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Absorption and fluorescence spectra in the red region of water-soluble chlorophyll proteins, Lepidium CP661, CP663 and Brassica CP673, pigment System II particles of spinach chloroplasts and chlorophyll a in diethylether solution at 25°C were analyzed by the curve-fitting method (French, C.S., Brown, J.S. and Lawrence, M.C. (1972) Plant Physiol. 49, 421–429). It was found that each of the chlorophyll forms of the chlorophyll proteins and the pigment System II particles had a corresponding fluorescence band with the Stokes shift ranging from 0.6 to 4.0 nm.The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a in diethylether solution was analyzed to one major band with a peak at 660.5 nm and some minor bands, while the fluorescence spectrum was analyzed to one major band with a peak at 664.9 nm and some minor bands. A mirror image was clearly demonstrated between the resolved spectra of absorption and fluorescence. The absorption spectrum of Lepidium CP661 was composed of a chlorophyll b form with a peak at 652.8 nm and two chlorophyll a forms with peaks at 662.6 and 671.9 nm. The fluorescence spectrum was analyzed to five component bands. Three of them with peaks at 654.8, 664.6 and 674.6 nm were attributed to emissions of the three chlorophyll forms with the Stokes shift of 2.0–2.7 nm. The absorption spectrum of Brassica CP673 had a chlorophyll b form with a peak at 653.7 nm and four chlorophyll a forms with peaks at 662.7, 671.3, 676.9 and 684.2 nm. The fluorescence spectrum was resolved into seven component bands. Four of them with peaks at 666.7, 673.1, 677.5 and 686.2 nm corresponded to the four chlorophyll a forms with the Stokes shift of 0.6–4.0 nm. The absorption spectrum of the pigment System II particles had a chlorophyll b form with a peak at 652.4 nm and three chlorophyll a forms with peaks at 662.9, 672.1 and 681.6 nm. The fluorescence spectrum was analyzed to four major component bands with peaks at 674.1, 682.8, 692.0 and 706.7 nm and some minor bands. The former two bands corresponded to the chlorophyll a forms with peaks at 672.1 and 681.6 nm with the Stokes shift of 2.0 and 1.2 nm, respectively.Absorption spectra at 25°C and at ?196°C of the water-soluble chlorophyll proteins were compared by the curve-fitting method. The component bands at ?196°C were blue-shifted by 0.8–4.1 nm and narrower in half widths as compared to those at 25°C.  相似文献   

We describe Franck-Condon simulations of vibrational cooling effects on absorption difference spectra in chlorophyll a (Chl a). The relative contributions of vibrational equilibration in the electronic ground and excited states depend on the pump and probe wavelengths. For Franck-Condon-active vibrational modes exhibiting small Huang-Rhys factors (S < 0.1, characteristic in Chl a pigments), vibrational thermalization causes essentially no spectral changes when the origin band is excited. Significant spectral evolution does occur for S < 0.1 when the 0-1 and 1.0 (hot) vibronic bands are excited. However, vibrational equilibration in these cases causes no spectral shifting in the empirical photobleaching/stimulated emission band maximum. This result bears on the interpretation of time-resolved absorption difference spectra of Chl a-containing antennae such as the Chl a/b light-harvesting peripheral antenna of photosystem II.  相似文献   

Monospecific polyclonal antibodies have been raised against synthetic peptides derived from the primary sequences from different plant light-harvesting Chl a/b-binding (LHC) proteins. Together with other monospecific antibodies, these were used to quantify the levels of the 10 different LHC proteins in wild-type and chlorina f2 barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), grown under normal and intermittent light (ImL). Chlorina f2, grown under normal light, lacked Lhcb1 (type I LHC II) and Lhcb6 (CP24) and had reduced amounts of Lhcb2, Lhcb3 (types II and III LHC II), and Lhcb4 (CP 29). Chlorina f2 grown under ImL lacked all LHC proteins, whereas wild-type ImL plants contained Lhcb5 (CP 26) and a small amount of Lhcb2. The chlorina f2 ImL thylakoids were organized in large parallel arrays, but wild-type ImL thylakoids had appressed regions, indicating a possible role for Lhcb5 in grana stacking. Chlorina f2 grown under ImL contained considerable amounts of violaxanthin (2-3/reaction center), representing a pool of phototransformable xanthophyll cycle pigments not associated with LHC proteins. Chlorina f2 and the plants grown under ImL also contained early light-induced proteins (ELIPs) as monitored by western blotting. The levels of both ELIPs and xanthophyll cycle pigments increased during a 1 h of high light treatment, without accumulation of LHC proteins. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that ELIPs are pigment-binding proteins, and we suggest that ELIPs bind photoconvertible xanthophylls and replace "normal" LHC proteins under conditions of light stress.  相似文献   

Shoots of 16-day-old soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr. cv Ransom) were chilled to 10°C for 7 days and monitored for visible signs of damage, ultrastructural changes, perturbations in fluorescence of chlorophyll (Chl), and quantitative changes in Chl a and b and associated pigments. Precautions were taken to prevent the confounding effects of water stress. A technique for the separation of lutein and zeaxanthin was developed utilizing a step gradient with the high performance liquid chromatograph. Visible losses in Chl were detectable within the first day of chilling, and regreening did not occur until the shoots were returned to 25°C. Ultrastructurally, unstacking of chloroplast grana occurred, and the envelope membranes developed protrusions. Furthermore, the lipids were altered to the point that the membranes were poorly stabilized by a glutaraldehyde/osmium double-fixation procedure. Chl fluorescence rates were greatly reduced within 2 hours after chilling began and returned to normal only after rewarming. The rapid loss of Chl that occurred during chilling was accompanied by the appearance of zeaxanthin and a decline in violaxanthin. Apparently a zeaxanthin-violaxanthin epoxidation/de-epoxidation cycle was operating. When only the roots were chilled, no substantial changes were detected in ultrastructure, fluorescence rates, or pigment levels.  相似文献   

The light-induced chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence decline at 77 K was investigated in segments of leaves, isolated thylakoids or Photosystem (PS) II particles. The intensity of chlorophyll fluorescence declines by about 40% upon 16 min of irradiation with 1000 μmol m−2 s−1 of white light. The decline follows biphasic kinetics, which can be fitted by two exponentials with amplitudes of approximately 20 and 22% and decay times of 0.42 and 4.6 min, respectively. The decline is stable at 77 K, however, it is reversed by warming of samples up to 270 K. This proves that the decline is caused by quenching of fluorescence and not by pigment photodegradation. The quantum yield for the induction of the fluorescence decline is by four to five orders lower than the quantum yield of QA reduction. Fluorescence quenching is only slightly affected by addition of ferricyanide or dithionite which are known to prevent or stimulate the light-induced accumulation of reduced pheophytin (Pheo). The normalised spectrum of the fluorescence quenching has two maxima at 685 and 695 nm for PS II emission and a plateau for PS I emission showing that the major quenching occurs within PS II. ‘Light-minus-dark’ difference absorbance spectra in the blue spectral region show an electrochromic shift for all samples. No absorbance change indicating Chl oxidation or Pheo reduction is observed in the blue (410–600 nm) and near infrared (730–900 nm) spectral regions. Absorbance change in the red spectral region shows a broad-band decrease at approximately 680 nm for thylakoids or two narrow bands at 677 and 670–672 nm for PS II particles, likely resulting also from electrochromism. These absorbance changes follow the slow component of the fluorescence decline. No absorbance changes corresponding to the fast component are found between 410 and 900 nm. This proves that the two components of the fluorescence decline reflect the formation of two different quenchers. The slow component of the light-induced fluorescence decline at 77 K is related to charge accumulation on a non-pigment molecule of the PS II complex. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Stepanov (1957a, Soviet Physics-Doklady 2: 81–84) obtained an equation which relates the absorption spectrum and the fluorescence emission spectrum of a single dye molecule. Here, a similar equation is derived for a cluster of interacting pigments, e.g. the antenna pigments of a photosystem. This relation can be used to assess the possibility of occurrence of rapid exciton equilibration (Dau and Sauer, 1996, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1273: 175–190). The excited state potential of a pigment cluster is discussed and compared to the excited state potential of a single pigment.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - EE exciton equilibrium - PS photosystem - RC reaction center - REE rapid exciton equilibration  相似文献   

Emission spectra of a system I chlorophyll (Chl) -protein complex(SI Chl-P)3 and system II particles, prepared by the methodof Dietrich and Thornber (25), and by the method of Huzisigeet al. (24), respectively, were measured at room and liquidnitrogen temperatures to characterize the emission bands originatingfrom system I and system II. Room temperature and 77°K spectra clearly show that theF695 (690–697 nm) fluorescence band originates from bothphotosystems. In SI Chl-P the F695 band was observed both atroom and at liquid nitrogen temperatures. At 77°K, the Chl fluorescence at 685 nm is nearly as intenseas that at 720 nm (long-wavelength band) in dilute samples ofSI Chl-P. Reabsorption of 685 nm fluorescence has distortedconsiderably the shape of emission spectra of system I publishedthus far. In dilute samples of system II, the F695 is as (ormore) intense as F685, and the F735 is drastically decreased. Additionally, it is reported here that in Cyanidium caldarium,studied to compare the in vivo system with isolated SI Chl-Pand system II preparations, the 695 nm band is present uponexcitation in both system I and system II; the ratio of thelong-wave length fluorescence (F735) to the short-wavelengthfluorescence (F685) is much higher than those in the purifiedpreparations. Conceivably, the high values, obtained in thedilute samples of algae, are due to the reabsorption of thefluorescence from the short-wavelength form of Chl in the chloroplastin vivo. Furthermore, in this alga the phycocyanin fluorescenceband is split with maxima at 655 (phycocyanin) and 665 nm (allophycocyanin)at 77°K. At room temperature, however, the allophycocyaninfluorescence predominates having a peak at about 670 nm. Therelative increase in phycocyanin fluorescence at 77°K maybe due to a decrease in the energy transfer from it to allophycocyaninin agreement with slow Förster type transfer. 2 Department of Botanical Sciences, University of California,Los Angeles, California 90024, U. S. A. (Received September 7, 1971; )  相似文献   

Coffea arabica L. is considered to be sensitive to low temperatures throughout its life cycle. In some Brazilian regions, seedling production occurs under shade conditions and during the winter, with average temperatures of around 10 °C. The formation and functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus are strongly controlled by temperature. This study aimed to assess the changes that occurred in pigment contents, lipid peroxidation and variables of chlorophyll a fluorescence during the greening process of coffee seedlings submitted to chilling. Results indicate that saturation of the photosynthetic activity of coffee seedlings occurred before saturation of the accumulation of chloroplastid pigments. Pigment accumulation during the greening process is far beyond the metabolic needs for the maintenance of photosynthetic activity, more specifically of photosystem II. Coffee seedlings attained a quantum yield equivalent to that of the control with approximately half the chlorophyll a and b contents and around 40% of the carotenoid. Low temperature decreases the metabolism of seedlings, consequently reducing free radical production and lipid peroxidation. The chilling temperature (10 °C) used inhibited the accumulation of chloroplast pigments, in turn altering the capacity of the photosynthetic tissue of etiolated coffee seedlings to capture and transfer photon energy to the photosystem II reaction centre. These alterations were better demonstrated by O-J-I-P chlorophyll a fluorescence transients, rather than Fv/Fm and Fv/F0 ratios.  相似文献   

Room-temperature single photon timing measurements on Photosystem-II (PS II-) enriched thylakoid fragments at low excitation energies indicate the presence of three kinetic decay components of chlorophyll fluorescence arising from PS-II-associated pigments. Closing the PS II reaction centres produced three variable components, with lifetime values of 0.02–0.25, 0.15–0.90 and 0.35–2.0 ns, between the initial (F0) and maximal (Fm) fluorescence levels. The yield of each component paralleled the changes in their respective lifetimes, indicating the presence of well-connected PS II reaction centres favouring energy transfer between each other. These changes show that variable chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv) does not arise from one specific origin. The extent of the modifications and the observed relationship between component lifetime and yield, on closing PS II reaction centres, cannot be explained by either the delayed fluorescence (charge recombination) hypothesis of Klimov and co-workers (Klimov, V.V. et al. (1978) Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 242, 1204–1207) or the proposed changes and origins put forward by Holzwarth and co-workers (Holzwarth, A.R. (1986) Photochem. Photobiol. 43, 707–725; Holzwarth, A.R. et al. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 807, 155–167).  相似文献   

The chlorophyll a fluorescence transient measured under high light shows a typical O-J-I-P polyphasic rise. However, under certain stress situations such as heat or drought stress, a rapid phase with a maximum around 300 µs has been observed and called K (Guissé et al. (1995a) Arch Sci Genève 48: 147–160). Here, we show that under various conditions, the appearance of the K-step and the following dip, as well as the lowered maximum fluorescence level (FM) attainable, can be explained by an imbalance between the electron flow leaving the RC to the acceptor side and the electron flow coming to the RC from the donor side. This leads to a stable oxidation of the secondary electron donor, the tyrosine Z (YZ), and possibly to the accumulation of P680+. In the case of heat stress, we confirm that this situation is caused by an inhibition of electron donation to YZ, which is due to a damaged oxygen evolving complex (OEC). Finally, we present a model which includes the OEC, YZ, P680, QA and QB which is in good agreement with the experimental data. The appearance of the K-step, under natural conditions, can now be used as a convenient stress indicator and specifically attributed to a damage on the electron donor side.  相似文献   

In intact, uncoupled type B chloroplasts from spinach, added ATP causes a slow light-induced decline (t12 ≈ 3 min) of chlorophyll a fluorescence at room temperature. Fluorescence spectra were recorded after fast cooling to 77 K and normalized with fluorescein as an internal standard. Related to the fluorescence quenching at room temperature, an increase in Photosystem (PS) I fluorescence (F735) and a decrease in PS II fluorescence (F695) were observed in the low-temperature spectra. The change in the F735F695 ratio was abolished by the presence of methyl viologen. Fluorescence induction at 77 K of chloroplasts frozen in the quenched state showed lowered variable (Fv) and initial (F0) fluorescence at 690 nm and an increase in F0 at 735 nm. The results are interpreted as indicating an ATP-dependent change of the initial distribution of excitation energy in favor of PS I, which is controlled by the redox state of the electron-transport chain and, according to current theories, is caused by phosphorylation of the light-harvesting complex.  相似文献   

The picosecond molecular dynamics in an artificial bacteriorhodopsin (BR) pigment containing a structurally modified all-trans retinal chromphore with a six-membered ring bridging the C11=C12-C13 positions (BR6.11) are measured by picosecond transient absorption and picosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Time-dependent intensity and spectral changes in absorption in the 570-650-nm region are monitored for delays as long as 5 ns after the 7-ps, 573-nm excitation of BR6.11. Two intermediates, J6.11 and K6.11/1, both with enhanced absorption to the red (> 600 nm) of the BR6.11 spectrum are observed within approximately 50 ps. The J6.11 intermediate decays with a time constant of 12 +/- 3 ps to form K6.11/1. The K6.11/1 intermediate decays with an approximately 100-ps time constant to form a third intermediate, K6.11/2, which is observed through diminished 650-nm absorption (relative to that of K6.11/1). No other transient absorption changes are found during the remainder of the initial 5-ns period of the BR6.11 photoreaction. Fluorescence in the 650-900-nm region is observed from BR6.11, K6.11/1, and K6.11/2, but no emission assignable to J6.11 is found. The BR6.11 fluroescence spectrum has a approximately 725-nm maximum which is blue-shifted by approximately 15 nm relative to that of native BR-570 and is 4.2 +/- 1.5 times larger in intensity (same sample optical density). No differences in the profile of the fluorescence spectra of BR6.11 and the intermediates K6.11/1 and K6.11/2 are observed. Following ground-state depletion of the BR6.11 population, the time-resolved fluroescence intensity monitored at 725 nm increases with two time constants, 12 +/- 3 and approximately 100 ps, both of which correlate well with changes in the picosecond transient absorption data.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An algorithm of decomposition of protein tryptophan spectra into components was developed. The spectral shape of components is described by a uniparametric log-normal function. Rise of certainty and accuracy of resolution of widely overlapping smooth spectral components (a typical uncorrect reverse problem) was achieved using several regularizing factors: (i) the set of experimental spectra used were measured at several quencher concentrations; (ii) the functional being minimized, along with the root mean square residuals of intensities, the term depending on the obedience to the Stern-Volmer law; (iii) an extra information is used--the number of experimental values greatly exceeds the number of parameters to be estimated. The minimum of functional is determined by a consecutive setting of all possible combinations of component spectral maxima values, which allows to avoid sticking in the local minima of noisy functional. The real experimental noise restricts the decomposition into not more than three components. The decomposition error does not exceed the experimental one. The algorithm functioning is illustrated by resolution of tryptophan fluorescence spectra of papain into one, two, and three components.  相似文献   

The precipitation of chlorophylls upon lipid and protein globules suspended in an aqueous buffer yields a partial model of photosynthetic membranes. The absorption and fluorescence spectra of the model are investigated as well as the photo-oxidation of the chlorophylls (bleaching) by dissolved oxygen. It is shown that pigment--pigment interactions occur in such systems, by (a) the appearance of absorption bands characteristic of crystalline or highly ordered chlorophyll at high pigment concentrations, (b) the chlorophyll a-type of fluorescence of systems containing chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b where the latter is selectively excited, and (c) the kinetics of photo-oxidation which suggest that chlorophylls can only be bleached when they are dimerized.  相似文献   

The fluorescence from a purified, aggregate form of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein has a lifetime of 1.2 +/- 0.5 ns at low excitation intensity, but the lifetime decreases significantly when the intensity of the 20-ps, 530-nm excitation pulse is increased above about 10(16) photons/cm2. A solubilized, monomeric form of the protein, on the other hand, has a fluorescence lifetime of 3.1 +/- 0.3 ns independent of excitation intensity from 10(14)-10(18) photons/cm2/pulse. We interpret the lifetime shortening in the aggregates and the lack of shortening in monomers in terms of exciton annihilation, facilitated in the aggregate by the larger population of interacting chlorophylls.  相似文献   

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