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涅斯捷连科氏菌属的建立基于对Micrococcus halobius的再分类,这是一类广泛分布于高盐土壤环境的革兰氏阳性细菌,属放线菌类.在对我国西部盐湖环境放线菌的生物多样性及分类学研究中,大量类似菌株被分离.[目的]为了对其进行快速鉴定,特别是筛选出属于优势类群的涅斯捷连科氏菌,[方法]本研究根据前人以报道的方法设计了一对针对其16S rRNA基因的特异性PCR引物(Nes1/Nes2),[结果]并通过部分典型菌和野生菌株的PCR实验验证,结合16S rRNA基因的测序验证,证明了Nes1/Nes2的PCR反应有效性及其对涅斯捷连科氏菌的特异性.[结论]利用该引物可以快速准确的对涅斯捷连科氏菌进行鉴定.  相似文献   

Truffles are hypogeous Ascomycete fungi belonging to the genus Tuber and forming fruiting bodies highly prized for their taste and aroma. The identification of the genus Tuber and its species is important to investigate their ecology and avoid fraud in the food market. As genus-specific primers are not available, the aims of this work were (1) to assess the usefulness of the β-tubulin gene as a DNA barcoding region for designing Tuber genus-specific primers, (2) to test the primers on a range of fruiting bodies, representing a large part of truffle biodiversity and (3) to check their ecological usefulness, applying them to truffle-ground soil. The new primers designed on the β-tubulin gene were specific to the Tuber genus in nested PCR. When applied to DNA from soils, they gave a positive signal for 23 of 32 soils. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the bands corresponded to Tuber and that at least five Tuber species were present in the truffle-ground. β-tubulin was found to be a good barcoding region for designing Tuber genus-specific primers, detecting a high Tuber diversity in a natural environment. These primers will be useful for understanding truffle ecology and for practical needs in plantation management.  相似文献   

A genus-specific PCR analysis method was developed for a rapid and reliable differentiation between the two heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria genera Leuconostoc and Weissella. Primer sets specific for target regions of the 16S rRNA genes were designed and the specificity of the PCR was evaluated using the type strains of 13 species of Leuconostoc and 11 species of Weissella. In addition, the newly developed genus-specific PCR analysis was applied to characterize 72 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains isolated from coffee fermentation and which were presumptively classified as Leuconostoc or Weissella species. Additionally, a total of 34 LAB isolates from various other fermented foods were included. The investigations of these strains were conducted to test the effectiveness of correct characterization of field isolates using the genus-specific PCR approach. The correct assignment to one of these two genera by the application of the genus-specific primers was confirmed by further identifying the strains using repetitive extragenic palindromic-PCR and 16S rRNA gene sequencing.  相似文献   

Illegal hunting has been a major threat for the survival of wildlife fauna, including the three crocodile species that India harbours: Crocodylus palustris, Crocodylus porosus and Gavialis gangeticus. Although law prevents trade on these species, illicit hunting for trade continues to threaten the survival of these endangered species; conservation strategies therefore require a rapid molecular identification technique for Indian crocodiles. A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay with species-specific primers, considered as one of the most effective molecular techniques, is described herein. The primers were designed to yield species-specific sized amplicons. The assay discriminates the three Indian crocodile species unambiguously within a short time period using only simple agarose gel electrophoresis. We recommend this multiplex PCR assay to be used in the identification of Indian crocodile species.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在使用基于线粒体基因通用引物的双重PCR技术同时扩增单一样本中两条标记基因,从而达到简化节肢动物物种鉴定流程的目的。【方法】在一次PCR实验中同时加入可扩增线粒体COI基因和16S rDNA两个不同分子标记的引物,对3纲8目14科的14种节肢动物物种标本的基因组DNA进行扩增;扩增产物经电泳和胶回收后测序,并BLAST在线搜索相似序列,验证基于通用引物的双重PCR在不同的动物类群中用于物种鉴定的有效性。【结果】应用基于COI和16S rDNA的引物从分属于3纲8目14科的14种节肢动物基因组DNA中均可成功扩增目的基因;扩增产物测序结果进一步证实了扩增的准确性。【结论】通过本方法进行物种的分子鉴定,不仅可以保证物种鉴定的高准确率,还可以明显减少时间与DNA样本量的消耗,这对需要快速准确鉴定物种或珍稀的材料样本十分重要。  相似文献   

PCR hot-start using duplex primers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new technique of PCR hot-start using duplex primers has been developed which can decrease the undesirable products arising throughout PCR amplification thereby giving better results than a manual hot-start method.  相似文献   

The Paecilomyces lilacinus is the most widely tested fungus for the control of root-knot and cyst nematodes. The fungus has also been implicated in a number of human and animal infections, difficulties in diagnosis often result in misdiagnosis or delays in identification leading to a delay in treatment. Here, we report the development of species-specific primers for the identification of P. lilacinus based on sequence information from the ITS gene, and their use in identifying P. lilacinus isolates, including clinical isolates of the fungus. The primer set generated a single PCR fragment of 130 bp in length that was specific to P. lilacinus and was also used to detect the presence of P. lilacinus from soil, roots and nematode eggs. Real-time PCR primers and a TaqMan probe were also developed and provided quantitative data on the population size of the fungus in two field sites. PCR, bait and culture methods were combined to investigate the presence and abundance of the fungus from two field sites in the United Kingdom where potato cyst nematode populations were naturally declining, and results demonstrated the importance of using a combination of methods to investigate population size and activity of fungi.  相似文献   

PCR primers were successfully designed to amplify small ND1 gene fragments for RFLP genotyping of degraded Atlantic salmon Salmo salar mtDNA. Analysis of archival scales with these primers, when existing primer sets failed, show Atlantic salmon from the George River, Quebec, to include European haplotypes and those from the Kapisidlit River, West Greenland, to be fixed for a European haplotype characteristic of Baltic populations.  相似文献   

The genera Actinopolyspora and Streptomonospora are two groups of extremely halophilic filamentous actinomycetes. Members of these two genera are isolated frequently, probably due to the high occurrence of these actinomycetes in the hypersaline soil environment. Although members of these genera can be identified by micromorphological criteria, the extensive chemotaxonomic characterization of each new isolates is a time-consuming task which cannot always be undertaken when handling large numbers of isolates as is the case in natural products screening programmes. In this work, the design of one set of genus-specific PCR primers which allows rapid detection of members of the genus Actinopolyspora by means of PCR amplification is presented. And we developed a multiplex PCR protocol for identification of the species of the genera Actinopolyspora and Streptomonospora, simultaneously. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

As many rice wine brewers label the name of the cultivar of the material rice, authentication technology is necessary. The problems are (1) decomposition of DNAs during the fermentation, (2) contamination of DNAs from microorganisms, (3) co-existence of PCR inhibitors, such as polyphenols. The present authors improved the PCR method by (1) lyophilizing and pulverizing the rice wine to concentrate DNAs, (2) decomposition of starches and proteins so as not to inhibit DNA extraction by the use of heat-resistant amylase and proteinase K, (3) purification of the template DNA by the combination of CTAB method and fractional precipitation by 70% EtOH. To prevent the amplification of microorganism's DNAs during PCR, the present authors selected the suitable plant-specific primers. It became possible to prepare the template DNAs for PCR from the rice wine. The sequences of the amplified DNAs by PCR were ascertained to be same with those of material rice. Mislabeling of material rice cultivar was detected by PCR using the commercial rice wine. It became possible to extract and purify the template DNAs for PCR from the rice wine and to differentiate the material rice cultivars by the PCR using the rice wine as a sample.  相似文献   

The diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia contains a number of toxic and non-toxic species that are difficult to distinguish using light microscopy (LM) and at times even with electron microscopy (EM). In order to investigate the actual diversity and seasonal occurrence of Pseudo-nitzschia species, we developed genus-specific ribosomal DNA LSU primers to be used in PCR reactions with environmental DNA samples. Using this approach, we constructed clone libraries from samples collected in the Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean Sea) on six dates between April and October 2004 and compared molecular results with those obtained from counts using LM on the same dates. Thirteen distinct genotypes could be distinguished by their LSU sequence, against five species discriminated using the light microscope. Despite the limited number of samples, 10 out of 14 LSU genotypes known in the area were recovered. In addition, three new genotypes were retrieved, two of which were from within the P. galaxiae clade and one possibly corresponding to an undescribed P. delicatissima-like morph. Molecular results matched LM findings in the case of P. multistriata, whereas they provided a much higher resolution for morphs such as P. delicatissima- and P. pseudodelicatissima-like, which include several pseudo-cryptic species. Overall, the direct amplification with the primers developed proved to be an effective and useful tool to assess Pseudo-nitzschia diversity in the natural environment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop an easy and accurate technique for the identification of the genus Geobacillus. For this purpose, Geobacillus genus-specific primers GEOBAC (GEOBAC-F and GEOBAC-R) based on the 16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences have been designed. In total, 52 sequences from three species of the genus Geobacillus (Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Geobacillus kaustophilus and Geobacillus lituanicus) were examined for the design of these primers. Analysis of the sequences revealed three highly conservative regions common to these species: 5' and 3' end regions of 16S-23S rRNA gene ITSs and box A. Some sequences possessed two additional conservative regions - genes of tRNA(Ile) and tRNA(Ala). These particular sequences were chosen for the construction of the primers. The designed primers targeted the gene of tRNA(Ile) and the 3' end region of ITSs. This technique was validated with both the reference strains of the genus Geobacillus and the thermophilic aerobic endospore-forming environmental isolates. Different Geobacillus species could be grouped according to the number and size of GEOBAC-PCR products and identified on the basis of the AluI and TaqI restriction analysis of these products.  相似文献   

This paper describes results which show that the spindlin gene has different forms on the tinamid W and Z chromosome, providing a sensitive and accurate procedure for a molecular, polymerase chain reaction‐based procedure for sex identification of tinamous.  相似文献   

Rapid and reliable identification of Staphylococcus xylosus was achieved by species-specific PCR assays. Two sets of primers, targeting on xylulokinase (xylB) and 60 kDa heat-shock protein (hsp60) genes of S. xylosus, respectively, were designed. Species-specificity of both sets of primers was evaluated by using 27 reference strains of the DSM collection, representing 23 different species of the Staphylococcus genus and 3 species of the Kocuria genus. Moreover, 90 wild strains isolated from different fermented dry sausages were included in the analysis. By using primers xylB-F and xylB-R the expected PCR fragment was obtained only when DNA from S. xylosus was used. By contrast, amplification performed by using primers xylHs-F and xylHs-R produced a single PCR fragment, of the expected length, when DNA from S. xylosus, S. haemolyticus, S. intermedius and S. kloosii were used as template. Nevertheless, AluI digestion of the xylHs-F/xylHs-R PCR fragment allowed a clear differentiation of these 4 species. The rapidity (about 4 h from DNA isolation to results) and reliability of the PCR procedures established suggests that the method may be profitably applied for specific detection and identification of S. xylosus strains.  相似文献   

Directly labelling locus‐specific primers for microsatellite analysis is expensive and a common limitation to small‐budget molecular ecology projects. More cost‐effective end‐labelling of PCR products can be achieved through a three primer PCR approach, involving a fluorescently labelled universal primer in combination with modified locus‐specific primers with 5′ universal primer sequence tails. This technique has been widely used but has been limited largely due to a lack of available universal primers suitable for co‐amplifying large numbers of size overlapping loci and without requiring locus‐specific PCR conditions to be modified. In this study, we report a suite of four high‐performance universal primers that can be employed in a three primer PCR approach for efficient and cost‐effective fluorescent end‐labelling of PCR fragments. Amplification efficiency is maximized owing to high universal primer Tm values (approximately 60+ °C) that enhance primer versatility and enable higher annealing temperatures to be employed compared with commonly used universal primers such as M13. We demonstrate that these universal primers can be combined with multiple fluorophores to co‐amplify multiple loci efficiently via multiplex PCR. This method provides a level of multiplexing and PCR efficiency similar to microsatellite fluorescent detection assays using directly labelled primers while dramatically reducing project costs. Primer performance is tested using several alternative PCR strategies that involve both single and multiple fluorophores in single and multiplex PCR across a wide range of taxa.  相似文献   

We developed primers for amplifying and sequencing highly degraded mtDNA from diverse fish species. The primers flank a variable 148-bp fragment within the 12S region of mtDNA. We screened and sequenced 82 samples of bony fishes representing 17 families to confirm cross-species amplification and identification. Salmonid species were analysed and demonstrate 13 species-specific SNPs within this region. Based on alignments of additional deposited sequences, these primers are conserved in many other species, making them useful for species identification using degraded DNA samples such as archaeological specimens.  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop a species-specific PCR assay with primers targeted to 16S rRNA gene for the identification of Enterococcus italicus, a new species of Enterococcus, involved in the production of Italian cheeses. METHODS AND RESULTS: The type strain of E. italicus (DSM 15952(T) - 16S rRNA gene accession no. AJ582753) and other strains of the species were subjected to a rapid identification by PCR using primer pairs located within the 16S rRNA gene. A species-specific PCR product of approximately 323 bp was obtained after amplification of all E. italicus strains tested. The specificity of the primers was validated with representatives of the most closely related genera and species and a number of other bacterial species. In addition, the technique enabled the recognition of E. italicus from cheeses. CONCLUSIONS: The protocol was highly efficient and sensitive, enabling the identification of E. italicus from cheeses. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The species-specific PCR offers a reliable and rapid alternative to conventional phenotypic methods for the identification of E. italicus within the heterogeneous genus Enterococcus.  相似文献   

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