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哈蛛属Hasarina自1963年Schenkel建立以来,至今仅知一种,即螺旋哈蛛Hasarina contortospinosa Schenkel, 1963 (Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat., 25A: 462—464, f. 262)模式标本釆自甘肃。Schenkel仅记述了雄性个体。继后 Wesolowska 于1981年再次报道了该种,也仅记述了雄性个体。(Ann.Zool. Warszawa, 36(7): 132—133, f. 10—13)。笔者整理我国跳蛛科蜘蛛标本时,从采自福建崇安、湖南张家界、四川峨眉山的标本中,发现了该种雌蛛,现将其补充描述于下。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国吉林省长白山地区的隅隙蛛属Tegecoelotes 1新种:弱齿隅隙蛛,新种T. dysodentatus sp. nov. .本新种近似于亚隅隙蛛T. secundus (Paik, 1971) (Wang, 2002:133, f. 375~380),但生殖器有如下区别:(1) 雄蛛膝节突末端向外侧弯曲;(2)引导器末端向背侧弯曲且与中突的间距较大;(3)盾板突较钝;(4)盾板外侧边缘的薄片较宽;(5)雌蛛外雌器齿弱且间距宽;(6)纳精囊头较后者细.本新种以雌性副模外雌器齿较弱而得名.  相似文献   

本文记述隅蛛属一新种和漏斗蛛属两新种:刺隅蛛,新种Tegenaria aculeata sp.nov.三角漏斗蛛,新种Agelena triangulata sp.nov.,小斑漏斗蛛,新种Agelena micropunetulata sp.nov.。  相似文献   

记述了我国3种豹蛛,根据其外雌器和触肢器结构特点,应归入枯藤豹蛛Pardosa xerampelina种组.其中新种1种为蝶形豹蛛Parodsa papilionacasp.nov;另两种为我国新纪录种:草豹蛛P.herbosa Jo et Paik,1984及淡豹蛛P.indecora L.Koch,1879.编制了该种组我国分布种的检索表.模式标本及其他检视标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

作者在进行中国管巢蛛属系统学研究时,发现了管巢蛛科管巢蛛属2雄性新发现:台湾管巢蛛Clubiona taiwanica Ono,1994和樟木管巢蛛Clubiona zhangmuensis Hu et Li,1987.这两种以前描述时均只有雌性,在此予以补充描述.所有标本保存在河北大学生命科学学院.文中测量单位为mm.  相似文献   

中国吻额蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:皿蛛科:微蛛亚科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文描述了作者1986年采自湖北省神农架林区的吻额蛛属Aprifrontalia一新种:膨大吻额蛛,新种Aprifrontalia afflata sp.nov.。目前,除本新种外,世界仅报道过1种:Aprifrontalia mascula,本新种雄蛛最显著的特征是:其额向前突呈吻状,触肢胫节前端甚膨大。外雌器形成一斜向下方的突起。模式标本保存于白求恩医科大学生物教研室。  相似文献   

记述采自我国江苏省栖霞山和浙江省西天目山蚁微蛛属2新种:胫突蚁微蛛,新种Solenysa pronlrudens sp.nov.和圆斑蚁微蛛, 新种Solenyas circUlaris sp.nov.  相似文献   

中国逍遥蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:逍遥蛛科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述采自云南大理的逍遥蛛属一新种:胡氏逍遥蛛 Philodromus hui sp. nov.。  相似文献   

本文描述了在湖北省神农架林区采到的微蛛亚科瘤胸蛛属(Oedothorax)二新种:裂缝瘤胸蛛,新种Oedothorax rimatus sp.nov.和穿孔瘤胸蛛,新种Oedothorax foratus sp.nov.。模式标本均保存于白求恩医科大学生物教研室。  相似文献   

中国南方几种熊蛛(蜘蛛目:狼蛛科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记述了采自我国南方的6种熊蛛,其中有3种新种,定名为:湄潭熊蛛Arctosa meilatnensis sp.nov..指囊熊蛛A.millensa sp.nov.和泉熊蛛A.springiosa sp.nov.;另有3种为新记录:印熊蛛A.indicus Tikader et Malhotra.1980.库定熊蛛A.khudiensis Tikader et Malhotra,1980和韩熊蛛A.kwangreungensis Paik et Tanaka.1986.前1种新记录的雄性为单性新发现。  相似文献   

对5种隙蛛亚科蜘蛛进行了重新描述:梯板隙蛛Coelotes microps Schenkel,1963;回弯隙蛛Coelotes palinitropus Zhu & Wang,1994;螺形龙角蛛Draconarius gyriniformis(Wang&Zbu,1991);三分龙角蛛Draconarius triatus(Zhu&Wang,1994),comb.nov.和西藏龙角蛛Draconarius tibetensis Wang,2003。回弯隙蛛、西藏龙角蛛两种蜘蛛的雌性及梯板隙蛛、螺形龙角蛛、三分龙角蛛三种蜘蛛的雄性均系首次报道。三分龙角蛛是从隙蛛属Coelotes移来的新组合。  相似文献   

中国洞穴蜘蛛多样性及其对洞穴环境的适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国洞穴蜘蛛的多样性、地理分布信息进行了详细的闸述.初步探讨了洞穴蜘蛛对洞穴环境的适应性特征及其进化机制.我国洞穴蜘蛛目前已知16科27属80种,其巾暗蛛科、弱蛛科、泰莱蛛科和巨蟹蛛科物种最多;在属级阶元上,以弱蛛属Leptoneta14种、泰莱蛛属Telema lO种、龙角蛛属Draamar如和巾遁蛛属Sinopoda各9种,宽隙蛛属Platocoelotes 8种居多.我国洞穴蜘蛛主要集中分布在贵卅、海南、云南、北京、浙江、广西等喀斯特洞穴较为密集地区,在河北、河南、湖北和湖南也有部分报道.在不同地区分布的洞穴蜘蛛类群或优势类群及区系成分等都存在较大差异.洞穴蜘蛛中约有20%~30%的种类凶为长期生活在黑暗无光、食物匮乏以及缺乏温度和光周期的季节调节等特殊环境,出现了一些地表生境蜘蛛类群中所没有的刘洞穴环境的适应性特征,如缺乏体色素、眼退化共至无眼、附肢延长、全身牛有很多具较敏锐触觉和嗅觉功能的感觉毛、繁殖无季节性、耗氧量降低而新陈代谢缓慢、代谢率降低、产牛的后代少、单个卵粒包含更多的营养等.  相似文献   

隙蛛亚科Coelotinae主要分布于东亚地区,其中我国的已有种类占到全世界种数的一半以上,因此对于我国隙蛛类蜘蛛的研究已经成为世界暗蛛科研究的重点之一。隙蛛亚科属于无筛器类群,于1893年,由Cambridge以隙蛛属为模式属而建立,归属于无筛器的漏斗蛛科。之后,虽然经历了数次修订  相似文献   

Short M  Huynh C 《ZooKeys》2011,(156):105-122
The penicillate genus Unixenus Jones, 1944 is widespread, with species found in Africa, Madagascar, India and Australia. Each of the two Australian species was originally described from single samples from Western Australia. In this study, collections of Penicillata from museums in all states of Australia were examined to provide further details of the two described species, to revise the diagnoses for both the genus and the species, and to better understand the distribution of the two species in Australia. In addition, two new species Unixenus karajinensissp. n. and Unixenus corticolussp. n. are described.  相似文献   

Hemiodus iratapuru, a new species of the Hemiodontidae from the Rio Iratapuru, a left bank tributary of the Rio Jari, Amazon Basin, Brazil, is described. The new species is diagnosed from other species of Hemiodus by modifications in the ectopterygoid, tooth form, scale counts, dorsal‐fin form and colour pattern. The new species is proposed to be related to the Hemiodus quadrimaculatus species group.  相似文献   

All species that have been described of the genera mentioned in the title are listed and their systematic position given. The species of Stilifer (with 11 species, including S. inflatus sp.n. and 5. concavus sp.n.) are parasites of starfishes. Scalenostoma (3 species) are parasites of stone corals. Thyca (with 8 species) is removed from Capulidae, and included in Eulimidae. T. hawaiiensis sp.n. is described. The species of Thyca are parasites of starfishes. The species of Mucronalia (including M. trilineata sp.n.) are probably parasites of ophiuroids and Echineulima (with 4–6 species, including E. ponderi sp.n.) are parasites of echinoids. All species are figured, their characteristics are given and their host species and distributions are listed. Keys are given to the species of each genus, except Mucronalia. The genera Stilimella Laseron and Hyperlia Pilsbry are synonymized with Scalenostoma and the genera Kiramodulus Kuroda, Granulithyca Habe and Bessomia Berry are considered subgenera of Thyca.  相似文献   

Body size correlates with a large number of species traits, and these relationships have frequently been used to explain patterns in populations, communities, and ecosystems. However, diverging patterns occur, and there is a need for more data on different taxa at different scales. Using a large dataset of 155,418 individual beetles from 588 species collected over 13 years of sampling in Norway, we have explored whether body size predicts abundance, seasonality, and phenology in insects. Seasonality is estimated here by flight activity period length and phenology by peak activity. We develop several methods to estimate these traits from low‐resolution sampling data. The relationship between abundance and body size was significant and as expected; the smaller species were more abundant. However, smaller species tended to fly for longer periods of the summer and peaked in midsummer, while larger species were restricted to shorter temporal windows. Further analysis of repeated sampling from a single location suggested that smaller species had increased flight period lengths in warmer years, but larger species showed the opposite pattern. The results 1) indicate that smaller species are likely to be disproportionately valuable in ecological interactions, and 2) provide potential insights into the traits influencing the vulnerability of some larger species to disturbances and climate change.  相似文献   

We describe a new heterophyid species, Ascocotyle (Ascocotyle) patagoniensis n. sp., based on specimens collected from the intestines of the South American sea lion Otaria flavescens from Patagonia (Argentina). Ascocotyle (A.) patagoniensis n. sp. is distinguished from the other species of the subgenus by the number of circumoral spines, which are arranged in 2 rows of 18 to 23. The new species also differs from the other species in having a gonotyl without papillae. The specimens exhibited the widest seminal receptacle described for a species of this subgenus. Species of the subgenus Ascocotyle usually infect fish-eating birds or mammals in freshwater or brackish habitats. Ascocotyle (A.) patagoniensis n. sp. is the first species of the subgenus described from a marine mammal. However, no metacercariae of Ascocotyle spp. were found in 542 marine teleosts from 20 species collected in the same locality. The life cycle of the marine species from the Ascocotyle -complex infecting pinnipeds remains elusive.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Cryptosporella is revised to include recently discovered species. Eight species new to science are described and two new combinations are proposed, raising the total number of species accepted in Cryptosporella to 19. The species delimitation and phylogeny for Cryptosporella are determined based on analyses of DNA sequences from three genes (β-tubulin, ITS and tef1-α), comparative morphology of sexual structures on their host substrate, and host associations. The inferred phylogeny suggests that Cryptosporella has speciated primarily on Betulaceae with 16 species occurring on hosts in that plant family. The host range of most species seems to be narrow with nine species reported from a single host species or subspecies and seven species occurring on plants within a single host genus. A key to species is provided. The known distribution of Cryptosporella is expanded to mountain cloud forests of the provinces of Chiriquí in Panama and Tucumán in Argentina.  相似文献   

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