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Fourteen enzyme systems were analysed in leaf parenchyma of nine native and introduced populations of teak. These enzyme systems were encoded by 20 putative loci of which 18 were polymorphic. Populations showed a general lack of heterozygosity (average FIS = 0.11). On average over the 18 polymorphic loci, the genetic differentiation among provenances varied according to the estimator: 0.09 for GST, 0.12 for FST and 0.19 for . The cluster analysis showed two main gene pools, the first consisted of the Indian provenances and the second of African, Indonesian and Thai provenances. Genetic distances among populations of the same group were similar, and lower than the genetic distances between populations from different groups. The factorial analysis on genotypes of seedlings also showed the same geographic differentiation into two major groups. The possible natural distribution of teak in Java is discussed.  相似文献   

Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) has been planted extensively in the tropics for its highly valued timber. We analysed data from a 3.5-year-old teak progeny test with clonal replication located in northern Australia. Additive and non-additive genetic variances were estimated for commercially important traits. Trees originating from seedlings were on average 2% taller and 4% straighter than those of the same genotype originating from cuttings. Non-additive genetic variance represented 35–50% of total genetic variance for growth traits and 63% of total genetic variance for incidence of flowering. Narrow-sense heritability was 0.22 for diameter, 0.18 for height and volume, 0.07 for stem straightness, 0.05 for insect defoliation, 0.03 for epicormic sprouts and 0.30 for incidence of flowering (estimated on an assumed underlying continuous scale). Broad-sense heritability was 0.37 for diameter, 0.28 for height, 0.35 for volume, 0.12 for stem straightness, 0.06 for insect defoliation, 0.12 for epicormic sprouts and 0.71 for incidence of flowering. Positive correlations were found between tree volume and flowering and between tree volume and stem straightness. The presence of sizeable non-additive variance supports the selection and deployment of clones to capture the full extent of genetic variation in commercially important traits.  相似文献   

Summary Wood samples were collected from a teak (Tectona grandis) plantation established in Gambari Forest Reserve (Dry Forest) near Ibadan in south-western Nigeria. Values of percentage pith eccentricity (PPE) of bole cross-sections were computed using appropriate geometrical methods. Also the growth rings of the cross-sections were identified and their widths measured. Pith eccentricity and ring width did not vary significantly between plots on the site. Variations in pith eccentricity and ring width between trees on plots were very highly significant (at 0.1% probability level). Pith eccentricity and ring width varied along tree boles: the effect of height above the ground was very highly significant in each case. On average, pith eccentricity was highest at the base and top of the merchantable bole. The magnitudes of variations in both pith eccentricity and ring width along the bole differed between the plots: plots x levels interaction effect was very highly significant in each case. A decrease in ring width corresponded with an increase in the age of the vascular cambium. Only small proportions of the variation in pith eccentricity could be estimated from concomitant variations in radial growth rate (ring width), bole form factor and crown depth; the values of r 2 were 11%, 10% and 11% respectively.  相似文献   

The dry weight loss and chemical changes during the process of decomposition of two types of litters viz.; pine (Pinus kesiya Royle) needles and teak (Tectona grandis L.) leaves have been studied in a small freshwater lake using plastic net (1 mm pore size) bags. The results reveal that type of litter and depth of water were the most important factors regulating the rate of decomposition. The percentage composition of cellulose and hemicellulose showed little variation and only a minor fall was noted in their values towards the end of the study period. The lignin percentage increased steadily at all the stations except the deepest station. The sugar and amino acid concentration dropped appreciably during the initial phase and stabilised during later periods. The general trend of change in nitrogen percentage was initial fall - increase - fall - stabilisation at a near original value. The rate of decomposition was faster when compared with similar studies in Canada and Europe.  相似文献   

Diversity, distribution and density of trichomes were studied in relation to other morphological and physiological parameters of in vivo and in vitro teak (Tectona grandis L.) plants with the objective to understand their role in hardening and acclimatization of micropropagated plants. Less diversity and scanty distribution of trichomes of in vitro leaves in comparison to the in vivo ones were correlated with water loss of the former plants leading to low rate of survival after transplantation. The probable cause for absence of certain types of trichome in in vitro plants was also discussed.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to explore dendroclimatological potentiality of teak (Tectona grandis L.) towards the reconstruction of climate from a new geographical region. Growth of this tree has been found to be limited by the low monsoon precipitation. Based on ring-width data of teak, mean monsoon precipitation of June–September has been reconstructed back to AD 1835. The reconstructed climate records show several alternating periods of high and low monsoon episodes. Many of these low monsoon years have been recorded to coincide with most of the known principal drought years of India.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Teak forms xylem rings that potentially carry records of carbon sequestration and climate in the tropics. These records are only useful when the structural variations of tree rings and their periodicity of formation are known. Methods The seasonality of ring formation in mature teak trees was examined via correlative analysis of cambial activity, xylem and phloem formation, and climate throughout 1·5 years. Xylem and phloem differentiation were visualized by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Key Results A 3 month dry season resulted in semi-deciduousness, cambial dormancy and formation of annual xylem growth rings (AXGRs). Intra-annual xylem and phloem growth was characterized by variable intensity. Morphometric features of cambium such as cambium thickness and differentiating xylem layers were positively correlated. Cambium thickness was strongly correlated with monthly rainfall (R(2) = 0·7535). In all sampled trees, xylem growth zones (XGZs) were formed within the AXGRs during the seasonal development of new foliage. When trees achieved full leaf, the xylem in the new XGZs appeared completely differentiated and functional for water transport. Two phloem growth rings were formed in one growing season. Conclusions The seasonal formation pattern and microstructure of teak xylem suggest that AXGRs and XGZs can be used as proxies for analyses of the tree history and climate at annual and intra-annual resolution.  相似文献   

W. Pfaff  P. Schopfer 《Planta》1980,150(4):321-329
The question of whether or not hormones are causal links in the realization of phytochrome control during photomorphogenesis was investigated using the phytochrome-dependent formation of adventitious roots in hypocotyl cuttings excised from mustard seedlings as a test system. Histological examination of regenerating rest seedlings revealed that phytochrome (operationally, continuous far-red light) mediates the de novo formation of root primordia in the pericycle region of the hypocotyl near the cutting surface withing 12–24 h after excision.Auxin (IAA), gibberellin (GA3), Cytokinin (kinetin), abscisic acid (ABA), and ethylene had no promotive effect on primordium formation in dark-grown or far-red irradiated rest seedlings. Depending on concentration, the application of these hormones was either ineffective or inhibitory in the rooting response. It is concluded that phytochrome does not operate through changes of hormone (auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, ABA, ethylene) levels.While externally applied ethylene had no specific effect on primordium formation, the number of primordia produced in darkness could be increased to the far-red light level by removing the endogenously formed ethylene. Since the stimulatory effect of light could not be related to a lower ethylene level, it is concluded that ethylene interferes with primordium formation by modulating the susceptibility of this process to phytochrome control. This ethylene effect takes place in a concentration range below the range that can be manipulated by external application of the hormone.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - Pr Pfr red and far-red absorbing forms of phytochrome  相似文献   

C. Lupi  A. Bennici  D. Gennai 《Protoplasma》1985,125(3):185-189
Summary Callus induction, adventitious shoot and root formation, and somatic embryogenesis were investigated in root, cotyledon and mesocotyl cultures ofBellevalia romana (L.) Rchb. grown on a synthetic nutrient medium containing different plant hormones. The combination of naphtaleneacetic acid plus benzylaminopurine was very effective in causing callus growth and plant regeneration from mesocotyl explants. On the contrary 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid caused suppression of shoot bud development in the same type of callus. Both cotyledon and root derived calli showed a low growth rate and did not regenerate shoots but only roots. Differentiation of somatic embryos which eventually developed into plantlets was promoted by 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in suspension cultures. The results are discussed in relation to studies on nuclear behaviour during different morphogenetic pathways.  相似文献   

Summary Humidity, at the young nodes of white clover stolones, varied by enclosing nodes in the atmosphere above a range of saturated solutions, inhibited root initiation at 85% RH or less. The threshold humidity for root initiation increased to about 93% on young nodes subject to moisture stress or old nodes on well watered plants in which root initiation had been previously suppressed by low humidity.Roots at old nodes and at the three youngest on stolons were either subject to moisture stress or adequately watered. Growth of young roots and N2-fixation were more adversely affected by the direct effects of drought than by subjecting old roots to drought. Although old roots under stress affected new root growth and N2-fixation, length of roots and lateral root number were little affected. By contrast stolon growth was affected more by stress to old roots than to young nodes, although after 6 weeks the contribution made by young roots to stolon growth was almost as high as old roots.The data suggest that deep roots at old nodes will allow clover stolons to grow during drought due to the high acropetal movement of water but initiation of roots and functioning of young roots at the soil surface will be adversely affected, with possible implications on the persistence of clover.  相似文献   

Cotyledon segments derived from zygote embryos of mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Zihua) were cultured on agar medium for 28 days. Depending on different pre-treatments with plant growth regulators, two distinct patterns of adventitious roots were observed. A first pattern of adventitious roots was seen at the proximal cut surface, whereas no roots were formed on the opposite, distal cut surface. The rooting ability depended on the segment length and was significantly promoted by pre-treatment of embryos with indol-3-acetic acid (IAA) or indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for 1 h. A pre-treatment with the auxin transport inhibitor 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) completely inhibited adventitious root formation on proximal cut surfaces. A second pattern of roots was observed on abaxial surfaces of cotyledon segments when embryos were pre-treated with 2,700 μM 1-naphthalenacetic acid (NAA) for 1 h. Histological observations indicated that both patterns of adventitious roots originated from parenchymal cells, but developmental directions of the root primordia were different. A polar auxin transport assay was used to demonstrate transport of [3H] indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in cotyledon segments from the distal to the proximal cut surface. In conclusion, we suggest that polar auxin transport plays a role in adventitious root formation at the proximal cut surface, whereas NAA levels (influx by diffusion; carrier mediated efflux) seem to control development of adventitious roots on the abaxial surface of cotyledon segments.  相似文献   

[背景]根腐病在青稞生产中的危害日趋严重,阻碍了青稞根腐病的有效防控及青海省青稞产业的发展。然而人们对青稞根腐病的研究甚少且病原菌不详。[目的]明确青稞根腐病发生的危害、病原及致病性,为青稞根腐病的防控提供理论依据。[方法]采用常规的组织分离法分离青稞根腐病病原,通过形态鉴定与分子鉴定结合的方法对病原进行鉴定,并采用烧杯水琼脂法测定其致病性。[结果]共分离得到4株青稞根腐病病原菌,鉴定为Clonostachys rosea,有较强的致病性且致病性差异显著,经柯赫氏法则验证为青稞根腐病病原菌,并且是一种新的青稞根腐病病原,该类根腐病也是一种新的根腐类病害,在国内外属首次发现。[结论]Clonostachys rosea可引起青稞根腐病且致病性强。  相似文献   

Epicotyl, petiole, and cotyledon explants derived from 14-d-old seedlings of Albizia odoratissima were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with different concentrations of either 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) solely or in combination with 0.5 μM naphthalene-3-acetic acid (NAA). The percentage of shoot regeneration and the number of shoots regenerated varied significantly depending on the type of explants used, the concentration of plant growth regulators, and the orientation of explants on the culture medium. The best response in terms of the percentage of shoot regeneration was obtained from epicotyls cultured horizontally on MS medium supplemented with 5 μM BAP, whereas the highest number of shoots per responding explant was recorded on medium containing 2.5 μM BAP and 0.5 μM NAA. Successful rooting was achieved by placing the microshoots onto MS medium containing 25 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for 24 h first, then transferring to the same medium without IBA. Of the various substrates tested, vermiculite was the best for plant acclimatization, as 75% of the plants survived and became established.  相似文献   

We examined the development of the aquatic N2-fixing symbiosis between Rhizobium sp. (itNeptunia) and roots of Neptunia natans L. f. (Druce) (previously N. oleracea Lour.) under natural and laboratory conditions. When grown in its native marsh habitat, this unusual aquatic legume does not develop root hairs, the primary sites of rhizobial infection for most temperate legumes. Under natural conditions, the aquatic plant floats and develops nitrogen-fixing nodules at emergence of lateral roots on the primary root and on adventitious roots at stem nodes, but not from the stem itself. Cytological studies using various microscopies revealed that the mode of root infection involved an intercellular route of entry followed by an intracellular route of dissemination within nodule cells. After colonizing the root surface, the bacteria entered the primary root cortex through natural wounds caused by splitting of the epidermis and emergence of young lateral roots, and then stimulated early development of nodules at the base of such roots. The bacteria entered the nodule through pockets between separated host cells, then spread deeper in the nodule through a narrower intercellular route, and eventually evoked the formation of infection threads that penetrated host cells and spread throughout the nodule tissue. Bacteria were released from infection droplets at unwalled ends of infection threads, became enveloped by peribacteroid membranes, and transformed into enlarged bacteroids within symbiosomes. In older nodules, the bacteria within symbiosomes were embedded in an unusual, extensive fibrillar matrix. Cross-inoculation tests of 18 isolates of rhizobia from nodules of N. natans revealed a host specificity enabling effective nodulation of this aquatic legume, with lesser affinity for Medicago sativa and Ornithopus sp., and an inability to nodulate several other crop legume species. Acetylene reduction (N2 fixation) activity was detected in nodules of N. natans growing in aquatic habitats under natural conditions in Southern India. These studies indicate that a specific group of Rhizobium sp. (Neptunia) occupies a unique ecological niche in aquatic environments by entering into a N2-fixing root-nodule symbiosis with Neptunia natans.We thank J. Whallon for technical assistance, G. Truchet, J. Vasse, S. Wagener, J. Beaman, F. DeBruijn, F. Ewers, and A. Squartini for helpful comments, and N.N. Prasad and G. Birla for assistance in conducting field observations. This work was supported by the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station and National Science Foundation grants DIR-8809640 and BIR-9120006 awarded to the MSU Center for Microbial Ecology. This study is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Joseph C. Burton, a friend and colleague who made many contributions to the study of the Rhizobiumlegume symbiosis.  相似文献   

Treatment with gibberellic acid (GA3) causes formation of flowers in Panicum ciliaceum and Panicum miliare, two short-day plants, under long days (continuous light), and hastens the emergence of ears in Setaria italica, a quantitative short-day plant, under both inductive and non-inductive photoperiods. The GA3-induced inflorescences, however, remain short and bear only few spikelets; in the two Panicum species, the spikelets also remain sterile.  相似文献   

In the light, transfer of lettuce seedlings precultured on liquid medium at pH 6.0 to fresh medium at pH 4.0 induces root hair formation. However, no root hairs form in the dark. Here, we investigated how light induces root hair formation. Randomization of the transverse cortical microtubule (CMT) arrays which occurs in root epidermal cells in the light prior to root hair initiation was not observed in the dark. However, addition of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) induced CMT randomization and root hair formation. In these cases, CMT randomization occurred in almost the same time-dependent manner as under light. However, root hair initiation was delayed for several hours in the dark. These results suggest that light promotes CMT randomization and root hair initiation via auxin and ethylene signaling but light additionally influences root hair initiation independently of these signaling mechanisms. Furthermore, addition of a microtubule-depolymerizing drug in the dark disrupted the transverse CMT arrays and initiated root hair formation; however, root hair elongation was still suppressed. Root hairs elongated when IAA or ACC was applied with the drug. These results suggest that light also promotes root hair elongation via auxin and ethylene signaling.  相似文献   

Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) strongly enhanced rooting of etiolated pea epicotyl cuttings while gibberellic acid (GA3) enhanced rooting only slightly. The promoting effects of the hormones appeared not until 14 d after the onset of treatment. When GA3 and IAA were applied together, the initiation of rooting started already after 6 d after onset of treatment. It is suggested that gibberellin plays an important role, in combination with auxin, in the initiation of root formation in Pisum cuttings.Abbreviations IAA Indole-3-acetic acid - GA3 Gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Exogenous plant growth regulators are known to increase the efficiency of interspecific and intergeneric crosses. In vitro floret culture provides a defined system for assessing the importance of various plant growth regulators on the determinants of haploid production efficiency (seed set, embryos per seeds, and plants per embryos) in Hordeum vulgare × Hordeum bulbosum crosses. The individual and combined effects of three plant growth regulators (2,4-D, GA3 and kinetin) on in vitro seed growth, embryo development and haploid production efficiency were tested in floret culture of the cross H. vulgare, cultivar Klages × H. bulbosum. All treatments, except kinetin alone, produced larger seeds and more embryos/100 seeds than the control (no plant growth regulator). 2,4-D alone was superior to GA3 alone in haploid production efficiency (70.6 vs. 51.5) as measured by the number of plants regenerated/100 florets pollinated. Although kinetin +2,4-D+GA3 produced the largest seeds and embryos, no advantage over 2,4-D alone was observed in haploid production efficiency. 2,4-D alone or kinetin +2,4-D are recommended for the purpose of barley haploid production in floret culture using the bulbosum method.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Kaiser H  Richter U  Keiner R  Brabant A  Hause B  Dräger B 《Planta》2006,225(1):127-137
Tropinone reductases (TRs) are essential enzymes in the tropane alkaloid biosynthesis, providing either tropine for hyoscyamine and scopolamine formation or providing pseudotropine for calystegines. Two cDNAs coding for TRs were isolated from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber sprouts and expressed in E. coli. One reductase formed pseudotropine, the other formed tropine and showed kinetic properties typical for tropine-forming tropinone reductases (TRI) involved in hyoscyamine formation. Hyoscyamine and tropine are not found in S. tuberosum plants. Potatoes contain calystegines as the only products of the tropane alkaloid pathway. Polyclonal antibodies raised against both enzymes were purified to exclude cross reactions and were used for Western-blot analysis and immunolocalisation. The TRI (EC was detected in protein extracts of tuber tissues, but mostly in levels too low to be localised in individual cells. The function of this enzyme in potato that does not form hyoscyamine is not clear. The pseudotropine-forming tropinone reductase (EC was detected in potato roots, stolons, and tuber sprouts. Cortex cells of root and stolon contained the protein; additional strong immuno-labelling was located in phloem parenchyma. In tuber spouts, however, the protein was detected in companion cells.  相似文献   

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