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The electrical potential difference across a plant or animalcell membrane can be caused by at least three different mechanisms,acting alone or in concert. First, a Donnan equilibrium canaccount for a sizable membrane potential without the participationof any active transport process. In a Donnan equilibrium themembrane potential is generated by the diffusion of permeatingions down their concentration gradients. The asymmetric distributionof permeating ions is caused by the presence of charged, nondiffusibleions, e.g., proteins inside the cell. The second mechanism isan electrically neutral ion pump, e.g., the coupled sodium-potassiumpump found in many types of cells. An electrically neutral pumpcan generate a large membrane potential if the membrane hasa high passive permeability to one of the actively transportedions, usually potassium. The third mechanism is an electrogenicion pump, which makes a substantial contribution to the membranepotential in several types of plant and animal cells. An electrogenicpump directly causes a net movement of charge across the cellmembrane. The membrane voltage generated by the pump then causesa passive flow of diffusible ions which partially short circuitsthe potential difference generated by the pump.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway has been implicated in homeostasis and disease, including cancer, in various tissues. Moreover, it has been involved both in stem cell maintenance and differentiation, in a context-dependent manner. Stem/progenitor cells, on the other hand, have long been suspected to be the cells of origin in various malignancies. In order to gain insight in the role of the Notch ligand Dll1 in mouse development, we generated a knock-in line expressing an inducible Cre recombinase. We have employed in vivo approaches in mice to genetically mark rare subpopulations of cells expressing Dll1 in various adult tissues. Moreover, we conditionally expressed a constitutively active Ras oncoprotein in these cells and showed that within days, mice develop squamous neoplasias in the skin, as well as in the stomach.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase activity was investigated in developing primary astroglial cultures established from newborn mouse cerebral hemispheres. Between the 2nd and 4th week of culture there was little change in activity under our standard culturing conditions; however, when hydrocortisone (10 microM) was added to the cultures for 48 h, the enzyme activity increased two- to fourfold, depending upon the age of the culture, with maximum response in 2-week-old cultures. The addition of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dBcAMP) to the culture medium caused morphological differentiation of the astroglial cells but eliminated the response of the cells to hydrocortisone. Culturing in elevated serum levels, which delays morphological differentiation and inhibits astroglial cytodifferentiation after exposure to dBcAMP, shifted the time of maximal response to hydrocortisone from 2 to 3 weeks and prevented the abolishment of glutamine synthetase induction by dBcAMP. The induction of glutamine synthetase by hydrocortisone was prevented by actinomycin D (0.5 microgram/ml), indicating its dependence upon RNA and protein synthesis. The present work thus confirms reports in the literature that hydrocortisone induces glutamine synthetase in neural tissues, but differs from the findings of Moscona and co-workers in the chick retina that intact tissues are required for the induction to occur.  相似文献   

A simple method for identifying the species of origin of mammalian cells in tissue sections using Hoechst dye #33258 is described. This rapid procedure involves staining fresh frozen or formalin fixed paraffin sections with 4 µg/ml of Hoechst #33258 for one minute at room temperature; following one to five minutes of washing in running tap water, the slides are coverslipped using McIlvaine's buffer (pH 5.5) and sealed with clear lacquer. Sections examined by fluorescence microscopy indicate that mouse cells contain several small discrete intranuclear fluorescent bodies, which are absent in cells from either rat or human. This simple technique should be useful in studying developmental phenomena in chimeric organs.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal coadministration of adenosine and L-homocysteine markedly increased S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine in whole mouse brain, but further investigations showed that this elevation could also be produced following administration of L-homocysteine alone. The noted increase was maximal (+1325%) 10 min after treatment, remaining at about this level for 30-40 min before returning to control values after 180 min. Cerebral adenosine levels were decreased after treatment with L-homocysteine, adenosine, or these two substances in combination.  相似文献   

Two-photon Microscopy (TPM) enables us to image deep into the thymus and document the events that are important for thymocyte development. To follow the migration of individuals in a crowd of thymocytes , we generate neonatal chimeras where less than one percent of the thymocytes are derived from a donor that is transgenic for a ubiquitously express fluorescent protein. To generate these partial hematopoetic chimeras, neonatal recipients are injected with bone marrow between 3-7 days of age. After 4-6 weeks, the mouse is sacrificed and the thymus is carefully dissected and bissected preserving the architecture of the tissue that will be imaged. The thymus is glued onto a coverslip in preparation for ex vivo imaging by TPM. During imaging the thymus is kept in DMEM without phenol red that is perfused with 95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide and warmed to 37°C. Using this approach, we can study the events required for the generation of a diverse T cell repertoire.Download video file.(86M, mov)  相似文献   

THERE is increasing evidence that thymus cells migrate from the thymus to the peripheral lymphoid tissues where they make up most, if not all, of the thymus-dependent population of lymphocytes1–3. The term “thymus-derived” is thus appropriately applied to this population. Yet most thymocytes are different from peripheral lymphocytes, both in immunological competence and in surface antigenic characteristics. For example, thymocytes have more theta (θ)4 and less H2 antigen5 than do peripheral lymphocytes and in TL-positive strains of mice only thymocytes normally express the TL antigen6. Recently, Lance et al.7 found that injected thymocytes which had migrated to lymph nodes and spleen were progressively less susceptible to anti-TL and more susceptible to anti-H2 serum over the first 24 h. I report here experiments in which thymus cells injected intravenously into irradiated syngeneic mice and harvested as early as 3 h later from the peripheral lymphoid tissues can be shown to have the surface antigenic properties of peripheral thymus-derived lymphocytes rather than thymocytes. A second experiment demonstrates that at least part of the differentiation from thymocyte to thymus-derived lymphocyte seems to occur within the thymus.  相似文献   

THE thymus is necessary for the normal development of cell-mediated immunity in mice as shown by the immunological defects after neonatal thymectomy1. Thymus cells themselves can be stimulated by allogeneic lymphoid cells in mixed leucocyte reaction (MLR)2 and become killer cells or cytotoxic lymphocytes after stimulation with allogeneic spleen cells in vitro (H. Wagner and M. Feldmann, unpublished work) and in vivo3,4. This suggests that the thymus as well as peripheral lymphoid tissues contain T cells which can be stimulated by foreign histocompatibility antigen to divide and differentiate into the cytotoxic lymphocytes which mediate cellular immunity. There have been suggestions that thymus cells might be stimulated to divide by “self” antigen, as well as foreign cells: incorporation of 3H-thymidine above background levels has been found in cultures with syngeneic spleen and thymus cells of adult rats5, although the experiments do not determine whether thymus or spleen cells have been stimulated. In contrast to these experiments, Howe et al. reported that only thymus cells of neonatal CBA mice reacted to allogeneic and syngeneic spleen cells of adult animals in “one way” MLR cultures6,7. Whether the reaction of neonatal thymus cells to syngeneic adult spleen cells is recognition of “self” antigens is uncertain, since spleens of adult mice could carry antigens which do not occur in neonatal animals and are therefore “unknown” for neonatal thymus cells. We demonstrate here that neonatal thymus cells do not react to 4-day-old CBA spleen cells, but adult thymus cells do react against both allogeneic and syngeneic adult spleen cells.  相似文献   

Activation of Thymus Cells by Histocompatibility Antigens   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
“Educated” or “activated” thymus cells have been shown, by the use of “strong” histocompatibility antigens, to be immunocompetent only against the antigens by which they were originally activated.  相似文献   

Intrathymic lipid-laden multilocular cells (LLMC) are known to express pro-inflammatory factors that might regulate functional activity of the thymus. However, the phenotype of age-associated intrathymic LLMC is still controversial. In this study, we evaluated LLMC density in the aging thymus and better characterized their distribution, ultrastructure and phenotype. Our results show an increased density of LLMC in the thymus from 03 to 24 months of age. Morphologically, intrathymic LLMC exhibit fibroblastoid fusiform, globular or stellate shapes and can be found in the subcapsular region as well as deeper in the parenchyma, including the perivascular area. Some parenchymal LLMC were like telocytes accumulating lipids. We identified lipid droplets with different electrondensities, lipofuscin granules and autolipophagosome-like structures, indicating heterogeneous lipid content in these cells. Autophagosome formation in intrathymic LLMC was confirmed by positive staining for beclin-1 and perilipin (PLIN), marker for lipid droplet-associated proteins. We also found LLMC in close apposition to thymic stromal cells, endothelial cells, mast cells and lymphocytes. Phenotypically, we identified intrathymic LLMC as preadipocytes (PLIN+PPARγ2+), brown adipocytes (PLIN+UCP1+), macrophages (PLIN+Iba-1+) or pericytes (PLIN+NG2+) but not epithelial cells (PLIN- panCK+). These data indicate that intrathymic LLMC are already present in the young thymus and their density significantly increases with age. We also suggest that LLMC, which are morphologically distinct, establish direct contact with lymphocytes and interact with stromal cells. Finally, we evidence that intrathymic LLMC correspond to not only one but to distinct cell types accumulating lipids.  相似文献   

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