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嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌高温蛋白酶的产生条件及酶学性质   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
对嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌(Bacillusstearothermophilis)WF146的产蛋白酶的条件进行了研究,在58℃条件下,WF146在pH值为75的Fd培养基中振荡发酵培养48h后,发酵液中高温蛋白酶产量可达600u/mL以上。对该酶性质的研究表明,酶分子量为34kD,最适作用pH为80,最适作用温度为80℃,具有良好的pH稳定性及热稳定性。Ca2+对该酶的稳定性具有重要影响,PMSF、DFP及IAA能强烈抑制酶活力,而DTT对该蛋白酶活力无影响  相似文献   

以嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌为材料,通过PolyminP沉淀,硫酸铵分级及Phenyl-Sepharose,DEAE纤维素,磷酸纤维素,FPLC MonoQ,FPLC Superose12等柱层析,得到部分纯化的DNA解链蛋白1。BstH1具有依赖DNA和Mg^2+的ATP酶活力,不同类型的核酸对BstH1的ATP酶活力的促进作用不同。  相似文献   

用1~#、7~#PPY三种培养基,从保山摆洛塘温泉(86℃,pH7.0)分离到生长温度范围为35—75℃的极端嗜热细菌4株,即“YN8617”、“YN8618”、“YN86290”,YN86291”。经鉴定,“YN3617”和“YN86291”为Bacillus stearother mophilus,“YN86290”为Becillus caldolyticus;“YN3618”暂定为“Extremely thermophilic strains of B.Coagulans”。没有分离到水生栖热菌属(Thermus)的细菌。  相似文献   

以嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌为材料,通过PolyminP沉淀、硫酸铵分级及DEAE纤维素、磷酸纤维素、Blue-Sepharose、FPLCMonoQ、FPLC Superose12等柱层析,得到了部分纯化DNA解链蛋白BstH2。BstH2具有受DNA促进的ATP酶活力,没类型的核酸对BstH2的ATP酶活力的促进作用没。BstH2在55℃有最高ATP酶活力。这种活力受大肠杆菌单链DNA结合蛋白的抑制及随  相似文献   

从石油污染海域海底泥中筛选到的1株低温石油烃降解菌, 经鉴定为红平红球菌(Rhodococcus erythropolis), 命名为T7-2。该菌株能以十六烷为碳源代谢产生一种对柴油等烃类具良好乳化作用的生物乳化剂。研究表明, 该乳化剂主要由糖类、脂类和蛋白质组成, 其比例为55.43:31.24:12.65。进一步研究证实, 该乳化剂糖类的单糖组成为甘露糖和鼠李糖; 脂类由十碳、十二碳、十六碳及十八碳脂肪酸组成; 蛋白质由16种氨基酸构成。本文还对乳化剂的理化性质进行了分析, 发现它是一种性能稳定、乳化效率高、适应范围较为广泛的生物乳化剂, 对海洋污染生物修复及石油开采都具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌HY—69耐热中性蛋白酶的性质研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌HY-69的耐热中性蛋白酶已纯化。研究了纯酶的性质,该酶分子最为24kd,由6个构成一个六聚体。酶的等电点9.15。最适作用pH为7.5,最适作用温度为85℃;该酶具有很好的耐热性,90℃时酶活半寿期为22min,80℃保温3小时,酶活仍保持63%;酶的pH稳定性也好,该酶是金属蛋白酶,活性中心含锌离子,酶的热稳定性依赖于钙离子。测定了酶的氨基酸组成和N末端氨基酸序列。  相似文献   

NAD激酶能催化NAD生成NADP。本研究采用PCR技术从嗜热脂肪地芽孢杆菌基因组中获得NAD激酶基因,以pET30a(+)为表达载体、E.coliBL21(DE3)为宿主菌,实现其在大肠杆菌中异源表达,并进行酶学性质研究。结果显示,嗜热脂肪地芽孢杆菌中NAD激酶编码基因大小为816bp,酶分子量大约为35kD。酶学性质分析表明,来源于嗜热脂肪地芽孢杆菌的NAD激酶最适反应温度和pH分别为35℃、pH7.5,在35qC中保温2h后仍能保持80%左右的活性。Mn2+、Ca2+对该酶有较强的激活作用,在最适反应条件下该酶的比活力为4.43U/mg。动力学性质分析结果显示NAD激酶对底物NAD催化的k和圪。,分别为1.46mmol/L和0.25tzmol/(L·min)。NAD激酶在大肠杆菌的异源表达为以NAD为底物生物合成NADP提供了更多生物资源。  相似文献   

A number of thermophilic bacteria capable of utilizing naphthalene as a sole source of carbon were isolated from a high-temperature oilfield in Lithuania. These isolates were able to utilize several other aromatic compounds, such as anthracene, benzene, phenol, benzene-1, 3-diol, protocatechuic acid as well. Thermophilic isolate G27 ascribed to Geobacillus genus was found to have a high aromatic compound degrading capacity. Spectrophotometric determination of enzyme activities in cell-free extracts revealed that the last aromatic ring fission enzyme in naphthalene biotransformation by Geobacillus sp. G27 was inducible via protocatechuate 3, 4-dioxygenase; no protocatechuate 4, 5-dioxygenase, protocatechuate 2, 3-dioxygenase activities were detected. Intermediates such as o-phthalic and protocatechuic acids detected in culture supernatant confirmed that the metabolism of naphthalene by Geobacillus sp. G27 can proceed through protocatechuic acid via ortho-cleavage pathway and thus differs from the pathways known for mesophilic bacteria.  相似文献   

Four novel heat-stable bacteriocin-like substances were found to be produced by Geobacillus stearothermophilus strains isolated from oil-wells in Lithuania. Geobacillus stearothermophilus 32A, 17, 30 and 31 strains were identified as producers of bacteriocins with bactericidal activity against closely related Geobacillus species and several pathogenic strains: Bacillus cereus DSM 12001 and Staphylococcus haemolyticus P903. The secretion of the analysed bacteriocins started during early logarithmic growth and dropped sharply after the culture entered the stationary phase of growth. The antimicrobial activity of the bacteriocins against sensitive indicator cells disappeared after treatment with proteolytic enzymes, indicating their proteinaceous nature. Bacteriocins were stable throughout the pH range between 4 and 10, and no loss in activity was noted following temperature exposures up to 100°C. Direct detection of antibacterial activity on SDS-PAGE suggests that the inhibitory peptides have a molecular weight of 6–7.5 kDa. Such bacteriocins with broad activity spectra, including antipathogenic action, are attractive to the biotechnology industry as they could be used as antimicrobial agents in medicine, agriculture and food products.  相似文献   

The structures of phosphoglycolipids PGL1 and PGL2 from the thermophilic bacteria Meiothermus taiwanensis, Meiothermus ruber, Thermus thermophilus, and Thermus oshimai are determined recently (Yang et al. in J Lipid Res. 47:1823-1932, 2006). These bacteria belong to Gram-negative bacteria that do not contain lipopolysaccharide, but high amounts of phosphoglycolipids and glycoglycerolipids. Here we show that PGL1/PGL2 mixture (PGL1: PGL2 = 10:1 ~ 10:2) from M. taiwanensis and T. oshimai, but not T. thermophilus and M. ruber, up-regulate interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) production in human THP-1 monocytes and blood-isolated primary monocytes. PGL2 was purified after phospholipase A2 hydrolysis of PGL1 in the PGL1/PGL2 mixture followed by column chromatography. PGL2 did not induce proIL-1 production, even, partially (35-40%) inhibited PGL1-mediated proIL-1 production, showing that PGL1 is the main inducer of proIL-1 production in PGL1/PGL2 mixture. The production of proIL-1 stimulated by phosphoglycolipids was strongly inhibited by specific PKC-alpha, MEK1/2, and JNK inhibitors, but not by p38-specific inhibitor. The intracellular calcium influx was involved in phosphoglycolipids-mediated proIL-1 production. Using blocking antibody and Toll-like receptor (TLR)-linked NF-kappaB luciferase assays, we found that the cellular receptor(s) for phosphoglycolipids on proIL-1 production was TLR-independent. Further, phosphoglycolipids isolated from T. thermophilus and M. ruber did not induce proIL-1 production, even though T. thermophilus possess more PGL1 than PGL2 (6:4). Specially, the fatty acid composition of phosphoglycolipids from both T. thermophilus and M. ruber consists of a low percentage of C15 (<10%) and a high percentage of C17 (>75%). It suggests, the C15 percentage of PGL may play a critical role in PGL-mediated proIL-1 induction.  相似文献   

Cells of the moderately thermophilic Bacillus sp. UG-5B strain, producing nitrilase (EC3.5.5.1), which converts nitriles directly to the corresponding acid and ammonia, were immobilized using different types of matrices and techniques. A variety of sol-gel silica hybrids were tested for entrapment and adsorption of bacterial cells as well as chemical binding on polysulphone membranes. Activation of the matrix surface with formaldehyde led to an increase in immobilization efficiency and operational stability of the biocatalysts. Among the supports screened, membranes gave the best results for enzyme activity and especially operational stability, with retention of 100% activity after eight reaction cycles.  相似文献   

A thermophilic facultative bacterial isolate was recovered from 3.2km depth in a gold mine in South Africa. This isolate, designated GE-7, was cultivated from pH 8.0, 50 degrees C water from a dripping fracture near the top of an exploration tunnel. GE-7 grows optimally at 65 degrees C and pH 6.5 on a wide range of carbon substrates including cellobiose, hydrocarbons and lactate. In addition to O(2), GE-7 also utilizes nitrate as an electron acceptor. GE-7 is a long rod-shaped bacterium (4-6microm longx0.5microm wide) with terminal endospores and flagella. Phylogenetic analysis of GE-7 16S rDNA sequence revealed high sequence similarity with G. thermoleovorans DSM 5366(T) (99.6%), however, certain phenotypic characteristics of GE-7 were distinct from this and other previously described strains of G. thermoleovorans.  相似文献   

用稀释分离法从广西象州温泉筛选分离到一株可水解淀粉的中度嗜热细菌GXS1,该茵株革兰氏染色为阳性,端生芽孢,细胞呈杆状,最适生长温度为60℃~65℃,最适生长pH为6.0~7.0.结合生理生化特征和16S rDNA序列分析,初步鉴定该茵株为Geobacillus sp.GXS1.对该茵所产高温淀粉酶的性质研究表明:酶的...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was purification and characterization of catechol 1,2-dioxygenase from Geobacillus sp. G27 strain, which degrades α-naphthol by the β-ketoadipate pathway. The catechol 1,2-dioxygenase (C1,2O) was purified using four steps of ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE-celullose, Sephadex G-150 and hydroxylapatite chromatographies. The enzyme was purified about 18-fold with a specific activity of 7.42 U mg of protein−1. The relative molecular mass of the native enzyme estimated on gel chromatography of Sephadex G-150 was 96 kDa. The pH and temperature optima for enzyme activity were 7 and 60°C, respectively. A half-life of the catechol 1,2-dioxygenase at the optimum temperature was 40 min. The kinetic parameters of the Geobacillus sp. G27 strain catechol 1,2-dioxygenase were determined. The enzyme had apparent Km of 29 μM for catechol and the cleavage activities for methylcatechols were much less than for catechol and no activity with gentisate or protocatechuate was detected.  相似文献   

本文通过从污水处理厂活性污泥中分离得到一株高效降解轻油(煤油)细菌5092-2,通过形态学、16S rRNA鉴定该菌为Mangroveibacter sp.。进一步对其生长条件进行了研究,发现该菌在23℃到38℃、pH为5.0到9.0范围内生长无明显差异。在温度为35℃,pH 7.2~7.4,160 r/min培养7 d,菌株降解煤油的能力达到52.3%,具有进一步研究的价值。  相似文献   

A variety of autotrophic, sulfur- and hydrogen-oxidizing thermophilic bacteria were isolated from thermogenic composts at temperatures of 60–80° C. All were penicillin G sensitive, which proves that they belong to the Bacteria domain. The obligately autotrophic, non-spore-forming strains were gram-negative rods growing at 60–80°C, with an optimum at 70–75°C, but only under microaerophilic conditions (5 kPa oxygen). These strains had similar DNA G+C content (34.7–37.6 mol%) and showed a high DNA:DNA homology (70–87%) with Hydrogenobacter strains isolated from geothermal areas. The facultatively autotrophic strains isolated from hot composts were gram-variable rods that formed spherical and terminal endospores, except for one strain. The strains grew at 55–75° C, with an optimum at 65–70° C. These bacteria were able to grow heterotrophically, or autotrophically with hydrogen; however, they oxidized thiosulfate under mixotrophic growth conditions (e.g. pyruvate or hydrogen plus thiosulfate). These strains had similar DNA G+C content (60–64 mol%) to and high DNA:DNA homology (> 75%) with the reference strain of Bacillus schlegelii. This is the first report of thermogenic composts as habitats of thermophilic sulfur- and hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria, which to date have been known only from geothermal manifestations. This contrasts with the generally held belief that thermogenic composts at temperatures above 60° C support only a very low diversity of obligatory heterotrophic thermophiles related to Bacillus stearothermophilus. Received: 20 July 1995 / Accepted: 25 September 1995  相似文献   

Two thermophilic bacteria, which are capable of growing on starch at 60-70 degrees C under anaerobic conditions, were isolated from a sugar refinery in Uelzen and from Solar lake in Israel. On the basis of their physiological characteristics they were identified as Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum Uel 1 and C. thermohydrosulfuricum Sol 1, respectively. The product pattern of glucose polymer hydrolysis showed that both strains secreted enzymes that possess amylolytic and pullulytic activities. The major product formed was maltose. In addition, alpha-glucosidase activity could be detected in the supernatants of Uel 1 strain. Compared to most anaerobes investigated these isolates secreted extremely high concentrations of pullulanases in batch culture. Up to 85% of the total enzyme synthesized was detected in the culture fluid. Unlike the pullulanases of type I, which can only attack the alpha-1,6-glycosidic linkages, the pullulanases of both clostridial strains were also capable of hydrolyzing alpha-1,4-linkages. The enzyme system of both bacteria was found to be highly thermoactive; optimal activity was detected at pH 5.0 and 85 degrees C. Even at 95 degrees C and without the addition of metal ions still 15% to 25% of enzymatic activity was detectable.  相似文献   

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