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By separating FcR+ and FcR? cells from stimulator spleens using an EA rosetting procedure, it was found that EA-rosetting (FcR+) cells stimulate mixed-lymphocyte culture reaction (MLR) far more effectively than do non-EA-rosetting (FcR?) cells. The difference in stimulatory activity is observed in MLR of both H-2 and M-locus different combinations and cannot be explained by the proportion of B cells and macrophages contained in each population. The finding that FcR+ cells can stimulate allogeneic responding T cells more effectively than FcR? cells suggests a close association of FcR with Ia and Mls antigens on the cell surface.  相似文献   

High anti-DNP PFC responses to DNP-DE or DNP-KLH were obtained by transferring normal or primed FcR? B cell fractions into irradiated syngeneic recipients. On the other hand, the FcR+ B cell fraction showed a low precursor activity. Trypsinization of the FcR+ B cells, to eliminate remaining antigen-antibody complexes on the surface, failed to augment the response in comparison with that of trypsin-untreated FcR+ B cells. Therefore, the weak precursor activity of FcR+ B cells seemed to be inherent. No synergistic interaction between the FcR+ B and precursor FcR? B cells, to give rise to the maximum PFC response, was observed. On the contrary, the FcR+ B cells significantly suppressed the PFC responses of FcR? B cells. This kind of suppression could be mediated by a factor released from the FcR+ B cell, but not from the FcR? B or original-unrosetted spleen cell fraction. The factor was not attributable to macrophages, because the FcR+ B cells isolated from normal spleen cells, of which macrophages were depleted by Sephadex G-10 columns, could produce the factor with the same activity. Stimulation by specific antigen is not necessary for the induction of the factor(s) as well as of the suppressing FcR+ B cells. It seems to be necessary to stimulate FcR by antigen-antibody complexes to produce or release this factor.  相似文献   

Two Rauscher virus (R-MuLV)-induced leukemias, RBL-5, a virus-producer, and RBL-3, a nonproducer, were compared for their expression of cell surface antigens (RCSA), by cytotoxicity, membrane immunofluorescence, R-MuLV neutralization, and complement-fixation assays using syngeneic anti-crude membrane sera as well as anti-gp69/71, anti-p30, and anti-R-MuLV sera. There was a higher concentration of gp69/71 and p30 on the RBL-3 membrane than on RBL-5. This presumably is due to a cellular block at a step before assembly of virus, resulting in accumulation of these viral structural proteins (VSP). The common antigen on RBL-3 and RBL-5 is called RCSAa and may be composed of gp69/71 (RCSAa1) and an unidentified antigen (RCSAa2) which reacts more effectively with syngeneic antisera than against anti-VSP sera. An antigen abundant on the membrane of RBL-3 but not on RBL-5 is designated RCSAb, which is probably identical with p30. An unidentified antigen designated RCSAc is present on RBL-5, but not on RBL-3. Ascites cells of both RBL-3 and RBL-5 exhibited less RCSA than did the cultured lines.  相似文献   

Using an EA rosetting system, it was observed that Fc receptors (FcR) were present on the surface of T cells as well as B cells, and that functional differences existed between FcR-positive (FcR+) and FcR-negative (FcR?) cells in both T and B cells in in vivo humoral immune responses. Approximately 15% of splenic T cells obtained by nylon wool passage are FcR+. The number of surface immunoglobulinbearing cells as detected by immunofluorescent staining accounted for less than 10% of these FcR+ cells. FcR+ and FcR? T+B-cell populations obtained from spleens contain 60 and 20% of surface immunoglobulin-positive cells, respectively. In the adoptive primary response in which horse RBC and dinitrophenyl-conjugated dextran (DNP-DE) were used as T-dependent and T-independent antigens, respectively, the majority of precursor B cells were FcR?. In the secondary response using hapten-primed B cells and carrier-primed T cells, the majority of memory B cells for a haptenic determinant were also FcR?. Furthermore, the majority of functional cells exerting helper activity in the same hapten-carrier system are FcR? cells, and FcR+ T cells collaborate much less effectively with either memory B cells or helper FcR? T cells.  相似文献   

EA, i.e., antigen-antibody complexes are able to induce an antigen-nonspecific suppressive factor(s) from FcR+ B cells by binding on FcR. This factor, termed “suppressive B-cell factor (SBF)” was only effective on H-2 compatible, but not on H-2 incompatible spleen cells in an adoptive cell transfer system. Furthermore, SBF, prepared from B10.A (H-2a) splenic FcR+ B cells, suppressed the adoptive primary response of B10.D2 mice (H-2d), in addition to A/J mice (H-2a) against DNP-DE, by the pretreatment of cells with SBF in vitro. Absorption with affinity columns demonstrated that active components) of SBF from C3H/He mice (H-2k) was eliminated by both B6 anti-CBA (H-2b anti-H-2k) and B10.D2 anti-B10.BR (H-2d anti-H-2k), but not B10 anti-B10.A (H-2b anti-H-2a). In contrast, the suppressive activity of SBF was eliminated neither by anti-mouse Ig nor by a heat-aggregated human γ-globulin column. These results indicate that SBF contains a product coded by the right-hand side of H-2 gene complex, but does not contain Ig determinants nor FcR. Thus, it is conceivable that a compatibility of the right-hand side of H-2 gene complex is required for inducing effective suppression of spleen cells by SBF. SBF was considered to be a trypsin-resistant and heat-labile substance with a molecular weight of 30,000–63,000. The target cells for SBF were FcR? B precursors, but not helper T cells.  相似文献   

Allogeneic Con A induced suppressor cells differing in the I and S region but not H-2K or H-2D regions were as efficient as syngeneic cells in suppressing the secondary IgM and IgG response to burro erythrocytes. Con A activated suppressor cells were not sensitive to anti-Ia serum and complement. However, if the spleen cell population was treated with anti-Ia serum and complement before stimulation with Con A, suppressor cells were not generated.  相似文献   

Using a Ficoll velocity sedimentation gradient, we provide evidence to show that stimulatory and inhibitory activities induced in mixed lymphocyte culture belong to two distinct subpopulations of T cells. Slow- to medium-sedimenting, nonproliferating cells enhance the humoral response of normal cells to SRBC whereas fast-sedimenting cells inhibit that response. Cytotoxic lymphocytes are found in the same fractions as suppressor cells but appear to be differentiable from the latter in terms of maturation kinetics and specificity.  相似文献   

Functionally defined clones and lines of murine lymphocytes including myelomas, helper, suppressor and cytolytic T lymphocytes were analyzed for their glycosphingolipids (GSLs). GSLs were characterized by thin-layer chromatography and by high-performance liquid chromatography. Lymphocytes with different functions displayed, besides a number of common GSLs, some characteristic GSLs that may be regarded as markers. Globotriaosylceramide was found on myelomas and B blasts, whereas globotetraosylceramide was confined to helper T cells. All T cells including cytolytic T lymphocytes displayed gangliotetraosylceramide (asialo-GM1) as a major GSL, which was further characterized by sequential degradation with exoglycosidases.  相似文献   

The role of L3T4+ (CD4+) Th cells in generation of CTL specific for discrete minor histocompatibility Ag was investigated. Suppression of the function of Th cells in vivo by chronic treatment with anti-L3T4 mAb prevented congenic strains of mice from being primed and from generating CTL specific for Ag encoded by the minor histocompatibility loci--H-3, H-1, and B2m. Analysis of proliferative responses and lymphokine secretion of cells from animals primed with one of these minor H Ag, beta 2-microglobulin, but not treated with anti-L3T4 antibodies, indicated that L3T4- class I MHC-restricted T cells were themselves responsible for the very great majority of the observed minor H Ag-specific proliferation and secretion of lymphokines associated with both T cell proliferation and activation of CTL. All together, the data indicate that in responses against discrete minor H Ag, L3T4+Th-independent CTL are generated through an L3T4+Th-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Mouse spleen cells were cultured for 5 days with or without HRBC. Cultured cells were 'parked' in irradiated syngeneic recipients for 3 weeks and then tested for their immunologic reactivity in vitro. We found that spleen cells from recipients of HRBC-sensitized cells (S) as well as spleen cells from recipients of control unsensitized cells (U) possessed radiosensitive suppressor and radioresistant helper activities. Suppressor activity was observed by the capacity of unirradiated S and U spleen cells to inhibit the in vitro generation of IgM and IgG PFC by spleen cells primed in vivo to HRBC or to LacKLH. Helper activity was shown by the capacity of the irradiated S and U cells to restore IgM and IgG PFC responses of in vivo primed, T-depleted spleen cells to HRBC, LacHRBC, and LacCRBC. Both suppressor and helper activities were mediated by T cells. The possibilities that immunologically specific or nonspecific mechanisms account for these phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

In in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to particulate as well as to soluble antigen, the functional difference between Fc receptor-bearing (FcR+) and nonbearing (FcR?) murine splenic lymphocytes was analyzed using the EA rosetting method. In the secondary anti-horse red blood cell (HRBC) response of C3H mice, FcR? cells showed higher IgM and IgG responses than did FcR+ cells. When nylon wool (NW)-purified T cells primed with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) were fractionated into FcR? and FcR+ T cells, helper activity was proven in the former subset in the cooperation with syngeneic spleen cells primed with dinitrophenylated ascaris extract (DNP-Asc). FcR+ T cells showed essentially no helper activity. When FcR? cells were cultured, neogenesis of FcR+ cells was observed on Days 3 to 5. The conversion from FcR? to FcR+ cells was prominent in B cells (40 to 50%), whereas NW-purified nonadherent FcR? T cells converted poorly (15 to 20%). The converting process was accelerated slightly by mitogens, but was least affected by antigens. To examine the possible contribution of neogeneic FcR+ T cells in the helper activity, KLH-primed FcR? T cells were precultured for 7 days with homologous antigen. The specific helper activity of the cultured T cells proved to be unaffected by the depletion of neogeneic FcR+ T cells by EA rosetting. The neogeneic FcR+ T cells had no helper activity. It was thus suggested that helper T cells remain in the FcR? cell fraction and do not convert to the FcR+ state during the cooperating process.  相似文献   

Spleen cells taken from mice soon after infection with Trypanosoma brucei S 42 enhance the primary in vitro antibody response of normal spleen cells to sheep red blood cells (SRBC), but do not affect their response to DNP-Ficoll. Spleen cells harvested later in the infection (day 6 onwards) suppress the antibody response of normal spleen cells to both SRBC and DNP-Ficoll. The enhancing and suppressive effects of "infected" spleen cells are sensitive to treatment with anti-Thy 1.2 anti-serum and complement, and can be mediated by nylon wool-purified populations of T cells. The enhancing T cell is sensitive to ALS, not lost within 4 weeks of adult thymectomy, and bears the Ly-1+, 23- phenotype. The suppressor T cell is insensitive to ALS, lost within 20 weeks of adult thymectomy, and bears the Ly-1+, 23+ phenotype. The significance of the activation of distinct helper and suppressor T cells is discussed in relation to the pathogenesis of trypanosomiasis.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were stimulated by concanavalin A (Con A) and then evaluated by their suppressive activity for thymus-derived (T) cell- and bone marrow-derived (B) cell-proliferative responses to mitogen and allogeneic cells. Con A-activated T cells markedly suppressed these responses, but Con A-activated B cells failed to demonstrate suppressor activity. Discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) density gradient separation of T cells which had been activated by Con A demonstrated that a fraction containing blast cells as well as fractions containing unproliferated cells manifest the same degree of suppressor capabilities. However, when density gradient separation of T cells followed by subsequent incubation with Con A was performed, fractions of proliferating cells of low density exhibited no suppression; a fraction containing high density T cells produced marked suppression, but this fraction incorporated only little thymidine in response to Con A. Thus, these studies indicate that Con A-induced suppressor T cells belong to a distinctive subpopulation which has already been programmed to express this function before exposure to Con A and that cell proliferation may not be a prerequisite for the development of such suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

The role of insulin-specific helper and suppressor T cells in the H-2-linked genetic control of antibody responses to heterologous insulins was examined in vitro. These data demonstrate that pork insulin stimulates both primed helper T cells and dominant suppressor T cells in all nonresponder strains tested. Thus, the nonresponder phenotype is attributed to the activation of specific suppressor T cells rather than to an absence of helper T cell activity. Examination of the antigenic cross-reactivity patterns of pork insulin-primed helper and suppressor T cells in various strains demonstrates that fine specificity of the helper T cells differs from that of the suppressor T cells and that the patterns of antigenic cross-reactivity of these subpopulations are controlled by the H-2 gene complex. Furthermore, in a given strain of mice variants of insulin that stimulate helper T cells that cross-react with mouse insulin also stimulate dominant suppressor T cells that cross-react with mouse insulin. Such variants of insulin are perceived as nonimmunogenic. These observations raise the possibility that nonresponsiveness that is controlled by H-2 linked genes results from the activation of regulatory mechanisms involved in maintaining self-tolerance.  相似文献   

In the spleen and peripheral blood of BN rats with progressive tumors, W3/25+ T helper cells were significantly reduced and OX8+ T suppressor/cytotoxic cells were significantly increased. The ratio of helper to suppressor elements was decreased to 1.6 from a ratio of 3 in normal BN rats without tumors, and this decreased ratio correlated with tumor growth. When tumors were eliminated in vivo by infusion of effector cells (W3/25+ T lymphocytes), the levels of W3/25+ and OX8+ T cells returned to normal and the ratio of helper to suppressor/cytotoxic cells in the spleen and peripheral blood reverted to 3.0 or higher. Macrophages and null cells, T-sIg-, were also elevated in the spleen and peripheral blood of rats bearing expanding tumors and returned to normal levels after cure. Assays of spleen cells for cell-mediated cytotoxicity in rats with large tumors revealed little or no specific cytotoxicity. Cytotoxic activity was high in spleen of rats cured of their neoplasms by infusion of helper cells.  相似文献   

In the present work we show that concanavalin A (Con A)-activated cells are competent to suppress polyclonal antibody responses induced by different polyclonal B-cell activators. Such an effect does not seem to be mediated by cytotoxic killer cells nor by overactivation, suggesting, therefore, that true suppressor cells are responsible for the phenomenon. The dose of Con A required for induction of these suppressor cells was found to exceed 2 μg/ml. Irradiation of the suppressor cell population abrogated their inhibitory capacity and no evidence of genetic restriction between effector and responding cells was found. Suppression affects cell proliferation, which suggests that, in our system, suppressor cells act directly on antibody-forming cell precursors by halting their proliferation and/or production of antibody.  相似文献   

Type 2 immunity is characterized by expression of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, IL-9 and IL-13, which can function in mediating protective immunity in the host or possess a pathogenic role. T helper (Th) 2 cells have emerged to play a beneficial role in mediating anti-parasitic immunity and are also known to be key players in mediating allergic diseases. In addition to the Th2 cells, recent studies have identified T follicular helper (Tfh) cells as an alternative source of IL-4 to regulate type 2 humoral immune responses, indicating that Th2 and Tfh cells exhibit overlapping phenotypical and functional characteristics. Th2 and Tfh cells appear to utilize distinct mechanisms for regulation of IL-4 expression; however unlike Th2 cells, the regulation and function of Tfh-derived IL-4 is not yet fully understood. Understanding of the molecular mechanisms for IL-4 expression and function in both cell subsets will be beneficial for the development of future therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

In mice and humans, the size of the peripheral lymphocyte pool remains relatively constant throughout adult life, in the absence of disease. Among the factors that influence the survival and homeostasis of T cells, external stimuli such as infections have long been considered to be of primary importance. However, emerging data indicate that internal stimuli, including self-peptide (presented in association with major-histocompatibility-complex molecules) and cytokines, might also control the size and composition of T-cell pools. Recent evidence suggests that cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4, an immune attenuator, contributes significantly to the homeostatic control of T-helper-cell proliferation through mechanisms that are both intrinsic and extrinsic to the T cell.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the influence of cryopreservation on human T-cell subsets defined by their membrane receptors for Fc IgM (TM) and Fc IgG (TG) and by their membrane antigens. For this purpose isolated T cells, obtained by neuraminidase-treated sheep erythrocyte (E-N) rosetting, and enriched mononuclear cells were cryopreserved using a programmed freezing procedure. A significant decrease of the TM and TG cells was found whereas the proportion of T cells and their subsets determined by monoclonal antibodies seemed not to be influenced. The effectiveness of T-cell separation by E-N rosetting of frozen lymphocytes demonstrated no impairment of the E-receptor binding capacity of T cells. The PHA reactivity of separated T cells was maintained after cryopreservation; however, the spontaneous blastogenesis was reduced significantly. The selective loss of the TM and TG cells seemed to be dependent on the length of the phase transition time; over 90 sec the capacity of the expression of Fc receptors was profoundly affected. Neither an additional 20 hr incubation after hypotonic shock prior to cryopreservation nor incubation after thawing could repair this function of T cells. The data suggest irreversible damage of the Fc receptor expression capacity on the cell membrane as a result of a disturbance of metabolic pathways rather than a preferentially greater sensitivity of these cells to cryopreservation.  相似文献   

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