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The Ram Genotyping Scheme was launched in Great Britain in 2001 as part of the National Scrapie Plan and was devised to reduce and eventually eradicate classical scrapie susceptible genotypes from the national pedigree flock. Anecdotal claims from breeders suggest that sheep with more resistant PrP genotypes may have inferior phenotypes. In this study, we test this possibility for lamb production traits in three breeds of lowland sheep: Charollais (22 752 lambs), Poll Dorset (22 589 lambs) and Texel (23 492 lambs). Data were received from 50 breeders and comprised weights at birth, 8 weeks and scanning (from which average daily weight gain was derived), and ultrasonic muscle and fat depths. Animal (direct) genetic effects and up to three maternal effects were fitted in linear mixed models for each trait. Fitting either PrP genotype or number of copies of individual alleles carried as fixed effects allowed potential associations with the PrP gene to be assessed. There were no significant associations seen in the Poll Dorset breed; however, significant associations were found with the number of allele copies carried in the other two breeds included in this study. Charollais lambs carrying one copy of the VRQ allele had significantly (P < 0.01) greater ultrasonic muscle depth (0.58 mm) and fat depth (0.2 mm) than non-carriers. In the Texel breed, lambs with one ARR allele were significantly heavier than those with two or zero ARR alleles; heterozygous ARR lambs were 0.07 kg heavier at birth (P < 0.05), 0.42 kg heavier at 8 weeks (P < 0.01) and 0.17 kg heavier at scan weight (P < 0.01), than non-carriers. After Bonferroni corrections to adjust significance thresholds to account for the large number of independent comparisons made, all significant results remained so at P < 0.05 or greater, except for the ARR allele effect on birth weight in the Texel breed, which was no longer significant. These results compare favourably with others from studies on many continental breeds of sheep, published in recent years, and add credence to the conclusion that selection on PrP genotype is unlikely to have any noticeable impact on the measured growth and carcass traits in sheep.  相似文献   

AIMS: To analyse the frequencies of prion (PrP) gene haplotypes in UK sheep flocks and evaluate their relevance to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) and TSE resistance breeding programmes in sheep. METHODS AND RESULTS: Genomic DNA isolated from sheep blood was PCR amplified for the coding region of the PrP gene and then sequenced. This study has analysed the sequence of PrP between codons 110 and 245 in 6287 ARQ haplotypes revealing a total of eight variant sequences, which represent a higher than expected 41% of all ARQ haplotypes. The additional PrP gene dimorphisms were M112T, L141F, M137T, H143R, H151C, P168L, Q175E and P241S. CONCLUSION: The results do not suggest a correlation between the occurrence of a specific ARQ haplotype and the scrapie disease status of a flock. The ARQ haplotype variability appears to be different in the UK sheep flocks compared with sheep flocks from outside the UK. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Additional PrP dimorphisms may impact on the methodologies used for standard PrP genotyping in sheep breeding programmes. Some of these polymorphisms were found with significant frequencies in the UK sheep flocks and should therefore be considered in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Selection programmes based on prion protein (PrP) genotypes are being implemented for increasing resistance to scrapie. Commercial meat sheep populations participating in sire-referencing schemes were simulated to investigate the effect of selection on PrP genotypes on ARR and VRQ allele frequencies, inbreeding and genetic gain in a performance trait under selection. PrP selection strategies modelled included selection against the VRQ allele and in favour of the ARR allele. Assuming realistic initial PrP frequencies, selection against the VRQ allele had a minimal impact on performance and inbreeding. However, when selection was also in favour of the ARR allele and the frequency of this allele was relatively low, there was a loss of up to three to four years of genetic gain over the 15 years of selection. Most loss in gain occurred during the first five years. In general, the rate of inbreeding was reduced when applying PrP selection. Since animals were first selected on their PrP genotype before being selected on the performance trait, the intensity of selection on performance was weaker under PrP selection (compared with no PrP selection). Eradication of the VRQ allele or fixation of the ARR allele within 15 years of selection was possible only with PrP selection targeting all breeding animals.  相似文献   

Scrapie, a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) or prion disease, is a fatal, neurodegenerative disease in sheep and goats. This disease has been known in Europe for more than 250 years. Susceptibility to scrapie is associated with polymorphisms in the sheep prion protein gene (PrP) gene. In sheep, polymorphism in the PrP gene has been identified at a number of codons, and polymorphisms at codons 136, 154 and 171 have reported linkage with susceptibility to scrapie. Polymorphisms at the PrP locus were studied in 413 animals representing three native sheep breeds (Imroz, Chios and Kıvırcık) in Turkey. Genomic DNA was obtained from blood, and genotypes were screened using PCR and direct DNA sequencing. We report 17 genotypes derived from seven different alleles. The most frequent genotype in the Kıvırcık sheep is ARQ/ARQ, whereas the ARR/ARQ genotype is predominant in the Chios and Imroz breeds. In general, the ARQ haplotype was the predominant haplotype. ARQ haplotype was also predominant in the Kıvırcık and Chios sheep breeds, whereas the Imroz sheep predominantly had the ARR haplotype. The susceptibility-associated VRQ haplotype was found in 2.38%, 0.35% and 0.81% of the Imroz, Kıvırcık and Chios sheep, respectively. Moreover, seven additional polymorphisms have been detected at codons G127S, G127V, H143R, G145S, Y172D, N174Y and Q189L. Among these polymorphisms, the N174Y allele is a novel polymorphism, and the G145S allele is a novel allele for a known polymorphic locus.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the prion protein gene locus (PRNP) in Chios sheep. PRNP is linked with scrapie resistance in small ruminants. Here, its impact on milk production (test-day and total lactation yield) and reproduction (age at first lambing, conception rate at first service, and prolificacy) was assessed. Genotyping at codons 136, 154 and 171 (classical scrapie) and 141 (atypical scrapie) was performed using DNA from milk somatic cells and PCR-RFLP analysis. A total of 1013 Chios ewes raised in 23 flocks were used. This constituted a random sample of the national breeding population. A total of 15 genotypes and 6 alleles linked to codons 136, 154 and 171 were detected. All animals were homozygous for the leucine allele at codon 141. Linear mixed models were used to assess the impact of PRNP genotypes and alleles on milk production and reproduction traits. The TRQ allele, whose association with such traits was assessed for the first time, had an adverse effect on age at first lambing. All other PRNP alleles, including ARR, which is associated with increased resistance to classical scrapie, had no significant effect on the traits studied. No significant associations of the PRNP genotypes with production and reproduction traits were observed. It was concluded that selection for scrapie-resistant sheep is not expected to affect the ongoing breeding programme that aims to enhance the milk yield and reproduction of the Chios breed.  相似文献   

The establishment of an association between prion protein gene (PRNP) polymorphisms and scrapie susceptibility in sheep has enabled the development of breeding programmes to increase scrapie resistance in the European Union. Intense selection for PRNP genotype may lead to correlated selection for genes linked to PRNP. We intended to investigate if any association exists between genetic variation in prion‐like protein Doppel gene (PRND) and scrapie susceptibility, determined through PRNP genotyping. Sampling included 460 sheep from eight Portuguese breeds and the PRND gene coding region was analysed by multiple restriction fragment‐single strand conformation polymorphism (MRF‐SSCP), whereas PRNP genotyping was carried out by primer extension. A synonymous substitution (c.78G>A) was detected in codon 26 of the PRND gene, in all breeds except Churra Mondegueira. Linkage disequilibrium was found between the PRND and PRNP loci (P = 0.000). Specifically, PRND was monomorphic in the 45 animals with the more resistant ARR/ARR PRNP genotype (P = 0.003), whereas a higher frequency of PRND heterozygotes (GA) was associated with ARQ/AHQ (P = 0.029). These results constitute preliminary evidence of an association between a polymorphism in the PRND gene and scrapie susceptibility, and indicate that the possibility of undesirable consequences from widespread selection for PRNP genotype on genetic diversity and reproduction traits needs to be further investigated.  相似文献   

The UK national scrapie plan (NSP) for sheep is based on selection for the resistant ARR/ARR genotype and elimination of susceptible types of the ovine prion protein (PrP) gene. The aim of this study was to estimate the possible association of the PrP genotype and performance traits by using data from the CAMDA Welsh Mountain flock. Four alleles (ARH, ARQ, ARR and VRQ) and 10 genotypes covering all five NSP risk groups were present in the CAMDA flock. Overall, the most common allele was ARR (35.2%), and VRQ was the least common (5.4%). The commonest genotypes were ARR/ARQ (23.7%) and ARR/AHQ (23.1%). The most resistant genotype, ARR/ARR, and the most susceptible genotype, VRQ/VRQ, were found in 10.2% and 0.3%, respectively, of the population tested. The associations of PrP genotypes with weight and ultrasonically scanned traits were investigated in three analyses, the first using genotypes, the second using risk categories and the third using number of alleles. These associations were evaluated by univariate analysis of each trait using an animal model with maternal effects where appropriate, and PrP was included as a fixed effect. Selection for scrapie resistance will not adversely affect progress in the traits considered and is consistent with improvements in muscle depth.  相似文献   

Sheep is a unique example among mammalian species to present a strong correlation between genotype and prion disease susceptibility phenotype. Indeed a well-defined set of PrP polymorphisms at positions 136, 154 and 171 (sheep numbering) govern scrapie susceptibility, ranging from very high susceptibility for V136-R154-Q171 variant (VRQ) to resistance for A136-R154-R171 variant (ARR).To get better insight into the molecular mechanisms of scrapie susceptibility/resistance, the unfolding pathways of the different full-length recombinant sheep prion protein variants were analysed by differential scanning calorimetry in a wide range of pH. In the pH range 4.5-6.0, thermal unfolding occurs through a reversible one-step process while at pH <4.5 and >6.0 unfolding intermediates are formed, which are stable in the temperature range 65-80 degrees C. While these general behaviours are shared by all variants, VRQ and ARQ (susceptibility variants) show higher thermal stability than AHQ and ARR (resistance variants) and the formation of their unfolding intermediates requires higher activation energy than in the case of AHQ and ARR. Furthermore, secondary structures of the unfolding intermediates differentiate variants: ARR unfolding intermediate exhibits random coil structure, contrasting with the beta-sheet structure of VRQ and ARQ unfolding intermediates. The rate of the unfolding intermediate formation allows us to classify genetic variants along increasing scrapie susceptibility at pH 4.0, VRQ and ARQ rates being the highest. Rather poor correlation is observed at pH 7.2. Upon cooling, these intermediates refold into stable species, which are rich in beta-type secondary structures and, as revealed by thioflavin T fluorescence and electron microscopy, share amyloid characteristics. These results highlight the prion protein plasticity genetically modulated in sheep, and might provide a molecular basis for sheep predisposition to scrapie taking into account both thermodynamic stability and transconformation rate of prion protein.  相似文献   

The polymorphisms at amino acid residues 136, 154, and 171 in ovine prion protein (PrP) have been associated with different susceptibility to scrapie: animals expressing PrPARQ [PrP(Ala136/Arg154/Gln171)] show vulnerability, whereas those that express PrPARR [PrP(Ala136/Arg154/Arg171)] are resistant to scrapie. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro toxic effects of PrPARR and PrPARQ variants in relation with their structural characteristics. We show that both peptides cause cell death inducing apoptosis but, unexpectedly, the scrapie resistant PrPARR form was more toxic than the scrapie susceptible PrPARQ variant. Moreover, the α-helical conformation of PrPARR was less stable than that of PrPARQ and the structural determinants responsible of these different conformational stabilities were characterized by spectroscopic analysis. We observed that PrP toxicity was inversely related to protein structural stability, being the unfolded conformation more toxic than the native one. However, the PrPARQ variant displays a higher propensity to form large aggregates than PrPARR. Interestingly, in the presence of small amounts of PrPARR, PrPARQ aggregability was reduced to levels similar to that of PrPARR. Thus, in contrast to PrPARR toxicity, scrapie transmissibility seems to reside in the more stable conformation of PrPARQ that allows the formation of large amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) or prion diseases result in aberrant metabolism of prion protein (PrP) and the accumulation of a protease-resistant, insoluble, and possibly infectious form of PrP, PrP-res. Studies of PrP biosynthesis, intracellular trafficking, and degradation has been studied in a variety of tissue culture cells. Pulse-chase metabolic labeling studies in scrapie-infected cells indicated that PrP-res is made posttranslationally from an apparently normal protease sensitive precursor, PrP-sen, after the latter reaches the cell surface. Cell-free reactions have provided evidence that PrP-res itself can induce the conversion of PrP-sen to PrP-res in a highly species- and strain-specific manner. These studies have shed light on the mechanism of PrP-res formation and suggest molecular bases for TSE species barrier effects and agent strain propagation.  相似文献   

AIMS: Experiments were designed to evaluate the potential of rumen-simulating conditions to reduce PrP(Sc) levels. METHODS AND RESULTS: Scrapie-positive brain material was incubated under rumen-simulating conditions. Time points were taken over a 24-h period and PrP(Sc) levels were analysed by Western blot. No loss of PrP(Sc) was observed over a 24-h time period. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that a fully developed rumen fermentation does not provide significant protection against prion infection via the oral route. Developmental changes including senescence of immune system function or other developmental changes in the gastrointestinal tract are potential mechanisms by which relative bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) susceptibility might vary with age. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Epidemiology of the BSE outbreak in the United Kingdom indicates that younger animals were at higher risk of infection. The rumen undergoes pronounced developmental changes early in life, coinciding with the introduction of fibre into the diet. The timeframe of highest risk of infection overlaps the time in life prior to full rumen development. This work indicates that a fully developed rumen does not provide significant protection against prion infection via the oral route of infection. This result implicates other developmental changes that are responsible for the age-dependent susceptibility of cattle to BSE.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrPC) is an N-glycosylated GPI-anchored protein usually present in lipid rafts with numerous putative functions. When it changes its conformation to a pathological isoform (then referred to as PrPSc), it is an essential part of the prion, the agent causing fatal and transmissible neurodegenerative prion diseases. There is growing evidence that toxicity and neuronal damage on the one hand and propagation/infectivity on the other hand are two distinct processes of the disease and that the GPI-anchor attachment of PrPC and PrPSc plays an important role in protein localization and in neurotoxicity. Here we review how the signal sequence of the GPI-anchor matters in PrPC localization, how an altered cellular localization of PrPC or differences in GPI-anchor composition can affect prion infection, and we discuss through which mechanisms changes on the anchorage of PrPC can modify the disease process.  相似文献   

Prion protein (PrP) gene of 308 sheep was genotyped to investigate polymorphisms at scrapie-associated codons 136, 154 and 171 to assess the resistance of nine different Pakistani sheep breeds to natural/typical scrapie. As a result six genotypes were established on the basis of polymorphic codons 154 and 171. The most scrapie-susceptible codon 136 (A/V) was monomorphic (A) in all breeds. Wild-type genotype ARQ/ARQ was detected with maximum prevalence ranging from 63.2% in crossbred Pak-karakul to 100% in native Buchi, Kachi and Thalli breeds. The most frequent of typical scrapie-associated genotypes was ARQ/ARR as indicated by five of nine breeds. The coding region of PrP gene of 49 animals from the total sampled was also sequenced to ascertain additional polymorphisms. Polymorphism was found in 13 animals of the six breeds in codons 101(Q/R), 112(M/T), 146(N/S) and 189(Q/L) and ten genotypes were established on the basis of these polymorphic codons. Only Hissardale possessed five of the ten genotypes. The most frequent genotype was M112ARQ/T112ARQ detected in Hissardale, Pak-karakul and Awassi, whereas genotypes ARQr231/ARQr231 and ARQR231/ARQr231 (established on the basis of silent polymorphism agg/cgg-R/R) were detected in all breeds. Some animals consisted of three polymorphisms at different PrP codons that are not common in European breeds. An infrequent double heterozygosity (c/c a/g g/t) for codon 171 resulting in a genotype R/H was also detected in three animals each one from Kajli, Hissardale and Pak-karakul. This study concludes that all native sheep breeds are poor in scrapie-resistant PrP genotypes and could contract scrapie if exposed to prions.  相似文献   

The molecular diagnosis of prion diseases almost always involves the use of a protease to distinguish PrPC from PrPSc and invariably the protease of choice is proteinase K. Here, we have applied the protease thermolysin to the diagnosis of animal prion diseases. This thermostable protease cleaves at the hydrophobic residues Leu, Ile, Phe, Val, Ala and Met, residues that are absent from the protease accessible aminoterminal region of PrPSc. Therefore, although thermolysin readily digests PrPc into small protein fragments, full-length PrPSc is resistant to such proteolysis. This contrasts with proteinase K digestion where an aminoterminally truncated PrPSc species is produced, PrP27–30. Thermolysin was used in the diagnosis of ovine scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy and produced comparable assay sensitivity to assays using proteinase K digestion. Furthermore, we demonstrated the concentration of thermolysin-resistant PrPSc using immobilized metal-affinity chromatography. The use of thermolysin to reveal a full-length PrPSc has application for the development of novel immunodiagnostics by exploiting the wide range of commercially available immunoreagents and metal affinity matrices that bind the amino-terminal region of PrP. In addition, thermolysin provides a complementary tool to proteinase K to allow the study of the contribution of the amino-terminal domain of PrPSc to disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The present authors previously reported the nucleotide sequence of the 5' half of a cDNA encoding bovine prion protein (PrP) and the genomic structure of the bovine PrP gene encoding the 5'-untranslated region. Here they report the extent of intron 2 of the bovine PrP gene and the nucleotide sequence of the 3' half of bovine PrP cDNA that had not been determined before. This newly sequenced 3' half of the bovine PrP cDNA consisted of 2149 bp. The entire 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) was found to be encoded by a single exon, exon 3. One nucleotide polymorphism was found in the 3'-UTR. The length of intron 2 was estimated to be about 14 kbp. The structure of bovine PrP gene can be defined by combining the present results and previous reports on the bovine PrP gene.  相似文献   

Although genomic selection offers the prospect of improving the rate of genetic gain in meat, wool and dairy sheep breeding programs, the key constraint is likely to be the cost of genotyping. Potentially, this constraint can be overcome by genotyping selection candidates for a low density (low cost) panel of SNPs with sparse genotype coverage, imputing a much higher density of SNP genotypes using a densely genotyped reference population. These imputed genotypes would then be used with a prediction equation to produce genomic estimated breeding values. In the future, it may also be desirable to impute very dense marker genotypes or even whole genome re‐sequence data from moderate density SNP panels. Such a strategy could lead to an accurate prediction of genomic estimated breeding values across breeds, for example. We used genotypes from 48 640 (50K) SNPs genotyped in four sheep breeds to investigate both the accuracy of imputation of the 50K SNPs from low density SNP panels, as well as prospects for imputing very dense or whole genome re‐sequence data from the 50K SNPs (by leaving out a small number of the 50K SNPs at random). Accuracy of imputation was low if the sparse panel had less than 5000 (5K) markers. Across breeds, it was clear that the accuracy of imputing from sparse marker panels to 50K was higher if the genetic diversity within a breed was lower, such that relationships among animals in that breed were higher. The accuracy of imputation from sparse genotypes to 50K genotypes was higher when the imputation was performed within breed rather than when pooling all the data, despite the fact that the pooled reference set was much larger. For Border Leicesters, Poll Dorsets and White Suffolks, 5K sparse genotypes were sufficient to impute 50K with 80% accuracy. For Merinos, the accuracy of imputing 50K from 5K was lower at 71%, despite a large number of animals with full genotypes (2215) being used as a reference. For all breeds, the relationship of individuals to the reference explained up to 64% of the variation in accuracy of imputation, demonstrating that accuracy of imputation can be increased if sires and other ancestors of the individuals to be imputed are included in the reference population. The accuracy of imputation could also be increased if pedigree information was available and was used in tracking inheritance of large chromosome segments within families. In our study, we only considered methods of imputation based on population‐wide linkage disequilibrium (largely because the pedigree for some of the populations was incomplete). Finally, in the scenarios designed to mimic imputation of high density or whole genome re‐sequence data from the 50K panel, the accuracy of imputation was much higher (86–96%). This is promising, suggesting that in silico genome re‐sequencing is possible in sheep if a suitable pool of key ancestors is sequenced for each breed.  相似文献   

Effective selection on the PrP gene has been implemented since October 2001 in all French sheep breeds. After four years, the ARR "resistant" allele frequency increased by about 35% in young males. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of this strong selection on genetic variability. It is focussed on four French sheep breeds and based on the comparison of two groups of 94 animals within each breed: the first group of animals was born before the selection began, and the second, 3–4 years later. Genetic variability was assessed using genealogical and molecular data (29 microsatellite markers). The expected loss of genetic variability on the PrP gene was confirmed. Moreover, among the five markers located in the PrP region, only the three closest ones were affected. The evolution of the number of alleles, heterozygote deficiency within population, expected heterozygosity and the Reynolds distances agreed with the criteria from pedigree and pointed out that neutral genetic variability was not much affected. This trend depended on breed, i.e. on their initial states (population size, PrP frequencies) and on the selection strategies for improving scrapie resistance while carrying out selection for production traits.  相似文献   

The absence of specific immune response is a hallmark of prion diseases. However, in vitro and in vivo experiments have provided evidence that an anti-PrP humoral response could have beneficial effects. Prophylactic passive immunization performed at the time of infection delayed or prevented disease. Nonetheless, the potential therapeutic effect of PrP antibodies administered shortly before the clinical signs has never been tested in vivo. Moreover, a recent study showed the potential toxicity of PrP antibodies administered intracerebrally. We aimed at evaluating the effect of a prolonged intracerebral anti-PrP antibody administration at the time of neuroinvasion in BSE infected Tg20 mice. Unexpectedly, despite a good penetration of the antibodies in the brain parenchyma, the treatment was not protective against the development of BSE. Instead, it led to an extensive neuronal loss, strong astrogliosis and microglial activation. Since this effect was observed after injection of anti-PrP antibodies as whole IgGs, F(ab')2 or Fab fragments, the toxicity was directly related to the ability of the antibodies to recognize native PrP and to the intracerebral concentration achieved, and not to the Fc portion or the divalence of the antibodies. This experiment shows that a prolonged treatment with anti-PrP antibodies by the intracerebral route can induce severe side-effects and calls for caution with regard to the use of similar approaches for late therapeutic interventions in humans.  相似文献   

The most essential and crucial step during the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiformencephalopathy is the conformational change of cellular prion protein (PrP~C) to pathologic isoform (PrP~(Sc)).Alot of data revealed that caveolae-like domains (CLDs) in the cell surface were the probable place where theconversion of PrP proteins happened.Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is an apolipoprotein which is considered toplay an important role in the development of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases byforming protein complex through binding to the receptor located in the clathrin-coated pits of the cell surface.In this study,a 914-bp cDNA sequence encoding human ApoE3 was amplified from neuroblastoma cell lineSH-SY5Y.Three human ApoE isomers were expressed and purified from Escherichia coli.ApoE-specificantiserum was prepared by immunizing rabbits with the purified ApoE3.GST/His pull-down assay,immunoprecipitation and ELISA revealed that three full-length ApoE isomers interact with the recombinantfull-length PrP protein in vitro.The regions corresponding to protein binding were mapped in the N-terminalsegment of ApoE (amino acid 1-194) and the N-terminal of PrP (amino acid 23-90).Moreover,the recombinantPrP showed the ability to form a complex with the native ApoE from liver tissues.Our data provided directevidence of molecular interaction between ApoE and PrP.It also supplied scientific clues for assessing thesignificance of CLDs on the surface of cellular membrane in the process of conformational conversion fromPrP~C to PrP~(Sc) and probing into the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy.  相似文献   

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