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Associations of percent live sperm, sperm number, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and potential breeding efficiency score with scrotal circumference were studied using data from the records of 465 Polled Hereford and 264 Simmental bulls. Data were subdivided by breed and within breed into three groups according to scrotal circumference (SC) size. Group I bulls had SC measurements <32 cm. Group II included bulls with SC measurements between 32 cm and the mean measurement of the breed (i.e., 35 cm for Polled Hereford and 38 cm for Simmentals). Group III was comprised of bulls with SC values above their respective breed averages. Age and body weight differences were also evaluated in the three groups. Average age differences among bulls in the three groups differed by not more than nine days in the two breeds. Average body weight differences among the three groups were statistically significant (P<0.05) with the maximum difference between any two groups within breed being 80 pounds. Average differences in percent live sperm and sperm number were greater (P<0.05) in Groups II and III than in Group I. For sperm concentration ratings, sperm motility ratings and potential breeding efficiency score, and for both breeds, Group I had a significantly lower (P<0.05) number of bulls classified satisfactory and a significantly greater (P<0.05) number of bulls classified unsatisfactory than did groups II and III.  相似文献   

Scrotal circumferences of 119 young bulls of four distinct breeding groups were measured at the end of a feedlot performance test and at the beginning of the breeding season when the bulls were approximately 14 months old, to study the relationships of weight and growth parameters with testes size. Scrotal circumference was positively correlated with body weight at the end of feedlot test in the four breeding groups. The association between scrotal circumference and body weight was much stronger in the breeding group which had been selected for low yeariing weight than in the other three breeding groups which had been selected for high growth rate. The relationships between scrotal circumference and preweaning and postweaning gain differed among the four breeding groups. Preweaning gain was the most important factor in the association between body weight and scrotal circumference among the three beef breeding groups. The results indicated that the preweaning stage was a critical period for testicular development and that the probability of finding beef bulls with smaller than average testes among the bulls selected for weaning weight would be relatively small. Scrotal circumference was reduced (2.5–11%) from the end of feedlot test until the beginning of the breeding season.  相似文献   

With the integration of genomic selection in the cattle artificial insemination (AI) industry, bulls are selected for their semen production capacity and fertility at a younger age than previously. Norwegian Red bull calves selected as candidates to become future AI bulls based on their genomic breeding value are kept in a performance testing station from around the age of 3–12 months, allowing for sample collection and analysis of different parameters during their pre- and peripubertal period. Insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) is a small peptide hormone specifically secreted by the mature Leydig cells of the testes. In the foetus, it induces the first phase of testicular descent and is considered to reflect Leydig cell development during puberty; it could therefore be an interesting early indicator of future semen production capacity. The main objective of our study was to evaluate the relationship between INSL3, scrotal circumference (SC), and semen characteristics. This is the first time INSL3 was measured in the Norwegian Red population. We collected blood samples for analysis of INSL3 from 142 Norwegian Red bulls at the performance testing station and measured their SC on the same day. Altogether, measurements were made at four time points: upon arrival at the performance testing station (quarantine (Q): 2–5 months) and later at approximately 6, 9 and 12 months of age. Information on season and place of birth were made available from the database of the breeding company Geno, together with data on semen characteristics from the test station and the AI station. The median SCs for age groups Q, 6, 9, and 12 were 15, 21.5, 29, and 34 cm, respectively. INSL3 was shown to be positively correlated with SC (R = 0.4) but not with any of the semen characteristics. Similarly, we found no correlation between SC and sperm characteristics from data on ejaculates analysed at the performance testing station and AI station. The mean sperm volume for the 31 selected bulls with at least 10 ejaculates produced in the AI station increased from 2.3 ml at the performance testing station to 6.4 ml at the AI station. The corresponding increase in mean sperm concentration was from 497 million/ml to 1 049 million/ml. We conclude that INSL3 exhibits high inter-individual variability in the Norwegian Red bull population, which cannot be explained by the parameters measured in this study. At present, INSL3 cannot be used as a biomarker of sperm production in this breed.  相似文献   

Estimated in this study were heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations involving scrotal circumference (SC), percent live sperm, sperm number, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and an overall measure of a bull's potential breeding efficiency. Potential breeding efficiency is a composite trait based on a consideration of sperm concentration, sperm motility, sperm morphology and scrotal circumference. Data used were from three sources. Records on 863 Angus, 753 Polled Hereford, and 302 Simmental bulls were made available through the Missouri Performance-Tested Bull Sale and records on 1169 Polled Hereford bulls came from the American Polled Hereford Association. Information from these first two data sets were used to estimate heritability of scrotal circumference. The third data set was provided by Nichols Farms of Bridgewater, Iowa, and included information from the records of 465 yearling Polled Hereford and 264 yearling Simmental bulls. This latter data set was used to estimate all of the above mentioned parameters. Each data set was kept separately for the purpose of statistical analysis. Parameters were estimated using components from paternal half-sib analysis of variance and covariance. Pooled estimates of heritability for SC, sperm concentration, sperm motility, percent live sperm, sperm number and potential breeding efficiency were 0.51 +/- 0.09, 0.20 +/- 0.13, 0.11 +/- 0.12, 0.00, 0.19 +/- 0.14 and 0.13 +/- 0.12, respectively. Phenotypic correlations involving the six traits were very consistent for the two breeds. Combined across breeds their values ranged from 0.47 for SC and percent live sperm to 0.96 for sperm concentration and potential breeding efficiency. Corresponding genetic correlations were generally positive and high and ranged from 0.65 for SC and sperm motility to 1.14 for sperm number and potential breeding efficiency.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the effects of ejaculation on scrotal surface temperature (SST) measured with infrared thermography in bulls. In 18 Holstein bulls (18 mo old), sexual stimulation and spontaneous ejaculation (into an artificial vagina) increased SST at the bottom of the scrotum (0.9 degrees C; P < 0.0001). In 11 Angus bulls (1 yr old) electroejaculation increased both bottom and average SST (1.7 degrees C; P < 0.005 and 0.9 degrees C, P < 0.05), while in 12 Simmental cross bulls (2 yr old) electroejaculation significantly increased top, bottom and average SST (1.0, 1.2 and 1.1 degrees C, respectively). However, there was no significant increase in SST following electroejaculation in 15 Simmental cross bulls (2 yr old) with caudal epididectomies. The increase in SST was attributed to a localized increase in SST over the cauda epididymides, perhaps due to heat produced by contraction of the cauda epididymides during ejaculation. The results support the hypothesis that spontaneous ejaculation or electroejaculation increases SST and that this response is mediated by the cauda epididymides. Infrared thermography of the scrotum for evaluation of scrotal/testicular thermorégulation for clinical or research purposes should be performed before semen collection since thermography conducted soon after ejaculation may be misleading.  相似文献   

Scrotal circumference (SC) measurements were taken of 921 American Brahman bulls located on two ranches in southcentral Texas. Measurements were taken at various seasons of the year over an 11-yr time span. Body condition scores, as reflected by fat cover, and a subjective estimate of overall nutritional status were 4 or better, based upon a 1 to 9 scoring system, with 5 representing an animal with an average amount of body fat. Associated body weights were not measured and semen evaluations were not performed. Ages were calculated from exact birthdates and rounded to the nearest whole month. Ages from 8 mo to more than 36 mo were reported. SC measurements ranged from 16.0 cm to 42.5 cm. The relationship of SC and age was positively correlated (r=0.74) (P<0.0001) and could be predicted using the equation y=0.525x + 18.702 where y=SC in centimeters and x=age in months. These data provide evidence that the relationship of scrotal circumference and age of American Brahman bulls is similar to that of other cattle breeds.  相似文献   

Forty Santa Gertrudis bulls were used to examine relationships among scrotal circumference, seminal quality, libido, and fertility [assessed as the percent pregnant of estrous females (PE rate) and the percent pregnant of females mated (PM rate)]. These bulls were selected from 220 two year old bulls to represent variations in scrotal circumference and seminal quality. Each of the 40 bulls were exposed to 100 cyclic Santa Gertrudis heifers for a 4-day (96 hr) breeding period. The number of estrous females available to each bull varied from 12 to 27. A breeding soundness examination (BSE) was conducted on each bull approximately 45 days prior to the 4-day breeding period and immediately after the 4-day breeding period. The three components of the BSE scroe (scrotal circumference, spermatozoal abnormalities and spermatozoal motility) were not significantly correlated with PE rate or PM rate at either evaluation. There was no significant correlation between PM rate and scrotal circumference; however, each of the 4 bulls having a scrotal circumference less than 30 cm had a PM rate below 31%. Relationships between seminal quality and PM rate were unclear and differed between the two evaluations. There was a trend for bulls having poor seminal quality at the first evaluation to improve by the second evaluation. Consequently, fluctuations in seminal quality between evaluations is one possible explanation for low correlations between seminal parameters and PM rate. Libido (number mated/number in estrus x 100) was positively correlated (r = 0.44) with PE rate. Using a stepwise regression procedure, the independent variables accounting for the most variation in PE rate (dependent variable) included libido, secondary spermatozoal abnormalities, and BSE score (r(2) = 0.44). Results of this study indicate that current methods of fertility evaluation did not accurately predict the fertility of individual Santa Gertrudis bulls as measured by PE rate and PM rate during a 4 day breeding period.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis was conducted on data collected from 1983 through 1991, where weight and hip height were measured at start of test and every 28 d on 604 bulls completing a 224-d forage-based gain test. Scrotal circumference (SC) was measured at start of test, and at either end of test or end of the weigh period after individual bulls reached 365 d of age. Over 3 yr of this study, SC was additionally measured every 28 d. Bulls were representatives of 5 breed groups: Angus, Santa Gertrudis, Simmental, Continental (predominantly Charolais), and Zebu (predominantly Simbrah). Adjusted 365-d SC and adjusted 452-d SC were calculated by regression analysis and from formulas based on SC growth of individuals to 140 and 224 d on test, respectively. Breed group differences were observed for age of dam, birth weight, hip height, weight per day of age, average daily gain and SC at start of test, 140 d, and end of test (224 d). Scrotal circumference was positively correlated with all growth traits. Scrotal circumference was related to breed group, age, weight, hip height, average daily gain, weight per day of age, age by year, and age-by-breed group (P<0.05), as determined by regression analysis. However, omitting weight, hip height, average daily gain, and weight per day of age from the regression model did not significantly affect R2 value. Scrotal circumference growth was linear to 140 d on test; however, SC growth to 224 d on test was curvilinear. The 365-d SC predicted from the formula and from regression analysis differed for Simmental and Zebu by 0.3 and 0.4 cm, respectively (P<0.05). The 452-d SC differed for Santa Gertrudis and Zebu by 0.5 and 0.6 cm, respectively (P<0.05). Formulas based on SC growth of individuals are reasonably accurate predictors of SC at 365 and 452 d of age, when compared with more complex regression analysis. Basing SC adjustments on individual growth appears to account for variables known to affect yearling SC.  相似文献   

A study was designed to investigate relationships between testicle size and histological, sperm production and endocrinological traits in yearling beef bulls at the end of performance test. Twenty-five beef bulls, (Hereford, n=16; Angus, n=4; and Charolais, n=5), with scrotal circumference (SC) measurements ranging from 28.5 to 36.0 cm, were used. Just prior to slaughter at 15 mo of age, SC measurements were taken, semen was collected, and a GnRH response test was conducted. Testicles were processed for daily sperm production (DSP), epididymal sperm reserves (ESR), seminiferous epithelial area (SEA), and degree of germinal epithelial loss (DGEL). There were significant positive correlations between SC and testicular weight (P<0.05), DSP/g (P<0.02), and DSP/bull (P<0.01) and ESR (P<0.01); however, the correlation between SC and SEA was not significant (P=0.4). Scrotal circumference was negatively correlated with DGEL (P<0.05). Degree of germinal epithelial loss was also negatively correlated with DSP/g, DSP/bull and ESR (P<0.01). Morphological characteristics of spermatozoa were diversely related to sperm production traits, and the percentage of normal spermatozoa was positively related to SC (P<0.02) and negatively related to DGEL (P<0.001). Gonadotropin releasing hormone stimulation did not reveal evidence of gonadotropin deficiency in any of the bulls. However, peak testosterone levels were lower in bulls with SC below 31 cm (P<0.05) than those with SC measurements above 31 cm.  相似文献   

The scrotal circumference (SC) of 374 Santa Gertrudis bulls was measured prior to and following a period of low energy feed intake. A step by step regression was performed to formulate prediction equations in which the future SC of young bulls could be determined. These equations accounted for only 30 to 50% of the variation. Analysis of variance was used to determine the minimum SC at 7, 8 and 10 mo of age needed to obtain a 30-cm SC by 1 yr of age. At 7 mo, the bulls with the largest final SC, were those with an SC larger than 18 cm (P < 0.01). As the 8-mo SC increased so did the 13-mo SC (P < 0.01). As the 10-mo SC increased, the 15-mo SC also increased but bulls with less than a 21-cm SC were smaller (P < 0.01). Differences were also found between the 7 and 8-mo old weights of bulls and the initial SC (P < 0.01). As the initial testicle size increased, the 7, 8 and 10-mo ages and the 10-mo weight tended to increase. Few differences were found in initial SC measurements between the bulls that reached a 30-cm SC and those that did not at the end of one year regarding weight and age within each SC. These findings indicate that the SC at the beginning of a low energy feed period can be useful in determining the minimum SC outcome by the end of the test period.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the 24-hour fluctuations in blood serum testosterone concentration in adult buffalo bulls, and to measure testosterone secretion before and after GnRH administration in male buffaloes of different age groups. Testosterone levels in three sexually mature bulls ranged from 0.2 to 2.7 ng/ml with a mean of 0.6 +/- 0.2 ng/ml. Samples collected in November had significantly higher (P<0.05) testosterone than those drawn in February (dry season) as did samples collected during the day as opposed to the night. Sera testosterone concentrations were lower in younger bulls with a range of 0.2 to 0.6 ng/ml. GnRH induced an increase in testosterone in 6, 12, 24 and 36-month old bulls with the greatest response being observed at 36 months. GnRH did not elicit a response in one-month old bulls. It may be concluded that baseline sera testosterone concentrations in buffalo bulls, as well as responsiveness to GnRH injection, increase with sexual maturity and are subject toseasonal and diurnal variations.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to determine changes with age and relationships among characteristics of the testicular artery, scrotal surface temperature, scrotal circumference, testicular consistency, seminal quality and sperm production. Beef bulls aged 6 mo (n=12), 1 yr (n=12), 2 yr (n=11), and 3 yr (n=12) were used in this study. The mean length of the testicular artery as well as the length, width, and surface area of a latex cast of the testicular artery all increased between 6 mo and 1 yr of age (P<0.01). Wall thickness of the testicular artery and testicular arterial-venous distance in the spermatic cord decreased with age and with proximity to the testicle (P<0.01). Distance from the testicular vascular cone to the inner surface of the skin at the top of the scrotal neck (primarily fat) increased between 1 and 3 yr of age (P<0.01), and was associated with an increased top scrotal surface temperature (P<0.09). Increased epididymal sperm reserves were associated with an increase in testicular consistency, scrotal circumference and scrotal surface temperature gradient, and with a decrease in testicular arterial wall thickness and testicular vascular cone to skin distance. A decrease in sperm defects was associated with an increase in testicular consistency and with a decrease in the average scrotal surface temperature. Increased sperm motility was associated with increased scrotal circumference and a decreased top testicular vascular cone to skin distance. These findings emphasize the importance of thermoregulation to sperm production and seminal quality.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if frame size (height) is related to scrotal circumference. A total of 695 bulls (425 Angus, 65 Hereford, 70 Charolais, 135 Simmentals) were tested for postweaning gain in five stations over a period of 1 to 3 years. Variables examined included hip height, weight and scrotal circumference at beginning and completion of a 140-d feeding period. Correlations among these traits, adjusted for age (7 to 10 months at entry), year, station and management were estimated for each breed. Both height and weight were correlated positively with scrotal circumference at the start and the end of the test period in all four breeds. When height and scrotal circumference were adjusted for weight, correlations were negligible, with the exception of end-of-test values for Charolais bulls (-0.26). Negative correlations were obtained between the scrotal circumference at the start of the test and the change in height during the test after adjustment for weight in Angus bulls (-0.18) and in Charolais bulls (-0.15). These small negative phenotypic relationships indicate that a bull's fertility is not seriously reduced by large frame size at the completion of a feedlot performance test. For maximum fertility in bulls, scrotal circumference needs to be evaluated independently of frame size.  相似文献   

Eperythrozoon organisms were isolated from the blood of a young beef bull with scrotal and hindlimb edema. Young beef bulls, managed under conditions closely mimicking those used in organized bull testing programs, were experimentally administered eperythrozoon organisms. Scant to few organisms were identified on blood smears from bulls (5 of 6) for 2 to 4 days starting 12 days after administration. After a second challenge with intravenously administered viable eperythrozoon organisms, the bulls demonstrated immunity by either failing to become parasitemic (4 of 6) or rapidly clearing the organisms from the blood (2 of 6). No bull became anemic, icteric, or hypoglycemic. Increased serum lactate and decreased blood bicarbonate concentrations probably reflected increased glycolytic activity of infected erythrocytes. A cause for azotemia observed late in the study was not determined. The bulls did not develop scrotal or hindlimb edema. Scrotal circumference and texture remained constant throughout the study. Semen quality was minimally altered while the bulls had organisms identified on blood smears. Harsh lung sounds were asculted in bulls during and immediately after organisms were present in the blood. Although the bulls reliably had organisms in the blood, none showed anemia, scrotal or hindlimb edema, or decreased semen quality; therefore, an additional factor or factors, or greater parasite load may be required for the expression of disease.  相似文献   

Environmental temperature has effects on sperm quality with differences in susceptibility between cattle subspecies and breeds, but very little is known about the seminal plasma protein (SPP) changes resulting from testicular heat stress. Scrotal insulation (SI) for 48 hr was applied to Brahman (Bos indicus) bulls. Semen was collected at 3‐day intervals from before, until 74 days post‐SI. The changes in sperm morphology and motility following SI were comparable to previously reported and differences were detected in measures of sperm chromatin conformation as early as 8 days post‐SI. New proteins spots, in the SPP two‐dimensional (2‐D) gels, were apparent when comparing pre‐SI with 74 days post‐SI, and SPP identified as associated with mechanisms of cellular repair and protection. Similar trends between 2‐D gel and Sequential Window Acquisition of All Theoretical Mass Spectra (SWATH‐MS) data was observed, with SWATH‐MS able to quantify individual SPP that otherwise were not resolved on 2‐D gel. The SPP assessment at peak sperm damage (21–24 days) showed a significant difference in 29 SPP (adjusted p < .05), and identified six proteins with change in abundance in the SI group. In conclusion both spermatozoa and SPP composition of bulls are susceptible to temperature change incurred by SI, and SPP markers for testicular heat insults may be detected.  相似文献   

Scrotal insulation for 48 h raised subcutaneous scrotal temperature by 4 degrees C in hybrid Bos indicus X Bos taurus bulls. The incidence of decapitated spermatozoa in the ejaculate increased significantly between 6 and 14 days and that of protoplasmic droplets and tail abnormalities between 20 and 23 days after insulation, respectively. Simultaneously, the percentages of spermatozoa with lost and damaged acrosomes increased significantly 12-17 days after insulation. At slaughter 23 days after scrotal insulation sperm production rates and gonadal reserves had not been affected by insulation, but epididymal reserves were markedly reduced, particularly in the cauda. Elevated testicular temperature therefore had an effect on immature spermatozoa in the caput epididymidis and on spermatids, but it is suggested that selective sperm resorption in the rete testis and excurrent ducts may prevent some of these changes being expressed in the ejaculate.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between semen quality and testicular pixel-intensity derived from image analysis of ultrasonograms after scrotal insulation in bulls. In addition, the ability to predict semen quality based on testicular pixel-intensity was evaluated. Sixteen beef bulls were selected on the basis of satisfactory semen quality and normal testicular ultrasonogram appearance. Bulls were allocated into two groups for scrotal insulation for 4 days (group 1) or 8 days (group 2). Semen was collected and evaluated twice weekly and testicular ultrasonograms were evaluated once weekly for 8 weeks after removal of scrotal insulation. In general, the percentages of motile and morphologically normal spermatozoa decreased below pre-insulation levels from 1 to 5 weeks after scrotal insulation removal. Overall, group 1 had greater (P < 0.01) percentages of motile and normal spermatozoa than group 2. Mean testicular pixel-intensity (PI), and the number of pixels corresponding to the intensity that occurs most frequently (NP) decreased in the first 2-3 weeks after scrotal insulation, coincidently with the decrease in sperm motility and normal morphology. When the entire data set was evaluated, there was no association between testicular PI or NP with semen quality observed at the same week of ultrasound examinations. However, regression models indicated that testicular PI and NP accounted for 13-25% of the variation in sperm motility and morphology in ejaculates collected 2-4 weeks after ultrasound exam. Testicular PI and NP had moderate sensitivity and negative predictive values (64.5-82.6%), but low specificity and positive predictive values (33.3-61.2%) as predictors of satisfactory semen quality (> or = 60% motile spermatozoa and > or = 70% morphologically normal spermatozoa) for ejaculates collected 2-4 weeks after ultrasound exam. In conclusion, the deleterious effects of scrotal insulation on semen quality were dependent on the length of the period of insulation and were associated with changes in testicular ultrasonogram pixel-intensity. Testicular ultrasonogram pixel-intensity had a better association with future semen quality than with present semen quality and was a better predictor of unsatisfactory semen quality than satisfactory semen quality.  相似文献   

Blood samples collected from 54 Montbéliarde young post-pubertal bulls were assayed for FSH. In the first trial, 0.25 mg GnRH was given to each of 25 bulls at 12 months of age. In a second group of 29 bulls, each received 20 mg dexamethasone followed by 0.25 mg GnRH 5 h later. Based on measurements of semen output, the bulls were classified into three categories: good, medium and poor semen producers. The total FSH response was significantly different among individuals (P less than 0.05) and repeatable (r = 0.45) only after the combined treatment. The mean total responses did not differ significantly between the 3 categories of semen producers, but individual FSH responses were significantly and negatively correlated to quantitative and qualitative semen production characteristics (r = 0.4-0.7). It was concluded that measurement of FSH after a combined dexamethasone-GnRH challenge permits the demonstration of a significant relationship between FSH release and semen production in individual bulls.  相似文献   

A multi-group semi-stochastic model is formulated to identify possible causes of why different strains of Salmonella develop so much variation in their infection dynamics in UK dairy herds. The model includes demography (managed populations) and various types of transmission: direct, pseudovertical and indirect (via free-living infectious units in the environment). The effects of herd size and epidemiological parameters on mean prevalence of infection and mean time until fade out are investigated. Numerical simulation shows that higher pathogen-induced mortality, shorter infectious period, more persistent immune response and more rapid removal of faeces result in a lower mean prevalence of infection, a shorter mean time until fade out, and a greater probability of fade out of infection within 600 days. Combining these results and those for the deterministic counterpart could explain differences in observed epidemiological patterns and help to identify the factors inducing the decline in reported cases of epidemic strains such as DT104 in cattle. We further investigate the effect of group structure on the probability of a major outbreak by using the stochastic threshold theory in homogeneous populations and that in heterogeneous populations. Numerical studies suggest that group structure makes major outbreaks less likely than would be the case in a homogeneous population with the same basic reproduction number. Moreover, some control strategies are suggested by investigating the effect of epidemiological parameters on the probability of an epidemic.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the contribution of the scrotum, testes, and the testicular artery to scrotal/testicular thermoregulation in bulls at two ambient temperatures. Crossbred beef bulls, 1.5 years of age, were placed in controlled environment chambers at ambient temperatures of 15°C (n = 5) or 25°C (n = 6). The distal lateral aspects and entire ventral part of the scrotum was incised under caudal epidural anaesthesia (xylazine, 0.07 mg kg−1). Both testes were withdrawn from the scrotum and then replaced and maintained by clamping the scrotal incisions with towel clamps. One testis was randomly chosen to be the exposed testis and was withdrawn prior to temperature measurements. Surface and internal temperatures were measured with infrared thermography and needle thermocouples, respectively. Temperature gradients (°C; difference in temperature from top to bottom at 15 and at 25°C) were: scrotal surface (with testis), 1.5 and 1.3; scrotal surface (without testis), 2.1 and 1.6; surface of exposed testis, −0.6 and 0.0; sub-tunic of exposed testis, −2.2 and −0.6; intratesticular (covered testis), 0.0 and 0.4; and intratesticular (exposed testis), −1.3 and 0.4. The scrotum markedly affects testicular temperature but the testes have limited influence on scrotal surface temperature. The bovine scrotum and testes have opposing temperature gradients that complement one another, resulting in a relatively uniform intratesticular temperature. These temperature gradients are attributed in part to the testicular artery, which goes from the top of the testis to the bottom, divides into several branches and ramifies dorsally and laterally before entering the testicular parenchyma. Intra-arterial temperatures (measured with needle thermocouples) were lower (P < 0.05) where the artery entered the testis than at both the bottom and top of the testis for both the covered (31.7, 33.4 and 34.3°C) and exposed testis (29.6, 32.0 and 32.5°C) at an ambient temperature of 15°C. Temperature differences were similar, but less pronounced, at 25°C (covered testis, 34.8, 36.3 and 36.5°C; exposed testis, 32.4, 33.5, 33.9°C). Results supported the hypothesis that blood within the testicular artery has a similar temperature at the top of the testis (just ventral to the testicular vascular cone) compared with the bottom, but subsequently cools before entering the testicular parenchyma.  相似文献   

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