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The four existing species of the ascophoran bryozoan Pentapora Fisher, 1807 are revised, and two new fossil species are introduced: Pentapora lacryma sp. nov. from the Pliocene Coralline Crag Formation of Suffolk, and Pentapora clipeus sp. nov. from the Pliocene of Emilia, Italy. The Arctic species Pentapora boreale Kuklinski & Hayward possesses a lyrula, does not belong in Pentapora, and is a junior synonym of Raymondcia rigida (Lorenz). The morphology of the autozooids is relatively uniform within the genus, and the main distinguishing characters are those of the ovicells and, particularly, the giant avicularia that are developed sporadically in all species apart from Pentapora foliacea, popularly known as ‘Ross coral’. A phylogenetic analysis based on skeletal characters returned a single shortest tree in which the three species of Pentapora from the North Atlantic (P. foliacea, Pentapora pertusa, and P. lacryma sp. nov. ) form a clade crownward of the three basal species from the Mediterranean (Pentapora ottomulleriana, Pentapora fascialis, and P. clipeus sp. nov. ). © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 17–39.  相似文献   

In this study we revise the cheilostome bryozoan genus Buffonellaria Canu & Bassler, 1927 and its Mediterranean and north-east Atlantic species, thereby addressing several existing problems. First, a lectotype for the type species, Buffonellaria divergens (Smitt, 1873) from Florida, is chosen, which proves to be distinct from the European species. Second, the two hitherto established north-east Atlantic species [ Buffonellaria nebulosa ( Jullien & Calvet, 1903 ) and Buffonellaria porcellanum Arístegui Ruiz, 1987], are redescribed, which were poorly documented until now. Third, close inspection of material, collected from Spitsbergen to tropical West Africa, using scanning electron microscopy reveals that the actual number of species, all previously referred to either B. divergens or Stephanosella biaperta (Michelin, 1848), is distinctly greater in the north-east Atlantic than has been previously acknowledged. As a result, seven new species are introduced ( Buffonellaria acorensis sp. nov. , Buffonellaria antoniettae sp. nov. , Buffonellaria arctica sp. nov. , Buffonellaria harmelini sp. nov. , Buffonellaria jensi sp. nov. , Buffonellaria muriella sp. nov. , and Buffonellaria ritae sp. nov. ), whereas two are left in open nomenclature. With the increase in number of species, the extremely broad geographical range of distribution assumed for B. divergens breaks down to numerous restricted areas. However, although most species have only been reported from a single location, B. arctica sp. nov. seems to have a fairly wide distribution in the Arctic region.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 537–566.  相似文献   

We describe a striking new species of the lungless salamander family Plethodontidae from the Appalachian foothills of northern Georgia, USA. This miniature species, c . 25–26 mm (adult standard length), is so distinctive genetically and morphologically that we erect a new genus, the first new genus of amphibian described from the US in nearly 50 years. It is unique among plethodontids from eastern North America in displaying sexual colour dimorphism. Although certain miniaturized plethodontids exhibit a reduced number (four) of digits on the pes, this species possesses a full complement of five toes. A plethodontid phylogeny derived from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences places it in the tribe Spelerpini as the sister taxon to Eurycea . Genetic divergence between the new species and Eurycea for the nuclear gene Rag -1 (4.7%) is among the higher levels observed between long-established spelerpine genera (2.6–5.3%). This new form appears to be rare and is of immediate conservation concern.  相似文献   

The Neotropical genus Catharylla Zeller, 1863 (type species: Crambus tenellus Zeller, 1839) is redescribed. Catharylla contiguella Zeller, 1872, C. interrupta Zeller, 1866 and Myelois sericina Zeller, 1881, included by Munroe (1995) in Catharylla, are moved to Argyria Hübner. Catharylla paulella Schaus, 1922 and C. tenellus (Zeller, 1839) are redescribed. Six new species are described by Léger and Landry: C. bijuga, C. chelicerata, C. coronata, C. gigantea, C. mayrabonillae and C. serrabonita. The phylogenetic relationships were investigated using morphological as well as molecular data (COI, wingless, EF-1α genes). The median and subterminal transverse lines of the forewing as well as the short anterior and posterior apophyses of the female genitalia are characteristic of the genus. The monophyly of Catharylla was recovered in all phylogenetic analyses of the molecular and the combined datasets, with three morphological apomorphies highlighted. Phylogenetic analyses of the morphology of the two sexes recovered three separate species groups within Catharylla: the chelicerata, the mayrabonillae, and the tenellus species groups. The possible position of Micrelephas Schaus, 1922 as sister to Catharylla, based on both morphological and molecular data, and the status of tribe Argyriini are discussed. The biogeographical data indicate that the chelicerata species group is restricted to the Guyanas and the Amazonian regions whereas the tenellus group is restricted to the Atlantic Forest in the South-Eastern part of Brazil. The mayrabonillae group is widespread from Costa Rica to South Bolivia with an allopatric distribution of the two species. COI barcode sequences indicate relatively strong divergence within C. bijuga, C. mayrabonillae, C. serrabonita and C. tenellus.  相似文献   

Species of the braconid wasp genus Yelicones Cameron from North, Central and South America are revised and the first phylogenetic analysis of the world Yelicones fauna is presented. The results are considered from a biogeographical perspective and the effect of including and excluding colour characters is investigated. One hundred and twenty‐four species from throughout the world are recognised. Eighty‐five species are from the New World, 63 of which are new. A fully illustrated key to New World species is provided. A total of 116 characters were scored, of which 86 were morphological and 30 were based on the wasps’ colour pattern. All analyses show a near perfect diversion between New and Old World species. However, analyses excluding and including colour produced completely opposite results in terms of whether New or Old World species were basal. We found that in our data matrix colour characters performed at least as well as morphological characters in terms of their ensemble retention index, making it difficult to decide which phylogenetic hypotheses is correct. However, consideration of venom apparatus features leads us to prefer the hypotheses placing the New World taxa basally.  相似文献   

We studied by SEM the external morphology of the ooecium in eight bryozoans of the genus Cauloramphus (Cheilostomata, Calloporidae): C. spinifer, C. variegatus, C. magnus, C. multiavicularia, C. tortilis, C. cryptoarmatus, C. niger, and C. multispinosus, and by sectioning and light microscopy the anatomy of the brooding apparatus of C. spinifer, C. cryptoarmatus, and C. niger. These species all have a brood sac, formed by invagination of the non-calcified distal body wall of the maternal zooid, located in the distal half of the maternal (egg-producing) autozooid, and a vestigial, maternally budded kenozooidal ooecium. The brood sac comprises a main chamber and a long passage (neck) opening externally independently of the introvert. The non-calcified portion of the maternal distal wall between the neck and tip of the zooidal operculum is involved in closing and opening the brood sac, and contains both musculature and a reduced sclerite that suggest homology with the ooecial vesicle of a hyperstomial ovicell. We interpret the brooding apparatus in Cauloramphus as a highly modified form of cheilostome hyperstomial ovicell, as both types share 1) a brood chamber bounded by 2) the ooecium and 3) a component of the distal wall of the maternal zooid. We discuss Cauloramphus as a hypothetical penultimate stage in ovicell reduction in calloporid bryozoans. We suggest that the internal-brooding genus Gontarella, of uncertain taxonomic affinities, is actually a calloporid and represents the ultimate stage in which no trace of the ooecium remains. Internal brooding apparently evolved several times independently within the Calloporidae.  相似文献   

A new species‐group of the dobsonfly genus Protohermes is proposed, the Protohermes xanthodes species‐group. Three species from eastern Asia belonging to the new species‐group are redescribed and illustrated. Phylogenetic relationships among the species in this group, as well as the biogeography of these species, are discussed on the basis of a cladistic analysis.  相似文献   

Six new Ophryotrocha species are described from five whale-falls and two wood-falls off the southern Californian coast. Phylogenetic analyses based on the nuclear gene H3 and the mitochondrial genes COI and 16S using MrBayes and maximum likelihood analyses were performed on 40 dorvilleid taxa and one outgroup. Ophryotrocha batillus sp. nov. is morphologically identical to Ophryotrocha scutellus described from a shallow water whale-fall in the North Atlantic, although the two cryptic species differ genetically. Ophryotrocha langstrumpae sp. nov. is closely related in the molecular phylogenetic analyses to these two sibling species. Ophryotrocha flabella sp. nov. is similar to Ophryotrocha globopalpata, and although there are a few morphological differences, the genetic divergence is low between the two species. Ophryotrocha nauarchus sp. nov. is sexually dimorphic, with males having appendages on the first chaetiger. Ophryotrocha magnadentata sp. nov. and Ophryotrocha longicollaris sp. nov. are sister species in our molecular analyses, and together with O. nauarchus sp. nov. and O. flabella sp. nov. they fall within a clade that includes O. globopalpata and Exallopus jumarsi described from hydrothermal vents in the Pacific Ocean and Ophryotrocha longidentata from the shallow North Atlantic. Our results highlight the remarkable unknown diversity of deep-water habitats and the role of chemosynthetic ecosystems in the evolution of deep-sea life.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the New World species of the genus Trichadenotecnum is revised. A total of 44 species, including 29 new species, were treated. These species are classified into 12 monophyletic species groups, eight of them newly proposed here. Two species previously assigned to Trichadenotecnum , T. pichincha New & Thornton and T. sylvaticum Turner, are recognized as not belonging to this genus. Phylogenetic relationships among 16 previously and presently proposed species groups are estimated based on a data matrix of 58 morphological characters. Trees from these analyses support monophyly of Trichadenotecnum and the proposed species groups. The New World species were divided into three major clades. Based on the phylogenetic hypothesis and distributional pattern of the species groups, the biogeographical history of the New World Trichadenotecnum is discussed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 153 , 651–723.  相似文献   

Klasea , traditionally treated as a section in Serratula , is now widely accepted at the generic level. A classification of the genus is presented here, accommodating the 46 species in ten sections based on nuclear ribosomal DNA external and internal transcribed spacer sequence data and morphology. New combinations for five species and ten subspecies are published, and a new hybrid species is described. The genus ranges from the Iberian Peninsula and north Africa through southern and eastern Europe, west and central Asia to the Himalayas, and the Far East of Russia and China. The ancestral area is in west Asia, most probably eastern Anatolia and northern and western Iran. In this region, representatives of all sections are present. The largest section Klasea diversified most likely in the mountains of central Asia. A key to all Klasea species is provided.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 435–464.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of octocoral with a calcium-carbonate skeleton, Nanipora kamurai sp. n., is described from a shallow coral reef in Okinawa, Japan. Contrary to most octocorals, the skeleton is composed of crystalline aragonite as in blue coral Heliopora. The results of molecular phylogenetic analyses of sequences of mtMutS, COI, and ITS1-5.8s-ITS2-28S region suggest Nanipora gen. n. specimens should be included in order Helioporacea. Based on morphological results compared with other Helioporacea including the genus Epiphaxum (family Lithotelestidae), we establish the new genus Nanipora within Lithotelestidae. This is the first time that a close molecular phylogenetic relationship between Heliopora and a related genus within Helioporacea has been revealed.  相似文献   

Osflintia manu, new genus, new species, of long-horned caddisfly (Leptoceridae: Triplectidinae: Grumichellini) is described and illustrated from southeastern Peru. The phylogeny of Grumichellini Morse (Leptoceridae: Triplectidinae) is revisited and hypotheses of homology of some morphological characters are reconsidered. The monophyly of the tribe is corroborated and the phylogenetic relationships of its included genera are inferred to be (Triplexa (Gracilipsodes ((Grumichella, Amazonatolica) (Atanatolica, Osflintia, n. gen.)))) from adult and larval characters. Diagnostic characters of the new genus include the following: reduced tibial spur formula (2, 2, 2), loss of forewing crossvein sc-r1, hind wing discoidal cell closed, hind wing fork IV present, pair of long setae on tergum IX of the male genitalia, and pair of processes on the apex of segment X.  相似文献   

根据采自全国20个省、自治区的盔孢伞属Galerina真菌标本整理、鉴定,确认出36种,其中包含28个已知种和8个中国新记录种。对中国新记录种褐柄盔孢伞G. badipes、帆孢盔孢伞G. calyptrata、迦佩盔孢伞G. jaapii、假拟提灯藓盔孢伞G. pseudomniophila、沼泽盔孢伞G. paludosa、泡孢盔孢伞G. physospora、萨列里盔孢伞G. sahleri和胫囊盔孢伞G. tibiicystis进行了详尽的形态学描述,提供了原生态照片和显微特征线条图以及分亚属、分种检索表。通过相关研究材料进行DNA提取,所得21条ITS序列与73条下载序列利用贝叶斯法及最大似然法构建系统发育树,验证鉴定结果的准确性。  相似文献   

塔叶苔属(Schiffneria Steph.)(Hepaticae)的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李微  高谦  吴玉环 《植物研究》2006,26(4):389-391
塔叶苔属(Schiffneria Steph.)建立于1894年。作者在研究中国标本时,发现一新种——Schiffneria yunnanensis C. Gao &; W. Li sp. nov.。塔叶苔属的配子体为叶状体,生殖枝具茎叶返祖现象,应置于叶苔亚纲的叶状体无组织分化类群——带叶苔目(Pallaviciniales)之中。  相似文献   

杨祝良  冯邦 《菌物学报》2013,32(3):545-556
作者对国产类脐菇属Omphalotus(含亮菌属Lampteromyces)标本进行了研究,报道4种,即鞭囊类脐菇O.flagelliformis、日本类脐菇O.guepiniformis、莽山类脐菇O.mangensis和亮耳菌Lampteromyces luminescens,其中鞭囊类脐菇为新种。作者对亮耳菌的模式标本进行了研究,发现它与日本类脐菇即使不是同一物种也是很近缘的,但由于没有亮耳菌模式产地或其附近地区的更多标本用于形态和分子系统发育的比较,故不对其进行分类处理。利用新近采自我国东北的标本,作者对日本类脐菇的显微特征进行了较为详细地研究,发现日本类脐菇、莽山类脐菇和亮耳菌都具有厚壁担孢子,厚壁担孢子的孢子壁外表在显微镜下看上去粗糙至不平滑,这可能是因为孢子壁不同区域的密度不同所致。云南桩菇Paxillus yunnanensis曾被猜测为类脐菇属的物种,作者对该种的模式标本进行了研究,发现模式标本具有巨大的褶缘囊状体,应是假白蘑属Tricholomopsis的成员。  相似文献   

Eleven new species in the genus linocarpon collected in Australia, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines are described and illustrated. The new combination L. Jreycinetiae (Rehm) K.D. Hyde is made. Twenty-three species are now recognized in Linocarpon and a key to these species is provided.  相似文献   

Strophidon McClelland is a muraenid genus with characteristic appearance of a very elongated body, a large mouth cleft and anteriorly placed eyes. The nomenclature and taxonomic history of species within Strophidon are contentious and its members are easily misidentified. In the present study, species of the genus Strophidon are revised based on morphological and molecular data, and five species are considered valid, including S. dawydoffi Prokofiev, S. dorsalis (Seale), S. sathete (Hamilton), S. ui Tanaka and a new species, S. tetraporus. Strophidon tetraporus sp. nov. is described based on 15 specimens from Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam with the unique characteristic of the constant presence of the fourth infraorbital pore among species of Strophidon. The intraspecific variation of vertebral formula within S. dorsalis is discussed based on molecular data. Muraena macrurus Bleeker and Thyrsoidea longissima Kaup are synonyms of S. sathete that can be distinguished from the most similar congener S. ui by a longer tail, smaller eyes and more inner maxillary and inner dentary teeth. A key to identify species of Strophidon is provided. The distribution and maximum size of each species are also re-evaluated.  相似文献   

任菲  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2016,(3):241-245
在对我国柔膜菌科真菌进行研究过程中,发现一个中国新记录属,即拟薄盘菌属Cenangiopsis。研究结果表明,该属的2个种在我国分布,其中青海拟薄盘菌C.qinghaiensis为一新种,悬钩子生拟薄盘菌C.rubicola为中国新记录种。对两个种的形态学特征进行了描述与图解。  相似文献   

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