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The ontogeny of peroxidase activity and isoenzyme pattern wasinvestigated in the stem of dwarf pea plants. Peroxidase activityper unit soluble protein was a given internode is highest inthe youngest growth stage, drops during elongation, remainsconstant upon cessation of growth, and increase at senescence.The lower the internode on the stem the higher is its peroxidaseactivity. These developmental differences are already apparentat the youngest growth stage of the internodes adn increaseduring elongation. Several anodic and five cathodic isoperoxidasesare apparent after starch gel electrophoresis. This patternis constant for all internodes at all growth stages, but therelative importance of particular isoenzymes changes with time. Gibberellic acid (GA3) treatment causes greatly elongated internodes,decreased soluble protein, and inhibition of the rise in peroxidaseactivity within 4–8 h. Application of GA3 to young internodesleads to a persistent depression in peroxidase activity, whiletreated older internodes suffer only a temporary depression.GA3 causes no qualitative changes in the isoenzyme pattern butproduces some quantitative alterations in internodes in whichits influence on peroxidase activity is persistent. Decapitation of untreated and GA3-treated dwarfs has littleinfluence on internode elongation, causes an increase in peroxidaseactivity, especially in the upper internodes, and alters therelative activity of particular isoenzymes. By contrast, decapitationinhibits elongation of young internodes in genetically tallpea plants.  相似文献   

BROUGHTON  W. J. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(2):227-243
1. A study was made of the influence of gibberellic acid (GA2)on nucleic acid, protein, and cell-wall synthesis in pea internodesin vivo. 2. GA3-treated fifth internodes finally contained more thantwice as much total RNA and protein as comparable untreatedones, and the contents of RNA and protein were closely relatedto the length of internode cortical cells. 3. Cell elongation, RNA, protein, and cell-wall synthesis werestimulated 24–48 h before there was any demonstrable GA3effect on DNA synthesis and cell division. 4. Treated fifth internodes finally contained twice as manycortical cells as control internodes, a response that was matchedby a proportionate increase in the amount of DNA. 5. Internodes treated with actinomycin D or cycloheximide failedto elongate in response to GA3 treatment, indicating that bothRNA and protein synthesis are essential for gibberellin-stimulatedcell elongation to occur in this tissue. 6. 5-fluorodeoxyuridine at concentrations which completely blockcell division did not prevent cells from elongating in the presenceof GA3. 7. With the possible exception of pectic substances there wasno change in the relative proportions of each of the major cell-wallconstituents in treated, as compared to control internodes.  相似文献   

The role of gibberellins in the growth of floral organs of Pharbitis nil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence that the synthesis of GA3 is involved in the growthof floral orga'ns of Pharbitis nil is presented. GAs in floralorgans at different developmental stages were surveyed usingTLC followed by the bioassay with two dwarf rice seedlings,‘Tanginbozu’ and ‘Waito-C’. The amountof GAs in the petal and stamen increased rapidly after the petalemerged from calyx, reached a maximum 12 hr before anthesis,then declined markedly thereafter. The GA content in the calyxremained unchanged before and after anthesis, and that in thepistil increased after anthesis. Pharbitis flowers containedat least two active GAs, one of which was probably GA3, theother appeared to be GA19. GA3 was detected in relatively largeamounts in both the petal and stamen during their rapid elongation.In the calyx, which showed little increase in fresh weight duringrapid flower growth, GA9 was the dominant GA. Exogenously suppliedGA3 promoted elongation of sections in excised young filaments.Sucrose was necessary for definite growth promotion by GA3.GA19 had little effect on filament elongation, and IAA was ratherinhibitive. (Received July 29, 1972; )  相似文献   

In azuki bean (Azukia angularis = Vigna angularis) epicotylsections, gibberellin A3 (GA3) enhanced the growth promotingeffect of indoleacetic acid (IAA), but showed no growth effectwhen applied alone. Sections showed practically no cell division.The promoting effect of GA3 on section growth seems to be dueto its promoting effect on cell elongation. The diameters of sections treated with IAA increased, but thediameters of sections treated with GA3 together with IAA remainedconstant. GA3 seems to suppress cell expansion in a directiontransverse to the cell axis. Colchicine at a concentration with no inhibiting effect on IAA-inducedelongation almost completely reversed the effect of GA3 On the basis of these results, the participation of wall microtubulesin GA3-induced elongation is discussed. (Received October 22, 1971; )  相似文献   

The second leaf of wheat was used as a model system to examinethe effects of the Rht3 dwarfing gene on leaf growth. Comparedto the rht3 wild type, the Rht3allele decreased final leaf length,surface area and dry mass by reducing the maximum growth rates,but without affecting growth duration. Gibberellic acid (GA3)increased final leaf length and maximum growth rate in the rht3wild type, but was without effect on the Rht3 mutant, whichis generally regarded as being non-responsive to gibberellin(GA). Paclobutrazol, an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis, decreasedfinal leaf length and maximum growth rate in the rht3 wild typeto values similar to those in the untreated Rht3 mutant. NeitherGA3 nor paclobutrazol affected the duration of leaf growth.The decrease in leaf length was produced by reduction of celllength rather than cell number. The maximum relative elementalgrowth rate (REGR) for cell extension was essentially the samein all treatments, as was the time between the cells leavingthe meristem and achieving maximum extension rate. The differencesbetween the genotypes and treatments were all almost entirelydue to differences in the time taken from the attainment ofmaximum REGR of cell extension to the cessation of extension.This was reflected in the length of the extension zone, whichwas approximately 6–8 per cent of final leaf length. Theeffects of the Rht3 allele, GA3 and paclobutrazol all appearto be on the processes which promote the cessation of cell elongation. Key words: Cell extension, gibberellin, leaf growth, Rht3 gene, Triticum, wheat  相似文献   

In pole bean plants, mechanical stress (MS) inhibited stem elongationand induced radial thickening of the stem. Application of uniconazole,an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis, also reduced stemgrowth but had no effect on stem diameter. Both MS and uniconazolesignificantly reduced hollowing of the first internodes, butonly the former increased ethylene evolution from the firstinternode. Application of GA3 increased the length of the firstinternode and decreased its diameter in bush bean plants; thiswas accompanied by a significant promotion of stem hollowing.Aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) decreased ethylene evolution fromthe GA3-treated internodes, though it did not reduce the GA3-inducedhollowing of the first internodes. Application of GA3 affectedneither ethylene evolution nor cellulase activity in the firstinternodes of bush bean plants. Application of GA3 stimulatedmuch greater cell elongation in the center of pith tissue thanin the outer surrounding tissues, suggesting a possible physicalbreakage of the inner cells, which leads the hollowing of beanstems. These results suggest that gibberellin is a factor responsiblefor stem hollowing in bean plants. Because MS is known to reducegibberellin content in bean plants [Suge (1978) Plant Cell Physiol.21: 303] MS may inhibit stem hollowing by reducing the amountof endogenous gibberellin. (Received July 1, 1994; Accepted November 8, 1994)  相似文献   

Fresh and dry weights and leaf size of Poa pratensis were reducedwhen treated with 6-azauracil (AzU), (2-chloroethyl)phosphonicacid (CEPA), or (2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride (CCC).AzU and CEPA inhibited epidermal cell division without inhibitingcell elongation, while CCC inhibited mainly cell elongationand cell division to a small extent. The ratio of blade lengthto sheath length and the blade length/width ratio were reduced,but leaf emergence and tillering were increased by AzU and CEPA.CCC affected only the latter three features. Like GA3, CEPAinduced stem formation, but internodes were shorter. GA3 was ineffective in preventing leaf-growth inhibition byAzU, which inhibited Ga3-induced cell elongation. The inhibitoryeffect of CEPA on leaf growth was apparently reversed by GA3,but this was due solely to increased cell elongation, the reductionin cell number being unaffected. Ga3 reversed the effect ofCCC on leaf length, as well as on cell size and number. Simultaneousapplication of the inhibitors produced a complex interactionin reducing leaf length and number and size of epidermis cells.It is postulated that AzU, CEPA, and CCC have different modesof action because they have specific effects on plant growthand different effects on GA3-induced cell elongation.  相似文献   

TAUTVYDAS  K. J. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(4):503-509
The interaction of light, gibberellic acid (GA3), and phlorizinin the growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. ‘GrandRapids’) hypocotyls was investigated. At all concentrationsof GA3, phlorizin enhanced GA3-induced growth at luminous intensitiesabove 50 ft-c (continuous light). Without GA3, phlorizin hadno effect on hypocotyl growth in the light but it inhibitedgrowth in the dark. Both seedlings and hypocotyl sections respondedto phlorizin in the presence of GA3. There was no iteractionbetween phlorizin and KCl. Water-growth was severly inhibitedby light. GA3,-induced growth was slightly inhibited by light,and then only at luminous intensities above 50 ft-c. Thus, relativeto H2O-growth, GA3-induced growth increased with increasingluminous intensity up to 450 ft-c, where it reached saturation.It seems that a synergism may exist between light and GA3 aswell as between phlorizin and GA3. Lactuca sativa L, lettuce, hypocotyl elongation, gibberellic acid, phlorizin, light  相似文献   

Strain S1.2 of Silene armeria was grown under an 8h-photoperiodand treated with GA3 every day for 20 days. This growth substancecaused stem elongation, but no flowering in this long-day plant.Changes in the mitotic index and DNA content of cells in thevarious zones of the apical meristem before, during and afterGA3 treatment were described. Mitotic activity and increasein the proportion of nuclei at the 4C level (S+G2 phase of thecell cycle) were strongly stimulated in the rib-meristem, andto a lesser extent in the lateral zone, but not in the axialzone. This stimulation of apical activity reached a peak aftertwo GA3 treatments and then declined gradually, so that after20 days the activity in GA3-treated meristems was lower thanthat in untreated controls; at this point most cells were inthe G1 phase. When the GA3 treatment was discontinued, there was a gradualincrease in the mitotic activity which ultimately reached thesame level as that in controls. Stem elongation ceased and leavesformed aerial rosettes. It is concluded that in vegetative plants of strain S1.2 ofSilene armeria GA3 acts mainly on the rib-meristem cells whichresults in stem elongation. Lack of response in the axial cellsexplains why GA3 fails to induce flowering in this strain ofSilene armeria. (Received June 18, 1983; Accepted August 3, 1983)  相似文献   

Longitudinal microtubules are predominant in epidermal cellsof the 3rd internodes of dwarf pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. LittleMarvel) seedlings. In more than 50% of the cells, cortical microtubulesare running parallel to the cell axis. GA3 promotes elongation of the internodes and gives rise toa predominance of transverse microtubules. In more than 60%of the GA3-treatd cells, cortical microtubules are running transverseto the cell axis. Longitudinal microtubules in the GA3-untreated cells are resistantto low-temperature treatment, but transverse microtubules inthe GA3-treated cells are sensitive to it. Longitudinal microtubulesare present in GA3-treated epidermal cells with low frequency.They are resistant to low-temperature treatment. Longitudinal, oblique and transverse microtubules are presentwith almost the same frequency in epidermal cells of the 3rdinternodes of tall pea (cv. Early Alaska) seedlings. GA3 promoteselongation of the internodes also in tall pea seedlings, butit does not alter the direction of cortical microtubules sodistinctly as it does in dwarf pea seedlings. As in dwarf pea seedlings, longitudinal microtubules are resistantto low-temperature treatment, and transverse microtubules aresensitive to it in tall pea seedlings. (Received September 19, 1986; Accepted December 26, 1986)  相似文献   

In the stem of Phaseolus vulgaris L. the specific activity ofacid invertase was highest in the most rapidly elongating internode.Activity of the enzyme was very low in internodes which hadcompleted their elongation, in young internodes before the onsetof rapid elongation, and in the apical bud. From shortly afterits emergence from the apical bud the elongation of internode3 was attributable mainly to cell expansion. Total and specificactivities of acid invertase in this internode rose to a maximumat the time of most rapid elongation and then declined. Transferof plants to complete darkness, or treatment of plants withgibberellic acid (GA3), increased the rate of internode elongationand final internode length by stimulating cell expansion. Bothtreatments rapidly increased the total and specific activitiesof acid invertase in the responding internodes; peak activitiesof the enzyme occurred at the time of most rapid cell expansion. In light-grown plants, including those treated with GA3, rapidcell and internode elongation and high specific activities ofacid invertase were associated with high concentrations of hexosesugar and low concentrations of sucrose. As cell growth ratesand invertase activities declined, the concentration of hexosefell and that of sucrose rose. In plants transferred to darkness,stimulated cell elongation was accompanied by a rapid decreasein hexose concentration and the disappearance of sucrose, indicatingrapid utilization of hexose. No sucrose was detected in theapical tissues of light-grown plants. The results are discussed in relation to the role of acid invertasein the provision of carbon substrates for cell growth. Key words: Cell expansion, Acid invertase, Hexose, Sucrose, Phaseolus  相似文献   

The interaction of kinetin with IAA and GA3 on the elongationof hypocotyl sections of Cucumis sativus L. cv. National Picklingwas studied. Kinetin in the concentration range of 10–7M to 10–4 M markedly inhibited IAA-induced elongation,while in a lower range from 10–10 M to 10–8 M, itsynergistically enhanced IAA-induced elongation. Kinetin alonein this range had no effect. A 5-to 15-min pulse treatment seemsenough to induce the maximum effect for both inhibition andpromotion. Since the magnitude of the maximum inhibition dependedon the concentration and not on the duration of treatment, thereaction in the cell caused by kinetin seemed to be completedwithin a short period. Washing of the sections with distilledwater after kinetin treatment (30 min) did not significantlyeliminate the kinetin effect. This probably indicates that thebinding of kinetin molecules to a supposed acceptor is not reversible.Interaction of kinetin with GA3 in their pretreatment effectson IAA-induced elongation shows that in the inhibitory concentrationrange, the kinetin effect was partly overcome by GA3, and thatin the promotive range, the magnitude of the enhancement wasdetermined by kinetin regardless of the presence of GA3. Theeffect of kinetin seems to dominate over that of GA3 indicatingthat the modes of their pretreatment effects differ from oneanother. (Received June 24, 1977; )  相似文献   

Phaseolus multiflorus plants at three stages of developmentwere decapitated either immediately below the apical bud orlower down at a point 1 cm above the insertion of the primaryleaves. Growth regulators in lanolin were applied to the cutstem surface. IAA always inhibited axillary bud elongation anddry-matter accumulation, and enhanced internode dry weight butnot elongation. GA3 applied below the apical bud greatly increasedinternode elongation and dry weight, but simultaneously reducedbud elongation and dry-weight increase. Application of GA3 1cm above the buds had no effect on bud elongation in the youngestplants, but enhanced their elongation in the two older groups.IAA always antagonized GA3-enhancement of internode extensiongrowth, whereas its effects on GA3-enhanced dry-matter accumulationdepended on the stage of internode development. Bud elongationwas greater in plants treated with GA3+IAA than in plants treatedonly with IAA, except in the youngest plants decapitated immediatelybelow the apical bud, where GA3 caused a slight increase inIAA-induced bud inhibition. GA3 increased inhibition of buddry weight by IAA in the two youngest groups of plants, butslightly reduced it in the oldest plants. No simple compensatorygrowth relationship existed between internode and buds. It wasconcluded that, (1) auxin appears to be the principal growthhormone concerned in correlative inhibition, and (2) availabilityof gibberellin to internode and buds is of importance as a modifyingfactor in auxin-regulated apical dominance by virtue of itslocal effects on growth in the internode and in the buds.  相似文献   

In Pisum sativum L. a third, more severe, allele at the internodelength locus le is identified and named led. Plants homozygousfor led possess shorter internodes and appear relatively lessresponsive to GA20 than comparable le (dwarf) plants. Gene ledmay act by reducing the 3ß-hydroxylation of GA20 tothe highly active GA1 more effectively than does gene le. Theresults indicate that le is a leaky mutant and therefore thatendogenous GA1 influences internode elongation in dwarf (le)plants. Pisum sativum, peas, internode length, genetics, gibberellin, dwarf elongation  相似文献   

SCOTT  IAN M. 《Annals of botany》1988,61(3):389-392
The morphological effects of gibberellin A3 (GA3) on the dgtmutant of tomato were investigated. The mutant effectively showedthe normal range of responses, including a promotion of stemlength due to an increased number of longer internodes, a dramaticincrease in apical dominance, and effects on leaf shape andcolour. In the case of stem elongation, the quantitative responseof the mutant was greater than normal. The morphological abnormalitiescharacteristic of the dgt mutant, such as horizontal growth,a thin stem and hyponastic leaves, were not normalized by GA3. It is concluded that the demonstrated lack of response to auxinof the dgt mutant does not impair its gibberellin responses. Tomato, gibberellin, auxin, mutant, shoot development  相似文献   

The kinetics of extension induced by GA31 in the hypocotyl ofintact seedlings of Lactuca sativa are similar in the dark andin the light, and differs fundamentally from the kinetics ofelongation in the dark without GA3. Both in continuous lightand in the dark, GA3-induced promotion starts 24 h after incubation.In the dark, even low concentrations of GA3, which do not affectthe length measured after 6 d when the extension of hypocotylalmost ceases, remove the lag period of 48 h which precedesextension, and prolong the high rate of elongation. FollowingGA3 supply the hypocotyl length in the dark and in the lightdoes not differ until 48 h; thereafter the rate of elongationin the light is less, so that the final length of the hypocotylis 40 per cent shorter than that of the dark-grown seedlingswithout GA3. IAA supplied apically to light-grown seedlings induces a weakpromotion at a concentration of 1 mg l–1 only. With anincreasing concentration of GA3 supplied simultaneously, theconcentration of IAA inducing a significant promotion decreases.A combined supply of both these regulators, however, does notrestore the light-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl elongationcompletely. The maximum decrease in hypocotyl length induced by the growthretardants AMO-1618, CCC, and B-9 supplied from the beginningin the dark does not exceed 70 per cent. Saturating doses ofGA3 supplied in combination with any one of the retardants compensateonly a fraction of the decrease. The results have been interpreted to show that native GAs arenot involved in extension growth in the dark.  相似文献   

GA3 increased the extension growth of Impatiens balsamina L.till 56 days under 8- and 24-h photoperiods. Cycloheximide whichdecreased height slightly under inductive conditions at a laterstage did not affect the GA3-promoted extension growth. BothGA3 and cycloheximide caused enhancement of the rate of differentiation,although this effect was temporary in the case of GA2. Cycloheximidedoes not affect photoperiodic induction, whereas it hastensand increases the magnitude of GA2-induced flowering.  相似文献   

The effects of low temperature and the Rht3 dwarfing gene onthe dynamics of cell extension in leaf 2 of wheat were examinedin relation to gibberellin (GA) content and GA-responsivenessof the extension zone. Leaf 2 of wild-type (rht3) wheat closelyresembled that of the Rht3 dwarf mutant when seedlings weregrown at 10C. The maximum relative elemental growth rate (REGR)within the extension zone in both genotypes was lower at 10Cthan at 20C, but the position with respect to the leaf basewas unaffected by temperature. The size of the extension zoneand epidermal cell lengths were similar in both genotypes at10C. Growth at 20C, instead of 10C, increased the lengthof the extension zone beyond the point of maximum REGR in thewild type, but not in the Rht3 mutant. Increasing temperatureresulted in longer epidermal cells in the wild type. Treatingwild-type plants at 10C with gibberellic acid (GA3) also increasedthe length of the extension zone, but the Rht3 mutant was GA-non-responsive.However, the concentrations of endogenous GA1 and GA3 remainedsimilar across the extension zone of wild-type plants grownat both temperatures, despite large differences in leaf growthrates. The period of accelerating REGR as cells enter the extensionzone, and the maximum REGR attained, are apparently not affectedby GA. It is proposed that GA functions as a stimulus for continuedcell extension by preventing cell maturation in the region beyondmaximum REGR and that low temperature increases the sensitivitythreshold for GA action. Key words: Cell extension, gibberellin, Rht3 dwarfing gene, temperature, wheat leaf  相似文献   

HARTUNG  W.; FUNFER  C. 《Annals of botany》1981,47(3):371-375
Abscisic acid (ABA) applied to the decapitated second internodeof runner bean plants enhanced outgrowth of lateral buds onlywhen internode stumps were no longer elongating. Applied toelongating internodes of slightly younger plants, ABA causesinhibition of bud outgrowth. Together with 10–4 M indol-3-ylacetic acid (IAA), ABA stimulated internode elongation and interactedadditively in the inhibition of bud outgrowth. A mixture of10–5 M ABA and 10–6 M gibberellic acid (GA3 ) causedsimilar effects on internode growth as IAA + ABA, but was mutuallyantagonistic in effect on growth of the lateral buds. Abscisic acid, apical dominance, gibberellic acid, indol-3yl acetic acid, Phaseolus coccineus, bean  相似文献   

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