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狼蛛、蟹蛛和跳蛛分别是蜘蛛目中三个科的蜘蛛的通称。这三类蜘蛛包括了我们日常见到的游猎型蜘蛛的大部分种类,它们在帮助人类消灭害虫中所起作用也较大,所以作为动物学教学中的例子加以介绍。 (一)狼蛛狼蛛在地面或植物上疾驰,凶狠如狼,故名。体长3-25毫米,但多数种类在5-8毫米间。体色多黄褐色,不鲜艳。8眼,排成三列。前列4个小眼,中、后两列各2个眼,较大;后列两眼的间距稍大于中列两眼的间距(图1左)。卵袋扁球形,由两片半圆形丝膜缝合而成。卵袋挂在母蛛腹部后端的纺器上,由母蛛随身携带。幼蛛孵出后不分散,而是爬伏在母蛛腹部  相似文献   

记述采自我国江苏省栖霞山和浙江省西天目山蚁微蛛属2新种:胫突蚁微蛛,新种Solenysa pronlrudens sp.nov.和圆斑蚁微蛛, 新种Solenyas circUlaris sp.nov.  相似文献   

记述了产于我国辽宁省的微蛛亚科1新记录属一拟角蛛属:Ceratinopsis Emerton,1882及新记录种:罗马纳拟角蛛Ceratinopsis romana Q.P-Cambridge,1872。  相似文献   

首次报道了采自中国湖南省张家界自然保护区的皿蛛科蚁微蛛属武陵蚁微蛛Solenysa wulingensis的雌性个体.文中详细描述了该种雌性个体的形态特征,并附有特征图.此外,对采自韩国的久摩蚁微蛛Solenysa geumoensis进行了重新描述,对2个姐妹种间的形态学差异进行了详细比较.  相似文献   

中国吻额蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:皿蛛科:微蛛亚科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文描述了作者1986年采自湖北省神农架林区的吻额蛛属Aprifrontalia一新种:膨大吻额蛛,新种Aprifrontalia afflata sp.nov.。目前,除本新种外,世界仅报道过1种:Aprifrontalia mascula,本新种雄蛛最显著的特征是:其额向前突呈吻状,触肢胫节前端甚膨大。外雌器形成一斜向下方的突起。模式标本保存于白求恩医科大学生物教研室。  相似文献   

中国屿蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:皿蛛科:微蛛亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
屿蛛属Nasoona Locket,1982为中国新记录属。黑斑屿蛛,新种Nasoona nigromaculata sp.nov.。模式标本保存于白求恩医科大学生物教研室。  相似文献   

奎孔蛛(跳蛛科)雌蛛记述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述奎孔蛛的雌性和雄性鉴别特征。雌蛛最初记述于越南,雌蛛系新发现。文内附以雄蛛左触肢的腹面观和侧面观,其中侧面观的角度与原定名人的附图的角度不同,以供读者参考。本种在我国系新记录,产于湖南和云南两省,其实际分布范围尚待进一步调查。  相似文献   

首次报道了雄性光面双舟蛛Dicymbium facetum(L. 自俄罗斯马加丹.Koch,1879),并对其形态结构进行了详细描述.研究标本采  相似文献   

本文记述了我国瓦蛛属三新纪录种,即突褶瓦蛛Walckenaeria sounkyoensis、钉角瓦蛛Walckenaeria claviornis、霍氏瓦蛛Walckenaeria holmi。本文量度单位:mm。标本保存在长春市白求恩医科大学生物教研室。  相似文献   

描记采自湖北神农架自然保护区一蚋属蚋亚属新种,齿端蚋Simulium(Simulium)dentastylum sp.nov..模式标本存于贵阳医学院生物学教研室.  相似文献   

苦草属植物体外部形态相似,叶线行或带形,野外难以直接鉴定到种,而雄花雄蕊数目、果实和种子的显微结构是苦草属(Vallisneria)植物物种的鉴别性特征之一。苦草属物种的雄花小,仅有1.5 mm,人工解剖雄花观察方法难以实现雄花雄蕊数目的识别;本研究采用雄株雄佛焰苞水培预培养技术获取自然开放的雄花并利用解剖学显微镜对3种苦草属植物雄花、果实和种子进行了解剖观察和研究。显微结构观察表明,苦草(V. natans)雄蕊1枚,果实圆柱形,表面光滑,种子无翅,具纵条纹;刺苦草(V. spinulosa)雄蕊2枚,果实三棱形,棱上具刺,种子具翅;密刺苦草(V. denseserrulata)雄蕊2枚,果实三棱圆柱形,表面光滑,种子无翅。依据文献,密刺苦草、刺苦草、长梗苦草(V. longipedunculata)和安徽苦草(V. anhuiensis)是安徽苦草属新分布记录种,其中长梗苦草和安徽苦草是分布于安徽的新种。  相似文献   

描述了天南星科Araceae南星族Areae犁头尖属Tiphonium Schoa一新种——保山犁头尖Typhonium baoshanense Z.L.Dao & H.Li,它的叶形和佛焰苞形态与犁头尖T.blumei Nicolson & Sivadasan相似,但附属器下部,雄花序之上,有1-2轮不育雄花(退化雄蕊),雌花序圆锥形,附属器基部截形和佛焰焰苞檐部狭窄而易于区别。同域分布的犁头尖染色体数目为2n=52,本种染色体数目为2n=10,为天南星科的最低染色体基数。  相似文献   

中国云南畸螽属一新种(直翅目,蛩螽科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报道中国云南畸螽属1新种,即矛畸螽Teratura hastata sp.nov.。新种与Terahra cincta(Bev-Bienko,1962)和T.pulchella Gorochov & Kang,2005相似,主要区别:雄性尾须腹叶明显扩展,肛上板与第10腹节背板端部愈合,其基部中央具深的纵沟,端半部耳状隆起,侧端部具一些粗刺,亚端部侧面着生1对端部较钝的戟形突。该新种与T.paracincta Gorochov&Kang,2005的主要区别是体色和雌性下生殖板明显不同。 正模♂,云南泸水,1280m,9Apr.2002,易传辉采;副模1♀,云南泸水,830m,7Apr.2002,宋劲忻采,1♀,云南腾冲,2240m,1 May2002,欧晓红采。  相似文献   

A new species of Egidemia China, 1927, Egidemia impudica, is described and illustrated from the Department of Magdalena (Colombia). The male genitalia of the new species have a very peculiar, diagnostic feature: the pygofer is considerably reduced and truncate posteriorly, so that part of the aedeagus is exposed. A key to males of all known Egidemia species is provided. Notes comparing Egidemia impudica with the other nine known species of the genus are also given.  相似文献   

Lian WG  Zhang C  Zhang F 《ZooKeys》2011,(112):39-352
The genus Plistobunus Pocock, 1903 and its type species Plistobunus rapax Pocock, 1903 are redescribed based on the type material deposited in the British Museum of Natural History (BMNH), London. In addition, a new Plistobunus species from Hainan Island is described and illustrated of Plistobunus columnariussp. n. The new species is diagnosed by having a row of 12 setiferous tubercles on anterior margin of carapace, and the femur of pedipalpus ventrally with 13 setiferous tubercles in male.  相似文献   

Abstract A new aclerdid genus, Lecanaclerda Hodgson & Millar, closely related to Aclerda but with fully developed legs and antennae, is introduced for a new new species, L. macropoda Hodgson & Millar, for which the male and female are described. In addition, genus Rhodesaclerda McConnell is revised and all known stages of existing species, R. combreticola McConnell and R. halli McConnell, are redescribed. The crawler, second-instar female, pupa and the adult male and female of a new species, R. insleyae Hodgson & Millar, from South Africa are also described. Another new genus, Kwazulaclerda Hodgson & Millar, close to Rhodesaclerda , is introduced and the crawler, second-instar female, second-instar male, pupa and adult male and female of the new species K. loranthi Hodgson & Millar from Kwazulu-Natal are described. A phylogenetic analysis based on adult macropterous male characters was undertaken to look at the relationships of these species with other Coccoidea. It is concluded that Lecanaclerda is closely related to Aclerda , Kwazulaclerda is closely related to Rhodesaclerda , Kwazulaclerda and Rhodesaclerda belong to Aclerdidae, and Aclerdidae should be split into two subfamilies, Rhodesaclerdinae Hodgson & Millar (to include Rhodesaclerda and Kwazulaclerda ) and Aclerdinae Cockerell (to include Aclerda , Lecanaclerda and Nipponaclerda ). These two subfamilies are diagnosed and a key is given for the separation of the genera now included in Aclerdidae. The relationships of Aclerdidae and Coccidae are discussed.  相似文献   

Malyutina M  Brandt A 《ZooKeys》2011,(144):1-19
Dubinectes infirmussp. n., Munnopsidae, is described from the Argentine Basin, southwest Atlantic, at depths between 4586-4607 m. The new species is distinguished by a narrow rim of the pleotelson posterior margin which is not raising over its dorsal surface; article 3 of the antennula is subequal in length to article 2; distomedial lobes of male pleopod 1 are of same size as distolateral lobes; stylet of male pleopod 2 is subequal in length to protopod; uropod exopod is more than a half of endopod length. Some generic characters which are weakly pronounced in the new species or have different state are defined more precisely in the revised diagnosis of Dubinectes. The modified diagnosis of the genus, a key to the species of Dubinectes as well as the distribution of the genus are presented.  相似文献   

A new species of corophiid Amphipoda, Cheiriphotis trifurcata, collected from the seagrass bed of the Lower Gulf of Thailand, is described. Cheiriphotis trifurcata is characterized by its trifurcated tip of the modified setae on the outer ramus in male pleopod 3. In this paper, the new species is fully described and compared with related species and a complete key of the 16 valid species in the genus Cheiriphotis is given.  相似文献   

A new species of Denopelopia from Brazil is described based on adult male and pupa. The male of the new species can be distinguished from all other species of the genus by the genitalia and fore-tibial spur morphology. The pupa is very similar to those of Denopelopia atria, but it can be distinguished by the absence of distinct constrictions in the respiratory atrium of the thoracic horn. Generic diagnosis to male and pupa of Denopelopia is emended and keys to male and pupae of known species are provided.  相似文献   

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