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记述短鼻蝗属1新种,定西短鼻蝗Filchnerella dingxiensis sp.nov.,编制了该属18种的检索表。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

染色体C带核型在物种鉴定、分类阶元间的比较及其系统演化关系的推断中是一个有用的指标,染色体组内C带分布位置、大小、数量及异染色质含量可以反映出属、种及种下阶元的细胞学异同.本研究报道了中国2种短鼻蝗--裴氏短鼻蝗Filchnerella beicki和宽顶短鼻蝗Filchnerella amplivertica的染色体C带核型.结果表明:2种短鼻蝗均为XO(♂)型性别决定机制;染色体组成均为2n ♂=19,染色体为端着丝粒染色体;在各染色体相对长度、C带的大小、位置和着色程度上又存在不同程度的差异,可以作为区分种的依据.  相似文献   

记述采自中国四川省斑腿蝗科秃蝗亚科小蹦蝗属Pedopodisma Zheng,1980的1新种,阿坝小蹦蝗Pedopodisma abaensis sp.nov..新种同神农架小蹦蝗Pedopodisma shennongjiaensis Wang et Li,1996近似,其区别特征为:体较小,体长♂12.1~12.5mm,♀ 16.5~19.2 mm;触角中段一节长为宽的2.0倍;雄性肛上板基部纵沟宽度一致,端部两侧缺纵脊;雄性下生殖板顶端较粗;雌性产卵瓣较狭,上产卵瓣长为宽的3.0倍.模式标本保存于山东农业大学植物保护学院,泰安.阿坝小蹦蝗,新种Pedopodisma abaensis sp.nov.(图1~7)正模♂.副模:1 ♂,2♀♀,四川阿坝(32°54'N,101°44′E;海拔3 300 m),2011-08-24,郑方强、叶保华采.词源:新种种名源自模式标本产地地名.  相似文献   

记述了分属于蝗总科雏蝗属和直斑腿蝗属的两新种,即天堂雏蝗Chorthippus tiantangensis sp.nov、和短翅直斑腿蝗Stenocatantops brevipennis sp.nov..正模标本保存在湖北黄冈师范学院生物系,副模标本分别保存在陕西师范大学动物学研究所和湖北黄冈师范学院生物系.  相似文献   

印象初  叶保华  党琰 《昆虫学报》2015,58(9):1012-1018
记述了中国台湾小车蝗属Oedaleus Fieber,1853的3新种。新种夏氏小车蝗Oedaleus xiai sp.nov.前翅短,刚到达后足股节顶端,可同本属所有已知种相区别。新种高雄小车蝗Oedaleus kaohsiungensis sp.nov.与台湾小车蝗Oe.formosana(Shiraki,1910)近似,不同之处为后足股节内侧具黑色斑纹和后足胫节黄褐色,非红色。新种南投小车蝗Oedaleus nantouensis sp.nov.与台湾小车蝗Oe.formosana(Shiraki,1910)近似,不同之处为复眼较大,纵径等于眼下沟的长度;中胸腹板中隔很宽,最小宽度为长的1.8倍。新种南投小车蝗Oedaleus nantouensis sp.nov.与高雄小车蝗Oedaleus kaohsiungensis sp.nov.也近似,不同之处为后足股节下缘红色,后足胫节红色。列出了产于中国的小车蝗属13个种的检索表。模式标本存于自然科学博物馆,台中,台湾,中国。  相似文献   

报道了采自湖北省的斑腿蝗科蝗虫1新属和3新种,即神农秃蝗属Shennongipodisma gen.nov.,宽顶神农秃蝗Shennongipodisma lativertex sp. nov.、兴山小蹦蝗Pedopodisma xingshanensis sp.nov.和橙股小蹦蝗Peodopodisma rutifemoralis sp.nov..模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所和湖北黄冈师范学院生物系.  相似文献   

记述新疆蝗属1新种,黄胫新疆蝗Xinjiangacris flavitibis sp. nov.。新种近似于红胫新疆蝗Xinjiangacris rufitibisZheng,1993,但区别于后者为:前翅超过后足股节顶端;肘脉域宽为中脉域宽的3倍:后足股节下侧黄色后足胫节黄褐色。模式模本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自中国青海省网翅蝗科缺沟蝗属Asulconotus Ying,1974的1新种:久治缺沟蝗Asulconotus jiuzhiensis sp.nov.新种同青海缺沟蝗Asukonotus chinghaiensis Ying,1974近似,其区别特征为:前翅较长,雄性到达腹部第3节背板后缘,长为宽的4.3倍,雌性到达腹部第2节背板后缘,长为宽的4.6倍;雄性下生殖板较短,长为肛上板长的的1.6倍;雌性产卵瓣较短,上产卵瓣长为宽的2.5倍.新种同科氏缺沟蝗Asulconotus kozlovi Mistshenko,1981也近似,其区别特征为:雌性复眼较小,短于眼下沟之长度;前翅较长,到达腹部第2节背板后缘,长为宽的4.6倍;产卵瓣较长,上产卵瓣长为宽的2.5倍,边缘光滑.正模♂,青海久治(33°22′N.101°30′E;海拔3648m),2011-08-23,郑方强、叶保华采.副模:2♂ ♂,2♀ ♀,记录同正模.模式标本保存于山东农业大学植物保护学院,泰安.词源:新种种名源自采集地地名.  相似文献   

记述采自西藏拉萨河地区拟无声蝗属1新种,直缘拟无声蝗 Pseudoasonus orthomarginis sp. nov.。新种近似于白玉拟无声蝗Pseudoasonus baiyueusis Zheng,1990。主要区别为:1)前胸背板沟前区长为沟后区长的1.75倍;2)前翅顶端尖锐;3)雌性中胸腹板侧叶间中隔宽为长的2.5倍;4)前胸背板后横沟不切断中侧隆线。附有拟无声蝗属分种检索表。新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自中国山东斑翅蝗科束颈蝗属Sphingonotus Fieber,18521新种,烟台束颈蝗Sphingonotus yantaiensis sp.nov.。新种同蒙古束颈蝗Sphingonotus mongolicus Saussure,1888近似,其区别特征为:前胸背板沟后区长为沟前区长的1.6倍;中胸腹板中隔宽为长的1.3~1.4倍;后足股节长为最宽处的3.6~3.7倍;后足胫节内侧蓝色;后翅黑纹宽,端部不内弯。模式标本保存于山东农业大学植保学院,泰安。  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new genus and species of an elasmosaurid plesiosaur, Futabasaurus suzukii , is described based on a partial skeleton from the Inoceramus amakusensis Zone (Lower Santonian, Upper Cretaceous) of the Irimazawa Member of the Tamayama Formation, Futaba Group, in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The new taxon is characterized by a number of characters such as the wide space between the orbit and external naris, posterior extension of the interclavicle, relatively long humerus and prominent femoral muscle scar. The holotype includes a partial skull and mandible, posterior cervicals to sacrals, ribs, clavicular arch, pelvic girdle and four limbs. The remains are mostly in articulation, and exhibit evidence of predation/scavenging by sharks. The distribution of elasmosaurid species in the circum-Pacific region remains unclear due to the lack of diagnostic materials. The occurrence of F. suzukii is geographically and stratigraphically significant, because it allows species-level comparison; as a diagnosable elasmosaurid specimen, F. suzukii is the first and the oldest from the northern Pacific.  相似文献   

The Gibberella fujikuroi species complex (Fusarium section Liseola and allied taxa) is composed of an increasingly large number of morphological, biological and phylogenetic species. Most of the known species in this group have been isolated from agricultural ecosystems or have been described from a small number of isolates. We sampled Fusarium communities from native prairie grasses in Kansas and recovered a large number of isolates that superficially resemble F. anthophilum. We used a combination of morphological, biological and molecular characters to describe a new species, Gibberella konza (Gibberella fujikuroi mating population I [MP-I]), from native prairie grasses in Kansas. Although female fertility for field isolates of this species appears to be low, G. konza is heterothallic, and we developed reliably female fertile mating population tester strains for this species. The F. konzum anamorph is differentiated from F. anthophilum and from other Fusarium species in section Liseola by mating compatibility, morphology, AFLP fingerprint profile and differences in β-tubulin DNA sequence.  相似文献   

The mygalomorph neotropical genus Fufius Simon, 1888 comprises ten species, distributed from Guatemala in Central America to southeastern Brazil, in South America. Most of the species were described from northern South America, in the Amazonian region. Only F. funebris Vellard, 1924 and F. lucasae Guadanucci & Indicatti, 2004 are known from regions more to the south of the continent. Herein we describe three new Brazilian species, Fufius minusculus sp. n. and F. jalapensis sp. n. from the state of Tocantins, and F. candango sp. n. from Distrito Federal. The female of F. lucasae is described for first time and the male and female of F. funebris are redescribed based on specimens collected at the type locality.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Three new species, attributed to the extinct family Xyelydidae of the Pamphilioidea (Order Vespida = Hymenoptera), are described from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China: Ferganolyda scylla sp. nov., F. charybdis sp. nov. and F. chungkuei sp. nov. The new material demonstrates that the genus Ferganolyda , which was previously considered to be a morphologically ordinary group of web-spinning sawflies, is in fact a highly unusual insect taxon. It is characterised, particularly in the male sex, by a huge head (about half as wide as the entire body length) and unusual modification of the antennae. Interpretation of the function of the unusual head and antennae is intriguing but unresolved.  相似文献   

We describe a new species from the family Salamandridae from northeastern Hunan Province of China based on morphological and molecular genetic evidences.The new species,Tylototriton liuyangensis,is a member of the T.asperrimus group,and shares a number of similarities with T.wenxianensis and T.broadoridgus.The dorsal surface of the new Tylototriton species is completely black,with nodule-like warts distributed evenly along the lateral margin of dorsal body,and there is no transverse striae between the warts.There are several diagnostic characters of the new species that differ from those of T.wenxianensis and T.broadoridgus as follows:(1)the interorbital space(IOS)is comparatively wide;(2)there is a bony ridge present on the dorsal head surface,running along the upper eyelids;(3)the space between axilla and groin(AGS)is comparatively large,with the mean male AGS approximately equal to 50%of the snout-vent length(SVL)and the mean female AGS being 53%of SVL;and(4)there is a small genital armature on the anterior angle of labial folds present inside the anal fissure of adult males during the breeding season.The result from the molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Tylototriton(including the type specimen of the new species)based on the complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial ND2 gene(1035 bp)indicated that the new species was similar to T.wenxianensis,T.dabienicus,and T.broadoridgus,but formed an independent clade.This result was consistent with the morphological analysis above,supporting that the Liuyang Population represented a distinct species.  相似文献   

研究了西双版纳热带雨林地区雌雄异株植物对叶榕(Ficus hispida L.)的生物学、传粉物候学以及榕小蜂(Ceratosolen solmsi marchali Mayr)的传粉和繁殖行为.研究结果表明:雌雄异株的对叶榕与其他雌雄同株的榕属植物不同,它的种子形成与传粉者有着更为复杂的相互关系.对叶榕一年结隐花果6~8次,结果高峰期4~5次,其中雄性植株仅产生花粉和孕育榕小蜂,而雌性植株(无雄蕊)则需榕小蜂带花粉进入隐花果内,进行传粉授精,使之发育成种子.对叶榕的成熟花粉不能从花药开裂处自行散发出来,必须由榕小蜂采集才能散落.榕小蜂雌蜂羽化、交配后,找到雄花区,用足、触角、口器在推动中采集花粉.雌蜂飞出熟榕果找寻雌株或雄株榕树上的幼嫩隐花果,一般需3~67 min;一部分雌蜂在雄株中寻找幼嫩的隐花果,进去产卵繁殖,另一部分雌蜂则寻找雌株雌花期嫩隐花果进去传粉.雌蜂在雌株榕树的隐花果内传粉时间为15~23 h,在雄株榕树的隐花果内产卵时间为6~9 h.对叶榕小蜂在雌株上进入单个隐花果的数量多少关系到雌花结实率;观察表明,每个隐花果最佳进蜂数为2头;榕小蜂传粉后榕树成熟种子形成率在54.1%~82.5%之间,平均为73.8%;而在雄株上雌蜂进蜂数量则关系到榕小蜂在隐花果内的产卵率,每个隐花果最佳进蜂数为3~4头,产卵率在72.3%~93.8%之间,平均为84.4%.  相似文献   

A new species of the Notodelphyidae belonging to Paranotodelphys Schellenberg, 1922 is described from both sexes. The new species, Paranotodelphys illgi, can be distinguished from its congeners by the combination of its 10-segmented female antennule, the bisetose fifth legs and the extreme elongation of the caudal rami of the female, which are more than 10 times longer than wide and 4.4 times longer than the anal somite. The male has non-geniculate antennules. The new species was collected at a depth of 508m in the North Pacific Ocean, from the ascidian Corynascidia herdmani Ritter.  相似文献   

Revision of material from Australian waters previously assigned to Herdmania momus ( Savigny, 1816 ) has resulted in the recognition of five species (including two new indigenous species). A tropical Indo-West Pacific range is recorded for the type species ( H. momus ), although it is not recorded from Western Australia. A circum-continental range for the third and largest species, H. grandis ( Heller, 1878 ) is confirmed. Herdmania pallida (Heller, 1878), with a wide range in the western Pacific and Indian Ocean including the north-eastern and north-western coasts of Australia, is a different species from the Atlantic Ocean species (formerly thought to be conspecific). Herdmania fimbriae , a new species with a geographical range from southern to north-eastern Australia, is distinct from H. mentula , also a new species, from the north-western coast. The structure of the gonads and their ducts and accessory membranes and the arrangement and number of body wall muscles distinguish the species. Species differences are supported by the maximum size of individuals, nature of their test, number of branchial folds, number of internal longitudinal vessels on the folds and between the dorsal lamina and dorsal fold, the size and form of the dorsal tubercle and dorsal lamina, and the shape of the ciliated opening of the neural duct, although these characters are affected to some extent by growth. A variety of accessory membranes associated with both male and female gonoducal apertures are found in the majority of species in this genus. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 134 , 359–374.  相似文献   

The genus Laranda has six described species and is confined to South and Southeast of Brazil. We describe a new species and discuss the biology and distribution of the genus. The new species can be distinguished from its known congeners by the following characteristics: absence of yellow spots on pronotum and base of posterior tibiae; female copulatory papilla: sclerotization in dorsal view forming opposing acute angles, apical lobes narrow and small; male genitalia: pseudepiphallic median process short and wide; pseudepiphallic paramere with apex incurved and ectophallic fold surpassing apex of the parameres. The genus is distributed within the Atlantic Forest biome; the new species is found on tree trunks, as well as on forest leaf litter.  相似文献   

Simulium (Gomphostilbia) agasthyamalaiense sp. nov. is described based on adults, pupae and mature larvae from a medium-flowing stream of Southern Western Ghats, India. This new species is placed in the Simulium batoense species-group of the subgenus Gomphostilbia Enderlein. This new species is characterized in the female by a scutum with three brownish-black longitudinal vittae and the hind basitarsus 5.7 times as long as wide; in the female by the large facets of upper eye with 20 vertical columns and 19 horizontal rows; in the pupa the respiratory gill with medium-long common basal stalk; and in the larva arrowhead-shaped postgenal cleft. Taxonomic notes are provided for this new species and it can be distinguished from closely related species of S. (G.) peteri. Keys are constructed to distinguish this species from ten species of the batoense species-group recorded in India.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1D1CFEE5-A762-4F68-9EAE-9E31133146C0  相似文献   

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