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Artery stiffening is known as an important pathological change that precedes small vessel dysfunction, but underlying cellular mechanisms are still elusive. This paper reports the development of a flow co-culture system that imposes a range of arterial-like pulse flow waves, with similar mean flow rate but varied pulsatility controlled by upstream stiffness, onto a 3-D endothelial-smooth muscle cell co-culture. Computational fluid dynamics results identified a uniform flow area critical for cell mechanobiology studies. For validation, experimentally measured flow profiles were compared to computationally simulated flow profiles, which revealed percentage difference in the maximum flow to be <10, <5, or <1% for a high, medium, or low pulse flow wave, respectively. This comparison indicated that the computational model accurately demonstrated experimental conditions. The results from endothelial expression of proinflammatory genes and from determination of proliferating smooth muscle cell percentage both showed that cell activities did not vary within the identified uniform flow region, but were upregulated by high pulse flow compared to steady flow. The flow system developed and characterized here provides an important tool to enhance the understanding of vascular cell remodeling under flow environments regulated by stiffening.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10616-012-9445-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the pressure-flow relationship in the arterial circulation and its possible use in routine hemodynamics in man are described. The instantaneous blood flow velocity in the ascending aorta can be calculated from two pressure curves simultaneously recorded 5 cm apart. The mechanical aortic input impedance is computed from the recorded pressure and the calculated blood flow velocity curves. Projection of the pulse waves on a time-length plane leads to the determination of the pulse wave velocity and then an estimation of the elastic modulus of the aortic wall.  相似文献   

Limb replantation and microvascular transfer of flaps are sometimes complicated by postoperative venous thrombosis. Total venous occlusion can lead to complete shutdown of microvascular perfusion, resulting in failure of the transfer or replantation. Once venous return stops, it must be restored within a critical period of time for tissue survival. The purpose of this experiment was to delineate this critical period of time at which no reflow and irreversible muscle necrosis occurs by the use of a rat gracilis flap microcirculation model. The gracilis muscle of 40 male Wistar rats (135.3 +/- 37.2 g) was elevated on its vascular pedicle and mounted on a raised platform for videomicroscopic analysis. Animals were randomly assigned to one of four groups: (1) sham (no total venous occlusion), (2) 10 minutes of total venous occlusion, (3) 30 minutes of total venous occlusion, and (4) 60 minutes of total venous occlusion. Total venous occlusion was established by placing a microvascular clamp across the femoral vein at the junction of the gracilis pedicle. The number of flowing capillaries in five consecutive high-power fields (832x) were counted at baseline and at 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 minutes, and 24 hours after reperfusion. At 24 hours after reperfusion, the gracilis muscles were harvested and stained with nitroblue tetrazolium. Percentage of muscle necrosis was measured by using computer planimetry. The data were reported as mean +/- standard error of mean and were compared between groups by analysis of variance and appropriate post hoc comparisons. Total venous occlusion for 10, 30, and 60 minutes showed a significant decrease in the number of flowing capillaries through 24-hour postreversal. There was a significant drop (p < 0.01) in the number of flowing capillaries from 30 minutes of total venous occlusion to 60 minutes of total venous occlusion at all times. Muscle necrosis was significantly increased in all three groups of total venous occlusion compared with the sham group (36.1 +/- 1.7 percent, 45.5 +/- 3.4 percent, 74.1 +/- 4.7 percent versus 14.3 +/- 1.7 percent, and p < 0.01). These results indicate that irreversible tissue damage occurs in a very short time interval (60 minutes) in this model, making the early detection of venous occlusion critical to the successful correction of this complication.  相似文献   

The effects of slow changes in body position on leg blood flow (LBF) were studied in nine healthy male subjects. Using a tilt table, sitting volunteers were tilted about 60° backwards to a supine position within 40 s. To modify the venous filling in the legs, the tilt manoeuvre was repeated with congestion of the leg veins induced by two thigh cuffs inflated to a subdiastolic pressure of 60 mmHg. Doppler measurements in the femoral artery were used to estimate LBF. Additional Doppler measurements at the aortic root in five of the subjects were taken for the determination of cardiac output. The LBF was influenced by body position. In the control experiment it increased from 500 ml · min−1 in the upright to 780 ml · min–1 after 15 min in the supine position. A mean maximal value of 950 ml · min−1 was observed 20 s after the tilt. Heart rate remained almost constant during the tilt phase, whereas stroke volume increased from 90 ml to 120 ml and it remained at that level after the cessation of the tilt. Congestion of the leg veins had no significant effect on heart rate, stroke volume and mean blood pressure. However, it increased vascular resistance of the leg during and after the tilt. After 15 min in the tilted position LBF amounted to 600 ml · min−1. The results suggest that the filling of the leg veins is inversely related to leg blood flow. The most likely mechanism underlying this observation is a local effect of venous filling on vasomotor tone. Accepted: 20 May 1998  相似文献   

In many clinical situations, it is crucial to determine circulating blood volume (BV) easily and to repeat this measurement. The Dye DensitoGram Analyzer® (DDG, Nihon Kohden Corp) measures semi-automatically BV, using an injection of IndoCyanine Green (ICG, 10 mg), and avoiding intermittent blood samples. The DDG was used during a 90-day microgravity simulation by Head-Down-Tilt bed rest (HDT) to measure BV and compared with the calculation of the plasma volume (PV) variations according to Dill and Costill's formula (DC). Seventeen healthy volunteers were included: 8 control subjects (Co) and 9 subjects submitted to a resistive exercise counter-measure (CM). Measurements were performed, one day before HDT, on days 3 and 90 of HDT and on day 9 after HDT. A double measurement of the BV was performed to assess the repeatability of this method. On the last day of HDT a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in the PV was noted with the DDG (Co: − 12.3 ± 5.7%, CM: − 9.0 ± 5.3%) and DC; (Co: − 4.7 ± 1.8%, CM: − 6.8 ± 2.5%). A good repeatability of the technique was shown with a low intrasubjects coefficient of variation (4.95 ± 0.95%) and an acceptable intersubjects coefficient of variation (15.30 ± 1.13%). No correlation was noted between DDG and DC (r2 = 0.27). The DDG gives a good repeatability, not affected by the microgravity exposure. Thanks to its capacity to measure accurately the BV within 7-10 min, this device presents major advantages for clinical use and research purpose.  相似文献   

Coronary venous pressure and coronary sinus flow in the canine heart were compared with intramyocardial, intraventricular, aortic, and coronary artery pressures. Stimulation of the thoracic vagus augmented coronary venous pressure, mean venous flow per systole, and coronary venous systolic resistance, but decreased the mean venous flow. Partial occlusion of the aorta augmented coronary venous pressure and coronary venous flow, while systolic coronary venous resistance remained unchanged. Adenosine increased peripheral and central coronary venous pressure and venous flow; it reduced peripheral coronary artery pressure. Adenosine augmented flow per systole and reduced venous resistance more than the other interventions. Dipyridamole decreased left ventricular, aortic, and central coronary artery systolic pressures and systolic venous resistance. It increased the venous flow, mean flow per systole, and coronary venous pressure, even though intramyocardial pressure remained unchanged. Nitroglycerine elevated coronary venous pressure and flow, as well as venous flow per systole, even though it decreased left ventricular, aortic, and central coronary artery pressures. Nitroglycerine significantly decreased coronary venous resistance. It is concluded that coronary venous resistance may be an important resistive component to consider when the total coronary circulation is studied.  相似文献   

On the basis ofchanges in capillary filtration coefficient(Kfc) in 24 rabbit lungs, we determined whether elevations in pulmonary venouspressure (Ppv) or blood flow (BF) produced differences infiltration surface area in oleic acid-injured (OA) or control (Con)lungs. Lungs were cyclically ventilated and perfused under zone 3 conditions by using blood and 5% albumin with no pharmacological modulation of vascular tone. Pulmonary arterial, venous, and capillary pressures were measured by using arterial, venous, and double occlusion. Before and during eachKfc-measurementmaneuver, microvascular/total vascular compliance was measured by usingvenous occlusion.Kfc was measuredbefore and 30 min after injury, by using a Ppv elevation of 7 cmH2O or a BF elevation from 1 to2 l · min1 · 100 g1 to obtain a similardouble occlusion pressure. Pulmonary arterial pressure increased morewith BF than with Ppv in both Con and OA lungs [29 ± 2 vs. 19 ± 0.7 (means ± SE) cmH2O;P < 0.001]. In OA lungscompared with Con lungs, values ofKfc (200 ± 40 vs. 83 ± 14%, respectively; P < 0.01) and microvascular/total vascular compliance ratio (86 ± 4 vs. 68 ± 5%, respectively; P < 0.01) increased more with BF than with Ppv. In conclusion, for a given OA-induced increase in hydraulic conductivity, BF elevation increased filtration surface area more than did Ppv elevation. The steep pulmonary pressure profile induced by increased BF could result in therecruitment of injured capillaries and could also shift downstream thecompression point of blind (zone 1) and open injured vessels (zone 2).


The requirement for using an arterial occlusion cuff at the wrist when measuring forearm blood flows by plethysmography was tested on a total of 8 subjects at rest and during and after sustained and intermittent isometric exercise. The contribution of the venous effluent from the hand to the forearm flow during exercise was challenged by immersing the arm in water at 20, 34, and 40 degrees C. Occlusion of the circulation to the hand reduced the blood flow through the resting forearm at all water temperatures. There was an inverse relationship between the temperature of the water and the proportion in the reduction of forearm blood flow upon inflation of the wrist-cuff, ranging from 45 to 19% at 20 degrees to 40 degrees C, respectively. However, during sustained isometric exercise at 10% of the subjects maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) there was no reduction in the measured forearm flow when an arterial occlusion cuff was inflated aroung the wrist. Similarly, there was no alteration in the blood flow measured 2 s after each of a series of intermittent isometric contractions exerted at 20% or 60% MVC for 2 s whether or not circulation to the hand was occluded nor of the post-exercise hyperemia following 1 min of sustained contraction at 40% MVC. These results indicate that a wrist-cuff is not required for accurate measurement of forearm blood flows during or after isometric exercise.  相似文献   

Ványi J  Roy Parratt J  Végh A 《Life sciences》2006,78(20):2384-2390
In pentobarbitone anaesthetised, thoracotomised dogs, blood flow in one (circumflex; LCX) branch of the left coronary artery increases when an adjacent (anterior descending; LAD) branch is occluded. We show that this 'compensatory blood flow' increase results from an enhanced regional myocardial contractility, as assessed using piezoelectric crystals, and that this is to compensate for a marked decrease in segmental shortening (SS) in the region supplied by the occluded vessel. These changes in regional contractility are relatively unaffected by the intravenous administration of metoprolol whereas the LCX flow change is markedly reduced, suggesting a major contribution of coronary vascular beta(1)-adrenoceptors to such 'compensatory' flow changes.  相似文献   

The fluorescence pulse widths (pulse duration) generated by fluorochromed cells in a flow-through cytofluorometer provide useful information regarding cell (or nuclear) size and possibly other morphologic features. Simple fixed thresholds just above background noise can be used to identify these pulses, but measurements are then strongly affected by random noise and will vary as a result of both pulse amplitude and pulse shape. In this paper, we propose two alternative, amplitude-independent estimates of pulse width. The first is based on a threshold at some fraction of pulse height, or on a pair of thresholds scaled to some fixed central fraction of the total integrated intensity. The second is based on the ratio of pulse area to peak height. The quantitative properties of these width estimators is studied with simulated fluorescence pulses and with experimental specimens of fluorchromed polystyrene spheres, pollen and spores of known different diameters. The results indicated that absolute particle diameters can be measured within a precision of approximately 1 mu using instruments for flow cytofluorometry.  相似文献   



Time course measurement of single molecules on a cell surface provides detailed information about the dynamics of the molecules that would otherwise be inaccessible. To extract the quantitative information, single particle tracking (SPT) is typically performed. However, trajectories extracted by SPT inevitably have linking errors when the diffusion speed of single molecules is high compared to the scale of the particle density.


To circumvent this problem, we develop an algorithm to estimate diffusion constants without relying on SPT. The proposed algorithm is based on a probabilistic model of the distance to the nearest point in subsequent frames. This probabilistic model generalizes the model of single particle Brownian motion under an isolated environment into the one surrounded by indistinguishable multiple particles, with a mean field approximation.


We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm provides reasonable estimation of diffusion constants, even when other methods suffer due to high particle density or inhomogeneous particle distribution. In addition, our algorithm can be used for visualization of time course data from single molecular measurements.


The proposed algorithm based on the probabilistic model of indistinguishable Brownian particles provide accurate estimation of diffusion constants even in the regime where the traditional SPT methods underestimate them due to linking errors.

N Nitta  S Yamamoto  Y Yamaoka  K Ozawa 《Life sciences》1988,42(20):1973-1979
The effects of hepatic inflow occlusion without venous shunt on the viability of the liver were investigated with respect to liver energy metabolism in dogs, subjected to portal triad cross-clamping (Pringle's maneuver) for 10, 30 and 60 min. The concentrations of ketone bodies and the arterial blood ketone body ratio (KBR) were decreased markedly by hepatic inflow occlusion, but recovered upon recirculation. The initial velocity of KBR recovery was 0.150/min after 10-min clamping, 0.140/min after 30-min clamping and 0.032/min after 60-min clamping. KBR recovery was delayed when hepatic inflow occlusion exceeded 30 min, which indicates that hepatic inflow occlusion for 60 min causes severe inhibition of energy generation in liver mitochondria. These findings indicate that the safety period for hepatic inflow occlusion without venous shunt is between 30 and 60 min in dogs, and that mortality can be predicted by measuring the initial velocity of KBR recovery upon recirculation.  相似文献   

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