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Protein C (PC) deficiency is associated with a high risk of venous thrombosis. Recently, we identified the PC-A267T mutation in a patient with PC deficiency and revealed by in vitro studies decreased intracellular and secreted levels of the mutant. The aim of the present study was to characterize the underlying mechanism(s).

Methodology/Principal Findings

CHO-K1 cells stably expressing the wild-type (PC-wt) or the PC mutant were generated. In order to examine whether the PC mutant was subjected to increased intracellular degradation, the cells were treated with several inhibitors of various degradation pathways and pulse-chase experiments were performed. Protein-chaperone complexes were analyzed by treating the cells with a cross-linker followed by Western blotting (WB). Expression levels of the immunoglobulin-binding protein (BiP) and the phosphorylated eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (P-eIF2α), both common ER stress markers, were determined by WB to examine if the mutation induced ER stress and unfolded protein response (UPR) activation. We found no major differences in the intracellular degradation between the PC variants. The PC mutant was retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and had increased association with the Grp-94 and calreticulin chaperones. Retention of the PC-A267T in ER resulted in UPR activation demonstrated by increased expression levels of the ER stress markers BiP and P-eIF2α and caused also increased apoptotic activity in CHO-K1 cells as evidenced by elevated levels of DNA fragmentation.


The reduced intracellular level and impaired secretion of the PC mutant were due to retention in ER. In contrast to other PC mutations, retention of the PC-A267T in ER resulted in minor increased proteasomal degradation, rather it induced ER stress, UPR activation and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Different helper T cell subsets secrete different patterns of cytokines when stimulated by antigen. The TH1 and TH2 subsets differ in the secretion of at least eight cytokines, and three or more other cytokine secretion patterns also exist among both mouse and human T cell clones. Several properties of strong immune responses suggest that at least the TH1 and TH2 phenotypes can be present in vivo. As cytokines are major determinants of the functions of the T cells that produce them, these patterns lead to different properties of the T cell subsets. TH1 cells mediate several functions connected with cytotoxicity and local inflammatory reactions, and so these T cells are particularly effective at combating viruses and intracellular bacteria and parasites. TH2 cells are much more effective at stimulating B cells to produce antibody, and so should be more effective against free-living bacteria, and in inducing protective humoral immunity. Antibody and delayed inflammatory reactions are often mutually exclusive during immune responses, and this can be at least partially explained by cross-inhibition of TH1 and TH2 cells. A newly discovered cytokine, IL10, has been implicated as one of the cross-regulatory cytokines, as this TH2 product inhibits cytokine synthesis by TH1 cells.  相似文献   

We have isolated a mutant line of mouse L cells, termed gro29, in which the growth of herpes simplex virus (HSV) and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is defective. The block occurs late in the infectious cycle of both viruses. We demonstrate that HSV and VSV enter gro29 cells normally, negotiate the early stages of infection, yet are impaired at a late stage of virus maturation. During VSV infection of the mutant cell line, intracellular transport of its glycoprotein (G protein) is slowed. Pulse-chase experiments showed that oligosaccharide processing is impeded, and immunofluorescence localization revealed an accumulation of G protein in a juxtanuclear region that contains the Golgi complex. We conclude that export of newly made glycoproteins is defective in gro29 cells, and speculate that this defect may reflect a lesion in the glycoprotein transport apparatus.  相似文献   

As a model of ligand-dependent protein secretion the biosynthesis, intracellular transport, and release of the retinol-binding protein (RBP) were studied in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine. After various periods of chase RBP was isolated by immunoprecipitation and identified by SDS PAGE. Both normal and vitamin A-deficient hepatocytes synthesized RBP. The normal cells secreted the pulse-labeled RBP within 2 h. RBP synthesized by deficient cells was not secreted, and intracellular degradation of the protein appeared to be slow. Deficient cells could be induced to secrete RBP on the addition of retinol to the culture medium. This occurred also after protein synthesis had been blocked by cycloheximide. Since retinol induces the secretion of RBP, accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), it seems reasonable to conclude that the transport of RBP from the ER to the Golgi complex is regulated by retinol.  相似文献   

Mutations of the gene encoding the alpha-subunit of the lysosomal enzyme, beta-hexosaminidase, are the cause of Tay-Sachs disease. We previously showed that fibroblasts from one patient (WG1051) synthesized an unstable alpha-subunit that was smaller than normal and appeared to be trapped in an early biosynthetic compartment (Zokaeem, G., Bayleran, J., Kaplan, P., Hechtman, P., and Neufeld, E. F. (1987) Am. J. Hum. Genet. 40, 537-547). We now have identified the mutation as a deletion of cytosine at position 1510 of the coding sequence. We first determined that the structural abnormality was at the carboxyl terminus of the protein and then sequenced the corresponding regions of the cDNA and genomic DNA after amplification by the polymerase chain reaction. The frameshift mutation, which is present on both alleles, causes premature termination four codons downstream, and the loss of a very hydrophilic stretch of 22 amino acids. Expression of alpha-subunit cDNA with the cytosine deletion in Cos-1 cells reproduced the WG1051 phenotype, i.e. a truncated alpha-subunit that was retained and degraded in an early compartment, presumably the endoplasmic reticulum. Loss of the cysteine residue at position 522 was not the sole cause of instability and defective transport.  相似文献   

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) catalyzes the conversion of methylenetetrahydrofolate (CH2H4folate) to methyltetrahydrofolate (CH3H4folate). The C677T mutation is a common polymorphism of the human enzyme that leads to the replacement of Ala222Val, thermolability of MTHFR, and mild elevation of plasma homocysteine levels. A mild hyperhomocysteinemia is known to be risk factor for cardiovascular and thrombotic diseases, ischemic stroke, neural tube defects, late on-set dementia, and pregnancy complications. Human plasma of subjects carrying the C677T mutation in the MTHFR gene has been investigated for their protein pattern in order to identify novel molecular hallmarks. 2-D analysis of the plasma protein allowed the identification of a specific pattern associated with the TT mutant genotype. Noteworthy, we found one spot shifted to a more basic pI in mutant individuals, and MS identification corresponded to vitamin D-binding protein (DBP or group component (Gc) globulin). MS/MS peptide sequencing allowed to discriminate different allelic variants in the investigated clinical groups. These data confirmed by molecular genetic analysis highlight the novel association between the C677T MTHFR genotype with the Gc2 polymorphism of the DBP. Moreover, we found a quantitative reduction of Apolipoprotein A-I in mutant individuals, which was associated, in previous studies by others to an increased cardiovascular risk.  相似文献   

Summary Human erythrocytes were treated with various hydrophobic arylisothiocyanates under conditions which favor modification of distinct proteinaceous nucleophiles. The morphological appearance of phenylisothiocyanate-treated cells was discoid and membrane-bound hydrolases (human acetylcholinesterase, sheep phospholipase A2) were fully active following membrane modification. Noncharged hydrophobic arylisothiocyanates, including phenylisothiocyanate, -naphthylisothiocyanate and heterobifunctional azidoarylisothiocyanates inhibited [35S]-sulfate efflux irreversibly. Protection against modification-induced inhibition of sulfate transport was attained by the simultaneous presence of the specific reversible anion transport inhibitor 4,4-dinitrostilbene-2,2-disulfonate. Selective protection of a functionally relevant domain of band 3 is concluded to occur based on the above-derived information.  相似文献   

When given by injection to tobacco hornworm caterpillars, Manduca sexta, the allelochemical azadirachtin inhibits growth without reducing food intake. The growth reducing effect of azadirachtin is therefore in this case independent of the compound's well-known antifeedant effect. The cause of this reduced rate of growth is an increase in the costs associated with growth. These increased costs are largely a consequence of a decrease in the efficiency of utilisation of dietary nitrogen. This is associated with a drastic reduction in the activity of midgut trypsin. Azadirachtin has no effect on the activity of trypsin in vitro. Thus azadirachtin directly or indirectly inhibits the production of trypsin by the enzyme-secreting cells of the midgut wall; it is suggested that this is the cause of the increased costs and reduced rate of growth. The interesting parallel between this plant defence strategy and that of direct inhibition of herbivore proteinases by allelochemical proteinase inhibitors is discussed.  相似文献   

Zhao H  Young WY  Yan Q  Li R  Cao J  Wang Q  Li X  Peters JL  Han D  Guan MX 《Nucleic acids research》2005,33(3):1132-1139
In this study, we report the biochemical characterization of the deafness-associated mitochondrial 12S rRNA C1494T mutation using 27 cybrid cell lines constructed by transferring mitochondria from 9 lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from a Chinese family into human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-less (ρ°) cells. Six cybrids derived from two asymptomatic members, and nine cybrids derived from three symptomatic members of the Chinese family carrying the C1494T mutation exhibited ~38 and 43% decrease in the rate of mitochondrial protein labeling, respectively, compared with twelve cybrids derived from four Chinese control individuals. These defects are apparently a primary contributor to significant reductions in the rate of overall respiratory capacity or the rate of malate/glutamate promoted respiration, or succinate/G3P-promoted respiration, or TMPD/ascorbate-promoted respiration in mutant cybrid cell lines derived from either symptomatic or asymptomatic individuals. Furthermore, the very significant/nearly identical increase in the ratio of doubling times in DMDM medium in the presence/absence of high concentration of paromomycin was observed in symptomatic or asymptomatic cybrid cell lines carrying the C1494T mutation as compared with the average rate in control cell lines. These observations provide the direct biochemical evidences that the C1494T mutation is a pathogenic mtDNA mutation associated with aminoglycoside-induced and non-syndromic hearing loss. In addition, these data provide the first biochemical evidence that nuclear background plays a critical role in the phenotypic manifestation of non-syndromic hearing loss and aminoglycoside toxicity associated with the C1494T mutation.  相似文献   

The yiaMNO genes of Escherichia coli K-12 encode a binding protein-dependent secondary, or tri-partite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP), transporter. Since only a few members of this family have been functionally characterized to date, we aimed to identify the substrate for this transporter. Cells that constitutively express the yiaK-S gene cluster metabolized the rare pentose L-xylulose, while deletion of the yiaMNO transporter genes reduced L-xylulose metabolism. The periplasmic substrate-binding protein YiaO was found to bind L-xylulose, and stimulated L-xylulose uptake by spheroplasts. These date indicate that the yiaMNO transporter mediates uptake of this rare pentose.  相似文献   

Abnormal glycosylation of dystroglycan (DG), a transmembrane glycoprotein, results in a group of diseases known as dystroglycanopathy. A severe dystroglycanopathy known as the limb girdle disease MDDGC9 [OMIM: 613818] occurs as a result of hypoglycosylation of alpha subunit of DG. Reasons behind this has been traced back to a point mutation (T192M) in DG that leads to weakening of interactions of DG protein with laminin and subsequent loss of signal flow through the DG protein. In this work we have tried to analyze the molecular details of the interactions between DG and laminin1 in order to propose a mechanism about the onset of the disease MDDGC9. We have observed noticeable changes between the modeled structures of wild type and mutant DG proteins. We also have employed molecular docking techniques to study and compare the binding interactions between laminin1 and both the wild type and mutant DG proteins. The docking simulations have revealed that the mutant DG has weaker interactions with laminin1 as compared to the wild type DG. Till date there are no previous reports that deal with the elucidation of the interactions of DG with laminin1 from the molecular level. Our study is therefore the first of its kind which analyzes the differences in binding patterns of laminin1 with both the wild type and mutant DG proteins. Our work would therefore facilitate analysis of the molecular mechanism of the disease MDDGC9. Future work based on our results may be useful for the development of suitable drugs against this disease.  相似文献   

Activation of protein kinase C in T cells results in rapid phosphorylation of a 19-kDa intracellular protein termed 19K. We report the purification of 19K from human peripheral T cells and an internal 20-amino acid sequence determined from this protein. It is shown that 19K is a novel cytoplasmatic protein which is phosphorylated in vitro by partially purified protein kinase C. 19K-specific antibodies, raised by immunizing rabbits with purified protein, were used to show that the 19K is expressed, and phosphorylated in response to protein kinase C activation, in several cellular systems. These antibodies were also used to precipitate 19K from both [35S]methionine and 32Pi-labeled T cells. The data showed that 15 min of phorbol ester treatment has no effect on the rate of 19K synthesis but results in induction of 19K phosphorylation. However, we demonstrate, by Western blot analysis, that expression of 19K in primary peripheral T cells increased at least 10-fold over a period of 4 days after activation. The increase in 19K expression correlates with initiation of DNA synthesis, and in proliferating T cells 19K comprises approximately 0.2% of total cytoplasmatic protein. Thus, 19K is a novel putative protein kinase C substrate which is subject to activation associated up-regulation in human T cells.  相似文献   

Functionally distinct conformations of HbA (human adult hemoglobin) were probed using deoxy and diliganded derivatives of symmetric Fe-Zn hybrids of HbA. To expand the range of accessible structures, different environments were utilized including solution, sol-gel encapsulation, and crystals. Further structural and functional modulation was achieved by the addition of allosteric effectors. Functional characterization included oxygen affinity measurements, CO combination rates, and geminate and bimolecular CO recombination, after photodissociation. The conformational properties were studied using visible resonance Raman spectroscopy as a probe of local tertiary structure at the iron-containing hemes and UV resonance Raman spectroscopy as a probe of elements of the globin known to be sensitive to quaternary structure. The combined results show a pattern in which there is a progression of conformational and functional properties that are consistent with a picture in which the T quaternary structure can accommodate a range of tertiary conformations (plasticity). At one end of the distribution is the equilibrium deoxy T state conformation that has the lowest ligand reactivity. At the other end of the distribution are T state conformations with higher ligand reactivity that exhibit "loosened" T state constraints within the globin including the alpha(1)beta(2) interface and reduced proximal strain at the heme.  相似文献   

N W Andrews  C K Abrams  S L Slatin  G Griffiths 《Cell》1990,61(7):1277-1287
Protozoan parasite T. cruzi invades cells within acidic vacuoles, but shortly afterward escapes into the cytosol. Exit from the phagosome is blocked by raising the pH of acidic compartments, suggesting that a previously described acid-active hemolysin secreted by T. cruzi might be involved in the membrane disruption process. Here we show that T. cruzi supernatants are cytotoxic for nucleated cells at pH 5.5 and contain a protein reactive with antibodies against reduced and alkylated human C9 (the ninth component of complement). The C9 cross-reactive protein (TC-TOX) copurified with the cytolytic activity, and the active fractions induced conductance steps characteristic of transmembrane ion channels in planar phospholipid bilayers. Immunocytochemical studies using antibodies against purified TC-TOX showed that the protein was localized to the luminal space of parasite-containing phagosomes. We postulate that TC-TOX, when secreted into the acidic environment of the phagosome, forms pores in the membrane, which contribute to its disruption.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the isolation of variants of the C2 mouse muscle cell line that express reduced amounts of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) on their surface (Black, R. A., and Hall, Z. W. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 124-128). One of the variants, T-, makes an approximately normal amount of the AChR but accumulates most of it in an intracellular pool. This pool is stable and does not serve as precursor for surface AChR. Surface levels of insulin receptor and transferrin receptor are normal in T- cells, and a normal proportion of total hemagglutinin is expressed on the surface after infection of the T- variant with influenza virus. Pulse-chase experiments and kinetic analysis show: 1) that T- cells synthesize a normal amount of the alpha subunit but degrade it much more slowly than do wild-type cells; and 2) that newly synthesized alpha subunit is assembled into the AChR at a normal rate. A small fraction of the assembled AChR in T- cells is transported to the surface with normal kinetics, but most of it remains in an internal pool. This variant may provide an important tool for investigation of the factors that regulate AChR assembly and transport to the surface membrane.  相似文献   

Mutations in RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and in genes regulating autophagy are frequent causes of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS). The P56S mutation in vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein B (VAPB) leads to fALS (ALS8) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). While VAPB is primarily involved in the unfolded protein response (UPR), vesicular trafficking and in initial steps of the autophagy pathway, the effect of mutant P56S-VAPB on autophagy regulation in connection with RBP homeostasis has not been explored yet. Examining the muscle biopsy of our index ALS8 patient of European origin revealed globular accumulations of VAPB aggregates co-localised with autophagy markers LC3 and p62 in partially atrophic and atrophic muscle fibres. In line with this skin fibroblasts obtained from the same patient showed accumulation of P56S-VAPB aggregates together with LC3 and p62. Detailed investigations of autophagic flux in cell culture models revealed that P56S-VAPB alters both initial and late steps of the autophagy pathway. Accordingly, electron microscopy complemented with live cell imaging highlighted the impaired fusion of accumulated autophagosomes with lysosomes in cells expressing P56S-VAPB. Consistent with these observations, neuropathological studies of brain and spinal cord of P56S-VAPB transgenic mice revealed signs of neurodegeneration associated with altered protein quality control and defective autophagy. Autophagy and RBP homeostasis are interdependent, as demonstrated by the cytoplasmic mis-localisation of several RBPs including pTDP-43, FUS, Matrin 3 which often sequestered with P56S-VAPB aggregates both in cell culture and in the muscle biopsy of the ALS8 patient. Further confirming the notion that aggregation of the RBPs proceeds through the stress granule (SG) pathway, we found persistent G3BP- and TIAR1-positive SGs in P56S-VAPB expressing cells as well as in the ALS8 patient muscle biopsy. We conclude that P56S-VAPB-ALS8 involves a cohesive pathomechanism of aberrant RBP homeostasis together with dysfunctional autophagy.Subject terms: Mechanisms of disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of an adenovirus mutant, Ad5dl802r1, containing two independent deletions in the 72-kilodalton (kDa) DNA-binding protein (DBP) gene is described. The two deletions remove amino acids 23 through 105 of DBP, resulting in the production of a 50-kDa product. Expression of this truncated DBP was delayed 12 to 24 h compared with that of the 72-kDa protein produced by wild-type adenovirus type 5. The DBP was located primarily in the cytoplasm of infected cells, whereas the wild-type product was predominantly nuclear. Therefore, DBP appears to contain a nuclear localization signal within the deleted region. Ad5dl802r1 DNA synthesis, viral late gene expression, and virus production were all delayed 12 to 24 h and were approximately 10-fold lower than with wild-type adenovirus type 5. These phenotypic properties can be accounted for by the delay in synthesis and the inefficient accumulation of the 50-kDa DBP within the nucleus of infected cells. The truncated DBP also lacks the majority of amino acids which are phosphorylated in the normal protein. The loss of these phosphorylation sites does not appear to seriously impair the ability of the protein to carry out its functions.  相似文献   

cDNA clones for serine:pyruvate aminotransferase (SPT, alternative name: alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase) were obtained from a cDNA library constructed from the liver of a primary hyperoxaluria type I (PH1) case in which the SPT activity was approximately one-hundredth that in control liver. Six clones were isolated from 100,000 transformants and all of them contained an approximately 1.5 kbp insert which included the whole coding region for human SPT. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed a point mutation of T to C at position 634 (relative to the 5'-end of the cDNA) encoding a Ser to Pro substitution at residue 205. The T to C conversion created a new SmaI site, which enabled us to demonstrate that the point mutation had occurred in the patient's SPT gene. SmaI digestion of genomic DNA may be useful for the diagnostic gene analysis of this type of PH1.  相似文献   

Phospholipids (PL) for biliary secretion could be supplied from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the plasma membrane by cytosolic transfer proteins or transport vesicles. Therefore, we studied whether biliary secretions of PL and apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I), as markers for the ER-to-Golgi vesicular transport pathway, are tightly coupled in isolated perfused rat livers with enhanced secretion (+60%) of PL after withdrawal of the cholesterol synthesis inhibitor pravastatin (0.1% of chow, fed for 7 days). Blocking agents dissociated the secretion of apo A-I and PL. Brefeldin A as well as cycloheximide inhibited biliary secretion of apo A-I (-52%; -68%), however, not of PL. Both bilirubin ditaurate and taurodehydrocholic acid reduced biliary secretion of PL (-27%; -79%), but not of apo A-I. The data support the concept that PL destined for biliary secretion bypass the vesicular transport pathway of apo A-I through the Golgi compartment, most likely via cytosolic transfer proteins.  相似文献   

Receptor guanylyl cyclases possess an extracellular ligand-binding domain, a single transmembrane region, a region with sequence similar to that of protein kinases, and a C-terminal guanylyl cyclase domain. ATP regulates the activity of guanylyl cyclase C (GC-C), the receptor for the guanylin and stable toxin family of peptides, presumably as a result of binding to the kinase homology domain (KHD). Modeling of the KHD of GC-C indicated that it could adopt a structure similar to that of tyrosine kinases, and sequence comparison with other protein kinases suggested that lysine(516) was positioned in the KHD to interact with ATP. A monoclonal antibody GCC:4D7, raised to the KHD of GC-C, did not recognize ATP-bound GC-C, and its epitope mapped to a region in the KHD of residues 491--568 of GC-C. Mutation of lysine(516) to an alanine in full-length GC-C (GC-C(K516A)) dramatically reduced the ligand-stimulated activity of mutant GC-C, altered the ATP-mediated effects observed with wild-type GC-C, and failed to react with the GCC:4D7 monoclonal antibody. ATP interaction with wild-type GC-C converted a high-molecular weight oligomer of GC-C to a smaller sized oligomer. In contrast, GC-C(K516A) did not exhibit an alteration in its oligomeric status on incubation with ATP. We therefore suggest that the KHD in receptor guanylyl cyclases provides a critical structural link between the extracellular domain and the catalytic domain in regulation of activity in this family of receptors, and the presence of K(516) is critical for the possible proper orientation of ATP in this domain.  相似文献   

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