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A new species of amblycipitid catfish is here described from the Indawgyi Lake basin of the Irrawaddy River drainage in Kachin State, Myanmar as Amblyceps improcerum, new species. It can be distinguished from congeners in having a unique combination of the following characters: lower jaw longer than upper; head length 17.4–22.3% SL; head width 13.7–15.2% SL; head depth 9.0–11.7% SL; interorbital distance 31–39% HL; eye diameter 7–10% HL; 37–38 vertebrae; lateral line incomplete; predorsal length 25.5–30.7% SL; smooth posterior margin of pectoral spine; pectoral-fin length 13.5–16.8% SL; pelvic-fin length 9.6–13.4% SL; dorsal-to-adipose distance 25.2–28.7% SL; length of adipose-fin base 19.4–23.3% SL; adipose fin separate from dorsal procurrent caudal-fin rays; preanal length 62.1–66.9% SL; body depth at anus 9.8–12.8% SL; depth of caudal peduncle 10.1–12.6% SL; length of caudal peduncle 21.4–24.0% SL, post-adipose distance 15.8–17.8% SL; weakly-forked caudal fin with short broadly, rounded lobes (length of longest ray 1.3–1.5 times length of median rays); centrally projecting hooks on proximal lepidotrichia of median caudal-fin rays absent.  相似文献   

A new pearleye species of the alepisauroid family Scopelarchidae, Scopelarchoides neamticus sp. nov., is described herein based on two specimens from the Oligocene Lower Dysodilic Shales Formation, cropping out in the Pietricica Mountain, Romanian Eastern Carpathians. The new species described herein exhibits a unique combination of features (including head length about 25% of SL; coracoid remarkably expanded; both preorbital and postorbital lengths larger than orbit diameter; 50 or 51 vertebrae; dorsal fin with nine or ten rays; anal-fin with 28 rays; length of anal fin base about 30% of SL; preanal distance almost 60% of SL; pelvic fin insertion located just under the second dorsal fin ray; pectoral fins only slightly longer than pelvic fins; caudal fin with 19 principal rays plus 14 upper and 13 lower procurrent rays) that justifies its recognition as a new species of the genus Scopelarchoides. Both morphological and meristic features suggest a certain degree of similarity between S. neamticus sp. nov. and the extant species Scopelarchoides signifer. The fossils of the new Oligocene species described herein represent the oldest known skeletal record of Scopelarchidae.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the Dendrochirus brachypterus complex resulted in the recognition of five species, including Dendrochirus barberi (Steindachner 1900), Dendrochirus bellus (Jordan and Hubbs 1925), Dendrochirus brachypterus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes 1829), Dendrochirus hemprichi sp. nov. and Dendrochirus tuamotuensis Matsunuma and Motomura 2013. The complex is defined as having usually 9 dorsal-fin soft rays, usually 5 anal-fin soft rays, 17–20 (rarely 20) pectoral-fin rays, no ocellated spots on the soft-rayed portion of the dorsal fin and usually 2 (sometimes none) barbels on the snout tip. Dendrochirus barberi, known from the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Atoll, is characterized by usually 18 pectoral-fin rays, a relatively high number of scale rows in the longitudinal series (modally 51 vs. 39–49 in other species) and mottled markings on the pectoral fin in large specimens. Dendrochirus bellus, restricted to the northwestern Pacific Ocean from the South China Sea north to southern Japan, is characterized by usually 17 pectoral-fin rays, a relatively low number of scale rows in the longitudinal series (modally 38 vs. 44–51 in other species), and the absence of skin flaps on the orbit surface and uppermost preopercular spine base. Dendrochirus tuamotuensis, recorded only from the Tuamotu Archipelago, is characterized by 19 pectoral-fin rays, the posterior margin of the pectoral fin strongly notched, and a relatively shallow and narrow head and body. Dendrochirus hemprichi sp. nov. is distributed in the western Indian Ocean, including the Red Sea. Although previously confused with a closely related congener (D. brachypterus, known from the northern and eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific), D. hemprichi can be distinguished from the former by having fewer scale rows between the last dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line, and between the sixth dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line [4–7 (5) in D. hemprichi vs. 5–7 (6) in D. brachypterus, in both cases], a slightly greater interorbital width at the mid-orbit [5.5–10.7 (mean 7.8) % SL vs. 4.5–8.9 (6.8) % of SL] and at preocular spine base [4.4–9.1 (6.6) % SL vs. 3.5–7.8 (5.7) % of SL], and slightly shorter posteriormost (usually 13th) dorsal-fin spine length [11.8–19.9 (15.3) % SL vs. 13.3–21.3 (17.2) % of SL]. Moreover, D. hemprichi tends to have relatively more spinous points on the head spines and ridges, compared with D. brachypterus. Notwithstanding the morphological similarity between the two species, an obvious genetic difference was observed between D. hemprichi and D. brachypterus. Dendrochirus chloreus Jenkins 1903 and Dendrochirus hudsoni Jordan and Evermann 1903 were synonymized under Pterois barberi, as in some previous studies. Scorpaena koenigii Bloch 1789 was regarded as conspecific with D. brachypterus, which it predated. However, the former name should be suppressed under Reversal of Precedence.  相似文献   

A new species, Olyra parviocula, is described from the Kameng River, Brahmaputra River drainage in Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India. The new species differs from congeners in having small eye diameter 5–8% HL; short adipose fin, not confluent with caudal-fin, its base length 9–12% SL; dorsal-fin branched rays 6; anal-fin rays viii–xi, 8–10 and maxillary barbel almost reaching pelvic-fin base. A key to identification of all valid species of Olyra is provided.  相似文献   

A new goby species, Stiphodon niraikanaiensis, is described on the basis of three specimens (two females and one male) collected from a freshwater stream in Okinawa Island, Japan. This species can be distinguished from its congeners by nine soft rays in the second dorsal fin, 16 rays in the pectoral fin, a pointed first dorsal fin in male, the premaxilla with 46–50 tricuspid teeth in 27–36 mm SL; no white patch behind the pectoral-fin base in male, the nape and posterior half of the occipital region covered by cycloid scales, broad black band along the distal margin of the second dorsal fin in male, 11 or 12 dusky transverse bars laterally on the trunk and tail of female intersecting with the mid-lateral longitudinal band, several conspicuous black spots on each spine and soft ray on the first and second dorsal fins of female, the anal fin of female lacking remarkable marking, and the pectoral-fin rays with 2–5 and 1–4 black spots, respectively, for male and female. The new species is known only from the type locality.  相似文献   

A new balitorid fish,Hemimyzon nanensis, is described from the Mae Nam Nan River basin, a tributary of the Chao Phraya River, in northern Thailand. This species is distinguishable from its congeners by the following unique combination of characters: pectoral fin with 9–11 simple and 10–12 branched, rays; pelvic fin with 3–4 (usually 3) simple and 8–9 (usually 9) branched rays; 59–63 total lateral line scales; distance between pelvic fin bases 8.1–9,6% SL.H. nanensis is the first species of the genus recorded outside China and Taiwan.  相似文献   

A new species of damselfish, Abudefduf nigrimargo (Pomacentridae), is described on the basis of six specimens (91.8–119.5 mm standard length; SL) from Taiwan. Although similar to A. caudobimaculatus Okada and Ikeda 1939, A. saxatilis (Linnaeus 1758), A. troschelii (Gill 1862) and A. vaigiensis (Quoy and Gaimard 1825) in having five dark bands on the lateral surface of the body with yellowish interspaces dorsally, the new species can be distinguished from the others by the following combination of characters: 18–19 (mode 19) pectoral-fin rays; 20–23 (22) tubed lateral-line scales; 7–8 (7)?+?14–16 (16)?=?21–24 (23) gill rakers; relatively greater body depth and longer pectoral-fin length [57.3–60.8% (mean 59.0%) of SL and 36.8–40.8% (38.5%) of SL, respectively]; 5 scale rows on cheek; scales on suborbit, usually continuous over basal area of lacrimal; many scales on anteroventral region of head; scale covering on preopercle and interopercle continuous; scales on dorsal and lateral body surfaces with blackish margin (indistinct in subadult), second and third black bands on body not extending dorsally onto membranes of spinous dorsal fin; anterior and upper margins of fourth black band usually level with sixth dorsal-fin soft ray base and not extending onto small scales on the dorsal-fin base, respectively; and caudal-fin base without black spots.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the Chromis xanthura species group, defined here as having 13 dorsal-fin spines, three upper and three lower procurrent caudal-fin rays, two black bands at the preopercular and opercular margins, and a yellow caudal fin when juvenile, resulted in the recognition of three species, Chromis xanthura (Bleeker 1854), Chromis opercularis (Günther 1867), and Chromis anadema sp. nov. Chromis xanthura and C. opercularis, the Pacific and Indian Ocean paired sister species, respectively, are redescribed, with confirmation of two color types of C. xanthura (having a white or black caudal peduncle and fin) as a single species on the basis of morphological and molecular analyses. Chromis anadema sp. nov., described from the oceanic islands of the Pacific Ocean on the basis of 21 specimens, is characterized by having 28–33 gill rakers; longest dorsal-fin soft ray length 20.0–24.7% of standard length (SL); first anal-fin spine length 5.0–6.1% of SL; caudal-fin length 33.4–43.8% of SL; posterior tips of caudal-fin lobes not filamentous in adults; broad black bands along preopercular and opercular margins, sum width of two bands 28.9–38.7% of head length; distal half of soft-rayed portion of dorsal fin transparent in adults; triangular black blotches at upper and lower caudal-fin base in adults; caudal peduncle and fin bluish black in adults; and body grayish, and all fins (except for pectoral fin) bright yellow in juveniles.  相似文献   

A new cobitidid, Cobitis elazigensis, is described from Anatolian Turkey in the province of Elazi?. The new species differs from all other members of the genus by having the following combination of characters: two Canestrini’s scales on the pectoral fin, a suborbital spine with a dorso-lateral branch (rarely simple and unbranched), large size, over 180 mm total length, total vertebrae 47–49, lateral spots reduced or absent, a spot at the upper caudal fin base, scales longer than wide with a small focus, dorsal fin rays III, 5–6, usually 6, ventral fin rays III, 6–7, usually 6, and pectoral fin rays I, 7–9.  相似文献   

Arabibarbus hadhrami, a new species of cyprinid fish from the Hadhramaut Province of Yemen, is described. It has modally 30 scales (29–32) in the lateral line, the wedge-shaped head is longer (27.8–32.5 % SL) and higher (15.5–18.4 % SL) than in its congeners. The body is slender and laterally flattened. The dorsal fin is high (26.5–32.4 % SL) and well ossified. The pectoral fins (19.9–23.9 % SL) and pelvic fins (16.8–19.8 % SL) are longer than in its congeners. Two closely related species, Arabibarbus arabicus and Arabibarbus grypus are re-described and compared to the new species. Based on morphological and molecular characters the new genus Arabibarbus is erected for these three species. It is characterised by medium to large body size, an ossified, smooth principal dorsal fin ray, eight branched dorsal and five branched anal fin rays, large shield-shaped scales with numerous parallel radii, a lateral line with 29 to 44 scales, pharyngeal teeth that are hooked at their tips, their count being 2.3.5–5.3.2 and the possession of two pairs of barbels. Arabibarbus hadhrami is the type species of the new genus. The phylogenetic position of the new genus is analysed, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. It is the sister taxon to the genus Carasobarbus Karaman, 1971 and closely related to Mesopotamichthys Karaman, 1971, Pterocapoeta Günther, 1902 and ‘Barbusreinii Günther, 1874. Arabibarbus probably colonised the Arabian Peninsula about 4 Ma ago, coming from the Tigris-Euphrates drainage in the East via Wādī ar Rimah/Wādī al Bā?in.  相似文献   

A new species of labrid fish Oxycheilinus samurai sp. nov. is described on the basis of five specimens from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, and Panay Island, the Philippines. The new species is most similar to the Indo-West Pacific species Oxycheilinus orientalis in having a slender compressed body, 12 pectoral-fin rays, a blackish blotch around the anterior portion of the lateral-line anterior series, and a dark blotch basally on the membrane between the first and second dorsal-fin spines. However, O. samurai can be distinguished from O. orientalis by the following combination of characters: gill rakers 4 + 7–8; snout rounded with maximum circumference 49.8–63.5 % of standard length (SL); interorbital width 7.7–9.2 % of SL; caudal-peduncle depth 13.8–15.3 % of SL; posterior margin of caudal fin white; black or dark red area just before white posterior margin of caudal fin; poorly defined blackish blotches on inner surface of opercle in preserved specimens.  相似文献   

Three late metamorphic transformation larvae ofPoecilopsetta praelonga (68.0–82.3 mm SL) and a juvenile (92.7 mm SL) captured from the waters off northwestern Australia (400–460 m deep) are described. The transformation larvae ofP. praelonga are distinguishable from the congeners of the same stage in having relatively low body depth (2.20–2.44 in SL), relatively large maxilla extending to anterior one-third of lower eye, and seven and six distinct spots along the dorsal and ventral margins of ocular side body, respectively. In the smallest specimen, the intestine was expanded posteriorly beyond the posterior wall of visceral cavity, but not in the larger specimens. The pectoral fin rays and the spines of scales were supposed to begin to be formed by about 80 mm SL. Ontogenetic changes which include decreasing ratios of upper jaw length to head length. and increasing ratios of depth of body muscle to body depth, were observed, based on a comparison of transformation larvae, a juvenile and adults.  相似文献   


The platycephalid Platycephalus angustus Steindachner 1866, which has not appeared in recent publications, is recognized as valid and redescribed on the basis of 24 specimens collected from northern Australia and New Guinea. This species is easily separable from other congeners in having a combination of the first dorsal fin usually with two small anterior isolated spines, dorsal and anal soft rays usually 13, orbit relatively small (orbital diameter 11.2–21.5 % HL), postorbital region long (postorbital length 55.5–67.8 % HL), interorbital space wide (interorbital width 7.3–17.3 % HL), suborbital region narrow (suborbital width 4.7–7.2 % HL), vomerine tooth rows tending to increase in number with growth, with 2–4 rows in 106–184 mm SL specimens and a single broad band of numerous rows in larger specimens, teeth present on the dorsal surface of the premaxilla anterolaterally on the edge of the upper jaw in specimens ca. 76 mm SL or longer, and 3–5 dark brown to black bands and spots on its caudal fin. As the stated type locality, Surinam, is considered erroneous, and the holotype appears to have been lost, a neotype is designated with a type locality northeast of Darbilla Creek, Millingimbi, Northern Territory, Australia.


Development of fin-supports and fin-rays was observed in larval and juvenileChanos chanos, Chondrification of the caudal complex started at 4.70 mm SL. Ossification of the caudal elements started at 7.80 mm SL and was nearly completed at about 30 mm SL. Cartilaginous fusion of caudal elements, which occurs in hypurals of higher teleostean fishes but is not seen in lower teleosts, was observed between the neural arch of the preural centrum 1 and that of the ural centrum 1 via a small cartilage bridging the distal tips of the two arches. Caudal finrays began to develop at 6.60 mm SL, and an adult complement of principal rays was attained at 7.35 mm SL. Dorsal and anal pterygiophore elements were first evident at 6.70 mm and 6.65 mm SL, respectively. All proximal radiais were formed at 8.15 mm SL in both fins. Formation of dorsal and anal fin-rays started simultaneously at 8.60 mm SL, and adult fin-ray complements were attained at 10,00 mm and 10.70 mm SL, respectively. In the pectoral fin, the cleithrum, coraco-scapular cartilage and blade-like cartilage (fin plate) had already been formed at 4.65 mm SL. The mesocoracoid was observed to originate from the coraco-scapular cartilage and become detached from it in the course of ossification. Pectoral fin-ray formation started at 13.80 mm SL and was completed in number of rays at 20.00 mm SL. In the pelvic fin, the basipterygium was first evident at 13.00 mm SL. Pelvic fin-rays appeared at 13.80 mm SL and attained their adult count at 17.15 mm SL.  相似文献   

A new species of liparid fish Careproctus surugaensis is described from a single specimen collected between 1,450 and 1,570 m depth on the northern part of Suruga Trough, Suruga Bay, Japan. It can be distinguished from all currently recognized congeners by the following combination of characters: 50 total vertebrae, 47 dorsal-fin rays, 39 anal-fin rays, 32 pectoral-fin rays, 10 principal caudal-fin rays, pectoral proximal radials 4 (first to third with notches); trilobate teeth on both jaws, gill slit 7.1 % SL, extending in front of 7th pectoral fin ray base; maximum body depth 19.1 % SL, disk length 7.9 % SL, anus midway between posterior margin of pelvic disk and anal-fin origin; body and fins light orange except blackish peritoneum.  相似文献   

Amblyceps crassioris, a new species of amblycipitid catfish, is described from the Mahanadi River basin in Odisha, India. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners in having a combination of the following characters: a deeply forked caudal fin, centrally projecting hooks on proximal lepidotrichia of median caudal-fin rays absent, jaws equal in length, lateral line absent, body depth at anus 15.1%–19.5% standard length (SL), caudal peduncle depth 13.0%–18.3% SL, adipose-fin base length 21.1%–27.1% SL, eye diameter 7.35%–14.1% head length and 38 total vertebrae.  相似文献   

A new owstoniine bandfish, Owstonia kamoharai, is described based on six specimens (147–402 mm in standard length) collected from off southern Japan: Shikoku Island, Kii Peninsula, and Suruga Bay. The new species differs from its congeners by the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays III, 21; anal-fin rays I, 14; pectoral-fin rays 21–23; total caudal-fin rays 17 (branched 13); vertebrae 28–29; gill rakers on first arch 39–40; cheek with 88–123 scales in 8–10 rows; lateral line without branch, not forming loop in front of dorsal fin, ending below 8th–10th dorsal-fin soft rays; scales in longitudinal rows 53–56; lower margin of preopercle smooth; pelvic fin short, not reaching to anus; posterior margin of caudal fin rounded; uniformly reddish coloration with black markings on membranes of both jaws; and white margins of vertical fins.  相似文献   

A new serranid fish,Liopropoma dorsoluteum sp. nov., is described on the basis of two specimens from Yaeyama Is., Okinawa, Japan. The new species is most similar toL. erythaeum Randall & Taylor, 1988, in having the following characters: Dorsal fin rays VIII, 12; anal fin rays III, 9; pored lateral line scales 52–53; anterior nostril situated midway between posterior nostril and anterior tip of snout; slightly forked caudal fin with both lobes rounded. It differs from the latter species in having a shorter pectoral fin (23.4–23.8% SL vs. 26.9–29.0% SL), greater preanus length (65.6–68.0% SL vs. 63.3–65.1% SL), fewer gill rakers (6+12 vs. 6–7+14–15) and yellow coloration on the back (vs. light red on head and body) in fresh specimens.  相似文献   

Schindleria parva, a new species of the family Schindleriidae, is described from two specimens collected from the central Red Sea of Saudi Arabia. The new species is characterized by lack of pigmentation on the body, possession of an inconspicuous gas bladder and the presence of small teeth on the premaxillae. The holotype is a female of 11 mm standard length (SL) (11.9 mm total length) and the paratype is a male of 9 mm SL. Dorsal fin rays 10 (9) anal fin rays 9 (7). The body depth at pectoral-fin origin 5% (4%) of SL, depth at anal-fin origin 8% (7%) SL, predorsal length 63% (65%) SL, preanal length 72% (72%) SL, the first anal-fin ray situated below the fourth dorsal-fin ray), a total of 23 + 16 myomeres. The female contained a series of 30 rectangular eggs in a single row, whereas the male is characterized by a short rod-like urogenital papilla. Species of the genus Schindleria are likely the smallest marine vertebrates on the planet and S. parva is likely the smallest Schindleria species in the Red Sea. The global diversity of Schindleria is likely underestimated due to the paedomorphic features of this genus. Its fast generation times make it a species-rich genus of high turnover rates, thus potentially highly important for the trophic food webs of coral reefs. Thus, this finding advances knowledge on the biodiversity of the Red Sea, highlights its conservation significance, and contributes towards the understanding of the complexity of the coral-reef fish community.  相似文献   

A new deepwater assfish, Bassozetus nielseni sp. nov., is described from 29 specimens [147–615 mm in standard length (SL)] collected from the North Atlantic and West Indian oceans. It is distinguished from 13 congeners by the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays 122–129, long rakers on first gill arch 11–14, oblique scales 20–25, abdominal vertebrae 13–14, head length 18.1–21.3 % SL, body depth at anal-fin origin 8.2–14.6 % SL, predorsal length 16.4–20.1 % SL, tail length 62.7–68.0 % SL, posterior tip of pelvic-fin rays anterior to anus, a single median basibranchial tooth patch, dorsal margin of sagittal otolith smooth, and fins pale yellowish brown (preserved condition).  相似文献   

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