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The host specificity and population genetic structure of the symbiotic water mites Unionicola foili from the host mussel Utterbackia imbecillis and Unionicola formosa from the mussels Pyganodon cataracta, Pyganodon grandis and Anodonta suborbiculata were examined over a broad geographical scale in order to determine the extent to which specialization by these water mites is structured geographically. The behavioural responses of U. foili and U. formosa were highly host-species specific, with adults of both species exhibiting negative phototaxis in the presence of a chemical factor from the species of mussel with which the mites had been associated in the field. The photobehaviour of these water mites in the presence of water from a non-host mussel varied depending on the species in question. Although U. foili from U. imbecillis exhibited negative phototaxis in water modified by A. suborbiculata, mites from this latter host did not exhibit a directional response in U. imbecillis water. Unionicola foili and U. formosa from A. suborbiculata were positively phototactic when they were exposed to water modified by either species of Pyganodon. The photoresponse of U. formosa from P. cataracta and P. grandis was positive in the presence of water modified by U. imbecillis and A. suborbiculta. However, these mussel-mites showed no directional response in water modified by their alternate species of Pyganodon. Unionicola foili and the host-associated populations of U. formosa were examined for allozyme variation at eight loci to determine the pattern and degree of genetic variation. There was a high degree of genetic differentiation when mite populations from the two species of Pyganodon were compared with U. foili or U. formosa from A. suborbiculata. These populational groupings were fixed for different alleles at two enzyme loci. The results of this study indicate that populations of U. formosa from P. cataracta and P. grandis are reproductively isolated from U. foili from U. imbecillis and from U. formosa from A. suborbiculata and contend that host specificity is an important mechanism in restricting gene flow among these populational groupings. Furthermore, this study indicates that specialization among unionicolid water mites can vary geographically, owing to differences in geographic distribution of available hosts and differences in host use.Exp Appl Acarol 22: 683697 © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

Summary Unionicolid water mites inhabit freshwater unionid mussels during the nymphal and adult stages of their life-cycle. Regular sampling of mussels from two sites in St. Mark's River, Fl. established that each of four species of water mite (Unionicola abnormipes, U. fossulata, U. serrata and U. formosa) occurred mainly in one or two of the mussel species available at each site.The role of preference for particular mussel species during host location was assessed for the first three mite species by choice experiments, in which mites were offered different mussel species simultaneously. In five out of six experiments, mites entered normally unused mussels as often as they did normally used ones. Additionally, a sexual difference in choice was found for U. fossulata, with males preferring one mussel species and females showing no preference. One mussel species, (Anodonta imbecilis), normally unused but chosen by mite species during the lab. experiments, is inhabited exclusively by the fourth mite species, U. formosa, in the field. An experiment showed that U. formosa excludes other mite species aggressively from Anodonta imbecilis.The results illustrate the sometimes misleading nature of simple sampling data as an indication of host specificity or host preference in parasites. They suggest also that the population dynamics of some parasites might be more fruitfully compared to unrelated, free-living species than to other parasites.  相似文献   


A review is given of the species of Anodontinae in Anatolia and the adjacent areas, based mainly on the author’s collections. Five species (A. anatina, A. cygnae, A. palustris, A. pseudodopsis, A. vescoiana) and several subspecies are recognized. Their distribution and the patterns of subspeciation are discussed.  相似文献   

Genotoxic response of freshwater mussels U. tumidus and U. pictorum to environmental stress was studied using comet assay on hemocytes and gill cells. The mussels were acclimated to controlled laboratory conditions for 10 days, and then exposed at 4 sites in the Sava and Danube rivers in the area of the city of Belgrade. Samples of each species were taken after 7, 14, and 30 days of exposure. The mussels sampled immediately after acclimation served as controls. Genotoxic response in both species was induced earlier at sites receiving untreated wastewaters from the city’s main collectors (7 days), than at the site receiving only domestic wastewaters from small settlements located upstream from the city (30 days). There was a correlation between the comet tail intensity values in tissues of exposed mussels and the concentrations of zinc, copper, iron, and arsenic at the exposure sites. The genotoxic responses in both tissues of U. pictorum and in hemocytes of U. tumidus were similar, while U. tumidus gill cells failed to exhibit significant genotoxic response at two sites. These findings, together with higher mortality of U. tumidus at the most polluted sites, promote U. pictorum as a model for genotoxicity monitoring in freshwater environments.  相似文献   

Unionidae(Bivalvia)are distributed infreshwaters,and represent a significanttaxonof benthic community[1].In China,freshwater mussels are abundant resources[2].Since1949,substantial investigations onthe unionidfau-na had been undertakenin China[3—8].Withreference tooverseas research[9,10],a preliminary reorganization onthe Unionidae was performed accordingtosome classifica-tion characteristics such as shell shape,larvae character-istics,and breeding habit[11].Due tothe serious conver-gence o…  相似文献   

The allergenic activities of the laboratory batches of D. farinae allergens have been studied by the methods of indirect mast-cell degranulation, neuroglial cytocrit, electrophoretic mobility changes. D. farinae allergens have been shown to possess specific activity. The method of changes in the electrophoretic mobility of sheep red blood cells has demonstrated that D. pteronyssimus and D. farinae allergens possess common allergenic properties.  相似文献   

1. Two species of freshwater mussels, Lampsilis radiata siliquoidea and Anodonta grandis grandis were measured and permanently marked with pointed, plastic tape positioned at the postero-lateral edge of the shell. Mussels were returned to original conditions at two sites in an oligotrophic lake, retrieved at yearly intervals, re-measured, and external annuli that had been added since marking were counted. 2. External annuli were formed much less frequently than annually; the overall median number of annuli formed each year was 0.5. In one of the four populations studied, the rate of annulus formation was >1 in small animals and <1 in large ones. Many mussels showed no new external annuli at all, even several years after marking. 3. Ford-Walford plots of shell annuli did not yield consistent indices of shell growth. Repeated measurement of mussels in successive years showed that estimates of growth based on shell annuli consistently overestimated real shell growth.  相似文献   

Effects of chlorpyrifos (CPF) on soft tissues of mollusks, Unio tigridis and Viviparous benglensis, have not been studied for biochemical and molecular traits. Therefore, the changes of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT)), malondialdehyde (MDA), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and DNA damage in these mollusks were assessed during 21-day exposure to three concentrations of CPF. The results showed that SOD and CAT enzymes in the two mollusk species decreased with highest CPF concentration, while MDA significantly increased with highest CPF concentration. AChE concentrations also showed a clear reduction in soft tissues of both mollusks. DNA damage parameters showed significant differences between controls and three CPF concentrations for each parameter measured in the digestive gland of U. tigridis; and for V. bengalensis significant differences were observed between controls and highest two concentrations of CPF for comet length and tail length. CPF has the ability to prevent reproduction status for the snail V. bengalensis compared to the controls. In this study, we can conclude from the significant changes occurring in the concentrations of CAT, SOD, MDA, AChE, and DNA damage that the concentrations of these biomolecules in the soft tissues of the mussel and snail can be considered suitable biomarkers for a sublethal exposure and/or effects of CPF at the tested concentrations, and we can then use it in biomonitoring of water bodies.  相似文献   

Many patients have sensitivities to multiple species of storage and house dust mites. It is not clear if this is because patients have multiple sensitivities to species-specific mite allergens or if these mites share many cross-reacting allergens. Our objective was to further define the cross-allergenicity between several species of storage and house dust mites using crossed-immunoelectrophoresis (CIE), crossed-radioimmunoelectrophoresis (CRIE), immunoblotting, and ELISA. CIE and CRIE reactions revealed that storage mites shared two cross-antigenic molecules and one of these bound IgE in a serum pool from mite allergic patients. Antibody in anti-sera built to each species of mite recognized many SDS–PAGE resolved proteins of other mite species and this suggested the potential for other cross-reactive allergens. Among patient sera, IgE bound to many different proteins but few had IgE that bound to a protein with common molecular weights across the mite species and this suggested mostly species-specific allergens. Antiserum built to each mite species precipitated one protein in shrimp extracts that bound anti-Der p 10 (tropomyosin) and IgE in the serum pool. Anti-Der p 10 showed strong binding to shrimp tropomyosin but very little to any of the mite proteins. ELISA showed the mite extracts contained very little tropomyosin. The storage and dust mites investigated contain mostly species-specific allergens and very small amounts of the pan-allergen tropomyosin compared to shrimp and snail.  相似文献   

The ecological and genetic factors determining the extent of introgression between species in secondary contact zones remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate the relative importance of isolating barriers and the demographic expansion of invasive Mytilus galloprovincialis on the magnitude and the direction of introgression with the native Mytilus trossulus in a hybrid zone in central California. We use double‐digest restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) to genotype 1337 randomly selected single nucleotide polymorphisms and accurately distinguish early and advanced generation hybrids for the first time in the central California Mytilus spp. hybrid zone. Weak levels of introgression were observed in both directions but were slightly more prevalent from the native M. trossulus into the invasive M. galloprovincialis. Few early and advanced backcrossed individuals were observed across the hybrid zone confirming the presence of strong barriers to interbreeding. Heterogeneous patterns of admixture across the zone of contact were consistent with the colonization history of M. galloprovincialis with more extensive introgression in northern localities furthest away from the putative site of introduction in southern California. These observations reinforce the importance of dynamic spatial and demographic expansions in determining patterns of introgression between close congeners, even in those with high dispersal potential and well‐developed reproductive barriers. Our results suggest that the threat posed by invasive M. galloprovincialis is more ecological than genetic as it has displaced, and continues to displace the native M. trossulus from much of central and southern California.  相似文献   

报道蚌螨属Unionicola一新种。  相似文献   

Although numbers were low in winter, males of Unionicola intermedia were found throughout the year. A mean of 2.5 (±0.26 SE) males per mussel was found with a range of 0 to 20. Females had a mean of 13.07 (±0.87 SE) per mussel and a range from 0 to 57, with the highest mean in August. The incidence of males was much lower than that of females. Nymphs and females were highly aggregated and males showed aggregation at a lower level of significance for nine months of the year. Although the primary sex ratio is unknown, the tertiary sex ratio is 86% female and on a monthly basis ranged from 68.9% to 96.7% female. It is speculated that reproduction is arrhenotokous. The sex ratio and the significant seasonal variations of the active stages may be influenced by the dispersal pattern of this species and by the biology of its host.  相似文献   

 Water availability, in addition to cold, is important in limiting biotic distribution in the Antarctic regions. In general, inland continental Antarctic habitats are dry, relative to maritime and sub-Antarctic habitats. This investigation compares the water relations of an endemic continental Antarctic oribatid mite, Maudheimia petronia Wallwork, and two sub-Antarctic oribatid mites, Halozetes fulvus Engelbrecht and Podacarus auberti Grandjean. M. petronia showed enhanced survival of dehydrating conditions, which may be attributable to both its greater resistance to and tolerance of water loss. The estimated lethal exposure times (LT50) for M. petronia, P. auberti and H. fulvus held at 15°C and 0–5% RH were 250, 135 and 51 h, respectively. M. petronia lost water significantly more slowly than the sub-Antarctic mites (P<0.05), which did not differ in their rates of water loss (P>0.05). The mean losses of initial body water content after 45 h were 18.9, 27.3 and 29.3% for M. petronia, P. auberti and H. fulvus, respectively, and lethal water losses causing 50% of the sample to die were 65, 52, and 28%, respectively. These data suggest physiological adaptation by M. petronia for existence in periodically dry “chalikosystem” habitats at Antarctic nunataks. Comparisons of tolerance of submersion in freshwater showed P. auberti to be superior to M. petronia; the LT50 values for submersion were >146 h and 32 h, respectively. Tolerance of submersion by P. auberti may be important for its existence in wet sub-Antarctic habitats. Conversely, the poor tolerance shown by M. petronia suggests that this mite has not been associated with moist environments. Received: 13 April 1995/Accepted: 4 August 1995  相似文献   

The co-occurring freshwater mussels Anodonta cygnea and A. anatina serve as hosts for the water mites Unionicola ypsilophora and U. intermedia, respectively. Male U. ypsilophora display a territorial behaviour. They fight with other males, and as a result, there is usually only one male per host. As a consequence, this intrasexual aggression results in female-defence polygyny, or a harem mating system. In contrast, U. intermedia shows no antagonistic behaviour between males. A. cygnea can serve as a host for U. intermedia, but this mite species apparently is excluded from the mussel by U. ypsilophora. In this way, U. intermedia is restricted by competitive exclusion to the mussel A. anatina.  相似文献   

The comparative study of allergenic preparations of Dermatophagoides mites [correction of ticks] from different manufacturers and the international standard preparations of such allergens was made. D. pteronyssinus and D. farinae allergens from the USSR and the Netherlands were studied. The samples under study were evaluated in a complex of in vivo and in vitro experiments. The preparations produced in the USSR and in the Netherlands exhibited pronounced specificity, but the allergens of both species from the Netherlands were more active. Some differences in the immunochemical characteristics of the preparations were noted.  相似文献   

Deep-sea Bathymodiolus mussels, depending on species and location, have the capacity to host sulfur-oxidizing (thiotrophic) and methanotrophic eubacteria in gill bacteriocytes, although little is known about the mussels' mode of symbiont acquisition. Previous studies of Bathymodiolus host and symbiont relationships have been based on collections of nonoverlapping species across wide-ranging geographic settings, creating an apparent model for vertical transmission. We present genetic and cytological evidence for the environmental acquisition of thiotrophic endosymbionts by vent mussels from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Open pit structures in cell membranes of the gill surface revealed likely sites for endocytosis of free-living bacteria. A population genetic analysis of the thiotrophic symbionts exploited a hybrid zone where two Bathymodiolus species intergrade. Northern Bathymodiolus azoricus and southern Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis possess species-specific DNA sequences that identify both their symbiont strains (internal transcribed spacer regions) and their mitochondria (ND4). However, the northern and southern symbiont-mitochondrial pairs were decoupled in the hybrid zone. Such decoupling of symbiont-mitochondrial pairs would not occur if the two elements were transmitted strictly vertically through the germ line. Taken together, these findings are consistent with an environmental source of thiotrophic symbionts in Bathymodiolus mussels, although an environmentally "leaky" system of vertical transmission could not be excluded.  相似文献   

The vertically transmitted endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia modifies host reproduction in several ways in order to enhance its own spread. One such modification results in the induction of parthenogenesis, where males, which are unable to transmit Wolbachia, are not produced. Interestingly, parthenogenesis-inducing Wolbachia have only been found within haplodiploid insects and it is not known whether this exclusivity is the result of functional constraints of Wolbachia. Here we find a unique pattern of Wolbachia infection that is associated with parthenogenesis in six species within the phytophagous mite genus Bryobia. Through antibiotic treatment we show that, in two species, Bryobia praetiosa and an unidentified species, the Wolbachia infection is strictly associated with parthenogenesis. Microsatellite loci show the mechanism of parthenogenesis to be functionally apomictic and not gamete duplication, with progeny identical to their infected mother. Crossing experiments within B. praetiosa showed no evidence of sexual reproduction. These results are discussed with reference to the distribution of parthenogenesis-inducing Wolbachia and the diversification of the Bryobia genus.  相似文献   

The nonlinear behavior of the Holling-Tanner predatory-prey differential equation system, employed by R.M. May to illustrate the apparent robustness of Kolmogorov’s Theorem when applied to such exploitation systems, is re-examined by means of the numerical bifurcation code AUTO 86 with model parameters chosen appropriately for a temperature-dependent mite interaction on fruit trees. The most significant result of this analysis is that there exists a temperature range wherein multiple stable states can occur, in direct violation of May’s interpretation of this system’s satisfaction of Kolmogorov’s Theorem: namely, that linear stability predictions have global consequences. In particular these stable states consist of a focus (spiral point) and a limit cycle separated from each other in the phase plane by an unstable limit cycle, all of which are associated with the single community equilibrium point of the system. The ecological implications of such metastability, hysteresis, and threshold behavior for the occurrence of outbreaks, the persistence of oscillations, the resiliency of the system, and the biological control of mite populations are discussed.  相似文献   

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