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Summary A mouse dihydrofolate reductase gene (DHFR), encoding an enzyme conferring methotrexate (MTX) resistance, under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35 S promoter, was inserted within a maize nonautonomous Ds transposable element. The presence of at least one element (Ds-DHFR) can easily be monitored using methotrexate selection in plants. This chimeric element is able to transpose at a frequency similar to its unmodified progenitor in transgenic tobacco callus containing an autonomous Ac element. The orientation of the selectable marker cassette in the Ds element does not affect relative excision frequencies. Approximately two-thirds of these elements can be detected after excision while the remaining one-third cannot. The Ds-DHFR element is useful in elucidating the mechanism by which Ac/Ds transposition occurs, and allows for a rapid identification of mutants in which methotrexate resistance cosegregates with a mutant phenotype.  相似文献   

The maize autonomous transposable element Ac was introduced into haploid Nicotiana plumbaginifolia via Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation of leaf disks. All the regenerated transformants (R0) were diploid and either homozygous or heterozygous for the hygromycin resistance gene used to select primary transformants. The Ac excision frequency was determined using the phenotypic assay of restoration of neomycin phosphotransferase activity and expression of kanamycin resistance among progeny seedlings. Some of the R0 plants segregated kanamycin-resistant seedlings in selfed progeny at a high frequency (34 to 100%) and contained one or more transposed Ac elements. In the primary transformants Ac transposition probably occurred during plant regeneration or early development. Other R0 transformants segregated kanamycin-resistant plants at a low frequency ( 4%). Two transformants of this latter class, containing a unique unexcised Ac element, were chosen for further study in the expectation that their kanamycin resistant progeny would result from independent germinal transposition events. Southern blot analysis of 32 kanamycin-resistant plants (R1 or R2), selected after respectively one or two selfings of these primary transformants, showed that 27 had a transposed Ac at a new location and 5 did not have any Ac element. Transposed Ac copy number varied from one to six and almost all transposition events were independent. Southern analysis of the R2 and R3 progeny of these kanamycin-resistant plants showed that Ac continued to transpose during four generations, and its activity increased with its copy number. The frequency of Ac transposition, from different loci, remained low ( 7%) from R0 to R3 generations when only one Ac copy was present. The strategy of choosing R0 plants that undergo a low frequency of germinal excision will provide a means to avoid screening non-independent transpositions and increase the efficiency of transposon tagging.  相似文献   

Summary Sequences sharing homology to the transposable element Activator (Ac) are prevalent in the maize genome. A cryptic Ac-like DNA, cAc-11, was isolated from the maize inbred line 4Co63 and sequenced. Cryptic Ac-11 has over 90% homology to known Ac sequences and contains an 11 by inverted terminal repeat flanked by an 8 by target site duplication, which are characteristics of Ac and Dissociation (Ds) transposable elements. Unlike the active Ac element, which encodes a transposase, the corresponding sequence in cAc-11 has no significant open reading frame. A 44 by tandem repeat was found at one end of cAc-11, which might be a result of aberrant transposition. The sequence data suggest that cAc-11 may represent a remnant of an Ac or a Ds element. Sequences homologous to cAc-11 can be detected in many maize inbred lines. In contrast to canonical Ac elements, cAc-11 DNA in the maize genome is hypermethylated and does not transpose even in the presence of an active Ac element.  相似文献   

Many of the systems currently employed for heterologous transposon tagging in plants rely on an excision assay to monitor transposon activity. We have used the streptomycin phosphotransferase (SPT) reporter system to assayAc activity inPetunia hybrida. In other species, such as tobacco orArabidopsis, excision ofAc from the SPT gene in sporogenous tissue gives rise to streptomycin-resistant seedlings in the following generation. The frequency of fully streptomycin-resistant seedlings in petunia was low (0.4%) but molecular analysis of these indicated that the actual excision frequency may be as low as 0.05%. This indicates that the SPT assay is not a reliable selection criterion for germinal excision in petunia. Extensive molecular screening for reinsertion ofAc was consistent with a low primary transposition frequency (0%–0.6%). In contrast to these findings, the progeny of confirmed germinal transpositions for three independent transformants showed frequent transposition to new sites (9.5%–17.0%). This suggests a high frequency of secondary transposition compared with primary transposition from the T-DNA. Segregation analysis indicates that the high transposition activity is closely associated with transposed copies ofAc. No evidence was found for an altered methylation state forAc following transposition. The implications of these results for heterologous transposon tagging in petunia are discussed in the context of the reliability of excision reporter systems in general.  相似文献   

Gene trap vectors have been used in insertional mutagenesis in animal systems to clone genes with interesting patterns of expression. These vectors are designed to allow the expression of a reporter gene when the vector inserts into a transcribed region. In this paper we examine alternative splicing events that result in the expression of a GUS reporter gene carried on a Ds element which has been designed as a gene trap vector for plants. We have developed a rapid and reliable method based on PCR to study such events. Many splice donor sites were observed in the 3 Ac border. The relative frequency of utilisation of certain splice donor and acceptor sites differed between tobacco and Arabidopsis. A higher stringency of splicing was observed in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Summary The maize transposable element Ac has been introduced into potato via the T-DNA (transferred DNA) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Ac was inserted within the untranslated leader region of a neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT-II) gene such that excision restored NPT-II activity. Two approaches to monitor Ac excision were used. (i) Using an Agrobacterium strain harbouring plasmid pGV3850::pKU3, leaf discs were selected on kanamycin (Km) after exposure to Agrobacterium. (ii) Using a strain containing plasmid pGV3850HPT::pKU3, the leaf discs were selected on hygromycin (Hm) and the resulting shoots were checked for NPT-II expression. Thirteen kanamycin resistant shoots transformed with pGV3850::pKU3 were isolated, suggesting that Ac had excised from the NPT-II gene. Out of 43 hygromycin resistant shoots transformed with pGV3850HPT::pKU3, 22 expressed the NPT-II gene, indicating that Ac had undergone excision in approximately 50% of the hygromycin resistant shoots. Southern analysis revealed that all kanamycin resistant plants contained the DNA restriction fragments expected when Ac excises from the NPT-II gene. The presence of Ac at new locations within the genomic DNA of several transformants was also detected.  相似文献   

To develop an efficient gene tagging system in rice, a plasmid was constructed carrying a non-autonomous maize Ds element in the untranslated leader sequence of a hygromycin B resistance gene fused with the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus. This plasmid was cotransfected by electroporation into rice protoplasts together with a plasmid containing the maize Ac transposase gene transcribed from the 35S promoter. Five lines of evidence obtained from the analyses of hygromycin B-resistant calli, regenerated plants and their progeny showed that the introduced Ds was trans-activated by the Ac transposase gene in rice. (1) Cotransfection of the two plasmids is necessary for generation of hygromycin B resistant transformants. (2) Ds excision sites are detected by Southern blot hybridization. (3) Characteristic sequence alterations are found at Ds excision sites. (4) Newly integrated Ds is detected in the rice genome. (5) Generation of 8 by target duplications is observed at the Ds integration sites on the rice chromosomes. Our results also show that Ds can be trans-activated by the transiently expressed Ac transposase at early stages of protoplast culture and integrated stably into the rice genome, while the cotransfected Ac transposase gene is not integrated. Segregation data from such a transgenic rice plant carrying no Ac transposase gene showed that four Ds copies were stably integrated into three different chromosomes, one of which also contained the functional hph gene restored by Ds excision. The results indicate that a dispersed distribution of Ds throughout genomes not bearing the active Ac transposase gene can be achieved by simultaneous transfection with Ds and the Ac transposase gene.  相似文献   

Specific binding ofNicotiana nuclear protein(s) to subterminal regions of theAc transposable element was detected using gel mobility shift assays. A sequence motif (GGTAAA) repeated in both terminal regions ofAc, was identified as the protein binding site. Mutation of two nucleotides in this motif was sufficient to abolish binding. Based on a series of competition assays, it is deduced that there is cooperative binding between two repeats, each similar to the GGTAAA motif. The binding protein is probably similar to a previously characterized maize protein which binds to a GGTAAA-containing motif located in the ends ofMutator. Moreover, we show that DNA fromDs1 competes for protein binding toAc termini, and we show, by sequence analysis, that GGTAAA binding sites are present in the terminal region ofTgm1, Tpn1, En/Spm, Tam3 andDs1-like elements. This suggests that the binding protein(s) might be involved in the transposition process.  相似文献   

A two-element transposon system based on the maize elements Ac and Ds is currently being used for insertional mutagenesis in Arabidopsis. With the aim of making this system as efficient as possible we have continued to analyse several parameters which affect Ds activity in Arabidopsis. The influence of genomic position on Ds excision has been analysed in five lines carrying Ds integrated in different genomic locations. Differences in both somatic and germinal excision were observed between the different lines. The relationship between somatic and germinal excision, the timing of excision events and environmental influences on transposition frequency have been investigated. The effect of varying dosage of the different elements was also analysed. A strong positive dosage effect was observed for the transposase source, but not for the Ds element. Analysis of germinal excision events showed that the majority of them occurred very late in the development of the plant, resulting in the majority of Ds transpositions being independent events.  相似文献   

Summary The Cy transposable element system is composed of two genetically defined elements: an rcy receptor element inserted at the Bronze-1 locus; and an independently segregating regulatory element, Cy. The Cy system is not functionally homologous to any of the non-Mutator transposable element systems. Evidence is presented that supports a relationship between the Cy system and the family of Mu1-homologous transposable elements that are responsible for the Mutator phenomenon. Although related, Cy elements and the Mu1-homologous elements are not identical; Cy is inherited in a near-Mendelian fashion, in contrast to the non-Mendelian inheritance of the Mu1-homologous elements.  相似文献   

DcMaster is a family of PIF/Harbinger-like class II transposable elements identified in carrot. We present a modified Transposon Display molecular marker system allowing amplification of genomic regions containing DcMaster elements. We scored 77 DcMaster Transposon Display (DcMTD) amplicons, of which 54 (70%) were segregating in the F2 progeny from the cross between wild and cultivated carrot. Segregating amplicons were incorporated into a previously developed molecular linkage map of carrot. Twenty-eight markers were attributed to the wild parent, 23 originated from the cultivated parent, and three markers remained unlinked. The markers were evenly distributed among the nine linkage groups. However, differences in the distribution pattern of DcMaster insertion sites in the genomes of the wild and cultivated parent were observed. Specificity of the obtained amplicons was confirmed by sequencing and three putative DcMaster subfamilies, differing in the sequence of their terminal inverted repeats, were revealed.  相似文献   

Summary The unstable mutant bz-x3m arose in a plant subjected to X-irradiation. The element at the bronze locus is non-autonomous and recombination data indicate that an autonomous element is tightly linked. The autonomous element has been designated Mx (mobile element induced by X-rays) and the non-autonomous element, rMx (responder to Mx). Linkage data indicate that a second Mx lies near the end of the short arm of chromosome 9; in one plant, an Mx that is unlinked was detected. Distinguishing characteristics of bz-x3m are a large window of time in endosperm development during which somatic reversions can arise and a wide range in the frequency at which they occur; these features are heritable. With increasing doses of bz-x3m and Mx, the window expands and the frequency range increases. In kernels containing the bz-x3m allele and the tightly linked Mx, breakage occurs in chromosome 9 distal to the C locus, resulting in breakage-fusion-bridge patterns for endosperm markers that lie proximal to the break. The frequency of breaks and the developmental time at which they occur exhibit the same dosage effect as the somatic reversions of the bz-x3m allele. These observations suggest that an rMx (designated rMxBr) that causes chromosome breakage is positioned distal to the C locus. At the molecular level, the bz-x3m allele is associated with a 0.5 kb increase in fragment size in DNA samples digested with BglII, EcoRI, HindIII and PstI; in germinal revertants, the fragment size returns to that of the progenitor.  相似文献   

Summary The maize controlling element activator, Ac, is capable of self-transposition. We isolated a spontaneously arisen derivative, (wx-m9Ds-cy) of the Ac element present in the wx-m9Ac mutant which does not itself transpose but can be induced to transpose by the presence of an Ac element elsewhere in the genome. The wx-m9Ds-cy derivative reverts to an active Ac form. A comparison of cloned isolates of the three forms of the element shows no differences in restriction enzyme pattern. Southern analysis of the genome organization of the elements shows marked differences in the methylation pattern. The active Ac element is methylated at one end of the element while the inactive derivative wx-m9Ds-cy is completely methylated at all HpaII sites in the element. The revertant Ac is partially demethylated. Reversion of the mutants to the active form appears to be at least a two-step process.  相似文献   

We describe genetic screens, molecular methods and web resources newly available to utilize Dissociation (Ds) as an insertional mutagen in maize. Over 1700 Ds elements have been distributed throughout the maize genome to serve as donor elements for local or regional mutagenesis. Two genetic screens are described to identify Ds insertions in genes-of-interest (goi). In scheme I, Ds is used to generate insertion alleles when a recessive reference allele is available. A Ds insertion will enable the cloning of the target gene and can be used to create an allelic series. In scheme II, Ds insertions in a goi are identified using a PCR-based screen to identify the rare insertion alleles among a population of testcross progeny. We detail an inverse PCR protocol to rapidly amplify sequences flanking Ds insertion alleles and describe a high-throughput 96-well plate-based DNA extraction method for the recovery of high-quality genomic DNA from seedling tissues. We also describe several web-based tools for browsing, searching and accessing the genetic materials described. The development of these Ds insertion lines promises to greatly accelerate functional genomics studies in maize.  相似文献   

【目的】明确入侵植物野胡萝卜水浸提液对4种草坪草的化感效应。【方法】采用培养皿滤纸法,观察记录不同浓度(0、10、20、30、40 g·L-1)的野胡萝卜根、茎、叶水浸提液对4种草坪草种子萌发的影响,根据化感综合效应指数分析野胡萝卜水浸提液的化感作用。【结果】野胡萝卜不同部位浸提液对受体种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数、根长和芽长均有一定的影响。化感综合效应指数表明,随着野胡萝卜浸提液浓度的增加,对白三叶、黑麦草、翦股颖的化感抑制作用均增强,对高羊茅的化感作用表现为“低促高抑”的双重效应。4种草坪草的耐受强弱顺序为:高羊茅>黑麦草>翦股颖>白三叶;野胡萝卜叶浸提液对4种草坪草的化感作用强于根和茎。【结论】入侵植物野胡萝卜浸提液对4种草坪草的化感效应较为显著,在入侵严重地区,可选用耐受力强的草坪草建坪。  相似文献   

Summary The two components of theBg-rbg transposable element system of maize have been cloned. TheBg element, isolated from the mutable allelewx-m32 :: Bg is inserted in the intron of theWaxy (Wx) gene between exons 12 and 13. The length of the element is of 4869 bp.Bg has 5 by terminal inverted repeats, and generates upon insertion an 8 by direct duplication of the target sequence. Both ends of theBg element contain a 76 by direct repeat adjacent to the terminal inverted repeats. The hexamer motif TATCGkC G is here repeated several times in direct or inverse orientation. Therbg element was isolated from the mutable alleleo2m(r) where it is located in the promoter region of theOpaque-2 (O2) gene.rbg is approximately 4.5 kb in length, has terminal inverted repeats identical to those of theBg element, and is also flanked by an 8 by direct duplication at the target site. LikeBg, rbg carries the 76 by direct repeats. Restriction enzyme analysis reveals that, compared toBg, the receptor element is distinguishable by small deletion and insertion events. Sequence data indicate that not more than 75% homology exists at the DNA level between therbg element and the autonomousBg element.  相似文献   

Summary In the progeny of an active Mutator plant, the number of Mu elements increases on self-pollination and maintains the average parental Mu content on outcrossing to a non-Mutator line; both patterns of transmission require an increase in the absolute number of Mu elements from one generation to the next. The same average copy number of Mu elements is transmitted through the male and female, but there is wide variation in the absolute copy number among the progeny. In inactive Mutator plants —defined both by the loss of somatic instability at a reporter gene (bronze2-mu1) and by modification of the HinfI sites in the terminal inverted repeat sequences of Mu elements —the absolute copy number of Mu elements is fixed in the parent. Thus, in outcrosses Mu element number is halved, and on self-pollination Mu copy number is constant. Reactivation of somatic mutability at cryptic bz2-mu1 alleles in inactive individuals by crossing to an active line seems not to involve an increase in Mu element copy number transmitted by the inactive individual. These and other results suggest that increases in Mu copy number occur late in plant development or in the gametophyte rather than after fertilization.  相似文献   

The cloning and characterization ofGandalf, a new DNA-transposing mobile element obtained from theDrosophila koepferae (repleta group) genome is described. A fragment ofGandalf was found in a middle repetitive clone that shows variable chromosomal localization. Restriction, Southern blot, PCR and sequencing analyses have shown that mostGandalf copies are about 1 kb long, are flanked by 12 by inverted terminal repeats and contain subterminal repetitive regions on both sides of the element. As with other elements of the DNA-transposing type (known as the Ac family), theGandalf element generates 8 by direct duplications at the insertion point. Coding region analysis has shown that the longer open reading frame found inGandalf copies could encode part of a protein. However, whether or not the 1 kb copies of the element are actually the active transposons remains to be elucidated.Gandalf shows a very low copy number inD. buzzatii, a sibling species ofD. koepferae. An attempt to induce interspecific hybrid dysgenesis in hybrids of these two species has been unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Summary To develop a transposon tagging system in an important cereal plant, rice (Oryza sativa L.), the maize transposable element Ac (Activator) was introduced into rice protoplasts by electroporation. We employed a phenotypic assay for excision of Ac from the selectable hph gene encoding resistance to hygromycin B. Southern blot analysis of hygromycin B-resistant calli showed that the Ac element can transpose from the introduced hph gene into the rice chromosomes. Sequence analysis of several Ac excision sites in the hph gene revealed sequence alterations characteristic of the excision sites of this plant transposable element. The Ac element appears to be active during development of transgenic rice plants from calli. Moreover, hybridization patterns of different leaves from the same plant indicated that some Ac elements are stable whereas others are able to transpose further during development of leaves. The results indicate that the introduced Ac element can transpose efficiently in transgenic rice plants.  相似文献   

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