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Background A considerable number of patients seen in general outpatient clinics (GOPC) are known to suffer from psychiatric rather than physical disorders. Studies have shown that doctors working in these clinics have difficulty in making accurate ratings of mental health problems in their patients and have poor knowledge of psychiatric diagnosis. Accurate recognition of psychiatric symptoms in a patient is essential for specific diagnosis and successful management. There is a need for the use of an easy tool such as the12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) for screening and identification of psychopathologies especially in a busy clinic setting like the GOPC. Aside from psychometric screening tools, patients' sociodemographic characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, occupation, education etc. have been found to be of value in predicting those at risk.Objectives This study seeks to correlate GHQ 'caseness' with sociodemographic factors and to compare physician diagnosis with GHQ diagnosis.Subjects and method Three-hundred and twenty-two respondents were recruited for the study by a systematic random sampling method. Using a cut off score of three on both the English and Efik translation versions of the GHQ-12, 'cases' and 'non-cases' generated were compared with the same classification as identified by the GOPC doctors. Identification rates for both groups were calculated and the coefficients determined using a two-by-two contingency table. Sociodemographic correlates were determined by statistical comparison of the classifications in both groups.Results Statistically significant differences in sociodemographic characteristics of respondents were found for age (χ(2)=48.97; P <0.05) and education (χ(2)=45.64; P=0.05) using their GHQ-12 scores, and for occupation (χ(2)=37.90; P <0.05) among those seen by the GOPC doctors. A further comparison of identified 'cases' and 'non-cases' by doctors again revealed significant difference for age (χ(2)=7.151; P <0.05). Sex as a sociodemographic characteristic showed no statistically significant difference though a greater percentage of females (57.3%) were observed as 'high scorers' as compared to their male counterparts (42.7%). The GHQ-12 identified 46.6% 'cases' while the GOPC doctors identified 6.8% among the attendees with a diagnostic sensitivity of 8% and a specificity of 94%, respectively.Conclusion Belonging to the 18-39 years age group, being employed and having less than 12 years of education were the patients' characteristics that suggested the likelihood of the presence of mental health problems.This study also revealed that despite the high proportion of psychiatric morbidity (46.6%) in the GOPC of the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) rate of detection by the clinic doctors was low (6.8%).It is recommended that primary care doctors should be alerted to the possibility that clinically significant psychiatric morbidity may be present in GOPC attendees. The correlation between patients' sociodemographic parameters and presence of mental health problems could be informative and should be given adequate attention during consultation.  相似文献   



Hospitals have a role to play in supporting, protecting and promoting breastfeeding. The aim of this study was to describe hospital breastfeeding policy and practices and breastfeeding rates among mothers attending General Paediatric Outpatient Clinic at a tertiary hospital in Lagos, Nigeria.


This was a cross-sectional study involving paediatric nurses and doctors, as well as the mothers who brought their child to the General Paediatric Outpatient Clinic. Two sets of questionnaires, different in content, were administered to doctors and nurses, and to mothers of children aged 6-24 months, to assess hospital policy and breastfeeding rates, respectively. Stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis was used to examine factors associated with duration of breastfeeding.


Although the hospital had a written breastfeeding policy copies of the policy were not clearly displayed in any of the units in the Paediatric department. Almost half the staff (48%; 60/125) were not aware of the policy. The hospital had no breastfeeding support group. Nearly three quarters (92/125) of the staff had received lactation management training. 36% (112/311) of mothers exclusively breastfed for six months, 42% (129/311) had stopped breastfeeding at the time of the survey. 67% (207/311) of babies were given infant formula, 85% (175/207) before 6 months. Women who had antenatal care in private hospitals and were Christian were more likely to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months. Low maternal education was the only factor associated with breastfeeding longer than 12 months.


Breastfeeding practices and policy implementation at this outpatient clinic were suboptimal. We have identified a need for interventions to increase knowledge of the benefits of breastfeeding and to provide support for its longer term duration. We suggest that BFHI be considered across all facilities concerned with infant and early child health to disseminate appropriate information and promote an increase in exclusive breastfeeding for six months as well as the duration of breastfeeding.

Objective To determine the relationship between depression and the subjective assessment of quality of life (QoL) in a sample of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) attending outpatient clinics at a regional university teaching hospital in Nigeria.Methods A cross-section of 200 patients were administered the depression module of the Schedule for the Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life assessment - brief version (WHOQoL-Bref) over a two-month study period.Results A major depressive disorder (MDD) was diagnosed in 30% of patients. MDD was significantly associated with lower mean scores on the facets of overall QoL (p<0.01) and health satisfaction (p<0.01), but not in the domains of physical health (p=0.67), psychological health (p=0.59), environment (p=0.70), or social relations (p=0.58) of the WHOQoL-Bref.Conclusion Depression is associated with a poorer subjective assessment of QoL among DM patients in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the disease burden and symptoms with age in COVID-19 patients is limited. Therefore, it is of interest to document the clinical aspect of this association with respect to the disease. We used the data of 3363 patients enrolled with an urgent care clinic in Volusia county, Florida for this study. Data shows difference in age among COVID-19 antibody (Ab) - positive patients (48.3 years, 95% CI = 46.9,49.7 years) and Ab-negative patients (46.1 years, 95% CI = 45.4, 46.8 years). However, disease burden by age is not significant on average. Nonetheless, COVID-19 positive patients between 40-69-years of age experienced the highest burden of disease and highest average number of symptoms. Thus, COVID-19 disease burden and number of symptoms experienced were highest among the 40-69-year-old patients. Those above the populations mean age of 46.4 years old were more likely to test positive for COVID-19.  相似文献   

Background Individuals with chronic diseases such as tuberculosis often have comorbid de-pression that requires frequent hospitalisations. This poses great challenges to the care of such patients.Objective This study aimed at determining the prevalence of depression in tuberculosis patients in comparison with non-tuberculosis controls, and its correlation with disease pattern.Method Eighty-eight patients with tuberculosis and 81 family members visiting the DOTS Centre at University College Hospital Ibadan Centre were screened for depression. Severity of depression was assessed using the Hamilton Depression Scale and was compared with severity of pulmonary tuberculosis.Results The prevalence of depression was 45.5% among patients and 13.4% among family members. Depression was more prevalent among patients that were elderly (P = 0.001), with extensive disease (P = 0.01), of long duration (P = 0.03), those with category 2 tuberculosis (P = 0.003), those from a nuclear family (P = 0.01) and patients that were unmarried (P = 0.02).Conclusion The impact of chronic diseases such as tuberculosis extends beyond physical impairment. It includes behavioural consequences, in this instance depression, for both the patient and the primary care givers. Thus, the care of patients with tuberculosis should be comprehensive and include consultative–liaison psychiatric care.  相似文献   

K. S. Koh  D. Greves  S. Yung  L. J. Peddle 《CMAJ》1975,112(4):455-60
Fetal monitoring during labour may be expected to decrease perinatal losses and the number of infants born with brain damage. In a prospective study of intrapartum fetal monitoring in selected high-risk pregnancies in a Winnipeg hospital the monitoring rate was 26.5% and the cesarean section rate in the monitored group was 22.0%. The fetal outcome in the monitored group was better than in the unmonitored group. The establishment of a fetal intensive care unit is believed to be strongly desirable in improving fetal surveillance during labour. Fetal monitors should be stationed in the delivery room as well as in the first-stage room.  相似文献   

Sheila McDonald 《CMAJ》1974,111(7):673-675
Active tuberculosis was diagnosed in 100 patients at Sunnybrook Medical Centre during the five-year period 1968-72. These cases were studied to find out if any delay had taken place in establishing the diagnosis and starting treatment. Delay was found most frequently when patients presented with atypical disease or when microbiological investigations were negative or misinterpreted. However, in nine patients with positive Ziehl-Neelsen smears the diagnosis was delayed more than one week. Usually such delays were caused by a failure to send specimens promptly for examination for acid-fast bacilli. Lack of communication between the laboratory and the clinician was found to be responsible for delays in starting treatment in several patients. It is essential that the clinician in a general hospital be alert to the possibility of tuberculosis and that there be close cooperation between the clinical staff and the diagnostic services.  相似文献   

The growing number of heart failure patients has stimulated the development of intensified guidance and follow-up of these patients using specific outpatient clinics and specialised nurses. This is also the case in the Netherlands, where the first positive results of this system have been obtained in academic settings. In this article we present data from an intensified programme for CHF patients as obtained at a non-university cardiology department. It demonstrates that also in this setting the use of a cardiologist, a heart failure outpatient clinic and a specialised nurse dedicated to these patients results in a significant decrease in readmission rate. Furthermore patient characteristics are described. Finally the important role of the nurse is stressed by indicating the number and content of telephone calls he is receiving, resulting in medication changes in 58% of calls.  相似文献   

R O'Reilly  C Rusnak 《CMAJ》1990,142(6):585-589
We reviewed the charts of 476 patients admitted to a university teaching hospital to determine whether sedative-hypnotic drugs (SHDs) were being used excessively and to examine the use of SHDs as hypnotics. The frequency of medical and surgical indications for barbiturates and benzodiazepines or other minor tranquillizers as well as the use of such drugs were compared among different groups of patients and specialty wards. Of the patients 29% had a regular order and 40% had a PRN order; only 77% of the PRN orders were administered. A total of 215 patients (45%) received an SHD during their hospital stay, and 160 (34%) received the drug as a hypnotic. Medical indications accounted for 49% of the regular orders but only 2% of the PRN orders; moreover, 89% of all the PRN orders were for insomnia. On average, patients receiving SHDs as hypnotics were older (p less than 0.05) and stayed longer in hospital (p less than 0.01) than those who did not; however, no patient on the geriatric or pediatric ward received an SHD as a hypnotic during the hospital stay. The differences in use between patient groups may have been influenced by orientation of ward staff. Physicians should review their rationale for prescribing hypnotics and avoid routine orders on admission.  相似文献   

From January 1995 to August 1997 we evaluated prospectively the clinical presentation, laboratory findings and short-term survival of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) patients who sought care at our hospital. After providing informed, written consent, the patients were interviewed and laboratory tests were performed. Information about survivorship and death was collected through September 1998. Eighty-six smear-positive pulmonary TB patients were enrolled; 26.7% were HIV-seropositive. Seventeen HIV-seronegative pulmonary TB patients (19.8%) presented chronic diseases in addition to TB. In the multiple logistic regression analysis a CD4+ cell count <= 200 cell/mm was independently associated with HIV seropositivity. In the Cox regression model, fitted to all patients, HIV seropositivity and age > or = 50 years were independently associated with decreased survival. Among HIV-seronegative persons, the presence of an additional disease increased the risk of death of almost six-fold. Use of antiretroviral drugs was associated with a lower risk of death among HIV-seropositive smear-positive pulmonary TB patients (RH = 0.32, 95% CI 0.10-0.92). In our study smear-positive pulmonary TB patients had a low short-term survival rate that was strongly associated with HIV infection, age and co-morbidities. Therapy with antiretroviral drugs reduced the short-term risk of death among HIV-seropositive patients after TB diagnosis.  相似文献   

目的: 探讨门诊运动康复和住院运动康复对慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者心脏康复治疗效果的影响。方法: 选择2015 年9 月至2018 年9 月间在北京康复医院临床诊断为CHF患者36 例,按照随机原则和患者参与意愿分为3组:对照组(n=12):进行除运动锻炼治疗之外的常规心脏康复指导;住院运动康复组(n=12)和门诊运动康复组(n=12):患者在我院分别住院或门诊进行运动锻炼为核心的心脏康复。根据心肺运动试验(CPET)制定个体化运动处方。功率车运动强度为无氧阈以上Δ50%功率负荷,30 min/d,每周5 d,共12 周。治疗前、后分别评估患者CPET指标、超声心动图指标、6 min步行距离(6MWD)、生活质量(QoL)评分等。结果: 所有CHF患者安全无并发症完成症状限制性CPET,运动康复组患者安全完成全程12 周运动康复。组间比较显示,治疗前,3组患者CPET指标、超声心动图指标、6MWD和QoL均无明显差异(P>0.05)。治疗后,住院和门诊运动康复组患者无氧阈(ml/min, ml/(min·kg), %pred)、峰值摄氧量(ml/min, ml/(min·kg), %pred)、峰值氧脉搏(ml/beat)、峰值功率(W, %pred)、左心室射血分数、6MWD较对照组升高(P<0.05),QoL 评分较对照组降低(P<0.05);门诊运动康复组和住院运动康复组之间比较,CPET指标、超声心动图指标、6MWD和QoL评分等均无明显差异(P>0.05)。治疗前后比较显示,对照组患者治疗后上述指标与治疗前比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后住院运动康复组和门诊运动康复组患者无氧阈(ml/min, ml/(min·kg))、峰值摄氧量(ml/min, ml/(min·kg), %pred)、峰值氧脉搏(ml/beat, %pred)、峰值功率(W/min、%pred)、左心室射血分数和6MWD均较治疗前升高(P<0.05),QoL 评分较治疗前降低(P<0.05)。结论: 门诊运动康复可显著改善CHF患者心肺功能、运动耐力和生活质量,与住院运动康复效果无明显差异。门诊康复作为心脏康复一种有效的治疗模式,值得大力推广。  相似文献   

To determine the characteristic pattern and frequency of dermatoses in dermatologic patients over 65 years we used electronic data base of General hospital Karlovac and conducted a retrospective cross sectional study evaluating age, sex and proportion of dermatoses. Total number of patients was 3200. There were 822 (25.69%) patients older than 65 years, and 2378 (74.31%) patients aged from 18-64 years. Ratio male/female in population over 65 years in our study was 0.76:1. Males had higher frequncy of verrucae vulgares 26 (7.3%) and dermatitis nummularis 47 (13.2%) then female and that difference was statistically significant. Female had higher frequency of keratosis acitinca 124 (26.61%) and fibroma 23 (4.94%), and that difference was statistically significant. The ten most common diagnosis in population over 65 years old were: keratosis actinica in 184 patients (22.38%) verrucae seborrhoicae in 156 (18.98%), dermatitits nummularis in 77 patients (9.37%), dermatitis allergica e contactu in 60 (7.30%) patients, mycosis in 56 (6.81%) patients, psoriasis in 51 (6.20%), verrucae vulgares in 39 (4.74%), fibromas in 27 (3.28%), naevi in 9 (1.09%) and acne in 1 (0.12%) patient. The number of patients with diagnosis of keratosis actinica, verrucae seborrhoicae and mycoses in population over 65 years old are greater then in younger subpopulation and that difference was statistically significant. There are specific pattern of frequency of dermatoses in elderly. Verrucae seborrhoica, keratosis actinica and mycoses are more common then in general population. In elderly risk for development of skin cancer is increased. Early detection of skin cancers and treatment of precanceroses is of utmost interest of health providers.  相似文献   



Spontaneous adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting is the cornerstone of pharmacovigilance. ADR reporting with Yellow Cards has tremendously improved pharmacovigilance of drugs in many developed countries and its use is advocated by the World Health Organization (WHO). This study was aimed at investigating the knowledge and attitude of doctors in a teaching hospital in Lagos, Nigeria on spontaneous ADR reporting and to suggest possible ways of improving this method of reporting.  相似文献   

Background The aim of the present study was to evaluate the knowledge and perception of depression among students of University Sains Malaysia (USM), in Penang, Peninsular Malaysia.Method Face-to-face interviews were conducted using a pre-validated 21-item questionnaire among students at USM.Results A total of 500 respondents participated in the survey comprising 24.6% (n=123) males and 75.4% (n=377) females. Half (50.0%, n=250) were Malays, followed by Chinese (44.0%, n=220) and Indians (6.0%, n=30). Whilst exploring the respondents' knowledge of the symptoms of depression, it was found that Chinese females had a comparatively better knowledge (P=0.058) of the symptoms of depression in comparison with Malays and Indians. Overall, social issues were attributed as the possible cause of depression. A cursory knowledge level was observed regarding medication for depression. Female students were more inclined towards the use of alternative and traditional medicines. However, with regard to seeking professional help, consultation with a psychiatrist was preferred by the majority.Conclusion Overall, a moderate level of knowledge about the symptoms of depression and a cursory knowledge of its therapy were observed. Those with personal experience of depression had better knowledge of the symptoms and therapy. Alternative treatments and traditional medicines were also favoured. There is a risk that this may affect the ability of Malaysian youths to seek evidence-based mental health care.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00603.x
Prevalence of gingival overgrowth among elderly patients under amlodipine therapy at a large Indian teaching hospital Objectives: To determine the prevalence of amlodipine‐induced gingival overgrowth (GO) among elderly subjects attending an Indian teaching hospital and find any association with demographic factors, drug variables, oral hygiene status and gingival inflammation. Methods: A cross‐sectional pilot study included 157 dentate patients aged 60 years or more, taking Amlodipine for at least 3 months. Data were collected from past medical records and oral examination. Clinical assessment of GO was correlated with patient’s age, gender, drug dosage (2.5, 5 or 10 mg/day), duration of drug therapy (3–4, 4–6, 6–12, 12–24 and >24 months) and also with subjects’ plaque index and gingival index scores. Results: Eight patients (5.09%) had GO. No statistically significant relation was observed between age (p = 0.79), gender (p = 0.56), drug dosage (p = 0.25) and duration of drug intake (p = 0.62) and prevalence of GO. GO prevalence related highly significantly (p < 0.001) with plaque and gingival index scores. Conclusions: Prevalence of amlodipine‐associated GO in the sample of elderly Indian patients was noted higher than that previously reported. Plaque and gingival inflammation were highly correlated with this condition, while demographic characteristics and drug dosage did not relate significantly.  相似文献   

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