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The effect of ethanol on the uncoupling activity of palmitate and recoupling activities of carboxyatractylate and glutamate was studied in liver mitochondria at various Mg2+ concentrations and medium pH values (7.0, 7.4, and 7.8). Ethanol taken at concentration of 0.25 M had no effect on the uncoupling activity of palmitic acid in the presence of 2 mM MgCl2 and decreased the recoupling effects of carboxyatractylate and glutamate added to mitochondria either just before or after the fatty acid. However, ethanol did not modify the overall recoupling effect of carboxyatractylate and glutamate taken in combination. The effect of ethanol decreased as medium pH was decreased to 7.0. Elevated concentration of Mg2+ (up to 8 mM) inhibits the uncoupling effect of palmitate. Ethanol eliminates substantially the recoupling effect of Mg2+ under these conditions, but does not influence the recoupling effects of carboxyatractylate and glutamate. It is inferred that ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters are involved in uncoupling function as single uncoupling complex with the common fatty acid pool. Fatty acid molecules gain the ability to migrate under the action of ethanol: from ADP/ATP antiporter to aspartate/glutamate antiporter on addition of carboxyatractylate and in opposite direction on addition of glutamate. Possible mechanisms of fatty acid translocation from one transporter to another are discussed.  相似文献   

Palmitate-induced uncoupling, which involves ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters, has been studied in liver mitochondria of old rats (22-26 months) under conditions of lipid peroxidation and inhibition of oxidative stress by antioxidants--thiourea, Trolox, and ionol. It has been shown that in liver mitochondria of old rats in the absence of antioxidants and under conditions of overproduction of conjugated dienes, the protonophoric uncoupling activity of palmitate is not suppressed by either carboxyatractylate or aspartate used separately. However, the combination of carboxyatractylate and aspartate decreased uncoupling activity of palmitate by 81%. In this case, palmitate-induced uncoupling is limited by a stage insensitive to both carboxyatractylate and aspartate. In the presence of antioxidants, the palmitate-induced protonophoric uncoupling activity is suppressed by either carboxyatractylate or aspartate used separately. Under these conditions, palmitate-induced uncoupling is limited by a stage sensitive to carboxyatractylate (ADP/ATP antiporter) or aspartate (aspartate/glutamate antiporter). In the absence of antioxidants, the uncoupling activity of palmitate is not suppressed by ADP either in the absence or in the presence of aspartate. However, in the presence of thiourea, Trolox, or ionol ADP decreased the uncoupling activity of palmitate by 38%. It is concluded that in liver mitochondria of old rats the development of oxidative stress in the presence of physiological substrates of ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters (ADP and aspartate) results in an increase of the protonophoric uncoupling activity of palmitate.  相似文献   

The influence of the positively charged amphiphilic compound cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) on palmitate- and laurate-induced uncoupling and on carboxyatractylate and glutamate recoupling effects in liver mitochondria have been studied. CTAB (40 M) in the presence of 3 mM MgCl2 had little (if any) effect on the palmitic acid-stimulated respiration of mitochondria; the glutamate recoupling effect increased, and the carboxyatractylate recoupling effect decreased to the same degree with the combined effect (about 80%) remaining unchanged. Thus, CTAB decreases the ADP/ATP antiporter involvement and increases to the same extent the aspartate/glutamate antiporter involvement in the fatty acid-induced uncoupling. The carboxyatractylate and glutamate recoupling effects were less pH dependent in the presence of CTAB than in its absence. These data could be interpreted with the assumption that fatty acid anions are more accessible to the ADP/ATP antiporter and their neutral forms are more accessible to the aspartate/glutamate antiporter, and that CTAB changes the relative anion carrier involvement in the fatty acid-induced uncoupling as it forms neutral complexes with fatty acid anions.  相似文献   

In the presence of oligomycin, EGTA, and magnesium ions, the protonophore uncoupling activity of palmitate (V(Pal)) is determined as the ratio of the acceleration of respiration with palmitate to its concentration. Under these conditions, V(Pal) in liver mitochondria of one-month-old rats with the body weight of 50 g is 1.46-fold higher than in liver mitochondria of adult rats with the body weight of 250 g, whereas the uncoupling activity of FCCP does not depend on the age of the animals. The difference in V(Pal) is mainly due to its component insensitive to carboxyatractylate and glutamate (V(Ins)). This value is 2.9-fold higher in mitochondria of one-month-old rats than in those of adult rats. The protonophore activity of palmitate is similar in liver mitochondria of four-day-old and adult rats. In liver mitochondria of adult mammals (mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit), V(Pal) decreases with increase in the body weight of the animals. In double logarithmic coordinates, the dependence of the V(Pal) value on the body weight is linear with slope angle tangent of -0.18. The V(Pal) value is mainly contributed by its component V(Ins). In the presence of calcium ions, palmitate induces the nonspecific permeability of the inner membrane of liver mitochondria (pore opening). This Ca2+-dependent uncoupling effect of palmitate is less pronounced in mitochondria of one-month-old rats than in those of adult rats. In mitochondria of adult animals (mice, rats, and guinea pigs), the Ca2+-dependent uncoupling activity of palmitate is virtually the same. It is concluded that the protonophore uncoupling effect of palmitate in liver mitochondria of mammals, unlike its Ca2+-dependent effect, is associated with thermogenesis at rest and also with production of additional heat on cooling of the animals.  相似文献   

The effect of fatty acids (FAs) (C12–C24) on the functioning of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) mitochondria was studied. Such fatty acids as C12:0, C16:0, and C18:0 and unsaturated FAs, such as C18:1 (n-9 cis), C18:1 (n-12 cis), C18:2 (n-9, 12), (18:3, n-3), and C22:1 (n-9 cis) caused efficient uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, i.e., an increase in the nonphosphorylating respiration rate and a decrease in the respiratory control value. It was established that C16:0 had the strongest uncoupling effect among all saturated FAs, and C18:3, among unsaturated FAs. The uncoupling effect of saturated FAs is provided by the ADP/ATP-antiporter, while plant uncoupling proteins play an important role in the uncoupling effect of unsaturated FAs. In addition, unsaturated, as well as saturated FAs might serve as oxidative substrates for mitochondria. It was concluded that the role of FAs in energetic metabolism of winter wheat seedlings consisted of uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and of serving as substrates for oxidation.  相似文献   

A concise review is given of the research in our laboratory on the ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) and the uncoupling protein (UCP). Although homologous proteins, their widely different functions and contrasts are stressed. The pioneer role of research on the AAC, not only for the mitochondrial but also for other carriers, and the present state of their structure-function relationship is reviewed. The function of UCP as a highly regulated H+ carrier is described in contrast to the largely unregulated ADP/ATP exchange in AAC. General principles of carrier catalysis as derived from studies on the AAC and UCP are elucidated.  相似文献   

At low Ca2+ concentrations the pore of the inner mitochondrial membrane can open in substates with lower permeability (Hunter, D. R., and Haworth, R. A. (1979) Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 195, 468-477). Recently, we showed that Ca2+ loading of mitochondria augments the cyclosporin A-dependent decrease in transmembrane potential () across the inner mitochondrial membrane caused by 10 M myristic acid but does not affect the stimulation of respiration by this fatty acid. We have proposed that in our experiments the pore opened in a substate with lower permeability rather than in the classic state (Bodrova, M. E., et al. (2000) IUBMB Life, 50, 189-194). Here we show that under conditions lowering the probability of classic pore opening in Ca2+-loaded mitochondria myristic acid induces the cyclosporin A-sensitive decrease and mitochondrial swelling more effectively than uncoupler SF6847 does, though their protonophoric activities are equal. In the absence of Pi and presence of succinate and rotenone (with or without glutamate) cyclosporin A either reversed or only stopped decrease induced by 5 M myristic acid and 5 M Ca2+. In the last case nigericin, when added after cyclosporin A, reversed the decrease, and the following addition of EGTA produced only a weak (if any) increase. In Pi-containing medium (in the presence of glutamate and malate) cyclosporin A reversed the decrease. These data show that the cyclosporin A-sensitive decrease in by low concentrations of fatty acids and Ca2+ cannot be explained by specific uncoupling effect of fatty acid. We propose that: 1) low concentrations of Ca2+ and fatty acid induce the pore opening in a substate with a selective cation permeability, and the cyclosporin A-sensitive decrease results from a conversion of to pH gradient due to the electrogenic cation transport in mitochondria; 2) the ADP/ATP-antiporter is involved in this process; 3) higher efficiency of fatty acid compared to SF6847 in the Ca2+-dependent pore opening seems to be due to its interaction with the nucleotide-binding site of the ADP/ATP-antiporter and higher affinity of fatty acids to cations.  相似文献   

The effect of equisetin, an antibiotic produced byFusarium equiseti, has been studied on mitochondrial functions (respiration, ATPase, ion transport). Equisetin inhibits the DNP-stimulated ATPase activity of rat liver mitochondria and mitoplasts in a concentration-dependent manner; 50% inhibition is caused by about 8 nmol equisetin/mg protein. The antibiotic is without effect either on the ATPase activity of submitochondrial particles or on the purified F1-ATPase. It inhibits both the ADP- or DNP-activated oxygen uptake by mitochondria in the presence of glutamate + malate or succinate as substrates, but only the ADP-stimulated respiration is inhibited if the electron donors are TMPD + ascorbate. It does not affect the NADH or succinate oxidation of submitochondrial particles. Equisetin inhibits in a concentration-dependent manner the active Ca2+-uptake of mitochondria energized both by ATP or succinate without affecting the Ca2+-uniporter itself. The antibiotic inhibits the ATP-uptake by mitochondria (50% inhibition at about 8 nmol equisetin/mg protein) and the Pi and dicarboxylate carrier. It does not lower the membrane potential at least up to 200 nmol/mg protein concentration. The data presented in this paper indicate that equisetin specifically inhibits the substrate anion carriers of the mitochondrial inner membrane.Abbreviations EGTA ethyleneglycol bis/-aminoethylether/-N, N-tetraacetic acid - DNP 2, 4-dinitrophenol - TMPD N,N,N,N,tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine - CCP carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone - TPP tetraphenyl-phosphonium - Hepes /4,(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine-ethanesulfonic acid/  相似文献   

The mechanism of uncoupling by lauryl sulfate (LS) has been studied. The very fact that uncoupling by low concentration of LS (a strong acid) resembles very much that by fatty acids (weak acids) was used as an argument against the fatty acid cycling scheme of uncoupling where protonated fatty acids operate as a protonophore. We have found that rat liver and heart muscle mitochondria can be uncoupled by low (70 microM) LS concentration in a fashion completely arrested by the ATP/ADP antiporter inhibitor carboxyatractylate (CAtr). On the other hand, uncoupling by two-fold higher LS concentration is not sensitive to CAtr. Addition of oleate desensitizes mitochondria to low LS so that addition of bovine serum albumin becomes necessary to recouple mitochondria. The data are accounted for assuming that low LS releases endogenous fatty acids from some mitochondrial depots, and these fatty acids are responsible for uncoupling. As to high LS, it causes a nonspecific (CAtr-insensitive) damage to the mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Anion Carriers in Fatty Acid-Mediated Physiological Uncoupling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Physiological aspects of uncoupling of oxidation and phosphorylation are reviewed in thecontext of involvement of mitochondrial anion carriers. It is assumed that the carriers facilitateelectrophoretic translation of fatty acid anion, RCOO-, from the inner to the outer leaflet ofthe mitochondrial membrane, whereas back movement of the protonated fatty acid, RCOOH,from the outer to the inner leaflet represents flip-flop of RCOOH via the phospholipid bilayerof the membrane. The RCOO- transport seems to be catalyzed by the ATP/ADP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters, dicarboxylate carrier, and uncoupling proteins (UCP1, UCP2, UCP3L,UCP3s, and plant UCP). The fatty acid uncoupling is shown to be involved in thethermoregulatory heat production in animals and plants exposed to cold, as well as in performance ofrespiratory functions other than ATP synthesis, i.e., formation of useful substances,decomposition of unwanted substances, and antioxidant defense. Moreover, partial uncoupling might takepart in optimization of the rate of ATP synthesis in aerobic cells.  相似文献   

The respiration rate of liver mitochondria in the course of succinate oxidation depends on temperature in the presence of palmitate more strongly than in its absence (in state 4). In the Arrhenius plot, the temperature dependence of the palmitate-induced stimulation of respiration has a bend at 22°C which is characterized by transition of the activation energy from 120 to 60 kJ/mol. However, a similar dependence of respiration in state 4 is linear over the whole temperature range and corresponds to the activation energy of 17 kJ/mol. Phosphate partially inhibits the uncoupling effect of palmitate. This effect of phosphate is increased on decrease in temperature. In the presence of phosphate the temperature dependence in the Arrhenius plot also has a bend at 22°C, and the activation energy increases from 128 to 208 kJ/mol in the range from 13 to 22°C and from 56 to 67 kJ/mol in the range from 22 to 37°C. Mersalyl (10 nmol/mg protein), an inhibitor of the phosphate carrier, similarly to phosphate, suppresses the uncoupling effect of laurate, and the effects of mersalyl and phosphate are not additive. The recoupling effects of phosphate and mersalyl seem to show involvement of the phosphate carrier in the uncoupling effect of fatty acids in liver mitochondria. Possible mechanisms of involvement of the phosphate carrier in the uncoupling effect of fatty acids are discussed.  相似文献   

Data are raeviewed on mitochondrial systems whose functioning in plants diminishes the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation. The involvement in this process of alternative oxidase, thermogenin-like uncoupling proteins, a 310 kD stress protein, free fatty acids, and the ADP/ATP antiporter is considered. The role of these systems is discussed with regard to thermogenesis, controlled production of reactive oxygen species, and regulation of bioenergetics and metabolism.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial inner membrane possesses an anion channel (IMAC) which mediates the electrophoretic transport of a wide variety of anions and is believed to be an important component of the volume homeostatic mechanism. IMAC is regulated by matrix Mg2+ (IC50=38 µM at pH 7.4) and by matrix H+ (pIC50=7.7). Moreover, inhibition by Mg2+ is pH-dependent. IMAC is also reversibly inhibited by many cationic amphiphilic drugs, including propranolol, and irreversibly inhibited byN,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Mercurials have two effects on its activity: (1) they increase the IC50 values for Mg2+, H+, and propranolol, and (2) they inhibit transport. The most potent inhibitor of IMAC is tributyltin, which blocks anion uniport in liver mitochondria at about 1 nmol/mg. The inhibitory dose is increased by mercurials; however, this effect appears to be unrelated to the other mercurial effects. IMAC also appears to be present in plant mitochondria; however, it is insensitive to inhibition by Mg2+, mercurials, andN,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Some inhibitors of the adenine nucleotide translocase also inhibit IMAC, including Cibacron Blue, agaric acid, and palmitoyl CoA; however, atractyloside has no effect.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial inner membrane anion channel (IMAC) is a channel, identified by flux studies in intact mitochondria, which has a broad anion selectivity and is maintained closed or inactive by matrix Mg2+ and H+. We now present evidence that this channel, like many other chloride/anion channels, is reversibly blocked/inhibited by stilbene-2,2-disulfonates. Inhibition of malonate transport approaches 100% with IC50 values of 26, 44, and 88 M for DIDS, H2-DIDS, and SITS respectively and Hill coefficients 1. In contrast, inhibition of Cl transport is incomplete, reaching a maximum of about 30% at pH 7.4 and 65% at pH 8.4 with an IC50 which is severalfold higher than that for malonate. The IC50 for malonate transport is decreased about 50% by pretreatment of the mitochondria withN-ethylmaleimide. Raising the assay pH from 7.4 to 8.4 increases the IC50 by about 50%, but under conditions where only the matrix pH is made alkaline the IC50 is decreased slightly. These properties and competition studies suggest that DIDS inhibits by binding to the same site as Cibacron blue 3GA. In contrast, DIDS does not appear to compete with the fluorescein derivative Erythrosin B for inhibition. These findings not only provide further evidence that IMAC may be more closely related to other Cl channels than previously thought, but also suggest that other Cl channels may be sensitive to some of the many regulators of IMAC which have been identified.  相似文献   

Acute effects of free fatty acids (FFA) were investigated on: (1) glucose oxidation, and UCP-2 and -3 mRNA and protein levels in 1 h incubated rat soleus and extensor digitorium longus (EDL) muscles, (2) mitochondrial membrane potential in cultured skeletal muscle cells, (3) respiratory activity and transmembrane electrical potential in mitochondria isolated from rat skeletal muscle, and (4) oxygen consumption by anesthetized rats. Long-chain FFA increased both basal and insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation in incubated rat soleus and EDL muscles and reduced mitochondrial membrane potential in C2C12 myotubes and rat skeletal muscle cells. Caprylic, palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acid increased O2 consumption and decreased electrical membrane potential in isolated mitochondria from rat skeletal muscles. FFA did not alter UCP-2 and -3 mRNA and protein levels in rat soleus and EDL muscles. Palmitic acid increased oxygen consumption by anesthetized rats. These results suggest that long-chain FFA acutely lead to mitochondrial uncoupling in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Fatty Acid Interaction with Mitochondrial Uncoupling Proteins   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The phenomena of fatty acid interaction with mitochondrial integral membrane proteins, namelyuncoupling proteins (UCPs), are reviewed to emphasize the fatty acid cycling mechanism thathas been suggested to explain the UCP function. Fatty acid-induced uncoupling is suggestedto serve in bioenergetic systems, to set the optimum efficiency, and to tune the degree ofcoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. Fatty acid interaction with the classic uncouplingprotein (UCP1) from mitochondria of thermogenic brown adipose tissue (BAT) is well known.UCP1 is considered to mediate purine nucleotide-sensitive uniport of monovalent unipolaranions, including anionic fatty acids. The return of protonated fatty acid leads to H+ uniportand uncoupling. Experiments supporting this mechanism are also reviewed for plant uncouplingmitochondrial protein (PUMP) and ADP/ATP carrier. The fatty acid cycling mechanism ispredicted, as well for the recently discovered uncoupling proteins, UCP2 and UCP3.  相似文献   

The effect of palmitic acid on the electrical potential difference across the inner mitochondrial membrane appears to depend on the medium in which mitochondria are incubated. In medium A (cf. Luvisettoet al. (1987),Biochemistry,26, 7332–7338) decreases much more than in medium B (cf. Rottenberg and Hashimoto (1986),Biochemistry,25, 1747–1755) at concentrations of fatty acid which equally stimulate the rate of respiration in state 4. Valinomycin and NaCl were both present in medium B and absent in medium A. However, in both media the pattern of the P/O ratio as a function of antimycin in the presence of a constant amount of palmitic acid or of FCCP shows similar behaviour. We conclude that in both media palmitic acid increases the membrane conductance to protons, but for unclear reasons the assay fails to measure the decline of in medium B. However, the increase in membrane conductance induced by palmitic acid does not quantitatively account for the stimulation of the rate of respiration.  相似文献   

Preadipocytes are periodically subjected to fatty acid (FA) concentrations that are potentially cytotoxic. We tested the hypothesis that prolonged exposure of preadipocytes of human origin to a physiologically relevant mix of FAs leads to mitochondrial inner membrane (MIM) permeabilization and ultimately to mitochondrial crisis. We found that exposure of preadipocytes to FAs led to progressive cyclosporin A-sensitive MIM permeabilization, which in turn caused a reduction in MIM potential, oxygen consumption, and ATP synthetic capacity and, ultimately, death. Additionally, we showed that FAs induce a transient increase in intramitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid peroxide production, lasting roughly 30 and 120 min for the ROS and lipid peroxides, respectively. MIM permeabilization and its deleterious consequences including mitochondrial crisis and cell death were prevented by treating the cells with the mitochondrial FA uptake inhibitor etomoxir, the mitochondrion-selective superoxide and lipid peroxide antioxidants MitoTempo and MitoQ, or the lipid peroxide and reactive carbonyl scavenger l-carnosine. FAs also promoted a delayed oxidative stress phase. However, the beneficial effects of etomoxir, MitoTempo, and l-carnosine were lost by delaying the treatment by 2 h, suggesting that the initial phase was sufficient to prime the cells for the delayed MIM permeabilization and mitochondrial crisis. It also suggested that the second ROS production phase is a consequence of this loss in mitochondrial health. Altogether, our data suggest that approaches designed to diminish intramitochondrial ROS or lipid peroxide accumulation, as well as MIM permeabilization, are valid mechanism-based therapeutic avenues to prevent the loss in preadipocyte metabolic fitness associated with prolonged exposure to elevated FA levels.  相似文献   

In the studies described here rat liver microsomes containing labeled palmitic, stearic, oleic or linoleic acids were incubated with fatty acid binding protein (FABP) and the rate of removal of14C-labeled fatty acids from the membrane by the soluble protein was measured using a model system. More unsaturated than saturated fatty acids were removed from native liver microsomes incubated with similar amounts of FABP. Thein vitro peroxidation of microsomal membranes mediated by ascorbate-Fe++, modified its fatty acid composition with a considerable decrease of the peroxidizability index. These changes in the microsomes facilitated the removal of oleic and linoeic acids by FABP, but the removal of palmitic and stearic acids was not modified. This effect is proposed to result from a perturbation of membrane structure following peroxidation with release of free fatty acids from susceptible domains.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - FABP fatty acid binding protein  相似文献   

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