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水稻种胚离体培养的遗传研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

未成熟杏胚离体培养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
ImmatureEmbryoCultureofApricotinvitroWANGYuZhu,SHIHons(PomologyandForestInstitute,AgricultureandForestryScienceAcademyofBeijing,Beijing100093)1植物名称杏(Prunusarmeniaca)极早熟品种“骆驼黄”。2材料类别盛花后41、46和57d的未成熟胚。3培养条件培养基为Tukey、SH、Norstog[KNO3160mg/L(单位下同),Ca(NO3a)2·4H2O290,NaH2PO4·H2O800,Na2SO4200,MgSO4·7H2O730,KCl140,FeC6H5O7(1%)10,H3BO30.5,CuSO4·5H2O0.25,MnSO4·4H2O3,ZnSO4·7H2O0.5,Na2MoO4·2H2O0.…  相似文献   

麻竹胚的离体培养和快速繁殖   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
InvitroEmbryoCultureandPropagationofDendrocalamuslatiflorusZHANGGui-He(TropicalHorticulturalInstitute,ChineseAcademyofTropicalAgriculturalSciences,DanzhouHainan571737)ZHUJing-Jie.CHENHan-Zhou(AgronomyDepartment,SouthChinaCollegeofTropicalCrops,Danzhou…  相似文献   

1 植物名称 山葵 (Eutremawasabi)日本品种岛根 3号。2 材料类别 开花 2 0d后的荚果中剥出的未成熟种子 (种皮 未成熟胚 )。3 培养条件 基本培养基为自行设计的“贵山”(代号GS)配方[1 ] 。 ( 1 )诱导愈伤组织培养基为 :GS 6 BA 0 .1mg·L- 1 (单位下同 ) 2 ,4 D 1 ;( 2 )芽分化培养基为 :GS 6 BA 0 .5 ZT 0 .5 IBA0 .0 1 ;( 3)芽增殖培养基为 :GS 6 BA 0 .4;( 4 )生根培养基为 :GS IBA 0 .1 NAA 0 .1。以上培养基均含 3%蔗糖 [( 1 )含 2 % ]和 0 .6%琼脂粉 ,pH5 .8~ 5…  相似文献   

1植物名称三尖杉(Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.f.)。2材料类别离体胚。3培养条件芽诱导培养基:MS 6-BA2.0mg·L-1(单位下同) IAA1.0 NAA0.1;芽增殖培养基:MS 6-BA2.0 IAA1.0 NAA1.0;生根培养基:1/2MS IBA1.0 NAA0.5 KT0.2。以上各培养基  相似文献   

玉米幼穗离体培养体细胞胚高频发生的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
以玉米(Zea mays L.)幼穗为材料,MS主基本培养基,诱导体细胞且状体。筛选出了胚状体高频发生的品种;同时实验结果表明:玉米遗传型与胚状体形成有一定的相关性;诱导期2,4-D浓度对且状体产生十分重要,KT和6-BA影响且状体的发生。组织切片观察表明:多数胚状体起源于愈伤组织表层,少数产生于里层;愈伤组织产生且状体是不同步的。  相似文献   

濒危植物紫斑牡丹胚离体培养   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以MS为基本培养基 ,添加不同浓度的BA、NAA及其组合 ,对濒危植物紫斑牡丹的胚进行体外培养。实验结果显示在没有添加任何激素的培养基上 ,离体胚生长类似种子萌发时胚的生长模式 ,子叶扩大伸长 ,达到约种子大小时停顿 ,根伸长生长极其显著 ;BA促进子叶膨大生长 ,当BA浓度增大时根生长受到抑制 ;NAA促进愈伤组织形成 ,抑制根生长。 0 .1mg·L- 1BA促进紫斑牡丹胚的胚轴、根生长 ,有利于幼苗形成。  相似文献   

一品红离体培养诱导体细胞胚的研究(简报)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一品红的嫩茎离体培养在附加不同浓度的2,4-D和6-BA的MS培养基上,2.4D浓度为1.0~2.0 mg· L~(-1)的愈伤组织生长量最大。这些愈伤组织转移到MS+6-BA1.0 mg·L~(-1)+NAA0.1 mg·L~(-1)的分化培养基上后,产生了胚性愈伤组织,观察到大量不同时期体细胞胚。带有体细胞胚的愈伤组织进一步转移到无激素 MS培养基上,便发育成小植株。  相似文献   

在油菜改良品质育种中,利用单个花粉胚状体筛选低或无芥酸株系,需要了解花粉胚状体在发育过程中芥酸含量的变化及与其他脂肪酸变化的关系。Gurr(1972),Dasgupta等(1973)和黄尚琼(1980)研究了不同种、不同品种种子发育过程中脂肪酸组成的变化,但均未曾对离体花粉胚状体和离体种胚进行研究。本文在于探索离  相似文献   

陈瑶  周寒梅  何兵  李维 《广西植物》2020,40(11):1681-1690
为探明华重楼离体胚培养及植株再生的基本体系,该文以华重楼离体幼胚为试验材料,以MS培养基为基本培养基,研究不同光照、不同浓度梯度组合的植物生长调节剂对华重楼离体幼胚萌发、成苗的影响。结果表明:培养到60 d时,暗培养条件下华重楼离体幼胚的生长率和萌发率分别比光培养条件下高45.25%、19.17%,故暗培养比光培养更有利于华重楼离体幼胚生长发育。当GA3浓度相同时,离体幼胚萌发所需时间随IAA浓度增加而延长。不同浓度的GA3都可促进离体幼胚萌发,促进作用由强到弱依次为5 mg·L-1GA3>1 mg·L-1GA3> 10 mg·L-1GA3。在黑暗条件下,优选得到最适华重楼离体幼胚生长发育配方为1/2 MS+30g·L-1蔗糖+7 g·L-1琼脂+0.5 g·L-1活性炭+5 mg·L-1GA3  相似文献   

Haploid rice plantlets were induced from cultured ovaries in our previously reported experiment. The present paper is an embryological study on this subject. Young flowers of two japonica cultivars were excised and cultured just in the same manner as before. Liquid medium used for float culture was N6+3% sucrose+0.125 ppm MCPA. The inoculated materials were checked to be at late uninuclcate pollen stage which corresponded mainly to the uuinuelcate embryo sac stage, but as well as some 2- or 4-nucleate embryo sacs. Samples were fixed at 23 days intervals in acetomethanol (1:3), stained in toto with diluted Ehrlich's hematoxylin and sectioned by paraffin method for microscopical observation. 4 days after inoculation most of the embryo sacs developed up to 8-nucleate stage with polarized differentiation of the egg apparatus, central cell and antipodals. From 7th day on, proembryos of various sizes and shapes appeared in the micropylar region of some embryo sacs; some consisted of meristcmatic ceils, others were highly vacuo]ated. One-celled as well as linear multicellular suspensors atypical of in vivo zygote proembryos were observed, ttowever, it was uncertain whether the proembryos originated from the egg cell, the synergids, or the differentiating egg apparatus as a whole. Another peculiar event occured during culture was the formation of endosperm-like free nuclei from the unfertilized polar nuclei in some embryo sacs. Sometimes the free nuclei were numerous and showed a tendency of cell formation in localized areas. 12–15 days after inoculation, the proembryos developed into mieroseopieal ealli with globular or pearlike shape, wbieh continued enlarging to visible size with naked eyes at about 18–24 th day. Further growth eventually led the ealli protruding out the ovary wall beyond 32–35 the day. These observations indicate that the embryo sue, similarly as the pollen, can be induced to embryogenesis in vitro. This may open a new way to study the mechanism controlling gametophytie and sporophytie developmental pathways of embryo sac and provide means for large-scale production of "embryo sac plants" in future.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of ability to form callus in rice anther culture was studied using the diallel technique. Anthers containing uninucleate microspores from two japonica cultivais (Minehikari and Taipei 309), two indica cultivars (Mingolo and Suweon 290), and 12 F1's of the diallel crosses involving these four parents were cultured on Chaleffs R2 medium and evaluated for callus induction. The parents showed significant differences in anther callus formation, from 41.9% (Taipei 309) to 0% (Suweon 290). Callus induction ability was inherited as a recessive character conditioned by a single block of genes. Additive gene effects were predominant. The japonica types seemed to be good combiners for callus induction. The order of dominance among the four parents was Suweon 290, Mingolo, Minehikari and Taipei 309.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanical properties of the cell wall were measured in coleoptiles of totally etiolated rice seedlings. Coleoptiles were either decapitated or briefly exposed to red (R) and/or far-red (FR) light. The elastic and plastic extensibilities of the cell wall changed with age (length) of the coleoptiles. Decapitation and exposure to R induced changes in these properties, and the time-courses were similar. Following decapitation or R irradiation, the plastic extensibility of the cell wall decreased more conspicuously than elastic extensibility. Exogenous application of auxin immediately following decapitation alleviated the effect of removal of the tip. FR irradiation reduced both kinds of extensibilities, but its effect was much less than that of R, and it reversed the R-induced effect to the level of tissue treated with FR only. In repeated R-FR treatments, the decrease of elastic extensibility by R and its reversal by FR could be repeated, but the effect of a second irradiation with R after FR on plastic extensibility was not as apparent as that of the first. Reduction of cell-wall extensibility of etiolated rice coleoptiles caused by R light appeared, at least partly, to be due to a reduced auxin supply in the elongating region from the tip, similar to that caused by decapitation.  相似文献   

Che-Jun Pjon  Masaki Furuya 《Planta》1968,81(4):303-313
Summary In-vivo phytochrome determinations in totally etiolated rice seedlings with a dual-wavelength spectrophotometer showed that on a fresh weight basis phytochrome concentration was highest in the coleoptile apex (0.175 of mean) ( O.D.) g-1 (fresh weight). The age of the seedlings had little effect on the pattern of phytochrome distribution in the coleoptiles.The extent of growth inhibition observed 2 days after the irradiations was proportional to the logarithm of P fr amount in the coleoptiles at the time of initial exposure to either red or blue light. Ultraviolet irradiation, however, did not induce either reversible growth inhibition or optically detectable phytochrome changes in vivo.After the conversion of P r to P fr bya brief red irradiation, non-photochemical transformation of phytochrome was observed in intact coleoptile tissues. Most of the optically measurable P fr disappeared within 6 hours at 27°, when the total ( O.D.) decreased to about one fifth of the original level. The optical data did not agree with the fact that 50% of the initial physiological reversibility was still observed 9 hours later. No significant difference in dark transformation rate was seen between intact and excised coleoptile tissues.Abbreviations P r red light absorbing form of phytochrome - P fr far-red light absorbing form of phytochrome - ( O.D.) the change in the optical density difference reading at two wavelengths, following irradiation of the sample with actinic sources of red and far-red light - UV ultraviolet light  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies indicated two types of phenotypic protein markers as two minor bands of SDS-PAGE for rice storage protein. A variant derived from a Pakistani variety, Dular, was found to show a mobility variant with Band 11, a relatively faster-moving band as compared to Band 10, while most of the other cultivated rices exhibited Band 10 at a molecular weight of around 100–110 K. Band 11 was also observed in several wild rice species. How this variant occurred is not known. Another marker is characterized by the presence of either Band 56 (slower-migrating band) or Band 57 (faster-migrating band) in most cultivars at a molecular weight of about 28–27 K. Most indica varieties developed in Taiwan have Band 57 and japonica varieties have Band 56. Genetic analysis of F1, F2 and F3 seeds from interstrain crosses indicated that Band 10 versus Band 11 and Band 56 versus Band 57 are due to codominant alleles at two loci. Tests of independent inheritance between these two loci (Band 10/11 versus Band 56/57) indicated that there is no linkage between them. Both of these two protein loci encode for endosperm proteins and mostly belong to the minor polypeptide subunits of the glutelin fraction of rice seed proteins. Studies on reciprocal crosses indicate dosage effects as exhibited in band patterns. Variations in band intensity were frequently observed when the maternal genotype was different.  相似文献   

钙和钙离子载体A23187对水稻早期胚胎离体发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了不同浓度的钙(Ca^2 )和钙离子载体A23187对水稻早期胚胎离体发育的影响。结果表明:(1)Ca^2 对授粉后3~5d水稻胚胎离体发育的调控具有时间和浓度效应。培养基中不含Ca^2 或Ca^2 浓度较高(10^-1mol/L)时,3d原胚离体分裂和生长完全受到抑制;4~5d早期分化胚受到一定程度的影响;而Ca^2 浓度为10^-3mol/L时,不同时期的水稻胚胎均表现出最佳的生长速度和最高的离体胚胎发生频率;在相同的钙浓度条件下,胚龄越大,胚胎发生频率及总诱导频率越大。(2)A23187影响水稻胚胎的离体生长和形态发生:胚胎越小,影响越大;浓度越高,抑制作用越强。  相似文献   

This paper is a further study on the morphogenetic processes of gynogenetic embryoid and callus formation in rice unpollinated ovary culture. Techniques for culture and for specimen preparation were basieany the same as in previously reported experiments in our lab. During early stage of culture, gynogenetic structures within the embryo sacs were predominantly young pear-shaped proembryos. A few of them developed later along a more or less normal pathway into differentiated embryoids. However, most proembryos grew much larger without embryo differentiation and finally turned to callusing. A discussion is given to the morphogenetic aspects of such kind of callus, which is considered to be a structure somewhat similar to the “protocorm” described by Nostog in barley proembryo culture. In this paper, the process of proembryo abortion and the oecurenee of polyembryony are reported as well.  相似文献   

脆茎基因在水稻亚种间杂种后代中的遗传   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脆茎基因在水稻粳型品种间杂种后代中按孟德尔遗传比例传递,而在亚种间杂种后代中呈脆茎(bcl bcl)频率显著增加和显著降低两种偏离孟德尔比例的异常分离型。Kamairazu//Ketan Nangka/Kamairazu F1呈脆茎频率增加型,F2群体则呈正常分离,但F3和F4仍出现少数增加型和降低型的株系。IR36/Kamairazu的F2呈降低型分离,F3和F4株系中有正常型和降低型两种,F4还出现个别增加型株系。Ketan Nangka/IR36//Kamairazu的F2中除了有增加型和降低型外,出现部分正常型。水稻bcl基因的异常分离与花粉育性无关,而是由雄配子选择性授精引起,与位于第3染色体的配子体基因ga2、ga3和ga14有关。  相似文献   

水稻低温发芽力QTL定位和遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以Kinmaze(粳稻)/DV85(籼稻)的重组自交系F10世代群体检测了影响水稻低温发芽力性状的数量性状基因座(QTL)。通过测定不同时期的低温发芽率,确定了15℃低温、第10d为检测低温发芽率的最适处理温度和时间,该条件下能够充分检测到品种的差异和分离群体的变异。通过设置对照,证明所检测的低温发芽率不受休眠及二次休眠的影响。15℃低温、第10d时,Kinmaze的发芽率达35%,DV85的发芽率只有7%,两亲本之间存在明显差异,该群体81个家系的低温发芽率变幅在0%~99%之间。QTL分析结果检测到5个与低温发芽力相关的基因座,分别位于第2、6、7、11和12染色体上。位于第2、6和11染色体上的qLTG-2、qLTG-6和qLTG-11贡献率分别为27.1%、17.1%和15.0%,对低温发芽力性状的增效基因来自DV85;位于第7、12染色体上qLTG-7和qLTG-12的贡献率分别为22.9%和8.8%,增效基因来自Kinmaze。其中,qLTG-6和qLTG-11在染色体上的位置与已报道的有关低温发芽力QTL位置相似,而qLTG-2、qLTG-7和qLTG-12为新检测的低温发芽力基因座。上位性分析结果显示,第3与第5染色体上存在影响低温发芽力的互作位点,其互作可以提高低温发芽力,而第7染色体上的两位点之间的互作降低了低温发芽力。  相似文献   

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