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Erich L. Schrott 《Planta》1980,150(2):174-179
The fluence response of the blue light induced carotenoid synthesis inNeurospora is biphasic. Using fluence rates between 0.3 and 40 Wm-2, increasing illumination times beyond 16 min (at 20°C) result in a second rise of the amount of carotenoids synthesized in the subsequent dark period. On altering the temperature, the transition point to the second phase of the response is shifted to shorter/longer illumination periods with increasing/decreasing temperature, respectively. The transition point can also be shifted by administering high fluence rates of near UV light: The start of the second phase is already triggered after an irradiation time of 2 min. The findings suggest that elements of the transduction sequence become depleted and senstivity recovers in a temperature-dependent process. The biphasic response and the effects of UV light are discussed in relation to the transduction mechanism and to the ecological significance.Presented in part at the meeting of the Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, September 1978, Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

Nitrogen, as KNO3 or NH4NO3, can inhibit the photoinduction of protoperithecia in Neurospora crassa when present in the medium at a high concentration but does not inhibit the photoinduction of carotenoids. The point at which the presence of high nitrogen levels is no longer inhibitory is 5 h after illumination.Abbreviations al albino mutant - wc white-collar mutant - WM Westergaard and Mitchell (1947) medium Dedicated to Professor Wilhelm Nultsch in honour of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Nitrogen regulation of amino acid catabolism in Neurospora crassa   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Neurospora crassa can utilize numerous compounds including certain amino acids as a sole nitrogen source. Mutants of the nit-2 locus, a regulatory gene which is postulated to mediate nitrogen catabolite repression, are deficient in the ability to utilize several amino acids as well as other nitrogen sources used by wild type. Various enzymes involved in amino acid catabolism were found to be regulated in distinct ways. Arginase, ornithine transaminase, and pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase are all inducible enzymes but are not subject to nitrogen catabolite repression. By contrast, proline oxidase and the amino acid transport system(s) are controlled by nitrogen repression and their synthesis is increased markedly when nitrogen source is limiting. Unlike wild type, the nit-2 mutant cannot derepress amino acid transport, although proline oxidase is regulated in a normal fashion.This work was supported by Grant R01 GM-23367 from the National Institutes of Health. T. J. F. was supported by an NIH Predoctoral Traineeship in Developmental Biology; G. A. M. is supported by NIH Career Development Award GM-00052.  相似文献   

The influence of light in a spectrum range of 350–500 nm 20 W m-2 (20,000 erg · cm-2 · s-1) has been studied in the mycelial cells of Neurospora crassa. Light-induced input resistance and membrane potential changes can be measured by means of intracellular microelectrodes. The value of the input resistance reached maximum after a 2–5 min illumination. The maximum hyperpolarization of the cell membrane reaching 30–40 mV was observed after 20–25 min illumination, when the input resistance values did not differ significantly in the illuminated and non-illuminated cells.  相似文献   

The effect of light on carotene accumulation was studied by analyzing the -carotene content of 4--old mycelia continuously exposed to illumination of different intensities. The wild-type, mutants defective in phototropism, mutants defective in carotene regulation, and newpic mutants specifically defective for photocarotenogenesis were examined. The results indicate that photocarotenogenesis depends on a single sensory pathway which shares its earlier steps (governed by genesmadA andmadB) with the sensory pathway for phototropism. It shares its later steps (probably governed by genescarA andpicB) with one of the pathways for carotene regulation, and includes at least one specific step (governed by genepicA) not known to be involved in other responses.  相似文献   

Summary Ornithine carbamoyl transferase and leucine aminotransferase of Neurospora crassa represent two of many amino acid synthetic enzymes which are regulated through cross-pathway (or general) amino acid control. In the wild-type strain both enzymes display derepressed activities if the growth medium is supplemented with high (mM range) concentrations of l-amino acids derived from branched pathways, i.e. the aspartate, pyruvate, glycerophosphate and aromatic families of amino acids. A cpc-1 mutant strain, impaired in cross-pathway regulation i.e. lacking the ability to derepress, shows delayed growth under such conditions. In the presence of glycine, homoserine and isoleucine various cpc-1 isolates do not grow at all. Derepression of the wild-type enzymes and the retarded growth of the mutant strain can be reversed if certain amino acids are present in the medium in addition to the inhibitory amino acids.  相似文献   

J. Nossag  W. Kasprik 《Planta》1984,160(3):217-221
Prostrate cells of Micrasterias thomasiana Archer were irradiated from above with intensive blue light. Many of the cells reacted by rising to a profile position. During a period of 15 to 90 min the response is linearly dependent on the duration of irradiation, inferred from the number of rising cells. In a range from 10 to 30 mol m-2 s-1 (equalling 2.7–8.0 W m-2 at a wavelength of 450 nm) and for an irradiation time of 30 min, the rising reaction was linearly dependent on the quantum flux density. Choosing 30 min irradiation time and a quantum flux density of 30 mol m-2 s-1, the reactive number of rising cells was employed in establishing an action spectrum. As a result of this, a flavin is postulated as the light-percepting pigment in the reaction, whereas chlorophylls do not appear to be involved. The rising reaction can be distinguished from other light-induced movements as a strong-light response, resembling in this respect the movement of chloroplasts within cells. The different sensitivity of individual cells and the importance of this strong-light response for the algal cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The nit-2 gene of Neurospora crassa encodes the major nitrogen regulatory protein which acts in a positive fashion to activate the expression of many different structural genes during conditions of nitrogen limitation. An E. coli-expressed NIT2/-Gal fusion protein binds specifically to DNA in vitro by recognizing GATA core elements. Nuclear extracts prepared from a wild-type N. crassa strain contain a protein factor which displays all of the properties expected for the native NIT2 protein. The native NIT2 protein in nuclear extracts binds with high affinity to DNA fragments which contain two GATA elements, weakly to fragments with a single GATA element, and fails to bind to DNAs which lack these sequences. The DNA binding ability of the protein factor in nuclear extracts is efficiently blocked by a polyclonal antibody developed against the zinc-finger region of NIT2 protein. Western blot analysis with the anti-NIT2 antiserum revealed a specific protein with a size of approximately 110,000 daltons, in excellent agreement with the predicted size of NIT2. Both the specific NIT2 DNA binding activity and the protein detected by Western blot are totally lacking in nuclear extracts of a nit-2 rip mutant strain. These results all support the conclusion that the native NIT2 protein in Neurospora cells has been identified. The NIT2 protein is localised in nuclei and could not be detected in the cytoplasmic fraction of cells subjected to nitrogen derepression or nitrogen repression, indicating that the nuclear import of NIT2 is not regulated.  相似文献   

V. E. A. Russo 《Planta》1986,168(1):56-60
A triple albino mutant of Neurospora crassa with a measured content of carotenoids absorbing at 470 nm less than 0.5% of that of the wild type (calculated value less than 8·10-4%) had the same threshold for photoinduction of protoperithecia as the wild type when illuminated with monochromatic light at 471 nm. This is strong evidence against the hypothesis that the bulk of carotenoids are the blue-light photoreceptor for this phenomenon. However, it is impossible to exclude traces of carotenoids acting as the photoreceptor at less than 3·10-12 M in a very efficient sensory transduction chain.Abbreviations A absorbance - al albino mutant - WT wild type  相似文献   

Effects of external ionic conditions on light induced phase shifting of the circadian rhythm of conidiation in Neurospora crassa were examined in simple buffer solutions for discerning effects of individual ions. Mycelia were cultured to liquid media of different pHs and then transferted to 10 mM piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulmonic acid) (Pipes) buffer of various pHs and irradiated with while light. The phase of the rhythm of dark controls was not changed by transfer from medium to buffer. When mycelia were cultured in media of pH above 6.7, light did not advance the phase of the clock in Pipes buffer alone. However, light-induced phase advance was restored when an ammonium salt was added to buffer of pH higher than 7.6. An amination-defective mutant, bd am, showed the same response to ammonium nitrate as the wild-type strain, bd. Ammonium must be present before light irradiation for restoration of phase shifting. Free-amino-acid pools in the cells were changed by treatment with Pipes buffer: aspartle acid, glutamic acid, ammonia, glutamine and ornithine levels decreased, while lysine and histidine increased. Addition of ammonium nitrate to Pipes buffer resulted in further changes in amino-acid pools; lysine, histidine, arginine, alanine and ornithine decreased, and glutamine levels increased. Irradiation did not result in significant changes in amino acid pools.Abbreviation Pipes piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulfoniccid)  相似文献   

Sailer H  Nick P  Schafer E 《Planta》1990,180(3):378-382
Gravitropic stimulation of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings resulted in a continuous curvature of the coleoptiles in a direction opposing the vector of gravity when the seedlings were rotated on a horizontal clinostat. The orientation of this response, however, was reversed when the gravitropic stimulation was preceeded by symmetric preirradiation with blue light (12.7 mol photons·m–2). The fluence-response curve of this blue light exhibited a lower threshold at 0.5 mol·m–2, and could be separated into two parts: fluences exceeding 5 mol·m–2 reversed the direction of the gravitropic response, whereas for a range between the threshold and 4 mol·m–2 a split population was obtained. In all cases a very strong curvature resulted either in the direction of gravity or in the opposite orientation. A minor fraction of seedlings, however, curved towards the caryopsis. Furthermore, the capacity of blue light to reverse the direction of the gravitropic response disappeared with the duration of gravitropic stimulation and it depended on the delay time between both stimulations. Thistonic blue-light influence appears to be transient, which is in contrast to the stability observed fortropistic blue-light effects.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The effect of visible light on carotenoid content in the dermatophyte Trichophyton mentagrophytes ATCC 26323 was investigated. The fungus T. mentagrophytes accumulated several carotenoids when arthroconidiated on Sabouraud glucose agar at 37°C. When this fungus was irradiated with moderate fluence rates of white light, the resultant arthroconidia contained considerably less carotenoids in comparison with dark controls although growth and arthroconidiation of this fungus were not at all affected by visible light. The reduction of carotenoid content in arthroconidia was due primarily to blue light, although red light caused a slight decrease in pigmentation. The suppressive effect of visible light on pigmentation was fluence rate dependent. Carotenoid accumulation in arthroconidia was inversely and exponentially related to the fluence rate of light. Carotenoid formation in arthroconidiating T. mentagrophytes was neither photoinducible nor photostimulative. An analysis of isolated carotenoids revealed that visible light caused a quantitative reduction in pigmentation, and no single carotenoid was selectively decreased.Non-standard abbreviations PI pigmentation index - r coefficient of correlation  相似文献   

Nick P  Schafer E 《Planta》1991,185(3):415-424
Phototropic stimulation induces a spatial memory. This was inferred from experiments with maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles involving opposing blue-light pulses, separated by variable time intervals, and rotation on a horizontal clinostat (Nick and Schafer, 1988b, Planta 175, 380-388). In those experiments, individual seedlings either curved towards the first or towards the second pulse, or they remained straight. Bending, if it occurred, seemed to be an all-or-none response. Intermediates, i.e. plants, bending only weakly, were not observed. In the first part of the present study it was attempted to create such intermediates. For this purpose the strength of the first, inducing, and the second, opposing, pulse was varied. The result was complex: (i) Individual seedlings maintained the all-or-none expression of spatial memory. (ii) However, on the level of the whole population, the time intervals at which a given response type dominated depended on the fluence ratio. (iii) Furthermore, the final curvature was determined by the fluence ratio. These results are discussed in terms of a blue-light-induced transverse polarity. This polarity initiates from a labile precursor, which can be reoriented by an opposing stimulation (indicated by the strong bending towards the second pulse). The strong curvatures towards the first pulse over long time intervals reveal that, eventually, the blue-light-induced transverse polarity becomes stabilised and thus immune to the counterpulse. In the second part of the study, the relation between phototropic transduction and transverse polarity was characterised by a phenomenological approach involving the following points: (i) Sensory adaptation for induction of transverse polarity disappears with a time course similar to that for phototropic sensory adaptatation. (ii) The fluence response for induction of transverse polarity is a saturation curve and not bell-shaped like the curve for phototropism (iii) For strong counterpulses and long time intervals the clinostat-elicited nastic response (Nick and Schafer 1989, Planta 179, 123-131) becomes manifest and causes an "aiming error" towards the caryopsis. (iv) Temperature-sensitivity of polarity induction was high in the first 20 min after induction, then dropped sharply and rose again with the approach of polarity fixation. (v) Stimulus-summation experiments indicated that, for different inducing fluences, the actual fixation of polarity happened at about 2 h after induction. These experiments point towards an early separation of the transduction chains mediating phototropism and transverse polarity, possibly before phototrophic asymmetry is formed.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa contains many smallvacuoles. These organelles contain high concentrations of polyphosphates andbasic amino acids, such as arginine and ornithine. Because of their size anddensity, the vacuoles can be separated from other organelles in the cell. TheATP-driven proton pump in the vacuolar membrane is a typical V-type ATPase.We examined the size and structure of this enzyme using radiationinactivation and electron microscopy. The vacuolar ATPase is a large andcomplex enzyme, which appears to contain at least thirteen different types ofsubunits. We have characterized the genes that encode eleven of thesesubunits. In this review, we discuss the possible function and structure ofthese subunits.  相似文献   

B. Stenitz  K. L. Poff 《Planta》1986,168(3):305-315
The fluence-response curves were measured for phototropic curvature in response to unilateral 450-nm light in hypocotyls of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. These show the classical first positive (peak curvature of 9–10°), indifferent and second positive phototropic response. Reciprocity is valid only for the first positive response; the fluence requirements for its induction are similar to those for induction of the first positive phototropic response of coleoptiles. Large angles of curvature also may be induced by multiple pulses if the individual pulses are separated by an optimum dark period of about 15 min. The curvature induced by a given fluence, whether applied in continuous irradiation or a sequence of pulses, is a linear function of the duration of continuous irradiation or the duration between first and last pulse, respectively. For a given fluence applied in a sequence of pulses, reciprocity remains valid provided the duration between first and last exposure is kept constant. When the duration between first and last pulse is sufficiently long, the fluence required for high phototropic curvature falls in the first positive fluence range. These results are interpreted to indicate the existence of a kinetic limitation in the transduction sequence, and a relatively short lifetime of an initial physiologically active photoproduct. The apparent existence of more than one positive response may have resulted from these characteristics of the transduction sequence.  相似文献   

Summary When Neurospora crassa is transformed using a Neurospora gene as the selectable marker, the vegetatively stable transformants obtained cannot be used successfully in a cross because the selectable marker will be inactivated by the process of RIP (repeat-induced point mutation). Introduction of the acetamidase-encoding gene amdS of Aspergillus nidulans into N. crassa by transformation yielded transformants that would grow in minimal medium containing acetamide as a sole nitrogen source. In mitotically stable transformants containing a single copy of the amdS gene, the capacity to utilize acetamide as a sole nitrogen source was maintained in the progeny of a sexual cross. Therefore, the A. nidulans amdS gene is an appropriate dominant selectable marker for use in transformation analyses with N. crassa in which sexual crosses will be subsequently performed.  相似文献   

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