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Anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to examine the afferent and efferent projections of the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves in the lamprey, Lampetra japonica. Except for the ganglion cells and motoneurons, the distribution patterns of HRP-positive elements differed little between the two nerves. Afferent fibers mainly terminated in the ipsilateral cerebellar area, medial octavolateralis nucleus, and between the ventral octavolateralis nucleus and descending tract and nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (dV). In the cerebellar area, most of the labeled fibers were located in the molecular zone, but some penetrated into the granular zone. In the rostral part of the medial octavolateralis nucleus, labeled fibers coursed from the middle to the lateral area, and in the caudal part, they were localized in the dorsal area of the nucleus. In the area between the dV and ventral octavolateralis nucleus, labeled fibers coursed near the dorsal margin of the rostral part of the dV, and in the caudal part, they shifted dorsally. Ganglion cells and motoneurons of each nerve were also labeled.  相似文献   

A Web-based simulation system of the spinal cord circuitry responsible for muscle control is described. The simulator employs two-compartment motoneuron models for S, FR and FF types, with synaptic inputs acting through conductance variations. Four motoneuron pools with their associated interneurons are represented in the simulator, with the possibility of inclusion of more than 2,000 neurons and 2,000,000 synapses. Each motoneuron action potential is followed, after a conduction delay, by a motor unit potential and a motor unit twitch. The sums of all motor unit potentials and twitches result in the electromyogram (EMG), and the muscle force, respectively. Inputs to the motoneuron pool come from populations of interneurons (Ia reciprocal inhibitory interneurons, Ib interneurons, and Renshaw cells) and from stochastic point processes associated with descending tracts. To simulate human electrophysiological experiments, the simulator incorporates external nerve stimulation with orthodromic and antidromic propagation. This provides the mechanisms for reflex generation and activation of spinal neuronal circuits that modulate the activity of another motoneuron pool (e.g., by reciprocal inhibition). The generation of the H-reflex by the Ia-motoneuron pool system and its modulation by spinal cord interneurons is included in the simulation system. Studies with the simulator may include the statistics of individual motoneuron or interneuron spike trains or the collective effect of a motor nucleus on the dynamics of muscle force control. Properties associated with motor-unit recruitment, motor-unit synchronization, recurrent inhibition and reciprocal inhibition may be investigated.  相似文献   

The effects induced on neuronal firing by microiontophoretic application of the biological amines noradrenaline (NA) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) were studied "in vivo" in ventral-anterior (VA) and ventrolateral (VL) thalamic motor nuclei of anaesthetized rats. In both nuclei the amines had a mostly depressive action on neuronal firing rate, the percentage of units responsive to NA application (88%) being higher than to 5-HT (72%). Short-lasting (less than 2 min) and long lasting (up to 20 min) inhibitory responses were recorded, the former mostly evoked by NA and the latter by 5-HT ejection. In some cases 5-HT application had no effect on the firing rate but modified the firing pattern. NA-evoked responses were significantly more intense in VL than in VA neurons. Short-lasting inhibitory responses similar to NA-induced effects were evoked by the alpha2 adrenergic receptor agonist clonidine and to a lesser extent by the beta adrenergic receptor agonist isoproterenol. Inhibitory responses to 5-HT were partially mimicked by application of the 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist 8-hydroxy-2(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT) and of the 5-HT2 receptor agonist alpha-methyl-5-hydroxytryptamine (ALPHA-MET-5-HT). The latter evoked excitatory responses in some cases. Both 5-HT agonists were more effective on VA than on VL neurons. The effects evoked by agonists were at least partially blocked by respective antagonists. These results suggest that although both 5-HT and NA depress neuronal firing rate, their effects differ in time course and in the amount of inhibition; besides aminergic modulation is differently exerted on VA and VL.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine what roles the various cerebellar deep nuclei (CDN) play in modulation of respiration, especially during chemical challenges. Experiments were carried out in 12 anesthetized, tracheotomized, paralyzed, and ventilated rats. The integrated phrenic nerve activity (integralPN) was recorded as an index of respiratory motor output. A stimulating electrode was sequentially placed into the fastigial nucleus (FN), the interposed nucleus, and the lateral nucleus. Only stimulation of the FN significantly altered respiration, primarily via increasing respiratory frequency associated with a pressor response. The evoked respiratory responses persisted after blocking the pressor response via pretreatment with phenoxybenzamine or use of transient stimulation (<2 s) but were abolished by microinjection of kainic acid into the FN. To test the involvement of FN neurons in respiratory chemoreflexes, ventilation with hypercapnic gases mixture and intravenous injection of sodium cyanide were applied before and after CDN lesions induced by kainic acid. CDN lesions did not significantly alter eupneic breathing, but FN lesions attenuated the respiratory response to hypercapnia and sodium cyanide. We conclude that, with respect to the CDN in the rat, FN neurons uniquely modulate respiration independent of cardiovascular effects and facilitate respiratory responses mediated by activation of CO(2) and O(2) receptors.  相似文献   

To clarify neuronal networks controlling swallowing water, inhibitory neurotransmitters were searched on the glossopharyngeal-vagal motor complex (GVC) of the medulla oblongata (MO), which is proposed as a motor nucleus controlling swallowing. Spontaneous firing (20-30 Hz) in the GVC was inhibited by adrenaline (AD), noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA). The inhibitory effects of these catecholamines (CAs) were dose-dependent, and the effects of AD and NA were completely blocked by phenoxybenzamine or yohimbine, indicating that at least these two CAs act on the same receptor, presumably on alpha(2)-adrenoceptor. Even after blocking the alpha(2)-adrenoceptor with yohimbine, the inhibitory effect of DA still remained, indicating separate action of DA from AD or NA. Although DA receptor type was not determined in the present study, these results suggest existence of CA receptors in the GVC neurons. Almost 70% GVC neurons were inhibited by CAs. The CA-sensitive neurons were specifically restricted in the middle part of the GVC area. There were many tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive somata and fibers in the eel MO. Among these TH-immunoreactive nuclei, the area postrema (AP) and the commissural nucleus of Cajal (NCC) appeared to project to the GVC morphologically. Significance of the catecholaminergic inhibition in the GVC activity is discussed in relation to controlling swallowing water.  相似文献   

When a muscle innervation originates from more than one spinal cord segment, the injury of one of the respective ventral roots evokes an overload, and alters the activity and properties of the remaining motor units. However, it is not well documented if the three types of motor units are equally represented within the innervating ventral roots. Single motor units in the rat medial gastrocnemius muscle were studied and their contractile properties as well as distribution of different types of motor units belonging to subpopulations innervated by axons in L4 and L5 ventral roots were analyzed. The composition of the three physiological types of motor units in the two subpopulations was similar. Force parameters were similar for motor units belonging to the two subpopulations. However, the twitch time parameters were slightly longer in L4 in comparison to L5 motor units although the difference was significant only for fast resistant to fatigue motor units. The force-frequency relationships in the two subpopulations of motor units were not different. Concluding, the two subpopulations of motor units in the studied muscle differ in the number of motor units, but contain similar proportions of the three physiological types of these units and their contractile properties are similar. Therefore, the injury of one ventral root evokes various degrees of muscle denervation, but is non-selective in relation to the three types of motor units.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin (CCK) regulates intestinal motility after being released by several luminal nutrients. However the mechanism of action of CCK is still not well known. The aim of our study was to establish the mechanism of action of CCK in the rat intestine using an in vivo model and focusing on the nervous pathways involved in the response as well as type of receptors. Anesthetized rats were prepared with two strain-gauges, in duodenum and jejunum, to record circular muscle motor activity. A group of animals was also prepared with a catheter to infuse capsaicin inside the duodenum. Responses to CCK-octapeptide (CCK-8) as well as to CCK agonists were studied. CCK-8 was also infused after CCK antagonists, atropine, hexamethonium or L-nitroarginine. Results show that duodenal response to CCK-8 is excitatory although inhibitory responses can be induced by gastrin. In the jejunum, CCK-8 induces an inhibitory response that is mediated by both CCK-A and -B receptors. Excitatory responses to CCK-8 are due to stimulation of preganglionic receptors while inhibitory responses are NO mediated through stimulation of postganglionic CCK-B receptors. Capsaicin locally applied in duodenal mucosa significantly decreased CCK-8 response, whereas mucosal exposure to lidocaine completely blocked CCK-8 response. In conclusion our results show that CCK response varies along the intestine according to the predominance of excitatory or inhibitory efferent innervation. Moreover, CCK-8 actions are mediated through both extrinsic and intrinsic afferent fibres.  相似文献   

Abstract. Osteoclast development and growth were studied by determining the number of labelled nuclei in osteoclasts of different sizes (based on the number of nuclei per osteoclast, N/O) and the number of osteoclasts with labelled nuclei at various intervals after tritiated thymidine ([3H]TdR) injection in young rats. The osteoclast smears were made from the cellular periosteum of the proximal tibia. The frequency distribution of the N/O osteoclasts types in the smears had profiles similar to that of in situ osteoclasts in whole mounts of proximal tibia, which indicates that the osteoclast population of the smears was representative of that on the bone surface. A vast majority of the osteoclasts had a 1–6 N/O, and a number of the cells had as many as 26 or more nuclei. Furthermore, profiles of N/O frequency distributions were similar over the course of the study. Nuclei with [3H]TdR label were initially observed in osteoclasts between 4 and 12 hr after isotope injection. However, fusion of labelled nuclei to osteoclasts continued for at least 150 hr. In general, the labelled osteoclasts exhibited a significantly larger number of nuclei than the unlabelled osteoclasts. The probability of an osteoclast incorporating one or more labelled nuclei increased with time after injection and with an increase in N/O. Labelling intensity decreased with time post injection and with an increase in N/O. The data suggest that turnover of nuclei is more rapid in osteoclasts with high N/O values.  相似文献   

Osteoclast development and growth were studied by determining the number of labelled nuclei in osteoclasts of different sizes (based on the number of nuclei per osteoclast, N/O) and the number of osteoclasts with labelled nuclei at various intervals after tritiated thymidine [( 3H]TdR) injection in young rats. The osteoclast smears were made from the cellular periosteum of the proximal tibia. The frequency distribution of the N/O osteoclasts types in the smears had profiles similar to that of in situ osteoclasts in whole mounts of proximal tibia, which indicates that the osteoclast population of the smears was representative of that on the bone surface. A vast majority of the osteoclasts had a 1-6 N/O, and a number of the cells had as many as 26 or more nuclei. Furthermore, profiles of N/O frequency distributions were similar over the course of the study. Nuclei with [3H]TdR label were initially observed in osteoclasts between 4 and 12 hr after isotope injection. However, fusion of labelled nuclei to osteoclasts continued for at least 150 hr. In general, the labelled osteoclasts exhibited a significantly larger number of nuclei than the unlabelled osteoclasts. The probability of an osteoclast incorporating one or more labelled nuclei increased with time after injection and with an increase in N/O. Labelling intensity decreased with time post injection and with an increase in N/O. The data suggest that turnover of nuclei is more rapid in osteoclasts with high N/O values.  相似文献   

The innervation of the urinary bladder is known to include a considerable number of nerves containing vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). The origin of such nerves in the bladder of rat was investigated in this study using the methods of immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay combined with surgical sectioning of the hypogastric and/or pelvic nerves to the bladder. Eight days after pelvic nerve sectioning proximal to the main pelvic ganglion, VIP-immunoreactive nerves and VIP content were markedly increased from the level in the sham-operated rat bladder. Sectioning of hypogastric or both nerve pathways led to a less significant increase. It was therefore postulated that the majority of VIP-immunoreactive nerves originate from ganglia located either close to the bladder or within the bladder wall. It is interesting that in these experiments the VIP content of the bladder nerves is inversely related to the changes in motility that would be expected to result from the nerve sections.  相似文献   

Summary Galanin-containing nerve fibers have previously been observed in the human, dog, and pig pancreas. Whether the mouse and rat pancreas also contain galanin nerve fibers has been a matter of debate. Therefore, we examined the distribution of galanin in the mouse and the rat pancreas. Further, the possible localization of galanin to adrenergic nerves was studied using sequential immunostaining for galanin and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). In the mouse pancreas, numerous galanin-immunoreactive (GIR) nerve fibers occurred around blood vessels. They were less numerous in the exocrine parenchyma and in association with the islets. In contrast, in the rat pancreas, only a few GIR nerves were found. They were located around blood vessels and scattered in the exocrine parenchyma. Occasionally, GIR nerves were also observed in the islets. There was a dense distribution of TH-immunoreactive fibers in both the mouse and the rat pancreas. Sequential immunostaining revealed co-localization of galanin and TH immunoreactivity in nerve fibers in both the mouse and the rat pancreas. Following chemical sympathectomy using 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), not all GIR nerves disappeared. In the mouse pancreas a remaining population of galanin nerves was found around blood vessels, and occasionally in the islets. In the rat pancreas, a few GIR nerves were seen also after chemical sympathectomy. We conclude that intrapancreatic GIR nerves also occur in the mouse and the rat. These findings suggest that many of the GIR nerves are adrenergic but that non-adrenergic, possibly intrinsic or sensory GIR nerves exist as well in both the mouse and the rat pancreas.  相似文献   

Summary The sphincter muscle in the rat iris forms irregular strands in the stroma. Bundles of unmyelinated axons run among the muscle cells. After sympathetic denervation some axons degenerate. This should indicate that sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are present in the same nerve net. The parasympathetic axons possess varicosities, that is, enlargements containing mitochondria and synaptic vesicles. These varicosities show a similar structural relationship to the muscle cells as do the varicosities of sympathetic nerves. No obvious ultrastructural difference is observed between the sympathetic and parasympathetic varicosities.This study has been supported by research grants (U267 and Y247) from the Swedish Medical Research Council and by a Public Health Service Research Grant (NB05236-01) from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness.  相似文献   

Summary The dilatator muscle cells form short projections into the stroma of the iris. Close to these projections run several nerve bundles. The unmyelinated axons often show enlargements (varicosities) containing mitochondria and vesicles. Several of the varicosities are partly denuded of the Schwann cell and are covered only by a basement membrane. The varicosities are then separated from the muscle cells only by basement membranes and a 0.1–1 stromal space. The ultrastructure of the iris dilatator muscle thus also fits the view that the autonomic ground plexus with its varicosities forms the real innervation apparatus.The smallest space between axon and muscle has a width of 700–900 Å and is cemented with basement membrane material. It is suggested that the main function of these contact sites is not to transmit a nerve impulse but to anchor the nerves to their effector organ.This study has been supported by grants from the Swedish State Research Council (U 267) and the United States Public Health Service (N B 2854-04).  相似文献   

The isolation of the envelopes of rat liver nuclei   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

It has been shown that at the beginning of motor program forming, homogeneous and cyclic excitations take place between the nonspecific thalamic structures and caudate nuclei. Later on reciprocity of the afferent inflows to the nuclei under consideration occurs, that indicates a different pattern of the involvement of these structures into intercentral integration controlling avoidance behavior.  相似文献   

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