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Standardised ileal digestibilities (SID) of crude protein and amino acids (AA) originating from 24 different feed ingredients, including 11 feed ingredients produced from soybeans, seven by-products of starch processing, four whey products and two fish meals, were determined in piglets by means of the difference method. For the indispensable AA, the highest SID values were obtained in three out of four whey proteins (SID ≥90% for most indispensable AA), one out of two fish meals (SID ≥86%), soy protein concentrate, hydrolysed soy protein isolate (SID ≥86% for most indispensable AA), and by-products of starch processing (SID ≥84% for most indispensable AA). The lowest SID values were obtained in extruded soybeans and microbially fermented soy protein (SID ≤78% for most indispensable AA), whereas the SID values for high-protein soybean meal were intermediate (SID 80–89% for indispensable AA except for Thr). The SID values in the three enzymatically fermented soy proteins (SID 80–94% for most indispensable AA) were similar to those in high-protein soybean meal and soy protein concentrate. The results of the present study indicate that SID values of AA in feed ingredients for piglets differ considerably from those reported for grower-finisher pigs, thus there may be a need for separate feed tables for piglets.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis aimed to estimate the standardized ileal digestibility (SID) and the basal ileal endogenous amino acid losses (IAAend) in barley for growing pigs. In total, 38 different barley treatments published in 26 peer-reviewed papers were used for the meta-analysis containing information on dietary composition including amino acid (AA) contents of the assay diets, and (or) barley samples, as well as apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of AA in barley. The SID of AA was determined by either correcting AID of AA for their IAAend or by regression analysis between the apparent ileal digestible and total dietary AA contents. The SID values obtained by correcting the AID values for their IAAend amounted to 70%, 77%, 74% and 63% for Lys, Met, Thr and Trp, whereas those based on regression analysis method were 82%, 82%, 69% and 55%, respectively. Estimates of basal ileal endogenous loss of CP in ileal digesta varied considerably and averaged 11.84 g/kg dry matter intake (DMI), whereas IAAend for indispensable AA ranged from 0.05 g/kg DMI for Trp to 1.90 g/kg DMI for Leu. In most cases, these estimates were considerably higher than previously reported values for IAAend. The results of the present regression analysis indicate for most AA higher SID values compared with SID of most AA that were obtained by correcting AID values for IAAend. In view of the observed high variations in IAAend and the low CP content of the barley samples, estimating SID of AA based on literature data by means of the regression method may improve accuracy of SID coefficients for barley. In contrast, transformation of AID values into their corresponding SID values by using a constant correction factor for IAAend adds an additional source of error, thereby reducing the precision in estimating SID of AA.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to validate in vitro prediction of standardised ileal digestibilities (SID) of crude protein (CP) and amino acids (AA) in grain legumes for growing pigs using six different cultivars of faba beans (Vicia faba), six different cultivars of field peas (Pisum sativum), and five different cultivars of lupins (Lupinus spp.). The SID for CP and AA were predicted from in vitro analysis by means of a two-step enzymatic method using pepsin and pancreatin incubations. In vitro predicted SID values of CP and AA were generally higher than the corresponding SID values measured in vivo. There were strong linear relationships (r2 = 0.73 for Lys to r2 = 0.91 for Cys and Trp) between in vivo and in vitro predicted SID values in the assay feed ingredients if grain legume species (i.e. faba beans, field peas and lupins) was included as a covariate in multiple linear regression analysis. However, to rapidly and accurately predict SID of CP and AA in individual batches of various feed ingredients, further studies are warranted.  相似文献   

Reducing the CP level of the diet allows for a reduction in N excretion without limiting performance as long as the amino acid (AA) requirements are covered. The availability of crystalline AA has permitted for a considerable reduction in the CP level of diets, practically used in pig nutrition. The adoption of low CP diets and the extent to which the CP content can be reduced further depends on the knowledge of the minimum levels of indispensable AA that maximize growth. The standardized ileal digestible (SID) Phe : Lys and Tyr : Lys requirements and the possibility to substitute Tyr by Phe have never been studied in piglets. The objectives of this study were to estimate these requirements in 10 to 20 kg pig as well as to determine the extent to which Phe can be used to cover the Tyr requirement. In three dose–response studies, six pigs within each of 14 blocks were assigned to six low CP diets (14.5% CP) sub-limiting in Lys at 1.00% SID. In experiment 1, the SID Phe : Lys requirement estimate was assessed by supplementing a Phe-deficient diet with different levels of l-Phe to attain 33%, 39%, 46%, 52%, 58%, and 65% SID Phe : Lys. Because Phe can be used for Tyr synthesis, the diets provided a sufficient Tyr supply. A similar approach was used in experiment 2 with six levels of l-Tyr supplementation to attain 21%, 27%, 33%, 39%, 45% and 52% SID Tyr : Lys. Phenylalanine was supplied at a level sufficient to sustain maximum growth (estimated in experiment 1). The SID Phe : Lys and SID Tyr : Lys requirements for maximizing daily gain were 54% and 40% using a curvilinear-plateau model, respectively. A 10% deficiency in Phe and Tyr reduced daily gain by 3.0% and 0.7%, respectively. In experiment 3, the effect of the equimolar substitution of dietary SID Tyr by Phe to obtain 50%, 57%, and 64% SID Phe : (Phe+Tyr) was studied at two limiting levels of Phe+Tyr. From 57% to 64% SID Phe : (Phe+Tyr), performance was slightly reduced. In conclusion, it is recommended not to use a Phe+Tyr requirement in the ideal AA profile but rather use a SID Phe : Lys of 54% and a SID Tyr : Lys of 40% to support maximal growth.  相似文献   

To determine chemical composition, physical characteristics and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of CP and amino acids (AA) in eight current hulled barley genotypes, an experiment with growing pigs has been conducted. These genotypes included Yool, Campanile, Lomerit, Travira, Anisette, Canberra, Metaxa and Fridericus. Growing barrows with an average initial BW of 30±2 kg were surgically fitted with simple T-cannulas at the distal ileum, and allotted to an 8×9 Youden square design with eight periods of 6 days each and nine pigs. Barley was the sole dietary source of CP and AA. On average, the eight genotypes contained on as-fed basis 10.7% CP, 15.2% total non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), 17.1% NDF and 4.1% β-glucan, and had a mean test weight (TW) of 72.2 kg/hl. The SID of CP in the barley genotypes varied from 69% to 74%, and was greater (P<0.01) for genotypes Travira, Anisette and Metaxa compared to Yool and Campanile. Standardized ileal digestibility of Lys, Met and Trp (P<0.05) but not of Thr differed between genotypes. Moreover, barley genotypes differed in their standardized ileal digestible content (cSID) of CP and AA. Furthermore, SID and cSID of CP and most AA linearly decreased (P<0.05) with increasing NDF and total sugar content. Standardized ileal digestibility of CP and some AA and cSID of CP and most AA decreased linearly with increasing TW (P<0.05). Additionally, SID and cSID of CP and AA of most barley genotypes were lower when compared to tabulated values. In conclusion, a comprehensive database on chemical composition and SID of CP and AA in eight current barley genotypes has been made available. However, as present SID values are lower compared to feed tables, adjustments are required to minimize the risk of overestimating the actual protein value of barley for pigs.  相似文献   

The study aimed at determining the ileal apparent (IAD) and standardised ileal (SID) digestibility of crude protein (CP) and amino acids (AA) in organically cultivated white-flowering faba beans (Vicia faba), and cakes from hemp seed (Cannabis sativa), linseed (Linum usitatissimum) and rapeseed (Brassica napus). The experiment was designed as a four period cross-over trial with six castrated male Yorkshire pigs fitted with post valve T-caecum (PVTC) cannulas. The IAD and SID of CP for the feed ingredients ranged from 79.2-85.9% and were affected by dietary treatment, with significantly lower values in rapeseed cake. The IAD and SID of most AA in the feed ingredients were also significantly affected by dietary treatment, but without any consistent trend. However, the overall digestibilities were in general comparable with conventional protein feed ingredients. Thus, these alternative protein feed ingredients have the potential to be used to a greater extent when formulating organic pig diets.  相似文献   

Oilseed meal is an important source of essential amino acids (EAA) for livestock production. It is the second most important ingredient in pig feed after grains. Optimal use of these ingredients requires precise knowledge of amino acid standardized ileal digestibility (SID), which may vary depending on several factors including botanical variety or processing treatments. A meta-analysis was performed in order to derive models for predicting the SID of soybean, cotton and rapeseed meal EAA, based on chemical composition data such as CP, total concentration of each EAA and fibre (crude fibre, ADF and NDF) content. A database of 47 references (224 experimental treatments) was built. A model incorporating processing method of the meals (e.g. cold pressed, expeller pressed, solvent extracted), experimental surgical procedure (T-cannula, re-entrant cannula, post valve T-cannula and ileo-rectal anastomosis) and pig growth stage (BW⩽ or ⩾25 kg) was tested. Results indicated that neither processing nor BW affected EAA SID. NDF was the best predictor of SID (R2=0.944, 0.836, 0.779, 0.899 and 0.814, respectively, for Lys, Met, Thr, Trp and Val). The total EAA content was the best predictor of digestible content (g/kg diet) for each EAA (R2=0.990, 0.985, 0.977, 0.985 and 0.978, respectively, for Lys, Met, Thr, Trp and Val). This study shows that routine chemical analyses may be used to predict EAA digestibility with satisfactory accuracy.  相似文献   

Ileal digestibility in growing pigs fed starch-based diets with inclusion of four tropical leaves in a meal form was studied in a 5 × 5 Latin square design. Five diets were formulated with only casein as protein source in the basal diet (CAS), and casein plus dry cassava (CA) leaves, casein plus dry sweet potato (SP) leaves, casein plus dry cocoyam (CO) leaves and casein plus erythrina (ER) leaves in the other four diets. All diets contained the same amount of CP (14%), either provided by only CAS or a combination of casein and 250 g of leaf meal per kg of diet in the other diets. Leaves were separated manually from stems, and only the leaf part was used. A protein-free diet was fed during a sixth period in order to estimate the endogenous protein losses and calculate the CP- and amino-acid (AA)-standardized ileal digestibility (SID) values. The values for the foliages were calculated according to the difference method, assuming no interaction between the foliage and the casein. The ileal tract apparent digestibility of CP, organic matter and energy was higher in diet CAS than in the other diets (P < 0.05). The SID of CP and AA was close to 0.950 for casein, whereas the SID of AA was markedly lower in the foliages; the SID of indispensable and dispensable AA was highest in CO (0.500 and 0.352) and lowest in ER (0.170 and 0.195); intermediate values were obtained for SPs (0.367 and 0.349) and CA (0.232 and 0.242) leaves. Accordingly, the SID of lysine was highest (0.538) for CO leaves and lowest (0.126) in ER leaves; intermediate values were measured for CA and SP leaves. These low SID values in foliage meals must be related to the high levels of dietary fibre and the presence of secondary metabolites (tannins). These results suggest that it is only possible to replace a fraction of the conventional protein sources such as soyabean meal by tropical foliages in growing pig diets with a preference for CO leaves.  相似文献   

Feed ingredients used in swine diets are often processed to improve nutritional value. However, (over-)processing may result in chemical reactions with amino acids (AAs) that decrease their ileal digestibility. This study aimed to determine effects of (over-)processing of soybean meal (SBM) and rapeseed meal (RSM) on post-absorptive utilization of ileal digestible AAs for retention and on body AA composition of growing pigs. Soybean meal and RSM were processed by secondary toasting in the presence of lignosulfonate to obtain processed soybean meal (pSBM) and processed rapeseed meal (pRSM). Four diets contained SBM, pSBM, RSM or pRSM as sole protein source. Two additional diets contained pSBM or pRSM and were supplemented with crystalline AA to similar standardized ileal digestible (SID) AA level as the SBM or RSM diet. These diets were used to verify that processing affected AA retention by affecting ileal AA digestibility rather than post-absorptive AA utilization. The SID AA levels of the protein sources were determined in a previous study. In total, 59 pigs were used (initial BW of 15.6±0.7 kg) of which five were used to determine initial body composition at the start of the experiment. In total, 54 pigs were fed one of six experimental diets and were slaughtered at a BW of 40 kg. The organ fraction (i.e. empty organs plus blood) and carcass were analyzed separately for N and AA content. Post-absorptive AA utilization was calculated from AA retention and SID AA intake. An interaction between diet type, comprising effects of processing and supplementing crystalline AA, and protein source was observed for CP content in the organ fraction, carcass and empty body and for nutrient retention. Processing reduced CP content and nutrient retention more for SBM than for RSM. Moreover, processing reduced (P<0.001) the lysine content in the organ fraction for both protein sources. Supplementing crystalline AA ameliorated the effect of processing on these variables. Thus, the data indicated that processing affected retention by reducing digestibility. Correcting AA retention for SID AA intake was, therefore, expected to result in similar post-absorptive AA utilization which was observed for the RSM diets. However, post-absorptive AA utilization was lower for the pSBM diet than for the SBM diet which might be related to an imbalanced post-absorptive AA supply. In conclusion, processing negatively affected nutrient retention for both protein sources and post-absorptive utilization of SID AA for retention for SBM. Effects of processing were compensated by supplementing crystalline AA.  相似文献   

There is no consensus concerning the Trp requirement for piglets expressed relative to Lys on a standardized ileal digestible basis (SID Trp : Lys). A meta-analysis was performed to estimate the SID Trp : Lys ratio that maximizes performance of weaned piglets between 7 and 25 kg of BW. A database comprising 130 experiments on the Trp requirement in piglets was established. The nutritional values of the diets were calculated from the composition of feed ingredients. Among all experiments, 37 experiments were selected to be used in the meta-analysis because they were designed to express the Trp requirement relative to Lys (e.g. Lys was the second-limiting amino acid in the diet) while testing at least three levels of Trp. The linear-plateau (LP), curvilinear-plateau (CLP) and asymptotic (ASY) models were tested to estimate the SID Trp : Lys requirement using average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and gain-to-feed ratio (G : F) as response criteria. A multiplicative trial effect was included in the models on the plateau value, assuming that the experimental conditions affected only this parameter and not the requirement or the shape of the response to Trp. Model choice appeared to have an important impact on the estimated requirement. Using ADG and ADFI as response criteria, the SID Trp : Lys requirement was estimated at 17% with the LP model, at 22% with the CLP model and at 26% with the ASY model. Requirement estimates were slightly lower when G : F was used as response criterion. The Trp requirement was not affected by the composition of the diet (corn v. a mixture of cereals). The CLP model appeared to be the best-adapted model to describe the response curve of a population. This model predicted that increasing the SID Trp : Lys ratio from 17% to 22% resulted in an increase in ADG by 8%.  相似文献   

Improving the amino acid (AA) profile of the diet by using l-Lys, l-Thr, dl-Met, l-Trp and l-Val helps to reduce the dietary CP content, thereby reducing nitrogen excretion while maintaining the performance of pigs. Valine is the fifth limiting AA in cereal–soybean meal-based diets. The extent to which the CP content in the diet can be reduced further without compromising performance depends on the requirement of the next limiting AA. In cereal–soybean meal-based diets, Ile, His and Leu may be the limiting AAs after Val, although information on the requirements for these AAs is scarce. Six experiments were conducted to determine the effect of supplementing a low-CP diet with l-Ile, l-His and l-Leu on the performance of pigs weighing 10 to 20 kg. Experiment 1 was designed to determine the most limiting AA with respect to performance among Ile, His and Leu. A diet 10% deficient in Ile, Leu and His relative to the National Research Council (NRC, 1998) requirement estimates tended to decrease daily feed intake and daily gain by 6% and 8%, respectively. A 10% deficiency in His alone had no effect, whereas a 10% deficiency in Ile or Leu slightly reduced daily feed intake and gain. In the remaining experiments, the standardized ileal digestible (SID) Ile : Lys, His : Lys and Leu : Lys requirements were estimated. In Experiments 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 14 blocks of six pigs each were assigned to six levels of SID Ile : Lys (40%, 43%, 46%, 49%, 52% and 55%), His : Lys (20%, 24%, 28%, 32%, 36% and 40%), His : Lys (21%, 24%, 27%, 30%, 33% and 36%), Leu : Lys (70%, 78%, 86%, 94%, 102% and 110%) and Leu : Lys (80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, 120% and 130%), respectively. Across experiments, the estimated SID Ile : Lys, His : Lys and Leu : Lys requirements for maximizing daily gain were 49%, 32% and 102%, respectively, using a curvilinear plateau model. When Ile, His and Leu levels were 10% below the requirement estimate, daily gain was reduced by 9%, 3% and 3%, respectively. The results of this study indicate that the Ile requirement estimate is lower than the current NRC requirement estimate, whereas the Leu and His requirements correspond to those proposed by the NRC.  相似文献   

Environmental regulations as well as economic incentives have resulted in greater use of synthetic amino acids in swine diets. Tryptophan is typically the second limiting amino acid in corn-soybean meal-based diets. However, using corn-based co-products emphasizes the need to evaluate the pig’s response to increasing Trp concentrations. Therefore, the objective of these studies was to evaluate the dose–response to increasing standardized ileal digestible (SID) Trp : Lys on growth performance of growing-finishing gilts housed under large-scale commercial conditions. Dietary treatments consisted of SID Trp : Lys of 14.5%, 16.5%, 18.0%, 19.5%, 21.0%, 22.5% and 24.5%. The study was conducted in four experiments of 21 days of duration each, and used corn-soybean meal-based diets with 30% distillers dried grains with solubles. A total of 1166, 1099, 1132 and 975 gilts (PIC 337×1050, initially 29.9±2.0 kg, 55.5±4.8 kg, 71.2±3.4 kg and 106.2±3.1 kg BW, mean±SD) were used. Within each experiment, pens of gilts were blocked by BW and assigned to one of the seven dietary treatments and six pens per treatment with 20 to 28 gilts/pen. First, generalized linear mixed models were fit to data from each experiment to characterize performance. Next, data were modeled across experiments and fit competing dose–response linear and non-linear models and estimate SID Trp : Lys break points or maximums for performance. Competing models included broken-line linear (BLL), broken-line quadratic and quadratic polynomial (QP). For average daily gain (ADG), increasing the SID Trp : Lys increased growth rate in a quadratic manner (P<0.02) in all experiments except for Exp 2, for which the increase was linear (P<0.001). Increasing SID Trp : Lys increased (P<0.05) feed efficiency (G : F) quadratically in Exp 1, 3 and 4. For, ADG the QP was the best fitting dose–response model and the estimated maximum mean ADG was obtained at a 23.5% (95% confidence interval (CI): [22.7, 24.3%]) SID Trp : Lys. For maximum G : F, the BLL dose–response models had the best fit and estimated the SID Trp : Lys minimum to maximize G : F at 16.9 (95% CI: [16.0, 17.8%]). Thus, the estimated SID Trp : Lys for 30 to 125 kg gilts ranged from a minimum of 16.9% for maximum G : F to 23.5% for maximum ADG.  相似文献   

Reduction of the CP content in the diets of piglets requires supplementation with crystalline essential amino acids (AA). Data on the leucine (Leu) and histidine (His) requirements of young pigs fed low-CP diets are limited and have primarily been obtained from nonlinear models. However, these models do not consider the possible decline in appetite and growth that can occur when pigs are fed excessive amounts of AA such as Leu. Therefore, two dose-response studies were conducted to estimate the standardised ileal digestible (SID) Leu: lysine (Lys) and His: Lys required to optimise the growth performance of young pigs. In both studies, the average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and gain-to-feed ratio (G: F) were determined during a 6-week period. To ensure that the diets had sub-limiting Lys levels, a preliminary Lys dose-response study was conducted. In the Leu study, 60 35-day-old piglets of both sexes were randomly assigned to one of five treatments and fed a low-CP diet (15%) with SID Leu: Lys levels of 83%, 94%, 104%, 115% or 125%. The His study used 120 31-day-old piglets of both sexes, which were allotted to one of five treatments and fed a low-CP diet (14%) with SID His: Lys levels of 22%, 26%, 30%, 34% or 38%. Linear broken-line, curvilinear-plateau and quadratic-function models were used for estimations of SID Leu: Lys and SID His: Lys. The minimum SID Leu: Lys level needed to maximise ADG, ADFI and G: F was, on average, 101% based on the linear broken-line and curvilinear-plateau models. Using the quadratic-function model, the minimum SID Leu: Lys level needed to maximise ADG, ADFI and G: F was 108%. Data obtained from the quadratic-function analysis further showed that a ±10% deviation from the identified Leu requirement was accompanied by a small decline in the ADG (−3%). The minimum SID His: Lys level needed to maximise ADG, ADFI and G: F was 27% and 28% using the linear broken-line and curvilinear-plateau models, respectively, and 33% using the quadratic-function model. The preferred model to estimate the His requirement was the curvilinear-plateau model. However, a 10% reduction in the SID His: Lys level was associated with an 11% reduction in the ADG. In conclusion, the SID Leu: Lys level needed to maximise growth was 108% when using the quadratic-function model as the best-fitting model. The minimum SID His: Lys level required to optimise growth was 28% when using the curvilinear-plateau model as the best-fitting model.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to estimate dietary threshold levels for crude protein (CP) and amino acids (AA) at which apparent ileal digestibilities (AID) of CP and AA in assay diets for newly weaned pigs reach plateaus. A total of 14 (12 + 2 for replacement) three-week old barrows were fitted with simple T cannulas at the distal ileum. Corn starch-based diets containing six graded levels of CP from casein, 90, 155, 220, 285, 350, or 415 g CP/kg assay diet (as-fed), were formulated. At 28 days of age, the pigs were randomly allocated to the six dietary treatments with two pigs per CP level in four weekly repeated measurement periods. They were fed twice daily a total of 30 g (as-fed) per kg of individual body weight at 8:00 and 20:00 h. The dietary CP and AA levels affected AID of CP and most AA (p = 0.005 to p = 0.040) in the assay diets. The AID of CP and AA were higher at 155 and 220 compared to 90 g CP/kg assay diet (p < 0.001 to p = 0.047). Initially, the AID of CP and AA increased sharply then gradually reached, at individual break points (p < 0.001 to p = 0.047), their plateaus (p < 0.001), which did not change up to dietary CP levels of 415 g/kg assay diet and the AID values became independent of the dietary AA levels. The piglets' capacity to digest CP and absorb AA was not limiting under these experimental conditions. There was no effect of age on AID of CP and AA (p = 0.056 to p = 0.899) except for a linear increase (p = 0.045) in AID of glycine from Period 1 to 4. Segmented quadratic with plateau relationships between the AID of CP and AA and their dietary contents were fitted for CP and each AA. The lower end points of 95% confidence intervals of the plateau AID values were defined to represent the initial plateau AID. The dietary CP and AA contents, corresponding to the initial plateau AID values, represent the dietary threshold levels. For CP and the indispensable amino acids, the plateau AID [%] and the dietary threshold levels [g/kg DM], respectively, in casein were: CP, 94.2 and 176; arginine, 95.1 and 7; histidine, 96.0 and 5; isoleucine, 96.4 and 8; leucine, 96.8 and 16; lysine, 96.8 and 12; methionine, 97.9 and 5; phenylalanine, 96.2 and 10; threonine, 93.4 and 9; tryptophan, 94.3 and 2; valine, 95.9 and 11. For the determination of plateau AID in piglets, the crude protein and amino acid contents in the assay diets should meet or exceed the corresponding dietary threshold levels.  相似文献   

Today, weaner diets are optimised using digestibility coefficients obtained from grower-finisher pigs, which may overestimate the digestibility in weaners. The aim of this study was to evaluate the standardised ileal digestibility (SID) of CP and amino acids (AAs), and the intestinal morphology in pigs 0–4 weeks postweaning when fed different protein sources. The experiment included 128 pigs weaned at day 28 and the protein sources were wheat, soybean meal (SBM), enzyme-treated soybean meal (ESBM), hydrothermally treated rapeseed meal (HRSM) and casein. The experiment was conducted as a difference method study including wheat in all diets. Eight pigs were slaughtered on the day of weaning (day 0) and six pigs/treatment were slaughtered at days 7, 14, 21, and 28 postweaning. The SID of CP and AA, as average over the four weeks, was lowest for ESBM and highest for wheat and casein, with SBM and HRSM being intermediate. The SID of CP and AA increased (both linear and quadratic, P < 0.05) over time after weaning. The average SID of CP for all protein sources postweaning was 0.38, 0.59, 0.76, and 0.71 on days 7, 14, 21, and 28, respectively. These differences were significant (P < 0.05) between days 7 and 21, and between days 7 and 28 (P < 0.05), whereas there tended to be a difference between days 7 and 14 (P = 0.06). Protein source did not affect the small intestinal morphology response parameters, whereas time after weaning did. Villous height and villous height to crypt depth ratio differed (P < 0.05) between the days 0 and 7, with shorter villi and a higher ratio at day 7. Crypt depth was not altered between days 0 and 7, or between days 7 and 14. For villi density, crypt density and small intestinal length, a significant increase from days 7 to 14 was observed, but there was no further increase to or difference between days 21 and 28. In conclusion, the low SID of CP in casein on day 7 (0.50) illustrates the challenges related to protein digestion in weanling pigs. The SID of CP and AA is very low during the first two weeks postweaning and time after weaning is more important for protein digestibility, than the source of protein. Fewer mature epithelial cells and less absorptive area in the small intestine in the early postweaning period may partly explain the poor protein digestibility.  相似文献   

Lowering protein level in diets for piglets urge to have knowledge on the piglet’s requirements for essential amino acids (AA) and their interactions. The present studies aimed to determine the interaction between the dietary level of valine (Val) and tryptophan (Trp) and the effect of AA imbalance at two levels of dietary Val on the growth performance of post-weaning piglets. In Experiment 1 (duration 4 weeks), the effects of supplementation of free l-Val (1.0 g/kg) and/or l-Trp (0.5 g/kg) in a low-CP diet (CP 17.7%), marginal in Trp and Val, was studied in a 2×2 factorial design and using an additional reference treatment (CP 19.5%). In Experiment 2 (duration 5 weeks), the influence of a stepwise increase in excess supply of isoleucine (Ile), histidine (His) and leucine (Leu), up to 10, 10% and 30% relative to their requirement values respectively, was evaluated at 60% or 70% standardized ileal digestible (SID) Val relative to SID lysine, using a 3×2 factorial design. In Experiment 1, over the whole experimental period, feed intake (FI) was affected by dietary Trp level (P<0.05) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) by both the level of Trp and Val in the diet (both P<0.05). Increasing Trp level increased FI and decreased FCR while increasing dietary Val level reduced FI and increased FCR. For BW gain (BWG), there was an interaction between dietary level of Trp and Val (P<0.05). Valine supplementation decreased BWG using a diet marginal in Trp, whereas it increased BWG when using a Trp sufficient diet. Piglets fed the low-CP diet with adequate levels of Val and Trp showed at least same performance compared to piglets fed the high CP reference diet. In Experiment 2, increasing dietary Val improved FI and BWG (P<0.001) and tended to improve FCR. Dietary AA excess for Ile, His and Leu reduced FI and BWG (P<0.05) and only affected FCR (P<0.01) in the 1st week of the study. Dietary level of Val and AA excess did not show interactive effects, except for FCR over the final 2 weeks of the study (P<0.05). In conclusion, an interaction exists between dietary supply of Val and Trp on the zootechnical performance of post-weaning piglets and dietary AA excess for Ile, Leu and His, reduces growth performance of piglets in low-protein diets, independent of the dietary level of Val.  相似文献   

This experiment examined if immune system stimulation of weaner pigs, initiated by inoculation an enterotoxigenic strain of Escherichia coli (ETEC), increased the requirement for dietary tryptophan (Trp), modulated the inflammatory response, altered plasma levels of Trp and its metabolite kynurenine (Kyn) and effected post-weaning diarrhoea. Individually housed pigs (n = 72) weaned at 21 d of age were allocated to one of six treatments (n = 12) according to a two by three factorial arrangement of (1) with or without ETEC infection and (2) three dietary ratios of standardised ileal digestible (SID) Trp to lysine (Lys) (SID Trp:Lys) of 0.16, 0.20 or 0.24, in a completely randomised block design. Pigs had ad libitum access to diets (per kg 14.13 MJ ME, 12.4 g SID Lys, 195 g crude protein) for 3 weeks after weaning. Pigs were infected with ETEC (O149:K98:K88) at 72, 96 and 120 h after weaning and then bled on day 3, 11 and 19. An increased dietary Trp:Lys ratio increased plasma Trp and Kyn (< 0.001) without effect of infection. On day 3, pigs fed 0.24 SID Trp:Lys had lower levels of plasma urea than at 0.20 Trp:Lys (= 0.047) and on day 11, plasma urea was lower at 0.20 than at 0.16 SID Trp:Lys (= 0.007). Infection increased (= 0.039) the diarrhoea index and deteriorated faecal consistency from day 4–10 (< 0.05). Treatments did not affect haptoglobin and acid soluble glycoprotein levels or daily gain and feed intake. However, 0.24 SID Trp:Lys improved (= 0.021) feed efficiency without an effect of infection. In conclusion, in the absence of dietary antibiotic growth promotants, increasing the dietary SID Trp:Lys ratio to 0.24 improved feed conversion ratio after weaning and increased plasma levels of Trp and Kyn regardless of infection with E. coli.  相似文献   

Effects of the use of three different soyabean products (soya concentrate and two different soyabean meals), peas or rapeseed hulls in the diet on the apparent ileal digestibility of CP (N × 6.25) and recovery of ileal endogenous nitrogen (N) in weanling pigs were investigated. Ileal endogenous N was measured using the 15N-isotope dilution method. Thirteen castrated male pigs (BW of 12–23 kg) were fed maize starch-based diets containing either soya concentrate (SC), purified rapeseed hulls (pRH) and SC (SRH diet), soyabean meal (SBM), a mixture of toasted and untoasted soyabean meal (mSBM) or peas. The apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of dry matter (DM) for the SC, SRH, SBM, mSBM and pea diets was 82.1, 74.3, 83.3, 80.0 and 74.9% (P < 0.05), respectively. The AID of CP for these diets was 82.4, 67.6, 81.6, 68.0 and 76.9% (P < 0.05), respectively. Similar differences in the AID for amino acids (AA) in the diets were found. The AID for CP and for the sum of AA in the pRH, as calculated by the difference between the SC and SRH diet, were 26 and 41%, respectively. For the SC, SRH, SBM, mSBM and pea diet, ileal recovery (g/kg of DM intake) for endogenous N were 2.79, 3.46, 2.73, 4.89 and 3.29 (P < 0.05), respectively, and for dietary N 1.16, 4.11, 1.64, 4.15 and 2.53 (P < 0.05), respectively. For the SC, SBM and mSBM diets, differences in AID of CP and AA were associated with differences in both the ileal recovery of endogenous N and the recovery of undigested dietary N. Differences in trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA) of the soya products were likely associated with these observations. It was also concluded that fibre (Neutral Detergent Fibre; NDF) in pea could be at least in part responsible for the relatively low AID of CP and AA and the high recovery of ileal endogenous N in the pea diet. The low AID of CP and AA of pRH was likely related to the association of protein to the fibre matrix in the fibre-rich rapeseed hulls.  相似文献   

This study compared apparent ileal and total tract digestibility of macronutrients and amino acids in blue foxes (Alopex lagopus) fed dry extruded diets. The control diet contained fish meal as the main protein source, while in the other diets 50% of the fish meal protein was replaced by not de-hulled solvent-extracted soybean meal, meat meal or bacterial protein meal. Ileal digestibility was obtained with animals modified with ileorectal anastomosis (IRA method). There were no significant differences in the average digestibility of CP, Lys, Trp, Val, Ala or Glu between IRA modified and intact animals. Average ileal digestibilities of His, Thr, Asp, Cys, Gly, Hyp, Pro, Ser, starch and total carbohydrates (CHO) were significantly lower compared with total tract values. Average ileal digestibility of Arg, Ile, Leu, Met, Phe, Tyr and crude fat was significantly higher than total tract digestibility. Digestibility measured in IRA modified animals showed less variability compared with values from intact animals. There were significant differences among diets in ileal as well as total tract digestibility of orude protein, most amino acids, starch and CHO, and in ileal digestibility of crude fat. Ileal crude protein digestibility of the diets ranged from 81.0-86.4% and total tract digestibility from 82.5-86.4%. Ileal amino acid digestibilities ranged from 70.1 (Asp) to 93.3% (Arg) and total tract values ranged from 72.8 (Cys) to 92.2% (Arg). Both ileal and total tract digestibilities of crude protein and most amino acids were significantly lower for diets containing meat meal or bacterial protein meal compared with the control fish meal-based diet and the diet with soybean meal. Although ileal digestibility may be more accurate than total tract digestibility in estimating the protein and amino acid supply in blue foxes, total tract digestibility may be acceptable because of numerically small differences between ileal and total tract digestibilities for protein and most amino acids. It was further concluded that ileal digestibilities of starch and CHO in the blue fox are lower than corresponding total tract digestibilities.  相似文献   

An experimental, microbially enhanced soybean product (MEPRO) was evaluated as a replacement for fishmeal (FM). Assessment of feedstuffs should include estimation of digestibility as well as pig performance and in combination with dietary additives. Digestibility values determined in growing pigs may not apply to nursery pigs; thus, standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) in MEPRO and FM were determined using 30±1.6 kg BW ileal-cannulated barrows (n=6) and 9.8±1.2 kg BW barrows (n=37; serial slaughter). Experimental diets included MEPRO, FM and nitrogen free where FM and MEPRO were included as the sole protein source. The SID of AAs was 3% to 5% lower in MEPRO than FM when fed to 30 kg pigs. The SID of arginine and methionine was greater (P<0.05) in MEPRO than FM when fed to 10 kg pigs. The SID of AAs was 12% to 20% lower in FM when fed to 10 v. 30 kg pigs but only 3% to 9% lower in MEPRO. A total of 336 barrows and gilts were weaned at 21 days of age (initial BW=6.1±0.8 kg) and used in a performance trial. Pens of pigs were assigned to one of the six experimental diets (8 pens/diet in two blocks). Treatment diets were fed in Phase I (7 days) and Phase II (14 days) with all pigs fed a common Phase III diet (14 days). Experimental diets included (1) negative control (NEG) containing corn, soybean meal and whey, (2) NEG+acidifier, (3) NEG+FM (POS), (4) POS+acidifier (POS A+), (5) NEG+MEPRO (MEPRO) and (6) MEPRO+acidifier. The FM and MEPRO were included at 7.5% and 5.0% in Phase I and II diets, respectively. Diets were formulated to meet the standard nutrient requirements for weaned pigs. Pig BW and feed disappearance was measured weekly and fecal scores were measured daily for the first 14 days post-weaning as an indicator of post-weaning diarrhea syndrome (PWDS). Performance (BW, daily gain, feed intake and gain : feed) was not significantly different among treatments. Treatment for PWDS occurred on different days in each block. Analysis of fecal score was completed separately by block. Pigs fed the NEG diets had higher (P=0.02) fecal scores than pigs fed the POS diets on days 2 and 3 (block 1) and higher (P<0.05) than pigs fed MEPRO or POS diets and diets with dietary acidifier on days 6 and 3 (block 2). The MEPRO holds promise as an alternative to FM in nursery pig diets.  相似文献   

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