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The second parity rule of Chargaff (A≈T and G≈C within one strand) holds all over the living world with minor exceptions. It is maintained with higher accuracy for long sequences. The question addressed in the article is how different sequence types, with different biases from the parity, contribute to the general effect. It appears that the sequence segments with biases of opposite sign are intermingled, so that with sufficient sequence lengths the parity is established. The parity rule seems to be a cumulative result of a number of independent processes in the genome evolution, with the parity as their intrinsic property. Symmetrical appearance of simple repeats and of Alu sequences in the human DNA strands, and other contributions to the Chargaff parity II rule are discussed.  相似文献   

For almost 50 years the conclusive explanation of Chargaff’s second parity rule (CSPR), the equality of frequencies of nucleotides A=T and C=G or the equality of direct and reverse complement trinucleotides in the same DNA strand, has not been determined yet. Here, we relate CSPR to the interstrand mirror symmetry in 20 symbolic quadruplets of trinucleotides (direct, reverse complement, complement, and reverse) mapped to double-stranded genome. The symmetries of Q-box corresponding to quadruplets can be obtained as a consequence of Watson–Crick base pairing and CSPR together. Alternatively, assuming Natural symmetry law for DNA creation that each trinucleotide in one strand of DNA must simultaneously appear also in the opposite strand automatically leads to Q-box direct-reverse mirror symmetry which in conjunction with Watson–Crick base pairing generates CSPR. We demonstrate quadruplet’s symmetries in chromosomes of wide range of organisms, from Escherichia coli to Neanderthal and human genomes, introducing novel quadruplet-frequency histograms and 3D-diagrams with combined interstrand frequencies. These “landscapes” are mutually similar in all mammals, including extinct Neanderthals, and somewhat different in most of older species. In human chromosomes 1–12, and X, Y the “landscapes” are almost identical and slightly different in the remaining smaller and telocentric chromosomes. Quadruplet frequencies could provide a new robust tool for characterization and classification of genomes and their evolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   

Reliable and updated population estimates are a necessity for the successful conservation and management of endangered animal populations. Citizen science has become increasingly important in wildlife monitoring and is an attractive concept due to its low costs. However, the applicability of citizen science in the monitoring of large carnivore populations is questionable for various reasons, including the difficulties associated with species identification. In Finland, where estimates of the fragmentary wolf (Canis lupus) population have varied between 140 and 280 animals in the last 10 years, population monitoring has been based on volunteer-provided data and telemetry. To compensate for a recent decrease in the proportion of territories with boundaries mapped through telemetry, a non-invasive genetics project was launched in 2016. We evaluated the experiences from this project, in which non-invasive genetic techniques were, for the first time, widely used (n?=?22 territories, 54% of the 41 apparent territories hosted by wolves in March 2017) to determine the post-hunting population estimate in early March 2017, before pack sizes began to decrease due to dispersal by sub-adult wolves. In territories where the non-invasive genetic monitoring was executed in the winter of 2016/2017, the pack sizes resulting from the volunteer-provided observations and the genetic analyses were highly correlated. By using the most typical variation in the proportion of non-residents in the wolf populations (6–20%, Fuller et al. 2003), we derived a population estimate of 150–178 wolves for early March 2016, and, by considering the known mortality during the study period, a minimum estimate of 204–234 wolves for early Aug. 2016. Despite its high costs, we recommend that non-invasive genetic monitoring should cover all known territories supporting Finland’s small and exploited wolf population. This much costlier protocol may be unrealistic in Finland. In any case, there is a need for more genetic sampling to test the quality of volunteer-provided data.  相似文献   

I analyzed somatometric measurements from subsets of the Texas and Oregon transplanted troops of Japanese macaques(Macaca fuscata) to reveal secular changes in body size and shape. Body weights of the Texas population (N = 59) are lower than those of the Oregon population(N = 49) and the founding population from Arashiyama. The adult weights of the Oregon population are significantly higher than the founding population from Mihara. There are significant differences in adult circumferential measures and in skinfolds, which are correlated with the increased weight of the Oregon macaques. The adult Texas macaques have longer limb segments in comparison with the adult Oregon troop members, while the latter have significantly longer heads and trunks. Examination of the developing morphological trends through regression analyses on the complete sample suggests distinctive growth patterns for each population. Members of the Texas population start with smaller initial measurements but hold a steeper growth pattern for limb segments, while the Oregon macaques start larger in most measures and show lower growth rates. I argue that these differences in both somatometry and growth patterns are related to the differing climatic conditions under which the translocated macaques have lived. This set of analyses supports the basic arguments for Bergmann’s rule and Allen’s rule.  相似文献   

The woodpecker does not suffer head/eye impact injuries while drumming on a tree trunk with high acceleration(more than 1000×g) and high frequency.The mechanism that protects the woodpecker’s head has aroused the interest of ornithologists,biologists and scientists in the areas of mechanical engineering,material science and electronics engineering.This article reviews the literature on the biomechanisms and materials responsible for protecting the woodpecker from head impact injury and their applications in engineering and human protection.  相似文献   

One hundred years ago in 1915 ‘Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane’ by Alfred Wegener was published, destined to become one of the most controversial geological opus in the first half of the twentieth century. Wegener is the first to combine the most diverse geological (sensu lato) evidences in a single great synthesis. Nonetheless, apart from few upholders, the initial reaction to the drift hypothesis was fierce opposition, and the strongest criticism came from geophysics, the same discipline that, paradoxically, starting from the 1950s led to the Plate Tectonics revolution and, ultimately, to a complete re-evaluation of Wegener’s hypothesis. In the present paper we discuss the initial reaction of Italian scientists to the original continental drift theory, with particular focus on the period between the two world wars. Italian geologists like Fossa-Mancini and Gortani were almost favourable to the new theory, while authors such as Vardabasso and Sacco were neutral or even hostile to the new hypothesis, so iconoclastic for the widely accepted fixist vision of the time. In any case, all these scientists agreed that the new theory had great potential for reopening an enthusiastic debate on issues that were given as established paradigms – the genuine way for progress in science.  相似文献   


Equations are constructed describing the inverse correlation of species diversity and body mass in extant and Cenozoic mammals. Cope’s rule, the tendency for many mammal clades to increase in body size through time, through phyletic change in single lineages or turnover within species groups, is interpreted as a probability function reducing diversity potential as a tradeoff for ecological/evolutionary gains. The inverse rule predicts that large species in clades will be less diverse than smaller species and, unless origination rates remain high among smaller clade members, clades conforming to Cope’s rule will decline in diversity, moving towards extinction. This proposition is evaluated in the Cenozoic histories of five North American mammal clades; cotton rats, felids, canids, hyaenodontids, and equids. Diversity potential of different size classes within the 3.75 million year phyletic history of the muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus, is also examined. A corollary prediction of the inverse rule, that large species should have longer durations (species lifespans) than small species, is unresolved. Successful clades maintain small size or a significant number of smaller species relative to clade average size. The potential loss of unique extant large mammal species justifies the conservation effort to protect them. The similarity of scaling exponents of species diversity to mass around a slope of -1.0 suggests that species diversity is correlated with home range size, the latter related to the probability of population fragmentation.  相似文献   

The problem of plant individuality is something which has vexed botanists throughout the ages, with fashion swinging back and forth from treating plants as communities of individuals (Darwin 1800; Braun and Stone 1853; Münch 1938) to treating them as organisms in their own right, and although the latter view has dominated mainstream thought most recently (Harper 1977; Cook 1985; Ariew and Lewontin 2004), a lively debate conducted mostly in Scandinavian journals proves that the issues are far from being resolved (Tuomi and Vuorisalo 1989b; Fagerström 1992; Pan and Price 2001). In this paper I settle the matter once and for all, by showing which elements of each side are correct.  相似文献   

Kartagener’s syndrome is a very rare congenital malformation comprising of a classic triad of sinusitis, situs inversus and bronchiectasis. Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a genetic disorder with manifestations present from early life and this distinguishes it from acquired mucociliary disorders. Approximately one half of patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia have situs inversus and, thus are having Kartagener syndrome. We present a case of 12 year old boy with sinusitis, situs inversus and bronchiectasis. The correct diagnosis of this rare congenital autosomal recessive disorder in early life is important in the overall prognosis of the syndrome, as many of the complications can be prevented if timely management is instituted, as was done in this in this case.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods are based on parametric models of character evolution. They assume that if we know these models as well as distribution of character states in studied organisms, we can infer the probability of different phylogenetic trajectories leading from ancestors to modern forms. In fact, these methods are mathematized variants of the traditional Haeckel’s approach to phylogeny reconstruction. In contrast to classical and parsimonious cladistics, they infer phylogenies without such limitations as necessity of strictly dichotomous evolution, exclusion of plesiomorphic characters, and acceptance of only holophyletic taxa. They assume that evolution may be reticulated, any homologous characters—both apomorphic and plesiomorphic—can be used for inferring phylogenies, and interpretation of evolutionary lineages as taxa is optional. Thus, the main difference between the new and more traditional approaches to phylogeny reconstruction lies not in the characters used (molecular or morphological) but in the methodology of analysis. It must be admitted that a revolution began in phylogenetics 10–20 years ago. However, the fundamental changes in phylogenetics have been carried out so calmly and neatly by the people who started this revolution, that many systematists still do not realize their importance.  相似文献   

Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy introduces an intriguing combination of so-called ‘drives’, seemingly biologically inspired forces behind humanity’s cultural ways of relating to what is, and extensive distrust of science. Despite the Greek mythological context, the insight and the arguments provided by Nietzsche seem relevant to contemporary biologically inspired approaches to cognition found within biosemiotics, as well as the embodied cognition paradigm. Here, I discuss how Nietzsche’s biological conception of our relation to what is, incessantly emphasises a critical approach to our predilections and mindless conventionalist beliefs.  相似文献   

β-Barrel membrane proteins have regular structures with extensive hydrogen-bond networks between their transmembrane (TM) β-strands, which stabilize their protein fold. Nevertheless, weakly stable TM regions, which are important for the protein function and interaction with other proteins, exist. Here, we report on the apparent stability of human Tom40A, a member of the “mitochondrial porin family” and main constituent of the mitochondrial protein-conducting channel TOM (translocase of the outer membrane). Using a physical interaction model, TmSIP, for β-barrel membrane proteins, we have identified three unfavorable β-strands in the TM domain of the protein. Substitution of key residues inside these strands with hydrophobic amino acids results in a decreased sensitivity of the protein to chemical and/or thermal denaturation. The apparent melting temperature observed when denatured at a rate of 1 °C per minute is shifted from 73 to 84 °C. Moreover, the sensitivity of the protein to denaturant agents is significantly lowered. Further, we find a reduced tendency for the mutated protein to form dimers. We propose that the identified weakly stable β-strands 1, 2 and 9 of human Tom40A play an important role in quaternary protein-protein interactions within the mammalian TOM machinery. Our results show that the use of empirical energy functions to model the apparent stability of β-barrel membrane proteins may be a useful tool in the field of nanopore bioengineering.  相似文献   

We present the 2.6 A resolution crystal structure of a complex formed between G-actin and gelsolin fragment Met25-Gln160 (G1+). The structure differs from those of other gelsolin domain 1 (G1) complexes in that an additional six amino acid residues from the crucial linker region into gelsolin domain 2 (G2) are visible and are attached securely to the surface of actin. The linker segment extends away from G1 up the face of actin in a direction that infers G2 will bind along the same long-pitch helical strand as the actin bound to G1. This is consistent with a mechanism whereby G2 attaches gelsolin to the side of a filament and then directs G1 toward a position where it would disrupt actin-actin contacts. Alignment of the sequence of the structurally important residues within the G1-G2 linker with those of WH2 (WASp homology domain 2) domain protein family members (e.g. WASp (Wiscott-Aldridge syndrome protein) and thymosin beta4) suggests that the opposing activities of filament assembly and disassembly may exploit a common patch on the surface of actin.  相似文献   

We tested the validity of Bergmann’s rule and Rosenzweig’s hypothesis through an analysis of the geographical variation of the skull size of Otaria flavescens along the entire distribution range of the species (except Brazil). We quantified the sizes of 606 adult South American sea lion skulls measured in seven localities of Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, and the Falkland/Malvinas Islands. Geographical and environmental variables included latitude, longitude, and monthly minimum, maximum, and mean air and ocean temperatures. We also included information on fish landings as a proxy for productivity. Males showed a positive relationship between condylobasal length (CBL) and latitude, and between CBL and the six temperature variables. By contrast, females showed a negative relationship between CBL and the same variables. Finally, female skull size showed a significant and positive correlation with fish landings, while males did not show any relationship with this variable. The body size of males conformed to Bergmann’s rule, with larger individuals found in southern localities of South America. Females followed the converse of Bergmann’s rule at the intraspecific level, but showed a positive relationship with the proxy for productivity, thus supporting Rosenzweig’s hypothesis. Differences in the factors that drive body size in females and males may be explained by their different life-history strategies. Our analyses demonstrate that latitude and temperature are not the only factors that explain spatial variation in body size: others such as food availability are also important for explaining the ecogeographical patterns found in O. flavescens.  相似文献   

We studied the altitudinal patterns of plant species richness and examined the effects of geometric constraints, area, and climatic factors on the observed richness patterns along the ridge of the Baekdudaegan Mountains, South Korea. Rapoport’s altitudinal rule was evaluated by examining the relationship between altitudinal range size and midpoint. We also examined the latitudinal effect on species richness. Plant data were collected from 1,100 plots along a 200–1,900 m altitudinal gradient along the ridge of the Baekdudaegan. A total of 802 plant species from 97 families and 342 genera were found. The altitudinal patterns of plant species richness along the ridge of the Baekdudaegan depicted distinctly hump-shaped patterns, although the absolute altitudes of the richness peaks vary somewhat among plant groups. While the mid-domain effect (MDE) was the most powerful explanatory variable in simple regression models, species richness was also associated with climatic factors, especially mean annual precipitation (MAP) and temperature (MAT) in multiple regression models. The relative importance of the MDE and climatic factors were different among plant groups. The MDE was more important for woody plants and for large-ranged species, whereas climatic factors were better predictors for total and herbaceous plants and for small-ranged species. Rapoport’s altitudinal rule and a latitudinal effect on species richness were not supported. Our study suggests that a combined interaction of the MDE and climatic factors influences species richness patterns along the altitudinal gradient of the Baekdudaegan Mountains, South Korea.  相似文献   

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