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How do retroviral oncogenes induce transformation in avian erythroid cells?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The v-erb B oncogene, as well as other oncogenes of the src-gene family transform immature erythroid cells from chick bone marrow in vivo and in vitro. The erb B-transformed erythroid cells differ from normal late erythroid precursors (CFU-E) in that they have acquired the capacity to undergo self-renewal as well as to differentiate terminally. They also do not require the normal erythroid differentiation hormone, erythropoietin, for either process. Cooperation of v-erb B with a second oncogene, v-erb A, results in a differentiation arrest of the transformed cells, which now only use the self-renewal pathway. Studies with conditional and non-conditional mutants in both v-erb B and v-erb A will be presented to elucidate further how the transforming proteins encoded by these oncogenes, gp74erb B and gp75gag-erb A, affect the differentiation programme of the infected erythroid precursor with the outcome of hormone-independent leukaemic cells arrested at an early stage of erythroid differentiation.  相似文献   

ATP can be released from neurons and act as a neuromodulator in the nervous system. Besides neurons, cortical astrocytes also are capable of releasing ATP from acidic vesicles in a Ca(2+)-dependent way. In the present work, we investigated the release of ATP from Müller glia cells of the chick embryo retina by examining quinacrine staining and by measuring the extracellular levels of ATP in purified Müller glia cultures. Our data revealed that glial cells could be labeled with quinacrine, a reaction that was prevented by incubation of the cells with 1μM bafilomycin A1 or 2μM Evans blue, potent inhibitors of vacuolar ATPases and of the vesicular nucleotide transporter, respectively. Either 50mM KCl or 1mM glutamate was able to decrease quinacrine staining of the cells, as well as to increase the levels of ATP in the extracellular medium by 77% and 89.5%, respectively, after a 5min incubation of the cells. Glutamate-induced rise in extracellular ATP could be mimicked by 100μM kainate (81.5%) but not by 100μM NMDA in medium without MgCl(2) but with 2mM glycine. However, both glutamate- and kainate-induced increase in extracellular ATP levels were blocked by 50μM of the glutamatergic antagonists DNQX and MK-801, suggesting the involvement of both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors. Extracellular ATP accumulation induced by glutamate was also blocked by incubation of the cells with 30μM BAPTA-AM or 1μM bafilomycin A1. These results suggest that glutamate, through activation of both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors, induces the release of ATP from retinal Müller cells through a calcium-dependent exocytotic mechanism.  相似文献   

Transport mechanisms that mediate the movements of anions must be coordinated tightly in order to respond appropriately to physiological stimuli. This process is of paramount importance in the function of diverse epithelial tissues of the body, such as, for example, the exocrine pancreatic duct and the airway epithelia. Disruption of any of the finely tuned components underlying the transport of anions such as Cl, HCO3 , SCN, and I may contribute to a plethora of disease conditions. In many anion-secreting epithelia, the interactions between the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and solute carrier family 26 (SLC26) transporters determine the final exit of anions across the apical membrane and into the luminal compartment. The molecular identification of CFTR and many SLC26 members has enabled the acquisition of progressively more detailed structural information about these transport molecules. Studies employing a vast array of increasingly sophisticated approaches have culminated in a current working model which places these key players within an interactive complex, thereby setting the stage for future work.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Changes in the numbers of PYY- and enteroglucagon-immunoreactive cells in colon of animal models of human diabetes have been reported. As these peptides co-localize in the same cells it is possible that the observed changes are a result of changes in co-localization. METHODS: Animal models of human type 1 and type 2 diabetes, namely the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse and the obese (ob/ob) mouse, were studied. As controls for the NOD mice, BALB/cJ mice were used and for ob/ob mice, homozygous lean (+/+) mice were used. Tissue samples from colon were double-immunostained for PYY and enteroglucagon according to the indirect immunofluorescence method. RESULTS: Co-localization of enteroglucagon and PYY was found in colonic endocrine cells in all groups investigated. Compared with controls, pre-diabetic NOD mice showed a decreased proportion of enteroglucagon/PYY co-localization. There was no difference in diabetic NOD mice or diabetic ob/ob mice when compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: Whereas the number of cells containing solely enteroglucagon and solely PYY increases in pre-diabetic NOD mice, production of enteroglucagon in PYY-immunoreactive cells decreases. Although the numbers of PYY and enteroglucagon cells have been reported to be changed in both diabetic NOD mice and in obese mice, the balance between co-expressing and mono-expressing cells seems to be preserved.  相似文献   

Summary Multiple rough endoplasmic cisternae were found in C cells of the adult rat, at interphase. They are considered to be normal constituents of C cells. Their morphological relation to rough endoplasmic reticulum and their close proximity to mitochondria, Golgi dictyosomes and secretory granules suggest that they may have a role in the secretory activity of this endocrine cell.  相似文献   

Summary A cell line obtained from isolated seminiferous tubules of adult rat testis has been studied in vitro over a period of 35 days.Light and electron microscopic studies performed from hour 2 to the end of culture have shown the presence of a monomorphic cell population. After 5–6 days of culture the cells formed a monolayer. The cytoplasm of the cells contained numerous lipid bodies and produced numerous projections. The nucleus showed several indentations and one or more nucleoli. From the 9th to the 15th day of culture the cells developed a large amount of endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and aggregates of electron dense granules. From the 20th to 40th day the cell cultures progressively degenerated.Immunochemical analysis of the culture medium revealed the presence of estradiol-17, which reached its maximum production rate from the 8th day to the 18th day of culture. Corresponding to cell involution estradiol concentration underwent a rapid decrease.On the basis of morphological and biochemical data the cells could be considered Sertoli cells.This work was supported by Grants n. 74.00155.04 and n. 75.01224.04 from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (C.N.R.), Rome, Italy, and by Istituto di Ricerca F. Angelini, Rome, ItalyPart of this work was presented at the 10th Italian Congress of Electron Microscopy. Ostuni 1–4 October 1975The excellent technical assistance of Miss Laura Vassallo, Daniela Venturini and Mr. Massimo Rosati and Mario Termine is deeply appreciated  相似文献   

This review provides an historic perspective of the key steps from those reported at the 1st Transgenic Animal Research Conference in 1997 through to the very latest developments in avian transgenesis. Eighteen years later, on the occasion of the 10th conference in this series, we have seen breakthrough advances in the use of viral vectors and transposons to transform the germline via the direct manipulation of the chicken embryo, through to the establishment of PGC cultures allowing in vitro modification, expansion into populations to analyse the genetic modifications and then injection of these cells into embryos to create germline chimeras. We have now reached an unprecedented time in the history of chicken transgenic research where we have the technology to introduce precise, targeted modifications into the chicken genome, ranging from; new transgenes that provide improved phenotypes such as increased resilience to economically important diseases; the targeted disruption of immunoglobulin genes and replacement with human sequences to generate transgenic chickens that express “humanised” antibodies for biopharming; and the deletion of specific nucleotides to generate targeted gene knockout chickens for functional genomics. The impact of these advances is set to be realised through applications in chickens, and other bird species as models in scientific research, for novel biotechnology and to protect and improve agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

Compartmentalization of beta-tubulin isotypes within cells according to function was examined in gerbil olfactory and respiratory epithelia by using specific antibodies to four beta-tubulin isotypes (beta(I), beta(II), beta(III), and beta(IV)). Isotype synthesis was cell-type-specific, but the localization of the isotypes was not compartmentalized. All four isotypes were found in the cilia, dendrites, somata, and axons of olfactory neurons. Only two isotypes (beta(I) and beta(IV)) were present in the cilia of nasal respiratory epithelial cells. The beta(IV) isotype, thought to be an essential component of cilia, was present in olfactory neurons and respiratory epithelial cells, which are ciliated, but was not found in basal cells (the stem cells of olfactory sensory neurons, which have no cilia). Olfactory neurons therefore do not synthesize beta(IV)-tubulin until they mature, when functioning cilia are also elaborated. The failure to observe compartmentalization of beta-tubulin isotypes in olfactory neurons sheds new light on potential functions of the beta-tubulin isotypes.  相似文献   

Mutations in the HFE gene result in hereditary hemochromatosis, a disorder of iron metabolism characterized by increased intestinal iron absorption. Based on the observation that ectopic expression of HFE strongly inhibits apical iron uptake (Arredondo et al., 2001, FASEB J 15, 1276–1278), a negative regulation of HFE on the apical membrane transporter DMT1 was proposed as a mechanism by which HFE regulates iron absorption. To test this hypothesis, we investigated: (i) the effect of HFE antisense oligonucleotides on apical iron uptake by polarized Caco-2 cells; (ii) the apical/basolateral membrane distribution of HFE, β-2 microglobulin and DMT1; (iii) the putative molecular association between HFE and DMT1. We found that HFE antisense treatment reduced HFE expression and increased apical iron uptake, whereas transfection with wild-type HFE inhibited iron uptake. Thus, an inverse relationship was established between HFE levels and apical iron uptake activity. Selective apical or basolateral biotinylation indicated preferential localization of DMT1 to the apical membrane and of HFE and β-2 microglobulin (β2m) to the basolateral membrane. Ectopic expression of HFE resulted in increased distribution of HFE–β2m to the apical membrane. The amount of HFE–β2m in the apical membrane inversely correlated with apical iron uptake rates. Immunoprecipitations of HFE or β2m with specific antibodies resulted in the co-precipitation of DMT1. These results sustain a model by which direct interaction between DMT1 and HFE–β2m in the apical membrane of Caco-2 cells result in down-regulation of apical iron uptake activity.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Zhang Y  Bone RN  Cui W  Peng JB  Siegal GP  Wang H  Wu H 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e36675
The non-β endocrine cells in pancreatic islets play an essential counterpart and regulatory role to the insulin-producing β-cells in the regulation of blood-glucose homeostasis. While significant progress has been made towards the understanding of β-cell regeneration in adults, very little is known about the regeneration of the non-β endocrine cells such as glucagon-producing α-cells and somatostatin producing δ-cells. Previous studies have noted the increase of α-cell composition in diabetes patients and in animal models. It is thus our hypothesis that non-β-cells such as α-cells and δ-cells in adults can regenerate, and that the regeneration accelerates in diabetic conditions. To test this hypothesis, we examined islet cell composition in a streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes mouse model in detail. Our data showed the number of α-cells in each islet increased following STZ-mediated β-cell destruction, peaked at Day 6, which was about 3 times that of normal islets. In addition, we found δ-cell numbers doubled by Day 6 following STZ treatment. These data suggest α- and δ-cell regeneration occurred rapidly following a single diabetes-inducing dose of STZ in mice. Using in vivo BrdU labeling techniques, we demonstrated α- and δ-cell regeneration involved cell proliferation. Co-staining of the islets with the proliferating cell marker Ki67 showed α- and δ-cells could replicate, suggesting self-duplication played a role in their regeneration. Furthermore, Pdx1(+)/Insulin(-) cells were detected following STZ treatment, indicating the involvement of endocrine progenitor cells in the regeneration of these non-β cells. This is further confirmed by the detection of Pdx1(+)/glucagon(+) cells and Pdx1(+)/somatostatin(+) cells following STZ treatment. Taken together, our study demonstrated adult α- and δ-cells could regenerate, and both self-duplication and regeneration from endocrine precursor cells were involved in their regeneration.  相似文献   

Material was collected from the Weddell Sea and the Bransfield Strait in January/April 1989. Data on size-taxonomic composition and biomass of phytoplankton communities and Ch1 concentration were obtained to estimate the chlorophyll a (Ch1) cell content. Single cell fluorescence measured microscopically was used as a relative index of cellular Ch1 content of individual species. The relationship between the species composition of the algal communities and the ratio of phytoplankton carbonCh1 concentration (CCh1) was found. Due to changes in species composition the average CCh1 ratio in March/April (56) was half that in January/February (115). The CCh1 ratio ranged from 24 to 215 (mean=101) in the upper mixed layer and from 14 to 69 (mean=37) in the pycnocline region. The distribution of cellular Ch1 within individual species showed lower heterogeneity in the mixed layer in comparison with that in the pycnocline and below. Below the mixed layer, populations consisted partly of dead cells with very low pigment content, while other cells had greatly increased cellular Ch1. At several stations this cellular Ch1 increase led to the formation of a deep Ch1 maximum.  相似文献   

Addition of ethanol and some other primary alcohols, except methanol, to cells and protoplasts (but not membrane particles) considerably stimulated the rate of oxygen consumption. This additional respiration was strongly inhibited by 0.1 mM KCN. The cyanide inhibition curve of endogenous substrate oxidation was slightly biphasic while in the presence of ethanol it became clearly biphasic having K i values of approx. 0.1 and 0.5 mM. Based on the steady-state cytochrome spectra in the presence of 0.1 mM KCN, we attributed the lower K i to cytochrome a 602. Proteolysis of protoplasts external membrane proteins did not change the rate of endogeneous substrate oxidation but prevented the inhibition of this respiration by low concentrations of KCN and stimulation of oxygen consumption by ethanol. The activity of NAD+-dependent ethanol dehydrogenase in the cytoplasm was found to be 520 nmol NADH-x min–1 x mg–1 protein. Proteolysis of external membrane proteins apparently inhibits the operation of the cytochrome a 602-containing electron transport branch inducing the suppression of electron flow from NADH to oxygen.  相似文献   

Innate immune response in CF airway epithelia: hyperinflammatory?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The lack of functional cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in the apical membranes of CF airway epithelial cells abolishes cAMP-stimulated anion transport, and bacteria, eventually including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bind to and accumulate in the mucus. Flagellin released from P. aeruginosa triggers airway epithelial Toll-like receptor 5 and subsequent NF-B signaling and production and release of proinflammatory cytokines that recruit neutrophils to the infected region. This response has been termed hyperinflammatory because so many neutrophils accumulate; a response that damages CF lung tissue. We first review the contradictory data both for and against the idea that epithelial cells exhibit larger-than-normal proinflammatory signaling in CF compared with non-CF cells and then review proposals that might explain how reduced CFTR function could activate such proinflammatory signaling. It is concluded that apparent exaggerated innate immune response of CF airway epithelial cells may have resulted not from direct effects of CFTR on cellular signaling or inflammatory mediator production but from indirect effects resulting from the absence of CFTRs apical membrane channel function. Thus, loss of Cl, HCO3, and glutathione secretion may lead to reduced volume and increased acidification and oxidation of the airway surface liquid. These changes concentrate proinflammatory mediators, reduce mucociliary clearance of bacteria and subsequently activate cellular signaling. Loss of apical CFTR will also hyperpolarize basolateral membrane potentials, potentially leading to increases in cytosolic [Ca2+], intracellular Ca2+, and NF-B signaling. This hyperinflammatory effect of CF on intracellular Ca2+ and NF-B signaling would be most prominently expressed during exposure to both P. aeruginosa and also endocrine, paracrine, or nervous agonists that activate Ca2+ signaling in the airway epithelia. Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Toll-like receptor; NF-B; oxidative stress; acidic airway surface liquid; calcium  相似文献   

The avian immune system provides an excellent model to track B-cell development from prebursal stem cells throughout B-cell differentiation and maturation. Bursal B cells are uniquely positioned at the crossroads of B-cell development, having properties of both stem cells and of mature B cells, as demonstrated by their ability to reconstruct the bursal B-cell compartment and to express and diversify the B-cell receptor at their cell surface. To understand avian B-cell development better, we determined the gene expression profile of different B-cell stages using a bursal expressed sequence tag array. The expression profile of bursal B cells reveals the presence of factors associated with B-cell signaling and defines novel B-cell-specific genes. Genes associated with proliferation, apoptosis, DNA repair and recombination are abundantly expressed. The expression profile of the DT40 cell line is most similar to bursal B cells rather than to other stages of B-cell development, confirming the suitability of DT40 for studies of B-cell physiology. Interestingly, prebursal stem cells express genes involved in B-cell receptor signaling, although they express only low levels of immunoglobulin genes. This suggests that B-cell receptor-mediated selection is present before bursal colonization. The gene expression signatures of germinal centers and cells of the Harderian gland indicate that evolutionarily conserved genetic programs regulate B-cell activation and terminal differentiation.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article atK. Koskela, P. Kohonen and P. Nieminen contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

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