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Under conditions which favor the duplex structure of DNA, mung bean nuclease catalyzes a limited number of double-strand cleavages (probably less than 50) in the interior of native T7 DNA. However, under conditions which are not as favorable to a tight helical structure, the large duplex polymers previously produced are completely degraded from their termini with a continuous accumulation of mono-, di-, and trinucleotides. The terminally directed activity is an intrinsic property of the enzyme molecule because (1) it is inactivated and reactivated in parallel with the single-strand activity and (2) the two activities coelectrophorese on analytical gels. Kinetic measurements indicate that the apparent Km for the terminally directed hydrolysis of native DNA is relatively high. The pH optimum for both the hydrolysis of denatured DNA and the terminally directed hydrolysis of native DNA becomes more acidic with increasing salt concentration. The relative preference for single-stranded structures increases as the pH becomes more basic.  相似文献   

Sugar-unspecific mung bean nuclease I   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

An S1 nuclease preparation was used to purify the enzyme to homogeneity. The enzyme had an isoelectric point of 4.2, and a high content of hydrophobic amino acids, especially tyrosine. It exhibited low 3'-ribonucleotidase activity. Circular dichroism analysis suggested that the contents of alpha-helix, beta-structure and random coil are 25%, 31% and 44%, respectively. The enzyme contained about 3 g atoms Zn/mol and the removal of Zn from the enzyme by addition of EDTA resulted in disruption of its secondary structure with resultant inactivation. From Con A-Sepharose chromatography, we suggest that the enzyme is a high-mannose glycoprotein. After treatment with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H under moderate conditions, a small part of the enzyme was converted to a form lacking the sugar side chain. This form of the enzyme was as thermostable as the parent enzyme, suggesting that the sugar side chain may not be involved in thermostability of the enzyme.  相似文献   

A novel set of reaction conditions for mung bean nuclease has been described in which Plasmodium genes were specifically excised as intact fragments from purified DNA. We have now determined that under the new conditions mung bean nuclease cleaves precisely at sites outside of the coding region of every P. falciparum gene for which the extent of the protein coding region in genomic DNA is known. We conclude that this enzyme activity is probably a general one for P. falciparum genes. Introns are not specifically cleaved, although one gene contained a cleavage site within an intron. There is no direct relationship between dA.dT-richness and sites of cleavage under these conditions. Also contrary to the expectations of a model based on cleavage at denaturation bubbles, there was no general relationship between the concentration of the DNA denaturant, formamide, and the size of the resulting gene-containing fragments. Thus, the data strongly suggest the involvement of an altered DNA structure near gene boundaries in determining the recognition sites for this enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Mung bean nuclease hydrolyzes synthetic esters of 3′-nucleotides to nucleosides and phosphate esters; esters of 2′-nucleotides, and 2′→ 5′ internucleotide linkages, are resistant. Esters of ribonucleotides are cleaved at 100-fold the rate for deoxyribonucleotides, the increased rate being due to presence of the 2′-hydroxyl and not to differences in conformation. Introduction of a 5′-substituent leads to a 3-fold increase in rate. The rates of hydrolysis vary up to 10-fold with the nature of the base, in the order adenine > hypoxanthine > uracil; and up to 6-fold with the nature of the ester radical. This form of cleavage of esters of 3′-nucleotides is also characteristic for nuclease-3′-nucleotidase activities from potato tubers and wheat, suggesting that one type of enzyme is responsible for all these activities.  相似文献   

Some physical, catalytic, and regulatory properties of ketopantoate hydroxymethyltransferase (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate: alpha-ketoisovalerate hydroxymethyltranferase) from Escherichia coli are described. This enzyme catalyzes the reversible synthesis of ketopantoate (Reaction 1), an essential precursor of pantothenic acid. (1) HC(CH3)2COCOO- + 5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate f in equilibrium r HOCH2C(CH3)2COCOO- + tetrahydrofolate It has a molecular weight by sedimentation equilibrium of 255,000, a sedimentation coefficient (S20,w) of 11 S, a partial specific volume of 0.74 ml/g, an isoelectric point of 4.4, and an absorbance, (see article), of 0.85. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate and amino acid analyses give a subunit molecular weight of 27,000 and 25,700, respectively; both procedures indicate the presence of 10 identical subunits. The NH2-terminal sequence is Met-Tyr---. The enzyme is stable and active over a broad pH range, with an optimum from 7.0 to 7.6. It requires Mg2+ for activity; Mn2+, Co2+, Zn2+ are progressively less active. The enzyme is not inactivated by borohydride reduction in the presence of excess substrates, i.e. it is a Class II aldolase. Reaction 1f is partially inhibited by concentrations of formaldehyde (0.8 mM) and tetrahydrofolate (0.38 mM) below or near the Km values, apparent Km values are 0.18, 1.1 and 5.9 mM for tetrahydrofolate, alpha-ketoisovalerate, and formaldehyde, respectively. For Reaction 1r, apparent Km values are 0.16 and 0.18 mM, respectively, for ketopantoate and tetrahydrofolate, and the saturation curves for both substrates show positive cooperativity. Forward and reverse reactions occur at similar maximum velocities (Vmax approximately equal to 8 mumol of ketopantoate formed or decomposed per min per mg of enzyme at 37 degrees). Only 1-tetrahydrofolate is active in Reaction 1; d-tetrahydrofolate, folate, and methotrexate were neither active nor inhibitory. However, 1-tetrahydrofolate was effectively replaced with conjugates containing 1 to 6 additional glutamate residues; of these, tetrahydropterolpenta-, tetra-, and triglutamate were effective at lower concentrations than tetrahydrofolate itself; they were also the predominant conjugates of tetrahydrofolate present in E. coli. Alpha-Ketobutyrate, alpha-ketovalerate, and alpha-keto-beta-methylvalerate replaced alpha-ketoisovalerate as substrates; pyruvate was inactive as a substrate, but like isovalerate, 3-methyl-2-butanone and D- or L-valine, inhibited Reaction 1. the transferase has regulatory properties expected of an enzyme catalyzing the first committed step in a biosynthetic pathway. Pantoate (greater than or equal to 500 muM) and coenzyme A (above 1 mM) all inhibit; the Vmax is decreased, Km is increased, and the cooperativity for substrate (ketopantoate) is enhanced. Catalytic activity of the transferase is thus regulated by the products of the reaction path of which it is one component; transferase synthesis is not repressed by growth in the presence of pantothenate.  相似文献   

Mung-bean (Phaseolus aureus) nuclease has been found to cleave the Sp diastereoisomer of 5'-O-thymidyl 3'-O-(2'-deoxyadenosyl)phosphorothioate, (Sp)-d[Ap(S)T], in 18O-labelled water with inversion of configuration at phosphorus to give (Sp)-thymidine 5'-[16O, 18O]phosphorothioate, the stereochemistry of which was deduced by methylation to (Rp,Sp)-thymidine 5'-S-methyl-O-methyl-[16O,18O]phosphorothioate and 31P-n.m.r. analysis. This result is consistent with a mechanism involving a direct 'in-line' attack of water on DNA for the nuclease-catalysed reaction without the involvement of a covalent nucleotidylated-enzyme intermediate.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase (R-glutaminyl-peptide:amine alpha-glutamyl-yltransferase [EC]) has been purified to apparent homogeneity from extracts of rabbit liver. The enzyme is a single polypeptide chain of approximately 80 000 molecular weight containing one catalytic site per molecule. That the isolated enzyme is the rabbit counterpart of the well-characterized guinea pig liver transglutaminase is evidenced by the similarities in their amino acid compositions and in their enzymic activities toward several substrates, together with the fact that the isolated rabbit enzyme is immunologically distinct from both rabbit plasma and rabbit platelet blood coagulation factor XIII. A striking difference between the catalytic activities of the rabbit and guinea pig enzymes is the low activity of rabbit transglutaminase for hydroxylamine incorporation into benzyloxycarbonyl-L-glutaminylglycine, a reaction for which the guinea pig enzyme shows a high reactivity. This finding reveals the cause of error in an earlier report (Tyler, H.M., and Laki, K. (1967) Biochemistry 6, 3259) that rabbit liver contains little, if any, of the enzyme. Preparation of, and analytical data on, several glutamine-containing peptide derivatives used in this study are reported here.  相似文献   

Telomere-linked genes coding for the variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs) of African trypanosomes have been difficult to clone because their flanking regions frequently lack restriction sites. Therefore, we constructed a genomic DNA library of fragments generated by digestion of purified trypanosome DNA with mung bean nuclease, an enzyme that cleaves before and after genes in Plasmodium falciparum DNA (McCutchan, T. F., Hansen, J. L., Dame, J. B., and Mullins, J. A. (1984) Science 225, 625-628). Southern hybridizations with several gene probes showed that under the appropriate conditions mung bean nuclease produces discrete trypanosome DNA fragments that are as clearly resolved on an agarose gel as restriction fragments. The majority of VSG genes are on fragments of about 1.7 kilobase pairs. To examine the sites of mung bean nuclease cleavage, the insert boundary sequences of eight recombinant clones in the library containing VSG genes were determined. In general, mung bean nuclease cleaved 300-800 base pairs in front of the VSG start codon and within 50 base pairs on either side of the termination codon. These regions also form the boundaries of VSG gene conversion events indicating that the enzyme recognizes, in part, a conformational structure rather than a specific sequence. The analyzed clones included both telomere-linked and interior basic copy VSG genes indicating that the library potentially contains all of the telomere-linked VSG genes in the genome.  相似文献   

A rapid two-step purification to homogeneity of the calmodulin-activated adenylyl cyclase from urea extracts of Bordetella pertussis organisms (strain 114) is described. Catalytic and invasive activities are purified 30- and 177-fold, respectively, and virtually no degraded forms are found. Specific activities are 0.4 mmol/min/mg and 0.5 mumol/mg of enzyme protein/mg of cell protein/min for catalytic and invasive activities, respectively. The 15 amino-terminal amino acids agree with those deduced from the DNA sequence, as does the molecular mass of 175 kDa (guanidine) or 177 kDa (urea) obtained by equilibrium sedimentation. The larger apparent molecular mass seen in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis can be ascribed to anomalous migration. Half-maximal cyclase activation occurs at 3-4 X 10(-10) M calmodulin in the presence of Ca2+ and at 2 X 10(-8) M calmodulin in its absence. Ca2+ activation is maximal at 60-100 microM free CaCl2 (at low calmodulin concentrations), and free Ca2+ concentrations above approximately 125 microM are inhibitory at any calmodulin concentration. Extracellular Ca2+ is essential for intoxication. In Chinese hamster ovary cells, exogenous calmodulin does not inhibit penetration of the cyclase.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor. Physical and chemical properties   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

The major storage protein of the soybean, glycinin, has been prepared in a homogeneous form and examined by a variety of techniques. It has been found that the protein has a molecular weight of 320000 and contains two sizes of subunits with different isoelectric points. There are six acidic subunits of approximately 35000 and six basic of approximately 20000. Analysis revealed three different kinds of acidic subunits and probably three kinds of basic ones also. These twelve subunits are packed in two identical hexagons, placed one on the other, yielding a hollow oblate cylinder of 110 X 110 X 75 A. Some or all of the subunits are non-spherical resulting in a partial blocking of the central hole. Information about the forces stabilzing the native structure is also discussed.  相似文献   

Defined DNA substrates containing discrete abasic sites or paired abasic sites set 1, 3, 5 and 7 bases apart on opposite strands were constructed to examine the reactivity of S1, mung bean and P1 nucleases towards abasic sites. None of the enzymes acted on the substrate containing discrete abasic sites. Under conditions where little or no non-specific DNA degradation was observed, all three nucleases were able to generate double-strand breaks when the bistranded abasic sites were 1 and 3 base pairs apart. However, when the abasic sites were further apart, the enzymes again failed to cleave the DNA. These results indicate that single abasic sites do not cause sufficient denaturation of the DNA to allow incision by these single-strand specific endonucleases. The reactivity of these enzymes was also investigated on DNA substrates that were nicked by DNasel or more site-specifically by endonuclease III incision at the discrete abasic sites. The three nucleases readily induced a strand break opposite such nicks.  相似文献   

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