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Intraspecific group hunting has received considerable attention by researchers interested in cooperative behaviour and animal cognition. Differences between species in the complexity of the hunting with respect to communication, coordination and food sharing have typically been interpreted as a reflection of differences in cognitive abilities. Here we describe for the first time collaborative hunting where individuals play different roles in a fish species, the yellow saddle goatfish Parupeneus cyclostomus. Adults in our study area may live either solitarily or in relatively stable groups formed of similar sized and most likely unrelated individuals. The solitary life style was associated with searching for hidden immobile prey on sandy areas while group living was associated with collaborative hunting of mobile prey in corals. Any member of a group could initiate a hunt by rapid acceleration. Partners did not simply follow the attacker but deviated around coral formation to block the prey’s escape routes. Prey that escaped into a coral crevice was typically encircled with maximal inter‐individual distance and pried on by insertion of the barbels into the crevices. As home ranges largely overlapped and no between‐group aggression existed, we propose that it is the hunting of mobile prey in a complexly structured habitat that selects for collaborative hunting and hence for the evolution of group living in yellow saddle goatfish.  相似文献   

Even when hunting in groups is mutually beneficial, it is unclear how communal hunts are initiated. If it is costly to be the only hunter, individuals should be reluctant to hunt unless others already are. We used 70 years of data from three communities to examine how male chimpanzees ‘solve’ this apparent collective action problem. The ‘impact hunter’ hypothesis proposes that group hunts are sometimes catalysed by certain individuals that hunt more readily than others. In two communities (Kasekela and Kanyawara), we identified a total of five males that exhibited high hunt participation rates for their age, and whose presence at an encounter with red colobus monkeys increased group hunting probability. Critically, these impact hunters were observed to hunt first more often than expected by chance. We argue that by hunting first, these males dilute prey defences and create opportunities for previously reluctant participants. This by-product mutualism can explain variation in group hunting rates within and between social groups. Hunting rates declined after the death of impact hunter FG in Kasekela and after impact hunter MS stopped hunting frequently in Kanyawara. There were no impact hunters in the third, smaller community (Mitumba), where, unlike the others, hunting probability increased with the number of females present at an encounter with prey.  相似文献   

Prey respond to predation risk with a range of behavioral tactics that can vary based on space use and hunting mode of the predator. Unlike other predators, human hunters are often more spatially and temporally restricted, which creates a period of short-duration, high-intensity predation risk for prey. Consequently, identifying the roles different hunting modes (i.e., archery and rifle), hunts for targeted and non-targeted species, and landscape features play in altering spatial and temporal responses of prey to predation risk by humans is important for effective management of harvested populations. From 2009 to 2016, we used a large-scale experiment including 50 animal-years of location data from 38 unique male elk (Cervus canadensis) to quantify changes in movement and resource selection in response to hunters during 3 separate 5-day controlled hunts for antlered males (elk archery, deer [Odocoileus spp.] rifle, and elk rifle) at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range in northeast Oregon, USA. We evaluated competing hypotheses regarding elk responses to varying levels of prey risk posed by the different hunt types. We predicted that the strength of elk behavioral responses would increase with perceived hunter lethality (i.e., weak response to elk archery but similar response to elk and deer rifle hunts) and that prey response would be closely associated with hunter activity within the diel cycle (greater during diurnal than nocturnal hours) and across hunting seasons. Elk responses were strongest during diurnal hours when hunters were active on the landscape and were generally more pronounced during both rifle hunts than during the archery hunt (supporting our perceived lethality hypothesis). Male elk avoided open roads across all periods except during nocturnal hours of the breeding season and alternated between avoidance of areas with high canopy cover during nocturnal hours and selection during diurnal hours. In combination these patterns led to distinct distributional changes of male elk from pre-hunt to hunt periods. Patterns of male elk selection highlight the importance of managing for heterogeneous landscapes to meet a variety of habitat, harvest, hunter satisfaction, and escapement objectives.  相似文献   

The perception of ultraviolet (UV) light by spiders has so far been only demonstrated in salticids. Crab spiders (Thomisidae) hunt mostly on flowers and need to find appropriate hunting sites. Previous studies have shown that some crab spiders that reflect UV light use UV contrast to enhance prey capture. The high UV contrast can be obtained either by modulation of body colouration or active selection of appropriate backgrounds for foraging. We show that crab spiders (Thomisus sp.) hunting on Spathiphyllum plants use chromatic contrast, especially UV contrast, to make themselves attractive to hymenopteran prey. Apart from that, they are able to achieve high UV contrast by active selection of non-UV reflecting surfaces when given a choice of UV-reflecting and non-UV reflecting surfaces in the absence of odour cues. Honeybees (Apis cerana) approached Spathiphyllum plants bearing crab spiders on which the spiders were high UV-contrast targets with greater frequency than those plants on which the UV contrast of the spiders was low. Thus, crab spiders can perceive UV and may use it to choose appropriate backgrounds to enhance prey capture, by exploiting the attraction of prey such as honeybees to UV.  相似文献   


The way in which foraging wasps use cues for prey location and choice appears to depend on both the context and on the type of prey. Vespula germanica is an opportunistic, generalist prey forager, and individual wasp foragers often return to hunt at sites of previous hunting success. In this paper, we studied which cues are used by this wasp when relocating a food source. Particularly we analysed the response to a displaced visual cue versus a foraging location at which either honey or cat food had been previously presented. We conclude that location is used over a displaced visual cue for directing wasp hovering, although the landing response is directed differently according to bait type. When wasps are exploiting cat food, location also elicits landing, but if they are exploiting honey, a displaced visual cue elicits landing more frequently than location.  相似文献   

Group-hunting is ubiquitous across animal taxa and has received considerable attention in the context of its functions. By contrast much less is known about the mechanisms by which grouping predators hunt their prey. This is primarily due to a lack of experimental manipulation alongside logistical difficulties quantifying the behaviour of multiple predators at high spatiotemporal resolution as they search, select, and capture wild prey. However, the use of new remote-sensing technologies and a broadening of the focal taxa beyond apex predators provides researchers with a great opportunity to discern accurately how multiple predators hunt together and not just whether doing so provides hunters with a per capita benefit. We incorporate many ideas from collective behaviour and locomotion throughout this review to make testable predictions for future researchers and pay particular attention to the role that computer simulation can play in a feedback loop with empirical data collection. Our review of the literature showed that the breadth of predator:prey size ratios among the taxa that can be considered to hunt as a group is very large (<100 to >102). We therefore synthesised the literature with respect to these predator:prey ratios and found that they promoted different hunting mechanisms. Additionally, these different hunting mechanisms are also related to particular stages of the hunt (search, selection, capture) and thus we structure our review in accordance with these two factors (stage of the hunt and predator:prey size ratio). We identify several novel group-hunting mechanisms which are largely untested, particularly under field conditions, and we also highlight a range of potential study organisms that are amenable to experimental testing of these mechanisms in connection with tracking technology. We believe that a combination of new hypotheses, study systems and methodological approaches should help push the field of group-hunting in new directions.  相似文献   

We investigated hunting in an unusually large community of wild chimpanzees at Ngogo in the Kibale National Park, Uganda. Aspects of predation were recorded with respect to the prey, the predators, and hunting episodes. During 23 months of observation, the Ngogo chimpanzees caught 128 prey items from four primate and three ungulate species. Chimpanzees preyed selectively on immature red colobus primarily during group hunts, with adult males making the majority of kills. Party size and composition were significant predictors of the probability that chimpanzees would hunt and of their success during attempts. Chimpanzees were more likely to hunt red colobus if party size and the number of male hunters were large; party size and the number of male hunters were also significantly larger in successful compared with unsuccessful hunts. The Ngogo chimpanzees did not appear to hunt cooperatively, but reciprocal meat-sharing typically took place after kills. Hunts occurred throughout the year, though there was some seasonality as displayed by periodic hunting binges. The extremely high success rate and large number of kills made per successful hunt are the two most striking aspects of predation by the Ngogo chimpanzees. We compare currently available observations of chimpanzee hunting behavior across study sites and conclude that the large size of the Ngogo community contributes to their extraordinary hunting success. Demographic differences between groups are likely to contribute to other patterns of interpopulation variation in chimpanzee predation. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:439–454, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Research on coursing predators has revealed that actions throughout the predatory behavioral sequence (using encounter rate, hunting rate, and kill rate as proxy measures of decisions) drive observed prey preferences. We tested whether similar actions drive the observed prey preferences of a stalking predator, the African lion Panthera leo. We conducted two 96 hour, continuous follows of lions in Addo Elephant National Park seasonally from December 2003 until November 2005 (16 follows), and compared prey encounter rate with prey abundance, hunt rate with prey encounter rate, and kill rate with prey hunt rate for the major prey species in Addo using Jacobs' electivity index. We found that lions encountered preferred prey species far more frequently than expected based on their abundance, and they hunted these species more frequently than expected based on this higher encounter rate. Lions responded variably to non-preferred and avoided prey species throughout the predatory sequence, although they hunted avoided prey far less frequently than expected based on the number of encounters of them. We conclude that actions of lions throughout the predatory behavioural sequence, but particularly early on, drive the prey preferences that have been documented for this species. Once a hunt is initiated, evolutionary adaptations to the predator-prey interactions drive hunting success.  相似文献   

All known chimpanzee populations have been observed to hunt small mammals for meat. Detailed observations have shown, however, that hunting strategies differ considerably between populations, with some merely collecting prey that happens to pass by while others hunt in coordinated groups to chase fast-moving prey. Of all known populations, Taï chimpanzees exhibit the highest level of cooperation when hunting. Some of the group hunting roles require elaborate coordination with other hunters as well as precise anticipation of the movements of the prey. The meat-sharing rules observed in this community guarantee the largest share of the meat to hunters who perform the most important roles leading to a capture. The learning time of such hunting roles is sometimes especially long. Taï chimpanzee males begin hunting monkeys at about age 10. The hunters’ progress in learning the more sophisticated hunting roles is clearly correlated with age; only after 20 years of practice are they able to perform them reliably. This lengthy learning period has also been shown in some hunter-gatherer societies and confirms the special challenge that hunting represents.  相似文献   

Fifty-four episodes of predatory behavior of wild chimpanzees were recorded in Mahale, western Tanzania, from August 1979 to May 1982. The chimpanzees most frequently hunt in two seasons, during May, and from August to December. Longer-term fecal analysis indicates that predation frequency is significantly higher in the dry than in the rainy season. The seasonality of predation might be the result of the sum of various ecological factors, at least one of which is the birth season of the prey species. Most of the prey are juvenile blue duiker, bushbuck, bushpig, red colobus, and red-tailed monkeys. Sex difference is recognized in the prey selection and in the hunting method employed. Apparent local difference in the predatory behavior between Mahale and Combe chimpanzees (in Mahale,females hunt more frequently, and blue duiker is the most frequent prey) can be understood in terms of the difference either in the observation methods or in the faunal diversity and density. Other aspects of predatory behavior also are reported.  相似文献   

Hunting Behavior of Chimpanzees at Ngogo,Kibale National Park,Uganda   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) prey on a variety of vertebrates, mostly on red colobus (Procolobus spp.) where the two species are sympatric. Variation across population occurs in hunting frequency and success, in whether hunting is cooperative, i.e., payoffs to individual hunters increase with group size, and in the extent to which hunters coordinate their actions in space and time, and in the impact of hunting on red colobus populations. Also, hunting frequency varies over time within populations, for reasons that are unclear. We present new data on hunting by chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, and combine them with earlier data (Mitani and Watts, 1999, Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 109: 439–454) to examine hunting frequency and success, seasonality, and cooperation. The Ngogo community is the largest and has the most males of any known community. Chimpanzees there mostly hunt red colobus and are much more successful and make many more kills per hunt than at other sites; they kill 6–12% of the red colobus population annually. The number of kills and the offtake of meat per hunt increase with the number of hunters, but per capita meat intake is independent of hunting party size; this suggests that cheating occurs in large parties. Some behavioral cooperation occurs. Hunting success and estimated meat intake vary greatly among males, partly due to dominance rank effects. The high overall success rate leads to relatively high average per capita meat intake despite the large number of consumers. The frequency of hunts and of hunting patrols varies positively with the availability of ripe fruit; this is the first quantitative demonstration of a relationship between hunting frequency and the availability of other food, and implies that the chimpanzees hunt most when they can easily meet energy needs from other sources. We provide the first quantitative support for the argument that variation in canopy structure influences decisions to hunt red colobus because hunts are easier where the canopy is broken.  相似文献   

Many ecosystems contain sympatric predator species that hunt in different places and times. We tested whether this provides vacant hunting domains, places and times where and when predators are least active, that prey use to minimize threats from multiple predators simultaneously. We measured how northern Yellowstone elk (Cervus elaphus) responded to wolves (Canis lupus) and cougars (Puma concolor), and found that elk selected for areas outside the high‐risk domains of both predators consistent with the vacant domain hypothesis. This enabled elk to avoid one predator without necessarily increasing its exposure to the other. Our results demonstrate how the diel cycle can serve as a key axis of the predator hunting domain that prey exploit to manage predation risk from multiple sources. We argue that a multi‐predator, spatiotemporal framework is vital to understand the causes and consequences of prey spatial response to predation risk in environments with more than one predator.  相似文献   

An intriguing aspect of social foraging behaviour is that large groups are often no better at capturing prey than are small groups, a pattern that has been attributed to diminished cooperation (i.e., free riding) in large groups. Although this suggests the formation of large groups is unrelated to prey capture, little is known about cooperation in large groups that hunt hard-to-catch prey. Here, we used direct observations of Yellowstone wolves (Canis lupus) hunting their most formidable prey, bison (Bison bison), to test the hypothesis that large groups are more cooperative when hunting difficult prey. We quantified the relationship between capture success and wolf group size, and compared it to previously reported results for Yellowstone wolves hunting elk (Cervus elaphus), a prey that was, on average, 3 times easier to capture than bison. Whereas improvement in elk capture success levelled off at 2–6 wolves, bison capture success levelled off at 9–13 wolves with evidence that it continued to increase beyond 13 wolves. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that hunters in large groups are more cooperative when hunting more formidable prey. Improved ability to capture formidable prey could therefore promote the formation and maintenance of large predator groups, particularly among predators that specialize on such prey.  相似文献   

Intraspecific group hunting has received considerable attention because of the close links between cooperative behaviour and its cognitive demands. Accordingly, comparisons between species have focused on behaviours that can potentially distinguish between the different levels of cognitive complexity involved, such as “intentional” communication between partners in order to initiate a joint hunt, the adoption of different roles during a joint hunt (whether consistently or alternately), and the level of food sharing following a successful hunt. Here we report field observations from the Red Sea on the highly coordinated and communicative interspecific hunting between the grouper, Plectropomus pessuliferus, and the giant moray eel, Gymnothorax javanicus. We provide evidence of the following: (1) associations are nonrandom, (2) groupers signal to moray eels in order to initiate joint searching and recruit moray eels to prey hiding places, (3) signalling is dependent on grouper hunger level, and (4) both partners benefit from the association. The benefits of joint hunting appear to be due to complementary hunting skills, reflecting the evolved strategies of each species, rather than individual role specialisation during joint hunts. In addition, the partner species that catches a prey item swallows it whole immediately, making aggressive monopolisation of a carcass impossible. We propose that the potential for monopolisation of carcasses by one partner species represents the main constraint on the evolution of interspecific cooperative hunting for most potentially suitable predator combinations.  相似文献   

Wolves, Canis lupus, routinely live in large packs that include unrelated individuals and mature offspring. Studies show that individual wolves that live in large packs suffer reduced foraging returns. Therefore, group hunting and group living (sociality) in wolves is generally thought to be favoured by indirect fitness gains accrued through kin-directed altruism. However, we show that kin-directed altruism cannot account for groups that include mature offspring or unrelated individuals. We also present an analysis that incorporates a previously ignored feature of wolf foraging ecology, namely the loss of food to scavenging ravens, Corvus corax. By accounting for this process, we show that individuals in large packs do indeed accrue foraging advantages. In the hypothetical absence of this scavenging pressure, an individual would maximize its rate of prey acquisition, and minimize its risk of energetic shortfall, by foraging with just one other individual. However, incorporating the effect of scavenging by ravens leads to a dramatic increase in the predicted group size. Our analysis indicates that per capita gains are highest in the largest observed packs. The greater food-sharing costs in a larger pack are more than offset by smaller losses to scavengers and increased rates of prey acquisition. Thus, in contrast with previous interpretations, the selfish benefits of social foraging appear to contribute to the maintenance of sociality in wolves after all. We explore whether such benefits favour group living in various social carnivores that hunt large prey and are thus vulnerable to scavenging.  相似文献   

In a foraging game, predators must catch elusive prey while avoiding injury. Predators manage their hunting success with behavioral tools such as habitat selection, time allocation, and perhaps daring—the willingness to risk injury to increase hunting success. A predator’s level of daring should be state dependent: the hungrier it is, the more it should be willing to risk injury to better capture prey. We ask, in a foraging game, will a hungry predator be more willing to risk injury while hunting? We performed an experiment in an outdoor vivarium in which barn owls (Tyto alba) were allowed to hunt Allenby’s gerbils (Gerbillus andersoni allenbyi) from a choice of safe and risky patches. Owls were either well fed or hungry, representing the high and low state, respectively. We quantified the owls’ patch use behavior. We predicted that hungry owls would be more daring and allocate more time to the risky patches. Owls preferred to hunt in the safe patches. This indicates that owls manage risk of injury by avoiding the risky patches. Hungry owls doubled their attacks on gerbils, but directed the added effort mostly toward the safe patch and the safer, open areas in the risky patch. Thus, owls dared by performing a risky action—the attack maneuver—more times, but only in the safest places—the open areas. We conclude that daring can be used to manage risk of injury and owls implement it strategically, in ways we did not foresee, to minimize risk of injury while maximizing hunting success.  相似文献   

Frequent hunting of red colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus) takes place at all long-term chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) study sites where both species are present. Red colobus are the most commonly selected prey of chimpanzees even when other monkey species are more abundant. In particular, the chimpanzee community at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, preys heavily on red colobus monkeys: the chimpanzee hunting success rate is extremely high, and chimpanzees kill many individuals per successful hunt. Census data had suggested that the red colobus population is declining and that predation by chimpanzees may be contributing to this decline. In this paper, I address the impact of hunting on the red colobus population at Ngogo. To test the hypothesis that chimpanzee hunting is sustainable, I am using demographic data collected on red colobus monkeys over a period of 3 years, as well as fecundity and mortality data from previous studies of this species. I apply matrix models and vortex analyses using a sensitivity analysis approach to project future population development. Results show that current rates of hunting are not sustainable, but that chimpanzees are neither more “noble”, nor more “savage” than humans are, but that they also hunt to ensure maximum benefit without regard for the consequences for the prey population.  相似文献   

Multiple predator species that coexist with each other and their mutual prey can have combined effects on prey mortality that are similar to the sum of each predator's individual impact (linear effects), greater than the sum of each predator's individual impact (risk enhancement), or less than the sum of each predator's individual impact (risk reduction). Understanding multiple predator effects is important to determine the impact of predators on pest prey in agroecosystems. If two predators share the same broad spatial domain and hunting mode and engage in intraguild predation, then their combination is expected to result in risk reduction for a mutual prey. We tested this hypothesis using both additive and replacement experimental designs on two species of generalist wolf spider predators (Tasmanicosa leuckartii and Hogna crispipes) that hunt in the same domain, and a mutual insect prey (cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera). We used two types of enclosures: a small simple laboratory enclosure, and a larger more complex cotton plant enclosure. We found that in the small simple laboratory enclosures, the presence of two spiders led to risk reduction of Helicoverpa larva mortality as expected, but in larger more complex cotton plant enclosures the presence of both species resulted in linear effects rather than risk reduction on Helicoverpa mortality. Furthermore, intraguild predation did not change multiple predator effects in laboratory or plant enclosures. This study has implications for managing arthropod predators in agroecosystems; contrary to predictions of ecological frameworks, coexistence of predators that share the same hunting mode and hunting domain may not lead to risk reduction on a mutual prey in more complex environments, where encounters among predators can be lower. Conservation of multiple predators of a single guild can play an essential role on biological control of insect pests.  相似文献   

Predators of dangerous prey risk being injured or killed in counter-attacks and hence may use risk-reducing predatory tactics. Spiders are often dangerous predators to insects, but for a few, including Stenolemus bituberus assassin bugs, web-building spiders are prey. Despite the dangers of counter-attack when hunting spiders, there has been surprisingly little investigation of the predatory tactics used by araneophagic (spider-eating) insects. Here, we compare the pursuit tendency, outcome and predatory tactics of S. bituberus against five species of web-building spider. We found that S. bituberus were most likely to hunt and capture spiders from the genus Achaearanea, a particularly common prey in nature. Capture of Achaearanea sp. was more likely if the prey spider was relatively small, or if S. bituberus was in poor condition. S. bituberus used two distinct predatory tactics, ‘stalking’, in which they slowly approached the prey, and ‘luring’, in which they attracted spiders by manipulating the web to generate vibrations. Tactics were tailored to the prey species, with luring used more often against spiders from the genus Achaearanea, and stalking used more often against Pholcus phalangioides. The choice of hunting tactic used by S. bituberus may reduce the risk posed by the prey spider.  相似文献   

For predators, cooperation can decrease the cost of hunting and potentially augment the benefits. It can also make prey accessible that a single predator could not catch. The degree of cooperation varies substantially and may range from common attraction to a productive food source to true cooperation involving communication and complementary action by the individuals involved. We here describe cooperative hunting of Galapagos sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) for Amberstripe scad (Decapterus muroadsi), a schooling, fast swimming semipelagic fish. A group of 6–10 sea lions, usually females only, drove scad over at least 600–800 m from open water into a cove where, in successful hunts, they drove them ashore. Frequently, these “core hunters” were joined toward the final stages of the hunt by another set of opportunistic sea lions from a local colony at that beach. The “core hunters” did not belong to that colony and apparently were together coming toward the area specifically for the scad hunt. Based on the observation of 40 such hunts from 2016 to 2020, it became evident that the females performed complementary actions in driving the scad toward the cove. No specialization of roles in the hunt was observed. All “core hunters” and also opportunistically joining sea lions from the cove shared the scad by randomly picking up a few of the 25–300 (mean 100) stranded fish as did scrounging brown pelicans. In one of these hunts, four individual sea lions were observed to consume 7–8 fish each in 25 s. We conclude that the core hunters must communicate about a goal that is not present to achieve joint hunting but presently cannot say how they do so. This is a surprising achievement for a species that usually hunts singly and in which joint hunting plays no known role in the evolution of its sociality.  相似文献   

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