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In spitting spiders Scytodes globula collected in the field, anterior leg loss was more frequent on the left than on the right side, possibly as an outcome of predatory episodes. A laboratory study was performed in which intact adult females of S. globula were placed with individuals from three species of recluse spiders, Loxosceles intermedia, L. gaucho, and L. laeta. The frequency of probing touches by spitting spiders to their prey was significantly higher with left leg I than with right leg I. Left leg II and right leg II also differed in touching frequency, but in a less marked way. The results, which may represent the first evidence of behavioral laterality in a spider species, suggest that behavioral asymmetry may be an ancient evolutionary trait.  相似文献   

Loxoscelism is a health problem caused by the bite of spiders of the genus Loxosceles. In Chile all cases are attributable to Loxosceles laeta. It has been suggested that the spitting spider Scytodes globula may be a predator of L. laeta and control its population, which is only possible if they share the microhabitat. This study compared the thermal preferences and tolerances of the two species. Later, spiders acclimated to 15 °C and 25 °C were exposed to decreasing and increasing temperatures to determine the lower and upper critical temperatures. The preferred temperatures were lower during the morning, but there were no differences between the species. The thermal niche breadths were similar for the species, with a large overlap. Both species showed tolerance to extreme temperatures, but L. laeta showed greater tolerance to low temperatures. Both species showed acclimation of the lower critical temperatures to changes in acclimation temperatures. The similarity of preferred and tolerated temperatures was partly an expected fact, since the species share the same macrohabitat; these spider species are very common in domestic environments of central Chile. However, the results imply that their microhabitat choices are also very similar, indicating a high probability of meeting and predation, which could have important consequences in loxoscelism epidemiology.  相似文献   

Social behaviour involving cooperative prey capture and communal feeding is reported for the first time in the spider family Oxyopidae (lynx spiders), in a web-building species of the genus Tapinillus. This social spider inhabits communal webs that may contain several dozen individuals, including adults of both sexes and juveniles of different cohorts. Its colonies occur in clusters and appear to be long-lived, much like those of non-territorial permanently social species such as Anelosimus eximius (Theridiidae) or Agelena consociata (Agelenidae). However, unlike colonies of these other cooperative spiders, the colonies of the social Tapinillus do not have highly female-biased sex ratios. The possible explanations for this difference are discussed.  相似文献   

We used a video imaging technique to test the effects of prey movement on attack behavior and foraging patch residence time decision rules of wolf spiders. TwelveSchizocosa ocreata (Hentz) (Lycosidae) were tested in an artificial foraging patch stimulus chamber consisting of a microscreen television displaying a computer digitized, animated image of a cricket. Four prey movement treatments were used: (1) a blank screen, (2) a stationary cricket control, (3) a cricket moving for 1 min, and (4) a cricket moving for 10 min. Spiders stayed significantly longer in treatments with higher cricket activity. Spiders also stayed longer when they attacked the stimulus than when they did not. The distribution of patch residence times of spiders indicates a decision rule based on a fixed probability of leaving.  相似文献   

A new genus and five new species belonging to the family Tetrablemmidae are described from caves in Southwest China, i.e., Sinammaoxycera gen. & sp. n., Singaporemma banxiaoensis sp. n., Singaporemma wulongensis sp. n., Tetrablemma ziyaoensis sp. n. andTetrablemma menglaensis sp. n. The following new combination is proposed: Sinamma sanya (Lin & Li, 2010), comb. n. ex. Shearella Lehtinen, 1981. The relationships of the Sinamma gen. n. with other genera are discussed. Diagnoses and illustrations for all new taxa are given.  相似文献   

Decisions regarding foraging patch residence time and the assessmentof patch quality may be mediated by various sources of information.This study examined the use of sensory cues by hunting spidersto assess prey density in the absence of prey capture. Adultfemale wolf spiders [Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz); Lycosidae]had food withheld for 4 days and then were exposed to artificialforaging patches containing four densities of crickets (0, 3,10, 20) with different sensory stimuli (visual and vibratoryinformation, visual only, and vibratory only). The spiders werenot allowed to feed during trials, and patch residence timewas recorded. The spiders varied patch residence time basedon sensory cues alone and spent more time in patches with higherprey density. With visual information only, spiders could apparentlydistinguish among prey densities almost as well as with visualand vibratory cues combined, but residence time did not differamong prey densities when only vibratory information was presented.Measurements of vibration levels produced by cricket activityunder experimental sensory treatments conform to test results,suggesting that visual detection of crickets is important inpatch assessment used in determining patch residence time.  相似文献   

An examination of the cuticular scales of the lynx spiders Oxyopes aglossus, O. salticus, and Peucetia viridans using scanning electron microscopy revealed that scales in these spiders are morphologically distinct, yet similar to the scales of the jumping spiders Eris militaris and Hentzia mitrata. Like the cuticular scales of jumping spiders, the cuticular scales of lynx spiders exhibit morphological differentiation in regard to location of occurrence on the body, with scales near the eyes tending to have more numerous and larger spines on the superior surface than scales on other regions of the prosoma and opisthosoma. The functional significance of this differentiation in scale morphology is unknown. Sexual dimorphism and ontogenetic variation in scale morphology and color were observed in the genus Oxyopes,but not in Peucetia. In addition, the scales of P. viridans were distinguishable from the scales of Oxyopes spp. on the basis of the number of apical spines (1 in P. viridans instead of 3–7 in Oxyopesspp.) and on the presence of spines on the inferior surface (many in P. viridans and none in Oxyopesspp.). J. Morphol. 236:223-231, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper offers the first cladistic analysis of a wide selection of theridiid genera based on morphological data. The analysis treats 53 theridiid taxa representing 32 genera (Achaearanea, Anelosimus, Ameridion, Argyrodes, Ariamnes, Carniella, Cerocida, Chrysso, Coleosoma, Dipoena, Emertonella, Enoplognatha, Episinus, Euryopis, Faiditus, Kochiura, Latrodectus, Neospintharus, Nesticodes, Pholcomma, Phoroncidia, Rhomphaea, Robertus, Selkirkiella, Spintharus, Steatoda, Stemmops, Theridion, Theridula, Thymoites, Thwaitesia, Tidarren) and eight outgroup taxa representing the families Nesticidae (Eidmanella and Nesticus), Synotaxidae (Synotaxus, two species), Pimoidae (Pimoa), Linyphiidae (Linyphia), Tetragnathidae (Tetragnatha) and Araneidae (Argiope). The parsimony analysis of 242 morphological and behavioural characters found a single, most parsimonious tree. The monophyly of theridiids and their sister relationship with nesticids is strongly supported. The recent resurrection of Ariamnes and Rhomphaea from Argyrodes made the latter paraphyletic. However, Ariamnes and Rhomphaea are characterized by an array of characters, and Argyrodes still contains dramatically distinct clades for which names are available: Faiditus (removed from synonymy ? RS) and Neospintharus (RS). These revalidations provide a classification with greater information content and utility. These three genera, along with Ariamnes, Rhomphaea and Spheropistha, comprise the subfamily Argyrodinae. The monophyly and composition of the subfamilies Hadrotarsinae, Spintharinae, Pholcommatinae, Latrodectinae and Theridiinae are discussed. Theridion is paraphyletic and in need of revision. Anelosimus as currently circumscribed is paraphyletic, a problem resolved by revalidating Selkirkiella (RS) and Kochiura (RS). Numerous new combinations are established. The results suggest the monophyletic origin of both kleptoparasitism and araneophagy in the lineage leading to Argyrodinae, negating hypotheses that either arose from the other. Sociality evolved multiple times within the family, accounting for as much as one fourth of the origins of social behaviour among all spiders. No losses of sociality are implied. The hypothesis of maternal care as the pathway to sociality receives support. Evolution of theridiid webs is complex, with multiple modifications and loss of the basic theridiid cobweb. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 141 , 447–626.  相似文献   

Twenty-four new spider species of the family Dictynidae from caves of Guangxi and Guizhou in southern China are described,accompanied by line drawings and photomicroscopy images.Fifteen of them belong to Brommella Tullgren,1948:B.baiseensis Li,sp.nov.,B.casseabri Li,sp.nov.,B.chongzuoensis Li,sp.nov.,B.dolabrata Li,sp.nov.,B.funaria Li,sp.nov.,B.josephkohi Li,sp.nov.,B.linyuchengi Li,sp.nov.,B.renguodongi Li,sp.nov.,B.resima Li,sp.nov.,B.sejuncta Li,sp.nov.,B.spirula Li,sp.nov.,B.tongyanfengi Li,sp.nov.,B.wangfengcheni Li,sp.nov.,B.xinganensis Li,sp.nov.and B.yizhouensis Li,sp.nov.;eight to Cicurina Menge,1871:C.avicularia Li,sp.nov.,C.damaoensis Li,sp.nov.,C.dong Li,sp.nov.,C.kailiensis Li,sp.nov.,C.majiangensis Li,sp.nov.,C.parallela Li,sp.nov.,C.wusanani Li,sp.nov.,and C.zhazuweii Li,sp.nov.;one to Lathys Simon,1884:L.inaffecta Li,sp.nov.Types of all new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing (IZCAS).  相似文献   

Jumping spiders are known to possess ultraviolet (UV) receptors in the retinas of their large-principal eyes. The existence of UV visual cells, however, does not prove that jumping spiders can see into the UV part of spectrum (300–400 nm) or whether such an ability plays any role in salticid intra-specific interactions. In the study reported herein, we performed behavioural experiments to test whether a UV−reflecting jumping spider, Cosmophasis umbratica, is sensitive to UV wavelengths and whether UV cues are important in intra-specific communication. The absence of UV cues not only affected intra-specific behaviour by significantly reducing the frequency of agonistic displays, but also elicited unprecedented courtship displays in males towards their own mirror images and conspecific opponents. Furthermore, C. umbratica males were able to respond rapidly to changes in UV cues of conspecific mirror images by switching between agonistic and courtship displays. These findings clearly demonstrate that C. umbratica males are capable of seeing UV wavelengths and that UV cues are necessary and sufficient for this species to enable the agonistic displays. Hence, UV light may have an important role to play in intra-specific communication in jumping spiders.  相似文献   

Matings and acts of cannibalism were observed in the crab spiderPhilodromus vulgaris, some of which were carrying a first-instar larva of the mantispidMantispa uhleri. Larval mantispids did not transfer during the copulation of their spider hosts but did switch from spider to spider during cannibalism. Twenty-three of 27 total cannibalisms in which the cannibalized spider carried a larva resulted in larval transfers, for a transfer rate of 85%. Copulation times inP. vulgaris were found to be extremely short in comparison to lycosids such asSchizocosa ocreata, whose long copulation time supports the larval transfer ofClimaciella brunnea. The time required for larval transfer during cannibalism inP. vulgaris was measured. Cannibalisms were much longer than copulations but larvae transferred to the cannibalizing spider in a comparatively short period of time.  相似文献   

Stenophagy (narrow diet breadth) represents an extreme of trophic specialization in carnivores, but little is known about the forces driving its evolution. We used spiders, the most diversified group of terrestrial predators, to investigate whether stenophagy (1) promoted diversification; (2) was phylogenetically conserved and evolutionarily derived state; and (3) was determined either by geographical distribution and foraging guild. We used published data on the prey of almost 600 species. Six categories of stenophagy were found: myrmecophagy, araneophagy, lepidopterophagy, termitophagy, dipterophagy, and crustaceophagy. We found that the species diversity of euryphagous genera and families was similar to stenophagous genera and families. At the family level, stenophagy evolved repeatedly and independently. Within families, the basal condition was oligophagy or euryphagy. Most types of stenophagy were clearly derived: myrmecophagy in Zodariidae; lepidopterophagy in Araneidae; dipterophagy in Theridiidae. In contrast, araneophagy was confined to basal and intermediate lineages, suggesting its ancestral condition. The diet breadth of species from the tropics and subtropics was less diverse than species from the temperate zone. Diet breadth was lower in cursorial spiders compared to web-building species. Thus, the evolution of stenophagy in spiders appears to be complex and governed by phylogeny as well as by ecological determinants.  相似文献   

Field observations were made on one Panamanian population of Anelosimus jucundus. Almost all webs were found in a relatively exposed area, on small shrubs and composites. This is in contrast to A. eximius , a colonial congeneric which in our study site built its large webs along moist, fern-covered banks. Web structure varied with different plant substrates; for example, only some of the webs incorporated a clearly defined lower sheet. Webs were built by penultimate instar females, and perhaps by adult females and males. In some cases, several adult females inhabited a web, but they remained under separate leaf canopies; during census observations co-operative efforts were not noted. Prey consisted mainly of winged insects. Juvenile sex ratio was about equal. The degree of sociality demonstrated by A. jucundus is discussed.  相似文献   

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