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The extent to which stray, hatchery-reared salmon affect wild populations is much debated. Although experiments show that artificial breeding and culture influence the genetics of hatchery salmon, little is known about the interaction between hatchery and wild salmon in a natural setting. Here, we estimated historical and contemporary genetic population structures of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Prince William Sound (PWS), Alaska, with 135 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Historical population structure was inferred from the analysis of DNA from fish scales, which had been archived since the late 1960’s for several populations in PWS. Parallel analyses with microsatellites and a test based on Hardy-Weinberg proportions showed that about 50% of the fish-scale DNA was cross-contaminated with DNA from other fish. These samples were removed from the analysis. We used a novel application of the classical source-sink model to compare SNP allele frequencies in these archived fish-scales (1964–1982) with frequencies in contemporary samples (2008–2010) and found a temporal shift toward hatchery allele frequencies in some wild populations. Other populations showed markedly less introgression, despite moderate amounts of hatchery straying. The extent of introgression may reflect similarities in spawning time and life-history traits between hatchery and wild fish, or the degree that hybrids return to a natal spawning area. The source-sink model is a powerful means of detecting low levels of introgression over several generations.  相似文献   

For over a century, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife has implemented hatchery programs as a means to boost salmon abundance. Concerns have developed that native populations may be replaced by hatchery strains, decreasing the genetic diversity required to respond to environmental changes. We report a comparison of microsatellite DNA variation in wild-spawning and hatchery-strain coho salmon from the Nooksack and Samish rivers in northern Puget Sound. Significant heterogeneity in genotype frequencies was detected between wild-spawning coho salmon from the upper North Fork (NF) Nooksack River and hatchery-strain coho salmon from the Nooksack River (descendants of primarily Nooksack River broodstock). Little difference in genotype frequencies was detected between wild-spawning coho salmon from the Samish River and hatchery-strain coho salmon from the Nooksack River. The 13-locus suite provided high resolution: in assignment tests over 85% of wild-spawning coho salmon from the upper NF Nooksack River were assigned to source. Wild-spawning coho salmon collected below hatcheries in the Nooksack River and 50% of wild-spawning Samish River coho salmon were assigned to hatchery collections. The genetic divergence of wild-spawning coho salmon in the upper NF Nooksack River is remarkable given the extensive stocking history and proximity of a hatchery. We suggest that these upper river fish are native coho salmon and that wild spawners in the lower Nooksack and Samish River are descendants of hatchery productions. We attribute divergence to earlier run timing in upper NF Nooksack River wild spawners, availability of extensive spawning and rearing habitat upstream of a hatchery in the upper NF Nooksack River, and a longer stocking history in the Samish River.  相似文献   

The Pacific Northwest state and federal agencies and tribes that operate salmon and steelhead (Oncorhynchus sp.) hatcheries are authorized to develop and implement strategies to reduce the risks the programs pose to wild fish populations. This paper reviews five case studies from the states of Oregon and Washington, USA, where agencies and tribes have implemented or proposed programs that were intended to reduce ecological risks due to hatchery programs. The case studies are for Oregon coho salmon, Select Area terminal fisheries programs for Chinook and coho salmon in the lower Columbia River, Hood Canal chum salmon in Puget Sound Washington, Siletz River steelhead on the Oregon coast, and Okanogan River Chinook salmon in eastern Washington. The five case studies address a diversity of management objectives and species. They demonstrate some of the science and risk reduction strategies used to alleviate the ecological effects of hatcheries, and they document some of the results and outcomes of taking action. Elements of four of the case studies have been in place for nearly 20 years. The available science and the conservation ethic toward hatchery programs evolved significantly over this period, and management decisions and strategies have been influenced by public policy as well as by scientific information. Therefore the case studies also document some of the history, the evolution of ideas, the uncertainty, and the political controversy associated with the management of this risk factor. The paper concludes with six principles to help guide the development of future risk reduction programs.  相似文献   

Hatchery propagation of salmonids has been practiced in western North America for over a century. However, recent declines in wild salmon abundance and efforts to mitigate these declines through hatcheries have greatly increased the relative abundance of fish produced in hatcheries. The over-harvest of wild salmon by fishing mixed hatchery and wild stocks has been of concern for many years but genetic interactions between populations, such as hybridization, introgression and outbreeding depression, may also compromise the sustainability of wild populations. Our goal was to examine whether a newly established hatchery population of steelhead trout successfully reproduced in the wild and to compare their rate of reproductive success to that of sympatrically spawning native steelhead. We used eight microsatellite loci to create allele frequency profiles for baseline hatchery and wild populations and assigned the smolt (age 2) offspring of this parental generation to a population of origin. Adults originating from a generalized hatchery stock artificially selected for early return and spawning date were successful at reproducing in Forks Creek, Washington. Although hatchery females (N = 90 and 73 in the two consecutive years of the study) produced offspring that survived to emigrate as smolts, they produced only 4.4–7.0% the number produced per wild female (N = 11 and 10). This deficit in reproductive success implies that the proportion of hatchery genes in the mixed population may diminish since deliberate releases into the river have ceased. This hypothesis is being tested in a long-term study at Forks Creek.  相似文献   

Aggregate hatchery production of Pacific salmon in the Kamchatka region of the Russian Federation is very low (< 0.5% of total harvest, with five hatcheries releasing approximately 41 M juvenile salmon annually), but contributions in certain rivers can be substantial. Enhancement programs in these rivers may strongly influence fitness and production of wild salmon. In this paper we document significant divergence in demographic traits in hatchery salmon populations in the Bolshaya River and we estimate the proportion of hatchery chum salmon in the total run in the Paratunka River to demonstrate the magnitude of enhancement in this system. We observed a reduction in the expression of life history types in hatchery populations (ranging from 1 to 9 types) compared to wild populations (17 types) of sockeye salmon in the Bolshaya River. We found similar trends in Chinook salmon in the same river system. This reduced life history diversity may make these fish less resilient to changes in habitat and climate. We estimate hatchery chum salmon currently contribute 17-45% to the natural spawning population in the Paratunka River. As hatchery fish increase in numbers at natural spawning sites, this hatchery production may affect wild salmon production. It is important to investigate the risk of introgression between hatchery and wild salmon that can lead to reduction in salmon fitness in Kamchatka rivers, as well as the potential of ecological interactions that can have consequences on status of wild salmon and overall salmon production in this region.  相似文献   

Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) is a well known rhabdoviral pathogen of salmonid fish in North America that has become established in Asia and Europe. On the Pacific coast of Russia, IHNV was first detected in hatchery sockeye from the Kamchatka Peninsula in 2001. Results of virological examinations of over 10,000 wild and cultured salmonid fish from Kamchatka during 1996 to 2005 revealed IHNV in several sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka populations. The virus was isolated from spawning adults and from juveniles undergoing epidemics in both hatchery and wild sockeye populations from the Bolshaya watershed. No virus was detected in 2 other watersheds, or in species other than sockeye salmon. Genetic typing of 8 virus isolates by sequence analysis of partial glycoprotein and nucleocapsid genes revealed that they were genetically homogeneous and fell within the U genogroup of IHNV. In phylogenetic analyses, the Russian IHNV sequences were indistinguishable from the sequences of North American U genogroup isolates that occur throughout Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. The high similarity, and in some cases identity, between Russian and North American IHNV isolates suggests virus transmission or exposure to a common viral reservoir in the North Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

In salmonid parentage‐based tagging (PBT) applications, entire hatchery broodstocks are genotyped, and subsequently, progeny can be nonlethally sampled and assigned back to their parents using parentage analysis, thus identifying their hatchery of origin and brood year (i.e., age). Inter‐ and intrapopulation variability in migration patterns, life history traits, and fishery contributions can be determined from PBT analysis of samples derived from both fisheries and escapements (portion of a salmon population that does not get caught in fisheries and returns to its natal river to spawn). In the current study of southern British Columbia coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) populations, PBT analysis provided novel information on intrapopulation heterogeneity among males in the total number of progeny identified in fisheries and escapements, the proportion of progeny sampled from fisheries versus escapement, the proportion of two‐year‐old progeny (jacks) produced, and the within‐season return time of progeny. Fishery recoveries of coho salmon revealed heterogeneity in migration patterns among and within populations, with recoveries from north and central coast fisheries distinguishing “northern migrating” from “resident” populations. In northern migrating populations, the mean distance between fishery captures of sibs (brothers and sisters) was significantly less than the mean distance between nonsibs, indicating the possible presence of intrapopulation genetic heterogeneity for migration pattern. Variation among populations in productivity and within populations in fish catchability indicated that population selection and broodstock management can be implemented to optimize harvest benefits from hatcheries. Application of PBT provided valuable information for assessment and management of hatchery‐origin coho salmon in British Columbia.  相似文献   

Eldridge WH  Naish KA 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(12):2407-2421
Management actions, such as translocations, reintroductions and supportive breeding, can have both negative and positive effects on population recovery. Several studies have examined the incidence of introgression following such actions, but few studies have explored the effect of release numbers on gene flow between closely related recipient populations. We examined population structure of coho salmon in Puget Sound (Washington State, USA) to evaluate the relationship between the number of individuals transferred between rivers, and the number released within rivers, on inter- and intrariver population divergence. Eleven microsatellite loci were surveyed in 23 hatchery and wild samples collected from 11 rivers within and one hatchery outside Puget Sound. Pairwise genetic divergences between most populations were significant, but the population structure could not be explained by an isolation-by-distance model (Mantel test, P > 0.05). In contrast, we detected significant hatchery influence on population structure. The numbers of fish transferred among rivers between 1952 and 2004 was negatively correlated with differentiation between rivers (partial Mantel test, P = 0.005) but not within rivers (t-test, P = 0.41). Number of fish released from hatcheries that collect broodstock locally was negatively correlated with population structure within rivers (t-test P = 0.002), and between nearby rivers (partial Mantel P = 0.04). Our results indicate that the population structure can, to some degree, be altered by the number of individuals transferred and by local release number of individuals in ongoing artificial propagation programs. The findings presented here emphasize the need to control the number of individuals that are either inadvertently introduced, or are deliberately released under conservation scenarios.  相似文献   

We examined regional and latitudinal variation in fecundity and egg weight for five species of Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus ) along the Pacific coast of North America. Data were examined for 24 chum salmon, 15 pink salmon, 34 sockeye salmon, 44 chinook salmon, and 40 coho salmon populations from published sources, unpublished Canadian hatchery records, our own laboratory investigations, and other unpublished sources. Substantial regional variation in fecundity and egg weight was observed, with salmon on the Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island in British Columbia generally having lower fecundity and larger egg size than nearby mainland populations. The relative distance of freshwater migration to the spawning grounds generally had a marked effect on both fecundity and egg size, with populations spawning in the upper portions in the drainages of large rivers like the Fraser River in British Columbia having reduced fecundity and egg size compared with coastal spawning populations. Fecundity was generally higher and egg size generally lower in more northern populations of sockeye, chinook, and coho salmon compared with southern ones. We suggest that egg size tends to be lower in northern populations of some species as a result of increased fecundity due to their older ages at maturity and a limited amount of energy that can be expended on egg production.  相似文献   

Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) caused by Renibacterium salmoninarum (Rs) is a serious problem among Pacific Northwest salmon hatcheries and has raised concerns that salmon reared in hatcheries may spread BKD to natural populations. In order to monitor the potential spread of this disease to salmon spawning in nature, a method must be available to collect and analyze tissues from naturally spawning salmon. Kidney tissue analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is the standard method to detect the presence of Rs in salmon sampled in hatcheries. In this study, we tested the validity of using ELISA on kidney tissue collected from intact carcasses recovered on the spawning grounds to monitor BKD in naturally spawning populations by comparing ELISA optical density (OD) values from kidney tissue that was subjected to conditions that simulated decomposition in a carcass and collection during a spawning ground survey with samples freshly collected from salmon at a hatchery. Mean ELISA OD levels were 1.060 for the samples prepared by the normal preparation and 1.115 for samples prepared by simulating spawning ground survey collection. There was no significant difference in mean ELISA OD between the 2 sample preparations and the relationship did not significantly differ from 1:1 (slope = 0.946). This demonstrates that BKD prevalence in natural populations can be monitored using ELISA conducted on samples from intact carcasses recovered on spawning ground surveys. This will be an important tool for monitoring the effect of hatchery supplementation on naturally spawning salmon populations.  相似文献   

A harvested stock of chum salmon homing to Kurilskiy Bay, Iturup Island, consists of two genetically distinct river populations that reproduce in two rivers that drain into the bay and are characterized by limited gene flow. One of these is small and can be regarded as wild, whereas the other is much larger and, until recently, was composed of naturally reproducing components spawning in the river??s mainstem and tributaries, with almost no hatchery reproduction during the past two decades. The only human impact on reproduction of the chum salmon stock was regulation of the escapement, with officially accepted limits to avoid ??over-escapement??. Recently the hatchery began to release a large amount of chum salmon juveniles. As confirmed by data on variation in both age composition and microsatellite DNA, first-generation hatchery-origin fish that returned from the first large releases occupied spawning grounds and presumably competed directly with, and potentially displaced wild fish. The most dramatic example is a genetically distinct beach-spawning form of chum salmon that was swamped by much more numerous hatchery-origin fish of the river-spawning form. In order to restore and support naturally reproduced population components, careful estimation of the carrying capacity of natural spawning grounds is necessary with efforts to increase escapement to these habitats. We also recommend concerted efforts to restore and conserve a unique beach-spawning population of chum salmon. We further recommend development of a marking program for direct estimation of straying and evaluation of ecological and genetic impacts of hatchery fish on neighboring wild and natural populations.  相似文献   

Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) of the Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast (SONCC) Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) is federally listed as a threatened species. The Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP) is rehabilitating the Trinity River to restore coho salmon (coho) and other salmonid populations. In order to evaluate the program’s actions, several studies of movements and behavior of coho in the Trinity River were conducted from 2006 to 2009, including snorkel surveys and mark-recapture techniques based on Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags, elastomer tags, and radio transmitters. Catch, recapture, and condition of natural sub-yearlings, along with site fidelity and emigration of hatchery-reared yearlings in rehabilitated and reference habitats, were studied. Location was important because coho were absent from the lower controlled and rehabilitated sites most of the time. However, rehabilitation did not have a significant effect on natural coho salmon at the site level. Apparent survival of radio-tagged, hatchery-reared yearling coho released downstream from Lewiston Dam was much lower in the first 10 km downstream from the release site than in other areas between Lewiston Dam and the Klamath River estuary. Estimated survival of yearling hatchery coho salmon per 100 km down to Blake’s Riffle was estimated at 64 % over the distance of the 239 km study area. Migration primarily occurred at night in the upper Trinity River; however, as yearlings moved through the lower Trinity River towards the Klamath River, estuary nocturnal migration became less. Apparent survival was generally lowest in areas upstream from the North Fork of the Trinity River.  相似文献   

Management and restoration planning for Pacific salmon is often characterized by efforts at broad multi-basin scales. However, finer-scale genetic and phenotypic variability may be present within individual basins and can be overlooked in such efforts, even though it may be a critical component for long-term viability. Here, we investigate Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) within the Siletz River, a small coastal watershed in Oregon, USA. Adult Chinook salmon were genotyped using neutral microsatellite markers, single nucleotide polymorphisms and “adaptive” loci, associated with temporal variation in migratory behavior in many salmon populations, to investigate genetic diversity based upon both spatial and temporal variation in migratory and reproductive behavior. Results from all three marker types identified two genetically distinct populations in the basin, corresponding to early returning fish that spawn above a waterfall, a spring-run population, and later returning fish spawning below the waterfall, a fall-run population. This finding is an important consideration for management of the species, as spring-run populations generally only have been recognized in large watersheds, and highlights the need to evaluate population structure of salmon within smaller watersheds, and thereby increase the probability of successful conservation of salmon species.  相似文献   

As part of a comprehensive genetic evaluation of reproduction in naturally spawning coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, we examined morphometric variation in captively reared and wild adults from Hood Canal, Washington (U.S.A.) for evidence of differentiation between these groups. We collected captively reared fish as parr from two stocks and reared to adulthood at a freshwater hatchery, maturing in 1995 and 1996; we sampled closely size-matched wild fish as they returned to a neighboring stream in both years. Multivariate analysis of shape variation by Procrustes coordinates, visualized by thin-plate splines, indicated that the captively reared adults were differentiated from the wild fish by sharply reduced sexual dimorphism as well as smaller heads and less hooked snouts, increased trunk depth, larger caudal peduncles, shorter dorsal fins, larger hindbodies and a reduction in body streamlining. The differences between the captively reared and wild fish were similar to but more pronounced than some differences previously reported between hatchery and wild coho salmon. The magnitude and pattern of differences suggested that at least some of them were environmentally induced. Shape variation showed an allometric relationship with variation in body (measured as centroid) size. Morphometric variation was a poor correlate of most spawning behaviors. Nevertheless, our results suggest that the morphometric consequences of captive rearing for mate selection and reproductive activity of spawning fish may limit its effectiveness as a restorative tool.  相似文献   

About 31% of salmon harvested in Alaska comes from the hatchery production of hundreds of millions of pink and chum salmon and smaller numbers of sockeye, Chinook, and coho salmon. The numbers of hatchery-reared juveniles released in some areas are greater than the numbers of juveniles from wild populations. However, virtually nothing is known about the effects of hatchery fish on wild populations in Alaska. Possible effects of these interactions can be inferred from studies of salmonids in other areas, from studies of other animals, and from theory. Numerous studies show a complex relationship between the genetic architecture of a population and its environment. Adaptive responses to nature and anthropogenic selection can be influenced by variation at a single gene, or more often, by the additive effects of several genes. Studies of salmonids in other areas show that hatchery practices can lead to the loss of genetic diversity, to shifts in adult run timing and earlier maturity, to increases in parasite load, to increases in straying, to altered levels of boldness and dominance, to shifts in juvenile out-migration timing, and to changes in growth. Controlled experiments across generations show, and theory predicts, that the loss of adaptive fitness in hatchery salmon, relative to fitness in wild salmon, can occur on a remarkably short time scale. All of these changes can influence survival and impose selective regimes that influence genetically based adaptive traits. The preservation of adaptive potential in wild populations is an important buffer against diseases and climate variability and, hence, should be considered in planning hatchery production levels and release locations. The protection of wild populations is the foundation for achieving sustained harvests of salmon in Alaska.  相似文献   

Little is known about the historical range of killer whale ecotypes in the eastern North Pacific (ENP). It is possible that ranges have shifted in the last few decades because of changes in availability of food. In particular, the southern resident ecotype, currently found primarily in the inland waters of Washington State, is known to prey extensively on salmon, which have declined in recent decades along the outer coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California. To investigate historical distributions of this and the other ENP ecotypes, samples of teeth and bones were obtained from NMFS and museum collections. We amplified a short section of the mitochondrial DNA control region that contains four diagnostic sites that differentiate between haplotypes found in ecotypes of ENP killer whales. Results did not show any southern resident haplotypes in samples from south of the Washington State inland waterways. One whale genetically identified as a northern resident extends the known southernmost distribution of the population from Oregon to California. Items of diet identified from stomach contents of six of the whales genetically identified to ecotype conformed with what is known of the feeding habits of the various ecotypes.  相似文献   

We used electrophoresis to determine the number and characteristics of genetically distinct stocks of odd-year pink salmon in Washington and southern British Columbia. We analysed 5128 fish from 52 collections (taken in 1985, 1987 and 1989). We observed genetic variation at 53 enzyme-coding loci, 19 of which were polymorphic at the Po-95 level in at least one stock. Genotypic proportions conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations in nearly all cases. The genetic profiles of individual populations were generally stable over the three cycle years studied. Significant differences in allele frequencies at sAAT-3* , PEP-LT* and PGDH* for several stocks were, however, noted between this study and previously reported data for pink salmon. We used G-tests and cluster analysis of genetic distances to evaluate genetic interrelationships among collections and to define genetically distinct stocks. Differentiation among stocks exhibited a clear geographic pattern with three major clusters of stocks recognizable: (1) Hood Canal and Washington Strait of Juan de Fuca stocks, (2) Puget Sound, Fraser River, and southern Canada South Coast stocks, and (3) northern Canada South Coast stocks and Canada North Coast stocks. Computer simulations using 14 and 28 loci, and sample sizes of 15C600, demonstrated that accurate estimates of stock-group composition could be obtained for pink salmon fisheries having a considerable range of stock compositions. The simulations revealed that approximately 50% fewer fish were required to obtain a given level of precision of stock group composition estimates with 28 loci as with the set of 14 loci used in previous investigations.  相似文献   

Admixture between wild and captive populations is an increasing concern in conservation biology. Understanding the extent of admixture and the processes involved requires identification of admixed and non-admixed individuals. This can be achieved by statistical methods employing Bayesian clustering, but resolution is low if genetic differentiation is weak. Here, we analyse stocked brown trout populations represented by historical (1943–1956) and contemporary (2000s) samples, where genetic differentiation between wild populations and stocked trout is weak (pairwise FST of 0.047 and 0.053). By analysing a high number of microsatellite DNA markers (50) and making use of linkage map information, we achieve clear identification of admixed and non-admixed trout. Moreover, despite strong population-level admixture by hatchery strain trout in one of the populations (70.8%), non-admixed individuals nevertheless persist (7 out of 53 individuals). These remnants of the indigenous population are characterized by later spawning time than the majority of the admixed individuals. We hypothesize that isolation by time mediated by spawning time differences between wild and hatchery strain trout is a major factor rescuing a part of the indigenous population from introgression.  相似文献   

Detecting genetic population shifts (i.e. allele frequency differences) through time is a primary function of effective conservation monitoring, but it is equally vital to understand the underlying causative factors of change which may be revealed through analyses of long-term, temporal trends. We compared archival and contemporary Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) collections from the John Day River in Oregon, USA, to evaluate the temporal relationships among four primary spawning areas over a span of 28 years (1978–2006). Although it lies amid many hatchery-supplemented salmon populations of the Columbia River, the John Day River has itself experienced no directed supplementation. Using a combined panel of 13 microsatellite and 92 single nucleotide polymorphism loci, we observed significant temporal heterogeneity across sample sites and tested for two likely evolutionary influences: stochastic processes (i.e. genetic drift) and gene flow via immigration. Based on abundance and effective population size estimates, we found no evidence indicating a recent bottleneck. We observed a sharp temporal decline in probability of self-assignment of John Day River fish, particularly for the North Fork tributary. There was a corresponding increase in assignment to distant Snake River populations, attributed to accumulating introgression from out-of-basin sources over time. Our study demonstrates that low level immigration sustained over multiple generations can alter the genetic composition of natural populations, and while immigration may help maintain genetic population diversity, it risks reducing adaptive advantages in local ecosystems.  相似文献   

Pacific salmon species including the U.S. federally endangered coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and the U.S. federally threatened steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have declined at an alarming rate in the last 40 years. Two of the main causes for the decline in coastal coho populations include increases in temperature and contaminant loads in coastal watersheds. Zinc, in particular, is one of the most common contaminants in aquatic systems. Using an experimental mesocosm design, we examined physiological, biochemical, and behavioral responses of coho salmon to excess dietary zinc and increased temperatures, with the ultimate goal of relating results to wild populations of coho salmon and steelhead in the Navarro River, California. Fish were obtained from a hatchery and divided into four treatments: low water temperature-no dietary zinc, high temperature-no zinc, low temperature-zinc, and high temperature-zinc. Each treatment had four replicate tanks. Zinc concentrations in liver increased during exposure to a high zinc diet. Iron concentrations in liver increased during simultaneous exposure to high zinc diet and increased temperature, and growth was reduced in this experimental treatment. Expression of hsp-70 was not significantly different between treatments, but showed decreasing trends with high dietary zinc and high temperature. Feeding rate increased with exposure to a high zinc diet. Comparison with steelhead trout samples from the Navarro River, California, showed levels of zinc, iron, and hsp-70 greater than those found in the experimental Coho salmon. All comparisons between the hatchery coho salmon and wild steelhead should be viewed with caution due to the differences between species, the laboratory and natural environment, and the genetic differences between wild and hatchery fish.  相似文献   

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