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Anthers of small chromosome plants (Antirrhinum, Brassica, Capsicum etc.) were fixed 12 hours or longer at 0-3° C. in: ferric acetate in glacial acetic acid (sat. soln.), 1 part; absolute alcohol, 3 parts. They were transferred to: ferric acetate (sat. soln.) in 45% acetic acid, 3 parts; 45% acetic acid, 5 parts; 1% formalin (aq.), 2 parts, and allowed to remain 5-15 minutes at room temperature for mordanting. The amount of iron introduced into the specimens was controllable by the time in the mordanting fluid. After rinsing the specimen in 45% acetic acid and macerating in a drop of Belling's acetocarmine on a slide, a cover slip was applied followed by warming and pressing with blotting paper to flatten the pollen mother cells and expel excess stain. Preparations stored temporarily by sealing the edges of the cover slip with rubber solution were best made permanent by removing the cover slip after 1-2 days, dehydrating and mounting in euparal.  相似文献   

Anthers of small chromosome plants (Antirrhinum, Brassica, Capsicum etc.) were fixed 12 hours or longer at 0–3° C. in: ferric acetate in glacial acetic acid (sat. soln.), 1 part; absolute alcohol, 3 parts. They were transferred to: ferric acetate (sat. soln.) in 45% acetic acid, 3 parts; 45% acetic acid, 5 parts; 1% formalin (aq.), 2 parts, and allowed to remain 5–15 minutes at room temperature for mordanting. The amount of iron introduced into the specimens was controllable by the time in the mordanting fluid. After rinsing the specimen in 45% acetic acid and macerating in a drop of Belling's acetocarmine on a slide, a cover slip was applied followed by warming and pressing with blotting paper to flatten the pollen mother cells and expel excess stain. Preparations stored temporarily by sealing the edges of the cover slip with rubber solution were best made permanent by removing the cover slip after 1–2 days, dehydrating and mounting in euparal.  相似文献   

Human skin was fixed in Davidson's solution (95% alcohol, 35; formalin, 20; glacial acetic acid, 10; and distilled water, 35—parts by volume) and sections prepared through paraffin embedding in the usual manner. Stock stains were: I(BS)—Biebrich scarlet, 1 gm in 100 ml of 50% alcohol to which 0.3 gm of phosphotungstic acid and 5 ml of glacial acetic acid were added—and II(FG)—fast green, 0.5 gm in 85 ml of 50% alcohol to which 0.3 gm of phosphotungstic acid, 0.3 gm of phosphomolybdic acid, and 15 ml of glacial acetic acid were added. Experimental staining solutions were prepared in the following proportions of stock BS to stock FG—1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2 and 1:3. Sections were brought to 50% alcohol and stained for 15, 20, 25 and 30 min in each of the five BS-FG mixtures, rinsed in 50% alcohol, then dehydrated in 70%, 95%, and absolute alcohol, 2 min each; cleared in xylene, and covered in balsam. The 2:1 (optimum proportion) combination of BS with FG, acting for 20 min, yielded 97% sex chromatin-positive nuclei in female material. If sections were stained in stock solution BS for 2 min, they could be differentiated by a 20 min treatment in the mordanting component of stock FG (without dye) to give a one-color stain. Such stains gave about the same percentage of sex chromatin-positive nuclei as those obtained by the regular two-color procedure. These modifications are simpler, more rapid, and yield results comparable to previously employed techniques.  相似文献   

Staining of myelinated fibers including the delicate myelin sheaths of infantile animals is as follows: perfuse the anesthetized animal with a pH 7.4 posphate-buffered fixative, either 10% formalin, 6% gluteraldehyde or a mixture containing 3% gluteraldehyde and 2% acrolein. Dissect out the brain or spinal cord and continue fixation for at least 24 hr. Cut larger brains to 1 cm in at least one dimension. Wash in running tap water 2-3 hr and soak in 2.5% potassium dichromate in 1% acetic acid (the primary mordant) for 3-5 days in darkness. Wash at least 12 hr in running tap water. Dehydrate and embed in celloidin and store in 80% ethanol. Section at 25-60 μ into 80% ethanol. Wash 1-2 min in distilled water and then immerse in 1-2% ferric alum at 50 C for at least 1 hr (the secondary mordant). Wash in tap water and stain at least 1 hr at 50-60 C in 0.5% unripened hematoxylin in 1% acetic acid. Wash well in tap water and differentiate in a mixture containing 0.5% ferrityanide, 0.5% borax and 0.5% Na2CO3; 2 changes. Wash well in distilled water, then in tap water, and dehydrate, clear and mount. Myelin stains black, cell bodies stain tan, and the background is pale yellow. With minor modifications in timing, the method is applicable to frozen and to paraffin sections; the primary mordant being omitted in the freezing technique.  相似文献   

A simplified propionic-iron alum-haematoxylin stain for rapid squash preparations of chromosomes requires only two stock solutions: (A) 2% haematoxylin and (B) 0.5% iron alum, both in 50% propionic acid. For use, suitable volumes of A and B are mixed. With unripened solution A, equal volumes should be used and the stain is ready for use 1 day after mixing. As the haematoxylin ripens, progressively smaller amounts of B are required and the mixture may be used immediately. The stain gives excellent results when used in the same way that orcein and carmine are currently employed, with a wide range of animal and plant (including fungal) chromosomes, and with good nucleolar staining. It may be used either following acetic alcohol (1:3) fixation or as joint fixative and stain on unfixed material. In fungal material, where Lu's BAC fixative is recommended, the centrioles are also stained.  相似文献   

Aceto-Iron-Haematoxylin-Chloral Hydrate for Chromosome Staining   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aceto-iron-haematoxylin can be used combined with the clearing agent chloral hydrate for the squash method. The stain is prepared by dissolving 2 gm of chloral hydrate in 5 ml of a stock solution of 4% haematoxylin and 1% iron alum in 45% acetic acid, which has been allowed to ripen for 24 hr to 1 wk. Heat must not be used to hasten solution. The material (fixed in 1:3 acetic-alcohol) is put on a slide, the fixative removed and a drop of stain added; if necessary the material is crushed before the cover slip is placed in position. The preparations are now carefully heated until a slight colour change occurs. Squashing needs more pressure than in other techniques. This stain gives best results in zoological and botanical material not requiring hydrolysis, e.g., leucocytes, ascites cells, and cells undergoing spermatogenesis and microsporogenesis. Well-spread and selectively stained mitotic and meiotic figures can be obtained.  相似文献   

This procedure is especially suited for studying the embroyology of sexual and apomictic grasses. Material is fixed in a 2:2:1 alcohol-chloroform-propionic acid mixture for a minimum period of 2 days, soaked in 4% iron alum at 75 C for 7 min, and 2 min each in 2 changes of distilled water, also at 75 C. After 2-3 min in cold water, it is macerated in 50% HCI for 10 min at about 22-25 C, washed and mordanted for 12-16 hr in 50% alcohol saturated with ferric acetate. Ovules are then dissected out and squashed in 1% carmine in 45% propionic acid. Squashing should be firm enough to separate and flatten the embryo sacs but not to burst them. The slides are set aside for 12-24 hr for intensification of the stain.  相似文献   

Aqueous 45% acetic acid can be used successfully as a diluent for Ehrlich's haematoxylin and for Horen's trichrome stain (chromotrope 2 R, 0.6 gm; phosphotungstic acid, 0.7 gm; glacial acetic acid, 1.0 ml; water, 100 ml). Glacial acetic acid is used for dehydration of the stained helminths, and followed by a glacial acetic acid-methyl salicylate series for clearing. The whole process can be completed within 1 hr, from fixation to the cleared specimen, with helminths up to 5 mm in length. A satisfactory fixative for Monogenea, Digenea and Acanthocephala is: 85% ethanol, 85; formalin (40% HCHO), 10; and glacial acetic acid, 5—parts by volume. For Cestoda, 5% aqueous formalin is preferable because they are hardened excessively by the alcoholic fixative.  相似文献   

A solution of 2 gm of natural orcein dissolved in 100 ml of a mixture of equal parts of lactic and propionic acids, and diluted to 45% with water, proved more effective than other stain fixatives for meiotic preparations from fresh pollen mother cells. When used after 5 min fixation in modified Carnoy's fixative (alcohol, acetic acid, chloroform, formalin; 10:2:2:1) and 5 min maceration in 1 N HC1 at 60° C, the same stain proved the most suitable for the rapid preparation of root-tip chromosomes for counting and for studying detailed morphology.  相似文献   

Staminate Cucurbita buds undergoing meiosis are fixed for 12-24 hours in a solution containing 3 parts of 95% alcohol, 1 part of acetocarmine to which iron acetate has been added, and a flake of rusted iron. After fixation the buds are washed in 95% alcohol and stored in 95% alcohol with the iron flake for 5-10 days. A stain containing 10 drops of 45% acetic acid, 10 drops of acetocarmine, and 10 drops of brown storage solution is prepared. A small piece of anther is placed in a drop of stain on a slide. At the moment the anther is macerated, the debris is removed, and when the cells turn grey to dark brown a cover slip is applied. The stain is differentiated by gentle heat and the cover slip is sealed with paraffin.  相似文献   

Human skin was fixed in Davidson's solution (95% alcohol, 35; formalin, 20; glacial acetic acid, 10; and distilled water, 35—parts by volume) and sections prepared through paraffin embedding in the usual manner. Stock stains were: I(BS)—Biebrich scarlet, 1 gm in 100 ml of 50% alcohol to which 0.3 gm of phosphotungstic acid and 5 ml of glacial acetic acid were added—and II(FG)—fast green, 0.5 gm in 85 ml of 50% alcohol to which 0.3 gm of phosphotungstic acid, 0.3 gm of phosphomolybdic acid, and 15 ml of glacial acetic acid were added. Experimental staining solutions were prepared in the following proportions of stock BS to stock FG—1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2 and 1:3. Sections were brought to 50% alcohol and stained for 15, 20, 25 and 30 min in each of the five BS-FG mixtures, rinsed in 50% alcohol, then dehydrated in 70%, 95%, and absolute alcohol, 2 min each; cleared in xylene, and covered in balsam. The 2:1 (optimum proportion) combination of BS with FG, acting for 20 min, yielded 97% sex chromatin-positive nuclei in female material. If sections were stained in stock solution BS for 2 min, they could be differentiated by a 20 min treatment in the mordanting component of stock FG (without dye) to give a one-color stain. Such stains gave about the same percentage of sex chromatin-positive nuclei as those obtained by the regular two-color procedure. These modifications are simpler, more rapid, and yield results comparable to previously employed techniques.  相似文献   

Germinating pollen on stigmas and pollen tubes in styles of Antirrhinum, Brassica, Oenothera, Raphanus, Rosa, solatium and Tagetes spp. were prepared for examination as follows: The styles were fixed in ethyl alcohol-acetic acid 3:1 for 1 hr, and hydrolyzed at 60°C for 5 to 60 min (depending on the species) in 45% acetic acid. The stigma with its attached strand(s) of stigmatoid tissue was then dissected out under a stereoscopic microscope, placed in a few drops of a staining solution made by dissolving 150 mg of safranin O and 20 mg of aniline blue in 25 ml of hot 45% acetic acid. After 5-15 min in this stain, the tissue was placed in a fresh drop of stain on a microscope slide and gently squashed under a cover glass. Because of a gradual precipitation of the aniline blue component, the stain had to be filtered regularly before use. However, a staining solution could be kept at room temperature for several weeks.  相似文献   

It is not easy to make good aceto-carmine preparations of plants with small chromosomes at meiosis because the cytoplasm readily takes up the stain and this prevents a sharp differentiation. The staining reaction depends on the composition of the pre-fixative, the duration of fixation, strength of aceto-carmine and amount of iron used. These factors can be varied independently. Since not only species but their varieties differ markedly from one another in their behavior, the best results can be secured only after experiment with individual plants to discover the most suitable combination. Suitable combinations of these factors for some fruit plants are described. In general they demand (1) a weaker solution of aceto-carmine and more iron than has hitherto been used in the aceto-carmine technic, and (2) the introduction of iron and carmine into the pre-fixative. Iron acetate is added to a dilute solution of carmine in glacial acetic acid until the solution assumes a deep red color, without precipitation, and this solution is used as the acetic acid component of an acetic-alcohol pre-fixative. Anthers are colored purple by treatment with this fixative, but since it has only a mordanting effect they need to be smeared and stained in the ordinary way.  相似文献   

Following our study on the effect of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extraction on nuclear staining with soluble metal mordant dye lakes covering 29 dye lakes we chose a series of lakes representing the three groups: (1) readily prevented by DNA removal, (2) weakened by DNA extraction but not prevented, (3) unaffected by DNA removal, for application of other endgroup blockade reactions. The lakes selected were alum and iron hematoxylins, iron alum and ferrous sulfate galleins, Fe2+ gallo blue E, iron alum celestin blue B, iron alum fluorone black and the phenocyanin TC-FeSO4 sequence. Azure A with and without an eosin B neutral stain, was used as a simple cationic (and anionic) dye control. Methylation was less effective than with simple cationic dyes, but did weaken celestin blue, gallo blue E and phenocyanin Fe2+ nuclear stains. These dyes also demonstrate other acid groups: acid mucins, cartilage matrix, mast cells, central nervous corpora amylacea and artificially introduced carboxyl, sulfuric and sulfonic acid groups. Alum hematoxylin stained cartilage weakly and demonstrated sulfation and sulfonation sites. The iron galleins, iron fluorone black and acid iron hematoxylin do not. A pH 4 iron alum hematoxylin gave no staining of these sites; an alum hematoxylin acidified with 1% 12 N HCl gave weaker results. Deamination prevented eosin and orange G counterstains but did not impair nuclear stains with any of the mordant dye lakes. The simple acetylations likewise did not alter mordant dye nuclear staining, the Skraup reagent gave its usual sulfation effect on other tissue elements, but did not alter nuclear stains by mordant dyes. The mordant dyes do not bind to periodic acid engendered aldehyde sites and p-toluidine/acetic acid and borohydride aldehyde blockades did not alter mordant dye lake nuclear staining. Nitration by tetranitromethane, which blocks azo coupling of tyrosine residues, did not alter nuclear staining by the mordant dye lakes. Benzil at pH 13, which prevents the beta-naphthoquinone-4-Na sulfonate (NQS) arginine reaction and the Fullmer reaction of basic nucleoprotein, did not affect iron gallein, iron or alum hematoxylin stains of nuclei or lingual keratohyalin.  相似文献   

Tissue fixed in 10% formalin, formalin-95% ethanol 1:s CaCO2 or phosphate buffer neutralized formalin, or methanol-chloroform 2:1, was dehydrated and embedded in paraffin or double-embedded by infiltration in 1% celloidin followed by a chloroform-paraffin sequence. Sections were attached to slides with either albumen or gelatine adhesive and processed throughout at room temperature of 24-26 C. For either method, mordanting 30-60 min in 1% iron alum was followed by a 10 min wash in 4 changes of distilled water. For brazilin-toluidne blue O, myelin was stained for 20-60 min, depending upon section thickness, in a self-differentiating solution consisting of: 0.15% Li2CO3 75 ml; 6% brazilin in 95% ethanol, 25 ml; and NaIO3 75 mg. After a thorough washing, Nissl material was stained for 3-8 min in a solution consisting of: 0.1 M acetic acid, 90 ml; 0.1 M sodium acetate, 10 ml; and 1% toluidine blue 0, 2.5 ml. For hematoxylin-Darrow red, myelin was stained for 2-6 hr in a self-differentiating solution consisting of: 0.15% Li2,CO3 95 ml; 10% hematoxylin in 95% ethanol, 5 ml; and NaIO3 25 mg. After a thorough washing, Nissl material was stained for 20 min or less in a solution consisting of: 0.1 M acetic acid, 90 ml; 0.1 M sodium acetate, 10 ml; Darrow red, 25 mg. This mixture was first boiled, cooled to room temperature and filtered. In both methods, washing, dehydration, clearing, and mounting completed the process. In the brazilin-toluidine blue technic, myelin sheaths were stained reddish purple; neuronal nuclei light blue with dark granules of chromatin; nucleoli dark blue; and cytoplasm blue with dark blue Nissl granules. In the hematoxylin-Darrow red procedure, myelin sheaths were blue-black; nuclei light red with dark granules of chromatin; nucleoli almost black; and cytoplasm red with bright red Nissl granules.  相似文献   

A selective stain useful for the study of connective tissues is described. The stain demonstrates elastic and oxytalan fibers as well as fibrils in mucous connective tissues previously undescribed. Reticular fibers are not stained. The stain may be used on sections that have been fresh frozen or fixed in formalin or ethanol. Sections are deparaffinized, washed in absolute ethanol, oxidized in peracetic acid 30 min, washed in running water, stained in Taenzer-Unna orcein 15 min, 37°C, differentiated in 70% ethanol, washed in running water, stained in Lillie-Mayer alum hematoxylin 4 min, blued in running water, and counterstained 20 sec in a modified Halmi mixture of 100 ml distilled water, 0.2 gm light green SF, 1.0 gm orange G, 0.5 gm phosphotungstic acid and 1.0 ml glacial acetic acid. Sections are rinsed briefly in 0.2% acetic acid in 95% ethanol, dehydrated and mounted.  相似文献   

The ordinary Feulgen or acetic-lacmoid squash tech-nic following fixation in freshly made Carnoy's fluid (alcohol, 6: chloroform, 3: glacial acetic acid, 1), provides an easy and reliable method of studying meiosis in ovules. After fixation for 1 day, the material was hardened in 95% ethyl alcohol for 1-2 days and taken to water by gradual hydration. For staining by the Feulgen method, the material was hydrolyzed 8-10 minutes in 1 N HO at 58-60°C., followed by staining in decolorized leuco basic fuchsin for 2 hours. The staining was intensified by transferring the material to water. After 15-20 minutes the water was replaced by 45% acetic acid. For staining by acetic-lacmoid, the ovules after fixation, hardening and hydration were transferred to standard acetic-lacmoid stain to which was added 1 drop of 1 N HCl to every 10 drops of stain. Gentle heat was applied till the stain started to give fumes. After allowing 20 minutes at room temperature the material was transferred to fresh acetic-lacmoid. Some 6-12 ovules were mounted either in a drop of 45% acetic acid or acetic-lacmoid, depending upon the Feulgen or acetic-lacmoid staining respectively. Gentle and repeated tapping over the cover glass by a blunt needle loosened the cells of integument and nucellus and finally left the megaspore mother cells undergoing meiosis, fully exposed to view. The process was carried out under constant observation using the low power of the microscope. The desired amount of flattening was brought about by light pressure over the cover glass and gentle heating. The preparations were made permanent by dehydrating in ethyl alcohol and mounting in Euparal.  相似文献   

Several dyes, notably ponceau 2R, azofuchsin 3B, nitrazine yellow, and Biebrich scarlet may replace imported “ponceau de xylidin” in the Masson ponceau acid fuchsin mixture. Of these Biebrich scarlet appears to be the best and may be used without acid fuchsin.

A mixture of equal parts of 5% solutions of phosphomolybdic and phosphotungstic acids is much superior to either acid alone and gives adequate mordanting in 1 minute at 22°C.

With the fast green modification, times in plasma and fiber stains can be reduced to 2 minutes each. With anilin blue a 4-minute plasma stain is required. One-minute final differentiation in 1% acetic acid is adequate.

Primary mordanting of formalin material may be accomplished by 5 minutes in saturated aqueous mercuric chloride or 2 minutes in saturated alcoholic picric acid. Three minutes washing in running water is required after these mordants.  相似文献   

Mammalian pancreatic alpha granules were differentially stained with phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin. Paraffin sections were dewaxed and hydrated, oxidised 5-40 sec in freshly prepared 0.3% KMnO4 acidified with 0.3% (w/v) H2SO4, decolourised in 4% potassium metabisulphite, mordanted 20 min to 2 hr in 4% iron alum, stained in phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin 16-48 hr, rinsed in 95% ethanol until no stain runs from the tissue, dehydrated in absolute ethanol, cleared in xylene, and covered in synthetic resin. Advantages of this procedure are: (1) consistent, reproducible staining; (2) applicability to all the common laboratory mammals and man; (3) wide latitude at each stage, permitting its use as a routine method; and (4) superior visualization of alpha granules, due to suppression of background staining and absence of glare. For fixation, formalin-acetic or Bouin's solution is recommended.  相似文献   

For progressive staining 1 g mordant blue 3, 0.5 g iron a alum and 10 ml hydrochloric acid are combined to make 1 liter with distlled water. Paraffin sections are stained 5 minutes blued in 0.5% sodium acetate for 30 seconds and counterstained with eosin. For regressive staining, 1 g dye, 9 g iron alum and 50 ml acetic acid are combined to make 1 liter with distilled water. Staining time is 5 minutes followed by differentiation in 1% acid alcohol and blueing in 0.5% sodium acetate. Counterstain with eosin. In both cases results very closely results very resemble a good hematoxylin and eosin.  相似文献   

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