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Highly specific interaction with foreign molecules is a unique feature of antibodies. Since 1975, when Keller and Milstein proposed the method of hybridoma technology and prepared mouse monoclonal antibodies, many antibodies specific to various antigens have been obtained. Recent development of methods for preparation of recombinant DNA libraries and in silico bioinformatics approaches for protein structure analysis makes possible antibody preparation using gene engineering approaches. The development of gene engineering methods allowed creating recombinant antibodies and improving characteristics of existing antibodies; this significantly extends the applicability of antibodies. By modifying biochemical and immunochemical properties of antibodies by changing their amino acid sequences it is possible to create antibodies with properties optimal for certain tasks. For example, application of recombinant technologies resulted in antibody preparation of high affinity significantly exceeding the initial affinity of natural antibodies. In this review we summarize information about the structure, modes of preparation, and application of recombinant antibodies and their fragments and also consider the main approaches used to increase antibody affinity.  相似文献   

A rapid alkaline extraction procedure for screening recombinant plasmid DNA.   总被引:2795,自引:408,他引:2795       下载免费PDF全文
A procedure for extracting plasmid DNA from bacterial cells is described. The method is simple enough to permit the analysis by gel electrophoresis of 100 or more clones per day yet yields plasmid DNA which is pure enough to be digestible by restriction enzymes. The principle of the method is selective alkaline denaturation of high molecular weight chromosomal DNA while covalently closed circular DNA remains double-stranded. Adequate pH control is accomplished without using a pH meter. Upon neutralization, chromosomal DNA renatures to form an insoluble clot, leaving plasmid DNA in the supernatant. Large and small plasmid DNAs have been extracted by this method.  相似文献   

A scale-flexible and cost-efective protocol for plasmid preparation is described to cover miniprep and midiprep scale work in a microcentriguge format for analysis of recombinant clones. this protocol relies on a modified alkaline lysis of Escherichia coli cells and subsequent purification of plasmid DNA with no organic extraction and alcohol precipitation. It can process up to 20 mL of E. coli cells carrying 3–10 kbp plasmid vectors in <10 min. Flexprep delivers sufficient yield and purity of plasmid DNA for routine applications including restriction enzyme digestion and fluorescent automated sequencing.  相似文献   

Expression of recombinant proteins is an important step towards elucidating the functions of many genes discovered through genomic sequencing projects. It is also critical for validating gene targets and for developing effective therapies for many diseases. Here we describe a novel method to express recombinant proteins that are extremely difficult to produce otherwise. The increased protein expression level is achieved by using a fusion partner, MTB32-C, which is the carboxyl terminal fragment of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen, MTB32 (Rv0125). By fusing MTB32-C to the N-termini of target genes, we have demonstrated significant enhancement of recombinant protein expression level in Escherichia coli. The inclusion of a 6xHis tag and the 128-amino acid of MTB32-C will add 13.5 kDa to the fusion molecule. Comparison of the mRNA levels of the fusion and non-fusion proteins indicated that the increased fusion protein expression may be regulated at translational or post-translational steps. There are many potential applications for the generated fusion proteins. For example, MTB32-C fusion proteins have been used successfully as immunogens to generate both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. These antibodies have been used to characterize cellular localization of the proteins and to validate gene targets at protein level. In addition, these antibodies may be useful in diagnostic and therapeutic applications for many diseases. If desired, the MTB32-C portion in the fusion protein can be removed after protein expression, making it possible to study protein structure and function as well as to screen for potential drugs. Thus, this novel fusion expression system has become a powerful tool for many applications.  相似文献   

D Ron  H Dressler 《BioTechniques》1992,13(6):866-869
We report on the construction of a plasmid, pGSTag, that directs the expression in E. coli of a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein that contains a high affinity phosphorylation site by protein kinase-A (PK-A). The fusion protein, following purification from crude bacterial lysates by substrate affinity chromatography, can be labeled in vitro to high specific activity with purified PK-A and 32P-gamma-ATP. Because labeling takes place while the fusion protein is immobilized on a solid support, the unincorporated label and enzyme can be washed away. Using the leucine-zipper domains of cAMP response element binding (CREB) proteins and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP)-like proteins as a model system, we show that the labeled protein, after elution from the affinity resin, can be used as a probe to detect interacting (dimerizing) species in a nitrocellulose-based ligand blot assay. The utility of this system for the creation of labeled protein probes is discussed.  相似文献   

SDS-alkaline lysis of recombinant Escherichia coli cell suspensions was carried out in a coaxial cylinder rheometer, and the data were used to establish the time course of lysis reaction. The results of the experiments showed that cell lysis reaction time depended on cell strain but was unaffected by plasmid size and plasmid copy number. The high molecular weight globular proteins and chromosomal DNA were denatured, and the resulting changes in rheometric measurements characterised the denaturation time.  相似文献   

A number of methods for the selective enrichment of recombinant plasmids were examined; these include alkaline phosphatase treatment of the restricted pBR322 vector, as well as a combination of this and S1 nuclease treatment of the ligated mixture of pBR322 and pCR1 plasmids orS. griseus DNA followed by D-cycloserine treatment to enrich for cells carrying recombinant molecules. The relative efficiencies of these methods were compared.  相似文献   

Food grade Lactococcus lactis has been widely used as an antigen and DNA delivery vehicle. We have previously reported the use of non‐invasive L. lactis to deliver the newly constructed immunostimulatory DNA vaccine reporter plasmid, pPERDBY. In the present report, construction of dual recombinant L. lactis expressing internalin A of Listeria monocytogenes and harboring pPERDBY (LL InlA + pPERDBY) to enhance the efficiency of delivery of DNA by L. lactis is outlined. After confirmation and validation of LL InlA + pPERDBY, its DNA delivery potential was compared with previously developed non‐invasive r‐ L. lactis::pPERDBY. The use of invasive L. lactis resulted in around threefold increases in the number of enhanced green fluorescent protein‐expressing Caco‐2 cells. These findings reinforce the prospective application of invasive strain of L. lactis for delivery of DNA/RNA and antigens.  相似文献   

D Dean 《Gene》1981,15(1):99-102
A plasmid cloning vector with ampicillin-resistance and streptomycin-sensitivity markers is suitable for the direct selection of strains carrying recombinant plasmids. The selection for plasmid transformants utilizes their ampicillin resistance whereas selection for recombinant plasmids is based on the inactivation of the rpsL gene contained on the plasmid. When streptomycin-resistant Escherichia coli strains are used as recipients in transformation, transformants carrying the parental plasmid are phenotypically sensitive to streptomycin while those carrying hybrid plasmids are resistant to streptomycin.  相似文献   

The stability of recombinant plasmid carrying genes for naphthalene mineralization was determined. A strain of Pseudomonas putida capable of mineralizing naphthalene (Nap+) via salicylate (Sal+) was isolated, and all regulatory and structural genes for the whole pathway were found to be encoded on a 25 kb Eco RI fragment of an approximately 83 kb plasmid present in this strain. The 25 kb Eco RI fragment was cloned into a tetracycline-resistant (TcR) cloning vector pLAFR3 and the recombinant plasmid, pRKJ3 (Nap+, Sal+, TcR), thus obtained was transferred into the plasmid-free strain Pseudomonas putida KT2442 in order to test the stability of the plasmid. Plasmid pRKJ3 was found to be segregationally and/or structurally unstable, depending on the growth conditions. Two types of novel derivative strains having the phenotypes Nap, Sal+, TcR and Nap, Sal, TcR with specific deletions of approximately 2 kb and 18 kb, respectively, were obtained.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid microscale technique is described for the isolation of plasmid DNA which involves cell lysis with phenol, centrifugation, phenol extraction, ethanol precipitation, and RNase digestion. The plasmid DNA is of suitable purity and quantity for multiple restriction endonuclease digestions and bacterial transformations. This “miniprep” procedure is applicable for a variety of types of plasmids ranging in size from 2900 to 18,400 base pairs (bp) and for a number of Escherichia coli strains. The plasmids are rapidly cleaved by all restriction enzymes (total of 14) tested to date. Recombinant clones have been screened for insertions as small as 10 bp and as large as 5000 bp. The procedure takes ~3 h and has been routinely used to simultaneously analyze 24 candidate clones. This procedure is reliable and useful for rapid screening of recombinant DNA candidates where analysis by restriction endonuclease digestion is necessary.  相似文献   

In this study, the virus-removal capacity of nanofiltration was assessed using validated laboratory scale models on a wide range of viruses (pseudorabies virus; human immunodeficiency virus; bovine viral diarrhea virus; West Nile virus; hepatitis A virus; murine encephalomyocarditis virus; and porcine parvovirus) with sizes from 18 nm to 200 nm and applying the different process conditions existing in a number of Grifols' plasma-derived manufacturing processes (thrombin, α1-proteinase inhibitor, Factor IX, antithrombin, plasmin, intravenous immunoglobulin, and fibrinogen). Spiking experiments (n = 133) were performed in process intermediate products, and removal was subsequently determined by infectivity titration. Reduction Factor (RF) was calculated by comparing the virus load before and after nanofiltration under each product purification condition. In all experiments, the RFs were close to or greater than 4 log10 (>99.99% of virus elimination). RF values were not significantly affected by the process conditions within the limits assayed (pH, ionic strength, temperature, filtration ratio, and protein concentration). The virus-removal capacity of nanofiltration correlated only with the size of the removed agent. In conclusion, nanofiltration, as used in the manufacturing of several Grifols' products, is consistent, robust, and not significantly affected by process conditions.  相似文献   

The recombinant DNA molecules were constructed from plasmid RSF2124 and the EcoRI fragment of lambda DNA containing the genes responsible for prophage integration. The presence of these genes in recombinant plasmids was detected genetically. lambda int-gene was shown to be expressed in either orientation of insertion in the plasmid. We found that recombinant plasmid was able to integrate into chromosome of lambda lysogens. The integration of plasmid into host chromosome was demonstrated by contransduction of chromosome and plasmid markers using generalized transducer P1 and by specialized transduction with lambda phages.  相似文献   

A major problem in the use of plasmids as recombinant vectors is the problem of plasmid-free cell generation from plasmid shedding and subsequent growth. A common technique for controlling the population of plasmidfree cells is the use of selective media against these cells using an auxotrophic host and a plasmid that has the ability to produced the essential metabolite. A distributed model describing the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae containing a recombinant plasmid in selective media was developed. The model allows for growth and production of a metabolite by the plasmid-carrying strain and growth of the plasmid-free cells on resulting metabolite concentrations. Through a determination of system constants and numerical solution to the equations, experimental batch and continuous culture results for cell concentration transients could be simulated by the model. The results indicated that despite selective pressure, plasmid-free cell growth was significant.  相似文献   

Recombinant bacterial cells in a fermentation broth rarely contain the same number of plasmids, even though this simplification is often used. Recent work has however indicated limitations of the simplified approach. Based on these studies, the distribution of plasmid copy numbers per cell has been represented macroscopically here in a Gaussian form for the fraction of biomass as a function of the copy number. Applying this distribution and an experimentally validated kinetic model to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) synthesis by Escherichia coli containing the plasmid pBR Eco gap, it is seen that GAPDH production in a batch fermentation is maximized by a particular initial (non-zero) copy number variance and an optimal duration. To implement this distribution in a bioreactor, it is suggested that the profile may be discretized, inocula corresponding to the mean copy number of each fraction prepared, and then combined to obtain the seed culture.  相似文献   

Fire retardancy for textiles is important to prevent the rapid spread of fire and minimize damage to property and harm to human life. To infer fire-resistance on textile materials such as cotton or nylon, chemical coatings are often used. These chemicals are usually toxic, and economically and environmentally unsustainable, however, some naturally produced protein-based fire retardants could be an alternative. A biofilm protein from Bacillus subtilis (BslA) was identified and recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli with a double cellulose binding domain. It was then applied to a range of natural and synthetic fabric materials. A flame retardancy test found that use of BslA reduced fire damage by up to 51% and would pass fire retardancy testing according to British standards. It is therefore a viable and sustainable alternative to current industrial fire-retardant coatings.  相似文献   

The enteric bacterium Escherichia coli is the most extensively used prokaryotic organism for production of proteins of therapeutic or commercial interest. However, it is common that heterologous over-expressed recombinant proteins fail to properly fold resulting in formation of insoluble aggregates known as inclusion bodies. Complex systems have been developed that employ simultaneous over-expression of chaperone proteins to aid proper folding and solubility during bacterial expression. Here we describe a simple method whereby a protein of interest, when fused in frame to the E. coli chaperones DnaK or GroEL, is readily expressed in large amounts in a soluble form. This system was tested using expression of the mouse prion protein PrP, which is normally insoluble in bacteria. We show that while in trans over-expression of the chaperone DnaK failed to alter partitioning of PrP from the insoluble inclusion body fraction to the soluble cytosol, expression of a DnaK–PrP fusion protein yielded large amounts of soluble protein. Similar results were achieved with a fragment of insoluble Varicella Zoster virus protein ORF21p. In theory this approach could be applied to any protein that partitions with inclusion bodies to render it soluble for production in E. coli.  相似文献   

Plasmid propagation in populations of unstable, binary fission recombinant organisms has been studied using a segregated, population balance mathematical model. Segregated models have the advantage of direct incorporation of basic information on mechanisms and kinetics of plasmid replication and segregation at the single-cell level. The distribution of cellular plasmid content and specific rates of plasmid gene expression have been obtained for several single-cell models of plasmid replication, partition, and gene expression. Plasmid replication kinetics during cell growth significantly influence the plasmid content distribution. In the case of transient growth of plasmid-containing and plasmid-free cells in partially selective medium, the degree of selection required for stable maintenance of plasmid-containing cells has been determined. Guidelines are presented for applicability of simpler, nonsegregated models and for evaluation of the parameters in these models based on single-cell mechanisms and associated parameters.  相似文献   

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