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The recognition and avoidance of already parasitized hosts is a major issue in parasitoid behavioural ecology. A key factor affecting the fitness reward expected from superparasitism is the probability that the second or subsequent egg laid on a host will win the contest with the first-laid egg. The present study investigated the ability of females of the solitary ecto parasitoid Anisopteromalus calandrae Howard (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) to (i) discriminate between unparasitized Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) hosts and those parasitized by a conspecific, and (ii) discriminate between a host parasitized by an egg just laid (2 h) and one parasitized by an egg about to hatch (28 h). However, they did not adjust their offspring sex ratio on already parasitized hosts compared to unparasitized ones. Our results show that A. calandrae females can discriminate between parasitized and unparasitized hosts, as they lay more eggs on the latter. The probability of the second or subsequent egg laid on a host (superparasitism) winning the contest with a conspecific increases as the time between the two ovipositions decreases. Consequently, parasitoid females should lay more eggs on recently parasitized hosts than on those that have been parasitized for a long time (i.e., when the first eggs are about to hatch), and that is indeed what they were found to do. To increase their fitness in spite of the presence of already parasitized hosts, A. calandrae females have developed highly discriminative capacities regarding the parasitism status of hosts.  相似文献   

Most parasitoid female wasps can distinguish between unparasitized and parasitized hosts and use this information to optimize their progeny and sex allocation. In this study, we explored the impact of mating on oviposition behaviour (parasitism and self‐ and conspecific superparasitism) on both unparasitized and already parasitized hosts in the solitary parasitoid wasp Eupelmus vuilleti (Crw.) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). Virgin and mated females had the same oviposition behaviour and laid eggs preferentially on unparasitized hosts. The sex ratio (as the proportion of females) of eggs laid by mated females in parasitism and conspecific superparasitism was 0.67 ± 0.04 and 0.57 ± 0.09, respectively. Likewise, females laid more eggs in conspecific superparasitism than self‐superparasitism under our experimental conditions. These experiments demonstrate that E. vuilleti females can (i) discriminate between unparasitized and parasitized hosts and adapt the number of eggs they lay accordingly, and (ii) probably discriminate self from conspecific superparasitized hosts. Finally, mating does not appear to influence the host discrimination capacity, the ovarian function, or the oviposition behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary Two laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the ovipositional preferences of the egg parasitoidOoencyrtus nezarae Ishii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) for parasitized and unparasitizedMegacopta punctatissimum Montandon (Hemiptera: Plataspidae). Females that had never oviposited or that had not oviposite for 3 days preferred recently parasitized hosts more than unparasitized hosts. The preference for recently parasitized hosts appeared to be mediated by the punctures in already parasitized hosts made by the ovipositor of the first female. Survival of the parasitoid progeny was lower in recently parasitized hosts than in unparasitized hosts. However, handling time of parasitized hosts was extremely short relative to that of unparasitized hosts, because the superparasitizing female could use the punctures made by the previous females. It is concluded that the females preferred the parasitized hosts over unparasitized hosts because the benefit of saving time and energy for drilling was more than the cost of progeny survival.  相似文献   

The fitness consequences of superparasitism and the mechanism of host discrimination in Cotesia flavipes, a larval parasitoid of concealed stemborer larvae was investigated. Naive females readily superparasitized and treated the already parasitized host as an unparasitized host by allocating the same amount of eggs as in an unparasitized host. However, there was no significant increase in the number of emerging parasitoids from superparasitized hosts due to substantial mortality of parasitoid offspring in superparasitized hosts. Furthermore, the developmental time of the parasitoids in a superparasitized host was significantly longer than in a singly parasitized host and the emerging progeny were significantly smaller (body length and head width). Naive females entered a tunnel in which the host was parasitized 4 h previously and accepted it for oviposition. Experienced females (oviposition experience in unparasitized host) refused to enter a tunnel with a host parasitized by herself or by another female. In experiments where the tunnel and/or host was manipulated it was demonstrated that the female leaves a mark in the tunnel when she parasitizes a host. The role of patch marking in C. flavipes is discussed in relation to the ecology of the parasitoid.  相似文献   

When parasitoid females encounter a host, they can either lay an egg and thus invest in current reproduction or feed on the host and thus invest in future reproduction. However, hosts could have different values according to their parasitized status. Whereas already parasitized hosts represent poor quality for egg-laying, they could have a high nutritive value for feeding. Moreover, the optimal strategy adopted generally depends on the females’ physiological state. In this study, the impact of the females’ physiological state on their reproductive strategies was investigated in the solitary parasitoid Anisopteromalus calandrae. We analysed how their age and diet influenced (i) the use of hosts (feeding vs. oviposition) and (ii) host selection (previously parasitized vs. unparasitized). Our results show that both age and diet influence the reproductive strategy of A. calandrae females: old females fed with the poorer diet laid fewer eggs and made more host-feeding than others. Females also showed a preference for already parasitized hosts for feeding. This strategy cannot be explained by the nutritive value of haemolymph, as parasitized hosts carry fewer lipids. However, as parasitized hosts are also paralyzed, it could be less costly to feed on them than on unparasitized hosts.  相似文献   

One of the foraging decisions facing parasitoids is whetherto accept (superparasitize) or reject hosts that have alreadybeen parasitized. An important distinction is whether the hosthas been parasitized by the female parasitoid herself or bya conspecific. In solitary parasitoids, the pay-off from anegg laid in the latter host type (conspecific superparasitism)is the probability that the second egg wins the competitionfor the host and results in an offspring. The pay-off from anegg laid in the former type (self-superparasitism) increaseswith an increasing probability that another female will superparasitizethe host in the near future. When this probability equals one,self-superparasitism and conspecific superparasitism have thesame payoff. However, conspecific superparasitism will generallyhave a higher pay-off than self-superparasitism. It will thereforebe beneficial for a female parasitoid to be able to distinguishbetween a host she parasitized and one parasitized by a conspecific.The degree of benefit depends on the probability of conspecificsuperparasitism in the near future. Using an optimal diet model,I show that when a parasitoid encounters a patch containinga mixture of unparasitized and already-parasitized hosts, afemale that can distinguish between the two types of parasitizedhosts gains more offspring than a female without this ability.However, when parasitoids search a patch together with conspecifics,it is adaptive to self-superparasitize, and the pay-off fromthis ability may be negligible. It is therefore predicted thatwhen a female parasitoid searches a partially depleted patchalone, it will reject the hosts parasitized by itself more frequentlythan hosts parasitized by conspecifics. In contrast, femaleparasitoids searching together are predicted to accept hoststhat they parasitized themselves much more often. The resultsshow that the solitary parasitoid Leptopilina heterotoma (Hymenoptera:Eucoilidae) is able to distinguish between hosts that it parasitizedand hosts parasitized by conspecifics. The predictions of themodel are met in a second experiment that shows that L. heterotomaself-superparasitizes when the probability of conspecific superparasitismis high.  相似文献   

Self-superparasitism – ovipositing in or on a host that was previously parasitized by the same individual – had generally been considered maladaptive for solitary parasitoids. Recently, however, some researchers have suggested that self-superparasitized hosts produce higher fitness returns per host than singly parasitized hosts when these hosts are parasitized by conspecifics. The present study is the first to verify this possibility in the parasitoid Haplogonatopus atratus . Fitness returns from the first and second ovipositions under triple parasitism were compared with those from the first oviposition under double parasitism. Fitness returns were assessed in terms of survival rate, adult size, and developmental time. No differences were found between the two groups in adult size and developmental time. When the interval between the second and third ovipositions was 1 h, the total survival rate of the first and second comers under triple parasitism was higher than the survival rate of the first comer under double parasitism, and as high as the total survival rate of two first comers under double parasitism. This suggests that the value of self-parasitized hosts is as high as that of unparasitized hosts. When the second-to-third interval of triple parasitism was 24 h, self-superparasitism produced no fitness returns. Moreover, fitness returns from ovipositing into self-superparasitized hosts were similar to those from ovipositing into singly parasitized hosts.  相似文献   

1. Parasitic Hymenoptera reproduce by arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, and females of these species are able to control their progeny sex ratios. In structured populations of parasitic Hymenoptera, primary sex ratios are often highly biased toward females. However, sex ratio can be adjusted to the quality of encountered patches or hosts or be modified by differential developmental mortality.
2. In this paper, the effects were evaluated of the quality of encountered hosts and developmental mortality on the sex ratio in Anaphes victus , a solitary egg parasitoid whose first instar larvae present a sexual dimorphism and where superparasitism is regulated by larval fights between first instar larvae.
3. The results showed that a female-biased sex ratio is allocated to unparasitized hosts. In the presence of parasitized hosts, the second (superparasitizing) female produced a significantly higher sex ratio than the first female but the tertiary sex ratio (sex ratio at emergence) was not significantly different from the sex ratio produced with unparasitized hosts. The increase in the primary sex ratio produced by the second female was mostly compensated by the higher mortality of male larvae.  相似文献   

In nature, most species of Lepidoptera are attacked by parasitoids, and some species may be hosts for several parasitoid species. When hosts are parasitized by more than one female of the same species (=superparasitism) or females of different species (=multiparasitism), then intrinsic competition occurs for control of host resources. To reduce competition, some parasitoids are able to recognize the difference between parasitized and unparasitized hosts. Inter- and intra-specific host discrimination were investigated in the two sympatric species, the gregarious Cotesia kariyai (Watanabe) and solitary Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael), endoparasitoids of the Oriental armyworm Mythimna separata (Walker). To measure host discrimination, choice experiments were conducted in which females of both species foraged and chose between healthy host larvae and hosts initially parasitized by either C. kariyai or M. pulchricornis. An olfactory test was also performed to examine the discrimination behavior of the two parasitoids. Our results showed that, in oviposition choice tests, both braconid female wasps were able to discriminate between unparasitized hosts and from four to seven day-old hosts previously attacked by conspecific and heterospecific wasps. On the other hand, superparasitism and multiparasitism occurred even in host larvae that were parasitized two days earlier. However, once the immature parasitoids hosts are at larval stage (1st and 2nd instar), super- and multiparasitism were avoided in the two-choice test, but the latter often occurred in the multiple-choice experiment. Host discrimination abilities may have been based on plant volatile signals incurred from damaged plants and internal mechanisms from four to seven post-parasitized hosts.  相似文献   

Intraspecific host discrimination is widespread in solitary parasitoids whose adult females forage for and evaluate host suitability, whereas interspecific discrimination is less common. In some parasitoid species, mostly Diptera and Coleoptera, the larva performs the last step of host searching. It has been suggested that host discrimination will rarely occur in such host-seeking larvae because their low mobility results in a low host encounter rate. We determined the extent to which the larvae of Aleochara bilineata Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), a solitary parasitoid of aggregated Diptera pupae: (1) discriminated between unparasitized hosts and hosts parasitized by conspecifics; (2) used semiochemical cues to discriminate; (3) were influenced by life expectancy, presence of conspecifics and host availability in their host acceptance decision; and the extent to which (4) A. bilineata and A. bipustulata L., a species exploiting the same hosts and occurring sympatrically, showed interspecific host discrimination. A. bilineata larvae were able to discriminate between unparasitized hosts and hosts parasitized by conspecifics in a choice experiment. Such behavior has never previously been described for a coleopteran parasitoid or for a parasitoid species whose larvae perform host searching. Host discrimination in this species was not based on the presence of visual or tactile cues (e.g., entrance holes) but rather on chemical cues. The life expectancy of A. bilineata larvae was significantly shorter in the presence than in absence of hosts, and older larvae had lower parasitism success than young larvae in a 24-h experiment. However, the host acceptance decision of A. bilineata larvae was not influenced by larval age or the presence of conspecifics when the ratio of hosts per larva was greater than or equal to 1. When hosts were scarce, the degree of superparasitism increased significantly with the number of foraging conspecifics and the age of the larvae. Both species of Aleochara showed intra- and interspecific host discrimination in a choice experiment. In contrast to A. bipustulata, A. bilineata larvae more frequently parasitized hosts parasitized by A. bipustulata than those parasitized by conspecifics. We suggest that host discrimination will be frequent in solitary parasitoids with host-seeking larvae when hosts are aggregated. Received: 4 June 1998 / Accepted: 1 September 1998  相似文献   

Host rejection, superparasitism, and ovicide are three possible host selection strategies that parasitoid females can adopt when they encounter parasitized hosts. These differ in costs (in terms of time and energy required) and benefits (in terms of number and quality of offspring produced). Their relative payoff should vary with patch quality, (i.e., proportion of parasitized hosts present), and female choice between them should be adapted accordingly. We conducted behavioral observations to test the effect of the ratio of parasitized/unparasitized hosts present in a patch on the host selection strategies of Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae Rondani (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). This species being a generalist known to attack hosts of a great range of size, we also tested the impact of host size on female decisions with two host species differing greatly in size (Drosophila melanogaster and Delia radicum). We evaluated the adaptive value of each strategy in relation to host parasitization status and host size by measuring their duration and the potential number of offspring produced.  相似文献   

  • 1 The pay-off from an egg laid in a parasitized host is an important parameter in models on adaptive superparasitism in solitary insect parasitoids.
  • 2 For Leptopilina heterotoma, a parasitoid of larval Drosophila, the pay-off from a second egg laid in a host is 0.43 offspring when the interval between the two ovipositions is less than 3h. For longer intervals, this pay-off decreases to almost zero for an interval of 24 h.
  • 3 When a female encountering a parasitized host is able to estimate the interval since the first oviposition, it is expected that she will take this into account in her host selection decisions. This is, however, not in the direct interest of the female that lays the first egg, and marks the host.
  • 4 We studied whether superparasitism in hosts containing a young egg is more common than in hosts containing an older egg, when searching in a patch containing once-parasitized and unparasitized hosts.
  • 5 The acceptance/encounter ratio of parasitized hosts increased for intervals longer than 6h, as predicted when the interests of the marking female and the longevity of the mark are taken into account.
  • 6 Superparasitism occurred more often when parasitoids had previously searched a host patch 7 days before the experiment compared to when parasitoids had searched a patch 1 day before, a phenomenon predicted by dynamic optimal diet models.

Larval development of the parasitoid Cardiochiles nigriceps Viereck occurs in the last instar larva of its host, Heliothis virescens (F.). This allows the parasitoid to exploit the nutritional increase in the biosynthetic activity occurring in the host in preparation for metamorphosis. To understand the biochemical basis of this host parasitoid developmental synchrony, we undertook host ligation studies and analyzed host hemolymph for proteins and glycerol esters. Parasitization affected the biochemical profile of the host. The hemolymph protein concentration of parasitized last instar H. virescens larvae increased through time, whereas unparasitized (control) larvae were characterized by a decrease in the protein titer when they reached the prepupal stage. The effect of parasitism on glyceride titers of host hemolymph was not as pronounced as the effect on proteins. Ligation conducted on 5th instar hosts, which were parasitized as 4th instars, affected parasitoid development in a time-dependent way. The percentage of successfully developing C. nigriceps larvae increased with the increase of the time interval between parasitization and ligation. Ligation performed before day 2 of the 5th larval instar of H. virescens completely inhibited parasitoid development. Ligations that disrupted parasitoid developmentwere associated with a low host hernolymph protein concentration. Parasitoid development was successful when hernolymph protein titer was high, as occurred when ligations were performed after day 3 of the 5th host instar in both control and parasitized larvae. Ligations in both situations resulted in a slight increase in glyceride titers. The results suggest that host proteins and/or some factor(s) associated with them may play a role in parasitoid growth and development. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Interspecific host discrimination by adults, and larval competition among the endoparasitoidsMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson),Microplitis demolitor Wilkinson,Cotesia kazak (Telenga) andHyposoter didymator (Thunberg) were investigated usingHeliothis virescens (F.) as the host. In ovipositional choice tests, the mean number of encounters and ovipositions for unparasitized hosts was not significantly different from the mean number of encounters and ovipositions for parasitized hosts for each treatment combination (P>0.05). Thus, none of the parasitoid species discriminated between host larvae recently parasitized once by a female of another species und unparasitized hosts. However, in all but two cases, females did discriminate between unparasitized hosts and hosts in which an early first instar of the first-attacking species was developing.Cotesia kazak andH. didymator did not discriminate between unparasitized hosts and hosts parasitized by an early first instar ofM. demolitor. Larval competition among these parasitoid species was studied for three time intervals between the first and second species parasitization: 1) second species attack immediately (5–15 sec) after the first; 2) second species attack 24 h after the first; and 3) second species attack 48 h after the first. Time until egg eclosion was shortest forM. demolitor, thenC. kazak, thenM. croceipes, and longest forH. didymator. When the second parasitoid species attacked a host immediately after the first species, the species in which egg eclosion occurred first was the victor more frequently, except whenM. demolitor competed withC. kazak andH. didymator. With a 24 h delay between the first and second species to attack, the older first instar from the first parasitization usually outcompeted the younger first instar from the second attack. A first instar from the second species to attack generally outcompeted the second instar of the first species when the second parasitization had been delayed 48 h. Competiors were eliminated mainly by physical attack, butC. kazak andM. croceipes apparently also killedH. didymator eggs by physiological processes.  相似文献   

Sex ratio patterns in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis are frequently cited in support of a major group of evolutionary sex ratio models referred to as local mate competition (LMC) models. It has been shown repeatedly that, as predicted by LMC models, females generally oviposit a greater proportion of sons in previously parasitized hosts than in unparasitized hosts. However, this sex ratio pattern is also a prediction of another group of sex ratio models, the host quality models. Here I test a prediction of LMC models that is not also a prediction of host quality models: a female should produce a greater proportion of sons when she parasitizes a host previously parasitized by a conspecific female than when she parasitizes a host previously parasitized by herself. Females made this predicted distinction between self- and conspecifically-parasitized hosts under some conditions. There was no evidence that a female recognizes a self-parasitized host when her exposure to the host is interrupted by exposure to an unparasitized host, or that a female can distinguish between hosts parasitized by sisters versus nonsisters.  相似文献   

The ichneumonid Diadromus collaris (Gravenhorst) has been recorded in many parts of the world as an important parasitoid of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus), a serious pest of brassica vegetable crops worldwide. Some aspects of its biology and its interactions with Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov), another major parasitoid of the same pest, were studied in the laboratory. At 25 degrees C, female wasps did not have mature eggs in their ovaries until about 12 h after emergence. Both males and females mated successfully 24-48 h after emergence, and females started to oviposit one to two days after emergence. Unmated females produced male progeny only; mated females produced progeny of both sexes. The development rate of the parasitoid increased linearly with temperature from 15 to 30 degrees C, with an estimated low temperature threshold of 7.4 degrees C and a thermal constant of 225.1 day-degrees for development from egg to adulthood. Rates of survival from larva to adulthood were about 90% between 20 and 28 degrees C and decreased as temperature decreased or increased. No immatures survived to adulthood at 35 degrees C. When provided with honey solution, the females lived on average 8.3, 11.5 and 7.0 days, and parasitized 26, 44 and 46 host pupae at 20, 25 and 30 degrees C, respectively. Female wasps could be stored at 15 degrees C for up to four weeks without detrimental effects on reproduction. Females of D. collaris attacked host pupae already parasitized by O. sokolowskii, inserting their ovipositor into the hosts at a similar frequency as into unparasitized host pupae, but they did not lay eggs inside the hosts.  相似文献   

The solitary parasitoid Microplitis tuberculifer (Wesmael) is an important biological control agent of various lepidopteran pests in Asia. We examined the preference of M. tuberculifer for different instars of its common host, Mythimna separata (Walker), host instar effects on parasitoid development, and the consequences of parasitism in different stages for growth and consumption of host larvae. The wasp successfully parasitized the first four larval instars of M. separata, but not the fifth, which appeared to be behaviorally resistant. First and second instars were parasitized at higher rates compared to thirds and fourths in no-choice situations, ostensibly due to longer handling times for the latter, but second instars were most preferred in a choice test that presented all stages simultaneously. Although later instar hosts yielded heavier cocoons, the fastest parasitoid development was obtained in second instars. Lower sex ratios were obtained from first instars as females appeared to lay a smaller proportion of fertilized eggs in small hosts. Both weight gain and food consumption of parasitized larvae were reduced significantly within 24 h of parasitism, regardless of the stage parasitized, and final body weights were less than 10% those of unparasitized larvae. Thus, M. tuberculifer has good potential as a biological control agent of M. separata, successfully parasitizing the first four larval instars and dramatically reducing plant consumption by the host in all cases.  相似文献   

Foraging behavior for hosts in parasitoids resembles that of predators with respect to finding, evaluating and manipulating of the prey. Host handling time may depend on the life history of the parasitoid and can be affected by oviposition experience. Additionally, handling time can be affected by host aggregation, species, size and state (parasitized or not). We studied handling times in the egg-larval parasitoid wasp Copidosoma koehleri. We allowed naïve female wasps to oviposit into three consecutive unparasitized hosts, and measured time until oviposition, and the duration of ovipositor insertion. We recorded the same data for naïve females ovipositing into already parasitized hosts. We found that both previous experience by females and previous parasitism of hosts reduced handling time. The results suggest that host handling durations reflect the interplay between host state and parasitoid internal state.  相似文献   

The interaction between the entomopathogenic fungusAschersonia aleyrodis and the parasitoidEncarsia formosa on greenhouse whitefly as a host organism was studied, in particular, the survival of the parasitoid after treatment of parasitized hosts with fungal spores. The mean number of parasitized black pupae per parasitoid produced at 25°C was significantly reduced after spore treatment in the first three days following parasitization. Spore treatment four, seven or ten days after parasitization resulted in a mean number of parasitized pupae not significantly different from the number of black pupae in the control. The rather sudden change from low to high survival of parasitized hosts when treated with spores four days after parasitization in spite of high numbers of infected unparasitized larvae, coincided with the hatching of the parasitoid larva from the egg inside the host. Possible reasons for this decrease in susceptibility to infection after parasitoid egg hatch, such as induced changes in host cuticle or haemolymph, are discussed. Parasitoids emerged from treated hosts did not show differences in reproduction compared with parasitoids emerging from untreated hosts. Both natural enemeies of whitefly are compatible to a great extent.  相似文献   

Interactions in the host-parasitoid-pathogen system, Lymantria dispar L. (Lep., Lymantriidae)-Glyptapanteles liparidis (Bouché) (Hym., Braconidae)-Vairimorpha sp. (Protista, Microspora), were investigated. Host selection experiments revealed that G. liparidis females did not discriminate between infected and uninfected host larvae for oviposition. Transmission of the microsporidium from infected to uninfected hosts by stinging female wasps could not be ascertained. Females that developed in infected L. dispar larvae did not transmit the pathogen via oviposition. Vairimorpha infection of the host negatively affected the performance of the braconid, when inoculation took place either before or after parasitization. Microsporidiosis of the host caused delayed development, reduced pupation and adult eclosion, reduction in size and weight, and reduction of adult longevity of G. liparidis. Parasitoids themselves were not systemically infected by Vairimorpha sp., but braconid larvae did ingest microsporidian spores at the end of their endoparasitic development and accumulated the undigested and ungerminated spores in the blind midgut. Negative effects of host infection on parasitoid larvae were detectable from the beginning of parasitoid larval development. Lethal time was reduced when L. dispar larvae were infected and parasitized, often at the expense of the parasitoid when G. liparidis were unable to complete endoparasitic development before the host died. Intensity of infection, measured as number of spores produced per milligram fresh weight of L. dispar larva, was slightly higher in parasitized and infected hosts than in unparasitized and infected hosts.  相似文献   

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