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It has been demonstrated that glutamatergic activity induces ascorbic acid (AA) depletion in astrocytes. Additionally, different data indicate that AA may inhibit glucose accumulation in primary cultures of rat hippocampal neurons. Thus, our hypothesis postulates that AA released from the astrocytes during glutamatergic synaptic activity may inhibit glucose uptake by neurons. We observed that cultured neurons express the sodium-vitamin C cotransporter 2 and the facilitative glucose transporters (GLUT) 1 and 3, however, in hippocampal brain slices GLUT3 was the main transporter detected. Functional activity of GLUTs was confirmed by means of kinetic analysis using 2-deoxy-d-glucose. Therefore, we showed that AA, once accumulated inside the cell, inhibits glucose transport in both cortical and hippocampal neurons in culture. Additionally, we showed that astrocytes are not affected by AA. Using hippocampal slices, we observed that upon blockade of monocarboxylate utilization by alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate and after glucose deprivation, glucose could rescue neuronal response to electrical stimulation only if AA uptake is prevented. Finally, using a transwell system of separated neuronal and astrocytic cultures, we observed that glutamate can reduce glucose transport in neurons only in presence of AA-loaded astrocytes, suggesting the essential role of astrocyte-released AA in this effect.  相似文献   

Lactate release by astrocytes is postulated to be of importance for neuroenergetics but its regulation is poorly understood. Basigin, a chaperone protein for specific monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), represents a putatively important regulatory element for lactate fluxes. Indeed, basigin knockdown by RNA interference in primary cultures of astrocytes partially reduced both proton-driven lactate influx and efflux. But more strikingly, enhancement of lactate efflux induced by glutamate was prevented while the effect of sodium azide was significantly reduced by treatment of cultured astrocytes with anti-basigin small interfering RNA. Enhancement of glucose utilization was unaffected under the same conditions. Basal lactate uptake and release were significantly reduced by MCT1 knockdown, even more so than with basigin knockdown, whereas glutamate-driven or sodium azide-induced enhancement of lactate release was not inhibited by either MCT1, 2, or 4 small interfering RNAs. In conclusion, MCT1 plays a pivotal role in the control of basal proton-driven lactate flux in astrocytes while basigin is only partly involved, most likely via its interaction with MCT1. In contrast, basigin appears to critically regulate the enhancement of lactate release caused by glutamate (or sodium azide) but via an effect on another unidentified transporter at least present in astrocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

Brain is a highly-oxidative organ, but during activation, glycolytic flux is preferentially up-regulated even though oxygen supply is adequate. The biochemical and cellular basis of metabolic changes during brain activation and the fate of lactate produced within brain are important, unresolved issues central to understanding brain function, brain images, and spectroscopic data. Because in vivo brain imaging studies reveal rapid efflux of labeled glucose metabolites during activation, lactate trafficking among astrocytes and between astrocytes and neurons was examined after devising specific, real-time, sensitive enzymatic fluorescent assays to measure lactate and glucose levels in single cells in adult rat brain slices. Astrocytes have a 2- to 4-fold faster and higher capacity for lactate uptake from extracellular fluid and for lactate dispersal via the astrocytic syncytium compared to neuronal lactate uptake from extracellular fluid or shuttling of lactate to neurons from neighboring astrocytes. Astrocytes can also supply glucose to neurons as well as glucose can be taken up by neurons from extracellular fluid. Astrocytic networks can provide neuronal fuel and quickly remove lactate from activated glycolytic domains, and the lactate can be dispersed widely throughout the syncytium to endfeet along the vasculature for release to blood or other brain regions via perivascular fluid flow.  相似文献   

Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) are proton-linked membrane carriers involved in the transport of monocarboxylates such as lactate, pyruvate, as well as ketone bodies. They belong to a larger family of transporters composed of 14 members in mammals based on sequence homologies. MCTs are found in various tissues including the brain where three isoforms, MCT1, MCT2 and MCT4, have been described. Each of these isoforms exhibits a distinct regional and cellular distribution in rodent brain. At the cellular level, MCT1 is expressed by endothelial cells of microvessels, by ependymocytes as well as by astrocytes. MCT4 expression appears to be specific for astrocytes. By contrast, the predominant neuronal monocarboxylate transporter is MCT2. Interestingly, part of MCT2 immunoreactivity is located at postsynaptic sites, suggesting a particular role of monocarboxylates and their transporters in synaptic transmission. In addition to variation in expression during development and upon nutritional modifications, new data indicate that MCT expression is regulated at the translational level by neurotransmitters. Understanding how transport of monocarboxylates is regulated could be of particular importance not only for neuroenergetics but also for areas such as functional brain imaging, regulation of food intake and glucose homeostasis, or for central nervous system disorders such as ischaemia and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Acid-base transporters are linked to the energy metabolism via the end product of oxidative metabolism, carbon dioxide, together with carbonic anhydrase activity. In a tissue such as the brain, where some cells (neurones) are high-energy consumers when active, and other cells (astroglial cells) are destined for homeostatic and trophic tasks, transport systems may complement each other and cooperate in order to maintain physiological functions. Here, some aspects of the coupling of metabolite shuttling and acid/base-dependent transport in neurones and glial cells are discussed.  相似文献   

To explore the effects of ghrelin on disturbed myocardial energy metabolism during chronic heart failure (CHF). Rats were subcutaneously injected with isoproterenol (ISO) for 10 days with or without ghrelin for another 10 days. Enzyme immunoassay was to measure ghrelin concentrations. Compared with the control group, ISO‐treated rats showed suppressed cardiac function with high ghrelin/GHS‐R expressions. These rats also showed the decreases in food consumption and weight. The decreased levels of plasma glucose and myocardial glucogen, but the high lactate in blood and myocardium showed myocardial metabolic disturbance. Compared with the group given ISO alone, the rats with ghrelin (20 and 100 µg/kg/day) improved cardiac dysfunction and increased food intake by 13.5 and 14.2% (both P < 0.01), and rate of weight gain by 95% (P < 0.05) and 1.71‐fold (P < 0.01), respectively. The plasma glucose were increased by 49.7 and 50.8% (both P < 0.01), and myocardial glucogen, by 40.5 and 51.7% (both P < 0.01), but blood lactate decreased by 1.56‐ and 1.96‐fold (both P < 0.01), and myocardial lactate by 32.1 and 48.7% (both P < 0.05), respectively. Their MCT1 mRNA and protein expressions increased. The myocardial ghrelin/GHS‐R pathway can be upregulated during CHF. The ghrelin can attenuate cardiac dysfunction and energy metabolic disturbance in CHF rats. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid (AA) is best known for its role as an essential nutrient in humans and other species. As the brain does not synthesize AA, high levels are achieved in this organ by specific uptake mechanisms, which concentrate AA from the bloodstream to the CSF and from the CSF to the intracellular compartment. Two different isoforms of sodium–vitamin C co-transporters (SVCT1 and SVCT2) have been cloned. Both SVCT proteins mediate high affinity Na+-dependent l -AA transport and are necessary for the uptake of vitamin C in many tissues. In the adult brain the expression of SVCT2 was observed in the hippocampus and cortical neurons by in situ hybridization; however, there is no data regarding the expression and distribution of this transporter in the fetal brain. The expression of SVCT2 in embryonal mesencephalic neurons has been shown by RT-PCR suggesting an important role for vitamin C in dopaminergic neuronal differentiation. We analyze SVCT2 expression in human and rat developing brain by RT-PCR. Additionally, we study the normal localization of SVCT2 in rat fetal brain by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization demonstrating that SVCT2 is highly expressed in the ventricular and subventricular area of the rat brain. SVCT2 expression and function was also confirmed in neurons isolated from brain cortex and cerebellum. The kinetic parameters associated with the transport of AA in cultured neurons and neuroblastoma cell lines were also studied. We demonstrate two different affinity transport components for AA in these cells. Finally, we show the ability of different flavonoids to inhibit AA uptake in normal or immortalized neurons. Our data demonstrates that brain cortex and cerebellar stem cells, neurons and neuroblastoma cells express SVCT2. Dose-dependent inhibition analysis showed that quercetin inhibited AA transport in cortical neurons and Neuro2a cells.  相似文献   

We have previously investigated the relative roles of extracellular glucose and lactate as fuels for glutamatergic neurons during synaptic activity. The conclusion from these studies was that cultured glutamatergic neurons utilize glucose rather than lactate during NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate)-induced synaptic activity and that lactate alone is not able to support neurotransmitter glutamate homoeostasis. Subsequently, a model was proposed to explain these results at the cellular level. In brief, the intermittent rises in intracellular Ca2+ during activation cause influx of Ca2+ into the mitochondrial matrix thus activating the tricarboxylic acid cycle dehydrogenases. This will lead to a lower activity of the MASH (malate–aspartate shuttle), which in turn will result in anaerobic glycolysis and lactate production rather than lactate utilization. In the present work, we have investigated the effect of an ionomycin-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ (i.e. independent of synaptic activity) on neuronal energy metabolism employing 13C-labelled glucose and lactate and subsequent mass spectrometric analysis of labelling in glutamate, alanine and lactate. The results demonstrate that glucose utilization is positively correlated with intracellular Ca2+ whereas lactate utilization is not. This result lends further support for a significant role of glucose in neuronal bioenergetics and that Ca2+ signalling may control the switch between glucose and lactate utilization during synaptic activity. Based on the results, we propose a compartmentalized CiMASH (Ca2+-induced limitation of the MASH) model that includes intracellular compartmentation of glucose and lactate metabolism. We define pre- and post-synaptic compartments metabolizing glucose and glucose plus lactate respectively in which the latter displays a positive correlation between oxidative metabolism of glucose and Ca2+ signalling.  相似文献   

This study investigated the possibility of simultaneously extracting glucose and lactate from human subjects, at the same skin location, using transdermal reverse iontophoresis. Transdermal monitoring using iontophoresis is made possible by the skin's permeability to small molecules and the nanoporous and microporous nature of the structure of skin. The study was intended to provide information which could be used to develop a full, biosensor-based, monitoring system for multiple parameters from transdermal extraction. As a precursor to the human study, in vitro reverse iontophoresis experiments were performed in an artificial skin system to establish the optimum current waveforms to be applied during iontophoresis. In the human study, a bipolar DC current waveform (with reversal of the electrode current direction every 15 minutes) was applied to ten healthy volunteers via skin electrodes and utilized for simultaneous glucose and lactate transdermal extraction at an applied current density of 300 microA/cm2. Glucose and lactate were successfully extracted through each subject's skin into the conducting gel that formed part of each iontophoresis electrode. The results suggest that it will be possible to noninvasively and simultaneously monitor glucose and lactate levels in patients using this approach and this could have future applications in diagnostic monitoring for a variety of medical conditions.  相似文献   

Quantitative glucose and lactate metabolism was assessed in continuously perfused organotypic hippocampal slices under control conditions and during exposure to glutamate and drugs that interfere with aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. On-line detection was possible with a system based on slow perfusion rates, a half-open (medium/air interface) tissue chamber and a flow injection analytic system equipped with biosensors for glucose and lactate. Under basal conditions about 50% of consumed glucose was converted to lactate in hippocampal slice cultures. Using medium containing lactate (5 mm) instead of glucose (5 mm) significant lactate uptake was observed, but this uptake was less than the net uptake of lactate equivalents in glucose-containing medium. Glucose deprivation experiments suggested lactate efflux from glycogen stores. The effects of drugs compromising or stimulating energy metabolism, i.e. 2-deoxyglucose, 3-nitropropionic acid, alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate, l-glutamate, d-asparate, ouabain and monensin, were tested in this flow system. The data show that maintaining Na+ and K+ gradients consumed much of the energy but do not support the hypothesis that l-glutamate stimulates glycolysis in hippocampal slice cultures.  相似文献   

Neural activity is closely coupled with energy metabolism but details of the association remain to be identified. One basic area involves the relationships between neural activity and the main supportive substrates of glucose and lactate. This is of fundamental significance for the interpretation of non‐invasive neural imaging. Here, we use microelectrodes with high spatial and temporal resolution to determine simultaneous co‐localized changes in glucose, lactate, and neural activity during visual activation of the cerebral cortex in the cat. Tissue glucose and lactate concentration levels are measured with electrochemical microelectrodes while neural spiking activity and local field potentials are sampled by a microelectrode. These measurements are performed simultaneously while neurons are activated by visual stimuli of different contrast levels, orientations, and sizes. We find immediate decreases in tissue glucose concentration and simultaneous increases in lactate during neural activation. Both glucose and lactate signals return to their baseline levels instantly as neurons cease firing. No sustained changes or initial dips in glucose or lactate signals are elicited by visual stimulation. However, co‐localized measurements of cerebral blood flow and neural activity demonstrate a clear delay in the cerebral blood flow signal such that it does not correlate temporally with the neural response. These results provide direct real‐time evidence regarding the coupling between co‐localized energy metabolism and neural activity during physiological stimulation. They are also relevant to a current question regarding the role of lactate in energy metabolism in the brain during neural activation.


A family of specific carrier protein designated as monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) has been known to transport the lactate and other moncarboxylates in mammalian cells. We hypothesized the presence of serum protein in human circulation that may works as a lactate carrier and that biochemical structure would possesses common structure with MCT on the plasma membrane.Immunoblot analysis with an anti-MCT1 polyclonal antibody suggested the presence of a 44-kDa protein in human circulation and N-terminal amino acid sequencing exhibited a stretch of 14 amino acids which is completely identical to MCT1. The unbound fractions from the GST-MCT1 fusion protein-immobilized glutathione sepharose 4B column demonstrated that lactic acid concentration began to increase with one fraction delay compared to Sepharose 4B and GST-immobilized column. When lactic acid was washed away with PBS, lactic acid concentrations in the effuluent constantly decreased in both Sepharose 4B and GST-immobilized column. However, GST-MCT1-immobilized column showed specific convex curve from fraction approximately 3 mM of lactate and demonstrated wash out delay compared to Sepharose 4B and GST-immobilized column.These observations demonstrated biochemical and immunological similarities between a 44-kDa protein purified from human serum and MCT1 present on the plasma membrane. The studies on MCT1-fusion protein suggested possible functional properties of a 44-kDa protein as a lactate buffer by holding and unhand a lactate according to the lactate concentration in human blood. The experiments described herein have suggested the existence of lactate carrier in human circulation which is free from plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A rat four vessel occlusion model was utilized to examine the effects of ischemia/reperfusion on cortical window superfusate levels of amino acids, glucose, and lactate. Superfusate aspartate, glutamate, phosphoethanolamine, taurine, and GABA were significantly elevated by cerebral ischemia, then declined during reperfusion. Other amino acids were affected to a lesser degree. Superfusate lactate rose slightly during the initial ischemic period, declined during continued cerebral ischemia and then was greatly elevated during reperfusion. Superfusate glucose levels declined to near zero levels during ischemia and then rebounded beyond basal levels during the reperfusion period. Inhibition of neuronal lactate uptake with alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate dramatically elevated superfusate lactate levels, enhanced the ischemia/reperfusion evoked release of aspartate but reduced glutamine levels. Topical application of an alternative metabolic fuel, glutamine, had a dose dependent effect. Glutamine (1 mM) elevated basal superfusate glucose levels, diminished the decline in glucose during ischemia, and accelerated its recovery during reperfusion. Lactate levels were elevated during ischemia and reperfusion. These effects were not evident at 5 mM glutamine. At both concentrations, glutamine significantly elevated the superfusate levels of glutamate. Topical application of sodium pyruvate (20 mM) significantly attenuated the decline in superfusate glucose during ischemia and enhanced the levels of both glucose and lactate during reperfusion. However, it had little effect on the ischemia-evoked accumulation of amino acids. Topical application of glucose (450 mg/dL) significantly elevated basal superfusate levels of lactate, which continued to be elevated during both ischemia and reperfusion. The ischemia-evoked accumulations of aspartate, glutamate, taurine and GABA were all significantly depressed by glucose, while phosphoethanolamine levels were elevated. These results support the role of lactate in neuronal metabolism during ischemia/reperfusion. Both glucose and glutamine were also used as energy substrates. In contrast, sodium pyruvate does not appear to be as effectively utilized by the ischemic/reperfused rat brain since it did not reduce ischemia-evoked amino acid efflux.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined whether ascorbic acid (AA) and dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), the oxidized form of AA, levels in tissues regulate the AA transporters, sodium-dependent vitamin C transporters (SVCT) 1 and SVCT2 and DHA transporters, glucose transporter (GLUT) 1, GLUT3, GLUT4 mRNA by using senescence marker protein-30 (SMP30)/gluconolactonase (GNL) knockout (KO) mice. These mice are incapable of synthesizing AA in vivo. AA depletion enhanced SVCT1 and SVCT2 mRNA expression in the liver and SVCT1 and GLUT4 mRNA expression in the small intestine, but not in the cerebrum or kidney. Next, we examined the actual impact of AA uptake by using primary cultured hepatocytes from SMP30/GNL KO mice. In the AA-depleted hepatocytes from SMP30/GNL KO mice, AA uptake was significantly greater than in matched cultures from wild-type mice. These results strongly affirm that intracellular AA is an important regulator of SVCT1 and SVCT2 expression in the liver.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy (fMRS) allows the non-invasive measurement of metabolite concentrations in the human brain, including changes induced by variations in neurotransmission activity. However, the limited spatial and temporal resolution of fMRS does not allow specific measurements of metabolites in different cell types. Thus, the analysis of fMRS data in the context of compartmentalized metabolism requires the formulation and application of mathematical models. In the present study we utilized the mathematical model introduced by Simpson et al . (2007) to gain insights into compartmentalized metabolism in vivo from the fMRS data obtained in humans at ultra high magnetic field by Mangia et al . (2007a) . This model simulates brain glucose and lactate levels in a theoretical cortical slice. Using experimentally determined concentrations and catalytic activities for the respective transporter proteins, we calculate inflow and export of glucose and lactate in endothelium, astrocytes, and neurons. We then vary neuronal and astrocytic glucose and lactate utilization capacities until close correspondence is observed between in vivo and simulated glucose and lactate levels. The results of the simulations indicate that, when literature values of glucose transport capacity are utilized, the fMRS data are consistent with export of lactate by neurons and import of lactate by astrocytes, a mechanism that can be referred to as a neuron-to-astrocyte lactate shuttle. A shuttle of lactate from astrocytes to neurons could be simulated, but this required the astrocytic glucose transport capacity to be increased by 12-fold, and required that neurons not respond to activation with increased glycolysis, two conditions that are not supported by current literature.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine the effect of trypsin on glucose transport into brain cells. Two suspensions of dissociated cells were prepared from the two brain hemispheres of adult rats—one using only mechanical means to dissociate the cells and one using trypsin. The use of trypsin for preparation of dissociated brain cells caused a marked reduction in the rate of transport of [1,2-3H]-2-deoxy-d-glucose compared to uptakes of this glucose analog by cells prepared without trypsin. Responses of the two cell preparations to inhibitors of glucose transport (cytochalasin B and phloretin) were similar. Rates of oxidation of [6-14C]glucose to14CO2 by trypsin-treated cells were nearly double those in cells prepared without trypsin. Electron microscopic examination of the two preparations revealed much less preservation of structural integrity if trypsin was used to prepare the cells. The findings suggest that trypsin alters cell structure and affects receptor-regulated events in brain cells.  相似文献   

The magnitude of metabolic activation is greatly underestimated in autoradiographic studies using [1- or 6-14C]glucose compared to parallel assays with [14C]deoxyglucose indicating that most of the label corresponding to the additional [14C]glucose consumed during activation compared to rest is quickly released from activated structures. Label could be lost by net release of [14C]lactate from brain or via lactate exchange between blood and brain. These possibilities were distinguished by comparison of glucose and lactate specific activities in arterial blood and brain before, during, and after generalized sensory stimulation and during spreading cortical depression. Over a wide range of brain lactate concentrations, lactate specific activity was close to the theoretical maximum, i.e. half that of [6-14C]glucose, indicating that exchange-mediated dilution of lactate is negligible and that efflux of [14C]lactate probably accounts for most of the label loss. Low lactate dilution also indicates that dilution of glutamate C4 fractional enrichment in [13C]glucose studies, currently ascribed predominantly to lactate exchange, arises from other unidentified pathways or factors. Alternative explanations for glutamate dilution (presented in Supporting Information) include poorly labeled amino acid pools and oxidative metabolism of minor substrates in astrocytes to first dilute the astrocytic glutamine pool, followed by dilution of glutamate via glutamate–glutamine cycling.  相似文献   

The rate at which chick embryo fibroblasts in primary or secondary culture transport glucose or 3-O-methyl glucose is strongly influenced by the presence of bicarbonate ion in the culture medium. Cells growing or maintained on glucose at physiologic concentration (5.5 mM) have an 8 to 10 fold higher rate of glucose uptake than their counterparts cultivated without bicarbonate. These cells also produce more lactate as a consequence of their more rapid intake of glucose. The hydrogen acceptors, methylene blue and dehydroascorbate added to the culture medium reduce the cell capacity to transport glucose and 3-O-methyl glucose to levels obtaining in the bicarbonate-free medium. There is a concomitant reduction in glucose utilized by cells during 24 hours and further reduction in lactate formed per molecule of glucose metabolized.  相似文献   

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