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目的和方法 :采用大鼠海马脑片盲法膜片钳全细胞记录技术研究CA1区锥体神经元电压门控性Ca2 通道的动力学特征。结果 :大鼠海马脑片CA1区锥体神经元电压门控性Ca2 通道电流具有如下特点 :①激活的阈电位偏低 ,为 (- 4 9.3± 8.6 )mV ,范围为 - 6 5~ - 30mV(n =2 3)。②衰减时间常数τ值较大 ,且变化范围大 (10 0~ 70 0ms) (n =12 ) ,并且衰减具有Ca2 电流幅值的依赖性 ,③稳态失活呈现电压依赖性 ,半失活电压为 (- 5 5 .4± 9.7)mV ,斜率因子为 (5 .3± 0 .9)mV(n =10 )。④当细胞外Ca2 浓度为 2 .5mmol/L时 ,Ca2 通道的反转电位为 (5 5±13)mV(n =10 )。⑤尾电流成分较为单一 ,不表现电压依赖性。另外 ,Ca2 电流对戊脉胺及双氢吡啶类化合物硝苯地平均不敏感。结论 :根据上述Ca2 电流特征 ,海马脑片CA1区锥体神经元上的Ca2 通道主要以N型为主  相似文献   

目的和方法:采用大鼠海马脑片盲法膜片钳的全细胞记录技术,研究美国Axon公司生产的膜片钳系统(Axopatch放大器和pClamp软件)中几种漏减功能的意义和作用机制,重点对定标P/N漏减(Scaled P/N leak subtraction)、膜片钳放大器漏减以及Clampfit处理软件漏减功能的选择与使用进行分析与比较。结果:Clampex采样软件中的定标P/N漏减功能比P/N漏减功能的噪声要小;放大器漏减功能可漏减单一去极化电压幅度所诱发的漏电流,但不能同时对不同电压幅度系列去极化所产生的稳态漏电流进行追踪漏减;Clampfit漏减功能由于其设定只要膜两侧存在电位差就有漏电流产生,因而不适合在记录电压门控性离子通道电流时对稳态漏电流进行漏减。结论:在研究电压门控性离子通道的性质时,可采用P/N漏减功能或定标P/N漏减功能对稳态漏电流进行漏减,而Clampfit漏减功能是不合适的。  相似文献   

在体大鼠膜片钳全细胞记录技术初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liu ZW  Yang S  Zhang YX 《中国应用生理学杂志》2003,19(3):277-277,285,305
目的:建立在体大鼠膜片钳全细胞记录方法。方法:固定麻醉大鼠后对其顶叶皮层锥体神经元行全细胞记录。结果:成功记录到顶叶内锥体层神经元电压门控性钠离子通道电流及自发突触活动电流。结论:初步建立了在体大鼠膜片钳全细胞记录方法,但对记录的稳定性仍有待于进一步提高。  相似文献   

建立了拟南芥下胚轴原生质体的膜片钳全细胞记录方法,观测到的全细胞电流主要是外向K+电流,其对胞外K+浓度具有一定的依赖性,并为K+通道阻断剂Ba2 显著抑制,外源ATP和Ca2 分别对拟南芥下胚轴原生质体的全细胞外向K 电流有显著影响,表明拟南芥下胚轴细胞质膜外向K+通道,可能通过蛋白磷酸化或Ca2 信使调控的机制,参与细胞信号转导。  相似文献   

目的:为研究海德氏突触的电生理特性,建立用amphotericinB穿孔的膜片钳技术。方法:本文应用两性霉素B(amphotericinB)在小鼠脑干的calyx细胞上进行穿孔膜片钳技术的研究。结果:应用amphotericinB进行穿孔后,通道电流衰减现象显著变慢。AmphotericinB的最适浓度为400tc/ml。结论:本研究摸索出了一种稳定的穿孔膜片钳全细胞记录技术,可以更有效,更真实的反应神经元通道电流的电生理特性。为穿孔膜片钳技术在听觉信息传导和调控研究中的应用提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

目的: 采用全细胞膜片钳技术记录大鼠脑片实验中NMDA电流,并介绍诱发NMDA电流的自制刺激电极制作方法。方法: 在大鼠目标脑区快速取材并获取活性良好的脑片,分别通过含受体激动剂NMDA的孵育液灌流和电刺激诱发NMDA电流两种方式进行膜片钳记录;利用针灸针自制刺激电极。结果: 通过记录到大鼠脑片神经元的EPSC和AP可判断神经元的状态,比较两种方法诱导的NMDA电流幅度,即直接灌流受体激动剂NMDA(282.0±24.3) pA和自制刺激电极诱发(261.4±40.1)pA,二者电流幅度无明显差异(P>0.05,n=4);自制刺激电极与进口刺激电极诱发的NMDA电流幅度分别为(267.2±36.5)pA vs (239.2±41.0)pA,二者电流幅度无明显差异(P>0.05,n=4),证明自制刺激电极成功。结论: 大鼠脑片实验中,通过直接灌流激动剂与电刺激两种方式均可诱导NMDA电流,自制刺激电极为在脑片上记录诱发电流提供了一种经济、可靠的实验手段,便于各实验室应用。  相似文献   

活体动物全细胞记录技术及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
活体动物全细胞记录技术不仅可以用于研究感觉系统对自然刺激(如视觉系统的光刺激、听觉系统的声音刺激等)反应的特性和规律,还可以较准确地记录细胞的突触电位(包括阈下反应),实现EPSP和IPSP的相对分离,并实现活体细胞内灌流,从而进一步研究感觉信息的处理机制。本文较为详细地介绍了在活体动物上进行全细胞记录的方法,包括一些技术细节和关键仪器设备的选取原则,举例说明了该技术在视觉系统研究和体感系统研究中的应用,并讨论了这一方法在神经科学中的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的: 建立新生大鼠大脑皮层、海马细胞及交感神经元细胞的培养方法及其钠、钾和钙通道的膜片钳全细胞记录技术.方法: 取出生1~3 d的大鼠大脑皮层、海马及交感神经节,用胰蛋白酶(0.125%)消化组织并分离出神经细胞,种植在涂有多聚赖氨酸的35 mm培养皿中,用高糖的DMEM培养液培养,一周后,镜下可见神经细胞壁光滑、完整,周围有明亮的光润,在高倍倒置显微镜下可见到完整的细胞核及均匀的胞浆,细胞间形成良好的突触连接,可用于细胞膜片钳记录.结果: 用胰蛋白酶消化分离培养的神经细胞,功能状态良好,在膜片钳全细胞记录中,易形成细胞与记录电极间的高阻抗封接,可分别记录到INa、IA、IK和ICa.结论:在神经系统电生理学研究中,此方法可应用于中枢神经系统不同脑区培养以及钠、钾和钙通道电流的记录.  相似文献   

大鼠下丘脑离体脑薄片视上核神经元的全细胞记录   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在大鼠下丘脑薄片标本上对52例视上核神经元进行了全细胞膜片箝记录。膜被动及主动电生理参数测量如下:静息电位,59±8mV;输入阻抗,535±129MΩ;时间常数,32±9ms;动作电位幅度,99±11mV;超射值,37±13mV(n=39)。大多数神经元在接受去极化刺激时出现明显的慢后超极化电位或电流。我们发现,在电压箱状态下几乎所有的视上核神经元均接受兴奋性和/或抑制性突触传λ(n=13)。药理学实验表明,兴奋性突触后电流是由non-NMDA亚型谷氨酸受体介导,而抑制性突触后电流由GABAA受体介导。  相似文献   

Summary A variant of the whole-cell patch clamp technique is described which allows measurement of whole-cell ionic currents in small cells while minimizing cell dialysis with the pipette solution. The technique involves the application of negative pressure to the inside of small (< 1 µm) tip diameter pipettes placed on the cell surface to achieve high resistance seals and membrane rupture. The technique has been used successfully in a variety of different types of cells to study membrane currents carried by Ca and K, currents generated by exchange carriers as well as electrical coupling between cells. Overall, the technique seems well suited for the study of ionic currents in small cells, and provides an alternative to conventional patch clamping techniques which necessitate intracellular dialysis.  相似文献   

目的:介绍一种利用膜片钳技术标记脑片神经元形态的方法.方法:利用振动切片机切好实验目标部位的脑片,用含有NeurobiotinTM Tracer的电极内液灌注玻璃微电极,并进行全细胞膜片钳记录;实验结束后将脑片先用4%多聚甲醛固定、漂洗,再用含有Streptavidin-Texas Red和Triton X-100的P...  相似文献   

Piezo1 is a eukaryotic cation-selective mechanosensitive ion channel. To understand channel function in vivo, we first need to analyze and compare the response in the whole cell and the patch. In patches, Piezo1 inactivates and the current is fit well by a 3-state model with a single pressure-dependent rate. However, repeated stimulation led to an irreversible loss of inactivation. Remarkably, the loss of inactivation did not occur on a channel-by-channel basis but on all channels at the same time. Thus, the channels are in common mechanical domain. Divalent ions decreased the unitary conductance from ~68 pS to ~37 pS, irrespective of the cation species. Mg and Ca did not affect inactivation rates, but Zn caused a 3-fold slowing. CytochalasinD (cytoD) does not alter inactivation rates or the transition to the non-inactivating mode but does reduce the steady-state response. Whole-cell currents were similar to patch currents but also had significant differences. In contrast to the patch, cytoD inhibited the current suggesting that the activating forces were transmitted through the actin cytoskeleton. Hypotonic swelling that prestressed the cytoskeleton and the bilayer greatly increased the sensitivity of both control and cytoD cells so there are two pathways to transmit force to the channels. In contrast to patch, removing divalent ions decreased the whole-cell current. The difference between whole cell and patch properties provide new insights into our understanding of the Piezo1 gating mechanisms and cautions against generalization to in situ behavior.  相似文献   

Whole-cell patch clamp recordings were done on giant protoplasts of Escherichia coli. The pressure sensitivity of the protoplasts was studied. Two different unit conductance mechanosensitive channels, 1100 ± 25 pS and 350 ± 14 pS in 400 mm symmetric KCl solution, were observed upon either applying positive pressure to the interior of the cells or down shocking the cells osmotically. The 1100 pS conductance channel discriminated poorly among the monovalent ions tested and it was permeable to Ca2+ and glutamate?. Both of the two channels were sensitive to the osmotic gradient across the membrane; the unit conductances of the channels remained constant while the mean current of the cell was increased by increasing the osmotic gradient. Both of the channels were voltage sensitive. Voltage-ramp results showed that the pressure sensitivity of protoplasts was voltage dependent: there were more channels active upon depolarization than hyperpolarization. The mech anosensitive channels were reversibly blocked by gadolinium ion. Also they could reversibly be inhibited by protons. Mutations in two of the potassium efflux systems, KefB and KefC, did not affect the channel activity, while a null mutation in the gene for KefA changed the channel activity significantly. This indicates a potential modulation of these channels by KefA.  相似文献   

We report on a simple and high‐yield manufacturing process for silicon planar patch‐clamp chips, which allow low capacitance and series resistance from individually identified cultured neurons. Apertures are etched in a high‐quality silicon nitride film on a silicon wafer; wells are opened on the backside of the wafer by wet etching and passivated by a thick deposited silicon dioxide film to reduce the capacitance of the chip and to facilitate the formation of a high‐impedance cell to aperture seal. The chip surface is suitable for culture of neurons over a small orifice in the substrate with minimal leak current. Collectively, these features enable high‐fidelity electrophysiological recording of transmembrane currents resulting from ion channel activity in cultured neurons. Using cultured Lymnaea neurons we demonstrate whole‐cell current recordings obtained from a voltage‐clamp stimulation protocol, and in current‐clamp mode we report action potentials stimulated by membrane depolarization steps. Despite the relatively large size of these neurons, good temporal and spatial control of cell membrane voltage was evident. To our knowledge this is the first report of recording of ion channel activity and action potentials from neurons cultured directly on a planar patch‐clamp chip. This interrogation platform has enormous potential as a novel tool to readily provide high‐information content during pharmaceutical assays to investigate in vitro models of disease, as well as neuronal physiology and synaptic plasticity. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107:593–600. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The development and analysis of three waveguides for the exposure of small biological in vitro samples to mobile communication signals at 900 MHz (GSM, Global System for Mobile Communications), 1.8 GHz (GSM), and 2 GHz (UMTS, Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) is presented. The waveguides were based on a fin‐line concept and the chamber containing the samples bathed in extracellular solution was placed onto two fins with a slot in between, where the exposure field concentrates. Measures were taken to allow for patch clamp recordings during radiofrequency (RF) exposure. The necessary power for the achievement of the maximum desired specific absorption rate (SAR) of 20 W/kg (average over the mass of the solution) was approximately Pin = 50 mW, Pin = 19 mW, and Pin = 18 mW for the 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, and 2 GHz devices, respectively. At 20 W/kg, a slight RF‐induced temperature elevation in the solution of no more than 0.3 °C was detected, while no thermal offsets due to the electromagnetic exposure could be detected at the lower SAR settings (2, 0.2, and 0.02 W/kg). A deviation of 10% from the intended solution volume yielded a calculated SAR deviation of 8% from the desired value. A maximum ±10% variation in the local SAR could occur when the position of the patch clamp electrode was altered within the area where the cells to be investigated were located. Bioelectromagnetics 32:102–112, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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