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Synopsis About 50% of African cichlid species have been described. Little is known about cichlid ecology, behaviour or about the evolution and interactions of communities. Nevertheless, trends which provide an insight into cichlid life histories, into evolutionary alternatives and into behavioural alternatives which may be followed during the life time of these fishes are emerging. Cichlids which spend their entire life history in a single habitat belong to species flocks that have spectated greatly. In contrast, those groups which live in a variety of habitats during their life history have spectated little. Despite the trophic specializations that have occurred among cichlids, many and perhaps all species, have the ability to feed upon alternative food resources. They do so by switching or by markedly modifying their behaviour and all are particularly opportunistic. The extensive adaptive radiation of cichlids with regard to those attributes of morphology and behaviour that are associated with survival and growth, is apparently not matched by similar radiations in reproductive behaviour. The perceived evolutionary conservatism with regard to reproductive behaviour is attributed to the effects of stabilizing selection, but this still needs to be tested. The constraints of stabilizing selection appear to be lifted with regard to coloration. If colour is an important component of the specific-mate recognition system then it should also be subjected to stabilizing selection so the readiness with which colour variation occurs within and between populations needs explanation. Parental care in cichlids has followed a variety of evolutionary alternatives, all of which are geared to improve the chances of survival of offspring in their specific micro-habitats.  相似文献   

Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis), a native species in China, has populated Continental Europe and North America since 1912. In this paper, the nucleotide variation in the fragments of mitochondrial COII (693 bp), Cytb (766 bp), and nucleotide ITS (706 bp) was analyzed in native (Yantgze, Yellow, and Liaohe Rivers in China) and colonized (Elbe, Rhine, and Thames Rivers in Europe, and San Francisco Bay in North America) populations of the Chinese mitten crab. The major findings are as follows. First, the genetic variability in the native populations is higher than that in the colonized European and North American populations, with the exception of the Elbe River population, which possesses a similar level of variability with the native populations. Second, a remarkable loss of singletons has been associated with the colonization of Chinese mitten crabs. Third, the AMOVA and F ST results demonstrate that there are no significant genetic differentiations among the populations from the three continents, but there is a significant differentiation between pairwise populations within and among continents. Fourth, it is found that expansion-drift and gene flow pattern are involved in the European populations. The neutrality test and R 2 statistics suggest that a moderate founder population exists in the colonized populations, and only the Yangtze River population has undergone a recent population expansion. Finally, the results demonstrate that the European populations originate from multiple rivers in China on multiple occasions. The San Francisco population originates from both the native Chinese populations and the colonized European populations, most likely the Thames population.  相似文献   

Europe's five species ofMaculinea butterfly are examples of endangered species adapted to live in traditional, cultural landscapes. All are threatened with extinction in Western Europe because of recent changes in land use. This is illustrated by an historical account of the extinction of the BritishMaculinea arion populations, despite many conservation attempts. It is shown how the failures proved to be due to ignorance of the key factor forM. arion, its specialization on a single ant host,Myrmica sabuleti. A brief account is given of research that shows how each of the five species is similarly dependent upon a separate hostMyrmica ant species and how each has an interesting and rare specific parasitoid. Steps for the practical conservation of existingMaculinea populations including the obligation, under the Bern Convention, to re-establish nationally extinct species are outlined. The procedure and problems involved in re-establishment are illustrated with reference to the successful programme forM. arion in Britain. The best way of ensuring robust populations ofMaculinea butterflies is to manage habitats to optimize the density and distribution of the required species ofMyrmica host and, secondarily, the distribution of the larval food plant. The value of single species conservation in cultural habitats is discussed. It is concluded that this is possible to achieve and that other rare organisms also often benefit, but only when conservation measures are based on the results of detailed autecological research.  相似文献   

We examine how interspecific competition and two types of size-selective predation affect population density, variability and persistence in laboratory cultures of two species of Daphnia, D. magna and D. longispina. When both species were analysed together, and for D. longispina alone, there were weak negative relationships between mean population density and population variability. Interspecific competition resulted in lower population densities and higher population variability. Extinct populations had lower densities and were also more variable than persisting ones. There was still an effect of population variability on extinction probability after the effect of density on population variability had been accounted for. Hence, the effects of population density and variability on population persistence were partly independent of each other. The effects of size-selective predation on population persistence were more species-specific and not directly related to density or variability. Since the effects of species interactions on persistence were large, we suggest that it is likely that population vulnerability analyses not incorporating effects of interspecific interactions are often misleading.  相似文献   

Summary The outcome of herbivore-host plant interactions is partly a function of variation within the two populations. We partitioned variance in herbivore growth performance into components attributable to differences between trees, differences between (full-sib) insect broods, and tree x brood interactions. Growth performance of Epirrita larvae feeding on a small (0.25 ha) population of mountain birch was greatly influenced by differences between individual trees. Up to 49% of the variation in insect growth rate was due to tree effects; 5th instar growth rates ranged from 0.38 to 0.56 mg·mg-1·day-1 across a sample of 8 trees. About 25% of the variation in pupal weights and larval periods was due to tree effects; on low quality trees larvae required a longer time to attain lower pupal weights. Differences between trees were also evident in physical and chemical characteristics of the leaves. Insect broods differed in the duration of the larval period (15% of the variance) which led to differences in the pupal weight attained (13% of the variance). However, brood-specific differences in growth rate were modest (6% in the 4th instar) or nonexistent (5th instar). There was no evidence for tree x brood interactions, which refutes the possibility of fine scale adaptation to particular tree phenotypes. Hypotheses to explain the existence of this variability, and to predict its evolutionary and ecological consequences, are advanced.  相似文献   

Agave victoriae-reginae somatic embryos were produced through a callus phase from seedling stem segments cultured on MS medium. The optimal treatment was MS medium with 2.26 M 2,4-D. Multiple shoot regeneration was induced from axillary buds from stem segments cultured on MS medium with 2.2–4.4 M BA. Effect of MS and modified MS medium with 50% macronutrient concentration, both containing 2.2 M BA and sucrose at the following concentrations, 20, 30, 45 and 60 g l–1, resulted in inconsistent multiple shoot formation. Shoots and somatic embryos formed by this indirect pathway could have a multicellular origin, which might lead to genetic variation. The direct development of pre-existent buds occurred on MS basal medium and increased in the presence of BA; this might be a pathway for the rescue of genotypes of endangered species. Embryos and shoots developed and grew roots on MS medium. Complete plantlets were obtained on MS basal medium. A total of 92% per cent of the plantlets survived and grew when transferred to the greenhouse. Agave micropropagation could supply the commercial plant demand, diminishing the gathering of seeds and plants of this endangered species from the wild.  相似文献   

While biologists have been aware of theexistence of native Mexican trouts for over acentury, they have received little study. Thefew early studies that did much more thanmention their existence began in the 1930s andcontinued into the early 1960s, focusingprimarily on distributional surveys andtaxonomic analyses. Starting in the 1980s theBaja California rainbow trout became thesubject of more detailed studies, but verylittle remains known of mainland trouts of theSierra Madre Occidental. We review earlierstudies and report on our own collections andobservations made between 1975 and 2000. Wepresent newly discovered historical evidencethat leads us to conclude that a lostcutthroat trout, a lineage not previously knownfrom Mexico, was collected more than a centuryago from headwaters of the Río Conchos (amajor tributary of the Rio Grande (= RíoBravo)), a basin not previously considered toharbor a native trout. We review the lastcentury of regional natural resource managementand discuss our own observations of trouthabitats. Impacts of logging, road building andovergrazing are widespread and expanding. Manystreams suffer from heavy erosion, siltationand contamination, and though long-termhydrologic data are generally not available,there is evidence of decreased discharge inmany streams. These problems appear related toregion-wide land management practices as wellas recent regional drought. Trout cultureoperations using exotic rainbow trout haverapidly proliferated throughout the region,threatening genetic introgression and/orcompetition with native forms and predation onthem. Knowledge of distribution, abundance,relationships and taxonomy, not to mentionecology and population biology, of nativetrouts of the Sierra Madre Occidental remainsinadequate. Vast areas of most mainlanddrainages are still unexplored by fishcollectors, and even rudimentary informationregarding basic biology, ecology and populationstructure of stocks remains lacking.Concentrated exploration, research andmanagement of this long overlooked andundervalued resource are all urgently needed.The history of natural resources exploitationthat placed so many native trouts of thewestern United States on threatened andendangered species lists is repeating itself inthe Sierra Madre Occidental. Without concertedaction and development of region-widesocio-economic solutions for current, largelynon-sustainable resource management practices,native Mexican trout gene pools will soon be ingrave danger of extinction.  相似文献   

Summary Similarities in the composition of the extracellular matrix suggest that only some species of the unicellularChlamydomonas are closely related to the colonial and multicellular flagellated members of the family Volvocaceae. The cell walls from all of the algae in this volvocine group contain a crystalline layer. This lattice structure can be used as a phylogenetic marker to divideChlamydomonas species into distinct classes, only one of which includes the volvocacean algae. Similarly, not all species ofChlamydomonas are sensitive to each other's cell wall lytic enzymes, implying divergence of the enzyme's inner wall substrate. Interspecific reconstitution of the crystalline layer is possible betweenC. reinhardtii and the multicellularVolvox carteri, but not betweenC. reinhardtii andC. eugametos. The hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) which make up the crystalline layer in genera which have a similar crystal structure exhibit many homologies. Interestingly, the evolutionarily distant cell walls ofC. reinhardtii andC. eugametos also contain some HRGPs displaying a few morphological and amino acid sequence homologies. The morphological similarities between the flagellar agglutinins (HRGPs responsible for sexual recognition and adhesion during the mating reaction) and the cell wall HRGPs leads to the proposal of a superfamily from which novel HRGPs (designed for self-assembly/recognition) can constantly evolve. Just as variations in the wall HRGPs can lead to unique wall structures, new agglutinins facilitate sexual isolation of new species. Thus, the HRGPs could emerge as valuable phylogenetic markers.Abbreviations GLE gametic lytic enzyme - GP glycoprotein - HRGP hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein - SDS PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - VLE vegetative lytic enzyme - VSP vegetative serine/proline-rich - WP wall protein - ZSP zygotic serine/proline-rich  相似文献   

Genetic variation within, and divergence among, populations of the liverwortConocephalum conicum were estimated from the study of 17 populations and 23 putative gene loci. Two additional multilocus genotypes (“T” and “FS”) were detected in Japan, along with the previously reported “J” type. These three multilocus genotypes differed both morphologically and ecologically. All eight populations from western Japan included only the J-type and exhibited low genetic variation within populations: Nei's (1973) average gene diversity (Ĥ)=0.080±0.029. In contrast, co-occurrence of several multilocus genotypes in each population from the Kanto District resulted in much higher levels of genetic variation (Ĥ=0.218±0.037). If the three genotypes are distinguished,Ĥ values are 0.113±0.030 for T-type, 0.107±0.033 for FS-type, and 0.083±0.018 for J-type. UsingC. japonicum, which showed low genetic variation (0.014±0.010) as an outgroup, each genotype formed a monophyletic clade, and the J- and FS-types were more closely related to each other than to the T-type. Populations of western Japan and the Kanto District also differed in the degree of gene diversity among populations, but the reasons for these differences are obscure.  相似文献   

We studied allozyme and chloroplast (cp) DNA variation in natural populations of Pinus kesiya and P. merkusii from Thailand and Vietnam. The results showed striking differences between the two species in the amount and distribution of allozyme variation. P. kesiya harboured considerable allozyme variation and showed weak interpopulational differentiation. In contrast, P. merkmii had very low intrapopulational variability but a high level of interpopulational differentiation. The average Nei's genetic distance separating the two species was exceptionally high (0.701) taking into account their close taxonomic placement in the same subsection Sylvestres. The constructed phylogenetic trees revealed very early divergence of P. kesiya and P. merkusii. The present analysis of cpDNA variation also confirmed the dissimilar character of these two species and was compatible with other evidence indicating the outstanding position of P. merkusii as compared to other Asian members of the subsection Sylvestres. Analysis of cpDNA variation in sympatric populations of P. kesiya and P. merkusii revealed that they are pure representatives of the species in question. This result indicates that despite an overlapping distribution P. kesiya and P. merkusii do not hybridise in nature. We suggest that the distinctive character of P. merkusii is a result of an early separation from other Eurasian pines. Despite spatial proximity, P. kesiya and P. merkusii are kept apart by strong reproductive barriers. The low genetic variability of P. merkusii may be explained by previous bottlenecks, reduced gene flow among populations, and an inbreeding due to small population size and asynchronous flowering.  相似文献   

A fluorescence-based AFLP fingerprinting was applied to investigate genetic diversity in 22 natural populations of two wheatgrasses from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau at different altitudes: the hexaploid Elymus nutans Griseb and the tetraploid E. burchan-buddae (Nevski) Tzvelev (Poaceae). Five selective primer combinations used in this study generated a total of 637 AFLP fragments across all the samples, with 612 fragments in E. nutans and 570 in E. burchan-buddae. About 45% of the scored fragments were <200 bp and about 13% of the fragments were >400 bp. Results showed that genetic diversity within populations of the two Elymus species increased gradually with the increase in altitudes from the lowest sampling sites (2800 m) and reached a plateau at the medium altitudes, and then started to decrease with the increase in altitudes. Regression analysis demonstrated a clear pattern between the expected heterozygosity (H e) or Shannon index (I) and altitude variation, where the highest H e values (0.3449 for E. nutans and 0.3167 E. burchan-buddae) and I values (0.5123 and 0.4759) were expected at the altitudes 3399 m and 3418 m across all sampling sites, respectively for E. nutans and E. burchan-buddae. In other words, higher genetic diversity was observed in populations occurring at the medium altitudes (3200–3600 m) than those at the low and high altitudes for the two Elymus species. Principal coordinate analysis (PCA) did not show clear association between genetic relationships of populations and their occurrences at a particular altitude. The above results suggest that efforts for conservation and utilization of two wheatgrasses species should focus more on populations occurring at the medium altitudes.  相似文献   

Globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) is native to the Mediterranean Basin, where it grows in close proximity with its ancestor wild cardoon (C. cardunculus var. sylvestris); its commercial production is mainly based on vegetatively propagated clones which guarantee high yields of marketable product (i.e. immature inflorescence or capitula). A collection of 24 landraces of globe artichoke was made from small-holdings in Sicily, which is assumed to be one of the possible centres of its domestication. These landraces have been cultivated for centuries by local farmers, mainly due to their culinary uniqueness. The collection was characterised for a combination of morphological traits and AFLP, gSSR and cpSSr markers. Molecular analyses included genotypes of wild cardoon collected from different sites in Sicily as well as accessions of the most widely grown Sicilian varietal types: the spiny ‘Spinoso di Palermo’ and the non-spiny ‘Violetto di Sicilia’. The landraces follow a gradient of ‘ennoblement’ towards either the domesticated spiny or the non-spiny types. ‘Cimiciusa di Mazzarino’ was an outlier, in that it resembled the cultivated forms with respect to its AFLP fingerprint, but was more closely related to the wild cardoon on the basis of SSR profile. This particular landrace presents an example of an intermediary form in the domestication process, although it could also have derived from introgression from sympatric wild cardoon, followed by farmer selection. The abundant genetic variation present demonstrates the key role of farmers’ practice in the maintenance of genetic diversity, which should be preserved because of its potential value for plant breeders.  相似文献   

Synopsis The living coelacanth is a livebearer. Yolk seems to be the main source of nutrients and of oxygen to the embryo (fetus). Long before birth, young may also possibly feed orally on histotrophe secretion and egg debris. This type of reproduction evolved, as in most other fishes, from oviparity. The Carboniferous coelacanth Rhabdoderma exiguum had eggs of much lesser yolk volume and may represent an earlier form of oviparity with hiding, guarding or brooding type of parental care. The Jurassic coelacanth Holophagus (Undina) and the Cretaceous Axelrodichthys appear to have already evolved the internal-bearing style. Much of this evolutionary sequence is similar to that in cichlids. Ancestral cichlids are substrate tenders and nesters, with small eggs, little yolk and a feeding larva with indirect development. Mouthbrooding cichlids evolved a few, large eggs with denser yolk, direct development and, ultimately, orally feeding embryos while yolk is still in ample supply. Mixed feeding from yolk and orally ingested food in cichlids and in coelacanths is shown to be an enhanced mode of food delivery to the embryos over that from each source separately, in order to produce directly a better developed or larger young at the time of release, i.e. independence. Increase in egg size is regarded as an environmentally induced, altered pattern of yolk synthesis and an initial component of the epigenetic mechanism leading towards greater specialization. Carotenoids are incorporated within the yolk to assist the oxidative metabolism of the developing embryo.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the relationship between priority-setting in conservation and in taxonomy. A simple and generally applicable scheme is presented based on prior quantitative extinction threat evaluation. In the main part of the study we describe the assessment of the herbarium voucher collection date time series of 21 endemic fig tree species of Ficus sect. Oreosycea (Moraceae). The fig tree assessment is then compared with the available IUCN Red List data and with the collection information on two other groups of endemic tree radiations in New Caledonia: ebonies of Diospyros sect. Maba (Ebenaceae) and the Iguanura palm lineage (Arecaceae). We find a remarkably low level of extinction threat evident in Ficus but a pronounced need to differentiate between true species rarity and putative rarity of potential taxonomic artifacts. To this end it is proposed how such numerical evaluations can be used to set future priorities for the assessment or validation of the taxonomic and conservation status of taxa. The limitations and implications of the evaluation are discussed and relevant criteria for a meaningful analysis of collection records are listed. Finally, putting our results on woody plants into perspective, we briefly review the general conservation situation and outlook of New Caledonia, acknowledging both its high conservation priority and potential. Abbreviations: Note that different IUCN threat category classifications have been in use during the last decade and that some of the cited categories and their abbreviations have changed (IUCN 1994, 2001).  相似文献   

An analysis of seven loci inCebus apella paraguayanus showed that Glyoxalase I was polymorphic due the appearance of two alleles (GLO*2 andGLO*3) with frequencies of 0.955 and 0.045, respectively. Of the two alleles,GLO*2 was electrophoretically similar to the most common allele found in the human andAotus. These results confirmed our previous findings in the same population sample showing that this subspecies has a very low genetic variation among New World primates.  相似文献   

Edge and central populations can show great differences regarding their genetic variation and thereby also in their probability of extinction. This fact might be of great importance for the conservation strategies of endangered species. In this study we examine the level of microsatellite variability within three threatened edge populations of the green lizard subspecies Lacerta viridis viridis (Laur.) in Brandenburg (Germany) and compare the observed variation to other edge and central populations within the northern species range. We demonstrate that the northernmost edge populations contain less genetic variation in comparison to the central population. However, there were no observable significant differences to the other edge population included in this study. Surprisingly, we observed a high genetic differentiation in a small geographical range between the three endangered populations in Brandenburg, which can be explained by processes like fragmentation, isolation, genetic drift and small individual numbers within these populations. We also detected unique genetic variants (alleles), which only occurred in these populations, despite a low overall genetic variation. This study demonstrates the potential of fast evolving markers assessing the genetic status of endangered populations with a high resolution. It also illustrates the need for a comparative analysis of different regions within the species range, achieving a more exact interpretation of the genetic variation in endangered populations. This will aid future management decisions in the conservation of genetic diversity in threatened species.  相似文献   

Summary Crosses between male sterile L. corniculatus (2n=4x=24) and L. tenuis (2n=2x=12) plants were performed in order to verify the presence of 2n gametes in L. tenuis. All but one of the plants from these crosses had 2n=4x=24 and the L. corniculatus phenotype; this plant had 2n=2x=12 and the L. tenuis phenotype. The plants also showed good quantity of pollen at tripping, good pollen fertility and good percentage of seed setting in the backcross to L. corniculatus. On the whole, both cytological and morphological observations, showing that all but one of the plants from L. corniculatus x L. tenuis were normal tetraploids, suggest the existence of diploandrous gametes in L. tenuis. On the other hand, haploid parthenogenesis probably gave origin to the dihaploid plant 2n=2x=12.  相似文献   

Current germplasm diversity used in the production of Agave spirits in west-central México is in danger of erosion due to an expansion in the cultivation of the clone A. tequilana Weber var. azul, used for the elaboration of the famous drink “Tequila”. In order to define critical areas of in situ conservation and to determine the role of local native and mestizo cultures in the generation and maintenance of diversity, an ethnobotanical exploration was conducted in the center and south of the state of Jalisco. Results situate the nucleus of greatest diversity at present in the south of Jalisco and indicate that this is a result of a continuous process of selection initiated by the indigenous population for the production of food and fermented drinks, which continued into the final years of the 16th century but with a new objective: distillation using the Filipino technology introduced to west-central Mexico through Colima. More than 20 variants were found to be cultivated by the traditional farmers, the majority relating to the A. angustifolia Haw. complex. We discuss the possibilities of in situ germplasm conservation and its legal protection.  相似文献   

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