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The phylogeography of wild boars (WB) and domestic pigs (Sus scrofa) has contributed important insights into where and when domestication occurred. The geographic distribution of two core haplotypes (E1a and E1c) of the main European phylogenetic clade suggests that Central Europe was an early domestication centre, although the complexity of the pattern does not exclude the possibility that multiple domestication events occurred in different regions. To investigate the relationships among WB and domestic pig breeds in Iberia, a fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region from a large sample (n = 409) of WB and local pig breeds was co‐analysed with published sequences from other European populations. The Iberian sample revealed a high frequency of a sub‐cluster (E1c) of the European haplogroup E1 in 77% of total Iberian samples, 96% of WB, 90% of Alentejano (Portugal) and 87% of Iberian breed pigs (Spain; Black Hairy, Black Hairless and Red varieties). Low genetic distance (FST = 0.105) was observed between Alentejano (Portugal) and Iberian breed pigs (Spain). Alentejano and Iberian breed pigs showed low genetic distances to both Iberian and Central European WB (average FST = 0.345 and 0.215, respectively). This pattern suggests that early pig husbandry in the Iberian Peninsula did not solely rely on imported Central European stock, but also included the recruitment of local WB.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome B gene (1140 bp) and control region (707 bp) were used to determine the phylogenetic relationships among 51 pig samples representing ancient and current varieties of Iberian pigs (26), Spanish wild boars (seven) and other domestic pigs (18) of cosmopolitan (Duroc, Large White, Landrace, Pietrain and Meishan) and local (Spotted Black Jabugo, Basque and Mangalitza) breeds. A neighbour-joining tree constructed from pairwise distances provide evidence of the European origin of both Iberian pigs and Spanish wild boars. The introgression of Asian mtDNA haplotypes in the genetic pool of the Iberian breed seems unlikely. Four estimates of sequence divergence between European and Asian clades were calculated from the two main domains of the D-loop region and the synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions in the cytochrome B gene. The time since the divergence of pig ancestors was estimated at about 600,000 years before present.  相似文献   

Wild boars from Western Europe have a 2n = 36 karyotype, in contrast to a karyotype of 2n = 38 in wild boars from Central Europe and Asia and in all domestic pigs. The phylogenetic status of this wild boar population is unclear, and it is not known if it has contributed to pig domestication. We have now sequenced the mtDNA control region from 30 European wild boars (22 with a confirmed 2n = 36 karyotype) and six Asian wild boars (two Hainan and four Dongbei wild boars) to address this question. The results revealed a close genetic relationship between mtDNA haplotypes from wild boars with 2n = 36 to those from domestic pigs with 2n = 38. Thus, we cannot exclude the possibility that wild boars with 2n = 36 may have contributed to pig domestication despite the karyotype difference. One of the European wild boars carried an Asian mtDNA haplotype, and this most likely reflects gene flow from domestic pigs to European wild boars. However, this gene flow does not appear to be extensive because the frequency of Asian haplotypes detected among European wild boars (c. 3%) were 10-fold lower than among European domestic pigs (c. 30%). Previous studies of mtDNA haplotypes have indicated that pig populations in Europe and Asia have experienced a population expansion, but it is not clear if the expansion occurred before or after domestication. The results of the present study are consistent with an expansion that primarily occurred prior to domestication because the mtDNA haplotypes found in European and Asian wild boars did not form their own clusters but were intermingled with haplotypes found in domestic pigs, indicating that they originated from the same population expansion.  相似文献   

Genetic markers provide a useful tool toestimate pairwise coancestry betweenindividuals in the absence of a known pedigree. Inthe present work 62 pigs from two relatedstrains of Iberian breed, Guadyerbas andTorbiscal, belonging to a conservationprogramme with completely known pedigrees since1945, have been genotyped for 49microsatellites. Four coefficients thatsummarise molecular resemblance betweenindividuals together with eightestimators of coancestry have been calculatedfrom this information. Their values werecompared with the genealogical coancestry,calculated from the complete or partialpedigree. The eight estimations obtained usingmolecular information substantiallyunderestimate the coancestry calculated usingthe genealogical analysis. The correlationbetween the estimates and the genealogicalvalues was also calculated. This correlationwas high, between 0.78 and 0.93 for differentestimators, when all pairwise comparisons amongthe 62 animals were considered. However, thecorrelation decreases remarkably to 0.49–0.69and 0.37–0.47 for the Guadyerbas and Torbiscalpopulations respectively, when they wereanalysed separately. All the correlations weresimilar to those obtained when using simplecoefficients of molecular resemblance such asmolecular coancestry or similarity indexes.Finally, simulations were carried out tofurther explore the results obtained. It isconcluded that lack of information on theallele frequencies in the base population mayexplain the bias of these estimators inpopulations with complex pedigrees.  相似文献   

The time since the divergence of European and East Asian domestic pigs and wild boars has been estimated in several phylogenetic analyses, generally based on partial mitochondrial sequences or on a small number of complete mtDNA sequences. In the present study, we obtained a refined estimate of this divergence time based on a set of 32 near‐complete mtDNA sequences from wild and domestic pigs of European and Asian types, including 14 new and 18 previously published sequences. A weighted average for different functional mtDNA components resulted in an estimate of 746 000 YBP for the divergence of Asian‐type from European‐type pigs. In addition, our data allowed us to estimate a divergence time between wild and domestic European pigs of 8500 YBP. However, it must be considered cautiously, as most of the estimated values of this sequence divergence were not different from zero, and isolation between wild and domestic pigs has never been complete.  相似文献   

We conducted a serological survey to detect antibodies against influenza A virus (IAV) in Japanese wild boars in Kagoshima prefecture, Japan, between 2014 and 2017. Seroprevalence against a pandemic‐like swine H1N1 (H1N1pdm) virus was identified in 27.1% of specimens, and 1.7% were positive for both swine H1N2 and H3N2 viruses, indicating that wild boars could play an important role in the dynamics of H1N1pdm viral dispersion in the wild. The high frequency of positive results for sera against the H1N1pdm virus suggests that cross‐species IAV transmission between wild boars, livestock, and humans is a threat to veterinary and public health.  相似文献   

We completed phylogenetic analysis of the major non-coding region of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 159 animals of eight Euro-American and six East Asian domesticated pig breeds and 164 Japanese and five European wild boars. A total of 62 mtDNA haplotypes were detected. Alignment of these regions revealed nucleotide variations (including gaps) at 73 positions, including 58 sites with transition nucleotide substitutions, and two transversion substitutions. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences could not organize domestic pig breeds into discrete clusters. In addition, many of the haplotypes found in members of diverged clustering groups were found primarily in Euro-American pig breeds, indicating extensive introgression of Asian domestic pigs into European breeds. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis allocated the DNA sequences of non-coding regions into two different groups, and the deepest branchpoint of this porcine phylogeny corresponded to 86 000-136 000 years before present. This time of divergence would predate the historical period when the pig is thought to have been domesticated from the wild boar.  相似文献   

Invasive wild pigs (Sus scrofa) are considered one of the most damaging species globally, and once they become established in an area, they are notoriously difficult to eliminate. As such, identifying the potential pathways of invasion, especially in places with emerging populations, is critical for preventing new or continued invasion. Wild pigs have been reported in Ontario, Canada, in recent years. We tested four nonexclusive hypotheses about the source of wild pigs in Ontario: (a) escapees from captive sources within Ontario; (b) invasion from neighboring jurisdictions; (c) existing wild populations within Ontario; and (d) translocation and illegal release. We found that sightings of Eurasian wild boar were closer to premises with wild boar than were random locations; wild boar sightings were an average of 16.3 km (SD = 25.4 km, min = 0.2 km, n = 20) from premises with wild boar. We also found that sightings of domestic pigs were closer to domestic pig farms than expected. Sightings of wild pigs in groups of more than four animals were rare. Our results suggest that wild pigs observed in Ontario are recent escapes from captivity, recognizing that there may be established groups of wild pigs that we have not yet detected. While not common, we also received reports indicating that in the past, wild pigs have been translocated and illegally released. Other North American jurisdictions that have been successful at eliminating wild pigs have removed existing populations and changed regulations to limit future invasion, such as prohibiting possession and transport of wild boar and prohibiting hunting of wild pigs.  相似文献   

The conservation status of small breeding areas of the Goosander (Mergus merganser merganser) in Central Europe is unclear. Geographic isolation of these areas suggests restricted gene flow to and from large North-European populations. On the other hand, migrating Goosanders from northern Europe join the Central European breeding population for wintering. To evaluate the conservation status of the small breeding areas we assessed the genetic structure of M. merganser populations in Europe by examining two nuclear marker systems (microsatellites and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNP) and mitochondrial (mtDNA) control region sequence variation for Goosanders in 11 sampling areas representing three of five distinct breeding areas and two subspecies (M. m. merganser and M. m. americanus). Overall population differentiation estimates including both subspecies were high, both based on mtDNA () and nuclear markers (θ ST = 0.219; 95% CI 0.088–0.398, SNP and microsatellites combined). Within Europe, mtDNA revealed a strong overall () and significant pairwise population differentiation between almost all comparisons. In contrast, both nuclear marker systems combined revealed only a small overall genetic differentiation (θ ST = 0.022; 95% CI 0.003–0.041). The strong genetic differentiation based on female-inherited mtDNA but not on biparentally inherited nuclear markers can be explained by sex-biased dispersal and strong female philopatry. Therefore, small breeding areas in Europe are endangered despite large male-mediated gene-flow, because when these populations decline, only males—but due to strong philopatry not females—can be efficiently supplemented by migration from the large North European populations. We therefore propose to manage the small breeding areas independently and to strengthen conservation efforts for this species in Central Europe.  相似文献   

The common midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans), widely distributed in the northern half of the Iberian Peninsula and part of Western Europe, is currently subdivided into four subspecies: A. o. obstetricans, A. o. boscai, A. o. pertinax and A. o. almogavarii. However, the delimitation of these subspecies and their ranges are still under discussion because strong discordances have been found between morphological and molecular data, and especially among different genetic markers. Here, we screen a set of novel microsatellite loci and mtDNA sequences of A. obstetricans populations representative of all currently recognized subspecies to investigate the correspondence between genetic groupings inferred from clustering analysis of microsatellite genotypes and the described subspecies and test whether patterns of mtDNA variation are concordant with those genetic clusters. Our results confirm previous expectations of extremely high intraspecific diversity in A. obstetricans in Iberia. Analyses of microsatellite and mtDNA data were concordant in recovering five well‐defined groups, of which three correspond to previously defined subspecies, while the two additional clusters correspond to populations of subspecies A. o. boscai separated by the Douro River. Our results suggest the occurrence of two distinct genetic units within A. o. boscai that likely result from a long independent evolutionary history, thus deserving special attention from a conservation point of view.  相似文献   

C. Hu  T. Pan  Y. Wu  C. Zhang  W. Chen  Q. Chang 《Animal genetics》2020,51(4):557-567
Pleistocene climatic fluctuations may have had a profound impact on the evolutionary history of many species. The geographical pattern of European wild boar (Sus scrofa) is clearly studied, and it was greatly influenced by ancient climatic events, especially the Last Glacial Maximum. Previous research on genetic variation has mainly focused on the origin and distribution histories of domestic pigs. However, some questions have not been answered, including those concerning the genetic diversity, geographical pattern and possible historic influence of climate on East Asian wild boar (EAWB). Employing the control region of mtDNA (511 bp), we investigated the contributions of historic climate, which possibly shaped the genetic pattern of wild boar. Given that the level of genetic diversity of wild boars is higher in East Asia than in Europe, 172 haplotypes were detected from 680 individuals. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated the complex phylogeographic structure of EAWB. Mismatch analysis, neutrality tests and the Bayesian Skyline Plot results all retrieved signals of a rapid population expansion, which might have played an important role in driving the formation of complex spatial genetic structure. Genetic data and species distribution modelling showed that the Last Glacial Maximum had weak effect on the distribution of the EAWB. We suggest that, in shaping spatial genetic structure in East Asian, long-term gene flow and population history played more important roles than Pleistocene climate fluctuations.  相似文献   

Heterozygosity-fitness correlations (HFC) may result from a genome-wide process — inbreeding — or local effects within the genome. The majority of empirical studies reporting HFCs have attributed correlations to inbreeding depression. However, HFCs are unlikely to be caused by inbreeding depression because heterozygosity measured at a small number of neutral markers is unlikely to accurately capture a genome-wide pattern. Testing the strengths of localized effects caused by associative overdominance has proven challenging. In their current paper, Amos and Acevedo-Whitehouse present a novel test for local HFCs. Using stochastic simulations, they determine the conditions under which single-locus HFCs arise, before testing the strength of the correlation between the neutral marker and a linked gene under selection in their simulations. They used insights gained from simulation to statistically investigate the likely cause of correlations between heterozygosity and disease status using data on bovine tuberculosis infections in a wild boar population. They discover that a single microsatellite marker is an excellent predictor of tuberculosis progression in infected individuals. The results are relevant for wild boar management but, more generally, they demonstrate how single-locus HFCs could be used to identify coding loci under selection in free-living populations.  相似文献   

Up to date, the scarcity of publicly available complete mitochondrial sequences for European wild pigs hampers deeper understanding about the genetic changes following domestication. Here, we have assembled 26 de novo mtDNA sequences of European wild boars from next generation sequencing (NGS) data and downloaded 174 complete mtDNA sequences to assess the genetic relationship, nucleotide diversity, and selection. The Bayesian consensus tree reveals the clear divergence between the European and Asian clade and a very small portion (10 out of 200 samples) of maternal introgression. The overall nucleotides diversities of the mtDNA sequences have been reduced following domestication. Interestingly, the selection efficiencies in both European and Asian domestic pigs are reduced, probably caused by changes in both selection constraints and maternal population size following domestication. This study suggests that de novo assembled mitogenomes can be a great boon to uncover the genetic turnover following domestication. Further investigation is warranted to include more samples from the ever-increasing amounts of NGS data to help us to better understand the process of domestication.  相似文献   

While motorways are often assumed to influence the movement behaviour of large mammals, there are surprisingly few studies that show an influence of these linear structures on the genetic make-up of wild ungulate populations. Here, we analyse the spatial genetic structure of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boars (Sus scrofa) along a stretch of motorway in the Walloon part of Belgium. Altogether, 876 red deer were genotyped at 13 microsatellite loci, and 325 wild boars at 14 loci. In the case of the red deer, different genetic clustering tools identified two genetic subpopulations whose borders matched the motorway well. Conversely, no genetic structure was identified in the case of the wild boar. Analysis of isolation-by-distance patterns of pairs of individuals on the same side and on different sides of the motorway also suggested that the road was a barrier to red deer, but not to wild boar movement. While telemetry studies seem to confirm that red deer are more affected by motorways than wild boar, the red deer sample size was also much larger than that of the wild boars. We therefore repeated the analysis of genetic structure in the red deer with randomly sub-sampled data sets of decreasing size. The power to detect the genetic structure using clustering methods decreased with decreasing sample size.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences (574 bp) of 30 Vietnamese pigs (large and small) were examined and compared with those of 61 haplotypes from wild boars and domestic pigs from various locations in Asia. The large Vietnamese pigs had genetic links to Ryukyu wild boars in southern Japan. The small Vietnamese pigs were closely related to other East Asian domestic pigs. These results indicate that Vietnamese pigs are genetically diverse and may be descendents of wild and domestic pigs from other regions of Asia.  相似文献   

Genetic species identification of non-invasively collected samples has become an important tool in ecological research, management and conservation and wildlife forensics. This is especially true for carnivores, due to their elusive nature, and is crucial when several ecologically and phylogenetically close species, with similar faeces, hairs, bones and/or pelts, occur in sympatry. This is the case of the Iberian Peninsula, a region with a carnivore community of 16 species—about two-thirds of the European carnivore fauna. Here we present a simple, efficient and reliable PCR-based protocol, using a novel set of species-specific primers, for the unambiguous identification to species of non-invasively collected samples or forensic materials from Iberian carnivores. For each species, from the consensus of all cytochrome b haplotypes, found here and previously reported, we designed species-specific primer pairs for short fragments, the most likely to persist in low-quantity and degraded DNA samples. The predicted specificity of each primer pair was assessed through PCR of positive DNA extracts from the carnivore species, from an exhaustive array of potential prey and from humans. The robustness of PCR amplification for non-invasively sampled DNA was tested with scat samples. The primers did not produce false positives and correctly identified all carnivore samples to the species level. In comparison with sequencing and PCR-RFLP assays, our method is, respectively, cost- and time-effective, and is especially suited for monitoring surveys targeting multiple populations/species. It also introduces an approach that works for a whole community of carnivores living sympatrically over a large geographic area.  相似文献   

The reintroduction of wild boar from central Europe after World War II has contributed substantially to the range expansion of this species in Italy, where indiscriminate hunting in earlier times resulted in extreme demographic reduction. However, the genetic impact of such processes is not well-understood. In this study, 105 individuals from Italian and Hungarian wild boar populations were characterized for nine autosomal microsatellite loci. The Hungarian samples, and two central Italian samples from protected areas (parks) where reintroduction is not documented, were assumed to be representative of the genetic composition of the source and the target populations in the reintroduction process, respectively. Animals hunted in the wild in the Florence area of Tuscany (Italy) were then studied to identify the effects of reintroduction. The results we obtained can be summarized as follows: (i) none of the populations analysed shows genetic evidence of demographic decline; (ii) the three parental populations from Italy and Hungary are genetically distinct; however, the low level of divergence appears in conflict with the naming of the Italian and the European subspecies (Sus scrofa majori and Sus scrofa scrofa, respectively); in addition, the Italian groups appear to be as divergent from each other as they are from the Hungarian population; (iii) most of the individuals hunted near Florence are genetically intermediate between the parental groups, suggesting that hybridization has occurred in this area, the average introgression of Hungarian genotypes is 13%, but approximately 45% of the genetic pool of these individuals can not be directly attributed to any of the parental populations we analysed; (iv) analysis of microsatellite loci, though in a limited number, is an important tool for estimating the genetic effect of reintroduction in the wild boar, and therefore for the development of conservation and management strategies for this species.  相似文献   

Differential stress/inflammatory responses were characterized at the mRNA and protein levels in mandibular lymph nodes (MLN) and oropharyngeal tonsils of European wild boars (Sus scrofa), naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Suppression-subtractive hybridization combined with immunohistochemistry and/or quantitative real-time RT-PCR were used to identify and characterize abundant stress/inflammatory gene sequences differentially expressed in tuberculous (TB+) wild boars. Genes identified in MLN and tonsils corresponded to serum amyloid A, arginase I, osteopontin, lysozyme, annexin I, and heat shock proteins, respectively. Global protein patterns in MLN and tonsils were compared between TB+ and nontuberculous (TB-) boars by 2-DE and MALDI-TOF MS. Five proteins, including stress/inflammatory proteins annexin V, serum albumin, and apolipoprotein A1 were found at lower levels in MLN of TB+ boars. Manganese superoxide dismutase was found up-regulated in MLN of TB+ boars. Five proteins, including creatine kinase and MHC class II antigens were found up-regulated in tonsils of TB+ boars. These results demonstrated differential stress/inflammatory responses in wild boars naturally infected with M. bovis and suggest possible markers of tuberculosis in this species that may prove useful for future studies of host-pathogen interactions and for diagnostics and vaccine development.  相似文献   

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