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高通量测序技术及其应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
高通量测序技术是DNA测序发展历程的一个里程碑,它为现代生命科学研究提供了前所未有的机遇。详细介绍了以454、Solexa和SOLiD为代表的第二代高通量测序技术,以HeliScope TIRM和Pacific Biosciences SMRT为代表的单分子测序技术,以及最近Life Science公司推出的Ion Personal Genome Machine (PGM)测序技术等高通量测序技术的最新进展。在此基础上,阐述了高通量测序技术在基因组测序、转录组测序、基因表达调控、转录因子结合位点的检测以及甲基化等研究领域的应用。最后,讨论了高通量测序技术在成本和后续数据分析等方面存在的问题及其未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

454测序技术开发微卫星标记的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二代测序技术(454测序为例)已成为测定基因组序列的一种成熟技术.454测序亦可应用于目标DNA区域分析,因此可用作微卫星标记的开发.较传统方法而言,具有便捷、高效等特点.目前,运用454技术进行基因组测序或转录组测序开发微卫星标记,用以研究种群生态学、构建遗传图谱等得到越来越多的重视和应用.综述了454测序技术在开发微卫星标记上的应用,并根据其优缺点对其应用前景进行了展望,旨在为应用454测序开发微卫星提供参考.  相似文献   

单分子测序技术及应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从DNA双螺旋结构的发现开始,生命科学研究进入分子水平,在20世纪70年代出现的测序技术为破译遗传密码作出了巨大贡献.近几年出现的单分子测序技术,可以在单个分子水平读取核苷酸序列,也被称为第三代测序技术,主要代表有HeliScope、Nanopore和PacBio等.与传统的第一代和第二代测序技术相比,第三代测序能够产生更长的碱基读长,能直接对RNA进行测序,无需逆转录,测序速度极快,同时其中某些技术所涉及的设备可以小型化,可便携至野外现场测序.第三代测序技术在生命科学基础理论研究及生物医学临床实践中,具有广泛的应用.本文重点介绍了各种单分子测序技术的原理、优缺点,及其应用研究进展.  相似文献   

454测序法在环境微生物生态研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传统的Sanger测序技术虽已成熟,但其速度和成本的限制满足不了大规模测序的要求。第二代高通量测序技术结合了乳胶微粒和皮升级反应的454焦磷酸测序法,作为一种高通量测序技术,具有分析结果准确、高速、高灵敏度和高自动化的特点。对454测序法的技术原理和操作步骤进行了介绍,对近年来运用该方法在环境微生物生态研究领域的进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

DNA测序技术比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从1953年,J.D.Watson和F.H.C.Crick发现DNA的双螺旋模型之后,DNA测序技术随着科学的进步得到了迅猛发展.1977年Sanger[1]发明DNA双脱氧末端终止测序技术,Maxam与Gilbert[2]发明利用化学降解法进行测序的技术,2种测序技术被誉为DNA测序技术的始祖.随后,在第1代DNA测序技术的基础上,相继出现了第2代测序技术、基因芯片技术以及第3代测序技术.总结并展望了每一代测序技术及基因芯片技术的诞生、原理及应用前景,为利用测序技术研究基因表达提供理论基础和实验依据.  相似文献   

由于传统研究方法成本和速度的限制,远远满足不了对微生物群落大规模的研究,以454测序为代表的新一代高通量测序技术凭借低成本、高通量、流动自动化的优势为研究微生物的多样性和组成提供了新的技术平台。本文就近年来454测序技术在研究人体肠道微生物与疾病关系的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

自1977年第一代Sanger测序法诞生以来,测序技术经历了突飞猛进的发展,第二代和第三代测序技术相继出现。随着测序仪代次的更迭,实现测序目的的技术权重已逐渐由偏重生化反应转向偏重物理学、材料学等非生物学科。Life Technologies公司推出的Ion Torrent Personal Genomic Machine(PGM)就是这类技术转型的代表。我们对测序技术的发展和Ion TorrentPGM的特点及应用做简要综述。  相似文献   

高通量测序技术是研究环境微生物的有效手段,而以纳米孔测序为代表的第三代测序技术以其测序读长长、测序速度快、测序数据实时监控、仪器方便携带、无GC偏好性、无需经过PCR扩增等显著优势有力推动了环境微生物研究的发展.本文对纳米孔测序技术的技术原理和特点进行了简要概述,重点介绍了纳米孔测序技术在环境微生物扩增子测序、宏基因组...  相似文献   

高通量测序技术及其在微生物学研究中的应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
20世纪70年代发明的核酸测序技术为基因组学及其相关学科的发展做出了巨大贡献,本世纪初发展的以Illumina公司的HiSeq 2000,ABI公司的SOLID,和Roche公司的454技术为代表的高通量测序技术又为基因组学的发展注入了新活力.本文在阐述这些技术的基础上,着重讨论了新一代测序技术在微生物领域中的应用.  相似文献   

谭聃  欧铜 《生物工程学报》2022,38(9):3121-3130
Sanger测序法,又称第一代测序技术,作为测序金标准推动了人类基因组“工作框架图”的绘制,但通量低、成本高的缺点限制了其进一步大规模应用。第二代测序技术,又称下一代测序技术,因其通量高、成本低等优点使得基因测序在基础研究与临床诊疗中得到广泛应用,但短读长一直是其不可回避的技术短板。第三代测序技术的出现,因其具有长读长优势,为基因序列上复杂重复区域解析与高质量基因组组装提供了新的技术手段。近年来,第三代测序技术进一步发展与完善,同时在肿瘤、免疫、生殖等相关领域逐步体现出临床应用价值。本文将综述第三代测序技术的研究进展与临床应用。  相似文献   

遗传病的防治是公共卫生领域的重大课题,而明确病因是遗传病防治的重要环节。高通量测序技术(又称二代测序技术)具有高通量、低成本、高准确度的优点,为遗传诊断及咨询提供了直接证据,已成为遗传学检测不可或缺的有力工具;第三代测序也凭借其长读长的独特优势在临床应用中占据一席之地。二代及三代测序技术各有特点,互为补充,临床中针对不同的检测需求有多种类型的测序方案可供选择。基于此,对二代及三代测序技术的原理、分类及其在遗传学诊断中的应用进展做一综述,以期为临床测序方案的选择提供思路和指导。  相似文献   

高通量测序技术目前已广泛的应用于临床研究领域。与传统测序方式相比,该技术具有通量高、耗时短、成本低等特点。研究生教育中对高通量测序技术的新进展及其在疾病研究、临床诊断等方面的应用方面的介绍较少。培养医学研究生对高通量测序技术的应用能力,可以增强研究生对高通量测序技术的方法、原理、应用范围、数据分析的理解,为医学研究生应用高通量测序技术发现及解决临床问题打下一定的基础。  相似文献   

第三代测序技术在微生物研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹晨霞  韩琬  张和平 《微生物学通报》2016,43(10):2269-2276
1977年Sanger发明的双末端终止法开启了测序之旅,而测序技术在30多年内不断革新。每种新技术的出现都有超过前代产品的独特之处,但也会不可避免的存在自身局限性,关键在于掌握每种技术的优缺点并加以合理应用。第三代测序技术是一种集高通量、快速度、长读长及低成本等多种优点于一身的新型测序技术,它的出现为基因组学、转录组学及DNA甲基化等研究注入了新活力。本文在介绍基本技术原理的基础上,着重概述了第三代测序技术在微生物研究中的应用,从而揭示了其广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

罕见病病种繁多,且表型复杂多样,不仅仅体现在疾病间的不同,同一种疾病的不同患者在表型上也可能大相径庭。这种普遍存 在的遗传异质性和临床异质性,使罕见病的诊疗极具挑战。近年来,在后人类基因组计划时代,各种测序技术快速发展,使得大规模测 序如疾病目标基因集测序、全外显子组测序、全基因组测序等成为了现实。高通量测序技术可实现对多个靶基因进行高通量平行测序, 有效节约了成本与时间,越来越广泛地应用到临床疾病分子诊疗领域。分析传统测序技术与高通量测序技术的优缺点,介绍罕见病诊疗 中常用的高通量测序策略,并结合临床实例,综述高通量测序技术在罕见病诊疗中的应用。  相似文献   

刘振  徐建红 《遗传》2015,37(9):885-898
高通量测序技术极大地提高了测序效率,大幅度降低了测序成本,同时该技术具有特异性好、灵敏度高、精确性高等优势,目前已被广泛应用于遗传变异、转录组学和表观组学等研究。近年来,高通量测序技术也逐渐应用于转座子的研究,并取得了丰硕的成果。本文主要综述了高通量测序技术在转座子研究中的应用,包括转座子含量估算、靶点偏好性及分布、多态性及群体频率、稀有转座子的鉴定、转座子的水平转移以及转座子标签技术中的应用等,并简要介绍了目前研究中采用的主要测序策略和算法,及其存在的利弊和相应的解决方案。最后对高通量测序技术,尤其是第三代测序技术的发展趋势和它们在转座子未来的研究中的应用进行了展望,以期为相关的科研人员提供一个全面的了解和参考。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to estimate the clinical performance of non‐invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) based on high‐throughput sequencing method for the detection of foetal chromosomal deletions and duplications. A total of 6348 pregnant women receiving NIPT using high‐throughput sequencing method were included in our study. They all conceived naturally, without twins, triplets or multiple births. Individuals showing abnormalities in NIPT received invasive ultrasound‐guided amniocentesis for chromosomal karyotype and microarray analysis at 18‐24 weeks of pregnancy. Detection results of foetal chromosomal deletions and duplications were compared between high‐throughput sequencing method and chromosomal karyotype and microarray analysis. Thirty‐eight individuals were identified to show 51 chromosomal deletions/duplications via high‐throughput sequencing method. In subsequent chromosomal karyotype and microarray analysis, 34 subchromosomal deletions/duplications were identified in 26 pregnant women. The observed deletions and duplications ranged from 1.05 to 17.98 Mb. Detection accuracy for these deletions and duplications was 66.7%. Twenty‐one deletions and duplications were found to be correlated with the known abnormalities. NIPT based on high‐throughput sequencing technique is able to identify foetal chromosomal deletions and duplications, but its sensitivity and specificity were not explored. Further progress should be made to reduce false‐positive results.  相似文献   

The generation of genome‐scale data is critical for a wide range of questions in basic biology using model organisms, but also in questions of applied biology in nonmodel organisms (agriculture, natural resources, conservation and public health biology). Using a genome‐scale approach on a diverse group of nonmodel organisms and with the goal of lowering costs of the method, we modified a multiplexed, high‐throughput genomic scan technique utilizing two restriction enzymes. We analysed several pairs of restriction enzymes and completed double‐digestion RAD sequencing libraries for nine different species and five genera of insects and fish. We found one particular enzyme pair produced consistently higher number of sequence‐able fragments across all nine species. Building libraries off this enzyme pair, we found a range of usable SNPs between 4000 and 37 000 SNPS per species and we found a greater number of usable SNPs using reference genomes than de novo pipelines in STACKS. We also found fewer reads in the Read 2 fragments from the paired‐end Illumina Hiseq run. Overall, the results of this study provide empirical evidence of the utility of this method for producing consistent data for diverse nonmodel species and suggest specific considerations for sequencing analysis strategies.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder appeared due to the presence of trisomy in chromosome 21 in the G-group of the acrocentric region. DS is also known as non-Mendelian inheritance, due to the lack of Mendel’s laws. The disorder in children is identified through clinical symptoms and chromosomal analysis and till now there are no biochemical and molecular analyses. Presently, whole exome sequencing (WES) has largely contributed in identifying the new disease-causing genes and represented a significant breakthrough in the field of human genetics and this technique uses high throughput sequencing technologies to determine the arrangement of DNA base pairs specifying the protein coding regions of an individual’s genome. Apart from this next generation sequencing and whole genome sequencing also contribute for identifying the disease marker. From this review, the suggestion was to perform the WES is DS children to identify the marker region.  相似文献   

High‐throughput sequencing has been proposed as a method to genotype microsatellites and overcome the four main technical drawbacks of capillary electrophoresis: amplification artifacts, imprecise sizing, length homoplasy, and limited multiplex capability. The objective of this project was to test a high‐throughput amplicon sequencing approach to fragment analysis of short tandem repeats and characterize its advantages and disadvantages against traditional capillary electrophoresis. We amplified and sequenced 12 muskrat microsatellite loci from 180 muskrat specimens and analyzed the sequencing data for precision of allele calling, propensity for amplification or sequencing artifacts, and for evidence of length homoplasy. Of the 294 total alleles, we detected by sequencing, only 164 alleles would have been detected by capillary electrophoresis as the remaining 130 alleles (44%) would have been hidden by length homoplasy. The ability to detect a greater number of unique alleles resulted in the ability to resolve greater population genetic structure. The primary advantages of fragment analysis by sequencing are the ability to precisely size fragments, resolve length homoplasy, multiplex many individuals and many loci into a single high‐throughput run, and compare data across projects and across laboratories (present and future) with minimal technical calibration. A significant disadvantage of fragment analysis by sequencing is that the method is only practical and cost‐effective when performed on batches of several hundred samples with multiple loci. Future work is needed to optimize throughput while minimizing costs and to update existing microsatellite allele calling and analysis programs to accommodate sequence‐aware microsatellite data.  相似文献   

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