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In the newt Pleurodeles waltl, genetic sex determination obeys female heterogamety (female ZW, male ZZ). In this species as in most of non-mammalian vertebrates, steroid hormones play a key role in sexual differentiation of gonads. In that context, male to female sex reversal can be obtained by treatment of ZZ larvae with estradiol. Male to female sex reversal has also been observed following treatment of ZZ larvae with testosterone, a phenomenon that was called the "paradoxical effect". Female to male sex reversal occurs when ZW larvae are reared at 32 degrees C during a thermosensitive period (TSP) that takes place from stage 42 to stage 54 of development. Since steroids play an important part in sex differentiation, we focussed our studies on the estrogen-producing enzyme aromatase during normal sex differentiation as well as in experimentally induced sex reversal situations. Our results based on treatment with non-aromatizable androgens, aromatase activity measurements and aromatase expression studies demonstrate that aromatase (i) is differentially active in ZZ and ZW larvae, (ii) is involved in the paradoxical effect and (iii) might be a target of temperature. Thus, the gene encoding aromatase might be one of the master genes in the process leading to the differentiation of the gonad in Pleurodeles waltl.  相似文献   

The FERTILE experiment was twice performed onboard the Mir space station during the Cassiopée and Pégase French space missions. The goal was to analyze the effects of microgravity on fertilization and embryonic development, and then on further development on the ground in the amphibian Pleurodeles waltl. The present paper reports development that occurred in the laboratory after landing. Recovered on the ground at the hatching stage, young larvae reared at room temperature underwent metamorphosis and became adults without obvious abnormalities. Of particular interest was the rearing temperature that induced a delayed metamorphosis for animals from the Cassiopée space mission, but not for animals from the Pégase mission. The rate of development and the morphology were analogous in these animals and in ground controls reared in a similar annual period. Analysis of offspring was performed using these animals. Males born in space were first mated with control ground-born females and then with females born in space. The mating gave progeny that developed normally. Depending on the methods used and on the limits of the analyses, the results clearly demonstrated that animals born in space were able to live and reproduce after return to the ground.  相似文献   

Even though salamanders are supposed to lack intestinal lymphoid tissue, Pleurodeles waltl shows lymphoid aggregates throughout the gut, especially in the small intestine, as cell infiltrates in the lamina propia. They have a phylogenetic significance in relation to the existence of an intestinal immunologic barrier in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Effects of microgravity (microG) on fertilization were studied in the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltl on board the MIR space station. Genetic and cytomorphologic analyses ruled out parthenogenesis or gynogenesis and proved that fertilization did occur in microG. Actual fertilization was demonstrated by the analysis of the distribution of peptidase-1 genes, a polymorphic sex-linked enzyme, in progenies obtained in microG. Further evidence of fertilization was provided by the presence of spermatozoa in the perivitelline space and in the fertilization layer of the microG eggs and by the presence of a female pronucleus and male pronuclei in the egg cytoplasm. Experiments in microG and in 1.4G, 2G, and 3G hypergravity showed for the first time that, compared to eggs in 1G, several characteristics of the fertilization process including the cortical reaction and the microvillus transformations were altered depending on the gravitational force applied to the eggs. Microvillus elevation, the most evident feature, was reduced on microG-eggs and amplified on eggs submitted to 2G and 3G. No lethal consequences of these alterations on the early development of microG-eggs were observed.  相似文献   

Vitellogenin derived from the blood of estrogen-treated Pleurodeles waltl was identified by immunochemical and electrophoretic analyses, using an antiserum against plasma vitellogenin isolated by dimethylformamide precipitation. Pleurodeles vitellogenin migrates as four bands on native PAGE, designated alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta- VTG, with apparent mol. wts of 250,000, 270,000, 280,000 and 520,000 respectively. In the plasma, from estrogen-treated males like from ovariectomized estrogen-treated females, an additional band (mu-VTG) was found by native PAGE, never observed in estrogen-treated female plasma. It has a mol. wt of about 380,000 and shows complete immunological cross-reactivity with the vitellogenin antiserum. At least two polypeptides, termed VTG-I and VTG-II (mol. wt = 180,000 and 210,000) were identified by SDS-PAGE. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis displays three distinct precipitate lines indicating major immunological differences between the plasma vitellogenins.  相似文献   

A better understanding of vertebrate sexual differentiation could be provided by a study of models in which genetic sex determination (GSD) of gonads can be reversed by temperature. In the newt Pleurodeles waltl, a P450 aromatase cDNA was isolated from adult gonads, and the nucleotide or deduced amino acid sequences showed a high level of identity with various vertebrate species. In adults, aromatase expression was found in gonads and brain. In developing gonads, the expression was found to fit with the thermo-sensitive period (TSP) and was detected in both ZZ and ZW larvae, as well as in ZW submitted during the whole TSP to a masculinizing temperature. In the latter individuals, in situ hybridization and semi quantitative RT-PCR showed that, at the end of TSP, aromatase expression was at the same level than in normal ZZ larvae and was significantly lower than in normal ZW ones. Furthermore, temperature-induced down regulation did not occur when heating was performed at the end of TSP. Our results confirm the importance of aromatase regulation in female versus male differentiation and demonstrate that a down regulation of aromatase expression is involved in the process of sex reversal.  相似文献   

The appearance and localization of N-CAM during neural induction were studied in Pleurodeles waltl embryos and compared with recent contradictory results reported in Xenopus laevis. A monoclonal antibody raised against mouse N-CAM was used. In the nervous system of Pleurodeles, it recognized two glycoproteins of 180 and 140x10(3) M(r) which are the Pleurodeles equivalent of N-CAM-180 and -140. Using this probe for immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry, we showed that N-CAM was already expressed in presumptive ectoderm at the early gastrula stage. In late gastrula embryos, a slight increase in staining was observed in the neurectoderm, whereas the labelling persisted in the noninduced ectoderm. When induced ectodermal cells were isolated at the late gastrula stage and cultured in vitro up to 14 days, a faint polarized labelling of cells was observed initially. During differentiation, the staining increased and became progressively restricted to differentiating neurons.  相似文献   

Few data are available on enzyme activity in amphibian plasma or erythrocytes. We measured the activity of several blood enzymes in the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltl reared under standard laboratory conditions. In subsequent experiments, we will estimate and compare the physiological and biochemical conditions of P. waltl when reared under extreme temperature or microgravity conditions. The enzymes selected were glutamate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. In fresh plasma samples, enzyme activity in females was higher than in males, except for aspartate and alanine aminotransferases, which were equivalent in females and males. Glutamate dehydrogenase activity was higher in males than in females. In female erythrocytes, the activity of all enzymes was higher than in male erythrocytes. We have also studied the storage conditions of samples and observed that for most enzymes, the activity in freshly isolated plasma and erythrocyte preparations decreased after storage at -18 or +4 degrees C.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is the characterization of the glycoconjugates of the spermatids during the spermiogenesis of the testis of an urodele amphibian, Pleurodeles waltl, by means of lectins in combination with several chemical and enzymatic procedures, in order to establish the distribution of N- and O-linked oligosaccharides in these cells. The acrosome was the most relevant lectin-labeled structure. The O-linked oligosaccharides contained DBA- and SBA-positive GalNAc, AAA-positive Fuc and PNA-positive Gal1,3GalNAc. Sialic acid was scarcely observed, the Neu5Ac2,-3Gal1,4GlcNAc sequence was found in N-linked oligosaccharides. Additionally, N-linked oligosaccharides containing HPA-positive GalNAc and AAA-positive Fuc were found. Moreover, with some lectins the acrosome showed a variable composition of the oligosaccharides in the different steps of the sperm maturation. Some residues were found only in the early steps in maturating acrosome, while others were in the later steps, showing that acrosomal glycoconjugates are modified during acrosome development in spermiogenesis. The changes observed during acrosome maturation suggest the existence of a predetermined pattern of storage of the acrosome components and a progressive compression of them.  相似文献   

The CD3 complex is an essential component of the T-cell receptor (TCR) implicated in T-cell maturation and activation. This TCR has been identified in both cartilaginous and bony vertebrates. In different studies where the CD3 chains were cloned and sequenced, it appeared that the CD3 complex is composed of several chains, all susceptible to phosphorylation and able to transduce signals. Here, by an approach combining degenerative oligonucleotide primers and RACE-PCR, we report the cloning and sequencing of a CD3 cDNA from the salamander Pleurodeles waltl, highly homologous to the Xenopus and chicken CD3 gamma/delta cDNAs. Using semi-quantitative PCR and Northern blot analysis, we found the highest CD3 gamma/delta mRNA expression in the thymus; weaker expression was observed in the spleen and blood, followed by the intestine, therefore confirming the tissue and lymphoid specificities of this mRNA. The signals in the spleen, blood and intestine represented 55%, 33% and 16%, respectively, of the signal detected in the thymus. During the embryonic and larval stages of Pleurodeles waltl development, CD3 gamma/delta mRNA expression begins early at the neurula stage (stage 15, 69 h after laying), increases up to stage 33 (9 days after laying) and afterwards remains stable, at least until the larval stage 42 (28 days after laying). As the thymus primordium appears much later, the question of the formation and maturation of the first T-cell precursors outside this organ is posed.  相似文献   

The characterization of metallothionein in the Urodele amphibian species Pleurodeles waltl was achieved. A simple and rapid method for identification of metallothionein, based on its strong affinity for cadmium (109Cd), was used. We were able to show that metallothionein is constitutively synthesized in liver, ovary and brain. The property of metallothionein to strongly bind essential (Zn, Cu) as well as toxic (Cd, Hg) metals is consistent with a dual role in cellular metabolism, ie. homeostatis and detoxification of heavy metal ions.  相似文献   

Anomalie m.p. is a spontaneous and heritable hindlimb abnormality described earlier. Twenty years later, Pleurodeles waltl larvae from the strain bearing anomalie m.p. and reared at room temperature or at 30°C, expressed abnormalities (ectrodactylia, hemimelia, ectromelia). A morphological study of all the hindlimbs and an analysis of the hindlimb skeleton of samples from the experimental animals confirmed that most of the skeletal malformations were identical to those previously reported and affected the disto-proximal and prepostaxial pattern of the hindlimb. Analysis of the effects of rearing temperature on the expression of anomalie m.p. showed that the effects varied according to the developmental period at which the heat treatment was applied; the sooner the heat treatment began, the more numerous and more various were the degrees of severity of the malformations. Moreover, heat treatment induced the expression of two additional malformations not yet described: the first one, named 'reversed knee joint', was characterized by a reversal of the knee joint, and the second one, named 'twisted foot', by a downward twisting of the foot. The epigenetic effects of rearing at 30°C on hindlimb development are discussed with regard to the differentiation or patterning.  相似文献   

The lampbrush chromosomes of the urodele Pleurodeles waltl have been studied using the mitosis-specific monoclonal antibody MPM-2. Immunofluorescence studies revealed that MPM-2 stains structures associated with axial granules, numerous other chromomeres, telomeres and certain chiasmata. These structures showed a negative reaction with the anti-DNA monoclonal antibody AC-30-10. In course of meiotic condensation of the chromosomes, in growing and maturating oocytes, the number of such structures associated with the chromosome axis was found to diminish progressively. These granular structures have been found to be formed by fine fibrils about 5 nm in diameter. Immunogold labeling confirmed the results of immunofluorescence studies. MPM-2 was also found to stain two other types of structures observed in association with the lampbrush chromosome axis in P waltl, viz the sphere organelle (only in later stages of oogenesis) and the structure known as ‘M’ which is singular to this material.  相似文献   

PGC counts were carried out on larvae of Pleurodeles waltl (urodele amphibia) issued from standard, monosexual male and monosexual female offspring while the genital ridges were settling. During this period, which is characterized by a zero mitotic index (and is therefore called the Po period), and which lasts from stage 35 to stage 41, no PGC proliferation occurs. A statistical analysis indicated that PGC counts per larva are sex genotype independent and that offspring may be divided into three groups with average PGC counts of 96.9, 51.0 and 31.1, respectively. A fourth group with an average of 18.3 PGCs has been identified using experimental larvae reared at 30 degrees C from stage 30. The PGC count of 96.9 would result from at least three mitotic cycles. Before the Po period, germ cells are not identifiable. A hypothesis concerning genetic control of PGC proliferation before Po was deduced from this analysis.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was the characterization of the glycoconjugates of the premeiotic spermatogenetic cells of the testis of an urodele amphibian, Pleurodeles waltl, by means of lectins in combination with several chemical and enzymatic procedures, in order to establish the distribution of N- and O-linked oligosaccharides in these cells. In the cytoplasm of the primordial germ cells, primary and secondary spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes, a granular structure can be observed close to the nucleus. These granules contain four types of sugar chains according to their appearance during the differentiation process: 1. some oligosaccharides that are identified in all the four cell types above mentioned, which include N-linked oligosaccharides with Fuc, Gal beta1,4GlcNAc and Neu5Ac alpha2,3Gal beta1,4GlcNAc and O-linked oligosaccharides with Gal beta1,4GlcNAc and Neu5Ac alpha2,3Gal beta1,4GlcNAc; 2. other glycan chains that are not present in the primary spermatocytes (N-linked oligosaccharides with DBA-positive GalNAc, GlcNAc, and a slight amount of Neu5Ac alpha2,6Gal/GalNAc and O-linked oligosaccharides with WGA-positive GlcNAc); 3. the sugar chains that are not in the earliest step of spermatogenesis (formed by both N-linked and O-linked oligosaccharides with Glc); and 4. other that appear at the earliest and latest stages, but not in the intermediate ones, (N-linked oligosaccharides with Man and O-linked oligosaccharides with SBA- and HPA-positive GalNAc and PNA-positive Gal beta1,3GalNAc). This structure could be related with the Drosophila spectrosome and fusome, unusual cytoplasmic organelles implicated in cystic germ cell development. Data from the present work, as compared with those from mammals and other vertebrates, suggest that, although no dramatic changes in the glycosylation pattern are observed, some cell glycoconjugates are modified in a predetermined way during the early steps of the spermatogenetic differentiation process.  相似文献   

The expression patterns of the DMD (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) gene products, especially of Dp71 (apodystrophin-1) were investigated by immunofluorescence and immunoblotting in the retina of the Amphibian urodele Pleurodeles waltl. H-5A3 monoclonal antibody (mAb), directed against the C-terminal region of dystrophin/utrophin, and 5F3 mAb, directed against the last 31 amino acids of dystrophin and specific of Dp71, were used. Western blot analyses with H-5A3 mAb revealed distinct dystrophin-family isoforms in adult newt retinal extracts: a doublet 400-420 kDa, Dp260 isoform, a protein at about 120 kDa, and a diffuse zone at 70-80 kDa, which might correspond to Dp71. Reactivity with H-5A3 mAb appeared nearly restricted to the outer plexiform synaptic layer. On the other hand, Dp71-specific 5F3 mAb recognized trhee polypeptide bands at 70-80, 60-65 and 50-55 kDa in adult newt retina corresponding most probably to alternative spliced isoforms of Dp71. In immunohistochemistry by conventional epifluorescence microscopy, 5F3 labeling was mainly observed in the plexiform layers, the outer nuclear layer, and the photoreceptor inner segments, especially at the myoid regions. Analysis by confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) revealed that 5F3 labeling was, in addition, present in the pigmented epithelium and the inner nuclear layer. Furthermore, CSLM showed that 5F3 staining at the myoids was concentrated at discrete domains underneath the plasma membrane. Our findings raised the question concerning the functional significance of Dp71 isoforms, especially at the myoid where Dp71 was detected for the first time, although it occurred here highly expressed. Putative role(s) played in this retinal compartment and other ones by Dp71 and/or other dystrophin isoforms were discussed.  相似文献   

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