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Supplementation of pregnant ewes with long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) demonstrably improves indicators of neonatal lamb vigour, potentially improving the number of lambs reared per ewe. The present study investigated the effect of supplementing ewes with fish oil and vitamin E (α-tocopherol acetate) throughout both pregnancy and lactation on the performance of lactating ewes and sucking lambs. Forty-eight ewes were supplemented with one of four concentrates containing either Megalac or fish oil plus a basal (50 mg/kg) or supranutritional (500 mg/kg) concentration of vitamin E from 6 weeks pre-partum until 4 weeks post partum in a two-by-two factorial randomised-block design. All concentrates were formulated to contain approximately 60 g/kg supplemental fatty acids. Ewes were housed, penned on sawdust and offered straw ad libitum. Blood samples were taken from ewes and lambs at intervals throughout the experiment and milk samples were obtained at 21 days into lactation. There was no notable effect of dietary vitamin E concentration upon ewe or lamb performance. Ewe dry-matter (DM) intake and yield were unaffected by dietary treatment, although ewes fed fish oil lost less weight during lactation (-1.88 kg compared with -3.97 kg for Megalac-supplemented ewes; P < 0.01). Milk fat concentrations (67.3 g/kg compared with 91.8 g/kg; P < 0.01) and yields (6.65 g/h v. 9.26 g/h; P < 0.01) were reduced in ewes fed fish oil and these decreases were associated with lower litter-growth rates (0.49 g/day compared with 0.54 g/day; P < 0.05). Milk protein yield was increased by fish oil supplementation (3.82 g/h) compared with Megalac supplementation (3.28 g/h; P < 0.05); moreover, there was an interaction between fat source and vitamin E concentration in that both protein concentration and yield were significantly lower in milk from ewes fed treatment with Megalac + basal vitamin E (MB) compared with the other three treatments. Fish oil supplementation increased the concentrations of C18:1 trans-, cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), C20:5 (n-3) and C22:6 (n-3) within ewe plasma, milk and lamb plasma. The mechanisms by which fish oil supplementation affects milk composition warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Lamb mortality remains a significant welfare and economic issue for sheep production. Lamb survival is to a degree dependent upon an easy delivery and the expression of appropriate behaviours from both mother and offspring, such as rapid standing, udder seeking and sucking by the lamb. Genetic solutions have the potential to improve birth assistance and lamb behaviour but large amounts of data are needed. Therefore, to achieve this objective, simple, proxy methods (scoring systems) were developed to quantify the level of birth difficulties and lamb vigour on farm. In the first study, detailed historical behavioural data from 1156 lambs (Scottish Blackface and Suffolk (S)) were analysed to develop criteria for 3 scores: birth assistance, lamb vigour and sucking assistance. The birth assistance score was developed by analysing the relationships between birth presentation and intervention levels, and intervention level and labour length. Lambs with abnormal birth positions required more assistance than normally presented lambs and lambs with long labours required more and greater assistance than those with short labours. Lamb vigour score was developed by analysing the latencies for the lamb to first perform specific behaviours; more vigorous lambs reach landmark behaviours faster than low vigour lambs. The sucking assistance score was developed from the relationship between the latency to suck successfully and assistance level, where lambs that were slow to suck required more assistance than lambs that were quick to suck. In the second study, the behaviour scoring systems (5-point categorical scales) were validated using a commercial flock of 80 twin-bearing crossbred ewes mated with either Texel (T) or S sires by simultaneously recording scores and the latency to perform specific landmark behaviours (i.e. to stand, seek the udder and suck). The vigour scores (recorded at 5 min of age) were compared with the latency from birth to standing and showed that lambs with lower (better) vigour scores were faster to stand after birth than those with higher scores. The sucking assistance scores were compared with the latency from birth to sucking, and showed that lambs with lower sucking assistance scores are quicker to suck than those with high scores. These results showed that the scoring systems could provide a practical and reliable assessment of birth assistance and lamb behaviour on farm and were sufficiently sensitive to discriminate vigour levels between lambs sired by either S or T rams.  相似文献   

Mid-pregnancy shearing has consistently been shown to increase lamb birth weight, which can lead to an increase in lamb survival rates. However, shearing ewes during the winter months and under outdoor pastoral farming conditions can expose the recently shorn ewe to a greater risk of hypothermia. The aim of this study was to determine if exposure of ewes to repeated stressors, in mid- and late pregnancy, would result in an increase in lamb birth weight. This information may assist in the elucidation of the mechanism for the birth weight response to mid-pregnancy shearing, which in turn could assist in the design of management options to increase lamb birth weight without placing the ewe at risk. One hundred and forty-four twin-bearing Romney ewes were allocated to one of six mid-pregnancy treatments: control, isolation on 2 or 10 occasions, sham-shearing on 10 occasions, intramuscular cortisol injection on 10 occasions or shearing. Isolation, sham-shearing and cortisol treatments were conducted twice a week beginning, on average, day 74 of pregnancy and shearing occurred on day 76. During pregnancy, ewe treatment had no effect on ewe live weight. However, average ewe body condition scores were higher in the shorn group than in the sham-shorn or cortisol groups (P < 0.05). Intramuscular injections of cortisol had a greater effect on ewe plasma cortisol concentrations than all other treatments (P < 0.05). Shearing produced a greater plasma cortisol response than isolation × 10 and sham-shearing (P < 0.05). Ewe plasma cortisol responses decreased during the 5 weeks of isolation and sham-shearing but cortisol injections produced a greater response during the fifth treatment than the first or ninth treatments (P < 0.05). Lambs born to shorn ewes were heavier and had a longer crown rump, forelimb and hind limb lengths than all other lambs (P < 0.05). In addition, lambs born to ewes in the cortisol treatment were lighter than lambs born to control, isolation × 2, isolation × 10 and shorn ewes (P < 0.05). The plasma cortisol concentrations observed for ewes injected with cortisol were far greater than those observed in all other groups, which is likely to explain the low birth weights of lambs born to ewes in that group. These results indicate that the mechanism by which mid-pregnancy shearing increases lamb birth weight is unlikely to be repeated stressors.  相似文献   

Perinatal mortality of lambs is on average 20% of lambs born in extensive Australian grazing systems, constituting a substantial production loss and welfare concern. Hypoxia resulting from prolonged or difficult births contributes to lower rates of lamb survival, and caffeine may reduce the effects of hypoxia. This study evaluated whether oral supplementation of grazing ewes with caffeine could improve lamb survival. Pregnant Merino ewes (n=492) which had been naturally mated to Merino rams in February/March were allocated to three replicates of control (no caffeine) or caffeine treatments. Caffeine was fed daily in troughs in each paddock at a rate of 1.6 g/ewe per day (estimated at 20 mg/kg live weight) from the day before the first lamb was born, for 14 days, with lambing continuing for 6 weeks. Intake was facilitated using 320 g/day per ewe of barley grain with molasses, which was fed to both treatments. The proportion of lambs born alive during the period of supplementation did not differ (P>0.05) between treatments. The proportion mortality of lambs to 1 day of age was lower (P=0.029) in the caffeine (0.01) compared with the control (0.16) treatment for lambs born during the 1st week of supplementation, but not in later weeks. This difference in mortality for lambs born in the 1st week of supplementation was maintained to marking age (caffeine 0.09; control 0.30; P=0.027). Extreme weather during the 2nd week of supplementation may have prevented any reduction in mortality due to caffeine in that week. Feeding caffeine to a naturally lambing flock of grazing ewes may be a highly effective and commercially practical method of increasing lamb survival, but further research is needed to confirm these results, and caffeine be regulated for use.  相似文献   

Neonatal lamb mortality represents both a welfare issue (due to the considerable suffering and distress) and an important production inefficiency. In lambs, approximately 80% of mortality can be attributed to the starvation-mismothering-exposure complex and occurs in the first 3 days after birth. It was the object of this review to determine the micronutrient(s) most likely to have a positive effect on neonatal lamb survival when included above the requirement for that micronutrient. Micronutrients discussed were Co, Cu, I, Fe, Mn, Se, Zn, vitamins A and E and n-3 fatty acids. For Co, Fe, Mn and Zn, there was no evidence of positive responses to supplementation. Cu and I had toxicity thresholds that were sufficiently close to requirement that supplementing above requirement presented a risk of inducing toxicity. In the case of vitamin A, while serum concentrations indicated that sub-optimal status did exist, long-term buffering from liver stores (from grazing) makes experimentation difficult and practical benefits to supplementation unlikely. Therefore, the most likely candidates for supplementation were Se, vitamin E and fatty acids. Fatty acid supplementation with fish oils or docosahexaenoic acid-containing algal biomass consistently improved lamb vigour but it is unlikely that supplementation will be economic. Positive responses to Se supplementation throughout gestation were recorded. However, in many studies the Se status of control ewes was marginal and there is a need for more studies where control ewes are clearly adequate in Se. Positive responses to vitamin E supplementation above requirement in the last-third of gestation were observed but the optimum dietary inclusion of vitamin E and period of feeding during pregnancy still require clarification.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Oxidative stress and enhanced apoptosis may be involved in the induction of embryonic dysmorphogenesis in diabetic pregnancy. Administration of folic acid or vitamin E diminishes embryonic dysmorphogenesis. We aimed to evaluate the effect of combined treatment with folic acid and vitamin E on the disturbed development in embryos of diabetic rats. METHODS: Pregnant nondiabetic and diabetic rats were treated with daily injections of 15 mg/kg folic acid or with 5% vitamin E in the diet. A third group received combined treatment. Day 10 and day 11 embryos were evaluated for development and apoptotic profile. RESULTS: We found increased malformations, resorptions, and profound growth retardation in embryos of diabetic rats compared to control embryos. Vitamin E or folic acid alone, or the 2 compounds combined, normalized embryonic demise. Maternal diabetes caused decreased nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activity and B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) protein level, and increased Bcl-2-associated x proteins (Bax) in embryos. Supplementation of vitamin E alone normalized the Bax protein level in a diabetic environment. Administration of folic acid to diabetic rats increased NF-kappaB activity and Bcl-2 protein level. Combined treatment normalized Bcl-2 and Bax protein level in a diabetic environment. CONCLUSIONS: Combined supplementation of folic acid and vitamin E to pregnant diabetic rats diminished diabetes-induced malformations and resorptions, concomitant with normalization of apoptotic protein levels. No treatment completely abolished the embryonic demise; therefore, other mechanisms than oxidative stress and apoptosis are likely to be involved in diabetic embryopathy.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones are associated with the oxidative and antioxidative status of the organism. Since data on the oxidative status of hypothyroidism are limited and controversial, we investigated the oxidant and antioxidant status and serum paraoxonase/arylesterase activities in propylthiouracil-induced hypothyroidism and examined the effect of vitamin E supplementation on this experimental model. Forty male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups (group 1, control; group 2, control + vitamin E; group 3, propylthiouracil; group 4, propylthiouracil + vitamin E). Plasma, red blood cell, liver, heart and skeletal muscle malondialdehyde levels were increased in the propylthiouracil-treated group compared with the control rats and were decreased in propylthiouracil + vitamin E group compared with the propylthiouracil-treated group. Vitamin E supplementation also significantly increased liver and kidney reduced glutathione levels in propylthiouracil treated animals. Serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activities were decreased in propylthiouracil treated group and vitamin E supplementation caused significant increase in serum paraoxonase activity compared with the propylthiouracil-treated rats. These findings suggest that hypothyroidism is accompanied with increased oxidative stress and vitamin E supplementation exerts beneficial effects on this situation.  相似文献   

To determine whether feeding a sustainable, algal source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to sheep during late pregnancy would improve neonatal lamb vigour, 48 English mule ewes, of known conception date, were divided into four treatment groups. For the last 9 weeks of gestation, ewes received one of two dietary supplements: either a DHA-rich algal biomass providing 12 g DHA/ewe per day, or a control supplement based on vegetable oil. The four dietary treatment groups (n = 12) were: control supplement for the duration of the trial (C), DHA supplement from 9 to 6 weeks before parturition (3 week), DHA supplement from 9 to 3 weeks before parturition (6 week) and DHA supplement for the duration of the trial (9 week). Dietary supplements were fed alongside grass silage and commercial concentrate. There was a tendency for gestation length to be extended with increased duration of DHA supplementation (P = 0.08). After parturition, the concentrations of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA in ewe and lamb plasma and colostrum were elevated in line with increased periods of DHA supplementation. Lambs from the 6-week and 9-week groups stood significantly sooner after birth than lambs from the C group (P < 0.05). These data show that neonatal vigour may be improved by the supplementation of maternal diets with DHA-rich algal biomass and that this beneficial effect depends upon the timing and/or duration of DHA allocation.  相似文献   

Effects of oral vitamin E supplementation on blood malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH) and vitamin E levels and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) enzyme activities in acute hypothermia of guinea-pigs were investigated. Thirty male guinea pigs, weighing 500-800 g were randomly divided into one of three experimental groups: A (control, without cooling), B (hypothermic) and C (hypothermic with vitamin E supplementation). The guinea-pigs of group C received daily oral supplementation of 460 mg kg(-1) bw vitamin E for 4 days before inducing hypothermia. Twenty-four hours after the last vitamin E supplementation, the guinea-pigs of the B and C groups were cooled by immersion into cold water (10-12 degrees C), and the control guinea-pigs were immersed into water of body temperature (37 degrees C) up to the neck for 5 min without using any anaesthetic or tranquilizer. Rectal body temperatures of groups were measured and blood samples for biochemical analysis were collected immediately after the cooling. The body temperature, GSH and vitamin E levels and GSH-Px enzyme activity of hypothermic guinea-pigs were lower (p < 0.05), but SOD enzyme activity was not different (p > 0.05) from those of control animals. Although, the body temperature of hypothermic with vitamin E supplementation group was lower (p < 0.05), all other parameters of this group were not different (p > 0.05) from the controls. It was concluded that oral supplementation of vitamin E can alleviate the lipid peroxidation-induced disturbances associated with hypothermia by increasing the serum vitamin E level to normal. However, more studies are needed to prove whether this vitamin can improve quality of life during the cold seasons.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of rumen-protected choline (RPC) and vitamin E (VITE) administration on milk production and status of folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin E during the periparturient period of dairy goats. Forty-eight Saanen multiparous goats were selected for the 72-day experiment, being moved to a maternity pen 30 days before expected parturition and assigned to one of the four experimental groups: control (CTR), no choline or vitamin E supplementation; choline (RPC), supplemented with 4 g/day choline chloride in rumen-protected form; vitamin E (VITE), supplemented with 200 IU/day vitamin E in rumen-protected form; and choline and vitamin E (RPCE), supplemented with 4 g/day RPC chloride and 200 IU/day vitamin E. Supplements were administered individually before the morning feed to ensure complete consumption, starting 30 days before kidding and continuing for 35 days after. During the experiment, milk yield and 4% fat-corrected milk (FCM) yield were, respectively, 210 and 350 g/day higher in RPC-supplemented goats than in non-supplemented goats. Milk fat concentration and fat yield were also increased by RPC treatment. Milk yield and composition were unaffected by vitamin E supplementation. There were no significant interactions between RPC and VITE for any of the variables measured. Plasma metabolites did not differ between treatments before and after kidding except that plasma folate at parturition was higher in RPC-supplemented goats. Neither choline nor vitamin E affected vitamin B12 plasma concentrations, while a time effect was evident after the second week of lactation, when B12 levels in each treatment group started to increase. Vitamin E administration resulted in plasma α-tocopherol levels that were 2 to 2.5 times higher than in non-supplemented goats. Overall, these results suggest that greater choline availability can improve milk production and methyl group metabolism in transition dairy goats.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary sodium selenite and vitamin E on the microvascular permeability of rat organs such as heart, brain, kidney, liver and eye were investigated by using the Evans blue leakage method. Combined deficiency of selenium and vitamin E caused an increase in the permeability of the heart and eye with respect to their controls while it had no considerable effect on the permeability of other organs. On the other hand, toxic levels of selenium (4.2 mg/kg) in diet decreased the permeabilities in kidney, liver, and eye whereas this parameter of brain increased in the same animal group. These results suggested that low or high sodium selenite and vitamin E contents in diet could alter the microvascular permeability of different organs in different manners. It might be important to give reasonable explanations for the pathophysiology of some diseases that are characterized with organ damage and /or disfunction originated from selenium deficiency or toxicity.  相似文献   

The effect of including thyme by-products from the distillation industry into the diet of pregnant ewes on the final quality of lamb meat was evaluated during meat storage in modified atmosphere. A total of 36 Segureña ewes were randomly assigned to three homogeneous groups. One group was fed a basal diet (BD) as control (C), whereas the diet of the other two groups was modified by substituting 10% (T1) and 20% (T2) of the BD with pellets made from 50% barley and 50% distilled thyme leaves (DTL). Meat spoilage (total viable, psychrotroph (PSY), moulds and yeasts, Enterobacteriaceae and lactic acid bacteria), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), colour (CIELab coordinates, metmyoglobin) and sensory characteristics of fresh lamb meat packed in modified atmosphere packaging (70% O2 : 30% CO2) were analysed after storage at 0, 7, 14 and 21 days. In general, the DTL-containing diet inhibited lipid and pigment oxidation in fresh lamb meat. Lower PSY counts and content of secondary oxidation product (TBARS) as a result of adding DTL to the ewe diet, whereas surface redness (a* values) was significantly higher on days 7 and 14. It can be concluded that thyme by-products from the distillation industry could be used as a source of natural antioxidant and antimicrobial in the feed for ewes.  相似文献   

The maturing sperm cells discard the majority of their cytoplasm during the final stages of spermatogenesis and lose some of their defense enzymes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of vitamin E supplementation on standard semen quality parameters and antioxidant activities of frozen-thawed bovine sperm. Vitamin E was added at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mg/ml to bovine semen cryoprotective medium. The results showed that the sperm motility and VSL, STR values in the extender supplemented with 1.0 and 1.5 mg/ml of vitamin E, were significantly higher than that of other concentrations (P < 0.05). The percentages of acrosome-intact and membrane-intact sperm were significantly improved (P < 0.05) by supplementing with 1.5 mg/ml of vitamin E. In biochemical assays, the extender supplemented with vitamin E did not exhibit significant improvement in SOD (superoxide dismutase) levels, compared with the control (P > 0.05). Compared with other groups, CAT (catalase) levels were demonstrated to be greater with the supplementation of vitamin E at 1.0 and 1.5 mg/ml (P < 0.05). The extender supplemented with 1.5 mg/ml of vitamin E caused the highest levels of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), compared with other groups (P < 0.05). The glutathione (GSH) activity was significantly higher with the supplementation of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 mg/ml of vitamin E, compared with 2.0 mg/ml in the vitamin E group and control (P < 0.05). Moreover, increasing the doses of vitamin E decreased sperm antioxidant activities, the extender supplemented with 2.0 mg/ml of vitamin E, caused the lowest levels of GSH-Px and GSH activities, compared with other treatment groups (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the beneficial effects of vitamin E noted in this study can be attributed to the antioxidant characteristics. Vitamin E supplementation in the extender reduced the lipid peroxidation potential and improved semen quality during freezing-thawing. More researches are needed to evaluate and understand the precise physiological role of vitamin E in reproduction.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of plane of nutrition during early and mid-pregnancy on the performance of mature ewes and their offspring. From day 0 to day 39 post mating (early pregnancy, EP), 82 multiparous ewes were fed to provide either 60% (low, L), 100% (medium, M) or 200% (high, H) of predicted metabolisable energy (ME) requirements for maintenance, following a synchronised mating. From day 40 to day 90 (mid-pregnancy, MP), ewes were provided with either 80% (M) or 140% (H) of ME requirements. After 90 days of gestation, all ewes were fed to meet requirements for late pregnancy. During EP, mean live weight (LW) and body condition score (BCS) change of ewes were -6.3, -0.8 and +6.0 kg and -0.02, +0.10 and +0.22 units in the L-, M- and H-EP treatments, respectively. During MP, mean LW and BCS change were -0.8 and +4.9 kg and -0.09 and +0.09 units in the M- and H-MP treatments, respectively (P < 0.001). Treatments had no effect (P > 0.05) on conception rate, although there tended to be an inverse relationship (P = 0.085) between plane of nutrition in EP and plasma progesterone concentrations at day 42 of gestation. EP nutrition influenced foetal development with lambs from ewes offered diet L-EP being smaller (P < 0.01) at day 56 than M- or H-EP lambs. However, at parturition L-EP lambs were heavier (P < 0.05) and tended to have higher (P = 0.056) immunoglobulin status 24 h after birth. Mortality rates at weaning were reduced (P < 0.05) for lambs born from ewes offered diet L-EP compared with M- or H-EP lambs. Diet M during mid-pregnancy resulted in larger (P < 0.05) foetuses at day 80 of gestation. At parturition, these lambs had longer head and crown-rump lengths than H-MP lambs (P < 0.05). Lambs born to ewes offered diet M-MP tended to progress faster to attempting to suckle than H-MP lambs (P = 0.089). There was an interaction between plane of nutrition in early and mid-pregnancy, whereby the highest number of lambs weaned was a result of diet L-EP followed by diet M-MP. These results indicate that in adult ewes, temporary nutrient restriction during early pregnancy results in better lamb survival; and mild nutrient restriction in mid-pregnancy tends to improve neonatal behaviour and results in lambs with longer skeletal size.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of selenium (Se) supplementation of mature ewes in the period from day −14 to day 90 post mating on Se status, productivity and viability of ewes and their offspring. Multiparous crossbred ewes (n = 82) were randomly assigned to receive a standard dried grass-based diet (control) or dried grass diet supplemented with 1 g of selenised yeast (Selplex®), providing 0.5 mg Se per ewe per day. After day 90 post mating, all ewes were offered grass-based diets supplemented with a standard multivitamin and mineral mix, up to lambing. Ewes that were fed additional Se had increased (P < 0.001) activity of glutathione peroxidase enzyme (GPx) and increased plasma Se concentrations throughout the treatment period. At lambing, GPx activity of supplemented ewes was higher (P < 0.001) than that of controls. Twenty-four hours after birth, lambs of ewes given Se had higher (P < 0.001) concentration of Se in plasma, greater (P < 0.001) activity of GPx and better (P < 0.01) immune status. Lambs of ewes that received supplementation showed a faster progression to stand than control lambs (P < 0.05), independent of maternal behaviour which was not affected. Supplementation reduced perinatal lamb mortality (0.04 v. 0.17; P < 0.05). However, overall mortality from birth to weaning was unaffected (P > 0.05). Supplemented ewes weaned lambs on average 2 kg heavier than control ewes, due to the higher (P < 0.05) growth rates achieved by their offspring. In conclusion, for ewes with a marginal Se status, an organic source of Se supplemented throughout pregnancy, compared with supplementation only in the last trimester, positively affected measures of lamb viability and survival.  相似文献   

Wool growth in Merino sheep demands a high level of sulphur amino acids, competing with body growth and the immune system, which may play a role in increasing the risk of lamb mortality. The hypothesis that dietary supplementation of methionine (Met) to Merino ewes during the late stages of pregnancy will improve foetal growth and alter immune competency of ewes and lambs was tested in a total of 120 grazing, pregnant Merino ewes. Sixty ewes were group-supplemented with 6.3 g/d rumen-protected Met (Met-Plus) per sheep from day 111 of pregnancy until day 7 after lambing, and the other 60 animals were used as a non-supplemented Control. Lambs from Met-supplemented ewes tended to be 10% heavier than Control lambs (p = 0.10), which did not affected the survival rate at weaning significantly. The supplemented ewes had slightly higher concentrations of total glutathione (GSH) in plasma at lambing (p < 0.06), but there were no differences between 1 and 3 months post-lambing in GSH, glutathione disulphide (GSSG) and the GSSG:GSH ratio. The GSSG:GSH ratio in the blood of ewes was elevated at lambing (p < 0.05), hinting that ewes were undergoing increased oxidative stress. The Met supplementation elevated the total IgG concentration (p < 0.05) in lambs aged 4 and 6 weeks, but did not change the IgG concentrations in colostrum and in plasma of 1-week-old lambs, and white blood cell counts and leukocyte types. The trend towards higher lamb birth weights in the Met-supplemented group requires further investigation as this may influence survival at birth and weaning.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on six hill farms, located in the main hill regions of Northern Ireland, over three breeding seasons to investigate the effect of sire breed on ewe dystocia, lamb survival and weaned lamb output. On each farm, groups of 26 to 40 purebred Scottish Blackface ewes (n = 3174) were crossed with Blackface, Swaledale, North Country Cheviot, Lleyn and Texel sires by natural service (year 1) and artificial insemination (years 2 and 3). Each of the mating groups was initially balanced for ewe age, live weight and condition score, and a total of 15 sires of each breed were used over the 3 years. In total, 2272 ewes were recorded at lambing, producing 3451 lambs, over the 3 years. Sire breed had a significant effect (P < 0.001) on lamb birth weight with Blackface and Swaledale the lowest and Texel the highest. The proportion of ewes with dystocia was higher with Texel sires compared with Lleyn, Swaledale and Blackface sires (P < 0.05). Ewes mated to Cheviot sires had more dystocia than those mated to Blackface and Swaledale sires (P < 0.05), while ewes mated to Lleyn sire breed had more dystocia (P < 0.05) than those mated to Blackface sire breed. Most of the incidence of dystocia was attributable to increased lamb birth weight (P < 0.001), and some to litter size (P < 0.05). Swaledale, Cheviot, Lleyn and Texel sire breeds increased the incidence of malpresentations (P < 0.05). Lamb live weight at weaning was higher with Texel- and Cheviot- and Lleyn-sired lambs compared with Blackface- and Swaledale-sired lambs (P < 0.01). The level of lamb mortality at birth was not affected by sire breed. However, lamb mortality at weaning was lower for Lleyn-sired lambs compared with the other lamb genotypes (P < 0.05). These results indicate that the use of sires from larger breeds, such as Lleyn and Texel, within the Blackface ewe flocks can increase lamb output, with no apparent detrimental effects on lamb mortality or ewe survival, but increased assistance at lambing will be required.  相似文献   

Information accumulated lately has confirmed the essentiality of vitamin E for humans and provided a better understanding of its biological function and metabolic fate. The discovery of -tocopherol transfer protein, which preferentially binds to RRR--tocopherol, not only provides conclusive evidence of the essentiality of vitamin E for humans, but also sheds light on the superiority of RRR--tocopherol biologically over other isomers. The presence of tocopherol regeneration systems and multiple interdependent antioxidant systems is largely responsible for the lack of a widespread deficiency in humans and the difficulty to deplete vitamin E in the adult. The bulk of excess tocopherols consumed is excreted to feces unchanged or to urine with the side chain shortened but the chroman ring intact. The ability of dietary vitamin E to mediate mitochondrial superoxide generation affords a possible mode of action of vitamin E at the tissue levels. By decreasing the generation and/or the levels of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species, dietary vitamin E not only protects against oxidative damage, but also modulates the expression and/or activation of redox-sensitive biological response modifiers that regulate important cellular events.  相似文献   

Bioavailability of vitamin E is influenced by several factors, most are highlighted in this review. While gender, age and genetic constitution influence vitamin E bioavailability but cannot be modified, life-style and intake of vitamin E can be. Numerous factors must be taken into account however, i.e., when vitamin E is orally administrated, the food matrix may contain competing nutrients. The complex metabolic processes comprise intestinal absorption, vascular transport, hepatic sorting by intracellular binding proteins, such as the significant α-tocopherol-transfer protein, and hepatic metabolism. The coordinated changes involved in the hepatic metabolism of vitamin E provide an effective physiological pathway to protect tissues against the excessive accumulation of, in particular, non-α-tocopherol forms. Metabolism of vitamin E begins with one cycle of CYP4F2/CYP3A4-dependent ω-hydroxylation followed by five cycles of subsequent β-oxidation, and forms the water-soluble end-product carboxyethylhydroxychroman. All known hepatic metabolites can be conjugated and are excreted, depending on the length of their sidechain, either via urine or feces. The physiological handling of vitamin E underlies kinetics which vary between the different vitamin E forms. Here, saturation of the side-chain and also substitution of the chromanol ring system are important. Most of the metabolic reactions and processes that are involved with vitamin E are also shared by other fat soluble vitamins. Influencing interactions with other nutrients such as vitamin K or pharmaceuticals are also covered by this review. All these processes modulate the formation of vitamin E metabolites and their concentrations in tissues and body fluids. Differences in metabolism might be responsible for the discrepancies that have been observed in studies performed in vivo and in vitro using vitamin E as a supplement or nutrient. To evaluate individual vitamin E status, the analytical procedures used for detecting and quantifying vitamin E and its metabolites are crucial. The latest methods in analytics are presented.  相似文献   

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