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The phytopathogenic bacterium Erwinia chrysanthemi produces a group of pectolytic enzymes able to depolymerise the pectic compounds in plant cell walls. The resulting tissue maceration is known as soft rot disease. The degraded pectin products are transported by 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate permease into the bacterial cell, where they serve as carbon and energy sources. This H+ coupled transport system is encoded by the kdgT gene; we report the nucleotide sequence of kdgT. It is encoded by an open reading frame (ORF) of 1194 bp, which is preceded by an Escherichia coli-type promoter region. The ORF encodes a protein with 398 amino acid (aa) residues and a predicted Mr of 48,550. As would be expected for a membrane protein, it is very hydrophobic, containing 63% nonpolar aa. However, the kdgT gene has no apparent evolutionary relationship to other genes encoding sugar transport proteins, such as lacY, melB or the E. coli citrate transport gene. Southern hybridization experiments indicate a strong homology between the Er. chrysanthemi and E. coli kdgT genes; there is also a second region on the E. coli chromosome with homology to kdgT. The kdgT gene is located near the ade-377 marker on the Er. chrysanthemi chromosome (equivalent to the region between 20 and 30 min in E. coli), whereas the E. coli kdgT gene is located at 88 min. Thus, these two enterobacteria show some significant differences in their genomic organization.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosomal mutations of the celZ and celY genes which encode two different endoglucanases in Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937 were obtained by a three-step procedure: (i) in Escherichia coli, insertions of lacZ fusion-forming mini-Mu bacteriophages in the cel genes cloned on plasmids and screening of cel-lac fusions, (ii) Mu-mediated transduction in E. chrysanthemi of the plasmids carrying the fusions, (iii) recombinational exchange between the plasmidic mutated and the wild-type chromosomal alleles. These mutations allowed mapping of celZ between ura and pan and celY between xyl and met on the linkage map of E. chrysanthemi. The -galactosidase activity of these strains indicated that celZ is expressed in the late exponential and stationary growth phases, while celY expression is almost undetectable.  相似文献   

We present a method for identifying plant-inducible genes of Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937. Mutagenesis was done with the Mu dIIPR3 transposon, which carries a promoterless neomycin phosphotransferase gene (nptI), so upon insertion, the truncated gene can fuse to E. chrysanthemi promoters. Mutants containing insertions in plant-inducible genes were selected for their sensitivity to kanamycin on minimal plates and for their acquired resistance to this antibiotic when an S. ionantha plant extract was added to kanamycin minimal plates. The selection allowed the identification of E. chrysanthemi promoters inducible by host factors present in the S. ionantha plant extract. Using this method, we isolated 30 mutants and characterized 10 of them. Two mutants were defective in cation uptake, one was defective in the galacturonate degradation pathway, and another was altered in the production of the acidic pectate lyase. The functions of the other mutated genes are still unknown, but we show that most of them are involved in pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937 secretes four major pectate lyase isoenzymes (PL, EC and one endocellulase (Cx, EC A genomic library of this strain was constructed in the Lambda L47-1 vector, and screened for the presence of PL and Cx on pectate and caboxymethylcellulose agar. Among the seven Cx-positive phage clones, three were shown to encode an enzyme of the same mol. wt. as the one found in the culture supernatant of strain 3937. The 34 PL-positive phage clones were analyzed by electrofocusing and could, according to the PL they produced, be arranged in five classes. Phages from three classes produced three different single PL, named PLb, c and d. No common fragment was evidenced between the inserts of the phages of these three classes. This demonstrated that, in strain 3937, PLb, C, and d were encoded by three different genes called pelB, C, and D. Furthermore, our results suggest the existence of two additional genes encoding PLa and e. In addition, a pectin methylesterase gene was found closely linked to pelD.  相似文献   

A genomic library of Erwinia chrysanthemi DNA was constructed in bacteriophage lambda 1059 and recombinants expressing Er. chrysanthemi asparaginase detected using purified anti-asparaginase IgG. The gene was subcloned on a 4.7 kb EcoRI DNA restriction fragment into pUC9 to generate the recombinant plasmid pASN30. The position and orientation of the asparaginase structural gene was determined by subcloning. The enzyme was produced at high levels in Escherichia coli (5% of soluble protein) and was shown to be exported to the periplasmic space. Purified asparaginase from E. coli cells carrying pASN30 was indistinguishable from the Erwinia enzyme on the basis of specific activity [660-700 units (mg protein)-1], pI value (8.5), and subunit molecular weight (32 X 10(3]. Expression of the cloned gene was subject to glucose repression in E. coli but was not significantly repressed by glycerol. Recombinant plasmids, containing the asparaginase gene, when introduced into Erwinia carotovora, caused increased synthesis of the enzyme (2-4 fold higher than the current production strain).  相似文献   

Erwinia chrysanthemi spp. are gram-negative bacterial phytopathogens causing soft rots in a number of plants. The structure of the extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) produced by the E. chrysanthemi strain A350, which is a lacZ- mutant of the wild type strain 3937, pathogenic to Saintpaulia, has been determined using a combination of chemical and physical techniques including methylation analysis, low-pressure gel-filtration and anion-exchange chromatography, high-pH anion-exchange chromatography, partial acid hydrolysis, mass spectrometry and 1- and 2D NMR spectroscopy. In contrast to the structures of the EPS reported for other strains of E. chrysanthemi, the EPS from strain A350 contains D-GalA, together with L-Rhap and D-Galp in a 1:4:1 ratio. Evidence is presented for the following hexasaccharide repeat unit: [structure: see text] All the Erwinia chrysanthemi spp. studied to date have been analyzed by ribotyping and collated into families, which are consistent with the related structures of their EPS.  相似文献   

Growth of Erwinia chrysanthemi in media of elevated osmolarity can be achieved by the uptake and accumulation of various osmoprotectants. This study deals with the cloning and sequencing of the ousA gene-encoded osmoprotectant uptake system A from E. chrysanthemi 3937. OusA belongs to the superfamily of solute ion cotransporters. This osmotically inducible system allows the uptake of glycine betaine, proline, ectoine, and pipecolic acid and presents strong similarities in nucleotide sequence and protein function with the proline/betaine porter of Escherichia coli encoded by proP. The control of ousA expression is clearly different from that of proP. It is induced by osmotic strength and repressed by osmoprotectants. Its expression in E. coli is controlled by H-NS and is rpoS dependent in the exponential phase but unaffected by the stationary phase.  相似文献   

hrp genes of Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937 are important virulence factors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We developed improved virulence assays for Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937 on African violet varieties and devised a new method for the construction of precise bacterial gene knockouts. These methods were tested by constructing mutations in genes suspected to be involved with plant interactions. The virulence of the hrpG and hrcC mutant strains (both gene products presumed to be involved in protein secretion) was greatly reduced on leaves of semitolerant African violet varieties. An hrpN mutant strain produced delayed symptoms on African violet leaves and an hrpN delta pel (delta pel = five major pectate lyase genes deleted) double mutant was nonpathogenic. The hrcC and hrpG mutants did not produce a rapid hypersensitive response (HR) in tobacco, unlike the wild-type bacterium, and the hrpN mutant gave a reduced HR. The results, therefore, establish the importance of hrp genes in the virulence of E. chrysanthemi and their ability to elicit HR on nonhosts. The data also suggest that other effector proteins secreted by the Hrp system are required for full virulence and HR elicitation.  相似文献   

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