are the requirements for consent, privacy and confidentiality. However, recent research on genetic susceptibility to common diseases indicates that it may be more difficult to decide if and when genetic testing will be appropriate. Risks of disease may be low and interventions may not be available. Today, debate is primarily focussed on ethical issues raised by the use and storage of genetic information. One of the earliest experiences of genetic testing for some people is likely to be in the area of pharmacogenetics. Debate about ethical issues has been focused on the implications of patient stratification, particularly with regard to the availability of medicines for small groups and the significance of racial variation in response to medicines. The possible use of personal genetic information by insurance companies and employers has also been an issue that legislators have taken seriously.  相似文献   

It has been necessary to re-organize the production of GRANA. The following changes in publishing policy are the most important. 1. GRANA will continue to accept papers in its traditional field of interest, but in future, papers in the applied branches of Palynology, such as pollen-analytical studies, will also be published, as well as papers on other micropalae-ontological fields, in which the methods correspond to those used in palynological research (dinoflagellates, chitinozoa, diatoms, etc.). Only material that is obviously of international interest will be accepted. 2. From now on, there will be restrictions as to the length of a paper. Two types of contributions will be acceptable: Articles, containing 16 printed pages at the most, including the figures, and Notes, covering four printed pages at the most. The Notes will be given priority over the Articles, and will be included in the journal as soon as they have been scrutinized by a referee and prepared for publication by the editorial staff. Thus, the writing of Notes will be the quick way to secure publication in GRANA. The rest of this article gives the technical specifications of GRANA and also some instructions for authors.  相似文献   

At The Royal Society Discussion Meeting, Origins of HIV and the AIDS epidemic, which this issue records, Edward Hooper added two new 'smoking guns' to the accusations published previously in The river. These were proposed as conclusive evidence for the hypothesis that simian immunodeficiency virus-contaminated CHAT polio vaccine caused the HIV-1 group M epidemic. We have investigated the facts in relation to these 'smoking guns'.  相似文献   

This is an introductory paper for a Special Issue of Botanical Review devoted to plant biodiversity in the Bahamian archipelago. The papers published in this issue represent some of the contributions presented at a symposium that took place in Nassau in October 30 and 31, 2012 to celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the publication of the “Flora of the Bahama Archipelago” by Donovan and Helen Correll. The papers provide insights pertinent to plant conservation challenges, current floristic studies, plant endemicity patterns, plant exploration history, molecular systematic perspectives, and the importance of botanic garden collections for research, horticulture, and education.  相似文献   

The review will cover the chemistry and biochemistry of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with emphasis on data published since the publication of previous reviews. The relative merits of each contribution will be evaluated, as well as their potential for leading to new discoveries. The biology of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors will be brought up-to-date to give the reader an appreciation of the medical implications of this new type of antihypertensive agent.  相似文献   

Editor's Note. The following article broadens the scope of the "Discussion" section considerably. We would draw the reader's attention to the original article creating a new conception of cerebellar functional mechanisms, which complements critical reviews of published studies and authors' responses. We hope that this article will be of interest to the reader and that he will find this comprehensive survey useful.  相似文献   

就下列三方面进行论述:首先就《菌物学报》的简史进行了回顾。对《真菌学报》及《Mycosystema》的创刊及其背景进行了简短叙述。当《Mycosystema》已被《Dictionary of the Fungi》第八版作为世界25种菌物科学定期刊物之一列入国际刊物名录后,学会和开放实验室决定将《真菌学报》并入《Mycosystema》;就中文刊名启用《菌物学报》的背景进行了回顾。其次,就菌物多样性及其分类学与演化系统生物学、《菌物学报》所扮演的三大存取系统之一——菌物信息存取系统的重要性进行了论述。再次,对《菌物学报》的过去和现在的历史性贡献予以肯定;对其今后的作用抱有期望。  相似文献   

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