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Solomon SG  Peirce JW  Dhruv NT  Lennie P 《Neuron》2004,42(1):155-162
Prior exposure to a moving grating of high contrast led to a substantial and persistent reduction in the contrast sensitivity of neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of macaque. This slow contrast adaptation was potent in all magnocellular (M) cells but essentially absent in parvocellular (P) cells and neurons that received input from S cones. Simultaneous recordings of M cells and the potentials of ganglion cells driving them showed that adaptation originated in ganglion cells. As expected from the spatiotemporal tuning of M cells, adaptation was broadly tuned for spatial frequency and lacked orientation selectivity. Adaptation could be induced by high temporal frequencies to which cortical neurons do not respond, but not by low temporal frequencies that can strongly adapt cortical neurons. Our observations confirm that contrast adaptation occurs at multiple levels in the visual system, and they provide a new way to reveal the function and perceptual significance of the M pathway.  相似文献   

Baccus SA  Meister M 《Neuron》2004,42(1):5-7
Human vision adapts to the contrast of patterns by changing its sensitivity, but the origins of this perceptual adaptation have been disputed. In this issue of Neuron, Solomon et al. show that contrast adaptation in the primate arises mostly in the retina for the magnocellular pathway and mostly in the cortex for the parvocellular pathway. It appears that adaptation arises most strongly at sites that pool over many inputs.  相似文献   

Weick M  Demb JB 《Neuron》2011,71(1):166-179
Retinal ganglion cells adapt by reducing their sensitivity during periods of high contrast. Contrast adaptation in the firing response depends on both presynaptic and intrinsic mechanisms. Here, we investigated intrinsic mechanisms for contrast adaptation in OFF Alpha ganglion cells in the in vitro guinea pig retina. Using either visual stimulation or current injection, we show that brief depolarization evoked spiking and suppressed firing during subsequent depolarization. The suppression could be explained by Na channel inactivation, as shown in salamander cells. However, brief hyperpolarization in the physiological range (5-10 mV) also suppressed firing during subsequent depolarization. This suppression was selectively sensitive to blockers of delayed-rectifier K channels (K(DR)). In somatic membrane patches, we observed tetraethylammonium-sensitive K(DR) currents that activated near -25 mV. Recovery from inactivation occurred at potentials hyperpolarized to V(rest). Brief periods of hyperpolarization apparently remove K(DR) inactivation and thereby increase the channel pool available to suppress excitability during subsequent depolarization.  相似文献   

Quantitative aspects of the photochemistry of visual adaptation are considered. A simplied model is given that fits data on changes of rhodopsin concentration during and following strong illumination. A variation on Wald’s compartment hypothesis is shown to fit the quasilinear dependence of log threshold upon pigment concentration. Finally, there is a brief review of pertinent data on cone pigments. This research was supported in part by the United States Air Force through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research Development Command under Contract No. AF(638)-414, and in part by the United States Public Health Service Training Grant 2G-833.  相似文献   

Contrast adaptation and contrast masking in human vision.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After a preliminary study of visual evoked potentials (VEPS) to a test grating seen in the presence of masks at different orientations, psychophysical data are presented showing the effects of adaptation and of masking on thresholds for detecting the same test grating. The test is a vertical grating of spatial frequency 2 cycles per degree; adapting and masking gratings differ from the test either in orientation or in spatial frequency. The effects of adaptation and masking are explained by a single mechanism model that assumes: (i) adaptation and masking both alter the contrast response (or transducer) function of the mechanism that detects the test; (ii) masks, but not adaptors, stimulate the mechanism that detects the test; and (iii) a test is detectable when it raises response level by a constant amount. The model incorporates two distinct tuning functions, a broad adaptive contrast function and a narrow effective contrast function. It accounts adequately for all the data, including the location and size of the facilitative dip found in some masking functions, the constant slopes of the threshold elevation segments of adaptation functions and the varying slopes of masking functions. It also predicts the sometimes surprising joint effects of adaptation followed by masking and of two masks operating simultaneously.  相似文献   

What humans perceive depends in part on what they have previously experienced. After repeated exposure to one stimulus, adaptation takes place in the form of a negative correlation between the current percept and the last displayed stimuli. Previous work has shown that this negative dependence can extend to a few minutes in the past, but the precise extent and nature of the dependence in vision is still unknown. In two experiments based on orientation judgments, we reveal a positive dependence of a visual percept with stimuli presented remotely in the past, unexpectedly and in contrast to what is known for the recent past. Previous theories of adaptation have postulated that the visual system attempts to calibrate itself relative to an ideal norm or to the recent past. We propose instead that the remote past is used to estimate the world's statistics and that this estimate becomes the reference. According to this new framework, adaptation is predictive: the most likely forthcoming percept is the one that helps the statistics of the most recent percepts match that of the remote past.  相似文献   

Saccadic adaptation [1] is a powerful experimental paradigm to probe the mechanisms of eye movement control and spatial vision, in which saccadic amplitudes change in response to false visual feedback. The adaptation occurs primarily in the motor system [2, 3], but there is also evidence for visual adaptation, depending on the size and the permanence of the postsaccadic error [4-7]. Here we confirm that adaptation has a strong visual component and show that the visual component of the adaptation is spatially selective in external, not retinal coordinates. Subjects performed?a memory-guided, double-saccade, outward-adaptation task designed to maximize visual adaptation and to dissociate the visual and motor corrections. When the memorized saccadic target was in the same position (in external space) as that used in the adaptation training, saccade targeting was strongly influenced by adaptation (even if not matched in retinal or cranial position), but when in the same retinal or cranial but different external spatial position, targeting was unaffected by adaptation, demonstrating unequivocal spatiotopic selectivity. These results point to the existence of a spatiotopic neural representation for eye movement control that adapts in response to saccade error signals.  相似文献   

Whether contrast adaptation may enhance contrast discrimination is a question that has remained largely unresolved because of conflicting empirical evidence. Greenlee and Heitger (1988), for example, reported that contrast discrimination may be enhanced after contrast adaptation, while Maattanen and Koenderink (1991) did not. This paper aimed to account for the different conclusions reached by these independent researchers by manipulations of key differences that exist between the two studies. It is shown that contrast discrimination may be enhanced after adaptation, but that these effects can vary markedly across subjects and test conditions. Enhancements in contrast discrimination are reported to be significant when adapting and testing at low levels of contrast, but just significant at higher levels of contrast. For high contrast signals; enhancements are shown to be independent of temporal frequency but dependent upon viewing conditions. Under binocular viewing conditions, enhancements in contrast discrimination thresholds are shown to be significantly higher than under monocular viewing conditions. It is suggested that the different conclusions reached by Greenlee and Heitger and by Maattanen and Koenderink may be explained by their respective differences in viewing conditions. The former study used binocular, while the latter study used monocular viewing with an occluding eyepatch.  相似文献   

A multichannel model incorporating visual inhomogeneity is presented in this paper. The parameters that describe inhomogeneity have been experimentally obtained both at threshold and in several suprathreshold conditions. At threshold, probability summation is taken into account in order to determine the spatial extent of visual channels from experimental data showing an asymptotic increase in sensitivity with increasing grating area. At suprathreshold contrast, the region where luminance variations at several scales are visible has also been found. The results support a spatially limited multichannel model of early visual processing and set out a basis for studying perceptual phenomena from the viewpoint of linear space-variant visual processing.  相似文献   

Experiments were made in adult cats with different transections of the classical and commissural visual tracts to study evoked potentials and unit neuronal activity in response to visual stimulation. The commissural channels of the telencephalon, diencephalon and mesencephalon were demonstrated to be highly effective in visual information conduction to the visual cortex. Complete transection of the classical and commissural tracts with the exception of the commissural tract of the third ventricle fundus and midbrain reticular formation resulted in the disappearance of evoked potentials in the visual cortex in response to light flashes, despite the fact that 8 of the 15 recorded neurons responded to photostimulation. Activation of such neurons was caused by visual information conduction via two possible commissural channels: midbrain reticular formation and subventricular interhemispheric commissures of the diencephalon.  相似文献   

After an observer adapts to a moving stimulus, texture within a stationary stimulus is perceived to drift in the opposite direction-the traditional motion aftereffect (MAE). It has recently been shown that the perceived position of objects can be markedly influenced by motion adaptation. In the present study, we examine the selectivity of positional shifts resulting from motion adaptation to stimulus attributes such as velocity, relative contrast, and relative spatial frequency. In addition, we ask whether spatial position can be modified in the absence of perceived motion. Results show that when adapting and test stimuli have collinear carrier gratings, the global position of the object shows a substantial shift in the direction of the illusory motion. When the carrier gratings of the adapting and test stimuli are orthogonal (a configuration in which no MAE is experienced), a global positional shift of similar magnitude is found. The illusory positional shift was found to be immune to changes in spatial frequency and to contrast between adapting and test stimuli-manipulations that dramatically reduce the magnitude of the traditional MAE. The lack of sensitivity for stimulus characteristics other than direction of motion suggests that a specialized population of cortical neurones, which are insensitive to changes in a number of rudimentary visual attributes, may modulate positional representation in lower cortical areas.  相似文献   

Several recent demonstrations using visual adaptation have revealed high-level aftereffects for complex patterns including faces. While traditional aftereffects involve perceptual distortion of simple attributes such as orientation or colour that are processed early in the visual cortical hierarchy, face adaptation affects perceived identity and expression, which are thought to be products of higher-order processing. And, unlike most simple aftereffects, those involving faces are robust to changes in scale, position and orientation between the adapting and test stimuli. These differences raise the question of how closely related face aftereffects are to traditional ones. Little is known about the build-up and decay of the face aftereffect, and the similarity of these dynamic processes to traditional aftereffects might provide insight into this relationship. We examined the effect of varying the duration of both the adapting and test stimuli on the magnitude of perceived distortions in face identity. We found that, just as with traditional aftereffects, the identity aftereffect grew logarithmically stronger as a function of adaptation time and exponentially weaker as a function of test duration. Even the subtle aspects of these dynamics, such as the power-law relationship between the adapting and test durations, closely resembled that of other aftereffects. These results were obtained with two different sets of face stimuli that differed greatly in their low-level properties. We postulate that the mechanisms governing these shared dynamics may be dissociable from the responses of feature-selective neurons in the early visual cortex.  相似文献   

Summary Visual Adaptation poses numerous problems: in some situations bleached pigment and background lights exert equivalent effects on the visual threshold, while in other situations they do not. Adaptation in man spans a range of more that 10 log units, yet receptor polarization—if this be considered as a measure of the response—saturates over 3 or 4 log units in various animals, including primates. To resolve problems such as these, a model is proposed for the responses and interactions of retinal cells, especially receptor, horizontal, and bipolar cells. It is postulated that receptors can give an output either in terms of ionic flux and polarization changes or chemical synaptic activity. These can both contribute to retinal thresholds, which will also depend, however, on the level of bleached pigment in receptors, as well as on processes in the neural network of the retina. The horizontal cells transmit a signal only if the transmission line is opened at each end through synaptic activity. This opening of the line occurs in response to light stimuli, as distinct from those due to bleaching. Bipolar cells integrate the receptor output with the surround inhibition of the horizontal cells. The amacrine cells perform a second difference operation with respect to rates of change. It is argued that the model is consistent with experimental data on cellular and membrane responses in the retina and that various psychophysical data can be explained on this basis. The objective of this paper is to try to understand the responses of an organ in terms of cell responses and interactions. Specifically, the organ here is the eye and the cells are the neurons in the retina.  相似文献   

It is now generally accepted that the human visual system consists of subsystems (channels) that may be activated in parallel. According to some models of detection, detection is by probability summation among channels, while in other models it is assumed that detection is by a single channel that may even be tuned specifically to the stimulus pattern (detection by a matched filter). So far, arguments in particular for the hypothesis of probbbility summation are based on plausibility considerations and on demonstrations that the data from certain detection experiments are compatible with this hypothesis. In this paper it is shown that linear contrast interrelationship functions together with a property of a large class of distribution functions (strict log-concavity or logconvexity on the relevant set of contrasts/intensities) uniquely point to detection by a single channel. In particular, models of detection by probability summation based on Quick's Model are incompatible with linear contrast interrelationship functions. Sufficient (and observable) conditions for the strict logconcavity/log-convexity of distribution functions are presented.  相似文献   

Fast and slow contrast adaptation in retinal circuitry   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Baccus SA  Meister M 《Neuron》2002,36(5):909-919
The visual system adapts to the magnitude of intensity fluctuations, and this process begins in the retina. Following the switch from a low-contrast environment to one of high contrast, ganglion cell sensitivity declines in two distinct phases: a fast change occurs in <0.1 s, and a slow decrease over approximately 10 s. To examine where these modulations arise, we recorded intracellularly from every major cell type in the salamander retina. Certain bipolar and amacrine cells, and all ganglion cells, adapted to contrast. Generally, these neurons showed both fast and slow adaptation. Fast effects of a contrast increase included accelerated kinetics, decreased sensitivity, and a depolarization of the baseline membrane potential. Slow adaptation did not affect kinetics, but produced a gradual hyperpolarization. This hyperpolarization can account for slow adaptation in the spiking output of ganglion cells.  相似文献   

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