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The prostacyclin receptor (IP), a G protein-coupled receptor, mediates the actions of the prostanoid prostacyclin and its mimetics. IPs from a number of species each contain identically conserved putative isoprenylation CAAX motifs, each with the sequence CSLC. Metabolic labeling of human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells stably overexpressing the hemagluttinin epitope-tagged IP in the presence of [(3)H]mevalonolactone established that the mouse IP is isoprenylated. Studies involving in vitro assays confirmed that recombinant forms of the human and mouse IP are modified by carbon 15 farnesyl isoprenoids. Disruption of isoprenylation, by site-directed mutagenesis of Cys(414) to Ser(414), within the CAAX motif, abolished isoprenylation of IP(SSLC) both in vitro and in transfected cells. Scatchard analysis of the wild type (IP) and mutant (IP(SSLC)) receptor confirmed that each receptor exhibited high and low affinity binding sites for [(3)H]iloprost, which were not influenced by receptor isoprenylation. Whereas stable cell lines overexpressing IP generated significant agonist (iloprost and cicaprost)-mediated increases in cAMP relative to nontransfected cells, cAMP generation by IP(SSLC) cells was not significantly different from the control, nontransfected HEK 293 cells. Moreover, co-expression of the alpha (alpha) subunit of Gs generated significant augmentations in cAMP by IP but not by IP(SSLC) cells. Whereas IP also demonstrated significant, dose-dependent increases in [Ca(2+)](i) in response to iloprost or cicaprost compared with the nontransfected HEK 293 cells, mobilization of [Ca(2+)](i) by IP(SSLC) was significantly impaired. Co-transfection of cells with either Galpha(q) or Galpha(11) resulted in significant augmentation of agonist-mediated [Ca(2+)](i) mobilization by IP cells but not by IP(SSLC) cells or by the control, HEK 293 cells. In addition, inhibition of isoprenylation by lovastatin treatment significantly reduced agonist-mediated cAMP generation by IP in comparison to the nonisoprenylated beta(2) adrenergic receptor or nontreated cells. Hence, isoprenylation of IP does not influence ligand binding but is required for efficient coupling to the effectors adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew (Pm), caused by Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici (Bgt), is one of the most important wheat diseases. Heavy-metal-associated isoprenylated plant protein (HIPP1) has been proved playing important roles in response to biotic and a biotic stress. In present study, we proved HIPP1-V from Haynalidia villosa is a positive regulator in Pm resistance. HIPP1-V was rapidly induced by Bgt. Transiently or stably heterologous overexpressing HIPP1-V in wheat suppressed the haustorium formation and enhanced Pm resistance. HIPP1-V isoprenylation was critical for plasma membrane (PM) localization, interaction with E3-ligase CMPG1-V and function in Pm resistance. Bgt infection recruited the isoprenylated HIPP1-V and CMPG1s on PM; blocking the HIPP1 isoprenylation reduced such recruitment and compromised the resistance of OE-CMPG1-V and OE-HIPP1-V. Overexpressing HIPP1-VC148G could not enhance Pm resistance. These indicated the Pm resistance was dependent on HIPP1-V's isoprenylation. DGEs related to the ROS and SA pathways were remarkably enriched in OE-HIPP1-V, revealing their involvement in Pm resistance. Our results provide evidence on the important role of protein isoprenylation in plant defense.  相似文献   

The Kex2 protease of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the prototype of a family of eukaryotic subtilisin homologs thought to process prohormones and other precursors in the secretory pathway. Deletion analysis of Kex2 protease shows that a sequence of 154-159 residues carboxyl to the subtilisin domain is essential for the formation of active enzyme. Disruption of this region, termed the 'P-domain', blocks the normally rapid intra-molecular cleavage of the N-terminal pro-segment of pro-Kex2 protease in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The C-terminal boundary of the P-domain coincides closely with the endpoint of similarity between Kex2 protease and its mammalian homologues. The conservation of and functional requirement for the P-domain sharpens the distinction between a 'Kex2 family' of processing enzymes and degradative 'subtilases', and implies that the Kex2-related enzymes have in common entirely novel structural features that are important in the maturation of precursor polypeptide substrates. Failure to cleave the N-terminal pro-domain, due either to truncation of the P-domain or to mutation of the active site histidine or serine, results in stable, intracellular retention of pro-enzyme, apparently in the ER. Thus pro-Kex2 protease appears to contain an ER retention signal which is removed or destroyed by cleavage of the pro-domain.  相似文献   

The lamins are the major components of the nuclear matrix and are known as lamins A, B, and C with Mr 72,000, 68,000, and 62,000 when analysed by SDS PAGE. These three polypeptides are very similar, as determined by polypeptide mapping and immunological reactivity. Lamins A and C are so homologous that a precursor-product relationship has been proposed. Using an antiserum against nuclear matrix proteins that specifically immunoprecipitates the three lamins, we examined their synthesis in the rabbit reticulocytes lysate. Four bands of Mr 62,000, 68,000, 70,000, and 74,000 were specifically immunoprecipitated when polysomes or polyadenylated RNA were translated in vitro. By two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the 68,000- and the 62,000-mol-wt proteins were identified as lamins B and C, respectively, and the 74,000-mol-wt polypeptide had properties of a precursor of lamin A. The mRNAs of lamin C and of the putative precursor of lamin A were completely separated by gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions, and their respective sizes were determined. These results suggest that lamin A is not a precursor of lamin C.  相似文献   

ATP is required for the binding of precursor proteins to chloroplasts   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
One of the first steps in the transport of nuclear-encoded, cytoplasmically synthesized precursor proteins into chloroplasts is a specific binding interaction between precursor proteins and the surface of the organelle. Although protein translocation into chloroplasts requires ATP hydrolysis, binding is generally thought to be energy independent. A more detailed investigation of precursor binding to the surface of chloroplasts showed that ATP was required for efficient binding. Protein translocation is known to require relatively high levels (1 mM or more) of ATP. As little as 50-100 microM ATP caused significant stimulation of precursor binding over controls with no ATP. Several different precursors were tested and all showed increased binding upon addition of low levels of ATP. Nonhydrolyzable analogs of ATP did not substitute for ATP, indicating that ATP hydrolysis was required for binding. A protonmotive force was not involved in the energy requirement for binding. Other (hydrolyzable) nucleotides could substitute for ATP but were less effective at stimulating binding. Binding was stimulated by ATP generated inside chloroplasts even when an ATP trap was present to destroy external ATP. We conclude that internal ATP is required for stimulation of precursor binding to chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Mammalian alpha-defensins, expressed primarily in leukocytes and epithelia, play important roles in innate and adaptive immune responses to microbial infection. Six invariant cysteine residues forming three indispensable disulfide bonds and one Gly residue required structurally for an atypical beta-bulge are totally conserved in the otherwise diverse sequences of all known mammalian alpha-defensins. In addition, a pair of oppositely charged residues (Arg/Glu), forming a salt bridge across a protruding loop in the molecule, is highly conserved. To investigate the structural and functional roles of the conserved Arg(6)-Glu(14) salt bridge in human alpha-defensin 5 (HD5), we chemically prepared HD5 and its precursor proHD5 as well as their corresponding salt bridge-destabilizing analogs E14Q-HD5 and E57Q-proHD5. The Glu-to-Gln mutation, whereas significantly reducing the oxidative folding efficiency of HD5, had no effect on the folding of proHD5. Bovine trypsin productively and correctly processed proHD5 in vitro but spontaneously degraded E57Q-proHD5. Significantly, HD5 was resistant to trypsin treatment, whereas E14Q-HD5 was highly susceptible. Further, degradation of E14Q-HD5 by trypsin was initiated by the cleavage of the Arg(13)-Gln(14) peptide bond in the loop region, a catastrophic proteolytic event resulting directly in quick digestion of the whole defensin molecule. The E14Q mutation did not alter the bactericidal activity of HD5 against Staphylococcus aureus but substantially enhanced the killing of Escherichia coli. By contrast, proHD5 and E57Q-proHD5 were largely inactive against both strains at the concentrations tested. Our results confirm that the primary function of the conserved salt bridge in HD5 is to ensure correct processing of proHD5 and subsequent stabilization of mature alpha-defensin in vivo.  相似文献   

The Alzheimer's disease-linked gene presenilin is required for intramembrane proteolysis of amyloid-β precursor protein, contributing to the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration that is characterized by loss of neuronal connections, but the role of Presenilin in establishing neuronal connections is less clear. Through a forward genetic screen in mice for recessive genes affecting motor neurons, we identified the Columbus allele, which disrupts motor axon projections from the spinal cord. We mapped this mutation to the Presenilin-1 gene. Motor neurons and commissural interneurons in Columbus mutants lacking Presenilin-1 acquire an inappropriate attraction to Netrin produced by the floor plate because of an accumulation of DCC receptor fragments within the membrane that are insensitive to Slit/Robo silencing. Our findings reveal that Presenilin-dependent DCC receptor processing coordinates the interplay between Netrin/DCC and Slit/Robo signaling. Thus, Presenilin is a key neural circuit builder that gates the spatiotemporal pattern of guidance signaling, thereby ensuring neural projections occur with high fidelity.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) is normally processed by an unidentified alpha-secretase. A unique feature of this protease is its high sensitivity to phorbol esters, yet the mechanism involved is unclear. We have previously reported that phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu) activates calpain, a Ca2+-dependent protease, and PDBu-induced release of APPs (secreted APP) is sensitive to calpain inhibitors, suggesting that calpain is involved in APP alpha-processing. In the present study, we found that PDBu markedly promoted the expression of both mu- and m-calpains in cultured fibroblasts. Dose-response and time course studies revealed that mu-calpain was more sensitive to PDBu than m-calpain and the temporal course of the mu-calpain change coincides better with that of APPs release. Moreover, the stimulatory effect of PDBu on mu-calpain was selectively blocked by mu-calpain-specific siRNA (small interference RNA) and the blockage was accompanied by a concomitant decrease in APPs release. In contrast, m-calpain siRNA did not affect APPs release significantly. Measurement of amyloid beta protein (Abeta) release in the mu-calpain siRNA-treated cells indicated that Abeta40 and Abeta42 levels inversely changed in relation to APPs, and the changes in Abeta42 were more prominent than in Abeta40. Together, these data suggest that calpain, particularly mu-calpain, is a potential candidate for alpha-secretase in the regulated APP alpha-processing, and that changes in this protease can affect the outcome of the overall APP processing.  相似文献   

Lipoproteins are a subgroup of secreted bacterial proteins characterized by a lipidated N-terminus, processing of which is mediated by the consecutive activity of prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (Lgt) and lipoprotein signal peptidase (LspA). The study of LspA function has been limited mainly to non-pathogenic microorganisms. To study a potential role for LspA in the pathogenesis of bacterial infections, we have disrupted lspA by allelic replacement in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, one of the world's most devastating pathogens. Despite the presence of an impermeable lipid outer layer, it was found that LspA was dispensable for growth under in vitro culture conditions. In contrast, the mutant was markedly attenuated in virulence models of tuberculosis. Our findings establish lipoprotein metabolism as a major virulence determinant of tuberculosis and define a role for lipoprotein processing in bacterial pathogenesis. In addition, these results hint at a promising new target for therapeutic intervention, as a highly specific inhibitor of bacterial lipoprotein signal peptidases is available.  相似文献   

Amyloid precursor protein (APP) has been a focus of intense investigation because of its role in Alzheimer's disease (AD), however, its biological function remains uncertain. Loss of APP and APP-like proteins results in postnatal lethality in mice, suggesting a role during embryogenesis. Here we show that in a zebrafish model system, knock down of APP results in the generation of fish with dramatically reduced body length and a short, curly tail. In situ examination of gene expression suggests that the APP morphant embryos have defective convergent-extension movements. We also show that wild-type human APP rescues the morphant phenotype, but the Swedish mutant APP, which causes familial AD (fAD), does not rescue the developmental defects. Collectively, this work demonstrates that the zebrafish model is a powerful system to define the role of APP during embryonic development and to evaluate the functional activity of fAD mutant APP.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor is a transmembrane protein dimer composed of two alphabeta monomers held together by inter-alpha-chain disulfide bonds. In a previous report we described a monomeric insulin receptor obtained by replacing Cys-524, -682, -683, and -685 with serine. The membrane-bound monomeric insulin receptors could be cross-linked to dimers in the presence of insulin, indicating that although covalent interactions had been abolished, noncovalent dimerization could still occur in the membrane. To eliminate noncovalent dimerization, we replaced all or some of Cys-524, -682, -683, and -685 with arginine or aspartic acid with the expectation that the electrostatic repulsion at these contact sites would prevent noncovalent dimerization. The results indicate that mutant insulin receptors that are able to form covalent dimers are expressed at the wild type level; mutants that can form noncovalent dimers are expressed at half the level of the wild type receptor, whereas insulin receptor mutants that cannot dimerize are expressed at less than 10% of the wild type level. To elucidate the mechanism of the decrease in expression of the mutant insulin receptors, we examined their subcellular localization and biosynthesis. The results suggest that the extent of expression of these mutant receptors is related to their ability to form covalent or noncovalent dimers at the proreceptor stage.  相似文献   

Neurotoxic amyloid β-peptides are thought to be a causative agent of Alzheimer’s disease in humans. The production of amyloid β-peptides from amyloid precursor protein (APP) could be diminished by enhancing α-processing; however, the physical interactions between APP and α-secretases are not well understood. In this study, we employed super-resolution light microscopy to examine in cell-free plasma membranes the abundance and association of APP and α-secretases ADAM10 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase) and ADAM17. We found that both secretase molecules localize similarly closely to APP (within ≤50 nm). However, when cross-linking APP with antibodies directed against the GFP tag of APP, in confocal microscopy, we observed that only ADAM10 coaggregated with APP. Furthermore, we mapped the involved protein domain by using APP variants with an exchanged transmembrane segment or lacking cytoplasmic/extracellular domains. We identified that the transmembrane domain of APP is required for association with α-secretases and, as analyzed by Western blot, for α-processing. We propose that the transmembrane domain of APP interacts either directly or indirectly with ADAM10, but not with ADAM17, explaining the dominant role of ADAM10 in α-processing of APP. Further understanding of this interaction may facilitate the development of a therapeutic strategy based on promoting APP cleavage by α-secretases.  相似文献   

Reduction of the wild-type activity of the gene Hairless (H) results in two major phenotypic effects on the mechanosensory bristles of adult Drosophila. Bristles are either 'lost' (i.e. the shaft and socket fail to appear) or they exhibit a 'double socket' phenotype, in which the shaft is apparently transformed into a second socket. Analysis of the phenotypes conferred by a series of H mutant genotypes demonstrates (1) that different sensilla exhibit different patterns of response to decreasing levels of H+ function, and (2) that the 'bristle loss' phenotype results from greater loss of H+ function than the 'double socket' phenotype. The systematic study of H allelic combinations enabled us to identify genotypes that reliably produce specific mutant defects in particular positions on the bodies of adult flies. This permitted us to investigate the cellular development of sensilla in these same positions in larvae and pupae and thereby establish the developmental basis for the mutant phenotypes. We have found that H is required for at least two steps of adult sensillum development. In positions where 'double socket' microchaetes appear on the notum of H mutant flies, sensillum precursor cells are present in the developing pupa and divide normally, but their progeny adopt an aberrant spatial arrangement and fail to differentiate correctly. In regions of the notum exhibiting 'bristle loss' in adult H mutants, we were unable at the appropriate stages of development to detect sensillum-specific cell types, the precursor cell divisions that generate them, or the primary precursor cells themselves. Thus, the H 'bristle loss' phenotype appears to reflect a very early defect in sensillum development, namely the failure to specify and/or execute the sensory organ precursor cell fate. This finding indicates that H is one of a small number of identified genes for which the loss-of-function phenotype is the failure of sensillum precursor cell development.  相似文献   

Sequential cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by beta- and gamma-secretases results in the production of beta-amyloid peptide, which is a key determinant in Alzheimer's disease. Since several putative locations for gamma-secretase cleavage have been identified along the secretory pathway, trafficking of APP may be of importance for beta-amyloid peptide production. Here we have studied the role of retrograde transport in APP processing. We found that APP interacts with the beta subunit of the coatomer protein I (COPI) complex, which is involved in retrograde transport. In line with a role of retrograde trafficking in APP transport, inhibition of COPI-dependent transport altered APP trafficking, decreased APP cell surface expression, and coincided with a profound reduction in gamma-secretase cleavage. These results suggest that COPI-dependent retrograde transport is important for APP processing and influences production of beta-amyloid peptide.  相似文献   

Visceral adipose tissue shows remarkable plasticity, constantly replacing mature adipocytes from an inherent pool of adipocyte precursors. The number of precursors is set in the juvenile organism and remains constant in adult life. Which signals drive precursor pool expansion in juveniles and why they operate in visceral but not in subcutaneous white adipose tissue (WAT) are unclear. Using mouse models, we identified the insulin-sensitizing receptor SORLA as a molecular factor explaining the distinct proliferative capacity of visceral WAT. High levels of SORLA activity in precursors of juvenile visceral WAT prime these cells for nutritional stimuli provided through insulin, promoting mitotic expansion of the visceral precursor cell pool in overfed juvenile mice. SORLA activity is low in subcutaneous precursors, blunting their response to insulin and preventing diet-induced proliferation of this cell type. Our findings provide a molecular explanation for the unique proliferative properties of juvenile visceral WAT, and for the genetic association of SORLA with visceral obesity in humans.  相似文献   

R R Naik  E W Jones 《Genetics》1998,149(3):1277-1292
The vacuolar hydrolase protease B in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is synthesized as an inactive precursor (Prb1p). The precursor undergoes post-translational modifications while transiting the secretory pathway. In addition to N- and O-linked glycosylations, four proteolytic cleavages occur during the maturation of Prb1p. Removal of the signal peptide by signal peptidase and the autocatalytic cleavage of the large amino-terminal propeptide occur in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Two carboxy-terminal cleavages of the post regions occur in the vacuole: the first cleavage is catalyzed by protease A and the second results from autocatalysis. We have isolated a mutant, pbn1-1, that exhibits a defect in the ER processing of Prb1p. The autocatalytic cleavage of the propeptide from Prb1p does not occur and Prb1p is rapidly degraded in the cytosol. PBN1 was cloned and is identical to YCL052c on chromosome III. PBN1 is an essential gene that encodes a novel protein. Pbn1p is predicted to contain a sub-C-terminal transmembrane domain but no signal sequence. A functional HA epitope-tagged Pbn1p fusion localizes to the ER. Pbn1p is N-glycosylated in its amino-terminal domain, indicating a lumenal orientation despite the lack of a signal sequence. Based on these results, we propose that one of the functions of Pbn1p is to aid in the autocatalytic processing of Prb1p.  相似文献   

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