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Kinetic analysis and modeling studies of HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteinases were carried out using the oligopeptide substrate [formula: see text] and its analogs containing single amino acid substitutions in P3-P3' positions. The two proteinases acted similarly on the substrates except those having certain hydrophobic amino acids at P2, P1, P2', and P3' positions (Ala, Leu, Met, Phe). Various amino acids seemed to be acceptable at P3 and P3' positions, while the P2 and P2' positions seemed to be more restrictive. Polar uncharged residues resulted in relatively good binding at P3 and P2 positions, while at P2' and P3' positions they gave very high Km values, indicating substantial differences in the respective S and S' subsites of the enzyme. Lys prevented substrate hydrolysis at any of the P2-P2' positions. The large differences for subsite preference at P2 and P2' positions seem to be at least partially due to the different internal interactions of P2 residue with P1', and P2' residue with P1. As expected on the basis of amino acid frequency in the naturally occurring cleavage sites, hydrophobic residues at P1 position resulted in cleavable peptides, while polar and beta-branched amino acids prevented hydrolysis. On the other hand, changing the P1' Pro to other amino acids prevented substrate hydrolysis, even if the substituted amino acid had produced a good substrate in other oligopeptides representing naturally occurring cleavage sites. The results suggest that the subsite specificity of the HIV proteinases may strongly depend on the sequence context of the substrate.  相似文献   

High-alkaline serine proteases have been successfully applied as protein degrading components of detergent formulations and are subject to extensive protein engineering efforts to improve their stability and performance. Dynamics has been suggested to play an important role in determining enzyme activity and specificity and it is therefore of interest to establish how local changes in internal mobility affect protein stability, specificity and performance. Here we present the dynamic properties of the 269 residue serine proteases subtilisin PB92 (Maxacal(TM)) and subtilisin BLS (Savinase(TM)), secreted by Bacillus lentus, and an engineered quadruple variant, DSAI, that has improved washing performance. T1, T2 and heteronuclear NOE measurements of the 15N nuclei indicate that for all three proteins the majority of the backbone is very rigid, with only a limited number of residues being involved in local mobility. Many of the residues that constitute the S1 and S4 pockets, determining substrate specificity, are flexible in solution. In contrast, the backbone amides of the residues that constitute the catalytic triad do not exhibit any motion. Subtilisins PB92, BLS and DSAI demonstrate similar but not identical NMR relaxation rates. A detailed analysis of local flexibility indicates that the motion of residues Thr143 and Ala194 becomes more restricted in subtilisin BLS and DSAI. Noteworthy, the loop regions involved in substrate binding become more structured in the engineered variant as compared with the two native proteases, suggesting a relation between altered dynamics and performance. Similar conclusions have been established by X-ray crystallograpic methods, as shown in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

Primary structures of serine proteinases.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Summary Recent studies on the interaction of several proteinases (pepsin, papain, chymotrypsin, trypsin, thermolysin) with specific substrates or inhibitors bearing a fluorescent probe group have shown that the extended active sites of these enzymes differ in their conformational flexibility. In addition the use of such extrinsic probe groups, measurements of changes in the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, and of the energy transfer from tryptophan to a probe group, have given further information about the flexibility of the active sites of proteinases.  相似文献   

Ingestion of Kunitz soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) by larval Helicoverpa zea, Agrotis ipsilon, and Trichoplusia ni extended the retention time of food in the digestive tract and increased the level of activity of proteolytic enzymes that were not susceptible to inhibition by STI. The level of enhancement of activity of STI-resistant (STI-R) enzyme(s) was directly influenced by the dosage and timing of exposure to STI. However, not all proteinase inhibitors (PIs) enhanced the level of proteinase inhibitor resistant (PI-R) enzymes, even if those PIs inhibited a significant proportion of enzyme activity. These findings suggest that a complex system may be responsible for the regulation of proteolytic enzymes in the midgut of larval Lepidoptera, and one hypothesis for this regulation is proposed.  相似文献   

Intracellular serine protease was isolated from stationary-grown Bacillus subtilis A-50 cells and purified to homogeneity. The molecular weight of the enzyme is 31,000 +/- 1,000, with an isoelectric point of 4.3. Its amino acid composition is characteristically enriched in glutamic acid content, differing from that of extra-cellular subtilisins. The enzyme is completely inhibited with phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Intracellular protease possesses negligible activity towards bovine serum albumin and hemoglobin, but has 5- to 20-fold higher specific activity against p-nitroanilides of benzyloxycarbonyl tripeptides than subtilisin BPN'. Esterolytic activity of the enzyme is also higher than that of subtilisin BPN'. The enzyme is sequence homologous with secretory subtilisins throughout 50 determined NH2-terminal residues, indicating the presence of duplicated structural genes for serine proteases in the B. subtilis genome. The occurrence of two homologous genes in the cell might accelerate the evolution of serine protease not only by the loosening of selective constrainst, but also by creation of sequence variants by means of intragenic recombination. Three molecular forms of intracellular protease were found, two of them with NH2-terminal glutamic acid and one minor form, three residues longer, with asparagine as NH2 terminus. These data indicate the possible presence of an enzyme precursor proteolytically modified during cell growth.  相似文献   

The venom of the South American snake Bothrops jararaca contains two serine proteinases, bothrombin and the platelet-aggregating enzyme PA-BJ, which share 66% sequence identity. Each of these proteinases possesses one of the two essential procoagulant functions of thrombin-the clotting of fibrinogen and platelet aggregation. Thus, bothrombin clots fibrinogen but has no direct effect on platelets, unless in the presence of exogenous fibrinogen. PA-BJ induces platelet aggregation by interacting with the protease-activated platelet receptor without clotting fibrinogen. On the other hand, thrombin possesses two extended surfaces. One is composed of basic and hydrophobic residues (exosite I) and the other one of basic residues only (exosite II). These exosites are involved in the recognition of physiological macromolecular substrates. In order to identify the corresponding exosites in bothrombin and PA-BJ and understand the molecular basis of the partition of the two procoagulant functions of thrombin among the two snake venom enzymes, we used molecular modeling to obtain models of their complexes with their natural substrates fibrinogen and a fragment of the protease-activated platelet receptor, respectively. In analogy to thrombin, each of the enzymes presents two exosites. Nonetheless, the exosites contain a smaller proportion of basic residues than thrombin does (45-72%), reducing thus the functional diversity of the enzymes. In addition, the composition of exosite I is different in both enzymes. We identify those residues in exosite I that could contribute to the differences in specificity. Finally, allostery does not seem to mediate macromolecular substrate recognition by these enzymes.  相似文献   

The effect of pH and temperature on kinetic and thermodynamic parameters (i.e., k(on),k(off),Ka,delta G0, delta H0 and delta S0 values) for the binding of the Kunitz-type trypsin inhibitor DE-3 from Erythrina caffra seeds (ETI) to bovine beta-trypsin, bovine alpha-chymotrypsin, the human tissue plasminogen activator, human alpha-, beta- and gamma-thrombin, as well as the M(r) 33,000 and M(r) 54,000 species of the human urinary plasminogen activator (also named urokinase) has been investigated. At pH 8.0 and 21.0 degrees C: (i) values of the second-order rate constant (K(on)) for the proteinase:ETI complex formation vary between 8.7 x 10(5) and 1.4 x 10(7)/M/s; (ii) values of the dissociation rate constant (k(off)) for the proteinase: ETI complex destabilization range from 3.7 x 10(-5) to 1.4 x 10(-1)/s; and (iii) values of the association equilibrium constant (Ka) for the proteinase:ETI complexation change from < 1.0 x 10(4) to 3.8 x 10(11)/M. Thus, differences in k(off) values account mostly for the large changes in Ka values for ETI binding. The affinity of ETI for the serine proteinases considered can be arranged as follows: bovine beta-trypsin > human tissue plasminogen activator > bovine alpha-chymotrypsin > human alpha-, beta- and gamma-thrombin approximately M(r) 33,000 and M(r) 54,000 species of the human urinary plasminogen activator. Moreover, the serine proteinase:ETI complex formation is an endothermic, entropy-driven, process.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of the Ca2+-activated cysteine proteinase, the rat trypsin-like serine proteinase and bovine trypsin on myofibrillar proteins from rabbit skeletal muscle are compared. 2. Myofibrils that had been treated at neutral pH with the Ca2+-dependent proteinase and with the rat enzyme were (a) analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and (b) examined in the electron microscope. Treatment with each proteinase resulted in the loss of the Z-discs, but the rat enzyme caused much more extensive disruption of the ultrastructure and degraded more of the myofibrillar proteins. 3. Purified F-actin was almost totally resistant to the proteinases, whereas G-actin was degraded by the rat trypsin-like proteinase at a rate approx. 15 times faster than was obtained with bovine trypsin. 4. Similar results were obtained with alpha-actinin, whereas tropomyosin was degraded more readily by bovine trypsin than by the rat trypsin-like proteinase. 5. The implications of these findings for the non-lysosomal breakdown of myofibrillar proteins in vivo are considered.  相似文献   

In order to extend the scope for the application of acyl-enzymes as fibrinolytic agents, p-amidinophenyl ester enzyme substrates were prepared that gave stabilized acyl-enzymes capable of being coupled to other proteins. Coupling was achieved by reaction of protein thiol functions with a 2-pyridyldithio moiety within the acyl group. Acyl-enzymes derived from such substrates were stable enough to permit isolation of reversible conjugates between proteins and the active centres of plasminogen activators. Hydrolytic release of active enzyme from a conjugate of human immunoglobulin G and urokinase could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Implantation serine protease (ISP) was first identified in the uteri of pregnant mice. It is thought that ISP may have an important role in the initiation of implantation. However, the expression status and detailed functions of ISP remain unclear. In this study, the expression of ISP was investigated in the rat uterus. The analysis of two rat genes registered in GenBank, accession nos. XM_220240 and XM_577076, exhibited high identities to the mouse ISP2 genes, respectively at an mRNA level. We labeled the former as rISP2a and the latter as rISP2b. Using RT-PCR, we found that both genes were expressed in the uterus. Specifically, rISP2a mRNA was detected in the uterus throughout pregnancy, whereas rISP2b mRNA was only expressed in the uterus from day 5 of pregnancy until the end of gestation. Expression of both genes was observed specifically within the endometrial gland epithelium. Furthermore, rISP2a was also observed to be expressed in the fetus and placenta, whereas rISP2b expression was observed in the fetus but not in the placenta. An expressional signal of the rISP2a gene was observed in the spongiotrophoblasts, giant cells and decidual endometrium in the placenta. In the embryo, the ventral specific region was positive in rISP2a and rISP2b gene expression. These findings indicate the possibility that the presently examined genes with high identity to mouse ISP2 may play some role not only during the implantation phase, but also in the development of the placenta and embryo.  相似文献   

1. Hydrolysis of the myosins from smooth and from skeletal muscle by a rat trypsin-like serine proteinase and by bovine trypsin at pH 7 is compared. 2. Proteolysis of the heavy chains of both myosins by the rat enzyme proceeds at rates approx. 20 times faster than those obtained with bovine trypsin. Whereas cleavage of skeletal-muscle myosin heavy chain by both enzymes results in the generation of conventional products i.e. heavy meromyosin and light meromyosin, the heavy chain of smooth-muscle myosin is degraded into a fragment of mol. wt. 150000. This is dissimilar from heavy meromyosin and cannot be converted into heavy meromyosin. It is shown that proteolysis of the heavy chain takes place in the head region. 3. The 'regulatory' light chain (20kDa) of smooth-muscle myosin is degraded very rapidly by the rat proteinase. 4. The ability of smooth-muscle myosin to have its ATPase activity activated by actin in the presence of a crude tropomyosin fraction on introduction of Ca2+ is diminished progressively during exposure to the rat proteinase. The rate of loss of the Ca2+-activated actomyosin ATPase activity is very similar to the rate observed for proteolysis of the heavy chain and 3-4 times slower than the rate of removal of the so-called 'regulatory' light chain. 5. The significance of these findings in terms of the functional organization of the smooth muscle myosin molecule is discussed. 6. Since the degraded myosin obtained after exposure to very small amounts of the rat proteinase is no longer able to respond to Ca2+, i.e. the functional activity of the molecule has been removed, the implications of a similar type of proteolysis operating in vivo are considered for myofibrillar protein turnover in general, but particularly with regard to the initiation of myosin degradation, which is known to take place outside the lysosome (i.e. at neutral pH).  相似文献   

The interaction of domains of the Kazal-type inhibitor protein dipetalin with the serine proteinases thrombin and trypsin is studied. The functional studies of the recombinantly expressed domains (Dip-I+II, Dip-I and Dip-II) allow the dissection of the thrombin inhibitory properties and the identification of Dip-I as a key contributor to thrombin/dipetalin complex stability and its inhibitory potency. Furthermore, Dip-I, but not Dip-II, forms a complex with trypsin resulting in an inhibition of the trypsin activity directed towards protein substrates. The high resolution NMR structure of the Dip-I domain is determined using multi-dimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. Dip-I exhibits the canonical Kazal-type fold with a central alpha-helix and a short two-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. Molecular regions essential for inhibitor complex formation with thrombin and trypsin are identified. A comparison with molecular complexes of other Kazal-type thrombin and trypsin inhibitors by molecular modeling shows that the N-terminal segment of Dip-I fulfills the structural prerequisites for inhibitory interactions with either proteinase and explains the capacity of this single Kazal-type domain to interact with different proteinases.  相似文献   

The role of serine proteinases and oxidants in the activation of gelatinase released from human neutrophils was investigated. Gelatinase was measured by its ability to degrade both gelatin and native glomerular basement-membrane type IV collagen. When fMet-Leu-Phe or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate was used to stimulate the neutrophils, no gelatinase activity was measured in the absence of a mercurial activator, indicating that the enzyme was released entirely in latent form. However, when fMet-Leu-Phe-stimulated cells were treated with cytochalasin B, 50-70% of the maximal gelatinase activity was released. Activation was blocked by the serine-proteinase inhibitor phenylmethanesulphonyl fluoride and a specific inhibitor of neutrophil elastase, but was not affected by an inhibitor of cathepsin G. Addition of catalase or azide to prevent oxidative reactions did not affect activation of gelatinase under any conditions of stimulation, indicating that oxidants were not involved in activation. Our results imply that oxidative activation of gelatinase does not occur readily. However, neutrophil serine proteinases, particularly elastase, provide an alternative and apparently more efficient mechanism of activation.  相似文献   

A number of serine proteinases are secreted into the culture medium when Tritirachium album Limber is supplied with protein as the only nitrogen source. From this population of proteinases, we have isolated two novel proteolytic enzymes, designated as proteinase R and T. We have compared the thermal stability of these two proteinases with that of subtilisin BPN' and proteinase K. Both of these proteinases were thermally stable in the absence of detergents in buffers of low (4.0) and high (10.0) pH. The thermal stability of proteinase T was not affected by the presence of 1.0% SDS either at pH 8.0 or 10.0 in contrast to proteinase R which became heat labile. At low pH, the presence of SDS was detrimental to the stability of all the proteinases.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect methods are described to combine steady-state and picosecond time-resolved fluorescence decay data to generate decay-associated excitation spectra. The heterogeneous fluorescence from a fluorophore mixture that models protein fluorescence was resolved into individual component excitation spectra. The two methods were also used to determine the excitation spectra associated with each of the decay time components for the proteins subtilisin Carlsberg and BPN'. On the basis of associated spectra, the decay components of both proteins were assigned to individual (or groups of) emitting species. The two approaches used to generate the decay-associated excitation spectra are compared and their general application to protein fluorescence studies is discussed.  相似文献   

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